diff external_tools/linux/lib/hh/scripts/hhblitsdb.pl @ 6:2277dd59b9f9 draft

author hammock
date Wed, 01 Nov 2017 05:54:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/external_tools/linux/lib/hh/scripts/hhblitsdb.pl	Wed Nov 01 05:54:28 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# hhblits.pl
+# Creates HH-suite database files from A3M and HHM/HMMER-formatted files 
+# Usage: Usage: perl hhblitsdb.pl -o <db_name> [-ia3m <a3m_dir>] [-ihhm <hhm_dir>] [-ics <cs_dir>] [more_options]
+#     HHsuite version 2.0.16 (Sept 2012)
+#     Reference: 
+#     Remmert M., Biegert A., Hauser A., and Soding J.
+#     HHblits: Lightning-fast iterative protein sequence searching by HMM-HMM alignment.
+#     Nat. Methods, epub Dec 25, doi: 10.1038/NMETH.1818 (2011).
+#     (C) Johannes Soeding, 2012
+#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#     (at your option) any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#     We are very grateful for bug reports! Please contact us at soeding@genzentrum.lmu.de
+use lib $ENV{"HHLIB"}."/scripts";
+use HHPaths;   # config file with path variables for nr, blast, psipred, pdb, dssp etc.
+use strict;
+#use File::Glob 'bsd_glob'; # splits patterns delimited by spaces into multiple patterns and applies them using OR
+$|= 1; # Activate autoflushing on STDOUT
+# Default values:
+our $v=2;             # verbose mode
+my $a_if_append = ""; # do not append by default (default: create new db)
+my $remove = 0;       # do not remove by default (default: create new db)
+my $hhmext = "hhm";   # default HHM-file extension
+my $csext = "seq219";   # default HHM-file extension
+my $cpu = 8;
+# Variable declarations
+my $line;
+my $command;
+my $a3mdir = "";     # name of input A3M directory
+my $hhmdir = "";     # name of input HHM/HMM directory
+my $csdir  = "";      # name of input cs directory
+my $a3mfile = "";     # name of packed ouput A3M file 
+my $hhmfile = "";     # name of packed ouput HHM file
+my $csfile = "";      # name of cs sequence db file
+my $dbname = "";      # output db name
+my $logfile = "/dev/null"; # log file 
+my $file;
+my $numcsfiles= 0;
+my $num_chars = 0;
+my $numa3mfiles=0;
+my $numhhmfiles=0;
+my $fileglob="";
+my $help="
+hhblitsdb.pl from HHsuite $VERSION  
+Builds HH-suite database from a3m formatted MSAs and/or from HMMs (-o).
+MSAs and HMMs can also be added (-a) to or removed (-r) from an existing database. 
+Usage: hhblitsdb.pl -o|-a|-r <db_name> [-ia3m <a3m_dir>] [-ihhm <hhm_dir>] [-ics <cs_dir>]... 
+With option -o, the following HH-suite database files can be generated:
+ <db_name>.cs219              column-state sequences, one for each MSA/HMM (for prefilter)
+ <db_name>.cs219.sizes        number of sequences and characters in <db_name>.cs219
+ <db_name>_a3m_db             packed file containing A3M alignments read from <a3m_dir>
+ <db_name>_a3m_db.index       index file for packed A3M file
+ <db_name>_a3m.db.index.sizes number of lines in <db_name>_a3m_db.index
+ <db_name>_hhm_db             packed file containing HHM-formatted HMMs read from <hhm_dir>
+ <db_name>_hhm_db.index       index file for packed HHM file
+ <db_name>_hhm_db.index.sizes number of lines in <db_name>_hhm_db.index
+ -o <db_name>    create database with this name
+ -a <db_name>    append files to database with this name
+ -r <db_name>    remove files from database with this name
+ -ia3m <a3m_dir> input directory (or glob of directories) with A3M-formatted files
+                 These files MUST have extension 'a3m'.
+ -ihhm <hhm_dir> input directory (or glob of directories) with HHM (or HMMER) files 
+                 These files MUST have extension 'hhm' (HHsuite) or 'hmm' (HMMER3). 
