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planemo upload for repository commit f1b9207ec23c0af1681c929281bcbf1d0638368e
author imgteam
date Wed, 25 Sep 2024 08:19:30 +0000
parents 4645b356bf3b
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Copyright 2021-2022 Biomedical Computer Vision Group, Heidelberg University.
- Qi Gao (
- Leonid Kostrykin (

Distributed under the MIT license.
See file LICENSE for detail or copy at

import argparse

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from skimage.feature import blob_dog, blob_doh, blob_log

blob_filters = {
    'dog': blob_dog,
    'doh': blob_doh,
    'log': blob_log,

def mean_intensity(img: NDArray, y: int, x: int, radius: int) -> float:
    assert img.ndim == 2
    assert radius >= 0
    if radius == 0:
        return float(img[y, x])
        mask = np.ones(img.shape, bool)
        mask[y, x] = False
        mask = (ndi.distance_transform_edt(mask) <= radius)
        return img[mask].mean()

def spot_detection(
    fn_in: str,
    fn_out: str,
    frame_1st: int,
    frame_end: int,
    filter_type: str,
    min_scale: float,
    max_scale: float,
    abs_threshold: float,
    rel_threshold: float,
    boundary: int,
) -> None:

    # Load the single-channel 2-D input image (or stack thereof)
    stack =

    # Normalize input image so that it is a stack of images (possibly a stack of a single image)
    assert stack.ndim in (2, 3)
    if stack.ndim == 2:
        stack = stack.reshape(1, *stack.shape)

    # Slice the stack
    assert frame_1st >= 1
    assert frame_end >= 0
    stack = stack[frame_1st - 1:]
    if frame_end > 0:
        stack = stack[:-frame_end]

    # Select the blob detection filter
    assert filter_type.lower() in blob_filters.keys()
    blob_filter = blob_filters[filter_type.lower()]

    # Perform blob detection on each image of the stack
    detections = list()
    for img_idx, img in enumerate(stack):
        blobs = blob_filter(img, threshold=abs_threshold, threshold_rel=rel_threshold, min_sigma=min_scale, max_sigma=max_scale)
        for blob in blobs:
            y, x, scale = blob

            # Skip the detection if it is too close to the boundary of the image
            if y < boundary or x < boundary or y >= img.shape[0] - boundary or x >= img.shape[1] - boundary:

            # Add the detection to the list of detections
            radius = scale * np.sqrt(2) * 2
            intensity = mean_intensity(img, round(y), round(x), round(radius))
                    'frame': img_idx + 1,
                    'pos_x': round(x),
                    'pos_y': round(y),
                    'scale': scale,
                    'radius': radius,
                    'intensity': intensity,

    # Build and save dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(detections)
    df.to_csv(fn_out, index=False, float_format='%.2f', sep="\t")

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Spot detection")

    parser.add_argument("fn_in", help="Name of input image or image stack.")
    parser.add_argument("fn_out", help="Name of output file to write the detections into.")
    parser.add_argument("frame_1st", type=int, help="Index for the starting frame to detect spots (1 for first frame of the stack).")
    parser.add_argument("frame_end", type=int, help="Index for the last frame to detect spots (0 for the last frame of the stack).")
    parser.add_argument("filter_type", help="Detection filter")
    parser.add_argument("min_scale", type=float, help="The minimum scale to consider for multi-scale detection.")
    parser.add_argument("max_scale", type=float, help="The maximum scale to consider for multi-scale detection.")
    parser.add_argument("abs_threshold", type=float, help=(
        "Filter responses below this threshold will be ignored. Only filter responses above this thresholding will be considered as blobs. "
        "This threshold is ignored if the relative threshold (below) corresponds to a higher response.")
    parser.add_argument("rel_threshold", type=float, help=(
        "Same as the absolute threshold (above), but as a fraction of the overall maximal filter response of an image. "
        "This threshold is ignored if it corresponds to a response below the absolute threshold.")
    parser.add_argument("boundary", type=int, help="Width of image boundaries (in pixel) where spots will be ignored.")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    spot_detection(args.fn_in, args.fn_out,
                   frame_1st=args.frame_1st, frame_end=args.frame_end,
                   min_scale=args.min_scale, max_scale=args.max_scale,
                   abs_threshold=args.abs_threshold, rel_threshold=args.rel_threshold,