# HG changeset patch
# User iuc
# Date 1466183812 14400
# Node ID 62d1fae3b7d30a44e31c0e7847089aea5a2eaf31
# Parent 34c794383f815687265fec3afe2f39ab2969e7f8
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 fimo_wrapper.py
--- a/fimo_wrapper.py Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import argparse
-import os
-import shutil
-import string
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-BUFFSIZE = 1048576
-# Translation table for reverse Complement, with ambiguity codes.
-DNA_COMPLEMENT = string.maketrans("ACGTRYKMBDHVacgtrykmbdhv", "TGCAYRMKVHDBtgcayrmkvhdb")
-def reverse(sequence):
- # Reverse sequence string.
- return sequence[::-1]
-def dna_complement(sequence):
- # Complement DNA sequence string.
- return sequence.translate(DNA_COMPLEMENT)
-def dna_reverse_complement(sequence):
- # Returns the reverse complement of the sequence.
- sequence = reverse(sequence)
- return dna_complement(sequence)
-def stop_err(msg):
- sys.stderr.write(msg)
- sys.exit(1)
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('--input_motifs', dest='input_motifs', help='MEME output formatted files for input to fimo')
-parser.add_argument('--input_fasta', dest='input_fasta', help='Fassta sequence file')
-parser.add_argument('--options_type', dest='options_type', help='Basic or Advance options')
-parser.add_argument('--input_psp', dest='input_psp', default=None, help='File containing position specific priors')
-parser.add_argument('--input_prior_dist', dest='input_prior_dist', default=None, help='File containing binned distribution of priors')
-parser.add_argument('--alpha', dest='alpha', type=float, default=1.0, help='The alpha parameter for calculating position specific priors')
-parser.add_argument('--bgfile', dest='bgfile', default=None, help='Background file type, used only if not "default"')
-parser.add_argument('--max_strand', action='store_true', help='If matches on both strands at a given position satisfy the output threshold, only report the match for the strand with the higher score')
-parser.add_argument('--max_stored_scores', dest='max_stored_scores', type=int, help='Maximum score count to store')
-parser.add_argument('--motif', dest='motifs', action='append', default=[], help='Specify motif by id')
-parser.add_argument('--motif_pseudo', dest='motif_pseudo', type=float, default=0.1, help='Pseudocount to add to counts in motif matrix')
-parser.add_argument('--no_qvalue', action='store_true', help='Do not compute a q-value for each p-value')
-parser.add_argument('--norc', action='store_true', help='Do not score the reverse complement DNA strand')
-parser.add_argument('--output_path', dest='output_path', help='Output files directory')
-parser.add_argument('--parse_genomic_coord', action='store_true', help='Check each sequence header for UCSC style genomic coordinates')
-parser.add_argument('--qv_thresh', action='store_true', help='Use q-values for the output threshold')
-parser.add_argument('--thresh', dest='thresh', type=float, help='p-value threshold')
-parser.add_argument('--gff_output', dest='gff_output', help='Gff output file')
-parser.add_argument('--html_output', dest='html_output', help='HTML output file')
-parser.add_argument('--interval_output', dest='interval_output', help='Interval output file')
-parser.add_argument('--txt_output', dest='txt_output', help='Text output file')
-parser.add_argument('--xml_output', dest='xml_output', help='XML output file')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-fimo_cmd_list = ['fimo']
-if args.options_type == 'advanced':
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--alpha %4f' % args.alpha)
- if args.bgfile is not None:
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--bgfile "%s"' % args.bgfile)
- if args.max_strand:
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--max-strand')
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--max-stored-scores %d' % args.max_stored_scores)
- if len(args.motifs) > 0:
- for motif in args.motifs:
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--motif "%s"' % motif)
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--motif-pseudo %4f' % args.motif_pseudo)
- if args.no_qvalue:
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--no-qvalue')
- if args.norc:
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--norc')
- if args.parse_genomic_coord:
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--parse-genomic-coord')
- if args.qv_thresh:
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--qv-thresh')
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--thresh %4f' % args.thresh)
- if args.input_psp is not None:
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--psp "%s"' % args.input_psp)
- if args.input_prior_dist is not None:
- fimo_cmd_list.append('--prior-dist "%s"' % args.input_prior_dist)
-fimo_cmd_list.append('--o "%s"' % (args.output_path))
-fimo_cmd_list.append('--verbosity 1')
-fimo_cmd = ' '.join(fimo_cmd_list)
- tmp_stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- proc = subprocess.Popen(args=fimo_cmd, shell=True, stderr=tmp_stderr)
- returncode = proc.wait()
- tmp_stderr.seek(0)
- stderr = ''
- try:
- while True:
- stderr += tmp_stderr.read(BUFFSIZE)
- if not stderr or len(stderr) % BUFFSIZE != 0:
- break
- except OverflowError:
- pass
- if returncode != 0:
- stop_err(stderr)
-except Exception, e:
- stop_err('Error running FIMO:\n%s' % str(e))
-shutil.move(os.path.join(args.output_path, 'fimo.txt'), args.txt_output)
-shutil.move(os.path.join(args.output_path, 'fimo.gff'), args.gff_output)
-shutil.move(os.path.join(args.output_path, 'fimo.xml'), args.xml_output)
-shutil.move(os.path.join(args.output_path, 'fimo.html'), args.html_output)
-out_file = open(args.interval_output, 'wb')
-out_file.write("#%s\n" % "\t".join(("chr", "start", "end", "pattern name", "score", "strand", "matched sequence", "p-value", "q-value")))
-for line in open(args.txt_output):
- if line.startswith('#'):
- continue
- fields = line.rstrip("\n\r").split("\t")
- start, end = int(fields[2]), int(fields[3])
- sequence = fields[7]
- if start > end:
- # Flip start and end and set strand.
- start, end = end, start
- strand = "-"
- # We want sequences relative to strand; FIMO always provides + stranded sequence.
- sequence = dna_reverse_complement(sequence)
- else:
- strand = "+"
- # Make 0-based start position.
- start -= 1
- out_file.write("%s\n" % "\t".join([fields[1], str(start), str(end), fields[0], fields[4], strand, sequence, fields[5], fields[6]]))
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/fimo_output_almost-gff_1.txt
--- a/test-data/fimo_output_almost-gff_1.txt Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-##gff-version 3
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1388 1398 102 + . Name=1;ID=1-1-phiX174;pvalue=6.36e-11;qvalue= 1.25e-09;sequence=AATATCTATAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 847 857 102 + . Name=1;ID=1-2-phiX174;pvalue=7.02e-11;qvalue= 1.25e-09;sequence=AATGTCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2301 2311 99.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-3-phiX174;pvalue=1.08e-10;qvalue= 1.29e-09;sequence=AGGTTATAACG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5063 5073 95.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-4-phiX174;pvalue=2.73e-10;qvalue= 2.25e-09;sequence=AGGAGCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 989 999 95 + . Name=1;ID=1-5-phiX174;pvalue=3.15e-10;qvalue= 2.25e-09;sequence=TGAGGATAAAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4713 4723 91.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-6-phiX174;pvalue=7.74e-10;qvalue= 3.48e-09;sequence=GACTGCTATCA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5048 5058 90.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-7-phiX174;pvalue=8.51e-10;qvalue= 3.48e-09;sequence=TGCTGCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 855 865 90.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-8-phiX174;pvalue=8.64e-10;qvalue= 3.48e-09;sequence=AAGGTAAAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3155 3165 90.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-9-phiX174;pvalue=9.76e-10;qvalue= 3.48e-09;sequence=TATGGCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5009 5019 90.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-10-phiX174;pvalue=9.76e-10;qvalue= 3.48e-09;sequence=TGTGGCTAAAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 814 824 88.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-11-phiX174;pvalue=1.28e-09;qvalue= 4.14e-09;sequence=TGCGTCAAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2832 2842 88.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-12-phiX174;pvalue=1.42e-09;qvalue= 4.23e-09;sequence=TTGGTCTAACT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3830 3840 87.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-13-phiX174;pvalue=1.7e-09;qvalue= 4.68e-09;sequence=TATTGATAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3560 3570 87.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-14-phiX174;pvalue=1.89e-09;qvalue= 4.82e-09;sequence=TGCGTCTATTA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2882 2892 86.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-15-phiX174;pvalue=2.29e-09;qvalue= 5.46e-09;sequence=AGGTTATTAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4453 4463 85.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-16-phiX174;pvalue=2.58e-09;qvalue= 5.75e-09;sequence=AAGGTATTAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2493 2503 85.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-17-phiX174;pvalue=3.06e-09;qvalue= 5.79e-09;sequence=GACACCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4104 4114 85.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-18-phiX174;pvalue=3.08e-09;qvalue= 5.79e-09;sequence=GGCTTCCATAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4955 4965 85.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-19-phiX174;pvalue=3.08e-09;qvalue= 5.79e-09;sequence=TGATGCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1885 1895 84.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-20-phiX174;pvalue=3.61e-09;qvalue= 6.45e-09;sequence=TGCGACTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3376 3386 84.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-21-phiX174;pvalue=3.81e-09;qvalue= 6.48e-09;sequence=AGAATCAAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 52 62 83.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-22-phiX174;pvalue=4.06e-09;qvalue= 6.58e-09;sequence=TGAGTCGAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1390 1400 83.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-23-phiX174;pvalue=4.26e-09;qvalue= 6.61e-09;sequence=TATCTATAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2017 2027 83.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-24-phiX174;pvalue=4.6e-09;qvalue= 6.85e-09;sequence=TTCGTCTAAGA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1000 1010 83.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-25-phiX174;pvalue=4.88e-09;qvalue= 6.97e-09;sequence=TATGTCTAATA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1555 1565 82.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-26-phiX174;pvalue=5.58e-09;qvalue= 7.37e-09;sequence=GACTTCTACCA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4430 4440 82.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-27-phiX174;pvalue=5.62e-09;qvalue= 7.37e-09;sequence=TGAGTATAATT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1927 1937 82.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-28-phiX174;pvalue=5.82e-09;qvalue= 7.37e-09;sequence=GACTTATACCG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2981 2991 82.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-29-phiX174;pvalue=6.13e-09;qvalue= 7.37e-09;sequence=CATGTCTAAAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4203 4213 82 + . Name=1;ID=1-30-phiX174;pvalue=6.34e-09;qvalue= 7.37e-09;sequence=GACGGCCATAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1669 1679 81.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-31-phiX174;pvalue=6.4e-09;qvalue= 7.37e-09;sequence=TGGAGGTAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3260 3270 81.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-32-phiX174;pvalue=7.01e-09;qvalue= 7.82e-09;sequence=CGCTGATAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3047 3057 81.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-33-phiX174;pvalue=7.4e-09;qvalue= 7.85e-09;sequence=TACCGATAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4176 4186 81.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-34-phiX174;pvalue=7.6e-09;qvalue= 7.85e-09;sequence=GAGTTCGATAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4118 4128 81.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-35-phiX174;pvalue=7.7e-09;qvalue= 7.85e-09;sequence=GATGGATAACC;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5370 5380 80.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-36-phiX174;pvalue=8.03e-09;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=GGCGTATCCAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1242 1252 80.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-37-phiX174;pvalue=8.94e-09;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=AGTGGATTAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2583 2593 80.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-38-phiX174;pvalue=8.94e-09;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=TACATCTGTCA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 698 708 80.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-39-phiX174;pvalue=9.13e-09;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=TACGGAAAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2299 2309 80.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-40-phiX174;pvalue=9.26e-09;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=TGAGGTTATAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4189 4199 80.