diff read2mut.py @ 0:8d29173d49a9 draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/tree/master/tools/variant_analyzer commit 5a438f76d0ecb6478f82dae6b9596bc7f5a4f4e8"
author iuc
date Wed, 20 Nov 2019 17:47:35 -0500
children 3556001ff2db
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/read2mut.py	Wed Nov 20 17:47:35 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Author -- Gundula Povysil
+Contact -- povysil@bioinf.jku.at
+Looks for reads with mutation at known
+positions and calculates frequencies and stats.
+=======  ==========  =================  ================================
+Version  Date        Author             Description
+0.2.1    2019-10-27  Gundula Povysil    -
+=======  ==========  =================  ================================
+USAGE: python read2mut.py --mutFile DCS_Mutations.tabular --bamFile Interesting_Reads.trim.bam
+                          --inputJson tag_count_dict.json --sscsJson SSCS_counts.json
+                          --outputFile mutant_reads_summary_short_trim.xlsx --thresh 10 --phred 20 --trim 10
+from __future__ import division
+import argparse
+import itertools
+import json
+import operator
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+import pysam
+import xlsxwriter
+def make_argparser():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Takes a tabular file with mutations, a BAM file and JSON files as input and prints stats about variants to a user specified output file.')
+    parser.add_argument('--mutFile',
+                        help='TABULAR file with DCS mutations.')
+    parser.add_argument('--bamFile',
+                        help='BAM file with aligned raw reads of selected tags (FASTQ created by mut2read.py - trimming with Trimmomatic - alignment with bwa).')
+    parser.add_argument('--inputJson',
+                        help='JSON file with data collected by mut2read.py.')
+    parser.add_argument('--sscsJson',
+                        help='JSON file with SSCS counts collected by mut2sscs.py.')
+    parser.add_argument('--outputFile',
+                        help='Output xlsx file of mutation details.')
+    parser.add_argument('--thresh', type=int, default=0,
+                        help='Integer threshold for displaying mutations. Only mutations occuring less than thresh times are displayed. Default of 0 displays all.')
+    parser.add_argument('--phred', type=int, default=20,
+                        help='Integer threshold for Phred score. Only reads higher than this threshold are considered. Default 20.')
+    parser.add_argument('--trim', type=int, default=10,
+                        help='Integer threshold for assigning mutations at start and end of reads to lower tier. Default 10.')
+    return parser
+def safe_div(x, y):
+    if y == 0:
+        return None
+    return x / y
+def read2mut(argv):
+    parser = make_argparser()
+    args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+    file1 = args.mutFile
+    file2 = args.bamFile
+    json_file = args.inputJson
+    sscs_json = args.sscsJson
+    outfile = args.outputFile
+    thresh = args.thresh
+    phred_score = args.phred
+    trim = args.trim
+    if os.path.isfile(file1) is False:
+        sys.exit("Error: Could not find '{}'".format(file1))
+    if os.path.isfile(file2) is False:
+        sys.exit("Error: Could not find '{}'".format(file2))
+    if os.path.isfile(json_file) is False:
+        sys.exit("Error: Could not find '{}'".format(json_file))
+    if thresh < 0:
+        sys.exit("Error: thresh is '{}', but only non-negative integers allowed".format(thresh))
+    if phred_score < 0:
+        sys.exit("Error: phred is '{}', but only non-negative integers allowed".format(phred_score))
+    if trim < 0:
+        sys.exit("Error: trim is '{}', but only non-negative integers allowed".format(thresh))
+    # 1. read mut file
+    with open(file1, 'r') as mut:
+        mut_array = np.genfromtxt(mut, skip_header=1, delimiter='\t', comments='#', dtype='string')
+    # 2. load dicts
+    with open(json_file, "r") as f:
+        (tag_dict, cvrg_dict) = json.load(f)
+    with open(sscs_json, "r") as f:
+        (mut_pos_dict, ref_pos_dict) = json.load(f)
+    # 3. read bam file
+    # pysam.index(file2)
+    bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(file2, "rb")
+    # 4. create mut_dict
+    mut_dict = {}
+    mut_read_pos_dict = {}
+    mut_read_dict = {}
+    reads_dict = {}
+    if mut_array.shape == (13, ):
+        mut_array = mut_array.reshape((1, len(mut_array)))
+    for m in range(0, len(mut_array[:, 0])):
+        print(str(m + 1) + " of " + str(len(mut_array[:, 0])))
+        #    for m in range(0, 5):
+        chrom = mut_array[m, 1]
+        stop_pos = mut_array[m, 2].astype(int)
+        chrom_stop_pos = str(chrom) + "#" + str(stop_pos)
+        ref = mut_array[m, 9]
+        alt = mut_array[m, 10]
+        mut_dict[chrom_stop_pos] = {}
+        mut_read_pos_dict[chrom_stop_pos] = {}
+        reads_dict[chrom_stop_pos] = {}
+        for pileupcolumn in bam.pileup(chrom.tobytes(), stop_pos - 2, stop_pos, max_depth=1000000000):
+            if pileupcolumn.reference_pos == stop_pos - 1:
+                count_alt = 0
+                count_ref = 0
+                count_indel = 0
+                count_n = 0
+                count_other = 0
+                count_lowq = 0
+                n = 0
+                print("unfiltered reads=", pileupcolumn.n, "filtered reads=", len(pileupcolumn.pileups),
+                      "difference= ", len(pileupcolumn.pileups) - pileupcolumn.n)
+                for pileupread in pileupcolumn.pileups:
+                    n += 1
+                    if not pileupread.is_del and not pileupread.is_refskip:
+                        tag = pileupread.alignment.query_name
+                        nuc = pileupread.alignment.query_sequence[pileupread.query_position]
+                        phred = ord(pileupread.alignment.qual[pileupread.query_position]) - 33
+                        if phred < phred_score:
+                            nuc = "lowQ"
+                        if tag not in mut_dict[chrom_stop_pos]:
+                            mut_dict[chrom_stop_pos][tag] = {}
+                        if nuc in mut_dict[chrom_stop_pos][tag]:
+                            mut_dict[chrom_stop_pos][tag][nuc] += 1
+                        else:
+                            mut_dict[chrom_stop_pos][tag][nuc] = 1
+                        if tag not in mut_read_pos_dict[chrom_stop_pos]:
+                            mut_read_pos_dict[chrom_stop_pos][tag] = np.array(pileupread.query_position) + 1
