comparison raceid_inspectclusters.xml @ 4:20f522154663 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit 5d7c4cd914295a81d42bf8baaad4981c23a83059"
author iuc
date Mon, 12 Aug 2019 13:01:12 -0400
parents 9fec5dd8fbb9
children 41f34e925bd5
equal deleted inserted replaced
3:0fa80752a314 4:20f522154663
1 <tool id="raceid_inspectclusters" name="Cluster Inspection using RaceID" version="@VERSION_RACEID@.@VERSION_PACKAGE@.1" > 1 <tool id="raceid_inspectclusters" name="Cluster Inspection using RaceID" version="@VERSION_RACEID@.@VERSION_WRAPPER@" >
2 <description>examines gene expression within clusters</description> 2 <description>examines gene expression within clusters</description>
3 <macros> 3 <macros>
4 <import>macros.xml</import> 4 <import>macros.xml</import>
5 <import>macros_inspectclusters.xml</import> 5 <import>macros_cheetah.xml</import>
6 <macro name="select_cells" token_sectionname="@SECTIONNAME@" token_sectiontitle="@SECTIONTITLE@" >
7 <section name="@SECTIONNAME@" title="@SECTIONTITLE@" expanded="true" >
8 <param name="name_set" type="text" optional="true" label="Name of Set" >
9 <!-- Aname, Bname -->
10 <expand macro="sanitize_title" />
11 </param>
12 <conditional name="meth" >
13 <param name="type" type="select" label="Selection method" >
14 <option value="cln" selected="true">Cluster Numbers</option>
15 <option value="regex" >Regular Expression</option>
16 <option value="manual" >Manual Selection</option>
17 </param>
18 <when value="cln" >
19 <param name="selector" type="text" value="" label="List of clusters" help="Clusters should be listed delimited by commas (e.g. 3,4,5)" >
20 <expand macro="sanitize_numeric_vector" />
21 </param>
22 </when>
23 <when value="regex" >
24 <param name="selector" type="text" value="" label="Regular Expression to select gene names" >
25 <expand macro="sanitize_regex" />
26 </param>
27 </when>
28 <when value="manual" >
29 <param name="selector" type="text" value="" label="List of genes" >
30 <expand macro="sanitize_string_vector" />
31 </param>
32 </when>
33 </conditional>
34 </section>
35 </macro>
6 </macros> 36 </macros>
7 <expand macro="requirements" /> 37 <expand macro="requirements" />
8 <version_command><![CDATA[ 38 <expand macro="version_command_config" prog="clusterinspect.R" cheetah="INSPECTCLUSTERS_CHEETAH" out="&#38;&#62; '$outlog'" />
9 Rscript '$__tool_directory__/scripts/clusterinspect.R' @GET_VERSION@
10 ]]></version_command>
12 <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
13 #set bin = 'clusterinspect.R'
14 Rscript '$__tool_directory__/scripts/$bin' '$userconf' 2>&1 > '$outlog'
15 ]]></command>
17 <configfiles>
18 <configfile name="userconf" ><![CDATA[
22 ]]>
23 </configfile>
24 </configfiles>
25 <inputs> 39 <inputs>
26 <expand macro="inspectclusters_inputs" /> 40 <param name="inputrds" type="data" format="rdata" label="Input RaceID RDS" help="Requires the RDS output from the cluster analysis" />
41 <conditional name="plotgen">
42 <param name="do_opt" type="select" label="Plot Clusters?" help="Generates tSNE and F-R plots" >
43 <option value="yes" selected="true" >Yes</option>
44 <option value="no" >No</option>
45 </param>
46 <when value="no" />
47 <when value="yes" >
48 <param name="clusts_plot" type="text" label="Cluster Numbers to plot" value="" help="Leave blank to plot all clusters" optional="true" >
49 <expand macro="sanitize_numeric_vector" />
50 </param>
51 </when>
52 </conditional>
53 <conditional name="plotsym" >
54 <param name="do_opt" type="select" label="Perform Subset Analysis?" >
55 <expand macro="yesno_checkedno" />
56 </param>
57 <when value="no" />
58 <when value="yes">
59 <param name="types_regex" type="text" optional="true" label="Types Regex (removal)" help="Regular expression to be used to remove portions of the cell names, in order to indicate cell type. e.g. if your cells are labelled as 'cdk5_1, cdk5_2, glow_1, glow_2', then a regex of '_\\d$' would trim off the ends and set the cell types to 'cdk5, cdk5, glow, glow'. " >
60 <expand macro="sanitize_regex" />
61 </param>
62 <expand macro="use_defaults_no" >
63 <param name="subset_regex" type="text" optional="true" label="Subset of Types: Regex (select)" help="Regular expression to be used to select for cell types of interest. e.g. if we are only interested in 'cdk5' positive cells, then we would simply put 'cdk5' here. ">