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-41-phiX174;pvalue=9.69e-09;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=GTGATATGTAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 275 285 80.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-42-phiX174;pvalue=9.85e-09;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=GGTTTAGATAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1801 1811 80 + . Name=1;ID=1-43-phiX174;pvalue=1e-08;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=GACCTATAAAC;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1386 1396 79.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-44-phiX174;pvalue=1.03e-08;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=TGAATATCTAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1303 1313 79.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-45-phiX174;pvalue=1.03e-08;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=TGGTTATATTG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3772 3782 79.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-46-phiX174;pvalue=1.04e-08;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=AGGATATTTCT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1288 1298 79.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-47-phiX174;pvalue=1.04e-08;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=GACTGTTAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2577 2587 79.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-48-phiX174;pvalue=1.08e-08;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=GATGGATACAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 937 947 79.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-49-phiX174;pvalue=1.08e-08;qvalue= 7.87e-09;sequence=TTGGTATGTAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 904 914 79.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-50-phiX174;pvalue=1.11e-08;qvalue= 7.93e-09;sequence=AGGTACTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2279 2289 79.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-51-phiX174;pvalue=1.13e-08;qvalue= 7.93e-09;sequence=TCGTGATAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3164 3174 79.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-52-phiX174;pvalue=1.16e-08;qvalue= 7.98e-09;sequence=AGCTGGTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 24 34 79.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-53-phiX174;pvalue=1.23e-08;qvalue= 8.24e-09;sequence=AGAAGTTAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 838 848 78.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-54-phiX174;pvalue=1.27e-08;qvalue= 8.24e-09;sequence=GAGTGATGTAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 853 863 78.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-55-phiX174;pvalue=1.27e-08;qvalue= 8.24e-09;sequence=TAAAGGTAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1984 1994 78.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-56-phiX174;pvalue=1.36e-08;qvalue= 8.68e-09;sequence=AATTTCTATGA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1 11 78.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-57-phiX174;pvalue=1.46e-08;qvalue= 9.05e-09;sequence=GAGTTTTATCG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4307 4317 78.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-58-phiX174;pvalue=1.47e-08;qvalue= 9.05e-09;sequence=TATTAATAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4303 4313 78.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-59-phiX174;pvalue=1.52e-08;qvalue= 9.19e-09;sequence=TTGATATTAAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5033 5043 78 + . Name=1;ID=1-60-phiX174;pvalue=1.58e-08;qvalue= 9.41e-09;sequence=GTCAGATATGG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2579 2589 77.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-61-phiX174;pvalue=1.73e-08;qvalue= 1.01e-08;sequence=TGGATACATCT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 322 332 77.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-62-phiX174;pvalue=1.82e-08;qvalue= 1.05e-08;sequence=GACATTTTAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5001 5011 76.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-63-phiX174;pvalue=2.09e-08;qvalue= 1.19e-08;sequence=GGTTTCTATGT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4217 4227 76.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-64-phiX174;pvalue=2.15e-08;qvalue= 1.2e-08;sequence=TGCTTCTGACG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4262 4272 76.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-65-phiX174;pvalue=2.18e-08;qvalue= 1.2e-08;sequence=AATGGATGAAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3569 3579 76.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-66-phiX174;pvalue=2.26e-08;qvalue= 1.22e-08;sequence=TATGGAAAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 194 204 76.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-67-phiX174;pvalue=2.29e-08;qvalue= 1.22e-08;sequence=ATCAACTAACG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 131 141 76 + . Name=1;ID=1-68-phiX174;pvalue=2.49e-08;qvalue= 1.31e-08;sequence=AAATGAGAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1491 1501 75.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-69-phiX174;pvalue=2.55e-08;qvalue= 1.32e-08;sequence=GCCATCTCAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 434 444 75.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-70-phiX174;pvalue=2.67e-08;qvalue= 1.36e-08;sequence=GGCCTCTATTA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4565 4575 75.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-71-phiX174;pvalue=2.73e-08;qvalue= 1.36e-08;sequence=TTGGTTTATCG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 102 112 75.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-72-phiX174;pvalue=2.75e-08;qvalue= 1.36e-08;sequence=GAATTAAATCG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 903 913 75.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-73-phiX174;pvalue=2.82e-08;qvalue= 1.38e-08;sequence=GAGGTACTAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4748 4758 75.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-74-phiX174;pvalue=3.01e-08;qvalue= 1.45e-08;sequence=TACAGCTAATG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2622 2632 75 + . Name=1;ID=1-75-phiX174;pvalue=3.16e-08;qvalue= 1.5e-08;sequence=TGCTGATATTG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 467 477 74.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-76-phiX174;pvalue=3.35e-08;qvalue= 1.57e-08;sequence=TTTGGATTTAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4033 4043 74.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-77-phiX174;pvalue=3.44e-08;qvalue= 1.58e-08;sequence=AGCGTATCGAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1348 1358 74.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-78-phiX174;pvalue=3.46e-08;qvalue= 1.58e-08;sequence=TACCAATAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 239 249 74.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-79-phiX174;pvalue=3.62e-08;qvalue= 1.64e-08;sequence=AGTGGCTTAAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 500 510 74.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-80-phiX174;pvalue=3.84e-08;qvalue= 1.71e-08;sequence=GACGAGTAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3001 3011 74 + . Name=1;ID=1-81-phiX174;pvalue=3.93e-08;qvalue= 1.73e-08;sequence=GCGGTCAAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3776 3786 74 + . Name=1;ID=1-82-phiX174;pvalue=3.98e-08;qvalue= 1.73e-08;sequence=TATTTCTAATG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2026 2036 73.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-83-phiX174;pvalue=4.06e-08;qvalue= 1.75e-08;sequence=GAAGTTTAAGA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4237 4247 73.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-84-phiX174;pvalue=4.12e-08;qvalue= 1.75e-08;sequence=AGTTTGTATCT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 803 813 73.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-85-phiX174;pvalue=4.24e-08;qvalue= 1.78e-08;sequence=AGAAGAAAACG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3770 3780 73.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-86-phiX174;pvalue=4.35e-08;qvalue= 1.81e-08;sequence=AAAGGATATTT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3429 3439 73.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-87-phiX174;pvalue=4.45e-08;qvalue= 1.82e-08;sequence=GAGATGCAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 99 109 73.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-88-phiX174;pvalue=4.48e-08;qvalue= 1.82e-08;sequence=TACGAATTAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 67 77 73.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-89-phiX174;pvalue=4.78e-08;qvalue= 1.92e-08;sequence=TCTTGATAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5332 5342 72.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-90-phiX174;pvalue=5.13e-08;qvalue= 2.01e-08;sequence=ATCTGCTCAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 277 287 72.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-91-phiX174;pvalue=5.14e-08;qvalue= 2.01e-08;sequence=TTTAGATATGA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4338 4348 72.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-92-phiX174;pvalue=5.18e-08;qvalue= 2.01e-08;sequence=GGGGACGAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3812 3822 72.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-93-phiX174;pvalue=5.28e-08;qvalue= 2.03e-08;sequence=GGTTGATATTT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1909 1919 72.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-94-phiX174;pvalue=5.51e-08;qvalue= 2.08e-08;sequence=TAACGCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3000 3010 72.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-95-phiX174;pvalue=5.54e-08;qvalue= 2.08e-08;sequence=GGCGGTCAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3891 3901 72.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-96-phiX174;pvalue=5.75e-08;qvalue= 2.11e-08;sequence=ATTGGCTCTAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3079 3089 72.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-97-phiX174;pvalue=5.76e-08;qvalue= 2.11e-08;sequence=CTGGTATTAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 37 47 72.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-98-phiX174;pvalue=5.79e-08;qvalue= 2.11e-08;sequence=TTCGGATATTT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 380 390 72.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-99-phiX174;pvalue=6.01e-08;qvalue= 2.17e-08;sequence=GTAAGAAATCA;
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/fimo_output_almost-gff_2.txt
--- a/test-data/fimo_output_almost-gff_2.txt Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-##gff-version 3
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1388 1398 102 + . Name=1;ID=1-1-phiX174;pvalue=6.36e-11;sequence=AATATCTATAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 847 857 102 + . Name=1;ID=1-2-phiX174;pvalue=7.02e-11;sequence=AATGTCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2301 2311 99.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-3-phiX174;pvalue=1.08e-10;sequence=AGGTTATAACG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5063 5073 95.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-4-phiX174;pvalue=2.73e-10;sequence=AGGAGCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 989 999 95 + . Name=1;ID=1-5-phiX174;pvalue=3.15e-10;sequence=TGAGGATAAAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4713 4723 91.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-6-phiX174;pvalue=7.74e-10;sequence=GACTGCTATCA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5048 5058 90.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-7-phiX174;pvalue=8.51e-10;sequence=TGCTGCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 855 865 90.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-8-phiX174;pvalue=8.64e-10;sequence=AAGGTAAAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3155 3165 90.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-9-phiX174;pvalue=9.76e-10;sequence=TATGGCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5009 5019 90.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-10-phiX174;pvalue=9.76e-10;sequence=TGTGGCTAAAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 814 824 88.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-11-phiX174;pvalue=1.28e-09;sequence=TGCGTCAAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2832 2842 88.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-12-phiX174;pvalue=1.42e-09;sequence=TTGGTCTAACT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3830 3840 87.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-13-phiX174;pvalue=1.7e-09;sequence=TATTGATAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3560 3570 87.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-14-phiX174;pvalue=1.89e-09;sequence=TGCGTCTATTA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2882 2892 86.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-15-phiX174;pvalue=2.29e-09;sequence=AGGTTATTAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4453 4463 85.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-16-phiX174;pvalue=2.58e-09;sequence=AAGGTATTAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2493 2503 85.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-17-phiX174;pvalue=3.06e-09;sequence=GACACCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4104 4114 85.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-18-phiX174;pvalue=3.08e-09;sequence=GGCTTCCATAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4955 4965 85.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-19-phiX174;pvalue=3.08e-09;sequence=TGATGCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1885 1895 84.