+                            reads_dict[chrom_stop_pos][tag] = len(pileupread.alignment.query_sequence)
+                        else:
+                            mut_read_pos_dict[chrom_stop_pos][tag] = np.append(
+                                mut_read_pos_dict[chrom_stop_pos][tag], pileupread.query_position + 1)
+                            reads_dict[chrom_stop_pos][tag] = np.append(
+                                reads_dict[chrom_stop_pos][tag], len(pileupread.alignment.query_sequence))
+                        if nuc == alt:
+                            count_alt += 1
+                            if tag not in mut_read_dict:
+                                mut_read_dict[tag] = {}
+                                mut_read_dict[tag][chrom_stop_pos] = alt
+                            else:
+                                mut_read_dict[tag][chrom_stop_pos] = alt
+                        elif nuc == ref:
+                            count_ref += 1
+                        elif nuc == "N":
+                            count_n += 1
+                        elif nuc == "lowQ":
+                            count_lowq += 1
+                        else:
+                            count_other += 1
+                    else:
+                        count_indel += 1
+                print("coverage at pos %s = %s, ref = %s, alt = %s, other bases = %s, N = %s, indel = %s, low quality = %s\n" % (pileupcolumn.pos, count_ref + count_alt, count_ref, count_alt, count_other, count_n, count_indel, count_lowq))
+    for read in bam.fetch(until_eof=True):
+        if read.is_unmapped:
+            pure_tag = read.query_name[:-5]
+            nuc = "na"
+            for key in tag_dict[pure_tag].keys():
+                if key not in mut_dict:
+                    mut_dict[key] = {}
+                if read.query_name not in mut_dict[key]:
+                    mut_dict[key][read.query_name] = {}
+                if nuc in mut_dict[key][read.query_name]:
+                    mut_dict[key][read.query_name][nuc] += 1
+                else:
+                    mut_dict[key][read.query_name][nuc] = 1
+    bam.close()
+    # 5. create pure_tags_dict
+    pure_tags_dict = {}
+    for key1, value1 in sorted(mut_dict.items()):
+        i = np.where(np.array(['#'.join(str(i) for i in z)
+                               for z in zip(mut_array[:, 1], mut_array[:, 2])]) == key1)[0][0]
+        ref = mut_array[i, 9]
+        alt = mut_array[i, 10]
+        pure_tags_dict[key1] = {}
+        for key2, value2 in sorted(value1.items()):
+            for key3, value3 in value2.items():
+                pure_tag = key2[:-5]
+                if key3 == alt:
+                    if pure_tag in pure_tags_dict[key1]:
+                        pure_tags_dict[key1][pure_tag] += 1
+                    else:
+                        pure_tags_dict[key1][pure_tag] = 1
+    # 6. create pure_tags_dict_short with thresh
+    if thresh > 0:
+        pure_tags_dict_short = {}
+        for key, value in sorted(pure_tags_dict.items()):
+            if len(value) < thresh:
+                pure_tags_dict_short[key] = value
+    else:
+        pure_tags_dict_short = pure_tags_dict
+    whole_array = []
+    for k in pure_tags_dict.values():
+        if len(k) != 0:
+            keys = k.keys()
+            if len(keys) > 1:
+                for k1 in keys:
+                    whole_array.append(k1)
+            else:
+                whole_array.append(keys[0])
+    # 7. output summary with threshold
+    workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(outfile)
+    ws1 = workbook.add_worksheet("Results")
+    ws2 = workbook.add_worksheet("Allele frequencies")
+    ws3 = workbook.add_worksheet("Tiers")
+    format1 = workbook.add_format({'bg_color': '#BCF5A9'})  # green
+    format2 = workbook.add_format({'bg_color': '#FFC7CE'})  # red
+    format3 = workbook.add_format({'bg_color': '#FACC2E'})  # yellow
+    header_line = ('variant ID', 'tier', 'tag', 'mate', 'read pos.ab', 'read pos.ba', 'read median length.ab',
+                   'read median length.ba', 'DCS median length',
+                   'FS.ab', 'FS.ba', 'FSqc.ab', 'FSqc.ba', 'ref.ab', 'ref.ba', 'alt.ab', 'alt.ba',
+                   'rel. ref.ab', 'rel. ref.ba', 'rel. alt.ab', 'rel. alt.ba',
+                   'na.ab', 'na.ba', 'lowq.ab', 'lowq.ba',
+                   'SSCS alt.ab', 'SSCS alt.ba', 'SSCS ref.ab', 'SSCS ref.ba',
+                   'other mut', 'chimeric tag')
+    ws1.write_row(0, 0, header_line)
+    counter_tier11 = 0
+    counter_tier12 = 0
+    counter_tier21 = 0
+    counter_tier22 = 0
+    counter_tier23 = 0
+    counter_tier24 = 0
+    counter_tier31 = 0
+    counter_tier32 = 0
+    counter_tier41 = 0
+    counter_tier42 = 0
+    row = 1
+    tier_dict = {}
+    for key1, value1 in sorted(mut_dict.items()):
+        counts_mut = 0
+        if key1 in pure_tags_dict_short.keys():
+            i = np.where(np.array(['#'.join(str(i) for i in z)
+                                   for z in zip(mut_array[:, 1], mut_array[:, 2])]) == key1)[0][0]
+            ref = mut_array[i, 9]
+            alt = mut_array[i, 10]
+            dcs_median = cvrg_dict[key1][2]
+            tier_dict[key1] = {}
+            values_tier_dict = [("tier 1.1", 0), ("tier 1.2", 0), ("tier 2.1", 0), ("tier 2.2", 0), ("tier 2.3", 0), ("tier 2.4", 0), ("tier 3.1", 0), ("tier 3.2", 0), ("tier 4.1", 0), ("tier 4.2", 0)]
+            for k, v in values_tier_dict:
+                tier_dict[key1][k] = v
+            used_keys = []
+            if 'ab' in mut_pos_dict[key1].keys():
+                sscs_mut_ab = mut_pos_dict[key1]['ab']
+            else:
+                sscs_mut_ab = 0
+            if 'ba' in mut_pos_dict[key1].keys():
+                sscs_mut_ba = mut_pos_dict[key1]['ba']
+            else:
+                sscs_mut_ba = 0
+            if 'ab' in ref_pos_dict[key1].keys():
+                sscs_ref_ab = ref_pos_dict[key1]['ab']
+            else:
+                sscs_ref_ab = 0
+            if 'ba' in ref_pos_dict[key1].keys():
+                sscs_ref_ba = ref_pos_dict[key1]['ba']
+            else:
+                sscs_ref_ba = 0
+            for key2, value2 in sorted(value1.items()):
+                add_mut14 = ""
+                add_mut23 = ""
+                if (key2[:-5] in pure_tags_dict_short[key1].keys()) and (key2[:-5] not in used_keys) and (key1 in tag_dict[key2[:-5]].keys()):
+                    if key2[:-5] + '.ab.1' in mut_dict[key1].keys():
+                        total1 = sum(mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.1'].values())
