# HG changeset patch
# User iuc
# Date 1496329822 14400
# Node ID cc96abdef027533377583544fd102f1e108f5260
# Parent c8c290f3ea7d3c71eca9e637f59e5e98719de71d
planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/tree/master/tools/masigpro commit c4510bf402d10e8e3a3c4c90c2d96666c987a256
diff -r c8c290f3ea7d -r cc96abdef027 masigpro.R
--- a/masigpro.R Mon May 15 07:29:03 2017 -0400
+++ b/masigpro.R Thu Jun 01 11:10:22 2017 -0400
@@ -1,104 +1,153 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
-# A command-line interface to maSigPro for use with Galaxy
-# written by Clemens Blank.
-# Thanks to Bjoern Gruening and Michael Love for their DESeq2
-# wrapper as a basis to build upon.
-# setup R error handling to go to stderr
-options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
-# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
-loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
- library("maSigPro")
- library("optparse")
- library("mclust")
-options(stringAsFactors = FALSE, useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
-args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
-# specify our desired options in a list
-# by default OptionParser will add an help option equivalent to
-# make_option(c("-h", "--help"), action="store_true", default=FALSE,
-# help="Show this help message and exit")
-option_list <- list(
- make_option(c("-q", "--quiet"), action="store_false",
- dest="verbose", help="Print little output"),
- make_option(c("-e", "--edesign"), type="character"),
- make_option(c("-d", "--data"), type="character"),
- make_option(c("-o", "--outfile"), type="character"),
- make_option("--degree", type="integer", default=1),
- make_option("--time_col", type="integer", default=1),
- make_option("--repl_col", type="integer", default=2),
- make_option("--qvalue", type="double", default=0.05),
- make_option("--min_obs", type="integer", default=6),
- make_option("--step_method", type="character", default="backward"),
- make_option("--nvar_correction", type="logical", default=FALSE),
- make_option("--alfa", type="double", default=0.05),
- make_option("--rsq", type="double", default=0.7),
- make_option("--vars", type="character", default="groups"),
- make_option("--significant_intercept", type="character", default="dummy"),
- make_option("--cluster_data", type="integer", default=1),
- make_option(c("-k", "--k"), type="integer", default=9),
- make_option("--cluster_method", type="character", default="hclust"),
- make_option("--distance", type="character", default="cor"),
- make_option("--agglo_method", type="character", default="ward.D"),
- make_option("--iter_max", type="integer", default=500),
- make_option("--color_mode", type="character", default="rainbow"),
- make_option("--show_fit", type="logical", default=TRUE),
- make_option("--show_lines", type="logical", default=TRUE),
- make_option("--cexlab", type="double", default=0.8),
- make_option("--legend", type="logical", default=TRUE)
-# get command line options, if help option encountered print help and exit,
-# otherwise if options not found on command line then set defaults
-opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list))
-# enforce the following required arguments
-if (is.null(opt$edesign)) {
- cat("'edesign' is required\n")
- q(status=1)
-if (is.null(opt$data)) {
- cat("'data' is required\n")
- q(status=1)
-if (is.null(opt$outfile)) {
- cat("'outfile' is required\n")
- q(status=1)
-verbose <- if (is.null(opt$quiet)) {
-} else {
-edesign <- as.matrix(read.table(opt$edesign, header=TRUE, row.names = 1))
-data <- read.table(opt$data, header=TRUE)
-results <- maSigPro(data, edesign, degree = opt$degree, time.col = opt$time_col,
- repl.col = opt$repl_col, Q = opt$qvalue, min.obs = opt$min_obs,
- step.method = opt$step_method, nvar.correction = opt$nvar_correction,
- alfa = opt$alfa, rsq = opt$rsq, vars = opt$vars,
- significant.intercept = opt$significant_intercept,
- cluster.data = opt$cluster_data, k = opt$k,
- cluster.method = opt$cluster_method, distance = opt$distance,
- agglo.method = opt$agglo_method, iter.max = opt$iter_max,
- color.mode = opt$color_mode, show.fit = opt$show_fit,
- show.lines = opt$show_lines, cexlab = opt$cexlab,
- legend = opt$legend)
-filename <- opt$outfile
-write.table((results$summary), file=filename, sep="\t", quote=FALSE,
- row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE)
-cat("Session information:\n\n")
\ No newline at end of file
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# A command-line interface to maSigPro for use with Galaxy
+# written by Clemens Blank.
