diff R/compareSignature_Galaxy.r @ 0:8c682b3a7c5b draft

author iarc
date Tue, 19 Apr 2016 03:07:11 -0400
children 916846f73e25
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/R/compareSignature_Galaxy.r	Tue Apr 19 03:07:11 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# Author: Maude                     #
+# Script: compareSignature_Galaxy.r #
+# Last update: 29/10/15             #
+#                                   Compare new signatures with published one using the cosine similarity method                        #
+# Print a usage message if there is no argument pass to the command line
+args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
+usage <- function() 
+  msg <- paste0('Usage:\n',
+               ' compareSignature_Galaxy.r Published_Signature New_Signature Output_Folder\n'
+              )
+  cat(msg, '\n', file="/dev/stderr")
+  quit(status=1)
+input = args[length(args)]
+if (length(args) == 0) { usage() }
+# Load library
+# Recover the arguments
+published_signature_file <- args[1] # The matrix with the published signatures
+unknown_signature_file   <- args[2] # The matrix W from NMF from which we want to compare the signatures
+dir								       <- args[3] # html directory
+# Set the variables
+# Create the outputs
+output_cosineRes <- paste0(dir, "/Similarity_Matrix.txt")
+output_png       <- paste0(dir, "/Similarity_Matrix.png")
+# Calculate the cosine similarity and represent it with a heatmap
+# Published signatures
+dataFrame1 <- read.table(published_signature_file, header=T, sep="\t")
+# Remove the first three colmumns (Substitution Type, Trinucleotide  Somatic, Mutation Type)
+dataFrame1 <- dataFrame1[,4:ncol(dataFrame1)]
+matrix1    <- as.matrix(dataFrame1)
+# Unkown signatures
+dataFrame2 <- read.table(unknown_signature_file, header=T, sep="\t")
+# Remove the first two columns (alteration, context)
+dataFrame2 <- dataFrame2[,3:ncol(dataFrame2)]
+matrix2    <- as.matrix(dataFrame2)
+# Recover the number of new signatures
+NbNewSignature   <- ncol(dataFrame2) - 1
+# Combined the two matrices (published and unknown signatures)
+input_matrix_cos <- cbind(matrix1, matrix2)
+# Calculate the cosine similarity
+cosine_res <- cosine(input_matrix_cos)
+# Keep only the comparison between the two matrices
+nbSign            <- ncol(matrix1)+1 # +1 for havng the first signature of the matrix1
+cosine_res_subset <- cosine_res[nbSign:nrow(cosine_res), 1:ncol(matrix1)]
+# Save the matrix
+write.table(cosine_res_subset, file=output_cosineRes, quote=F, sep="\t", col.names=T, row.names=T)
+# Transform the matrix in a suitable format for ggplot2
+cosineRes_subset_melt <- melt(cosine_res_subset)
+# Rename the columns
+colnames(cosineRes_subset_melt) <- c("Unknown_Signatures", "Published_Signatures", "Similarity")
+# Reorder the Signature for having the same order as in the matrix. Turn your 'signature' column into a character vector
+cosineRes_subset_melt$Published_Signatures <- as.character(cosineRes_subset_melt$Published_Signatures)
+#Then turn it back into an ordered factor
+cosineRes_subset_melt$Published_Signatures <- factor(cosineRes_subset_melt$Published_Signatures, levels=rev(unique(cosineRes_subset_melt$Published_Signature)))
+# Base plot: heatmap
+p1 <- ggplot(cosineRes_subset_melt, aes(x=Published_Signatures, y=Unknown_Signatures, fill=Similarity)) + geom_tile(colour="yellow") +scale_fill_gradientn(colours=c("yellow", "red")) + theme_classic()
+# Rename the signatures
+if(basename(published_signature_file) == "Frequency-COSMICv72-Hupki.txt")
+  p1 <- p1 + scale_x_discrete(breaks = c("Signature.1", "Signature.2", "Signature.3", "Signature.4", "Signature.5", "Signature.6", "Signature.7", "Signature.8", "Signature.9",
+                                         "Signature.10", "Signature.11", "Signature.12", "Signature.13", "Signature.14", "Signature.15", "Signature.16", "Signature.17",
+                                         "Signature.18", "Signature.19", "Signature.20", "Signature.21", "Signature.22", "Signature.23", "Signature.24", "Signature.25",
+                                         "Signature.26", "Signature.27", "Signature.28", "Signature.29", "Signature.30",
+                                         "Signature.1.MEF", "Signature.2.MEF", "Signature.3.MEF", "Signature.5.MEF"),
+                              labels = c("(Age) Sign 1", "(AID/APOBEC) Sign 2", "(BRCA1/2) Sign 3", "(Smoking) Sign 4", "Sign 5", "(DNA MMR deficiency) Sign 6", "(UV) Sign 7",
+                                         "Sign 8", "(IgG) Sign 9", "(pol e) Sign 10", "(temozolomide) Sign 11", "Sign 12", "(AID/APOBEC) Sign 13", "Sign 14",
+                                         "(DNA MMR deficiency) Sign 15", "Sign 16", "Sign 17", "Sign 18", "Sign 19", "(DNA MMR deficiency) Sign 20", "Sign 21", "(AA) Sign 22",
+                                         "Sign 23", "(Aflatoxin) Sign 24", "Sign 25", "(DNA MMR deficiency) Sign 26", "Sign 27", "Sign 28", "(Tobacco chewing) Sign 29", "Sign 30",
+                                         "(AA) Sign 1 MEF", "(AID) Sign 2 MEF", "(BaP) Sign 3 MEF", "(MNNG) Sign 5 MEF")
+                              )
+# Flipped cartesian coordinates so that horizontal becomes vertical, and vertical, horizontal
+p1 <- p1 +  coord_flip()
+# Remove the x axis line
+p1 <- p1 + theme(axis.line.x=element_blank(), axis.line.y=element_blank())
+# Add the cosine value only if >= 0.9
+cosResLabel <- subset(cosineRes_subset_melt, round(cosineRes_subset_melt$Similarity, digits=2) >= 0.9) # Subset the data for keeping only the values greater thant 0.9
+p1 <- p1 + geom_text(data = cosResLabel, aes(x = Published_Signatures, y = Unknown_Signatures, label = round(cosResLabel$Similarity, 2)))
+png(output_png, width=3000, height=2000, res=300)
+invisible( dev.off() )