diff blast_html.py @ 13:c2d63adb83db

renamed files
author Jan Kanis <jan.code@jankanis.nl>
date Mon, 12 May 2014 17:13:49 +0200
parents visualise.py@a459c754cdb5
children 0b33898bba45
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/blast_html.py	Mon May 12 17:13:49 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright The Hyve B.V. 2014
+# License: GPL version 3 or higher
+import sys
+import math
+import warnings
+from itertools import repeat
+import argparse
+from lxml import objectify
+import jinja2
+_filters = {}
+def filter(func_or_name):
+    "Decorator to register a function as filter in the current jinja environment"
+    if isinstance(func_or_name, str):
+        def inner(func):
+            _filters[func_or_name] = func
+            return func
+        return inner
+    else:
+        _filters[func_or_name.__name__] = func_or_name
+        return func_or_name
+def color_idx(length):
+    if length < 40:
+        return 0
+    elif length < 50:
+        return 1
+    elif length < 80:
+        return 2
+    elif length < 200:
+        return 3
+    return 4
+def fmt(val, fmt):
+    return format(float(val), fmt)
+def firsttitle(hit):
+    return hit.Hit_def.text.split('>')[0]
+def othertitles(hit):
+    """Split a hit.Hit_def that contains multiple titles up, splitting out the hit ids from the titles."""
+    id_titles = hit.Hit_def.text.split('>')
+    titles = []
+    for t in id_titles[1:]:
+        fullid, title = t.split(' ', 1)
+        hitid, id = fullid.split('|', 2)[1:3]
+        titles.append(dict(id = id,
+                           hitid = hitid,
+                           fullid = fullid,
+                           title = title))
+    return titles
+def hitid(hit):
+    return hit.Hit_id.text.split('|', 2)[1]
+def seqid(hit):
+    return hit.Hit_id.text.split('|', 2)[2]
+def alignment_pre(hsp):
+    return (
+        "Query  {:>7s}  {}  {}\n".format(hsp['Hsp_query-from'], hsp.Hsp_qseq, hsp['Hsp_query-to']) +
+        "       {:7s}  {}\n".format('', hsp.Hsp_midline) +
+        "Subject{:>7s}  {}  {}".format(hsp['Hsp_hit-from'], hsp.Hsp_hseq, hsp['Hsp_hit-to'])
+    )
+def hsplen(node):
+    return int(node['Hsp_align-len'])
+def asframe(frame):
+    if frame == 1:
+        return 'Plus'
+    elif frame == -1:
+        return 'Minus'
+    raise Exception("frame should be either +1 or -1")
+def genelink(hit, type='genbank', hsp=None):
+    if not isinstance(hit, str):
+        hit = hitid(hit)
+    link = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nucleotide/{}?report={}&log$=nuclalign".format(hit, type)
+    if hsp != None:
+        link += "&from={}&to={}".format(hsp['Hsp_hit-from'], hsp['Hsp_hit-to'])
+    return jinja2.Markup(link)
+class BlastVisualize:
+    colors = ('black', 'blue', 'green', 'magenta', 'red')
+    max_scale_labels = 10
+    templatename = 'visualise.html.jinja'
+    def __init__(self, input):
+        self.input = input
+        self.blast = objectify.parse(self.input).getroot()
+        self.loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath='.')
+        self.environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=self.loader,
+                                              lstrip_blocks=True, trim_blocks=True, autoescape=True)
+        self.environment.filters['color'] = lambda length: match_colors[color_idx(length)]
+        for name, filter in _filters.items():
+            self.environment.filters[name] = filter
+        self.query_length = int(self.blast["BlastOutput_query-len"])
+        self.hits = self.blast.BlastOutput_iterations.Iteration.Iteration_hits.Hit
+        # sort hits by longest hotspot first
+        self.ordered_hits = sorted(self.hits,
+                                   key=lambda h: max(hsplen(hsp) for hsp in h.Hit_hsps.Hsp),
+                                   reverse=True)
+    def render(self, output):
+        template = self.environment.get_template(self.templatename)
+        params = (('Query ID', self.blast["BlastOutput_query-ID"]),
+                  ('Query definition', self.blast["BlastOutput_query-def"]),
+                  ('Query length', self.blast["BlastOutput_query-len"]),
+                  ('Program', self.blast.BlastOutput_version),
+                  ('Database', self.blast.BlastOutput_db),
+        )
+        if len(self.blast.BlastOutput_iterations.Iteration) > 1:
+            warnings.warn("Multiple 'Iteration' elements found, showing only the first")
+        output.write(template.render(blast=self.blast,
+                                          length=self.query_length,
+                                          hits=self.blast.BlastOutput_iterations.Iteration.Iteration_hits.Hit,
+                                          colors=self.colors,
+                                          match_colors=self.match_colors(),
+                                          queryscale=self.queryscale(),
+                                          hit_info=self.hit_info(),
+                                          genelink=genelink,
+                                          params=params))
+    def match_colors(self):
+        """
+        An iterator that yields lists of length-color pairs. 
