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date Wed, 21 Aug 2024 13:13:28 +0000
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#query_id	query_length	cdd_id	hit_id	evalue	startQ	endQ	frame	description	superkingdom
ds2020-267_120	339	pfam01333	gnl|CDD|366578	0.000848733	197	325	-3	pfam01333, Apocytochr_F_C, Apocytochrome F, C-terminal.  This is a sub-family of cytochrome C. See pfam00034.	cellular organisms(1);Eukaryota(1);Viridiplantae(1);Streptophyta(1)
ds2020-267_374	242	pfam00124	gnl|CDD|365890	5.09126e-07	21	125	3	pfam00124, Photo_RC, Photosynthetic reaction centre protein.  	cellular organisms(1);Eukaryota(1);Viridiplantae(1);Streptophyta(1)
ds2020-267_471	230	pfam00201	gnl|CDD|278624	3.12575e-07	46	210	1	pfam00201, UDPGT, UDP-glucoronosyl and UDP-glucosyl transferase.  	cellular organisms(1);Eukaryota(1);Viridiplantae(1);Streptophytina(1)
ds2020-267_710	213	pfam01127	gnl|CDD|366480	0.000723904	46	210	1	pfam01127, Sdh_cyt, Succinate dehydrogenase/Fumarate reductase transmembrane subunit.  This family includes a transmembrane protein from both the Succinate dehydrogenase and Fumarate reductase complexes.	Bacteria(2);cellular organisms(1);Pseudomonadota(1)
ds2020-267_692	214	pfam00680	gnl|CDD|366242	4.79875e-05	70	180	1	pfam00680, RdRP_1, RNA dependent RNA polymerase.  	Viruses(1);Riboviria(1);Orthornavirae(1);Pisuviricota(1)
ds2020-267_817	208	pfam05656	gnl|CDD|377540	3.45664e-06	86	190	-1	pfam05656, DUF805, Protein of unknown function (DUF805).  This family consists of several bacterial proteins of unknown function.	Bacteria(2);cellular organisms(1);Pseudomonadota(1)
ds2020-267_98	379	pfam16203	gnl|CDD|374428	1.33948e-30	131	280	-1	pfam16203, ERCC3_RAD25_C, ERCC3/RAD25/XPB C-terminal helicase.  This is the C-terminal helicase domain of ERCC3, RAD25 and XPB helicases.	cellular organisms(2);Bacteria(1);Terrabacteria group(1)
ds2020-267_261	260	pfam01051	gnl|CDD|376444	1.77523e-19	26	217	-2	pfam01051, Rep_3, Initiator Replication protein.  This protein is an initiator of plasmid replication. RepB possesses nicking-closing (topoisomerase I) like activity. It is also able to perform a strand transfer reaction on ssDNA that contains its target. This family also includes RepA which is an E.coli protein involved in plasmid replication. The RepA protein binds to DNA repeats that flank the repA gene.	cellular organisms(1);Bacteria(1);Pseudomonadota(1);Gammaproteobacteria(1)
ds2020-267_773	210	pfam01641	gnl|CDD|376583	5.23903e-34	16	174	1	pfam01641, SelR, SelR domain.  Methionine sulfoxide reduction is an important process, by which cells regulate biological processes and cope with oxidative stress. MsrA, a protein involved in the reduction of methionine sulfoxides in proteins, has been known for four decades and has been extensively characterized with respect to structure and function. However, recent studies revealed that MsrA is only specific for methionine-S-sulfoxides. Because oxidized methionines occur in a mixture of R and S isomers in vivo, it was unclear how stereo-specific MsrA could be responsible for the reduction of all protein methionine sulfoxides. It appears that a second methionine sulfoxide reductase, SelR, evolved that is specific for methionine-R-sulfoxides, the activity that is different but complementary to that of MsrA. Thus, these proteins, working together, could reduce both stereoisomers of methionine sulfoxide. This domain is found both in SelR proteins and fused with the peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase enzymatic domain pfam01625. The domain has two conserved cysteine and histidines. The domain binds both selenium and zinc. The final cysteine is found to be replaced by the rare amino acid selenocysteine in some members of the family. This family has methionine-R-sulfoxide reductase activity.	Bacteria(2);cellular organisms(1);Pseudomonadota(1)
ds2020-267_287	256	pfam00115	gnl|CDD|376293	2.8946e-26	13	237	1	pfam00115, COX1, Cytochrome C and Quinol oxidase polypeptide I.  	cellular organisms(1);Eukaryota(1);Opisthokonta(1);Metazoa(1)
ds2020-267_139	320	pfam05860	gnl|CDD|368641	1.34887e-13	167	298	2	pfam05860, Haemagg_act, haemagglutination activity domain.  This domain is suggested to be a carbohydrate- dependent haemagglutination activity site. It is found in a range of haemagglutinins and haemolysins.	Bacteria(2);cellular organisms(1);Pseudomonadota(1)
ds2020-267_763	211	pfam00557	gnl|CDD|376349	0.000231782	167	298	2	pfam00557, Peptidase_M24, Metallopeptidase family M24.  This family contains metallopeptidases. It also contains non-peptidase homologs such as the N terminal domain of Spt16 which is a histone H3-H4 binding module.	cellular organisms(2);Bacteria(2)
ds2020-267_571	221	pfam00501	gnl|CDD|366135	2.61467e-07	34	201	1	pfam00501, AMP-binding, AMP-binding enzyme.  	Bacteria(2);cellular organisms(1);Terrabacteria group(1)
ds2020-267_565	222	pfam03950	gnl|CDD|377172	9.52435e-10	53	184	-3	pfam03950, tRNA-synt_1c_C, tRNA synthetases class I (E and Q), anti-codon binding domain.  Other tRNA synthetase sub-families are too dissimilar to be included. This family includes only glutamyl and glutaminyl tRNA synthetases. In some organisms, a single glutamyl-tRNA synthetase aminoacylates both tRNA(Glu) and tRNA(Gln).	cellular organisms(2);Bacteria(1);Eukaryota(1)
