Mercurial > repos > iuc > ncbi_eutils_einfo
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planemo upload for repository commit 851b88d92fa7740880a5edf407f629bf3f7f7bf0
author | iuc |
date | Fri, 04 Oct 2024 14:37:15 +0000 |
parents | cd5a82a16bbf |
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#!/usr/bin/env python # Daniel Blankenberg # Creates the options for tool interface from __future__ import print_function import re # db_list = ''' <DbName>annotinfo</DbName> <DbName>assembly</DbName> <DbName>bioproject</DbName> <DbName>biosample</DbName> <DbName>biosystems</DbName> <DbName>blastdbinfo</DbName> <DbName>books</DbName> <DbName>cdd</DbName> <DbName>clinvar</DbName> <DbName>clone</DbName> <DbName>dbvar</DbName> <DbName>gap</DbName> <DbName>gapplus</DbName> <DbName>gds</DbName> <DbName>gencoll</DbName> <DbName>gene</DbName> <DbName>genome</DbName> <DbName>geoprofiles</DbName> <DbName>grasp</DbName> <DbName>gtr</DbName> <DbName>homologene</DbName> <DbName>medgen</DbName> <DbName>mesh</DbName> <DbName>ncbisearch</DbName> <DbName>nlmcatalog</DbName> <DbName>nuccore</DbName> <DbName>nucest</DbName> <DbName>nucgss</DbName> <DbName>nucleotide</DbName> <DbName>omim</DbName> <DbName>orgtrack</DbName> <DbName>pcassay</DbName> <DbName>pccompound</DbName> <DbName>pcsubstance</DbName> <DbName>pmc</DbName> <DbName>popset</DbName> <DbName>probe</DbName> <DbName>protein</DbName> <DbName>proteinclusters</DbName> <DbName>pubmed</DbName> <DbName>pubmedhealth</DbName> <DbName>seqannot</DbName> <DbName>snp</DbName> <DbName>sra</DbName> <DbName>structure</DbName> <DbName>taxonomy</DbName> <DbName>unigene</DbName>'''.replace("<DbName>", "").replace("</DbName>", "").split("\n") help = ''' (all) docsum xml Document Summary docsum json Document Summary full text Full Document uilist xml Unique Identifier List uilist text Unique Identifier List full xml Full Document bioproject native BioProject Report native xml RecordSet biosample native BioSample Report native xml BioSampleSet biosystems native xml Sys-set gds native xml RecordSet summary text Summary gene gene_table xml Gene Table native text Gene Report native asn.1 Entrezgene native xml Entrezgene-Set tabular tabular Tabular Report homologene alignmentscores text Alignment Scores fasta fasta FASTA homologene text Homologene Report native text Homologene List native asn.1 HG-Entry native xml Entrez-Homologene-Set mesh full text Full Record native text MeSH Report native xml RecordSet nlmcatalog native text Full Record native xml NLMCatalogRecordSet pmc medline text MEDLINE native xml pmc-articleset pubmed abstract xml Abstract medline text MEDLINE native asn.1 Pubmed-entry native xml PubmedArticleSet (sequences) acc text Accession Number est xml EST Report fasta fasta FASTA fasta xml TinySeq fasta_cds_aa fasta CDS Products fasta_cds_na fasta Coding Regions ft text Feature Table gb text GenBank Flatfile gb xml GBSet gbc xml INSDSet gbwithparts text GenBank with Contig Sequences gene_fasta fasta FASTA of Gene gp text GenPept Flatfile gp xml GBSet gpc xml INSDSet gss text GSS Report ipg text Identical Protein Report ipg xml IPGReportSet native text Seq-entry native xml Bioseq-set seqid asn.1 Seq-id snp chr text Chromosome Report docset text Summary fasta fasta FASTA flt text Flat File native asn.1 Rs native xml ExchangeSet rsr tabular RS Cluster Report ssexemplar text SS Exemplar List sra native xml EXPERIMENT_PACKAGE_SET runinfo xml SraRunInfo structure mmdb asn.1 Ncbi-mime-asn1 strucseq native text MMDB Report native xml RecordSet taxonomy native text Taxonomy List native xml TaxaSet'''.split("\n") db = {} for db_name in db_list: db[db_name] = [] section = None for line in help: line = re.split(r'\s{2,}', line.strip()) # Ignore empties if len(line) == 0: continue # Section headers have one item elif len(line) == 1: section = line[0] db[section] = [] # Format lines have 2+ elif len(line) == 2: parent_format = line[0] description = line[1] if parent_format not in db[section]: db[section].append((parent_format, None, description)) elif len(line) == 3: parent_format = line[0] format_modifier = line[1] description = line[2] if parent_format not in db[section]: db[section].append((parent_format, format_modifier, description)) all_formats = db['(all)'] del db['(all)'] sequences_formats = db['(sequences)'] del db['(sequences)'] del db[''] for key in db: db[key] += all_formats for key in ('nuccore', 'nucest', 'nucgss', 'nucleotide'): db[key] += sequences_formats MACRO_TPL = ''' ''' WHEN_TPL = ''' <when value="{format}"> <param name="output_format" type="select" label="Output Format"> {format_options} </param> </when>''' FORMAT_OPTION_TPL = '''<option value="{name_type}">{name_type_human}</option>''' format_names = {} print(''' <xml name="db"> <conditional name="db"> <expand macro="dbselect" />''') for key in sorted(db): format_options = [] for (parent_format, format_modifier, description) in sorted(db[key]): name_human = description if format_modifier: name_human += ' (%s)' % format_modifier format_string = '%s-%s' % (parent_format, format_modifier) format_options.append(FORMAT_OPTION_TPL.format( name_type=format_string, name_type_human=name_human, )) format_names[format_string] = format_modifier print(WHEN_TPL.format( format=key, format_options='\n '.join(format_options) )) print(''' </conditional> </xml>''') CHANGE_FORMAT_TPL = ''' <xml name="efetch_formats"> <change_format> {formats} </change_format> </xml> ''' CHANGE_FORMAT_WHEN_TPL = '''<when input="output_format" value="{key}" format="{value}"/>''' # Format options whens = [] for (k, v) in format_names.items(): if v is None: v = 'text' elif v == 'asn.1': v = 'asn1' whens.append(CHANGE_FORMAT_WHEN_TPL.format( key=k, value=v )) print(CHANGE_FORMAT_TPL.format(formats='\n '.join(whens)))