+        """
+        percent_multiplier = 100 / self.query_length
+        for hit in self.hits:
+            # sort hotspots from short to long, so we can overwrite index colors of
+            # short matches with those of long ones.
+            hotspots = sorted(hit.Hit_hsps.Hsp, key=lambda hsp: hsplen(hsp))
+            table = bytearray([255]) * self.query_length
+            for hsp in hotspots:
+                frm = hsp['Hsp_query-from'] - 1
+                to = int(hsp['Hsp_query-to'])
+                table[frm:to] = repeat(color_idx(hsplen(hsp)), to - frm)
+            matches = []
+            last = table[0]
+            count = 0
+            for i in range(self.query_length):
+                if table[i] == last:
+                    count += 1
+                    continue
+                matches.append((count * percent_multiplier, self.colors[last] if last != 255 else 'none'))
+                last = table[i]
+                count = 1
+            matches.append((count * percent_multiplier, self.colors[last] if last != 255 else 'none'))
+            yield dict(colors=matches, link="#hit"+hit.Hit_num.text, defline=firsttitle(hit))
+    def queryscale(self):
+        skip = math.ceil(self.query_length / self.max_scale_labels)
+        percent_multiplier = 100 / self.query_length
+        for i in range(1, self.query_length+1):
+            if i % skip == 0:
+                yield dict(label = i, width = skip * percent_multiplier)
+        if self.query_length % skip != 0:
+            yield dict(label = self.query_length, width = (self.query_length % skip) * percent_multiplier)
+    def hit_info(self):
+        for hit in self.ordered_hits:
+            hsps = hit.Hit_hsps.Hsp
+            cover = [False] * self.query_length
+            for hsp in hsps:
+                cover[hsp['Hsp_query-from']-1 : int(hsp['Hsp_query-to'])] = repeat(True, hsplen(hsp))
+            cover_count = cover.count(True)
+            def hsp_val(path):
+                return (float(hsp[path]) for hsp in hsps)
+            yield dict(hit = hit,
+                       title = firsttitle(hit),
+                       link_id = hit.Hit_num,
+                       maxscore = "{:.1f}".format(max(hsp_val('Hsp_bit-score'))),
+                       totalscore = "{:.1f}".format(sum(hsp_val('Hsp_bit-score'))),
+                       cover = "{:.0%}".format(cover_count / self.query_length),
+                       e_value = "{:.4g}".format(min(hsp_val('Hsp_evalue'))),
+                       # FIXME: is this the correct formula vv?
+                       ident = "{:.0%}".format(float(min(hsp.Hsp_identity / hsplen(hsp) for hsp in hsps))),
+                       accession = hit.Hit_accession)
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert a BLAST XML result into a nicely readable html page",
+                                     usage="{} [-i] INPUT [-o OUTPUT]".format(sys.argv[0]))
+    input_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+    input_group.add_argument('positional_arg', metavar='INPUT', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType(mode='r'),
+                             help='The input Blast XML file, same as -i/--input')
+    input_group.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=argparse.FileType(mode='r'), 
+                             help='The input Blast XML file')
+    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=argparse.FileType(mode='w'), default=sys.stdout,
+                        help='The output html file')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.input == None:
+        args.input = args.positional_arg
+    if args.input == None:
+        parser.error('no input specified')
+    b = BlastVisualize(args.input)
+    b.render(args.output)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()