+                        if 'na' in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.1'].keys():
+                            na1 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.1']['na']
+                            # na1f = na1/total1
+                        else:
+                            # na1 = na1f = 0
+                            na1 = 0
+                        if 'lowQ' in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.1'].keys():
+                            lowq1 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.1']['lowQ']
+                            # lowq1f = lowq1 / total1
+                        else:
+                            # lowq1 = lowq1f = 0
+                            lowq1 = 0
+                        if ref in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.1'].keys():
+                            ref1 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.1'][ref]
+                            ref1f = ref1 / (total1 - na1 - lowq1)
+                        else:
+                            ref1 = ref1f = 0
+                        if alt in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.1'].keys():
+                            alt1 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.1'][alt]
+                            alt1f = alt1 / (total1 - na1 - lowq1)
+                        else:
+                            alt1 = alt1f = 0
+                        total1new = total1 - na1 - lowq1
+                        if (key2[:-5] + '.ab.1') in mut_read_dict.keys():
+                            k1 = mut_read_dict[(key2[:-5] + '.ab.1')].keys()
+                            add_mut1 = len(k1)
+                            if add_mut1 > 1:
+                                for k, v in mut_read_dict[(key2[:-5] + '.ab.1')].items():
+                                    if k != key1:
+                                        if len(add_mut14) == 0:
+                                            add_mut14 = str(k) + "_" + v
+                                        else:
+                                            add_mut14 = add_mut14 + ", " + str(k) + "_" + v
+                        else:
+                            k1 = []
+                    else:
+                        total1 = total1new = na1 = lowq1 = 0
+                        ref1 = alt1 = ref1f = alt1f = 0
+                    if key2[:-5] + '.ab.2' in mut_dict[key1].keys():
+                        total2 = sum(mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.2'].values())
+                        if 'na' in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.2'].keys():
+                            na2 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.2']['na']
+                            # na2f = na2 / total2
+                        else:
+                            # na2 = na2f = 0
+                            na2 = 0
+                        if 'lowQ' in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.2'].keys():
+                            lowq2 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.2']['lowQ']
+                            # lowq2f = lowq2 / total2
+                        else:
+                            # lowq2 = lowq2f = 0
+                            lowq2 = 0
+                        if ref in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.2'].keys():
+                            ref2 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.2'][ref]
+                            ref2f = ref2 / (total2 - na2 - lowq2)
+                        else:
+                            ref2 = ref2f = 0
+                        if alt in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.2'].keys():
+                            alt2 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.2'][alt]
+                            alt2f = alt2 / (total2 - na2 - lowq2)
+                        else:
+                            alt2 = alt2f = 0
+                        total2new = total2 - na2 - lowq2
+                        if (key2[:-5] + '.ab.2') in mut_read_dict.keys():
+                            k2 = mut_read_dict[(key2[:-5] + '.ab.2')].keys()
+                            add_mut2 = len(k2)
+                            if add_mut2 > 1:
+                                for k, v in mut_read_dict[(key2[:-5] + '.ab.2')].items():
+                                    if k != key1:
+                                        if len(add_mut23) == 0:
+                                            add_mut23 = str(k) + "_" + v
+                                        else:
+                                            add_mut23 = add_mut23 + ", " + str(k) + "_" + v
+                        else:
+                            k2 = []
+                    else:
+                        total2 = total2new = na2 = lowq2 = 0
+                        ref2 = alt2 = ref2f = alt2f = 0
+                    if key2[:-5] + '.ba.1' in mut_dict[key1].keys():
+                        total3 = sum(mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.1'].values())
+                        if 'na' in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.1'].keys():
+                            na3 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.1']['na']
+                            # na3f = na3 / total3
+                        else:
+                            # na3 = na3f = 0
+                            na3 = 0
+                        if 'lowQ' in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.1'].keys():
+                            lowq3 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.1']['lowQ']
+                            # lowq3f = lowq3 / total3
+                        else:
+                            # lowq3 = lowq3f = 0
+                            lowq3 = 0
+                        if ref in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.1'].keys():
+                            ref3 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.1'][ref]
+                            ref3f = ref3 / (total3 - na3 - lowq3)
+                        else:
+                            ref3 = ref3f = 0
+                        if alt in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.1'].keys():
+                            alt3 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.1'][alt]
+                            alt3f = alt3 / (total3 - na3 - lowq3)
+                        else:
+                            alt3 = alt3f = 0
+                        total3new = total3 - na3 - lowq3
