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author | iarc |
date | Mon, 13 Mar 2017 08:21:19 -0400 |
parents | 46a10309dfe2 |
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# !/usr/bin/perl #-----------------------------------# # Author: Maude / Vincent # # Script: # # Last update: 01/02/17 # #-----------------------------------# use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use File::Basename; # my ($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($file, qr/\.[^.]*/); use File::Path; ######################################################################################################################################################### # Filter an Annotaed file with Annovar # ######################################################################################################################################################### our ($verbose, $man, $help) = (0, 0, 0); # Parse options and print usage if there is a syntax error, or if usage was explicitly requested. our ($dbSNP_value, $segDup, $esp, $thG, $exac) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0); # For filtering agains the databases dbSNP, genomic duplicate segments, Exome Sequencing Project and 1000 genome, ExAC. our ($output, $refGenome) = ("", ""); # The path for saving the result; The reference genome to use. our ($listAVDB) = "empty"; # Text file with the list of Annovar databases. our ($dir) = ""; # Directory containing the script + the text file with the list of Annovar databases our (@filters); # Path to BED file(s) to filter against GetOptions('dir|d=s'=>\$dir,'verbose|v'=>\$verbose, 'help|h'=>\$help, 'man|m'=>\$man, 'dbSNP=i'=>\$dbSNP_value, 'segDup'=>\$segDup, 'esp'=>\$esp, 'thG'=>\$thG, 'exac'=>\$exac, 'outfile|o=s' => \$output, 'refGenome=s'=>\$refGenome, 'pathAVDBList=s' => \$listAVDB, 'filter=s'=> \@filters) or pod2usage(2); our ($input) = @ARGV; pod2usage(-verbose=>1, -exitval=>1, -output=>\*STDERR) if ($help); pod2usage(-verbose=>2, -exitval=>1, -output=>\*STDERR) if ($man); pod2usage(-verbose=>0, -exitval=>1, -output=>\*STDERR) if(@ARGV == 0); # No argument is pass to the command line print the usage of the script pod2usage(-verbose=>0, -exitval=>1, -output=>\*STDERR) if(@ARGV == 2); # Only one argument is expected to be pass to @ARGV (the input) # If the dbSNP value is not equal to zero filter using the dbSNP column specify our $dbSNP = 0; if($dbSNP_value > 0) { $dbSNP = 1; } ############ Check flags ############ if($listAVDB eq "empty") { $listAVDB = "$dir/${refGenome}_listAVDB.txt" } # Zero databases is specified if( ($dbSNP == 0) && ($segDup == 0) && ($esp == 0) && ($thG == 0) && ($exac == 0) && (scalar(@filters) == 0) ) { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "There is no databases selected for filtering against!!!\n"; print STDERR "Please chose at least one between dbSNP, SegDup (only for human and mouse genomes), ESP (only for human genome), 1000 genome (only for human genome) or ExAC (only for human genome)\n"; print STDERR "Or specify a BED file\n"; exit; } ############ Recover the name of the databases to filter against ############ my ($segDup_name, $espAll_name, $thousandGenome_name, $exac_name) = ("", "", "", ""); my @tab_protocol = (); if( ($segDup == 1) || ($esp == 1) || ($thG == 1) || ($exac == 1)) { ### Recover the name of the column my $protocol = ""; ExtractAVDBName($listAVDB, \$protocol); @tab_protocol = split(",", $protocol); for(my $i=0; $i<=$#tab_protocol; $i++) { if($tab_protocol[$i] =~ /genomicSuperDups/) { $segDup_name = $tab_protocol[$i]; } elsif($tab_protocol[$i] =~ /1000g/) { $thousandGenome_name = $tab_protocol[$i]; } elsif($tab_protocol[$i] =~ /esp/) { $espAll_name = $tab_protocol[$i]; } elsif($tab_protocol[$i] =~ /exac/i) { $exac_name = $tab_protocol[$i]; } } } ############ Filter the file ############ filterAgainstPublicDB(); print STDOUT "\tFilter selected\tdbSNP = ".$dbSNP."\tsegDup = ".$segDup."\tesp = ".$esp."\tthG = ".$thG."\tEXac = ". $exac . "\n"; ### Write a message if the input file contains zero variants or if all the variants are filtered out my ($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($input, qr/\.[^.]*/); my $nbVariantsIn = `wc -l $input`; $nbVariantsIn =~ /(\d+).+/; my $nbLineIn = $1; if($nbLineIn == 1) { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "\nThere is no variant to be filtered for $filename\n"; print STDERR "Check MutSpecAnnot standard output for more informations\n"; exit; } else { my ($filenameOut, $directoriesOut, $suffixOut) = fileparse($output, qr/\.[^.]*/); my $nbVariantsOut = `wc -l $output`; $nbVariantsOut =~ /(\d+).