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-20-phiX174;pvalue=3.61e-09;sequence=TGCGACTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3376 3386 84.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-21-phiX174;pvalue=3.81e-09;sequence=AGAATCAAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 52 62 83.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-22-phiX174;pvalue=4.06e-09;sequence=TGAGTCGAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1390 1400 83.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-23-phiX174;pvalue=4.26e-09;sequence=TATCTATAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2017 2027 83.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-24-phiX174;pvalue=4.6e-09;sequence=TTCGTCTAAGA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1000 1010 83.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-25-phiX174;pvalue=4.88e-09;sequence=TATGTCTAATA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1555 1565 82.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-26-phiX174;pvalue=5.58e-09;sequence=GACTTCTACCA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4430 4440 82.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-27-phiX174;pvalue=5.62e-09;sequence=TGAGTATAATT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1927 1937 82.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-28-phiX174;pvalue=5.82e-09;sequence=GACTTATACCG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2981 2991 82.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-29-phiX174;pvalue=6.13e-09;sequence=CATGTCTAAAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4203 4213 82 + . Name=1;ID=1-30-phiX174;pvalue=6.34e-09;sequence=GACGGCCATAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1669 1679 81.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-31-phiX174;pvalue=6.4e-09;sequence=TGGAGGTAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3260 3270 81.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-32-phiX174;pvalue=7.01e-09;sequence=CGCTGATAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3047 3057 81.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-33-phiX174;pvalue=7.4e-09;sequence=TACCGATAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4176 4186 81.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-34-phiX174;pvalue=7.6e-09;sequence=GAGTTCGATAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4118 4128 81.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-35-phiX174;pvalue=7.7e-09;sequence=GATGGATAACC;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5370 5380 80.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-36-phiX174;pvalue=8.03e-09;sequence=GGCGTATCCAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1242 1252 80.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-37-phiX174;pvalue=8.94e-09;sequence=AGTGGATTAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2583 2593 80.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-38-phiX174;pvalue=8.94e-09;sequence=TACATCTGTCA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 698 708 80.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-39-phiX174;pvalue=9.13e-09;sequence=TACGGAAAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2299 2309 80.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-40-phiX174;pvalue=9.26e-09;sequence=TGAGGTTATAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4189 4199 80.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-41-phiX174;pvalue=9.69e-09;sequence=GTGATATGTAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 275 285 80.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-42-phiX174;pvalue=9.85e-09;sequence=GGTTTAGATAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1801 1811 80 + . Name=1;ID=1-43-phiX174;pvalue=1e-08;sequence=GACCTATAAAC;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1386 1396 79.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-44-phiX174;pvalue=1.03e-08;sequence=TGAATATCTAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1303 1313 79.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-45-phiX174;pvalue=1.03e-08;sequence=TGGTTATATTG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3772 3782 79.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-46-phiX174;pvalue=1.04e-08;sequence=AGGATATTTCT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1288 1298 79.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-47-phiX174;pvalue=1.04e-08;sequence=GACTGTTAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2577 2587 79.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-48-phiX174;pvalue=1.08e-08;sequence=GATGGATACAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 937 947 79.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-49-phiX174;pvalue=1.08e-08;sequence=TTGGTATGTAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 904 914 79.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-50-phiX174;pvalue=1.11e-08;sequence=AGGTACTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2279 2289 79.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-51-phiX174;pvalue=1.13e-08;sequence=TCGTGATAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3164 3174 79.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-52-phiX174;pvalue=1.16e-08;sequence=AGCTGGTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 24 34 79.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-53-phiX174;pvalue=1.23e-08;sequence=AGAAGTTAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 838 848 78.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-54-phiX174;pvalue=1.27e-08;sequence=GAGTGATGTAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 853 863 78.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-55-phiX174;pvalue=1.27e-08;sequence=TAAAGGTAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1984 1994 78.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-56-phiX174;pvalue=1.36e-08;sequence=AATTTCTATGA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1 11 78.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-57-phiX174;pvalue=1.46e-08;sequence=GAGTTTTATCG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4307 4317 78.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-58-phiX174;pvalue=1.47e-08;sequence=TATTAATAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4303 4313 78.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-59-phiX174;pvalue=1.52e-08;sequence=TTGATATTAAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5033 5043 78 + . Name=1;ID=1-60-phiX174;pvalue=1.58e-08;sequence=GTCAGATATGG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2579 2589 77.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-61-phiX174;pvalue=1.73e-08;sequence=TGGATACATCT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 322 332 77.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-62-phiX174;pvalue=1.82e-08;sequence=GACATTTTAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5001 5011 76.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-63-phiX174;pvalue=2.09e-08;sequence=GGTTTCTATGT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4217 4227 76.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-64-phiX174;pvalue=2.15e-08;sequence=TGCTTCTGACG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4262 4272 76.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-65-phiX174;pvalue=2.18e-08;sequence=AATGGATGAAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3569 3579 76.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-66-phiX174;pvalue=2.26e-08;sequence=TATGGAAAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 194 204 76.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-67-phiX174;pvalue=2.29e-08;sequence=ATCAACTAACG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 131 141 76 + . Name=1;ID=1-68-phiX174;pvalue=2.49e-08;sequence=AAATGAGAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1491 1501 75.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-69-phiX174;pvalue=2.55e-08;sequence=GCCATCTCAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 434 444 75.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-70-phiX174;pvalue=2.67e-08;sequence=GGCCTCTATTA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4565 4575 75.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-71-phiX174;pvalue=2.73e-08;sequence=TTGGTTTATCG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 102 112 75.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-72-phiX174;pvalue=2.75e-08;sequence=GAATTAAATCG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 903 913 75.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-73-phiX174;pvalue=2.82e-08;sequence=GAGGTACTAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4748 4758 75.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-74-phiX174;pvalue=3.01e-08;sequence=TACAGCTAATG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2622 2632 75 + . Name=1;ID=1-75-phiX174;pvalue=3.16e-08;sequence=TGCTGATATTG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 467 477 74.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-76-phiX174;pvalue=3.35e-08;sequence=TTTGGATTTAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4033 4043 74.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-77-phiX174;pvalue=3.44e-08;sequence=AGCGTATCGAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1348 1358 74.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-78-phiX174;pvalue=3.46e-08;sequence=TACCAATAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 239 249 74.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-79-phiX174;pvalue=3.62e-08;sequence=AGTGGCTTAAT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 500 510 74.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-80-phiX174;pvalue=3.84e-08;sequence=GACGAGTAACA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3001 3011 74 + . Name=1;ID=1-81-phiX174;pvalue=3.93e-08;sequence=GCGGTCAAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3776 3786 74 + . Name=1;ID=1-82-phiX174;pvalue=3.98e-08;sequence=TATTTCTAATG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 2026 2036 73.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-83-phiX174;pvalue=4.06e-08;sequence=GAAGTTTAAGA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4237 4247 73.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-84-phiX174;pvalue=4.12e-08;sequence=AGTTTGTATCT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 803 813 73.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-85-phiX174;pvalue=4.24e-08;sequence=AGAAGAAAACG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3770 3780 73.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-86-phiX174;pvalue=4.35e-08;sequence=AAAGGATATTT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3429 3439 73.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-87-phiX174;pvalue=4.45e-08;sequence=GAGATGCAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 99 109 73.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-88-phiX174;pvalue=4.48e-08;sequence=TACGAATTAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 67 77 73.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-89-phiX174;pvalue=4.78e-08;sequence=TCTTGATAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 5332 5342 72.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-90-phiX174;pvalue=5.13e-08;sequence=ATCTGCTCAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 277 287 72.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-91-phiX174;pvalue=5.14e-08;sequence=TTTAGATATGA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 4338 4348 72.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-92-phiX174;pvalue=5.18e-08;sequence=GGGGACGAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3812 3822 72.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-93-phiX174;pvalue=5.28e-08;sequence=GGTTGATATTT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1909 1919 72.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-94-phiX174;pvalue=5.51e-08;sequence=TAACGCTAAAG;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3000 3010 72.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-95-phiX174;pvalue=5.54e-08;sequence=GGCGGTCAAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3891 3901 72.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-96-phiX174;pvalue=5.75e-08;sequence=ATTGGCTCTAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3079 3089 72.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-97-phiX174;pvalue=5.76e-08;sequence=CTGGTATTAAA;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 37 47 72.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-98-phiX174;pvalue=5.79e-08;sequence=TTCGGATATTT;
-phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 380 390 72.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-99-phiX174;pvalue=6.01e-08;sequence=GTAAGAAATCA;
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/fimo_output_html_1.html
--- a/test-data/fimo_output_html_1.html Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-FIMO Results
-FIMO - Motif search tool
-FIMO version 4.11.0, (Release date: Thu Nov 26 17:48:49 2015 +1000)
-For further information on how to interpret these results
-or to get a copy of the FIMO software please access
-If you use FIMO in your research, please cite the following paper:
-Charles E. Grant, Timothy L. Bailey, and William Stafford Noble,
-"FIMO: Scanning for occurrences of a given motif",
-Bioinformatics, 27(7):1017-1018, 2011.
-[full text]
- DATABASE /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2541.dat
- Database contains 1 sequences, 5386 residues
- MOTIFS /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2540.dat (Protein)
- |
- 1 |
- 11 |
-Random model letter frequencies (from non-redundant database):
-A 0.073 C 0.018 D 0.052 E 0.062 F 0.040 G 0.069 H 0.022 I 0.056 K 0.058
-L 0.092 M 0.023 N 0.046 P 0.051 Q 0.041 R 0.052 S 0.074 T 0.059 V 0.064
-W 0.013 Y 0.033
-There were 1937 motif occurences with a p-value less than 0.0001.
-Only the most significant 1000 matches are shown here.
