1 import argparse
2 import json
3 import pathlib
4 from datetime import datetime
6 """
7 Parse the configfile generated by the Galaxy tool.
8 This file is JSON-formatted and should be converted to a set of tabular files.
9 """
11 FILE_FORMAT = 'fastq'
13 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
14 parser.add_argument('--studies', dest='studies_json_path', required=True)
15 parser.add_argument('--out_dir', dest='out_path', required=True)
16 parser.add_argument('--action', dest='action', required=True)
17 args = parser.parse_args()
19 with open(args.studies_json_path, 'r') as studies_json_file:
20 studies_dict = json.load(studies_json_file)
21 studies_table = open(pathlib.Path(args.out_path) / 'studies.tsv', 'w')
22 studies_table.write('\t'.join(['alias', 'status', 'accession', 'title', 'study_type',
23 'study_abstract', 'pubmed_id', 'submission_date']) + '\n')
24 samples_table = open(pathlib.Path(args.out_path) / 'samples.tsv', 'w')
25 experiments_table = open(pathlib.Path(args.out_path) / 'experiments.tsv', 'w')
26 experiments_table.write('\t'.join(['alias', 'status', 'accession', 'title', 'study_alias',
27 'sample_alias', 'design_description', 'library_name',
28 'library_strategy', 'library_source', 'library_selection',
29 'library_layout', 'insert_size',
30 'library_construction_protocol', 'platform', 'instrument_model',
31 'submission_date']) + '\n')
32 runs_table = open(pathlib.Path(args.out_path) / 'runs.tsv', 'w')
33 runs_table.write('\t'.join(['alias', 'status', 'accession', 'experiment_alias', 'file_name',
34 'file_format', 'file_checksum', 'submission_date']) + '\n')
36 action = args.action
38 dt_oobj = datetime.now(tz=None)
39 timestamp = dt_oobj.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S")
40 for study_index, study in enumerate(studies_dict):
41 study_alias = 'study_' + str(study_index) + '_' + timestamp
42 studies_table.write('\t'.join([study_alias, action, 'ENA_accession', study['title'],
43 study['type'], study['abstract'], study['pubmed_id'],
44 'ENA_submission_data']))
45 if "geo_location" in study['samples'][0].keys(): # sample belongs to a viral sample
46 samples_table.write('\t'.join(['alias', 'status', 'accession', 'title', 'scientific_name',
47 'taxon_id', 'sample_description', 'collection_date',
48 'geographic_location', 'host_common_name', 'host_subject_id',
49 'host_health_state', 'host_sex', 'host_scientific_name',
50 'collector_name', 'collecting_institution', 'isolate',
51 'submission_date']) + '\n')
52 else:
53 samples_table.write('\t'.join(['alias', 'status', 'accession', 'title', 'scientific_name',
54 'taxon_id', 'sample_description', 'submission_date']) + '\n')
55 for sample_index, sample in enumerate(study['samples']):
56 sample_alias = 'sample_' + str(sample_index) + '_' + timestamp
57 if "geo_location" in sample.keys(): # sample belongs to a viral sample
58 if sample['collector_name'] == '':
59 sample['collector_name'] = 'unknown'
60 samples_table.write('\t'.join([sample_alias, action, 'ena_accession', sample['title'],
61 sample['tax_name'], sample['tax_id'],
62 sample['description'], sample['collection_date'],
63 sample['geo_location'], sample['host_common_name'],
64 sample['host_subject_id'], sample['host_health_state'],
65 sample['host_sex'], sample['host_scientific_name'],
66 sample['collector_name'],
67 sample['collecting_institution'], sample['isolate'],
68 'ENA_submission_date']) + '\n')
69 else:
70 samples_table.write('\t'.join([sample_alias, action, 'ena_accession', sample['title'],
71 sample['tax_name'], sample['tax_id'],
72 sample['description'], 'ENA_submission_date']) + '\n')
73 for exp_index, exp in enumerate(sample['experiments']):
74 exp_alias = 'experiment_' + str(exp_index) + '.' + str(sample_index) + '_' + timestamp
75 lib_alias = 'library_' + str(exp_index) + '_' + str(sample_index)
76 experiments_table.write('\t'.join([exp_alias, action, 'accession_ena', exp['title'],
77 study_alias, sample_alias, exp['experiment_design'],
78 lib_alias, exp['library_strategy'],
79 exp['library_source'], exp['library_selection'],
80 exp['library_layout'].lower(), exp['insert_size'],
81 exp['library_construction_protocol'],
82 exp['platform'], exp['instrument_model'],
83 'submission_date_ENA']) + '\n')
84 run_index = 0
85 # exp['runs'] is a list of lists
86 for (base_run, run_files) in exp['runs']:
87 run_index += 1
88 if base_run != '':
89 run_alias = base_run
90 else:
91 # no alias provided, generated a unique one
92 run_alias = '_'.join(['run_' + str(run_index), str(exp_index),
93 str(sample_index)]) + '_' + timestamp
94 for file_entry in run_files:
95 runs_table.write('\t'.join([run_alias, action, 'ena_run_accession', exp_alias,
96 file_entry, FILE_FORMAT, 'file_checksum',
97 'submission_date_ENA']) + '\n')
99 studies_table.close()
100 samples_table.close()
101 experiments_table.close()
102 runs_table.close()