+# Thanks to Bjoern Gruening and Michael Love for their DESeq2
+# wrapper as a basis to build upon.
+# setup R error handling to go to stderr
+options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+ library("maSigPro")
+ library("optparse")
+ library("mclust")
+# The following code fixes an error in the stepback function
+# of the maSigPro package. This code is hopefully temporary
+# and can be removed if the fix is included in a future
+# version. The stepback function in the maSigPro namespace
+# will be overwritten by the following function.
+stepback <- function (y = y, d = d, alfa = 0.05, family = gaussian() , epsilon=0.00001)
+ lm1 <- glm(y ~ ., data = d, family=family, epsilon=epsilon)
+ result <- summary(lm1)
+ max <- max(result$coefficients[, 4][-1], na.rm = TRUE)
+ if (length(result$coefficients[, 4][-1]) == 1) {
+ if (max > alfa) {
+ max = 0
+ lm1 <- glm(y ~ 1, family=family, epsilon=epsilon)
+ }
+ }
+ while (max > alfa) {
+ varout <- names(result$coefficients[, 4][-1])[result$coefficients[,
+ 4][-1] == max][1]
+ pos <- position(matrix = d, vari = varout)
+ d <- d[, -pos]
+ if (length(result$coefficients[, 4][-1]) == 2) {
+ min <- min(result$coefficients[, 4][-1], na.rm = TRUE)
+ lastname <- names(result$coefficients[, 4][-1])[result$coefficients[,4][-1] == min]
+ }
+ if (is.null(dim(d))) {
+ d <- as.data.frame(d)
+ colnames(d) <- lastname
+ }
+ lm1 <- glm(y ~ ., data = d, family=family, epsilon=epsilon)
+ result <- summary(lm1)
+ max <- max(result$coefficients[, 4][-1], na.rm = TRUE)
+ if (length(result$coefficients[, 4][-1]) == 1) {
+ max <- result$coefficients[, 4][-1]
+ if (max > alfa) {
+ max = 0
+ lm1 <- glm(y ~ 1, family=family, epsilon=epsilon)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(lm1)
+unlockBinding("stepback", as.environment("package:maSigPro"))
+assignInNamespace("stepback", stepback, ns="maSigPro", envir=as.environment("package:maSigPro"))
+assign("stepback", stepback, as.environment("package:maSigPro"))
+lockBinding("stepback", as.environment("package:maSigPro"))
+# End of temporary code to fix stepback.R
+options(stringAsFactors = FALSE, useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
+args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
+# specify our desired options in a list
+# by default OptionParser will add an help option equivalent to
+# make_option(c("-h", "--help"), action="store_true", default=FALSE,
+# help="Show this help message and exit")
+option_list <- list(
+ make_option(c("-q", "--quiet"), action="store_false",
+ dest="verbose", help="Print little output"),
+ make_option(c("-e", "--edesign"), type="character"),
+ make_option(c("-d", "--data"), type="character"),
+ make_option(c("-o", "--outfile"), type="character"),
+ make_option("--degree", type="integer", default=1),
+ make_option("--time_col", type="integer", default=1),
+ make_option("--repl_col", type="integer", default=2),
+ make_option("--qvalue", type="double", default=0.05),
+ make_option("--min_obs", type="integer", default=6),
+ make_option("--step_method", type="character", default="backward"),
+ make_option("--nvar_correction", type="logical", default=FALSE),
+ make_option("--alfa", type="double", default=0.05),
+ make_option("--rsq", type="double", default=0.7),
+ make_option("--vars", type="character", default="groups"),
+ make_option("--significant_intercept", type="character", default="dummy"),
+ make_option("--cluster_data", type="integer", default=1),
+ make_option(c("-k", "--k"), type="integer", default=9),
+ make_option("--cluster_method", type="character", default="hclust"),
+ make_option("--distance", type="character", default="cor"),
+ make_option("--agglo_method", type="character", default="ward.D"),