-The full set of motif occurences can be seen in the
-tab-delimited plain text output file
-the GFF file
-which may be suitable for uploading to the
-UCSC Genome Table Browser
-(assuming the FASTA input sequences included genomic coordinates in UCSC or Galaxy format),
-or the XML file
-The p-value of a motif occurrence is defined as the
-probability of a random sequence of the same length as the motif
-matching that position of the sequence with as good or better a score.
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/fimo_output_html_2.html
--- a/test-data/fimo_output_html_2.html Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-FIMO Results
-FIMO - Motif search tool
-FIMO version 4.11.0, (Release date: Thu Nov 26 17:48:49 2015 +1000)
-For further information on how to interpret these results
-or to get a copy of the FIMO software please access
-If you use FIMO in your research, please cite the following paper:
-Charles E. Grant, Timothy L. Bailey, and William Stafford Noble,
-"FIMO: Scanning for occurrences of a given motif",
-Bioinformatics, 27(7):1017-1018, 2011.
-[full text]
- DATABASE /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2541.dat
- Database contains 1 sequences, 5386 residues
- MOTIFS /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2540.dat (Protein)
- |
- 1 |
- 11 |
-Random model letter frequencies (from non-redundant database):
-A 0.073 C 0.018 D 0.052 E 0.062 F 0.040 G 0.069 H 0.022 I 0.056 K 0.058
-L 0.092 M 0.023 N 0.046 P 0.051 Q 0.041 R 0.052 S 0.074 T 0.059 V 0.064
-W 0.013 Y 0.033
-There were 1937 motif occurences with a p-value less than 0.0001.
-Only the most significant 1000 matches are shown here.
-The full set of motif occurences can be seen in the
-tab-delimited plain text output file
-the GFF file
-which may be suitable for uploading to the
-UCSC Genome Table Browser
-(assuming the FASTA input sequences included genomic coordinates in UCSC or Galaxy format),
-or the XML file
-The p-value of a motif occurrence is defined as the
-probability of a random sequence of the same length as the motif
-matching that position of the sequence with as good or better a score.
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/fimo_output_interval_1.txt
--- a/test-data/fimo_output_interval_1.txt Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#chr start end pattern name score strand matched sequence p-value q-value
-phiX174 1387 1398 1 + + 1.25e-09 29.4024 6.36e-11
-phiX174 846 857 1 + + 1.25e-09 29.122 7.02e-11
-phiX174 2300 2311 1 + + 1.29e-09 27.6463 1.08e-10
-phiX174 5062 5073 1 + + 2.25e-09 25.5366 2.73e-10
-phiX174 988 999 1 + + 2.25e-09 25.3049 3.15e-10
-phiX174 4712 4723 1 + + 3.48e-09 23.622 7.74e-10
-phiX174 5047 5058 1 + + 3.48e-09 23.3293 8.51e-10
-phiX174 854 865 1 + + 3.48e-09 23.3049 8.64e-10
-phiX174 3154 3165 1 + + 3.48e-09 23.0366 9.76e-10
-phiX174 5008 5019 1 + + 3.48e-09 23.0366 9.76e-10
-phiX174 813 824 1 + + 4.14e-09 22.5854 1.28e-09
-phiX174 2831 2842 1 + + 4.23e-09 22.3415 1.42e-09
-phiX174 3829 3840 1 + + 4.68e-09 21.8293 1.7e-09
-phiX174 3559 3570 1 + + 4.82e-09 21.5976 1.89e-09
-phiX174 2881 2892 1 + + 5.46e-09 21.1951 2.29e-09
-phiX174 4452 4463 1 + + 5.75e-09 20.8902 2.58e-09
-phiX174 2492 2503 1 + + 5.79e-09 20.3415 3.06e-09
-phiX174 4103 4114 1 + + 5.79e-09 20.3171 3.08e-09
-phiX174 4954 4965 1 + + 5.79e-09 20.3171 3.08e-09
-phiX174 1884 1895 1 + + 6.45e-09 19.9268 3.61e-09
-phiX174 3375 3386 1 + + 6.48e-09 19.7683 3.81e-09
-phiX174 51 62 1 + + 6.58e-09 19.5732 4.06e-09
-phiX174 1389 1400 1 + + 6.61e-09 19.378 4.26e-09
-phiX174 2016 2027 1 + + 6.85e-09 19.0854 4.6e-09
-phiX174 999 1010 1 + + 6.97e-09 18.878 4.88e-09
-phiX174 1554 1565 1 + + 7.37e-09 18.439 5.58e-09
-phiX174 4429 4440 1 + + 7.37e-09 18.4268 5.62e-09
-phiX174 1926 1937 1 + + 7.37e-09 18.2927 5.82e-09
-phiX174 2980 2991 1 + + 7.37e-09 18.0732 6.13e-09
-phiX174 4202 4213 1 + + 7.37e-09 17.9268 6.34e-09
-phiX174 1668 1679 1 + + 7.37e-09 17.8659 6.4e-09
-phiX174 3259 3270 1 + + 7.82e-09 17.5 7.01e-09
-phiX174 3046 3057 1 + + 7.85e-09 17.2805 7.4e-09
-phiX174 4175 4186 1 + + 7.85e-09 17.1829 7.6e-09
-phiX174 4117 4128 1 + + 7.85e-09 17.1341 7.7e-09
-phiX174 5369 5380 1 + + 7.87e-09 16.9878 8.03e-09
-phiX174 1241 1252 1 + + 7.87e-09 16.5122 8.94e-09
-phiX174 2582 2593 1 + + 7.87e-09 16.5122 8.94e-09
-phiX174 697 708 1 + + 7.87e-09 16.4146 9.13e-09
-phiX174 2298 2309 1 + + 7.87e-09 16.3537 9.26e-09
-phiX174 4188 4199 1 + + 7.87e-09 16.1707 9.69e-09
-phiX174 274 285 1 + + 7.87e-09 16.0976 9.85e-09
-phiX174 1800 1811 1 + + 7.87e-09 16.0366 1e-08
-phiX174 1385 1396 1 + + 7.87e-09 15.9268 1.03e-08
-phiX174 1302 1313 1 + + 7.87e-09 15.9024 1.03e-08
-phiX174 3771 3782 1 + + 7.87e-09 15.878 1.04e-08
-phiX174 1287 1298 1 + + 7.87e-09 15.8659 1.04e-08
-phiX174 2576 2587 1 + + 7.87e-09 15.7683 1.08e-08
-phiX174 936 947 1 + + 7.87e-09 15.7561 1.08e-08
-phiX174 903 914 1 + + 7.93e-09 15.6585 1.11e-08
-phiX174 2278 2289 1 + + 7.93e-09 15.5854 1.13e-08
-phiX174 3163 3174 1 + + 7.98e-09 15.5 1.16e-08
-phiX174 23 34 1 + + 8.24e-09 15.3293 1.23e-08
-phiX174 837 848 1 + + 8.24e-09 15.2561 1.27e-08
-phiX174 852 863 1 + + 8.24e-09 15.2561 1.27e-08
-phiX174 1983 1994 1 + + 8.68e-09 15.0244 1.36e-08
-phiX174 0 11 1 + + 9.05e-09 14.8293 1.46e-08
-phiX174 4306 4317 1 + + 9.05e-09 14.7927 1.47e-08
-phiX174 4302 4313 1 + + 9.19e-09 14.6585 1.52e-08
-phiX174 5032 5043 1 + + 9.41e-09 14.561 1.58e-08
-phiX174 2578 2589 1 + + 1.01e-08 14.2927 1.73e-08
-phiX174 321 332 1 + + 1.05e-08 14.1951 1.82e-08
-phiX174 5000 5011 1 + + 1.19e-08 13.8902 2.09e-08
-phiX174 4216 4227 1 + + 1.2e-08 13.8171 2.15e-08
-phiX174 4261 4272 1 + + 1.2e-08 13.7805 2.18e-08
-phiX174 3568 3579 1 + + 1.22e-08 13.7073 2.26e-08
-phiX174 193 204 1 + + 1.22e-08 13.6829 2.29e-08
-phiX174 130 141 1 + + 1.31e-08 13.4756 2.49e-08
-phiX174 1490 1501 1 + + 1.32e-08 13.4024 2.55e-08
-phiX174 433 444 1 + + 1.36e-08 13.2805 2.67e-08
-phiX174 4564 4575 1 + + 1.36e-08 13.2439 2.73e-08
-phiX174 101 112 1 + + 1.36e-08 13.2195 2.75e-08
-phiX174 902 913 1 + + 1.38e-08 13.1463 2.82e-08
-phiX174 4747 4758 1 + + 1.45e-08 12.9756 3.01e-08
-phiX174 2621 2632 1 + + 1.5e-08 12.8659 3.16e-08
-phiX174 466 477 1 + + 1.57e-08 12.7317 3.35e-08
-phiX174 4032 4043 1 + + 1.58e-08 12.6829 3.44e-08
-phiX174 1347 1358 1 + + 1.58e-08 12.6707 3.46e-08
-phiX174 238 249 1 + + 1.64e-08 12.5732 3.62e-08
-phiX174 499 510 1 + + 1.71e-08 12.4634 3.84e-08
-phiX174 3000 3011 1 + + 1.73e-08 12.4146 3.93e-08
-phiX174 3775 3786 1 + + 1.73e-08 12.378 3.98e-08
-phiX174 2025 2036 1 + + 1.75e-08 12.3293 4.06e-08
-phiX174 4236 4247 1 + + 1.75e-08 12.3049 4.12e-08
-phiX174 802 813 1 + + 1.78e-08 12.2439 4.24e-08
-phiX174 3769 3780 1 + + 1.81e-08 12.1829 4.35e-08
-phiX174 3428 3439 1 + + 1.82e-08 12.122 4.45e-08
-phiX174 98 109 1 + + 1.82e-08 12.1098 4.48e-08
-phiX174 66 77 1 + + 1.92e-08 11.9268 4.78e-08
-phiX174 5331 5342 1 + + 2.01e-08 11.7195 5.13e-08
-phiX174 276 287 1 + + 2.01e-08 11.7073 5.14e-08
-phiX174 4337 4348 1 + + 2.01e-08 11.6951 5.18e-08