64 <expand macro="sanitize_regex" />
65 </param>
66 <param name="fr" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Output FR map instead of tSNE" help="Performs a Fruchterman-Rheingold projection instead of tSNE" />
67 </expand>
68 </when>
69 </conditional>
70 <conditional name="gois" >
71 <param name="do_opt" type="select" label="Examine Genes of Interest" >
72 <expand macro="yesno_checkedno" />
73 </param>
74 <when value="no" />
75 <when value="yes">
76 <param name="inspect_goi_genes" type="text" value="" label="Genes to Examine" >
77 <expand macro="sanitize_string_vector" />
78 </param>
79 <param name="inspect_goi_cells" type="text" optional="true" label="Cells to Examine" help="Leave blank to examine all" ><!-- "":NULL -->
80 <expand macro="sanitize_string_vector" />
81 </param>
82 <expand macro="use_defaults_no" >
83 <!-- Yes, examine genes of interest, but no do not use defaults... -->
84 <param name="inspect_goi_imputed" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Impute Genes" help="Only works if k-nearest neighbours was used in the clustering" />
85 <param name="plotexp_n" type="text" optional="true" label="Title of plot" help="If blank, the list of genes are used" >
86 <expand macro="sanitize_title" />
87 </param>
88 <param name="plotmarkg_cthr" type="integer" min="0" value="0" label="Cluster Threshold" help="Include only clusters with cells greater than this" />
89 <param name="plotmarkg_cl" type="text" optional="true" label="Cluster List" help="List of cluster numbers to include. Leave blank to include all" >
90 <expand macro="sanitize_numeric_vector" />
91 </param><!-- "":NULL -->
92 <param name="plotmarkg_order_cells" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Order Cells" help="Order heatmap by cell names, not by cluster" />
93 <param name="plotmarkg_aggr" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Average Expression" help="Show only average expression for each cluster" />
94 <param name="plotmarkg_norm" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Normalise Gene Expression " help="Normalise gene expression to 1 to depict genes on the same scale" />
95 <param name="plotmarkg_flo" type="integer" max="-5" optional="true" label="Lower-bound for Gene Expression" /><!-- negative or null vals only for this seem to work-->
96 <param name="plotmarkg_cap" type="integer" min="1" optional="true" label="Upper-bound for Gene Expression" />
97 <param name="plotmarkg_samples" type="text" optional="true" label="Regex to Select Sample Names For Each cell" >
98 <expand macro="sanitize_regex" />
99 </param>
100 <param name="plotmarkg_cluster_cols" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Cluster columns" />
101 <param name="plotmarkg_cluster_rows" type="boolean" checked="true" label="Cluster rows" />
102 <param name="plotmarkg_cluster_set" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Order Clusters by Heirarchal Clustering of Cluster Medoids." />
103 </expand>
104 </when>
105 </conditional>
106 <conditional name="diffgtest" >
107 <param name="do_opt" type="select" label="Differential Gene Testing" >
108 <expand macro="yesno_checkedno" />
109 </param>
110 <when value="no" />
111 <when value="yes" >
112 <expand macro="select_cells" sectionname="set_a" sectiontitle="Cells in Set A" />
113 <expand macro="select_cells" sectionname="set_b" sectiontitle="Cells in Set B" />
114 <expand macro="use_defaults_no" >
115 <param name="plotdiffg_pthr" type="float" min="0" max="1" value="0.05" label="P-value cutoff" help="Cutoff for displaying differentially expressed genes" />
116 <param name="plotdiffg_padj" type="boolean" checked="true" label="Apply B-H Correction" help="Display genes with a Benjamini-Hochberg corrected false discovery rate lower than the above P-value threshold" />
117 <param name="plotdiffg_lthr" type="float" min="0" value="0" label="Log2-Fold Threshold" help="Differentially expressed genes are displayed only for log2 fold-changes higher than this" />
118 <param name="plotdiffg_mthr" type="float" optional="true" label="Log2 Mean Threshold" help="Differentially expressed genes are displayed only for log2 mean expression greater than this" /><!-- opt:-Inf -->