ds2020-267_427	235	pfam03154	gnl|CDD|367360	0.000552392	53	184	-3	pfam03154, Atrophin-1, Atrophin-1 family.  Atrophin-1 is the protein product of the dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) gene. DRPLA OMIM:125370 is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. It is caused by the expansion of a CAG repeat in the DRPLA gene on chromosome 12p. This results in an extended polyglutamine region in atrophin-1, that is thought to confer toxicity to the protein, possibly through altering its interactions with other proteins. The expansion of a CAG repeat is also the underlying defect in six other neurodegenerative disorders, including Huntington's disease. One interaction of expanded polyglutamine repeats that is thought to be pathogenic is that with the short glutamine repeat in the transcriptional coactivator CREB binding protein, CBP. This interaction draws CBP away from its usual nuclear location to the expanded polyglutamine repeat protein aggregates that are characteristic of the polyglutamine neurodegenerative disorders. This interferes with CBP-mediated transcription and causes cytotoxicity.	Eukaryota(1);cellular organisms(1);Opisthokonta(1);Metazoa(1)
ds2020-267_4	2297	pfam00680	gnl|CDD|366242	4.43825e-05	995	1510	-2	pfam00680, RdRP_1, RNA dependent RNA polymerase.  	Viruses(1);Riboviria(1);Orthornavirae(1);Pisuviricota(1)
ds2020-267_16	1165	pfam00680	gnl|CDD|366242	8.1737e-06	707	1042	-1	pfam00680, RdRP_1, RNA dependent RNA polymerase.  	Viruses(1);Riboviria(1);Orthornavirae(1);Pisuviricota(1)
ds2020-267_438	234	pfam00078	gnl|CDD|365856	0.000870142	707	1042	-1	pfam00078, RVT_1, Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase).  A reverse transcriptase gene is usually indicative of a mobile element such as a retrotransposon or retrovirus. Reverse transcriptases occur in a variety of mobile elements, including retrotransposons, retroviruses, group II introns, bacterial msDNAs, hepadnaviruses, and caulimoviruses.	Viruses(1);Riboviria(1);Pararnavirae(1);Artverviricota(1)
ds2020-267_370	242	pfam00146	gnl|CDD|376297	2.41391e-10	22	111	1	pfam00146, NADHdh, NADH dehydrogenase.  	cellular organisms(1);Eukaryota(1);Opisthokonta(1);Metazoa(1)
ds2020-267_278	258	pfam00012	gnl|CDD|365808	4.1355e-19	50	232	2	pfam00012, HSP70, Hsp70 protein.  Hsp70 chaperones help to fold many proteins. Hsp70 assisted folding involves repeated cycles of substrate binding and release. Hsp70 activity is ATP dependent. Hsp70 proteins are made up of two regions: the amino terminus is the ATPase domain and the carboxyl terminus is the substrate binding region.	cellular organisms(2);Eukaryota(1);Bacteria(1)
ds2020-267_364	243	pfam00216	gnl|CDD|365952	1.5507e-10	134	241	-3	pfam00216, Bac_DNA_binding, Bacterial DNA-binding protein.  	Bacteria(2);cellular organisms(1);Pseudomonadota(1)
ds2020-267_558	222	pfam03737	gnl|CDD|377116	4.93695e-13	57	179	-2	pfam03737, RraA-like, Aldolase/RraA.  Members of this family include regulator of ribonuclease E activity A (RraA) and 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxoglutarate (HMG)/4-carboxy- 4-hydroxy-2-oxoadipate (CHA) aldolase, also known as RraA-like protein. RraA acts as a trans-acting modulator of RNA turnover, binding essential endonuclease RNase E and inhibiting RNA processing. RraA-like proteins seem to contain aldolase and/or decarboxylase activity either in place of or in addition to the RNase E inhibitor functions.	Bacteria(2);cellular organisms(1);Pseudomonadota(1)
ds2020-267_218	274	pfam01348	gnl|CDD|279664	1.66328e-05	51	257	3	pfam01348, Intron_maturas2, Type II intron maturase.  Group II introns use intron-encoded reverse transcriptase, maturase and DNA endonuclease activities for site-specific insertion into DNA. Although this type of intron is self splicing in vitro they require a maturase protein for splicing in vivo. It has been shown that a specific region of the aI2 intron is needed for the maturase function. This region was found to be conserved in group II introns and called domain X.	cellular organisms(1);Eukaryota(1);Viridiplantae(1);Streptophyta(1)
ds2020-267_363	243	pfam00416	gnl|CDD|366086	2.02528e-05	15	134	-2	pfam00416, Ribosomal_S13, Ribosomal protein S13/S18.  This family includes ribosomal protein S13 from prokaryotes and S18 from eukaryotes.	cellular organisms(2);Bacteria(2)
ds2020-267_746	211	pfam01490	gnl|CDD|279788	0.000177299	15	134	-2	pfam01490, Aa_trans, Transmembrane amino acid transporter protein.  This transmembrane region is found in many amino acid transporters including UNC-47 and MTR. UNC-47 encodes a vesicular amino butyric acid (GABA) transporter, (VGAT). UNC-47 is predicted to have 10 transmembrane domains. MTR is a N system amino acid transporter system protein involved in methyltryptophan resistance. Other members of this family include proline transporters and amino acid permeases.	cellular organisms(1);Eukaryota(1);Opisthokonta(1);Metazoa(1)