-phiX174 3811 3822 1 + + 2.03e-08 11.6585 5.28e-08
-phiX174 1908 1919 1 + + 2.08e-08 11.5488 5.51e-08
-phiX174 2999 3010 1 + + 2.08e-08 11.5366 5.54e-08
-phiX174 3890 3901 1 + + 2.11e-08 11.439 5.75e-08
-phiX174 3078 3089 1 + + 2.11e-08 11.4268 5.76e-08
-phiX174 36 47 1 + + 2.11e-08 11.4146 5.79e-08
-phiX174 379 390 1 + + 2.17e-08 11.3293 6.01e-08
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/fimo_output_interval_2.txt
--- a/test-data/fimo_output_interval_2.txt Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#chr start end pattern name score strand matched sequence p-value q-value
-phiX174 1387 1398 1 + + 0 29.4024 6.36e-11
-phiX174 846 857 1 + + 0 29.122 7.02e-11
-phiX174 2300 2311 1 + + 0 27.6463 1.08e-10
-phiX174 5062 5073 1 + + 0 25.5366 2.73e-10
-phiX174 988 999 1 + + 0 25.3049 3.15e-10
-phiX174 4712 4723 1 + + 0 23.622 7.74e-10
-phiX174 5047 5058 1 + + 0 23.3293 8.51e-10
-phiX174 854 865 1 + + 0 23.3049 8.64e-10
-phiX174 3154 3165 1 + + 0 23.0366 9.76e-10
-phiX174 5008 5019 1 + + 0 23.0366 9.76e-10
-phiX174 813 824 1 + + 0 22.5854 1.28e-09
-phiX174 2831 2842 1 + + 0 22.3415 1.42e-09
-phiX174 3829 3840 1 + + 0 21.8293 1.7e-09
-phiX174 3559 3570 1 + + 0 21.5976 1.89e-09
-phiX174 2881 2892 1 + + 0 21.1951 2.29e-09
-phiX174 4452 4463 1 + + 0 20.8902 2.58e-09
-phiX174 2492 2503 1 + + 0 20.3415 3.06e-09
-phiX174 4103 4114 1 + + 0 20.3171 3.08e-09
-phiX174 4954 4965 1 + + 0 20.3171 3.08e-09
-phiX174 1884 1895 1 + + 0 19.9268 3.61e-09
-phiX174 3375 3386 1 + + 0 19.7683 3.81e-09
-phiX174 51 62 1 + + 0 19.5732 4.06e-09
-phiX174 1389 1400 1 + + 0 19.378 4.26e-09
-phiX174 2016 2027 1 + + 0 19.0854 4.6e-09
-phiX174 999 1010 1 + + 0 18.878 4.88e-09
-phiX174 1554 1565 1 + + 0 18.439 5.58e-09
-phiX174 4429 4440 1 + + 0 18.4268 5.62e-09
-phiX174 1926 1937 1 + + 0 18.2927 5.82e-09
-phiX174 2980 2991 1 + + 0 18.0732 6.13e-09
-phiX174 4202 4213 1 + + 0 17.9268 6.34e-09
-phiX174 1668 1679 1 + + 0 17.8659 6.4e-09
-phiX174 3259 3270 1 + + 0 17.5 7.01e-09
-phiX174 3046 3057 1 + + 0 17.2805 7.4e-09
-phiX174 4175 4186 1 + + 0 17.1829 7.6e-09
-phiX174 4117 4128 1 + + 0 17.1341 7.7e-09
-phiX174 5369 5380 1 + + 0 16.9878 8.03e-09
-phiX174 1241 1252 1 + + 0 16.5122 8.94e-09
-phiX174 2582 2593 1 + + 0 16.5122 8.94e-09
-phiX174 697 708 1 + + 0 16.4146 9.13e-09
-phiX174 2298 2309 1 + + 0 16.3537 9.26e-09
-phiX174 4188 4199 1 + + 0 16.1707 9.69e-09
-phiX174 274 285 1 + + 0 16.0976 9.85e-09
-phiX174 1800 1811 1 + + 0 16.0366 1e-08
-phiX174 1385 1396 1 + + 0 15.9268 1.03e-08
-phiX174 1302 1313 1 + + 0 15.9024 1.03e-08
-phiX174 3771 3782 1 + + 0 15.878 1.04e-08
-phiX174 1287 1298 1 + + 0 15.8659 1.04e-08
-phiX174 2576 2587 1 + + 0 15.7683 1.08e-08
-phiX174 936 947 1 + + 0 15.7561 1.08e-08
-phiX174 903 914 1 + + 0 15.6585 1.11e-08
-phiX174 2278 2289 1 + + 0 15.5854 1.13e-08
-phiX174 3163 3174 1 + + 0 15.5 1.16e-08
-phiX174 23 34 1 + + 0 15.3293 1.23e-08
-phiX174 837 848 1 + + 0 15.2561 1.27e-08
-phiX174 852 863 1 + + 0 15.2561 1.27e-08
-phiX174 1983 1994 1 + + 0 15.0244 1.36e-08
-phiX174 0 11 1 + + 0 14.8293 1.46e-08
-phiX174 4306 4317 1 + + 0 14.7927 1.47e-08
-phiX174 4302 4313 1 + + 0 14.6585 1.52e-08
-phiX174 5032 5043 1 + + 0 14.561 1.58e-08
-phiX174 2578 2589 1 + + 0 14.2927 1.73e-08
-phiX174 321 332 1 + + 0 14.1951 1.82e-08
-phiX174 5000 5011 1 + + 0 13.8902 2.09e-08
-phiX174 4216 4227 1 + + 0 13.8171 2.15e-08
-phiX174 4261 4272 1 + + 0 13.7805 2.18e-08
-phiX174 3568 3579 1 + + 0 13.7073 2.26e-08
-phiX174 193 204 1 + + 0 13.6829 2.29e-08
-phiX174 130 141 1 + + 0 13.4756 2.49e-08
-phiX174 1490 1501 1 + + 0 13.4024 2.55e-08
-phiX174 433 444 1 + + 0 13.2805 2.67e-08
-phiX174 4564 4575 1 + + 0 13.2439 2.73e-08
-phiX174 101 112 1 + + 0 13.2195 2.75e-08
-phiX174 902 913 1 + + 0 13.1463 2.82e-08
-phiX174 4747 4758 1 + + 0 12.9756 3.01e-08
-phiX174 2621 2632 1 + + 0 12.8659 3.16e-08
-phiX174 466 477 1 + + 0 12.7317 3.35e-08
-phiX174 4032 4043 1 + + 0 12.6829 3.44e-08
-phiX174 1347 1358 1 + + 0 12.6707 3.46e-08
-phiX174 238 249 1 + + 0 12.5732 3.62e-08
-phiX174 499 510 1 + + 0 12.4634 3.84e-08
-phiX174 3000 3011 1 + + 0 12.4146 3.93e-08
-phiX174 3775 3786 1 + + 0 12.378 3.98e-08
-phiX174 2025 2036 1 + + 0 12.3293 4.06e-08
-phiX174 4236 4247 1 + + 0 12.3049 4.12e-08
-phiX174 802 813 1 + + 0 12.2439 4.24e-08
-phiX174 3769 3780 1 + + 0 12.1829 4.35e-08
-phiX174 3428 3439 1 + + 0 12.122 4.45e-08
-phiX174 98 109 1 + + 0 12.1098 4.48e-08
-phiX174 66 77 1 + + 0 11.9268 4.78e-08
-phiX174 5331 5342 1 + + 0 11.7195 5.13e-08
-phiX174 276 287 1 + + 0 11.7073 5.14e-08
-phiX174 4337 4348 1 + + 0 11.6951 5.18e-08
-phiX174 3811 3822 1 + + 0 11.6585 5.28e-08
-phiX174 1908 1919 1 + + 0 11.5488 5.51e-08
-phiX174 2999 3010 1 + + 0 11.5366 5.54e-08
-phiX174 3890 3901 1 + + 0 11.439 5.75e-08
-phiX174 3078 3089 1 + + 0 11.4268 5.76e-08
-phiX174 36 47 1 + + 0 11.4146 5.79e-08
-phiX174 379 390 1 + + 0 11.3293 6.01e-08
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/fimo_output_txt_1.txt
--- a/test-data/fimo_output_txt_1.txt Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#pattern name sequence name start stop strand score p-value q-value matched sequence
-1 phiX174 1388 1398 + 29.4024 6.36e-11 1.25e-09 AATATCTATAA
-1 phiX174 847 857 + 29.122 7.02e-11 1.25e-09 AATGTCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 2301 2311 + 27.6463 1.08e-10 1.29e-09 AGGTTATAACG
-1 phiX174 5063 5073 + 25.5366 2.73e-10 2.25e-09 AGGAGCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 989 999 + 25.3049 3.15e-10 2.25e-09 TGAGGATAAAT
-1 phiX174 4713 4723 + 23.622 7.74e-10 3.48e-09 GACTGCTATCA
-1 phiX174 5048 5058 + 23.3293 8.51e-10 3.48e-09 TGCTGCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 855 865 + 23.3049 8.64e-10 3.48e-09 AAGGTAAAAAA
-1 phiX174 3155 3165 + 23.0366 9.76e-10 3.48e-09 TATGGCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 5009 5019 + 23.0366 9.76e-10 3.48e-09 TGTGGCTAAAT
-1 phiX174 814 824 + 22.5854 1.28e-09 4.14e-09 TGCGTCAAAAA
-1 phiX174 2832 2842 + 22.3415 1.42e-09 4.23e-09 TTGGTCTAACT
-1 phiX174 3830 3840 + 21.8293 1.7e-09 4.68e-09 TATTGATAAAG
-1 phiX174 3560 3570 + 21.5976 1.89e-09 4.82e-09 TGCGTCTATTA
-1 phiX174 2882 2892 + 21.1951 2.29e-09 5.46e-09 AGGTTATTAAA
-1 phiX174 4453 4463 + 20.8902 2.58e-09 5.75e-09 AAGGTATTAAG
-1 phiX174 2493 2503 + 20.3415 3.06e-09 5.79e-09 GACACCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 4104 4114 + 20.3171 3.08e-09 5.79e-09 GGCTTCCATAA
-1 phiX174 4955 4965 + 20.3171 3.08e-09 5.79e-09 TGATGCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 1885 1895 + 19.9268 3.61e-09 6.45e-09 TGCGACTAAAG
-1 phiX174 3376 3386 + 19.7683 3.81e-09 6.48e-09 AGAATCAAAAA
-1 phiX174 52 62 + 19.5732 4.06e-09 6.58e-09 TGAGTCGAAAA
-1 phiX174 1390 1400 + 19.378 4.26e-09 6.61e-09 TATCTATAACA
-1 phiX174 2017 2027 + 19.0854 4.6e-09 6.85e-09 TTCGTCTAAGA
-1 phiX174 1000 1010 + 18.878 4.88e-09 6.97e-09 TATGTCTAATA
-1 phiX174 1555 1565 + 18.439 5.58e-09 7.37e-09 GACTTCTACCA
-1 phiX174 4430 4440 + 18.4268 5.62e-09 7.37e-09 TGAGTATAATT
-1 phiX174 1927 1937 + 18.2927 5.82e-09 7.37e-09 GACTTATACCG