+/; my $nbLineOut = $1; if($nbLineOut == 1) { print STDOUT "Warning message:\n"; print STDOUT "\nAll the variants were filtered out for $filenameOut\n"; } } ### filter versus additional VCF files if provided. if ( scalar(@filters) > 0) { filterAdditionalBED(); } sub filterAgainstPublicDB { open(FILTER, ">", "$output") or die "$!: $output\n"; open(F1, $input) or die "$!: $input\n"; my $header = <F1>; print FILTER $header; while(<F1>) { $_ =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; my @tab = split("\t", $_); my ($segDupInfo, $espAllInfo, $thgInfo, $exacInfo) = (0, 0 ,0, 0); if($segDup == 1) { my $segDup_value = recoverNumCol($input, $segDup_name); $segDupInfo = formatSegDupInfo($tab[$segDup_value]); # Replace NA by 0 for making test on the same type of variable $segDupInfo =~ s/NA/0/; } if($esp == 1) { my $espAll_value = recoverNumCol($input, $espAll_name); $espAllInfo = $tab[$espAll_value]; # Replace NA by 0 for making test on the same type of variable $espAllInfo =~ s/NA/0/; } if($thG == 1) { my $thousandGenome_value = recoverNumCol($input, $thousandGenome_name); # Replace NA by 0 for making test on the same type of variable $thgInfo = $tab[$thousandGenome_value]; $thgInfo =~ s/NA/0/; } if($exac == 1) { my $exac_value = recoverNumCol($input, $exac_name); # Replace NA by 0 for making test on the same type of variable $exacInfo = $tab[$exac_value]; $exacInfo =~ s/NA/0/; } my $filter = 0; if( $dbSNP == 1 && $tab[$dbSNP_value-1] ne "NA" ){ $filter = 1; } if( $segDup == 1 && $segDupInfo >= 0.9) { $filter = 1; } if( $esp == 1 && $espAllInfo > 0.001) { $filter = 1; } if( $thG == 1 && $thgInfo > 0.001) { $filter = 1; } if( $thG == 1 && $exacInfo > 0.001) { $filter = 1; } if (!$filter) { print FILTER "$_\n"; } } close F1; close FILTER; } sub formatSegDupInfo { my ($segDup_info) = @_; if($segDup_info ne "NA") # Score=0.907883;Name=chr9:36302931 { my @segDup = split(";", $segDup_info); $segDup[0] =~ /Score=(.+)/; return $1; } else { return $segDup_info; } } sub ExtractAVDBName { my ($listAVDB, $refS_protocol) = @_; open(F1, $listAVDB) or die "$!: $listAVDB\n"; while(<F1>) { if ($_ =~ /^#/) { next; } $_ =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; my @tab = split("\t", $_); # db name like refGenome_dbName.txt if( ($tab[0] =~ /\w+_(\w+)\.txt/) && ($tab[0] !~ /sites/) && ($tab[0] !~ /esp/) && ($tab[0] !~ /sift/) && ($tab[0] !~ /pp2/) && ($tab[0] !~ /exac/i) ) { my $temp = $1; if($temp =~ /genomicSuperDups/) { $$refS_protocol .= $temp.","; } } # 1000 genome if($tab[0] =~ /sites/) { $tab[0] =~ /\w+_(\w+)\.sites.(\d+)_(\d+)\.txt/; my ($dbName, $year, $month) = ($1, $2, $3); $dbName =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # convert the month number into the month name ConvertMonth(\$month); my $AVdbName_final = "1000g".$year.$month."_".$dbName; if($dbName eq "all") { $$refS_protocol .=$AVdbName_final.","; } } # ESP if($tab[0] =~ /esp/) { $tab[0] =~ /\w+_(\w+)_(\w+)\.txt/; my $AVdbName_final = $1."_".$2; if($2 eq "all") { $$refS_protocol .=$AVdbName_final.","; } } # EXAC if($tab[0] =~ /exac/i) { $tab[0] =~ /\w+_(\w+)_(\w+)\.txt/; my $AVdbName_final = "ExAC_ALL"; $$refS_protocol .= $AVdbName_final.","; } } close F1; sub ConvertMonth { my ($refS_month) = @_; if($$refS_month == 1) { $$refS_month = "janv"; } elsif($$refS_month == 2) { $$refS_month = "feb"; } elsif($$refS_month == 3) { $$refS_month = "mar"; } elsif($$refS_month == 4) { $$refS_month = "apr"; } elsif($$refS_month == 5) { $$refS_month = "may"; } elsif($$refS_month == 6) { $$refS_month = "jun"; } elsif($$refS_month == 7) { $$refS_month = "jul"; } elsif($$refS_month == 8) { $$refS_month = "aug"; } elsif($$refS_month == 9) { $$refS_month = "sept"; } elsif($$refS_month == 10) { $$refS_month = "oct"; } elsif($$refS_month == 11) { $$refS_month = "nov"; } elsif($$refS_month == 12) { $$refS_month = "dec"; } } } sub recoverNumCol { my ($input, $name_of_column) = @_; # With Annovar updates the databases name changed and are present in an array if( ref($name_of_column) eq "ARRAY" ) { my $test = ""; my @tab = @$name_of_column; foreach (@tab) { open(F1,$input) or die "$!: $input\n"; # For having the name of the columns my $search_header = <F1>; $search_header =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; my @tab_search_header = split("\t",$search_header); close F1; # The number of the column my $name_of_column_NB = "toto"; for(my $i=0; $i<=$#tab_search_header; $i++) { if($tab_search_header[$i] eq $_) { $name_of_column_NB = $i; } } if($name_of_column_NB eq "toto") { next; } else { return $name_of_column_NB; } } if($name_of_column eq "toto") { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "Error recoverNumCol: the column named $name_of_column doesn't exits in the input file $input!!!!!