comparison seqtk_seq.xml @ 0:e0a0fd938de4 draft

author iuc
date Thu, 05 Feb 2015 11:52:40 -0500
children f73729b62b51
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e0a0fd938de4
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <tool id="seqtk_seq" name="seqtk_seq" version="@WRAPPER_VERSION@.0">
3 <description>common transformation of FASTA/Q</description>
4 <macros>
5 <import>macros.xml</import>
6 </macros>
7 <expand macro="requirements"/>
8 <expand macro="stdio"/>
9 <command><![CDATA[seqtk seq -q $q
10 -X $X
11 #if $n and $n != "None" and $n is not None and $n != "":
12 -n "$n"
13 #end if
14 -l $l
15 -Q $Q
16 -s $s
17 -f $f
18 #if $M and $M != "None" and $M is not None and $M != "":
19 -M "$M"
20 #end if
21 -L $L
22 $c
23 $r
24 $A
25 $C
26 $N
27 $x1
28 $x2
29 $V
31 $in_file
32 > $default]]></command>
33 <inputs>
34 <expand macro="in_faq"/>
35 <param label="mask bases with quality lower than INT" help="(-q)" name="q" type="integer" value="0"/>
36 <param label="mask bases with quality higher than INT" help="(-X)" name="X" type="integer" value="255"/>
37 <param area="false" default="0" label="masked bases converted to CHAR; 0 for lowercase" help="(-n)" name="n" type="text"/>
38 <param label="number of residues per line; 0 for 2^32-1" help="(-l)" name="l" type="integer" value="0"/>
39 <param label="quality shift: ASCII-INT gives base quality" help="(-Q)" name="Q" type="integer" value="33"/>
40 <param label="random seed" help="effective with -f (-s)" name="s" type="integer" value="11"/>
41 <param label="sample fraction of sequences" help="(-f)" name="f" type="float" value="1"/>
42 <param area="false" default="null" label="mask regions in BED or name list FILE" help="(-M)" name="M" type="text"/>
43 <param label="drop sequences with length shorter than INT" help="(-L)" name="L" type="integer" value="0"/>
44 <param checked="false" label="mask complement region" help="effective with -M (-c)" name="c" type="boolean" falsevalue="" truevalue="-c"/>
45 <param checked="false" label="reverse complement" help="(-r)" name="r" type="boolean" falsevalue="" truevalue="-r"/>
46 <param checked="false" label="force FASTA output (discard quality)" help="(-A)" name="A" type="boolean" falsevalue="" truevalue="-A"/>
47 <param checked="false" label="drop comments at the header lines" help="(-C)" name="C" type="boolean" falsevalue="" truevalue="-C"/>
48 <param checked="false" label="drop sequences containing ambiguous bases" help="(-N)" name="N" type="boolean" falsevalue="" truevalue="-N"/>
49 <param checked="false" label="output the 2n-1 reads only" help="(-1)" name="x1" type="boolean" falsevalue="" truevalue="-1"/>
50 <param checked="false" label="output the 2n reads only" help="(-2)" name="x2" type="boolean" falsevalue="" truevalue="-2"/>
51 <param checked="false" label="shift quality by '(-Q) - 33' " help="(-V)" name="V" type="boolean" falsevalue="" truevalue="-V"/>
52 </inputs>
53 <outputs>
54 <data format_source="in_file" hidden="false" name="default"/>
55 </outputs>
56 <tests>
57 <test>
58 <!-- This is a sorry excuse for a test for a tool which does way more
59 than it should, but upstream decided to put a TON of functionality
60 into a single tool rather than using the single responsibility
61 principle. -->
62 <param name="in_file" value="seqtk_seq.fa"/>
63 <param name="r" value="True"/>
64 <param name="n" value=""/>
65 <param name="M" value=""/>
66 <output name="default" file="seqtk_seq_revcom.fa" ftype="fasta"/>
67 </test>
68 </tests>
69 <help><![CDATA[
70 **What it does**
72 Various utilities for transforming FASTA/Q data
75 ]]></help>
76 </tool>