-1 phiX174 2981 2991 + 18.0732 6.13e-09 7.37e-09 CATGTCTAAAT
-1 phiX174 4203 4213 + 17.9268 6.34e-09 7.37e-09 GACGGCCATAA
-1 phiX174 1669 1679 + 17.8659 6.4e-09 7.37e-09 TGGAGGTAAAA
-1 phiX174 3260 3270 + 17.5 7.01e-09 7.82e-09 CGCTGATAAAG
-1 phiX174 3047 3057 + 17.2805 7.4e-09 7.85e-09 TACCGATAACA
-1 phiX174 4176 4186 + 17.1829 7.6e-09 7.85e-09 GAGTTCGATAA
-1 phiX174 4118 4128 + 17.1341 7.7e-09 7.85e-09 GATGGATAACC
-1 phiX174 5370 5380 + 16.9878 8.03e-09 7.87e-09 GGCGTATCCAA
-1 phiX174 1242 1252 + 16.5122 8.94e-09 7.87e-09 AGTGGATTAAG
-1 phiX174 2583 2593 + 16.5122 8.94e-09 7.87e-09 TACATCTGTCA
-1 phiX174 698 708 + 16.4146 9.13e-09 7.87e-09 TACGGAAAACA
-1 phiX174 2299 2309 + 16.3537 9.26e-09 7.87e-09 TGAGGTTATAA
-1 phiX174 4189 4199 + 16.1707 9.69e-09 7.87e-09 GTGATATGTAT
-1 phiX174 275 285 + 16.0976 9.85e-09 7.87e-09 GGTTTAGATAT
-1 phiX174 1801 1811 + 16.0366 1e-08 7.87e-09 GACCTATAAAC
-1 phiX174 1386 1396 + 15.9268 1.03e-08 7.87e-09 TGAATATCTAT
-1 phiX174 1303 1313 + 15.9024 1.03e-08 7.87e-09 TGGTTATATTG
-1 phiX174 3772 3782 + 15.878 1.04e-08 7.87e-09 AGGATATTTCT
-1 phiX174 1288 1298 + 15.8659 1.04e-08 7.87e-09 GACTGTTAACA
-1 phiX174 2577 2587 + 15.7683 1.08e-08 7.87e-09 GATGGATACAT
-1 phiX174 937 947 + 15.7561 1.08e-08 7.87e-09 TTGGTATGTAG
-1 phiX174 904 914 + 15.6585 1.11e-08 7.93e-09 AGGTACTAAAG
-1 phiX174 2279 2289 + 15.5854 1.13e-08 7.93e-09 TCGTGATAAAA
-1 phiX174 3164 3174 + 15.5 1.16e-08 7.98e-09 AGCTGGTAAAG
-1 phiX174 24 34 + 15.3293 1.23e-08 8.24e-09 AGAAGTTAACA
-1 phiX174 838 848 + 15.2561 1.27e-08 8.24e-09 GAGTGATGTAA
-1 phiX174 853 863 + 15.2561 1.27e-08 8.24e-09 TAAAGGTAAAA
-1 phiX174 1984 1994 + 15.0244 1.36e-08 8.68e-09 AATTTCTATGA
-1 phiX174 1 11 + 14.8293 1.46e-08 9.05e-09 GAGTTTTATCG
-1 phiX174 4307 4317 + 14.7927 1.47e-08 9.05e-09 TATTAATAACA
-1 phiX174 4303 4313 + 14.6585 1.52e-08 9.19e-09 TTGATATTAAT
-1 phiX174 5033 5043 + 14.561 1.58e-08 9.41e-09 GTCAGATATGG
-1 phiX174 2579 2589 + 14.2927 1.73e-08 1.01e-08 TGGATACATCT
-1 phiX174 322 332 + 14.1951 1.82e-08 1.05e-08 GACATTTTAAA
-1 phiX174 5001 5011 + 13.8902 2.09e-08 1.19e-08 GGTTTCTATGT
-1 phiX174 4217 4227 + 13.8171 2.15e-08 1.2e-08 TGCTTCTGACG
-1 phiX174 4262 4272 + 13.7805 2.18e-08 1.2e-08 AATGGATGAAT
-1 phiX174 3569 3579 + 13.7073 2.26e-08 1.22e-08 TATGGAAAACA
-1 phiX174 194 204 + 13.6829 2.29e-08 1.22e-08 ATCAACTAACG
-1 phiX174 131 141 + 13.4756 2.49e-08 1.31e-08 AAATGAGAAAA
-1 phiX174 1491 1501 + 13.4024 2.55e-08 1.32e-08 GCCATCTCAAA
-1 phiX174 434 444 + 13.2805 2.67e-08 1.36e-08 GGCCTCTATTA
-1 phiX174 4565 4575 + 13.2439 2.73e-08 1.36e-08 TTGGTTTATCG
-1 phiX174 102 112 + 13.2195 2.75e-08 1.36e-08 GAATTAAATCG
-1 phiX174 903 913 + 13.1463 2.82e-08 1.38e-08 GAGGTACTAAA
-1 phiX174 4748 4758 + 12.9756 3.01e-08 1.45e-08 TACAGCTAATG
-1 phiX174 2622 2632 + 12.8659 3.16e-08 1.5e-08 TGCTGATATTG
-1 phiX174 467 477 + 12.7317 3.35e-08 1.57e-08 TTTGGATTTAA
-1 phiX174 4033 4043 + 12.6829 3.44e-08 1.58e-08 AGCGTATCGAG
-1 phiX174 1348 1358 + 12.6707 3.46e-08 1.58e-08 TACCAATAAAA
-1 phiX174 239 249 + 12.5732 3.62e-08 1.64e-08 AGTGGCTTAAT
-1 phiX174 500 510 + 12.4634 3.84e-08 1.71e-08 GACGAGTAACA
-1 phiX174 3001 3011 + 12.4146 3.93e-08 1.73e-08 GCGGTCAAAAA
-1 phiX174 3776 3786 + 12.378 3.98e-08 1.73e-08 TATTTCTAATG
-1 phiX174 2026 2036 + 12.3293 4.06e-08 1.75e-08 GAAGTTTAAGA
-1 phiX174 4237 4247 + 12.3049 4.12e-08 1.75e-08 AGTTTGTATCT
-1 phiX174 803 813 + 12.2439 4.24e-08 1.78e-08 AGAAGAAAACG
-1 phiX174 3770 3780 + 12.1829 4.35e-08 1.81e-08 AAAGGATATTT
-1 phiX174 3429 3439 + 12.122 4.45e-08 1.82e-08 GAGATGCAAAA
-1 phiX174 99 109 + 12.1098 4.48e-08 1.82e-08 TACGAATTAAA
-1 phiX174 67 77 + 11.9268 4.78e-08 1.92e-08 TCTTGATAAAG
-1 phiX174 5332 5342 + 11.7195 5.13e-08 2.01e-08 ATCTGCTCAAA
-1 phiX174 277 287 + 11.7073 5.14e-08 2.01e-08 TTTAGATATGA
-1 phiX174 4338 4348 + 11.6951 5.18e-08 2.01e-08 GGGGACGAAAA
-1 phiX174 3812 3822 + 11.6585 5.28e-08 2.03e-08 GGTTGATATTT
-1 phiX174 1909 1919 + 11.5488 5.51e-08 2.08e-08 TAACGCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 3000 3010 + 11.5366 5.54e-08 2.08e-08 GGCGGTCAAAA
-1 phiX174 3891 3901 + 11.439 5.75e-08 2.11e-08 ATTGGCTCTAA
-1 phiX174 3079 3089 + 11.4268 5.76e-08 2.11e-08 CTGGTATTAAA
-1 phiX174 37 47 + 11.4146 5.79e-08 2.11e-08 TTCGGATATTT
-1 phiX174 380 390 + 11.3293 6.01e-08 2.17e-08 GTAAGAAATCA
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/fimo_output_txt_2.txt
--- a/test-data/fimo_output_txt_2.txt Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#pattern name sequence name start stop strand score p-value q-value matched sequence
-1 phiX174 1388 1398 + 29.4024 6.36e-11 0 AATATCTATAA
-1 phiX174 847 857 + 29.122 7.02e-11 0 AATGTCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 2301 2311 + 27.6463 1.08e-10 0 AGGTTATAACG
-1 phiX174 5063 5073 + 25.5366 2.73e-10 0 AGGAGCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 989 999 + 25.3049 3.15e-10 0 TGAGGATAAAT
-1 phiX174 4713 4723 + 23.622 7.74e-10 0 GACTGCTATCA
-1 phiX174 5048 5058 + 23.3293 8.51e-10 0 TGCTGCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 855 865 + 23.3049 8.64e-10 0 AAGGTAAAAAA
-1 phiX174 3155 3165 + 23.0366 9.76e-10 0 TATGGCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 5009 5019 + 23.0366 9.76e-10 0 TGTGGCTAAAT
-1 phiX174 814 824 + 22.5854 1.28e-09 0 TGCGTCAAAAA
-1 phiX174 2832 2842 + 22.3415 1.42e-09 0 TTGGTCTAACT
-1 phiX174 3830 3840 + 21.8293 1.7e-09 0 TATTGATAAAG
-1 phiX174 3560 3570 + 21.5976 1.89e-09 0 TGCGTCTATTA
-1 phiX174 2882 2892 + 21.1951 2.29e-09 0 AGGTTATTAAA
-1 phiX174 4453 4463 + 20.8902 2.58e-09 0 AAGGTATTAAG
-1 phiX174 2493 2503 + 20.3415 3.06e-09 0 GACACCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 4104 4114 + 20.3171 3.08e-09 0 GGCTTCCATAA
-1 phiX174 4955 4965 + 20.3171 3.08e-09 0 TGATGCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 1885 1895 + 19.9268 3.61e-09 0 TGCGACTAAAG
-1 phiX174 3376 3386 + 19.7683 3.81e-09 0 AGAATCAAAAA
-1 phiX174 52 62 + 19.5732 4.06e-09 0 TGAGTCGAAAA
-1 phiX174 1390 1400 + 19.378 4.26e-09 0 TATCTATAACA
-1 phiX174 2017 2027 + 19.0854 4.6e-09 0 TTCGTCTAAGA
-1 phiX174 1000 1010 + 18.878 4.88e-09 0 TATGTCTAATA
-1 phiX174 1555 1565 + 18.439 5.58e-09 0 GACTTCTACCA
-1 phiX174 4430 4440 + 18.4268 5.62e-09 0 TGAGTATAATT
-1 phiX174 1927 1937 + 18.2927 5.82e-09 0 GACTTATACCG
-1 phiX174 2981 2991 + 18.0732 6.13e-09 0 CATGTCTAAAT
-1 phiX174 4203 4213 + 17.9268 6.34e-09 0 GACGGCCATAA
-1 phiX174 1669 1679 + 17.8659 6.4e-09 0 TGGAGGTAAAA
-1 phiX174 3260 3270 + 17.5 7.01e-09 0 CGCTGATAAAG
-1 phiX174 3047 3057 + 17.2805 7.4e-09 0 TACCGATAACA
-1 phiX174 4176 4186 + 17.1829 7.6e-09 0 GAGTTCGATAA
-1 phiX174 4118 4128 + 17.1341 7.7e-09 0 GATGGATAACC
-1 phiX174 5370 5380 + 16.9878 8.03e-09 0 GGCGTATCCAA
-1 phiX174 1242 1252 + 16.5122 8.94e-09 0 AGTGGATTAAG
-1 phiX174 2583 2593 + 16.5122 8.94e-09 0 TACATCTGTCA
-1 phiX174 698 708 + 16.4146 9.13e-09 0 TACGGAAAACA
-1 phiX174 2299 2309 + 16.3537 9.26e-09 0 TGAGGTTATAA
-1 phiX174 4189 4199 + 16.1707 9.69e-09 0 GTGATATGTAT
-1 phiX174 275 285 + 16.0976 9.85e-09 0 GGTTTAGATAT
-1 phiX174 1801 1811 + 16.0366 1e-08 0 GACCTATAAAC