+ -ics  <cs_dir>  input directory (or glob of directories) with column state sequences
+ -log <logfile>  log file recording stderr stream of cstranslate and hhmake commands
+ -csext <ext>    extension of column state sequences (default: $csext)
+ -hmm            use HMMER-formatted files. These MUST have extension hmm
+                 (WARNING! HMMER format results in decreased performance over HHM format)
+ -v [1-3]        verbose mode (default: $v)
+ -cpu <int>      number of threads to generate cs219 and hhm files (default = $cpu)
+ -f 'file_glob'  string with list of glob expression of files to remove
+Example 1: only -ia3m given; cs sequences and hhm files are generated from a3m files
+   perl hhblitsdb.pl -o databases/mydb -ia3m mydb/a3ms/ 
+Example 2: only -ihhm given; cs sequences are generated from hhm files, but no a3m db file 
+   perl hhblitsdb.pl -o databases/mydb -ihhm mydb/hhms/ 
+Example 3: -ia3m and -ihhm given; cs sequences are generated from a3m files
+   perl hhblitsdb.pl -o databases/mydb -ia3m mydb/a3ms/ -ihhm mydb/hhms/   
+Example 4: -ics, -ia3m, and -ihhm given; all db files are created 
+   perl hhblitsdb.pl -o databases/mydb -ia3m mydb/a3ms/ -ihhm mydb/hhms/ -ics mydb/cs/  
+Example 5: using glob expression to specify files (note the singe quotes)
+   perl hhblitsdb.pl -o databases/mydb -ihhm 'mydbs*/hhms/*.hhm'  
+Example 6: add files to database; cs sequences and hhm files are generated from a3m files
+   perl hhblitsdb.pl -a databases/mydb -ia3m 'mydbs/a3ms/g1a*.a3m'  
+Example 7: remove files from database
+   perl hhblitsdb.pl -r databases/mydb -f 'mydbs/a3ms/g1a*.* mydbs2/'  
+# Processing command line input
+if (@ARGV<1) {die ($help);}
+for (my $i=0; $i<@ARGV; $i++) {
+    if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-ics") {
+	if (++$i<@ARGV) {
+	    $csdir=$ARGV[$i];
+	} else {
+	    die ("$help\n\nERROR! Missing directory after -ics option!\n");
+	}
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-ia3m") {
+	if (++$i<@ARGV) {
+	    $a3mdir=$ARGV[$i];
+	} else {
+	    die ("$help\n\nERROR! Missing directory after -ia3m option!\n");
+	}
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-ihhm") {
+	if (++$i<@ARGV) {
+	    $hhmdir=$ARGV[$i];
+	} else {
+	    die ("$help\n\nERROR! Missing directory after -ihhm option!\n");
+	}
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-log") {
+	if (++$i<@ARGV) {
+	    $logfile=$ARGV[$i];
+	    unlink $logfile;
+	} else {
+	    die ("$help\n\nERROR! Missing filename after -log option!\n");
+	}
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-csext") {
+	if (++$i<@ARGV) {
+	    $csext=$ARGV[$i];
+	} else {
+	    die ("$help\n\nERROR! Missing extension after -csext option!\n");
+	}
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-hmm") {
+	$hhmext="hmm";
+	print("\nWARNING! HMMER format results in decreased performance over HHM format. We recommend to generate hhm files directly from multiple sequence alignments using hmake.\n");
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-v") {
+	if (++$i<@ARGV) {
+	    $v=$ARGV[$i];
+	} else {
+	    $v = 2;
+	}
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-cpu") {
+	if (++$i<@ARGV) {
+	    $cpu=$ARGV[$i];
+	}
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-f") {
+	if (++$i<@ARGV) {
+	    $fileglob=$ARGV[$i];
+	} else {
+	    die ("$help\n\nERROR! Missing expression after -f option!\n");
+	}
