view FCSflowAI.xml @ 3:dd00eee6cd06 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit bbff20e20dc2b9dbb40b613a0d5f16ee8132446d
author azomics
date Fri, 29 Sep 2023 07:19:30 +0000
parents fab7c5deeb65
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<tool id="flowAI" name="flowAI" version="1.0+galaxy2">
  <description> automatic quality control</description>
    <requirement type="package" version="1.42.0">bioconductor-flowcore</requirement>
    <requirement type="package" version="1.2.9">bioconductor-flowai</requirement>
    <requirement type="package" version="0.0.1">mscorefonts</requirement>
    <exit_code range="1:" level="fatal" description="See stderr for more details."/>
      Rscript $__tool_directory__/FCSflowAI.R '${input}' '${remove}' $alphaFR $chremFS $outFS $penFS '${sideFM}' report.html high.fcs low.fcs qc.fcs &&
      cp report.html $full_rep
      #if $highQ_FCS:
        && cp high.fcs $highfcs
      #end if
      #if $lowQ_FCS:
        && cp low.fcs $lowfcs
      #end if
      #if $QC_FCS:
        && cp qc.fcs $qcfcs
      #end if
    <param format="fcs" name="input" type="data" label="FCS file"/>
    <param name="remove" type="select" label="Remove low quality cells from:">
      <option value="all">Flow rate, Signal acquisition and Dynamic range</option>
      <option value="FR_FS">Flow rate and Signal acquisition</option>
      <option value="FR_FM">Flow rate and Dynamic range</option>
      <option value="FS_FM">Signal acquisition and Dynamic range</option>
      <option value="FR">Flow rate</option>
      <option value="FS">Signal acquisition</option>
      <option value="FM">Dynamic range</option>
    <param name="alphaFR" type="float" label="Significance threshold for flow rate check:" value="0.01"/>
    <param name="chremFS" type="boolean" checked="true" truevalue="TRUE" falsevalue="FALSE" label="Do you want to exclude the FSC and SSC parameters from the signal acquisition check?" help="The FSC and SSC parameters will not be taken into account for analysis but will not be removed."/>
    <param name="outFS" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="TRUE" falsevalue="FALSE" label="Do you want to remove outliers before the signal acquisition check?"/>
    <param name="penFS" type="integer" label="Stringency of signal acquisition check (higher tolerance with higher values):" value="200"/>
    <param name="sideFM" type="select" label="Include in dynamic range check:">
      <option value="both">Both limits</option>
      <option value="upper">Upper limit only</option>
      <option value="lower">Lower limit only</option>
    <param name="highQ_FCS" type="boolean" checked="true" truevalue="TRUE" falsevalue="FALSE" label="Create FCS file with only high quality events?"/>
    <param name="lowQ_FCS" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="TRUE" falsevalue="FALSE" label="Create FCS file with only low quality events?"/>
    <param name="QC_FCS" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="TRUE" falsevalue="FALSE" label="Create FCS file with an additional parameter where low quality events have values higher than 10,000?"/>
    <data format="html" name="full_rep" label="QC of ${}">
    <data format="fcs" name="highfcs" label="High quality events only from ${}">
    <data format="fcs" name="lowfcs" label="Low quality events only from ${}">
    <data format="fcs" name="qcfcs" label="All events (low quality event marked up) from ${}">
    <test expect_num_outputs="2">
      <param name="input" value="input.fcs"/>
      <param name="remove" value="all"/>
      <param name="alphaFR" value="0.01"/>
      <param name="chremFS" value="TRUE"/>
      <param name="outFS" value="FALSE"/>
      <param name="penFS" value="200"/>
      <param name="sideFM" value="both"/>
      <param name="highQ_FCS" value="TRUE"/>
      <param name="lowQ_FCS" value="FALSE"/>
      <param name="QC_FCS" value="FALSE"/>
      <output name="full_rep">
          <has_n_lines min="100" max="500"/>
          <has_text text="data:image/png;base64"/>
          <has_text text="Dynamic range check"/>
          <has_text text="total_UNIQUE"/>
          <has_size value="320266" delta="30000"/>
      <output name="highfcs" file="std/hqdata.fcs" compare="sim_size"/>
    <test expect_num_outputs="4">
      <param name="input" value="input.fcs"/>
      <param name="remove" value="all"/>
      <param name="alphaFR" value="0.01"/>
      <param name="chremFS" value="TRUE"/>
      <param name="outFS" value="FALSE"/>
      <param name="penFS" value="200"/>
      <param name="sideFM" value="both"/>
      <param name="highQ_FCS" value="TRUE"/>
      <param name="lowQ_FCS" value="TRUE"/>
      <param name="QC_FCS" value="TRUE"/>
      <output name="full_rep">
          <has_n_lines min="100" max="500"/>
          <has_text text="data:image/png;base64"/>
          <has_text text="Dynamic range check"/>
          <has_text text="total_UNIQUE"/>
          <has_size value="320266" delta="30000"/>
      <output name="highfcs" file="std/hqdata.fcs" compare="sim_size"/>
      <output name="lowfcs" file="std/lqdata.fcs" compare="sim_size"/>
      <output name="qcfcs" file="std/alldata.fcs" compare="sim_size"/>
    <test expect_num_outputs="2">
      <param name="input" value="input.fcs"/>
      <param name="remove" value="all"/>
      <param name="alphaFR" value="0.01"/>
      <param name="chremFS" value="TRUE"/>
      <param name="outFS" value="TRUE"/>
      <param name="penFS" value="200"/>
      <param name="sideFM" value="both"/>
      <param name="highQ_FCS" value="TRUE"/>
      <param name="lowQ_FCS" value="FALSE"/>
      <param name="QC_FCS" value="FALSE"/>
      <output name="full_rep">
          <has_n_lines min="100" max="500"/>
          <has_text text="data:image/png;base64"/>
          <has_text text="Dynamic range check"/>
          <has_size value="320433" delta="30000"/>
      <output name="highfcs" file="nooutliers/hqdata_nooutliers.fcs" compare="sim_size"/>
    <test expect_num_outputs="2">
      <param name="input" value="input.fcs"/>
      <param name="remove" value="all"/>
      <param name="alphaFR" value="0.01"/>
      <param name="chremFS" value="FALSE"/>
      <param name="outFS" value="FALSE"/>
      <param name="penFS" value="200"/>
      <param name="sideFM" value="both"/>
      <param name="highQ_FCS" value="TRUE"/>
      <param name="lowQ_FCS" value="FALSE"/>
      <param name="QC_FCS" value="FALSE"/>
      <output name="full_rep">
          <has_n_lines min="100" max="500"/>
          <has_text text="data:image/png;base64"/>
          <has_text text="Dynamic range check"/>
          <has_text text="total_UNIQUE"/>
          <has_size value="320220" delta="30000"/>
      <output name="highfcs" file="withsfsc/hqdata_sfsc.fcs" compare="sim_size"/>
   This tool automatically performs quality control of flow cytometry data.