-1 phiX174 1386 1396 + 15.9268 1.03e-08 0 TGAATATCTAT
-1 phiX174 1303 1313 + 15.9024 1.03e-08 0 TGGTTATATTG
-1 phiX174 3772 3782 + 15.878 1.04e-08 0 AGGATATTTCT
-1 phiX174 1288 1298 + 15.8659 1.04e-08 0 GACTGTTAACA
-1 phiX174 2577 2587 + 15.7683 1.08e-08 0 GATGGATACAT
-1 phiX174 937 947 + 15.7561 1.08e-08 0 TTGGTATGTAG
-1 phiX174 904 914 + 15.6585 1.11e-08 0 AGGTACTAAAG
-1 phiX174 2279 2289 + 15.5854 1.13e-08 0 TCGTGATAAAA
-1 phiX174 3164 3174 + 15.5 1.16e-08 0 AGCTGGTAAAG
-1 phiX174 24 34 + 15.3293 1.23e-08 0 AGAAGTTAACA
-1 phiX174 838 848 + 15.2561 1.27e-08 0 GAGTGATGTAA
-1 phiX174 853 863 + 15.2561 1.27e-08 0 TAAAGGTAAAA
-1 phiX174 1984 1994 + 15.0244 1.36e-08 0 AATTTCTATGA
-1 phiX174 1 11 + 14.8293 1.46e-08 0 GAGTTTTATCG
-1 phiX174 4307 4317 + 14.7927 1.47e-08 0 TATTAATAACA
-1 phiX174 4303 4313 + 14.6585 1.52e-08 0 TTGATATTAAT
-1 phiX174 5033 5043 + 14.561 1.58e-08 0 GTCAGATATGG
-1 phiX174 2579 2589 + 14.2927 1.73e-08 0 TGGATACATCT
-1 phiX174 322 332 + 14.1951 1.82e-08 0 GACATTTTAAA
-1 phiX174 5001 5011 + 13.8902 2.09e-08 0 GGTTTCTATGT
-1 phiX174 4217 4227 + 13.8171 2.15e-08 0 TGCTTCTGACG
-1 phiX174 4262 4272 + 13.7805 2.18e-08 0 AATGGATGAAT
-1 phiX174 3569 3579 + 13.7073 2.26e-08 0 TATGGAAAACA
-1 phiX174 194 204 + 13.6829 2.29e-08 0 ATCAACTAACG
-1 phiX174 131 141 + 13.4756 2.49e-08 0 AAATGAGAAAA
-1 phiX174 1491 1501 + 13.4024 2.55e-08 0 GCCATCTCAAA
-1 phiX174 434 444 + 13.2805 2.67e-08 0 GGCCTCTATTA
-1 phiX174 4565 4575 + 13.2439 2.73e-08 0 TTGGTTTATCG
-1 phiX174 102 112 + 13.2195 2.75e-08 0 GAATTAAATCG
-1 phiX174 903 913 + 13.1463 2.82e-08 0 GAGGTACTAAA
-1 phiX174 4748 4758 + 12.9756 3.01e-08 0 TACAGCTAATG
-1 phiX174 2622 2632 + 12.8659 3.16e-08 0 TGCTGATATTG
-1 phiX174 467 477 + 12.7317 3.35e-08 0 TTTGGATTTAA
-1 phiX174 4033 4043 + 12.6829 3.44e-08 0 AGCGTATCGAG
-1 phiX174 1348 1358 + 12.6707 3.46e-08 0 TACCAATAAAA
-1 phiX174 239 249 + 12.5732 3.62e-08 0 AGTGGCTTAAT
-1 phiX174 500 510 + 12.4634 3.84e-08 0 GACGAGTAACA
-1 phiX174 3001 3011 + 12.4146 3.93e-08 0 GCGGTCAAAAA
-1 phiX174 3776 3786 + 12.378 3.98e-08 0 TATTTCTAATG
-1 phiX174 2026 2036 + 12.3293 4.06e-08 0 GAAGTTTAAGA
-1 phiX174 4237 4247 + 12.3049 4.12e-08 0 AGTTTGTATCT
-1 phiX174 803 813 + 12.2439 4.24e-08 0 AGAAGAAAACG
-1 phiX174 3770 3780 + 12.1829 4.35e-08 0 AAAGGATATTT
-1 phiX174 3429 3439 + 12.122 4.45e-08 0 GAGATGCAAAA
-1 phiX174 99 109 + 12.1098 4.48e-08 0 TACGAATTAAA
-1 phiX174 67 77 + 11.9268 4.78e-08 0 TCTTGATAAAG
-1 phiX174 5332 5342 + 11.7195 5.13e-08 0 ATCTGCTCAAA
-1 phiX174 277 287 + 11.7073 5.14e-08 0 TTTAGATATGA
-1 phiX174 4338 4348 + 11.6951 5.18e-08 0 GGGGACGAAAA
-1 phiX174 3812 3822 + 11.6585 5.28e-08 0 GGTTGATATTT
-1 phiX174 1909 1919 + 11.5488 5.51e-08 0 TAACGCTAAAG
-1 phiX174 3000 3010 + 11.5366 5.54e-08 0 GGCGGTCAAAA
-1 phiX174 3891 3901 + 11.439 5.75e-08 0 ATTGGCTCTAA
-1 phiX174 3079 3089 + 11.4268 5.76e-08 0 CTGGTATTAAA
-1 phiX174 37 47 + 11.4146 5.79e-08 0 TTCGGATATTT
-1 phiX174 380 390 + 11.3293 6.01e-08 0 GTAAGAAATCA
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/fimo_output_xml_1.xml
--- a/test-data/fimo_output_xml_1.xml Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xsi:schemaLocation= xmlns:fimo="http://noble.gs.washington.edu/schema/fimo"
-fimo --o /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/job_working_directory/001/1973/dataset_2713_files --verbosity 1 /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2540.dat /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2541.dat
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/fimo_output_xml_2.xml
--- a/test-data/fimo_output_xml_2.xml Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xsi:schemaLocation= xmlns:fimo="http://noble.gs.washington.edu/schema/fimo"
-fimo --alpha 1.000000 --max-stored-scores 100000 --motif-pseudo 0.100000 --no-qvalue --thresh 0.000100 --o /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/job_working_directory/001/1978/dataset_2738_files --verbosity 1 /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2540.dat /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2541.dat
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/meme_output_html_1.html
--- a/test-data/meme_output_html_1.html Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ b/test-data/meme_output_html_1.html Fri Jun 17 13:16:52 2016 -0400
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
"stop_reason": "Stopped because requested number of motifs (1) found.",
"cmd": [
- "/Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2490.dat",
- "-o",
- "/Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/job_working_directory/001/1912/dataset_2530_files",
"options": {
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/meme_output_html_2.html
--- a/test-data/meme_output_html_2.html Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ b/test-data/meme_output_html_2.html Fri Jun 17 13:16:52 2016 -0400
@@ -12,15 +12,6 @@
"stop_reason": "Stopped because requested number of motifs (1) found.",
"cmd": [
- "/Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2490.dat",
- "-o",
- "/Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/job_working_directory/001/1929/dataset_2578_files",
- "-nostatus", "-sf", "Galaxy_FASTA_Input", "-dna", "-mod", "zoops",
- "-nmotifs", "1", "-wnsites", "0.8", "-minw", "8", "-maxw", "50",
- "-wg", "11", "-ws", "1", "-maxiter", "50", "-distance", "0.001",
- "-prior", "dirichlet", "-b", "0.01", "-plib",
- "/Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2577.dat",
- "-spmap", "uni", "-spfuzz", "0.5"
"options": {
"mod": "zoops",
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/meme_output_txt_1.txt
--- a/test-data/meme_output_txt_1.txt Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ b/test-data/meme_output_txt_1.txt Fri Jun 17 13:16:52 2016 -0400
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-DATAFILE= /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2490.dat
Sequence name Weight Length Sequence name Weight Length
------------- ------ ------ ------------- ------ ------
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
This information can also be useful in the event you wish to report a
problem with the MEME software.
-command: meme /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2490.dat -o /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/job_working_directory/001/1912/dataset_2530_files -nostatus
+command: meme
model: mod= zoops nmotifs= 1 evt= inf
object function= E-value of product of p-values
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
-Time 0.53 secs.
@@ -320,6 +320,6 @@
Stopped because requested number of motifs (1) found.
-CPU: MacBook-Pro-2.local
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/meme_output_txt_2.txt
--- a/test-data/meme_output_txt_2.txt Fri Mar 18 08:23:54 2016 -0400
+++ b/test-data/meme_output_txt_2.txt Fri Jun 17 13:16:52 2016 -0400
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
This information can also be useful in the event you wish to report a
problem with the MEME software.