119 <param name="plotdiffg_show_names" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Display Gene Names" />
120 </expand>
121 </when>
122 </conditional>
27 </inputs> 123 </inputs>
29 <outputs> 124 <outputs>
30 <data name="outpdf" format="pdf" label="${} on ${on_string}: PDF Report" /> 125 <data name="outpdf" format="pdf" label="${} on ${on_string}: PDF Report" />
31 <data name="outlog" format="txt" label="${} on ${on_string}: Log" > 126 <data name="outlog" format="txt" hidden="true" /><!-- useful for debugging, but hide from user -->
32 <filter>use_log</filter>
33 </data>
34 </outputs> 127 </outputs>
35 <tests> 128 <tests>
36 <expand macro="inspectclusters_tests" /> 129 <test><!-- general plots, plotgen -->
130 <param name="inputrds" value="out_cluster_default.rdat" />
131 <conditional name="plotgen" >
132 <param name="do_opt" value="yes" />
133 </conditional>
134 <output name="outpdf" value="out_cluster_general_default.pdf" lines_diff="30" />
135 </test>
136 <test><!-- general plots, plotgen with cluster 1,8,5 only -->
137 <param name="inputrds" value="out_cluster_default.rdat" />
138 <conditional name="plotgen" >
139 <param name="do_opt" value="yes" />
140 <param name="clusts_plot" value="1,8,5" />
141 </conditional>
142 <output name="outpdf" value="out_cluster_general_default.pdf" lines_diff="30" />
143 </test>
144 <test><!-- default test, plotsym -->
145 <param name="inputrds" value="out_cluster_default.rdat" />
146 <conditional name="plotsym" >
147 <param name="do_opt" value="yes" />
148 <param name="types_regex" value="\\_\\d+" />
149 <expand macro="test_nondef" >
150 <param name="subset_regex" value="IV|V" />
151 </expand>
152 </conditional>
153 <conditional name="gois" >
154 <param name="do_opt" value="yes" />
155 <param name="inspect_goi_genes" value="Apoa1,Apoa1bp,Apoa2,Apoa4,Apoa5" />
156 </conditional>
157 <output name="outpdf" value="out_cluster_inspect_default.pdf" lines_diff="30" />
158 </test>
159 <test><!-- Advanced 1 -->
160 <param name="inputrds" value="out_cluster_default.rdat" />
161 <conditional name="plotsym" >
162 <param name="do_opt" value="yes" />
163 <param name="types_regex" value="\\_\\d+" />
164 <expand macro="test_nondef" >
165 <param name="subset_regex" value="IV|V" />
166 <param name="fr" value="true" />
167 </expand>
168 </conditional>
169 <conditional name="gois" >
170 <param name="do_opt" value="yes" />
171 <param name="inspect_goi_genes" value="Apoa1,Apoa1bp,Apoa2,Apoa4,Apoa5" />
172 <expand macro="test_nondef" >
173 <param name="inspect_goi_imputed" value="false" />
174 <param name="plotexp_n" value="Test Title" />
175 <param name="plotmarkg_order_cells" value="true" />
176 <param name="plotmarkg_aggr" value="true" />
177 <param name="plotmarkg_norm" value="true" />
178 <param name="plotmarkg_flo" value="-10" />
179 <param name="plotmarkg_cap" value="100" />
180 <param name="plotmarkg_samples" value="(\\_\\d+)$" />
181 <param name="plotmarkg_cluster_cols" value="true" />
182 <param name="plotmarkg_cluster_rows" value="false" />
183 <param name="plotmarkg_cluster_set" value="true" />
184 </expand>
185 </conditional>
186 <conditional name="diffgtest" >
187 <param name="do_opt" value="yes" />
188 <section name="set_a" >
189 <param name="name_set" value="Test set A" />
190 <conditional name="meth" >
191 <param name="type" value="regex" />
192 <param name="selector" value="^V5.*" />
193 </conditional>
194 </section>
195 <section name="set_b" >
196 <param name="name_set" value="Test set B" />
197 <conditional name="meth" >
198 <param name="type" value="manual" />
199 <param name="selector" value="I5d_3,I5d_4,I5d_6,I5d_8,I5d_9,I5d_10,I5d_11,I5d_12,I5d_13,I5d_14" />
200 </conditional>
201 </section>
202 <expand macro="test_nondef" >
203 <param name="plotdiffg_pthr" value="0.1" />
204 <param name="plotdiffg_padj" value="false" />
205 <param name="plotdiffg_lthr" value="0.2" />
206 <param name="plotdiffg_mthr" value="0.2" />
207 <param name="plotdiffg_show_names" value="true" />
208 </expand>
209 </conditional>
210 <output name="outpdf" value="out_cluster_inspect_advanced1.pdf" lines_diff="30"/>
211 </test>
212 <test><!-- Advanced 2 -->
213 <param name="inputrds" value="out_cluster_default.rdat" />
214 <conditional name="plotsym" >