+                        if (key2[:-5] + '.ba.1') in mut_read_dict.keys():
+                            add_mut3 = len(mut_read_dict[(key2[:-5] + '.ba.1')].keys())
+                            if add_mut3 > 1:
+                                for k, v in mut_read_dict[(key2[:-5] + '.ba.1')].items():
+                                    if k != key1 and k not in k2:
+                                        if len(add_mut23) == 0:
+                                            add_mut23 = str(k) + "_" + v
+                                        else:
+                                            add_mut23 = add_mut23 + ", " + str(k) + "_" + v
+                    else:
+                        total3 = total3new = na3 = lowq3 = 0
+                        ref3 = alt3 = ref3f = alt3f = 0
+                    if key2[:-5] + '.ba.2' in mut_dict[key1].keys():
+                        total4 = sum(mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.2'].values())
+                        if 'na' in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.2'].keys():
+                            na4 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.2']['na']
+                            # na4f = na4 / total4
+                        else:
+                            # na4 = na4f = 0
+                            na4 = 0
+                        if 'lowQ' in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.2'].keys():
+                            lowq4 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.2']['lowQ']
+                            # lowq4f = lowq4 / total4
+                        else:
+                            # lowq4 = lowq4f = 0
+                            lowq4 = 0
+                        if ref in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.2'].keys():
+                            ref4 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.2'][ref]
+                            ref4f = ref4 / (total4 - na4 - lowq4)
+                        else:
+                            ref4 = ref4f = 0
+                        if alt in mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.2'].keys():
+                            alt4 = mut_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.2'][alt]
+                            alt4f = alt4 / (total4 - na4 - lowq4)
+                        else:
+                            alt4 = alt4f = 0
+                        total4new = total4 - na4 - lowq4
+                        if (key2[:-5] + '.ba.2') in mut_read_dict.keys():
+                            add_mut4 = len(mut_read_dict[(key2[:-5] + '.ba.2')].keys())
+                            if add_mut4 > 1:
+                                for k, v in mut_read_dict[(key2[:-5] + '.ba.2')].items():
+                                    if k != key1 and k not in k1:
+                                        if len(add_mut14) == 0:
+                                            add_mut14 = str(k) + "_" + v
+                                        else:
+                                            add_mut14 = add_mut14 + ", " + str(k) + "_" + v
+                    else:
+                        total4 = total4new = na4 = lowq4 = 0
+                        ref4 = alt4 = ref4f = alt4f = 0
+                    read_pos1 = read_pos2 = read_pos3 = read_pos4 = -1
+                    read_len_median1 = read_len_median2 = read_len_median3 = read_len_median4 = 0
+                    if key2[:-5] + '.ab.1' in mut_read_pos_dict[key1].keys():
+                        read_pos1 = np.median(mut_read_pos_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.1'])
+                        read_len_median1 = np.median(reads_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.1'])
+                    if key2[:-5] + '.ab.2' in mut_read_pos_dict[key1].keys():
+                        read_pos2 = np.median(mut_read_pos_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.2'])
+                        read_len_median2 = np.median(reads_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ab.2'])
+                    if key2[:-5] + '.ba.1' in mut_read_pos_dict[key1].keys():
+                        read_pos3 = np.median(mut_read_pos_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.1'])
+                        read_len_median3 = np.median(reads_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.1'])
+                    if key2[:-5] + '.ba.2' in mut_read_pos_dict[key1].keys():
+                        read_pos4 = np.median(mut_read_pos_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.2'])
+                        read_len_median4 = np.median(reads_dict[key1][key2[:-5] + '.ba.2'])
+                    used_keys.append(key2[:-5])
+                    counts_mut += 1
+                    if (alt1f + alt2f + alt3f + alt4f) > 0.5:
+                        if total1new == 0:
+                            ref1f = alt1f = None
+                            alt1ff = -1
+                        else:
+                            alt1ff = alt1f
+                        if total2new == 0:
+                            ref2f = alt2f = None
+                            alt2ff = -1
+                        else:
+                            alt2ff = alt2f
+                        if total3new == 0:
+                            ref3f = alt3f = None
+                            alt3ff = -1
+                        else:
+                            alt3ff = alt3f
+                        if total4new == 0:
+                            ref4f = alt4f = None
+                            alt4ff = -1
+                        else:
+                            alt4ff = alt4f
+                        details1 = (total1, total4, total1new, total4new, ref1, ref4, alt1, alt4, ref1f, ref4f, alt1f, alt4f, na1, na4, lowq1, lowq4)
+                        details2 = (total2, total3, total2new, total3new, ref2, ref3, alt2, alt3, ref2f, ref3f, alt2f, alt3f, na2, na3, lowq2, lowq3)
+                        trimmed = False
+                        if ((read_pos1 >= 0) and ((read_pos1 <= trim) | (abs(read_len_median1 - read_pos1) <= trim))):
+                            total1new = 0
+                            alt1ff = 0
+                            trimmed = True
+                        if ((read_pos4 >= 0) and ((read_pos4 <= trim) | (abs(read_len_median4 - read_pos4) <= trim))):
+                            total4new = 0
+                            alt4ff = 0
+                            trimmed = True
+                        if ((read_pos2 >= 0) and ((read_pos2 <= trim) | (abs(read_len_median2 - read_pos2) <= trim))):
