view ivar_consensus.xml @ 17:40737febe339 draft

planemo upload for repository commit dab395b37976a99a62334c3188073ee8b97f451f
author iuc
date Mon, 11 Mar 2024 15:47:36 +0000
parents e4ee04da1c19
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="ivar_consensus" name="ivar consensus" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy0" profile="@PROFILE@">
    <description>Call consensus from aligned BAM file</description>
    <expand macro="requirements"/>
    <expand macro="version_command"/>
    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
        #import re
        #set $clean_name = re.sub('[^\w\-]', '_', str($input_bam.element_identifier))
        ln -s '$input_bam' sorted.bam &&
        samtools mpileup -A -a -d 0 -Q 0 sorted.bam | ivar consensus
        -p consensus
        -q $min_qual
        -t $min_freq
        -c $min_indel_freq
        -m $min_depth
        sed -i "s|consensus|$clean_name|" consensus.fa
        <param name="input_bam" type="data" format="bam" label="Bam file" help="Aligned reads, to trim primers and quality"/>
        <param name="min_qual" argument="-q" type="integer" min="0" max="255" value="20" label="Minimum quality score threshold to count base"/>
        <param name="min_freq" argument="-t" type="float" min="0" max="1" value="0.0" label="Minimum frequency threshold">
           0 - Majority or most common base <br/>
         0.2 - Bases that make up atleast 20% of the depth at a position <br/>
         0.5 - Strict or bases that make up atleast 50% of the depth at a position <br/>
         0.9 - Strict or bases that make up atleast 90% of the depth at a position <br/>
           1 - Identical or bases that make up 100% of the depth at a position. Will have highest ambiguities 
        <param name="min_indel_freq" argument="-c" type="float" min="0" max="1" value="0.8" label="Minimum indel frequency threshold" help="Same meaning as the &quot;Minimum frequency threshold&quot; above, but applied to indels."/>
        <param name="min_depth" argument="-m" type="integer" min="1" value="10" label="Minimum depth to call consensus"/>
        <param name="depth_action" type="select" label="How to represent positions with coverage less than the minimum depth threshold">
            <option value="-k">Drop from output (-k)</option>
            <option value="-n N" selected="true">Represent as N (-n N)</option>
            <option value="-n -">Represent as - (-n -)</option>
        <data name="consensus" format="fasta" label="${} on ${on_string} Consensus" from_work_dir="consensus.fa"/>
            <param name="input_bam" value="covid19/PC00101P_sub.trimmed.sorted.bam" />
            <output name="consensus" file="covid19/PC00101P_sub.fa" ftype="fasta" compare="contains" lines_diff="1"/>
    .. class:: infomark

    To generate a consensus sequence iVar uses the output of samtools mpileup
    command. The mpileup output must be piped into ivar consensus
    The command formed by this wrapper is :
    samtools mpileup -A -a -d 0 -Q 0 sorted.bam | ivar consensus [options]

    There are five parameters that can be set:

    - **Minimum quality**: the minimum quality of a base to be considered in calculations of variant frequencies at a given position

    - **Minimum frequency threshold**: the minimum frequency that the most likely base must surpass to be called as the consensus base at a position.

    - **Minimum indel frequency threshold**: has the same meaning as the previous threshold, but gets applied to indels specifically. Setting this threshold higher than the threshold applied to SNVs helps reduce indel artefacts in the generated consensus.

    - **Minimum depth to call consensus**: the minimum required depth to call a consensus base

    - **How to represent positions with coverage less than the minimum depth threshold**: for positions for which the above minimum depth to call a consensus base is not reached, you can choose one of three different actions:

      - Drop the position from the output entirely (-> the consensus sequence can become shorter than the reference used to produce the input BAM!)
      - Use an ``N``, or
      - Use a ``-`` to represent the position
    ]]>    </help>
    <expand macro="citations" />