comparison cross_sample/ @ 0:8d951baf795f draft

author immport-devteam
date Mon, 27 Feb 2017 12:47:17 -0500
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:8d951baf795f
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 ######################################################################
3 # Copyright (c) 2016 Northrop Grumman.
4 # All rights reserved.
5 ######################################################################
6 from __future__ import print_function
7 import sys
8 import os
9 from scipy.stats import gmean
10 from argparse import ArgumentParser
11 from collections import defaultdict
12 import pandas as pd
14 #
15 # version 1.1 -- April 2016 -- C. Thomas
16 # modified to read in several input files and output to a directory
17 # + generates summary statistics
18 # also checks before running that input files are consistent with centroid file
19 #
22 def compare_MFIs(input_files, f_names, mfi_file):
23 header_MFIs = ""
24 flag_error = False
25 with open(mfi_file, "r") as mfi_check:
26 mfi_fl = mfi_check.readline().split("\t")
27 header_MFIs = "\t".join([mfi_fl[h] for h in range(1, len(mfi_fl))])
29 for hh, files in enumerate(input_files):
30 with open(files, "r") as inf:
31 hdrs = inf.readline()
32 if hdrs != header_MFIs:
33 sys.stderr.write(hdrs + "headers in " + f_names[hh] + " are not consistent with FLOCK centroid file:\n" + header_MFIs + "\n")
34 flag_error = True
35 if flag_error:
36 sys.exit(2)
39 def stats_MFIs(cs_df, ctr, mfi_calc):
40 if mfi_calc == "mfi":
41 MFIs = cs_df.groupby('Population').mean().round(decimals=2)
42 elif mfi_calc == "gmfi":
43 MFIs = cs_df.groupby('Population').agg(lambda x: gmean(list(x))).round(decimals=2)
44 else:
45 MFIs = cs_df.groupby('Population').median().round(decimals=2)
46 pop_freq = (cs_df.Population.value_counts(normalize=True) * 100).round(decimals=2)
47 sorted_pop_freq = pop_freq.sort_index()
48 MFIs['Percentage'] = sorted_pop_freq
49 MFIs['Population'] = MFIs.index
50 MFIs['SampleName'] = "".join(["Sample", str(ctr).zfill(2)])
51 return MFIs
54 def get_pop_prop(input_files, summary_stat, mfi_stats, marker_names, mfi_calc):
55 pop_count = defaultdict(dict)
56 mrk = marker_names.strip().split("\t")
57 markers = "\t".join([mrk[m] for m in range(1, len(mrk))])
59 ctr_mfi = 0
60 nb_pop = 0
61 tot = {}
62 with open(mfi_stats, "a") as mfis:
63 mfis.write("\t".join([markers, "Percentage", "Population", "SampleName"]) + "\n")
64 for files in input_files:
65 cs = pd.read_table(files)
66 tot[files] = len(cs.index)
67 for pops in cs.Population:
68 if pops in pop_count[files]:
69 pop_count[files][pops] += 1
70 else:
71 pop_count[files][pops] = 1
72 if (len(pop_count[files]) > nb_pop):
73 nb_pop = len(pop_count[files])
74 ctr_mfi += 1
75 cs_stats = stats_MFIs(cs, ctr_mfi, mfi_calc)
76 cs_stats.to_csv(mfis, sep="\t", header=False, index=False)
78 ctr = 0
79 with open(summary_stat, "w") as outf:
80 itpop = [str(x) for x in range(1, nb_pop + 1)]
81 cols = "\t".join(itpop)
82 outf.write("FileID\tSampleName\t" + cols + "\n")
83 for eachfile in pop_count:
84 tmp = []
85 for num in range(1, nb_pop + 1):
86 if num not in pop_count[eachfile]:
87 pop_count[eachfile][num] = 0
88 tmp.append(str((pop_count[eachfile][num] / float(tot[eachfile])) * 100))
89 props = "\t".join(tmp)
90 ctr += 1
91 sample_name = "".join(["Sample", str(ctr).zfill(2)])
92 outf.write("\t".join([input_files[eachfile], sample_name, props]) + "\n")
95 def run_cross_sample(input_files, f_names, mfi_file, output_dir, summary_stat,
96 mfi_stats, tool_directory, mfi_calc):
97 markers = ""
98 # Strip off Header Line
99 with open(mfi_file, "r") as mfi_in, open("mfi.txt", "w") as mfi_out:
100 markers = mfi_in.readline().strip("\n")
101 for line in mfi_in:
102 mfi_out.write(line)
104 # Create output directory
105 if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
106 os.makedirs(output_dir)
108 outputs = {}
109 # Run cent_adjust
110 for nm, flow_file in enumerate(input_files):
111 run_command = tool_directory + "/bin/cent_adjust mfi.txt " + flow_file
112 print(run_command)
113 os.system(run_command)
114 flow_name = os.path.split(flow_file)[1]
115 outfile = os.path.join(output_dir, flow_name + ".flowclr")
116 outputs[outfile] = f_names[nm]
117 with open(flow_file, "r") as flowf, open("population_id.txt", "r") as popf, open(outfile, "w") as outf:
118 f_line = flowf.readline()
119 f_line = f_line.rstrip()
120 f_line = f_line + "\tPopulation\n"
121 outf.write(f_line)
123 for line in flowf:
124 line = line.rstrip()
125 pop_line = popf.readline()
126 pop_line = pop_line.rstrip()
127 line = line + "\t" + pop_line + "\n"
128 outf.write(line)
129 get_pop_prop(outputs, summary_stat, mfi_stats, markers, mfi_calc)
130 return
133 def generate_CS_stats(mfi_stats, all_stats):
134 df = pd.read_table(mfi_stats)
135 means = df.groupby('Population').mean().round(decimals=2)
136 medians = df.groupby('Population').median().round(decimals=2)
137 stdev = df.groupby('Population').std().round(decimals=2)
138 all_markers = []
139 with open(mfi_stats, "r") as ms:
140 ms_fl = ms.readline().strip()
141 all_markers = ms_fl.split("\t")[0:-2]
143 with open(all_stats, "w") as mstats:
144 hdgs = ["\t".join(["_".join([mrs, "mean"]), "_".join([mrs, "median"]), "_".join([mrs, "stdev"])]) for mrs in all_markers]
145 mstats.write("Population\t")
146 mstats.write("\t".join(hdgs) + "\n")
147 for pops in set(df.Population):
148 tmp_line = []
149 for mar in all_markers:
150 tmp_line.append("\t".join([str(means.loc[pops, mar]), str(medians.loc[pops, mar]), str(stdev.loc[pops, mar])]))
151 mstats.write(str(pops) + "\t")
152 mstats.write("\t".join(tmp_line) + "\n")
155 if __name__ == "__main__":
156 parser = ArgumentParser(
157 prog="runCrossSample",
158 description="Run CrossSample on Flow file")
160 parser.add_argument(
161 '-i',
162 dest="input_files",
163 required=True,
164 action='append',
165 help="File locations for flow text files.")
167 parser.add_argument(
168 '-n',
169 dest="filenames",
170 required=True,
171 action='append',
172 help="Filenames")
174 parser.add_argument(
175 '-m',
176 dest="mfi",
177 required=True,
178 help="File location for the MFI text file.")
180 parser.add_argument(
181 '-o',
182 dest="out_path",
183 required=True,
184 help="Path to the directory for the output files.")
186 parser.add_argument(
187 '-M',
188 dest="mfi_calc",
189 required=True,
190 help="what to calculate for centroids.")
192 parser.add_argument(
193 '-s',
194 dest="sstat",
195 required=True,
196 help="File location for the summary statistics.")
198 parser.add_argument(
199 '-S',
200 dest="mfi_stat",
201 required=True,
202 help="File location for the MFI summary statistics.")
204 parser.add_argument(
205 '-t',
206 dest="tool_dir",
207 required=True,
208 help="File location for cent_adjust.")
210 parser.add_argument(
211 '-a',
212 dest="all_stats",
213 required=True,
214 help="File location for stats on all markers.")
216 args = parser.parse_args()
218 input_files = [f for f in args.input_files]
219 input_names = [n for n in args.filenames]
220 compare_MFIs(input_files, input_names, args.mfi)
221 run_cross_sample(input_files, input_names, args.mfi, args.out_path, args.sstat, args.mfi_stat, args.tool_dir, args.mfi_calc)
222 generate_CS_stats(args.mfi_stat, args.all_stats)
224 sys.exit(0)