+   } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-r") {
+	if (++$i<@ARGV) {
+	    if ($dbname!="") {die("$help\n\nERROR! options -o and -r not compatible!\n");}
+	    $dbname=$ARGV[$i];
+	    $remove=1;
+	} else {
+	    die ("$help\n\nERROR! Missing filename after -o option!\n");
+	}
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-a") {
+	if (++$i<@ARGV) {
+	    if ($remove==1) {die("$help\n\nERROR! options -r and -a not compatible!\n");}
+	    if ($dbname!="") {die("$help\n\nERROR! options -o and -a not compatible!\n");}
+	    $dbname=$ARGV[$i];
+	    $a_if_append="a";
+	} else {
+	    die ("$help\n\nERROR! Missing filename after -o option!\n");
+	}
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-o") {
+	if (++$i<@ARGV) {
+	    if ($remove==1) {die("$help\n\nERROR! options -r and -o not compatible!\n");}
+	    if ($a_if_append) {die("$help\n\nERROR! options -a and -o not compatible!\n");}
+	    $dbname=$ARGV[$i];
+	} else {
+	    die ("$help\n\nERROR! Missing filename after -o option!\n");
+	}
+    } else {
+	if ($dbname="") {
+	    $dbname=$ARGV[$i];
+	} else {
+	    print "WARNING! Unknown option $ARGV[$i]!\n";
+	}
+    }
+# Check input
+if (!$dbname) {print($help); die("ERROR! Name of database is missing! Use -o <db_name>\n");}
+$a3mfile = $dbname."_a3m_db"; 
+$hhmfile = $dbname."_hhm_db";
+$csfile = $dbname.".cs219";
+if ($hhmdir) {$hhmdir=~s/\/$//;} 
+if ($a_if_append eq "" && $remove==0) {
+    unlink $csfile, $a3mfile, $a3mfile.".index", $hhmfile, $hhmfile.".index"; 
+if ($a3mdir eq "" && $hhmdir eq "" && $csdir eq "" && $remove==0) {
+    print($help); print "ERROR! At least one input directory must be given!\n"; exit(1);
+# If $csdir is simple directory instead of glob expression, turn it into glob expression
+if ($csdir) {
+    if ($csdir !~ /\*/ && $csdir !~ /\?/ && $csdir !~ / /) { 
+	$csdir .= "/*.".$csext;
+    }
+if ($a3mdir) {
+    if ($a3mdir !~ /\*/ && $a3mdir !~ /\?/ && $a3mdir !~ / /) { 
+	$a3mdir .= "/*.a3m";
+    }
+if ($hhmdir) {
+    if ($hhmdir !~ /\*/ && $hhmdir !~ /\?/ && $hhmdir !~ / /) { 
+	$hhmdir .= "/*.".$hhmext;
+    }
+# If in append mode, initialize size counters with present sizes
+if ($a_if_append || $remove==1) {
+    open (IN, "<$a3mfile.index.sizes") || die("Error: can't open $a3mfile.index.sizes: $!");
+    $line = <IN>;
+    close IN;
+    $line =~ /^(\S*)/;
+    $numa3mfiles = $1;
+    open (IN, "<$hhmfile.index.sizes") || die("Error: can't open $hhmfile.index.sizes: $!");
+    $line = <IN>;
+    close IN;
+    $line =~ /^(\S*)/;
+    $numhhmfiles = $1;
+    open (IN, "<$csfile.sizes") || die("Error: can't open $csfile.sizes: $!");
+    $line = <IN>;
+    close IN;
+    $line =~ /(\S*)\s+(\S*)/;
+    $numcsfiles = $1;
+    $num_chars = $2;
+    printf("Current number of a3m files in db:    %i\n",$numa3mfiles);
+    printf("Current number of $hhmext files in db:    %i\n",$numhhmfiles);
+    printf("Current number of $csext files in db: %i\n\n",$numcsfiles);
+} else {
+    $numa3mfiles = 0;
+    $numhhmfiles = 0;
+    $numcsfiles = 0;
+    $num_chars = 0;
+# Create tmp directory (plus path, if necessary)
+my $tmpdir="/tmp/$ENV{USER}/$$";  # directory where all temporary files are written: /tmp/UID/PID
+my $suffix=$tmpdir;
+while ($suffix=~s/^\/[^\/]+//) {
+    $tmpdir=~/(.*)$suffix/;
+    if (!-d $1) {mkdir($1,0777);}
+unlink glob("$tmpdir/*"); # clean up directory if it already exists
+unlink $logfile;
+# Remove files?