215 <param name="do_opt" value="yes" />
216 <expand macro="test_nondef" >
217 <param name="fr" value="false" />
218 </expand>
219 </conditional>
220 <conditional name="gois" >
221 <param name="do_opt" value="yes" />
222 <param name="inspect_goi_genes" value="Sp1,Spc24,Spcs1,Spcs2,Spcs3" />
223 <expand macro="test_nondef" >
224 <param name="plotexp_n" value="Test Title 2" />
225 <param name="plotmarkg_order_cells" value="true" />
226 <param name="plotmarkg_aggr" value="true" />
227 <param name="plotmarkg_norm" value="false" />
228 <param name="plotmarkg_flo" value="-10" />
229 <param name="plotmarkg_cap" value="10" />
230 <param name="plotmarkg_cluster_cols" value="true" />
231 <param name="plotmarkg_cluster_rows" value="true" />
232 <param name="plotmarkg_cluster_set" value="true" />
233 </expand>
234 </conditional>
235 <conditional name="diffgtest" >
236 <param name="do_opt" value="yes" />
237 <section name="set_a" >
238 <param name="name_set" value="Test set A" />
239 <conditional name="meth" >
240 <param name="type" value="regex" />
241 <param name="selector" value="^IV.*" />
242 </conditional>
243 </section>
244 <section name="set_b" >
245 <param name="name_set" value="Test set B" />
246 <conditional name="meth" >
247 <param name="type" value="cln" />
248 <param name="selector" value="3" />
249 </conditional>
250 </section>
251 <expand macro="test_nondef" >
252 <param name="plotdiffg_pthr" value="0.8" />
253 <param name="plotdiffg_padj" value="true" />
254 <param name="plotdiffg_lthr" value="0.8" />
255 <param name="plotdiffg_mthr" value="0.8" />
256 <param name="plotdiffg_show_names" value="false" />
257 </expand>
258 </conditional>
259 <output name="outpdf" value="out_cluster_inspect_advanced2.pdf" lines_diff="30"/>
260 </test>
261 <test><!-- Advanced 3 -->
262 <param name="inputrds" value="out_cluster_default.rdat" />
263 <conditional name="plotsym" >
264 <param name="do_opt" value="no" />
265 </conditional>
266 <conditional name="gois" >
267 <param name="do_opt" value="no" />
268 </conditional>
269 <conditional name="diffgtest" >
270 <param name="do_opt" value="yes" />
271 <section name="set_a" >
272 <param name="name_set" value="Test set A" />
273 <conditional name="meth" >
274 <param name="type" value="cln" />
275 <param name="selector" value="1,2" />
276 </conditional>
277 </section>
278 <section name="set_b" >
279 <param name="name_set" value="Test set B" />
280 <conditional name="meth" >
281 <param name="type" value="cln" />
282 <param name="selector" value="3,4,6" />
283 </conditional>
284 </section>
285 </conditional>
286 <output name="outpdf" value="out_diffgene_multiple.pdf" lines_diff="30"/>
287 </test>
37 </tests> 288 </tests>
38 <help><![CDATA[ 289 <help><![CDATA[
39 290
40 RaceID3 291 RaceID3
41 ========= 292 =========
48 299
49 * Plot All Clusters: 300 * Plot All Clusters:
50 * Produces a tSNE of all clusters, as well as a force-directed Fruchterman-Reingold (F-R) layout which may have tidier plots. 301 * Produces a tSNE of all clusters, as well as a force-directed Fruchterman-Reingold (F-R) layout which may have tidier plots.
51 * Perform Subset Analysis: 302 * Perform Subset Analysis:
52 * tSNE and F-R plots with cells whose name match the specified regex highlighted 303 * tSNE and F-R plots with cells whose name match the specified regex highlighted
53 304
54 * Examine Genes of Interest: 305 * Examine Genes of Interest:
55 * Expression plots highlighting a gene or genes of interest across all clusters 306 * Expression plots highlighting a gene or genes of interest across all clusters
56 307
57 * Differential Gene Testing: 308 * Differential Gene Testing:
58 * Examining the expression between 309 * Examining the expression between
59 310
60 * A list of the most differentially expressed genes in each cluster 311 * A list of the most differentially expressed genes in each cluster
61 * An output PDF that provides heatmaps for: 312 * An output PDF that provides heatmaps for:
62 * The initial and final clustering (as determined using random forest) 313 * The initial and final clustering (as determined using random forest)
63 * Heatmaps for each of the most differentially expressed genes in each cluster 314 * Heatmaps for each of the most differentially expressed genes in each cluster