+                            total2new = 0
+                            alt2ff = 0
+                            trimmed = True
+                        if ((read_pos3 >= 0) and ((read_pos3 <= trim) | (abs(read_len_median3 - read_pos3) <= trim))):
+                            total3new = 0
+                            alt3ff = 0
+                            trimmed = True
+                        chrom, pos = re.split(r'\#', key1)
+                        # assign tiers
+                        if ((all(int(ij) >= 3 for ij in [total1new, total4new]) &
+                             all(float(ij) >= 0.75 for ij in [alt1ff, alt4ff])) |
+                            (all(int(ij) >= 3 for ij in [total2new, total3new]) &
+                             all(float(ij) >= 0.75 for ij in [alt2ff, alt3ff]))):
+                            tier = "1.1"
+                            counter_tier11 += 1
+                            tier_dict[key1]["tier 1.1"] += 1
+                        elif (all(int(ij) >= 1 for ij in [total1new, total2new, total3new, total4new]) &
+                              any(int(ij) >= 3 for ij in [total1new, total4new]) &
+                              any(int(ij) >= 3 for ij in [total2new, total3new]) &
+                              all(float(ij) >= 0.75 for ij in [alt1ff, alt2ff, alt3ff, alt4ff])):
+                            tier = "1.2"
+                            counter_tier12 += 1
+                            tier_dict[key1]["tier 1.2"] += 1
+                        elif ((all(int(ij) >= 1 for ij in [total1new, total4new]) &
+                               any(int(ij) >= 3 for ij in [total1new, total4new]) &
+                               all(float(ij) >= 0.75 for ij in [alt1ff, alt4ff])) |
+                              (all(int(ij) >= 1 for ij in [total2new, total3new]) &
+                               any(int(ij) >= 3 for ij in [total2new, total3new]) &
+                               all(float(ij) >= 0.75 for ij in [alt2ff, alt3ff]))):
+                            tier = "2.1"
+                            counter_tier21 += 1
+                            tier_dict[key1]["tier 2.1"] += 1
+                        elif (all(int(ij) >= 1 for ij in [total1new, total2new, total3new, total4new]) &
+                              all(float(ij) >= 0.75 for ij in [alt1ff, alt2ff, alt3ff, alt4ff])):
+                            tier = "2.2"
+                            counter_tier22 += 1
+                            tier_dict[key1]["tier 2.2"] += 1
+                        elif ((all(int(ij) >= 1 for ij in [total1new, total4new]) &
+                               any(int(ij) >= 3 for ij in [total2new, total3new]) &
+                               all(float(ij) >= 0.75 for ij in [alt1ff, alt4ff]) &
+                               any(float(ij) >= 0.75 for ij in [alt2ff, alt3ff])) |
+                              (all(int(ij) >= 1 for ij in [total2new, total3new]) &
+                               any(int(ij) >= 3 for ij in [total1new, total4new]) &
+                               all(float(ij) >= 0.75 for ij in [alt2ff, alt3ff]) &
+                               any(float(ij) >= 0.75 for ij in [alt1ff, alt4ff]))):
+                            tier = "2.3"
+                            counter_tier23 += 1
+                            tier_dict[key1]["tier 2.3"] += 1
+                        elif ((all(int(ij) >= 1 for ij in [total1new, total4new]) &
+                               all(float(ij) >= 0.75 for ij in [alt1ff, alt4ff])) |
+                              (all(int(ij) >= 1 for ij in [total2new, total3new]) &
+                               all(float(ij) >= 0.75 for ij in [alt2ff, alt3ff]))):
+                            tier = "2.4"
+                            counter_tier24 += 1
+                            tier_dict[key1]["tier 2.4"] += 1
+                        elif ((len(pure_tags_dict_short[key1]) > 1) &
+                              (all(float(ij) >= 0.5 for ij in [alt1ff, alt4ff]) |
+                               all(float(ij) >= 0.5 for ij in [alt2ff, alt3ff]))):
+                            tier = "3.1"
+                            counter_tier31 += 1
+                            tier_dict[key1]["tier 3.1"] += 1
+                        elif ((all(int(ij) >= 1 for ij in [total1new, total4new]) &
+                               all(float(ij) >= 0.5 for ij in [alt1ff, alt4ff])) |
+                              (all(int(ij) >= 1 for ij in [total2new, total3new]) &
+                               all(float(ij) >= 0.5 for ij in [alt2ff, alt3ff]))):
+                            tier = "3.2"
+                            counter_tier32 += 1
+                            tier_dict[key1]["tier 3.2"] += 1
+                        elif (trimmed):
+                            tier = "4.1"
+                            counter_tier41 += 1
+                            tier_dict[key1]["tier 4.1"] += 1
+                        else:
+                            tier = "4.2"
+                            counter_tier42 += 1
+                            tier_dict[key1]["tier 4.2"] += 1
+                        var_id = '-'.join([chrom, pos, ref, alt])
+                        sample_tag = key2[:-5]
+                        array2 = np.unique(whole_array)  # remove duplicate sequences to decrease running time
+                        # exclude identical tag from array2, to prevent comparison to itself
+                        same_tag = np.where(array2 == sample_tag)
+                        index_array2 = np.arange(0, len(array2), 1)
+                        index_withoutSame = np.delete(index_array2, same_tag)  # delete identical tag from the data
+                        array2 = array2[index_withoutSame]
+                        if len(array2) != 0:  # only perform chimera analysis if there is more than 1 variant
+                            array1_half = sample_tag[0:int(len(sample_tag) / 2)]  # mate1 part1
+                            array1_half2 = sample_tag[int(len(sample_tag) / 2):int(len(sample_tag))]  # mate1 part 2
+                            array2_half = np.array([ii[0:int(len(ii) / 2)] for ii in array2])  # mate2 part1
+                            array2_half2 = np.array([ii[int(len(ii) / 2):int(len(ii))] for ii in array2])  # mate2 part2
+                            min_tags_list_zeros = []
+                            chimera_tags = []
+                            for mate_b in [False, True]:
+                                i = 0  # counter, only used to see how many HDs of tags were already calculated
+                                if mate_b is False:  # HD calculation for all a's