+if ($remove==1) {
+    printf("Removing files from indices...\n");
+    # Read numbers of sequences and characters in csfile
+    open (IN, "<$csfile.sizes");
+    $line = <IN>;
+    close IN;
+    $line =~ /(\S*)\s+(\S*)/;
+    $numcsfiles = $1;
+    $num_chars = $2;
+    # Remove names from a3m and hhm index files
+    my $files = " ".join(" ", glob($fileglob));
+    $files =~ s/\S*\///g;
+    &HHPaths::System("ffindex_modify -su $dbname"."_a3m_db.index ".$files); 
+    &HHPaths::System("ffindex_modify -su $dbname"."_hhm_db.index ".$files); 
+    # Adjust number of files in $a3mfile.index.sizes
+    $numa3mfiles = 0;
+    open (IN, "<$a3mfile.index") || die("Error: can't open $a3mfile.index: $!");
+    while(<IN>) {$numa3mfiles++;}
+    close IN;
+    open (OUT, ">$a3mfile.index.sizes") || die("Error: can't open $a3mfile.index.sizes: $!");
+    printf(OUT "%i\n",$numa3mfiles);
+    close(OUT);
+    # Adjust number of files in $hhmfile.index.sizes
+    $numhhmfiles = 0;
+    open (IN, "<$hhmfile.index") || die("Error: can't open $hhmfile.index: $!");
+    while(<IN>) {$numhhmfiles++;}
+    close IN;
+    open (OUT, ">$hhmfile.index.sizes") || die("Error: can't open $hhmfile.index.sizes: $!");
+    printf(OUT "%i\n",$numa3mfiles);
+    close(OUT);
+    # Remove sequences of globbed files from cs file
+    my 	$skipseq=0;
+    $numcsfiles = 0;
+    $num_chars = 0;
+    open (IN,  "<$csfile");
+    open (OUT, ">$csfile".".tmp");
+    foreach my $line (<IN>) {
+	if ($line =~ /^>(\w*)/) {
+	    my $name = $1;
+	    if ($files =~ / $name\./) { # found name in list of globbed file names?
+		$skipseq=1;
+	    } else {
+		$skipseq=0;
+		printf(OUT "%s",$line); 
+		$numcsfiles++;
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    if (!$skipseq) {
+		printf(OUT "%s",$line); 
+		$num_chars += length($line);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    close(OUT);	
+    close(IN);	
+    unlink($csfile);
+    &HHPaths::System("mv $csfile".".tmp ".$csfile); 
+    # Adjust $csfile.sizes
+    open (OUT, ">$csfile.sizes");
+    print OUT "$numcsfiles $num_chars\n";
+    close OUT;
+} else {
+# Generate new db or append to old
+# Generate column-state database file
+    # Generate column-state sequences in $tmpdir if no -ics directory given
+    if (!$csdir) 
+    {
+	my $x = 0.3;    # parameters for cstranslate
+	my $c = 4;      # parameters for cstranslate
+	if ($a3mdir) {
+	    print("Generating seq219 files in $tmpdir/ from a3m files $a3mdir\n\n");
+	    $command = "$hhbin/cstranslate -i \$file -o $tmpdir/\$base.seq219 -D $context_lib -A $cs_lib -x $x -c $c 1>>$logfile 2>>$logfile";
+	    &HHPaths::System("$hhscripts/multithread.pl '".$a3mdir."' '$command' -cpu $cpu");
+	} elsif ($hhmdir) {
+	    if ($hhmext eq "hmm") {
+		print("\nGenerating prf profile files in $tmpdir/ from hmm files $hhmdir/\n\n");
+		$command = "$hhscripts/create_profile_from_hmmer.pl -i \$file -o $tmpdir/\$base.prf 1>/dev/null 2>>$logfile";
+		&HHPaths::System("$hhscripts/multithread.pl '".$hhmdir."' '$command' -cpu $cpu");
+	    } else { # $hhmext eq "hhm"
+		print("\nGenerating prf profile files in $tmpdir/ from hhm files $hhmdir/\n\n");
+		$command = "$hhscripts/create_profile_from_hhm.pl -i \$file -o $tmpdir/\$base.prf 1>/dev/null 2>>$logfile";
+		&HHPaths::System("$hhscripts/multithread.pl '".$hhmdir."' '$command' -cpu $cpu");
+	    }
+	    print("\nGenerating seq219 files in $tmpdir/ from prf files in $tmpdir/\n\n");
+	    if ($hhmext eq "hmm") {
+		$command = "$hhbin/cstranslate -i \$file -o \$name.seq219 -A $cs_lib 1>>$logfile 2>>$logfile";	    
+	    } else { # $hhmext eq "hhm"
+		$command = "$hhbin/cstranslate -i \$file -o \$name.seq219 -A $cs_lib -D $context_lib -x $x -c $c 1>>$logfile 2>>$logfile";
+	    }
+	    &HHPaths::System("$hhscripts/multithread.pl '".$tmpdir."/*.prf' '$command' -cpu $cpu");
+	}
+	$csdir = $tmpdir."/*.$csext";