-command: meme /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2490.dat -o /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/job_working_directory/001/1929/dataset_2578_files -nostatus -sf Galaxy_FASTA_Input -dna -mod zoops -nmotifs 1 -wnsites 0.8 -minw 8 -maxw 50 -wg 11 -ws 1 -maxiter 50 -distance 0.001 -prior dirichlet -b 0.01 -plib /Users/gvk/work/git_workspace/galaxy/database/files/002/dataset_2577.dat -spmap uni -spfuzz 0.5
+command: meme
model: mod= zoops nmotifs= 1 evt= inf
object function= E-value of product of p-values
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
data: n= 1500 N= 30 shuffle= -1
strands: +
sample: seed= 0 ctfrac= -1 maxwords= -1
-Dirichlet mixture priors file: dataset_2577.dat
+Dirichlet mixture priors file:
Letter frequencies in dataset:
A 0.294 C 0.231 G 0.257 T 0.217
Background letter frequencies (from dataset with add-one prior applied):
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
-Time 0.17 secs.
@@ -314,6 +314,6 @@
Stopped because requested number of motifs (1) found.
-CPU: dot1x-cb-51.aset.psu.edu
diff -r 34c794383f81 -r 62d1fae3b7d3 test-data/motif1.gff
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/motif1.gff Fri Jun 17 13:16:52 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+##gff-version 3
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 1 11 78.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-57-phiX174;pvalue=1.46e-08;sequence=GAGTTTTATCG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 3 13 57.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-471-phiX174;pvalue=1.79e-06;sequence=GTTTTATCGCT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 7 17 45 + . Name=1;ID=1-1378-phiX174;pvalue=3.18e-05;sequence=TATCGCTTCCA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 10 20 53.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-605-phiX174;pvalue=4.1e-06;sequence=CGCTTCCATGA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 17 27 40.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-1887-phiX174;pvalue=9.55e-05;sequence=ATGACGCAGAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 18 28 45.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-1349-phiX174;pvalue=2.98e-05;sequence=TGACGCAGAAG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 19 29 55.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-527-phiX174;pvalue=2.6e-06;sequence=GACGCAGAAGT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 21 31 41.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-1705-phiX174;pvalue=7.07e-05;sequence=CGCAGAAGTTA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 22 32 44.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-1404-phiX174;pvalue=3.44e-05;sequence=GCAGAAGTTAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 24 34 79.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-53-phiX174;pvalue=1.23e-08;sequence=AGAAGTTAACA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 25 35 45.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-1347-phiX174;pvalue=2.97e-05;sequence=GAAGTTAACAC;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 26 36 59.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-417-phiX174;pvalue=1.19e-06;sequence=AAGTTAACACT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 30 40 44.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-1399-phiX174;pvalue=3.4e-05;sequence=TAACACTTTCG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 37 47 72.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-98-phiX174;pvalue=5.79e-08;sequence=TTCGGATATTT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 39 49 65.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-213-phiX174;pvalue=2.92e-07;sequence=CGGATATTTCT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 41 51 55.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-548-phiX174;pvalue=2.97e-06;sequence=GATATTTCTGA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 43 53 58.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-442-phiX174;pvalue=1.43e-06;sequence=TATTTCTGATG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 46 56 53.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-617-phiX174;pvalue=4.23e-06;sequence=TTCTGATGAGT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 50 60 45.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-1333-phiX174;pvalue=2.86e-05;sequence=GATGAGTCGAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 51 61 48.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-1094-phiX174;pvalue=1.44e-05;sequence=ATGAGTCGAAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 52 62 83.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-22-phiX174;pvalue=4.06e-09;sequence=TGAGTCGAAAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 53 63 53.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-601-phiX174;pvalue=4.03e-06;sequence=GAGTCGAAAAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 54 64 62.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-297-phiX174;pvalue=5.16e-07;sequence=AGTCGAAAAAT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 55 65 52.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-675-phiX174;pvalue=5.26e-06;sequence=GTCGAAAAATT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 56 66 41.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-1713-phiX174;pvalue=7.2e-05;sequence=TCGAAAAATTA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 58 68 43.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-1500-phiX174;pvalue=4.56e-05;sequence=GAAAAATTATC;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 59 69 59.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-409-phiX174;pvalue=1.1e-06;sequence=AAAAATTATCT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 61 71 61.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-329-phiX174;pvalue=6.52e-07;sequence=AAATTATCTTG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 63 73 59.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-419-phiX174;pvalue=1.2e-06;sequence=ATTATCTTGAT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 65 75 53.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-643-phiX174;pvalue=4.66e-06;sequence=TATCTTGATAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 66 76 51.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-737-phiX174;pvalue=6.54e-06;sequence=ATCTTGATAAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 67 77 73.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-89-phiX174;pvalue=4.78e-08;sequence=TCTTGATAAAG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 69 79 63.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-268-phiX174;pvalue=4.15e-07;sequence=TTGATAAAGCA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 71 81 40.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-1882-phiX174;pvalue=9.49e-05;sequence=GATAAAGCAGG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 73 83 45.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-1334-phiX174;pvalue=2.87e-05;sequence=TAAAGCAGGAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 74 84 50.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-832-phiX174;pvalue=8.05e-06;sequence=AAAGCAGGAAT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 76 86 52.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-710-phiX174;pvalue=5.96e-06;sequence=AGCAGGAATTA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 78 88 51.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-741-phiX174;pvalue=6.65e-06;sequence=CAGGAATTACT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 79 89 45 + . Name=1;ID=1-1369-phiX174;pvalue=3.16e-05;sequence=AGGAATTACTA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 80 90 43.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-1511-phiX174;pvalue=4.63e-05;sequence=GGAATTACTAC;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 81 91 59.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-402-phiX174;pvalue=1.05e-06;sequence=GAATTACTACT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 82 92 46.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-1205-phiX174;pvalue=2.03e-05;sequence=AATTACTACTG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 88 98 41.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-1744-phiX174;pvalue=7.51e-05;sequence=TACTGCTTGTT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 91 101 53.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-621-phiX174;pvalue=4.33e-06;sequence=TGCTTGTTTAC;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 92 102 44.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-1388-phiX174;pvalue=3.31e-05;sequence=GCTTGTTTACG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 93 103 43.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-1525-phiX174;pvalue=4.82e-05;sequence=CTTGTTTACGA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 95 105 61.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-327-phiX174;pvalue=6.5e-07;sequence=TGTTTACGAAT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 96 106 42.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-1553-phiX174;pvalue=5.08e-05;sequence=GTTTACGAATT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 98 108 45.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-1340-phiX174;pvalue=2.9e-05;sequence=TTACGAATTAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 99 109 73.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-88-phiX174;pvalue=4.48e-08;sequence=TACGAATTAAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 100 110 53 + . Name=1;ID=1-661-phiX174;pvalue=4.99e-06;sequence=ACGAATTAAAT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 102 112 75.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-72-phiX174;pvalue=2.75e-08;sequence=GAATTAAATCG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 104 114 52.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-713-phiX174;pvalue=6.05e-06;sequence=ATTAAATCGAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 106 116 59.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-407-phiX174;pvalue=1.09e-06;sequence=TAAATCGAAGT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 112 122 41.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-1683-phiX174;pvalue=6.85e-05;sequence=GAAGTGGACTG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 114 124 45.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-1342-phiX174;pvalue=2.92e-05;sequence=AGTGGACTGCT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 118 128 56.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-512-phiX174;pvalue=2.38e-06;sequence=GACTGCTGGCG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 122 132 51.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-774-phiX174;pvalue=7.15e-06;sequence=GCTGGCGGAAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 123 133 43.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-1533-phiX174;pvalue=4.93e-05;sequence=CTGGCGGAAAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 124 134 48.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-1085-phiX174;pvalue=1.38e-05;sequence=TGGCGGAAAAT;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 125 135 68.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-146-phiX174;pvalue=1.49e-07;sequence=GGCGGAAAATG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 126 136 46.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-1243-phiX174;pvalue=2.27e-05;sequence=GCGGAAAATGA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 128 138 58.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-446-phiX174;pvalue=1.48e-06;sequence=GGAAAATGAGA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 129 139 43.2 + . Name=1;ID=1-1522-phiX174;pvalue=4.78e-05;sequence=GAAAATGAGAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 130 140 54.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-595-phiX174;pvalue=3.92e-06;sequence=AAAATGAGAAA;
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+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 187 197 52.5 + . Name=1;ID=1-694-phiX174;pvalue=5.64e-06;sequence=TTTCGCCATCA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 191 201 46.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-1232-phiX174;pvalue=2.2e-05;sequence=GCCATCAACTA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 194 204 76.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-67-phiX174;pvalue=2.29e-08;sequence=ATCAACTAACG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 201 211 40.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-1908-phiX174;pvalue=9.77e-05;sequence=AACGATTCTGT;
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+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 205 215 53.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-610-phiX174;pvalue=4.16e-06;sequence=ATTCTGTCAAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 206 216 59.1 + . Name=1;ID=1-421-phiX174;pvalue=1.23e-06;sequence=TTCTGTCAAAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 207 217 68 + . Name=1;ID=1-153-phiX174;pvalue=1.58e-07;sequence=TCTGTCAAAAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 209 219 49.6 + . Name=1;ID=1-988-phiX174;pvalue=1.09e-05;sequence=TGTCAAAAACT;
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+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 213 223 59.7 + . Name=1;ID=1-404-phiX174;pvalue=1.06e-06;sequence=AAAAACTGACG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 223 233 42 + . Name=1;ID=1-1654-phiX174;pvalue=6.36e-05;sequence=GCGTTGGATGA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 225 235 61.4 + . Name=1;ID=1-349-phiX174;pvalue=7.16e-07;sequence=GTTGGATGAGG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 227 237 40.3 + . Name=1;ID=1-1874-phiX174;pvalue=9.32e-05;sequence=TGGATGAGGAG;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 228 238 49.9 + . Name=1;ID=1-947-phiX174;pvalue=1.01e-05;sequence=GGATGAGGAGA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 229 239 45 + . Name=1;ID=1-1370-phiX174;pvalue=3.16e-05;sequence=GATGAGGAGAA;
+phiX174 fimo polypeptide_motif 230 240 44.8 + . Name=1;ID=1-1395-phiX174;pvalue=3.33e-05;sequence=ATGAGGAGAAG;
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+++ b/tool_dependencies.xml Fri Jun 17 13:16:52 2016 -0400
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