+                                    half1_mate1 = array1_half
+                                    half2_mate1 = array1_half2
+                                    half1_mate2 = array2_half
+                                    half2_mate2 = array2_half2
+                                elif mate_b is True:  # HD calculation for all b's
+                                    half1_mate1 = array1_half2
+                                    half2_mate1 = array1_half
+                                    half1_mate2 = array2_half2
+                                    half2_mate2 = array2_half
+                                # calculate HD of "a" in the tag to all "a's" or "b" in the tag to all "b's"
+                                dist = np.array([sum(itertools.imap(operator.ne, half1_mate1, c)) for c in half1_mate2])
+                                min_index = np.where(dist == dist.min())  # get index of min HD
+                                # get all "b's" of the tag or all "a's" of the tag with minimum HD
+                                min_tag_half2 = half2_mate2[min_index]
+                                min_tag_array2 = array2[min_index]  # get whole tag with min HD
+                                min_value = dist.min()
+                                # calculate HD of "b" to all "b's" or "a" to all "a's"
+                                dist_second_half = np.array([sum(itertools.imap(operator.ne, half2_mate1, e))
+                                                             for e in min_tag_half2])
+                                dist2 = dist_second_half.max()
+                                max_index = np.where(dist_second_half == dist_second_half.max())[0]  # get index of max HD
+                                max_tag = min_tag_array2[max_index]
+                                # tags which have identical parts:
+                                if min_value == 0 or dist2 == 0:
+                                    min_tags_list_zeros.append(tag)
+                                    chimera_tags.append(max_tag)
+                                    # chimeric = True
+                                # else:
+                                    # chimeric = False
+                                # if mate_b is False:
+                                #    text = "pos {}: sample tag: {}; HD a = {}; HD b' = {}; similar tag(s): {}; chimeric = {}".format(pos, sample_tag, min_value, dist2, list(max_tag), chimeric)
+                                # else:
+                                #     text = "pos {}: sample tag: {}; HD a' = {}; HD b = {}; similar tag(s): {}; chimeric = {}".format(pos, sample_tag, dist2, min_value, list(max_tag), chimeric)
+                                i += 1
+                            chimera_tags = [x for x in chimera_tags if x != []]
+                            chimera_tags_new = []
+                            for i in chimera_tags:
+                                if len(i) > 1:
+                                    for t in i:
+                                        chimera_tags_new.append(t)
+                                else:
+                                    chimera_tags_new.extend(i)
+                            chimera_tags_new = np.asarray(chimera_tags_new)
+                            chimera = ", ".join(chimera_tags_new)
+                        else:
+                            chimera = ""
+                        if (read_pos1 == -1):
+                            read_pos1 = read_len_median1 = None
+                        if (read_pos4 == -1):
+                            read_pos4 = read_len_median4 = None
+                        if (read_pos2 == -1):
+                            read_pos2 = read_len_median2 = None
+                        if (read_pos3 == -1):
+                            read_pos3 = read_len_median3 = None
+                        line = (var_id, tier, key2[:-5], 'ab1.ba2', read_pos1, read_pos4, read_len_median1, read_len_median4, dcs_median) + details1 + (sscs_mut_ab, sscs_mut_ba, sscs_ref_ab, sscs_ref_ba, add_mut14, chimera)
+                        ws1.write_row(row, 0, line)
+                        line = ("", "", key2[:-5], 'ab2.ba1', read_pos2, read_pos3, read_len_median2, read_len_median3, dcs_median) + details2 + (sscs_mut_ab, sscs_mut_ba, sscs_ref_ab, sscs_ref_ba, add_mut23, chimera)
+                        ws1.write_row(row + 1, 0, line)
+                        ws1.conditional_format('L{}:M{}'.format(row + 1, row + 2),
+                                               {'type': 'formula',
+                                                'criteria': '=OR($B${}="1.1", $B${}="1.2")'.format(row + 1, row + 1),
+                                                'format': format1,
+                                                'multi_range': 'L{}:M{} T{}:U{} B{}'.format(row + 1, row + 2, row + 1, row + 2, row + 1, row + 2)})
+                        ws1.conditional_format('L{}:M{}'.format(row + 1, row + 2),
+                                               {'type': 'formula',
+                                                'criteria': '=OR($B${}="2.1", $B${}="2.2", $B${}="2.3", $B${}="2.4")'.format(row + 1, row + 1, row + 1, row + 1),
+                                                'format': format3,
+                                                'multi_range': 'L{}:M{} T{}:U{} B{}'.format(row + 1, row + 2, row + 1, row + 2, row + 1, row + 2)})
+                        ws1.conditional_format('L{}:M{}'.format(row + 1, row + 2),
+                                               {'type': 'formula',
+                                                'criteria': '=$B${}>="3"'.format(row + 1),
+                                                'format': format2,
+                                                'multi_range': 'L{}:M{} T{}:U{} B{}'.format(row + 1, row + 2, row + 1, row + 2, row + 1, row + 2)})
+                        row += 3
+    # sheet 2
+    header_line2 = ('variant ID', 'cvrg', 'AC alt (all tiers)', 'AF  (all tiers)', 'cvrg (tiers 1.1-2.4)', 'AC alt (tiers 1.1-2.4)', 'AF (tiers 1.1-2.4)', 'AC alt (Du Novo)', 'AF (Du Novo)',
+                    'tier 1.1', 'tier 1.2', 'tier 2.1', 'tier 2.2', 'tier 2.3', 'tier 2.4',
+                    'tier 3.1', 'tier 3.2', 'tier 4.1', 'tier 4.2', 'AF 1.1-1.2', 'AF 1.1-2.1', 'AF 1.1-2.2',
+                    'AF 1.1-2.3', 'AF 1.1-2.4', 'AF 1.1-3.1', 'AF 1.1-3.2', 'AF 1.1-4.1', 'AF 1.1-4.2')
+    ws2.write_row(0, 0, header_line2)
+    row = 0
+    for key1, value1 in sorted(tier_dict.items()):
+        if key1 in pure_tags_dict_short.keys():
