comparison runFlockMFI.xml @ 2:b6b4d08b6858 draft default tip

"planemo upload for repository commit 7e94637827c3637229f3b568fa7f9d38428d6607"
author azomics
date Fri, 17 Jul 2020 09:06:54 -0400
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:81f9b44f5242 2:b6b4d08b6858
1 <tool id="run_flock" name="Run FLOCK" version="1.2+galaxy0" profile="18.01">
2 <description>using a FCS file that was converted/transformed to a text file</description>
3 <requirements>
4 <requirement type="package" version="1.5.1">scipy</requirement>
5 <requirement type="package" version="1.0.5">pandas</requirement>
6 <requirement type="package" version="1.0">flock</requirement>
7 </requirements>
8 <stdio>
9 <exit_code range="1:" />
10 </stdio>
11 <command><![CDATA[
12 python3 '$__tool_directory__/' -i '${input}' -m '${method}' -o '${output}' -c '${centroid}' -M '${mfi}' -p '${profile}'
13 #if $bins
14 -b $bins
15 #end if
16 #if $density
17 -d $density
18 #end if
19 ]]>
20 </command>
21 <inputs>
22 <param format="flowtext" name="input" type="data" label="Source file"/>
23 <param name="method" type="select" label="Method">
24 <option value="flock1" selected="true">Flock Version 1</option>
25 <option value="flock2">Flock Version 2</option>
26 </param>
27 <param name="bins" type="integer" min="6" max="30" optional="true" value="" label="bins (6-30)"/>
28 <param name="density" type="integer" min="2" max="100" optional="true" value="" label="density (2-100)"/>
29 <param name="mfi" type="select" label="Calculate centroids using:">
30 <option value="mfi" selected="true">Mean Fluorescence Intensity</option>
31 <option value="mdfi">Median Fluorescence Intensity</option>
32 <option value="gmfi">Geometric Mean Fluorescence Intensity</option>
33 </param>
34 </inputs>
35 <outputs>
36 <data format="flowclr" name="output" label="${method} with ${mfi} on ${}"/>
37 <data format="flowmfi" name="centroid" label="${mfi} centroids from ${method} on ${}"/>
38 <data format="flowscore" name="profile" label="Population score profiles from ${method} on ${}"/>
39 </outputs>
40 <tests>
41 <test>
42 <param name="input" value="input.flowtext"/>
43 <param name="method" value="flock1"/>
44 <param name="bins" value=""/>
45 <param name="density" value=""/>
46 <param name="mfi" value="mfi"/>
47 <output name="output" file="out1.flowclr"/>
48 <output name="centroid" file="mfi.flowmfi"/>
49 <output name="profile" file="out1.flowscore"/>
50 </test>
51 <test>
52 <param name="input" value="input.flowtext"/>
53 <param name="method" value="flock2"/>
54 <param name="bins" value=""/>
55 <param name="density" value=""/>
56 <param name="mfi" value="mfi"/>
57 <output name="output" file="out2.flowclr"/>
58 <output name="centroid" file="mfi2.flowmfi"/>
59 <output name="profile" file="out2.flowscore"/>
60 </test>
61 <test>
62 <param name="input" value="input.flowtext"/>
63 <param name="method" value="flock1"/>
64 <param name="bins" value="7"/>
65 <param name="density" value="3"/>
66 <param name="mfi" value="mfi"/>
67 <output name="output" file="out3.flowclr"/>
68 <output name="centroid" file="mfi3.flowmfi"/>
69 <output name="profile" file="out3.flowscore"/>
70 </test>
71 </tests>
72 <help><![CDATA[
73 This tool runs FLOCK using a FCS file that was converted to a text file.
75 -----
77 .. image:: ./static/images/flowtools/flock_logo.png
79 FLOCK (FLOw Clustering without K) is a computational approach to flow cytometry analysis which:
81 1. Computationally determines the number of unique populations in high dimensional flow data using a rapid binning approach
82 2. Can handle non-spherical hyper-shapes
83 3. Maps populations across independent samples
84 4. Calculates many useful summary statistics
85 5. Finds the most informative parameters
86 6. Reduces subjective factors in manual gating
88 .. class:: warningmark
90 This tool is not intended to analyze CyTOF data as is.
92 -----
94 **Input**
96 FLOCK requires a text file, generated from a FCS file, as input.
97 In order to define the populations in a given dataset collection for a given set of markers, run FLOCK on a super-set of FCS file. Use the Downsample and merge tool to concatenate and/or downsample datasets, and remove, edit or rearrange markers before running FLOCK on your favorite set of markers.
99 .. class:: infomark
101 Tip: Make sure to keep only columns containing data from markers.
103 **Output**
105 *FLOCK*
107 FLOCK attributes each event to a population and generates a text file.
109 *Centroids*
111 The centroid file is a table containing the mean, median or geometric mean fluorescent intensity values of each marker within each population defined by FLOCK, as determined by the user.
113 *Population scores*
115 This output is a table containing marker scores for each population. The score value is a number indicating the degree to which this population expresses each marker, as follows:
117 - 1 implies negative expression
118 - 2 implies low expression
119 - 3 implies positive expression
120 - 4 implies highly positive expression
122 -----
124 **Example**
126 *Input* - fluorescence intensities per marker per event::
128 Marker1 Marker2 Marker3 ...
129 34 45 12 ...
130 33 65 10 ...
131 19 62 98 ...
132 12 36 58 ...
133 ... ... ... ...
135 *FLOCK Output* - fluorescence intensities per marker and population ID per event::
137 Marker1 Marker2 Marker3 ... Population
138 34 45 12 ... 1
139 33 65 10 ... 5
140 19 62 98 ... 2
141 12 36 58 ... 1
142 ... ... ... ... ...
144 *Centroid file* - mean, geometric mean or median fluorescence intensity per marker per population::
146 Population Marker1 Marker2 Marker3 ...
147 1 38 49 10 ...
148 2 21 63 100 ...
149 3 31 52 45 ...
150 4 11 78 25 ...
151 ... ... ... ... ...
153 *Population profile file*::
155 Population_ID Marker1 Marker2 Marker3 ... Count Percentage
156 1 1 3 2 ... 3885 6.44
157 2 1 3 4 ... 2774 4.62
158 3 2 2 3 ... 2151 3.59
159 4 1 3 2 ... 1207 2.01
160 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
161 ]]>
162 </help>
163 <citations>
164 <citation type="doi">10.1002/cyto.b.20554</citation>
165 </citations>
166 </tool>