+    }
+    # Write columns state sequences into cs database file, 
+    # replace names in cs sequences with filenames: ">name+description" => ">filename"
+    if ($a_if_append) {
+	open (OUT, ">>$csfile");
+    } else {
+	open (OUT, ">$csfile");
+    }
+    foreach my $seq219file (glob($csdir)) { 
+	open (IN, "<$seq219file");
+	my @lines = <IN>;
+	close(IN);
+	$seq219file =~ s/.*?([^\/]*)\.$csext\s*/$1/ or die ("Error: $seq219file does not have the extension $csext!?\n");
+	foreach my $line (@lines) {
+	    if ($line =~ /^>/) {
+		$line = ">".$seq219file."\n";
+		$numcsfiles++;
+	    } else {
+		$num_chars += length($line);
+	    }
+	    printf(OUT "%s",$line); 	
+	}
+    } 
+    close(OUT);	
+    open (OUT, ">$csfile.sizes");
+    print OUT "$numcsfiles $num_chars\n";
+    close OUT;
+# Generate hhm files with hhmake from a3m files if no -ihhm directory given
+    if (!$hhmdir) 
+    {
+	if ($a3mdir) {
+	    print("\nGenerating hhm files in $tmpdir/ from a3m files $a3mdir/\n\n");
+	    $command = "hhmake -i \$file -o $tmpdir/\$base.hhm  1>/dev/null 2>>$logfile";
+	    &HHPaths::System("$hhscripts/multithread.pl '".$a3mdir."' '$command' -cpu $cpu");	
+	    $hhmdir = $tmpdir."/*.$hhmext";;
+	    $numhhmfiles += scalar(glob("$hhmdir"));
+	}
+    }
+# Generate packed A3M and HMM files and index files
+    # Generate packed A3M file and index file?
+    if ($a3mdir ne "") {
+	print "Creating packed A3M database file $a3mfile ...\n";
+	open (OUT, ">$tmpdir/a3m.filelist");
+	my @files = glob("$a3mdir");
+	$numa3mfiles += scalar(@files);
+	foreach $file (@files) {
+	    print OUT "$file\n";
+	}
+	close OUT;
+	# Build packed file (concatenated with '\0' as delimiters) and index file from files in file list
+	# The ffindex binaries are contained in <install_dir>/lib/ffindex/bin/
+	$command = "ffindex_build -".$a_if_append."s -f $tmpdir/a3m.filelist $a3mfile $a3mfile.index";
+	&HHPaths::System($command);
+	open (OUT, ">$a3mfile.index.sizes");
+	print OUT "$numa3mfiles\n";
+	close OUT;
+    } 
+    # Generate packed HHMM file and index file?
+    if ($hhmdir ne "") {
+	print "Creating packed HHM database file $hhmfile ...\n";
+	open (OUT, ">$tmpdir/hhm.filelist");
+	my @files = glob("$hhmdir");
+	$numhhmfiles += scalar(@files);
+	foreach $file (@files) {
+	    print OUT "$file\n";
+	}
+	close OUT;
+	# Build packed file (concatenated with '\0' as delimiters) and index file from files in file list
+	# The ffindex binaries are contained in <install_dir>/lib/ffindex/bin/
+	$command = "ffindex_build -".$a_if_append."s -f $tmpdir/hhm.filelist $hhmfile $hhmfile.index";
+	&HHPaths::System($command);
+	open (OUT, ">$hhmfile.index.sizes");
+	print OUT "$numhhmfiles\n";
+	close OUT;
+    }
+} # end if $remove==0
+printf("New number of a3m files in db:    %i\n",$numa3mfiles);
+printf("New number of $hhmext files in db:    %i\n",$numhhmfiles);
+printf("New number of $csext files in db: %i\n\n",$numcsfiles);
+my $err=0;
+if ($numa3mfiles && $numhhmfiles && $numa3mfiles != $numhhmfiles) {
+    print("**************************************************************************
+WARNING: Number of a3m files not equal to number of $hhmext files\n"); $err=1;
+if ($numcsfiles && $numhhmfiles && $numcsfiles != $numhhmfiles) {
+    print("**************************************************************************
+WARNING: Number of $csext files not equal to number of $hhmext files\n"); $err=1;
+if ($numcsfiles && $numa3mfiles && $numcsfiles != $numa3mfiles) {
+    print("**************************************************************************
+WARNING: Number of $csext files not equal to number of a3m files\n"); $err=1;
+if ($err==1) {print("**************************************************************************
+$tmpdir will not be removed to check for missing files
+elsif ($v<3) {
+    $command = "rm -rf $tmpdir";
+#    &System($command);