+            i = np.where(np.array(['#'.join(str(i) for i in z)
+                                   for z in zip(mut_array[:, 1], mut_array[:, 2])]) == key1)[0][0]
+            ref = mut_array[i, 9]
+            alt = mut_array[i, 10]
+            chrom, pos = re.split(r'\#', key1)
+            ref_count = cvrg_dict[key1][0]
+            alt_count = cvrg_dict[key1][1]
+            cvrg = ref_count + alt_count
+            var_id = '-'.join([chrom, pos, ref, alt])
+            lst = [var_id, cvrg]
+            used_tiers = []
+            cum_af = []
+            for key2, value2 in sorted(value1.items()):
+                # calculate cummulative AF
+                used_tiers.append(value2)
+                if len(used_tiers) > 1:
+                    cum = safe_div(sum(used_tiers), cvrg)
+                    cum_af.append(cum)
+            lst.extend([sum(used_tiers), safe_div(sum(used_tiers), cvrg), (cvrg - sum(used_tiers[-4:])), sum(used_tiers[0:6]), safe_div(sum(used_tiers[0:6]), (cvrg - sum(used_tiers[-4:]))), alt_count, safe_div(alt_count, cvrg)])
+            lst.extend(used_tiers)
+            lst.extend(cum_af)
+            lst = tuple(lst)
+            ws2.write_row(row + 1, 0, lst)
+            ws2.conditional_format('J{}:K{}'.format(row + 2, row + 2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$J$1="tier 1.1"', 'format': format1, 'multi_range': 'J{}:K{} J1:K1'.format(row + 2, row + 2)})
+            ws2.conditional_format('L{}:O{}'.format(row + 2, row + 2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$L$1="tier 2.1"', 'format': format3, 'multi_range': 'L{}:O{} L1:O1'.format(row + 2, row + 2)})
+            ws2.conditional_format('P{}:S{}'.format(row + 2, row + 2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$P$1="tier 3.1"', 'format': format2, 'multi_range': 'P{}:S{} P1:S1'.format(row + 2, row + 2)})
+            row += 1
+    # sheet 3
+    sheet3 = [("tier 1.1", counter_tier11), ("tier 1.2", counter_tier12), ("tier 2.1", counter_tier21),
+              ("tier 2.2", counter_tier22), ("tier 2.3", counter_tier23), ("tier 2.4", counter_tier24),
+              ("tier 3.1", counter_tier31), ("tier 3.2", counter_tier32),
+              ("tier 4.1", counter_tier41), ("tier 4.2", counter_tier42)]
+    header = ("tier", "count")
+    ws3.write_row(0, 0, header)
+    for i in range(len(sheet3)):
+        ws3.write_row(i + 1, 0, sheet3[i])
+        ws3.conditional_format('A{}:B{}'.format(i + 2, i + 2),
+                               {'type': 'formula',
+                                'criteria': '=OR($A${}="tier 1.1", $A${}="tier 1.2")'.format(i + 2, i + 2),
+                                'format': format1})
+        ws3.conditional_format('A{}:B{}'.format(i + 2, i + 2),
+                               {'type': 'formula',
+                                'criteria': '=OR($A${}="tier 2.1", $A${}="tier 2.2", $A${}="tier 2.3", $A${}="tier 2.4")'.format(i + 2, i + 2, i + 2, i + 2),
+                                'format': format3})
+        ws3.conditional_format('A{}:B{}'.format(i + 2, i + 2),
+                               {'type': 'formula',
+                                'criteria': '=OR($A${}="tier 3.1", $A${}="tier 3.2", $A${}="tier 4.1", $A${}="tier 4.2")'.format(i + 2, i + 2, i + 2, i + 2),
+                                'format': format2})
+    description_tiers = [("Tier 1.1", "both ab and ba SSCS present (>75% of the sites with alternative base) and minimal FS>=3 for both SSCS in at least one mate"), ("", ""), ("Tier 1.2", "both ab and ba SSCS present (>75% of the sites with alt. base) and mate pair validation (min. FS=1) and minimal FS>=3 for at least one of the SSCS"), ("Tier 2.1", "both ab and ba SSCS present (>75% of the sites with alt. base) and minimal FS>=3 for at least one of the SSCS in at least one mate"), ("Tier 2.2", "both ab and ba SSCS present (>75% of the sites with alt. base) and mate pair validation (min. FS=1)"), ("Tier 2.3", "both ab and ba SSCS present (>75% of the sites with alt. base) and minimal FS=1 for both SSCS in one mate and minimal FS>=3 for at least one of the SSCS in the other mate"), ("Tier 2.4", "both ab and ba SSCS present (>75% of the sites with alt. base) and minimal FS=1 for both SSCS in at least one mate"), ("Tier 3.1", "both ab and ba SSCS present (>50% of the sites with alt. base) and recurring mutation on this position"), ("Tier 3.2", "both ab and ba SSCS present (>50% of the sites with alt. base) and minimal FS>=1 for both SSCS in at least one mate"), ("Tier 4.1", "variants at the start or end of the reads"), ("Tier 4.2", "remaining variants")]
+    examples_tiers = [[("Chr5:5-20000-11068-C-G", "1.1", "AAAAAGATGCCGACTACCTT", "ab1.ba2", "254", "228", "287", "288", "289",
+                        "3", "6", "3", "6", "0", "0", "3", "6", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0",
+                        "4081", "4098", "5", "10", "", ""),
+                       ("", "", "AAAAAGATGCCGACTACCTT", "ab2.ba1", None, None, None, None,
+                        "289", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "3", "6", None, None, None, None,
+                        "0", "0", "0", "0", "4081", "4098", "5", "10", "", "")],
+                      [("Chr5:5-20000-11068-C-G", "1.1", "AAAAATGCGTAGAAATATGC", "ab1.ba2", "254", "228", "287", "288", "289",
+                        "33", "43", "33", "43", "0", "0", "33", "43", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0",
+                        "0", "4081", "4098", "5", "10", "", ""),
+                       ("", "", "AAAAATGCGTAGAAATATGC", "ab2.ba1", "11068", "268", "268", "270", "288", "289",
+                        "11", "34", "10", "27", "0", "0", "10", "27", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "1",
+                        "7", "4081", "4098", "5", "10", "", "")],
+                      [("Chr5:5-20000-10776-G-T", "1.2", "CTATGACCCGTGAGCCCATG", "ab1.ba2", "132", "132", "287", "288", "290",
+                        "4", "1", "4", "1", "0", "0", "4", "1", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1",
+                        "6", "47170", "41149", "", ""),
+                       ("", "", "CTATGACCCGTGAGCCCATG", "ab2.ba1", "77", "132", "233", "200", "290",
+                        "4", "1", "4", "1", "0", "0", "4", "1", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1",
+                        "6", "47170", "41149", "", "")],
+                      [("Chr5:5-20000-11068-C-G", "2.1", "AAAAAAACATCATACACCCA", "ab1.ba2", "246", "244", "287", "288", "289",