**Input files**

  • One or more FCS files.

**Output files**

  • full HTML report
  • new FCS file containing only high quality events (default)
  • new FCS file containing only low quality events (optional)
  • original FCS file containing an additional parameter where the low quality events have a value higher than 10,000 (optional)

The files generated will be FCS 3.0.


Description of the approach
This tool identifies anomalies from three fundamental properties of flow cytometry data:

  - *Flow rate*. Surges and substantial shifts of the rate of the cells passing through the capillary tube are detected.

  - *Signal acquisition*. Instability in the signal acquired for each channel are detected. In most cases it corresponds to flow rate surges and shifts.

  - *Dynamic range*. Values recorded in the upper limit (margin events) and negative outliers are removed.

.. class:: infomark

An HTML report with informative plots is generated. Users are advised to review the report and also::

  1. Eventually adjust the quality control parameters
  2. Discard the entire FCS file because of an unacceptable number of anomalies
  3. Program a flow cytometry maintenance because of recurrent issues

Default settings work well in the majority of cases. Setting customization may be needed to address properties of unique datasets. For example, high-dimensional FCS files may perform best with more tolerant setttings for signal acquisition checks.

This section provides an example of a flowAI quality control html report with plots:

Flow rate check: anomalies are flagged with a green circle. In this instance a surge was detected and discarded as well as a shift from the median value later in the experiment.

.. image:: ./static/images/flowtools/autoflowrate.png

Signal acquistion check: Orange background (or yellow depending on the user's computer) highlights the stable region. Signal acquistion shifts are identified on a per channel basis and the largest region containing no anomalies is retained.

.. image:: ./static/images/flowtools/autosignal.png

Dynamic range check: red and blue lines reflect the detected number of events over time. The x-axis corresponds to that of the signal acquisition plot.

.. image:: ./static/images/flowtools/margins.png

    <citation type="doi">10.1093/bioinformatics/btw191</citation>