+ make_option("--iter_max", type="integer", default=500),
+ make_option("--color_mode", type="character", default="rainbow"),
+ make_option("--show_fit", type="logical", default=TRUE),
+ make_option("--show_lines", type="logical", default=TRUE),
+ make_option("--cexlab", type="double", default=0.8),
+ make_option("--legend", type="logical", default=TRUE)
+# get command line options, if help option encountered print help and exit,
+# otherwise if options not found on command line then set defaults
+opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list))
+# enforce the following required arguments
+if (is.null(opt$edesign)) {
+ cat("'edesign' is required\n")
+ q(status=1)
+if (is.null(opt$data)) {
+ cat("'data' is required\n")
+ q(status=1)
+if (is.null(opt$outfile)) {
+ cat("'outfile' is required\n")
+ q(status=1)
+verbose <- if (is.null(opt$quiet)) {
+} else {
+edesign <- as.matrix(read.table(opt$edesign, header=TRUE, row.names = 1))
+data <- read.table(opt$data, header=TRUE, check.names=FALSE)
+results <- maSigPro(data, edesign, degree = opt$degree, time.col = opt$time_col,
+ repl.col = opt$repl_col, Q = opt$qvalue, min.obs = opt$min_obs,
+ step.method = opt$step_method, nvar.correction = opt$nvar_correction,
+ alfa = opt$alfa, rsq = opt$rsq, vars = opt$vars,
+ significant.intercept = opt$significant_intercept,
+ cluster.data = opt$cluster_data, k = opt$k,
+ cluster.method = opt$cluster_method, distance = opt$distance,
+ agglo.method = opt$agglo_method, iter.max = opt$iter_max,
+ color.mode = opt$color_mode, show.fit = opt$show_fit,
+ show.lines = opt$show_lines, cexlab = opt$cexlab,
+ legend = opt$legend)
+filename <- opt$outfile
+write.table((results$summary), file=filename, sep="\t", quote=FALSE,
+ row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE)
+cat("Session information:\n\n")
diff -r c8c290f3ea7d -r cc96abdef027 masigpro.xml
--- a/masigpro.xml Mon May 15 07:29:03 2017 -0400
+++ b/masigpro.xml Thu Jun 01 11:10:22 2017 -0400
@@ -1,430 +1,430 @@
- Significant Gene Expression Profile Differences in Time Course Gene Expression Data
- bioconductor-masigpro
- r-optparse
- sed
- /dev/null | grep -v -i "WARNING: ")
- ]]>
- data && sed -i '1i$header' data &&
- #if $source.enable_output:
- ln -f data $data_out && ln -f $design_matrix $edesign_out &&
- #end if
- #set $data = 'data'
- #set $edesign = $design_matrix
- #else:
- #set $data = $source.data
- #set $edesign = $source.edesign
- #end if
- Rscript '${__tool_directory__}/masigpro.R'
- -e '$edesign'
- -d '$data'
- -o '$masigpro_out'
- #if str($source.source_selector) == "defaults":
- --time_col $source.time_col
- --repl_col $source.repl_col
- #end if
- --degree $makeDesignMatrix.degree
- --qvalue $p_vector.qvalue
- --min_obs $p_vector.min_obs
- --step_method '$Tfit.step_method'
- --nvar_correction $Tfit.nvar_correction
- --alfa $Tfit.alfa
- --rsq $getSiggenes.rsq
- --vars '$getSiggenes.vars'
- --significant_intercept '$getSiggenes.significant_intercept'
- #if $pdf.pdf_selector:
- --cluster_data $pdf.seeGenes.clusterData
- -k $pdf.seeGenes.k
- --cluster_method $pdf.seeGenes.clustering.clusterMethod
- #if str($pdf.seeGenes.clustering.clusterMethod) == "hclust":
- --distance $pdf.seeGenes.clustering.distance
- --agglo_method $pdf.seeGenes.clustering.aggloMethod
- #end if
- #if str($pdf.seeGenes.clustering.clusterMethod) == "kmeans":
- --iter_max $pdf.seeGenes.clustering.iterMax
- #end if
- --color_mode $pdf.seeGenes.colorMode
- --show_fit $pdf.seeGenes.showFit
- --show_lines $pdf.seeGenes.showLines
- --cexlab $pdf.seeGenes.cexlab
- --legend $pdf.seeGenes.legend
- #end if
- ]]>
-#if str($source.source_selector) == "advanced":
-#set $header = "Name Time Replicate"