+                        "2", "8", "2", "8", "0", "0", "2", "8", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0",
+                        "4081", "4098", "5", "10", "", ""),
+                       ("", "", "AAAAAAACATCATACACCCA", "ab2.ba1", None, None, None, None,
+                        "289", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", None, None, "0", "0",
+                        "0", "0", "4081", "4098", "5", "10", "", "")],
+                      [("Chr5:5-20000-11068-C-G", "2.2", "ATCAGCCATGGCTATTATTG", "ab1.ba2", "72", "72", "217", "288", "289",
+                        "1", "1", "1", "1", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0",
+                        "4081", "4098", "5", "10", "", ""),
+                       ("", "", "ATCAGCCATGGCTATTATTG", "ab2.ba1", "153", "164", "217", "260", "289",
+                        "1", "1", "1", "1", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0",
+                        "4081", "4098", "5", "10", "", "")],
+                      [("Chr5:5-20000-11068-C-G", "2.3", "ATCAATATGGCCTCGCCACG", "ab1.ba2", None, None, None, None,
+                        "289", "0", "5", "0", "5", "0", "0", "0", "5", None, None, None, "1", "0",
+                        "0", "0", "0", "4081", "4098", "5", "10", "", ""),
+                       ("", "", "ATCAATATGGCCTCGCCACG", "ab2.ba1", "202", "255", "277", "290", "289",
+                        "1", "3", "1", "3", "0", "0", "1", "3", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "1", "7",
+                        "4081", "4098", "5", "10", "", "")],
+                      [("Chr5:5-20000-11068-C-G", "2.4", "ATCAGCCATGGCTATTTTTT", "ab1.ba2", "72", "72", "217", "288", "289",
+                        "1", "1", "1", "1", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "4081",
+                        "4098", "5", "10", "", ""),
+                       ("", "", "ATCAGCCATGGCTATTTTTT", "ab2.ba1", "153", "164", "217", "260", "289",
+                        "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "4081",
+                        "4098", "5", "10", "", "")],
+                      [("Chr5:5-20000-10776-G-T", "3.1", "ATGCCTACCTCATTTGTCGT", "ab1.ba2", "46", "15", "287", "288", "290",
+                        "3", "3", "3", "2", "3", "1", "0", "1", "1", "0.5", "0", "0.5", "0", "0", "0", "1",
+                        "3", "3", "47170", "41149", "", ""),
+                       ("", "", "ATGCCTACCTCATTTGTCGT", "ab2.ba1", None, "274", None,
+                        "288", "290", "0", "3", "0", "2", "0", "1", "0", "1", None, "0.5", None, "0.5",
+                        "0", "0", "0", "1", "3", "3", "47170", "41149", "", "")],
+                      [("Chr5:5-20000-11315-C-T", "3.2", "ACAACATCACGTATTCAGGT", "ab1.ba2", "197", "197", "240", "255", "271",
+                        "2", "3", "2", "3", "0", "1", "2", "2", "0", "0.333333333333333", "1",
+                        "0.666666666666667", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "1", "6584", "6482", "", ""),
+                       ("", "", "ACAACATCACGTATTCAGGT", "ab2.ba1", "35", "35", "240", "258", "271",
+                        "2", "3", "2", "3", "0", "1", "2", "2", "0", "0.333333333333333", "1",
+                        "0.666666666666667", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "1", "6584", "6482", "", "")],
+                      [("Chr5:5-20000-13983-G-C", "4.1", "AAAAAAAGAATAACCCACAC", "ab1.ba2", "0", "0", "255", "276", "269",
+                        "5", "6", "5", "6", "0", "0", "5", "6", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1",
+                        "1", "5348", "5350", "", ""),
+                       ("", "", "AAAAAAAGAATAACCCACAC", "ab2.ba1", None, None, None, None,
+                        "269", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", None, None, None, None, "0",
+                        "0", "0", "0", "1", "1", "5348", "5350", "", "")],
+                      [("Chr5:5-20000-13983-G-C", "4.2", "ATGTTGTGAATAACCCACAC", "ab1.ba2", "209", "186", "255", "276", "269",
+                        "0", "6", "0", "6", "0", "0", "0", "6", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1",
+                        "1", "5348", "5350", "", ""),
+                       ("", "", "ATGTTGTGAATAACCCACAC", "ab2.ba1", None, None, None, None,
+                        "269", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", None, None, None, None, "0",
+                        "0", "0", "0", "1", "1", "5348", "5350", "", "")]]
+    ws3.write(11, 0, "Description of tiers with examples")
+    ws3.write_row(12, 0, header_line)
+    row = 0
+    for i in range(len(description_tiers)):
+        ws3.write_row(13 + row + i + 1, 0, description_tiers[i])
+        ex = examples_tiers[i]
+        for k in range(len(ex)):
+            ws3.write_row(13 + row + i + k + 2, 0, ex[k])
+        ws3.conditional_format('L{}:M{}'.format(13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 3), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=OR($B${}="1.1", $B${}="1.2")'.format(13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 2), 'format': format1, 'multi_range': 'L{}:M{} T{}:U{} B{}'.format(13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 3, 13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 3, 13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 3)})
+        ws3.conditional_format('L{}:M{}'.format(13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 3),
+                               {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=OR($B${}="2.1",$B${}="2.2", $B${}="2.3", $B${}="2.4")'.format(13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 2),
+                                'format': format3,
+                                'multi_range': 'L{}:M{} T{}:U{} B{}'.format(13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 3, 13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 3, 13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 3)})
+        ws3.conditional_format('L{}:M{}'.format(13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 3),
+                               {'type': 'formula',
+                                'criteria': '=$B${}>="3"'.format(13 + row + i + k + 2),
+                                'format': format2,
+                                'multi_range': 'L{}:M{} T{}:U{} B{}'.format(13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 3, 13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 3, 13 + row + i + k + 2, 13 + row + i + k + 3)})
+        row += 3
+    workbook.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(read2mut(sys.argv))