\n"; exit; } } # Only one name is pass else { open(FT,$input) or die "$!: $input\n"; # For having the name of the columns my $search_header = <FT>; $search_header =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; my @tab_search_header = split("\t",$search_header); close FT; # The number of the column my $name_of_column_NB = "toto"; for(my $i=0; $i<=$#tab_search_header; $i++) { if($tab_search_header[$i] eq $name_of_column) { $name_of_column_NB = $i; } } if($name_of_column_NB eq "toto") { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "Error recoverNumCol: the column named $name_of_column doesn't exits in the input file $input!!!!!\n"; exit; } else { return $name_of_column_NB; } } } sub filterAdditionalBED{ #create bed open(TABLE, "$output") or die "$!: $output\n"; open(F1, ">bed") or die "cannot create bed file"; my $NL=1; my $headers=<TABLE>; while(<TABLE>) { $NL++; my @line=split("\t", $_); print F1 "$line[0]\t$line[1]\t$line[2]\t$NL\n"; } close F1; close TABLE; #and sort it `sort -k1,1 -k2,2n bed > sorted`; foreach my $filter (@filters){ my ($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($filter, qr/\.[^.]*/); print STDOUT "\tFilter against BED: $filename\n"; #find intersect `sort -k1,1 -k2,2n $filter > ref`; `bedtools intersect -a sorted -b ref -v -sorted > bed`; `sort -k1,1 -k2,2n bed > sorted`; } #generate new output `sort -k4n sorted > bed`; `cp $output table`; open(F1, "bed") or die "error no sorted file"; open(F2, "table") or die "error no table file"; open(OUT, ">$output") or die "error cannot open output file"; print OUT $headers; $NL=1; my $line = <F2>; while(<F1>) { my @NR=split("\t", $_); while( $NL < $NR[3]){ $line = <F2>; $NL++; } print OUT $line; } close F1; close F2; close OUT; } =head1 NAME mutspecFilter - Filter a file annotated with MutSpec-Annot tool. Variants present in public databases (dbSNP, SegDup, ESP, 1000 genome obtained from Annovar) will be removed from the input file (with frequency limits described above) =head1 SYNOPSIS [arguments] <query-file> <query-file> an annotated file Arguments: -h, --help print help message -m, --man print complete documentation -v, --verbose use verbose output --dbSNP <value> filter against dbSNP database. Specify the number of the dbSNP column in the file (start to count from 1) --segDup filter against genomic duplicate database --esp filter against Exome Sequencing Project database (only for human) --thG filter against 1000 genome database (onyl for human) -o, --outfile <string> path to output file --refGenome reference genome to use --pathAVDBList path to the list of Annovar databases installed --filter path to a bed file Function: Filter out variants present in public databases Example: # Filter against dbSNP --dbSNP col_number (start to count from 1) --refGenome hg19 --pathAVDBList path_to_the_list_of_annovar_DB --outfile output_filename input # Filter against all Annovar databases --dbSNP col_number (start to count from 1) --segDup --esp --thG --exac --refGenome hg19 --pathAVDBList path_to_the_list_of_annovar_DB --outfile output_filename input # Filter against additional databases in BED format --filter path_to_bed --refGenome hg19 --pathAVDBList path_to_the_list_of_annovar_DB --outfile output_filename input Version: 02-2017 (February 2017) =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--help> print a brief usage message and detailed explanation of options. =item B<--man> print the complete manual of the program. =item B<--verbose> use verbose output. =item B<--dbSNP> Remove all the variants presents in the dbSNP databases Specify the number of the dbSNP column in the file (start to count from 1) For human and mouse genome =item B<--segDup> Remove all the variants with a frequency greater or equal to 0.9 in genomic duplicate segments database For human and mouse genome =item B<--esp> Remove all the variants with a frequency greater than 0.001 in Exome sequencing project For human genome only =item B<--thG> Remove all the variants with a frequency greater than 0.001 in 1000 genome database =item B<--exac> Remove all the variants with a frequency greater than 0.001 in ExAC database =item B<--filter> Remove all variants present in the BED file =item B<--refGenome> The reference genome to use. =item B<--outfile> path to output file =item B<--pathAVDBList> the path to a texte file containing the list of the Annovar databases installed. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION mutspecFilter - Filter a file annotated with MutSpec-Annot tool. Variants present in public databases (dbSNP, SegDup, ESP, 1000 genome, exac obtained from Annovar) will be removed from the input file (with frequency limits described above). Additionally, using the --filter option, any variants present in a specified bed file will be removed from the input file. =cut