-#for $group in $source.rep_groups:
- #set $header = $header + ' ' + str($group.name)
-#end for
-#set $c = len($source.rep_repl) + 1
-#for $time in $source.rep_time:
- #for $file in $time.files:
- #set $is_repl = False
- #for $i, $repl in enumerate($source.rep_repl):
- #if str($file) in str($repl.files):
- #set $r = $i + 1
- #set $is_repl = True
- #end if
- #end for
- #if $is_repl == False:
- #set $r = $c
- #set $c += 1
- #end if
- #set $line = '"' + str($file.name) + '" ' + str($time.time) + ' ' + str($r)
- #for $group in $source.rep_groups:
- #if str($file) in str($group.files):
- #set $line += " 1"
- #else
- #set $line += " 0"
- #end if
- #end for
- #end for
-#end for
-#end if
- ((
- source['source_selector'] == 'advanced' and
- source['enable_output'] == True
- ))
- ((
- source['source_selector'] == 'advanced' and
- source['enable_output'] == True
- ))
- ((
- pdf['pdf_selector'] == True
- ))
- 10.1093/bioinformatics/btl056
\ No newline at end of file
+ Significant Gene Expression Profile Differences in Time Course Gene Expression Data
+ bioconductor-masigpro
+ r-optparse
+ sed
+ /dev/null | grep -v -i "WARNING: ")
+ ]]>
+ data && sed -i '1i$header' data &&
+ #if $source.enable_output:
+ ln -f data $data_out && ln -f $design_matrix $edesign_out &&
+ #end if
+ #set $data = 'data'
+ #set $edesign = $design_matrix
+ #else:
+ #set $data = $source.data
+ #set $edesign = $source.edesign
+ #end if
+ Rscript '${__tool_directory__}/masigpro.R'
+ -e '$edesign'
+ -d '$data'
+ -o '$masigpro_out'
+ #if str($source.source_selector) == "defaults":
+ --time_col $source.time_col
+ --repl_col $source.repl_col
+ #end if
+ --degree $makeDesignMatrix.degree
+ --qvalue $p_vector.qvalue
+ --min_obs $p_vector.min_obs
+ --step_method '$Tfit.step_method'
+ --nvar_correction $Tfit.nvar_correction
+ --alfa $Tfit.alfa
+ --rsq $getSiggenes.rsq
+ --vars '$getSiggenes.vars'
+ --significant_intercept '$getSiggenes.significant_intercept'
+ #if $pdf.pdf_selector:
+ --cluster_data $pdf.seeGenes.clusterData
+ -k $pdf.seeGenes.k
+ --cluster_method $pdf.seeGenes.clustering.clusterMethod
+ #if str($pdf.seeGenes.clustering.clusterMethod) == "hclust":
+ --distance $pdf.seeGenes.clustering.distance
+ --agglo_method $pdf.seeGenes.clustering.aggloMethod
+ #end if
+ #if str($pdf.seeGenes.clustering.clusterMethod) == "kmeans":
+ --iter_max $pdf.seeGenes.clustering.iterMax
+ #end if
+ --color_mode $pdf.seeGenes.colorMode
+ --show_fit $pdf.seeGenes.showFit
+ --show_lines $pdf.seeGenes.showLines
+ --cexlab $pdf.seeGenes.cexlab
+ --legend $pdf.seeGenes.legend
+ #end if
+ ]]>
+#if str($source.source_selector) == "advanced":
+#set $header = "Name Time Replicate"
+#for $group in $source.rep_groups:
+ #set $header = $header + ' ' + str($group.name)
+#end for
+#set $c = len($source.rep_repl) + 1
+#for $time in $source.rep_time:
+ #for $file in $time.files:
+ #set $is_repl = False
+ #for $i, $repl in enumerate($source.rep_repl):
+ #if str($file) in str($repl.files):
+ #set $r = $i + 1
+ #set $is_repl = True
+ #end if
+ #end for
+ #if $is_repl == False:
+ #set $r = $c
+ #set $c += 1
+ #end if
+ #set $line = '"' + str($file.name) + '" ' + str($time.time) + ' ' + str($r)
+ #for $group in $source.rep_groups:
+ #if str($file) in str($group.files):
+ #set $line += " 1"
+ #else
+ #set $line += " 0"
+ #end if
+ #end for
+ #end for
+#end for
+#end if
+ ((
+ source['source_selector'] == 'advanced' and
+ source['enable_output'] == True
+ ))
+ ((
+ source['source_selector'] == 'advanced' and
+ source['enable_output'] == True
+ ))
+ ((
+ pdf['pdf_selector'] == True
+ ))
+ 10.1093/bioinformatics/btl056
diff -r c8c290f3ea7d -r cc96abdef027 test-data/Results.pdf
Binary file test-data/Results.pdf has changed