view @ 102:87c5402e0ba8

fix error
author Jan Kanis <>
date Tue, 01 Jul 2014 16:54:32 +0200
parents 5bfaa3ee1f27
children 86bcf17f50ef
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Actually this program works with both python 2 and 3, tested against python 2.6

# Copyright The Hyve B.V. 2014
# License: GPL version 3 or (at your option) any higher version

from __future__ import unicode_literals, division

import sys
import math
import warnings
import six, codecs
from six.moves import builtins
from os import path
from itertools import repeat
from collections import defaultdict
import glob
import argparse
from lxml import objectify
import jinja2

builtin_str = str
str = six.text_type

_filters = dict(float='float')
def filter(func_or_name):
    "Decorator to register a function as filter in the current jinja environment"
    if isinstance(func_or_name, six.string_types):
        def inner(func):
            _filters[func_or_name] = func.__name__
            return func
        return inner
        _filters[func_or_name.__name__] = func_or_name.__name__
        return func_or_name

def color_idx(length):
    if length < 40:
        return 0
    elif length < 50:
        return 1
    elif length < 80:
        return 2
    elif length < 200:
        return 3
    return 4

def fmt(val, fmt):
    return format(float(val), fmt)

def numfmt(val):
    """Format numbers in decimal notation, but without excessive trailing 0's.
    Default python float formatting will use scientific notation for some values,
    or append trailing zeros with the 'f' format type, and the number of digits differs
    between python 2 and 3."""
    fpart, ipart = math.modf(val)
    if fpart == 0:
        return str(int(val))
    # round to 10 to get identical representations in python 2 and 3
    s = format(round(val, 10), '.10f').rstrip('0')
    if s[-1] == '.':
        s += '0'
    return s

def firsttitle(hit):
    return str(hit.Hit_def).split('>')[0]

def othertitles(hit):
    """Split a hit.Hit_def that contains multiple titles up, splitting out the hit ids from the titles."""
    id_titles = str(hit.Hit_def).split('>')

    titles = []
    for t in id_titles[1:]:
        id, title = t.split(' ', 1)
        titles.append(argparse.Namespace(Hit_id = id,
                                         Hit_def = title,
                                         Hit_accession = '',
                                         getroottree = hit.getroottree))
    return titles

def hitid(hit):
    return str(hit.Hit_id)

def alignment_pre(hsp):
    """Create the preformatted alignment blocks"""

    # line break length
    linewidth = 60

    qfrom = int(hsp['Hsp_query-from'])
    qto = int(hsp['Hsp_query-to'])
    qframe = int(hsp['Hsp_query-frame'])
    hfrom = int(hsp['Hsp_hit-from'])
    hto = int(hsp['Hsp_hit-to'])
    hframe = int(hsp['Hsp_hit-frame'])
    qseq = hsp.Hsp_qseq.text
    midline = hsp.Hsp_midline.text
    hseq = hsp.Hsp_hseq.text

    if not qframe in (1, -1):
        warnings.warn("Error in BlastXML input: Hsp node {0} has a Hsp_query-frame of {1}. (should be 1 or -1)".format(nodeid(hsp), qframe))
        qframe = -1 if qframe < 0 else 1
    if not hframe in (1, -1):
        warnings.warn("Error in BlastXML input: Hsp node {0} has a Hsp_hit-frame of {1}. (should be 1 or -1)".format(nodeid(hsp), hframe))
        hframe = -1 if hframe < 0 else 1
    def split(txt):
        return [txt[i:i+linewidth] for i in range(0, len(txt), linewidth)]

    for qs, mid, hs, offset in zip(split(qseq), split(midline), split(hseq), range(0, len(qseq), linewidth)):
        yield (
            "Query  {0:>7}  {1}  {2}\n".format(qfrom+offset*qframe, qs, qfrom+(offset+len(qs)-1)*qframe) +
            "       {0:7}  {1}\n".format('', mid) +
            "Subject{0:>7}  {1}  {2}".format(hfrom+offset*hframe, hs, hfrom+(offset+len(hs)-1)*hframe)
    if qfrom+(len(qseq)-1)*qframe != qto:
        warnings.warn("Error in BlastXML input: Hsp node {0} qseq length mismatch: from {1} to {2} length {3}".format(
            nodeid(hsp), qfrom, qto, len(qseq)))
    if hfrom+(len(hseq)-1)*hframe != hto:
        warnings.warn("Error in BlastXML input: Hsp node {0} hseq length mismatch: from {1} to {2} length {3}".format(
            nodeid(hsp), hfrom, hto, len(hseq)))


def blastxml_len(node):
    if node.tag == 'Hsp':
        return int(node['Hsp_align-len'])
    elif node.tag == 'Iteration':
        return int(node['Iteration_query-len'])
    raise Exception("Unknown XML node type: "+node.tag)

def nodeid(node):
    id = []
    if node.tag == 'Hsp':
        id.insert(0, node.Hsp_num.text)
        node = node.getparent().getparent()
        assert node.tag == 'Hit'
    if node.tag == 'Hit':
        id.insert(0, node.Hit_num.text)
        node = node.getparent().getparent()
        assert node.tag == 'Iteration'
    if node.tag == 'Iteration':
        id.insert(0, node['Iteration_iter-num'].text)
        return '-'.join(id)
    raise ValueError("The nodeid filter can only be applied to Hsp, Hit or Iteration nodes in a BlastXML document")

def asframe(frame):
    if frame == 1:
        return 'Plus'
    elif frame == -1:
        return 'Minus'
    raise Exception("frame should be either +1 or -1")

# def genelink(hit, type='genbank', hsp=None):
#     if not isinstance(hit, six.string_types):
#         hit = hitid(hit)
#     link = "{0}?report={1}&log$=nuclalign".format(hit, type)
#     if hsp != None:
#         link += "&from={0}&to={1}".format(hsp['Hsp_hit-from'], hsp['Hsp_hit-to'])
#     return link

# javascript escape filter based on Django's, from
# I've removed the html escapes, since html escaping is already being performed by the template engine.

# The r'\u0027' syntax doesn't work the way we need to in python 2.6 with unicode_literals
_base_js_escapes = (
    ('\\', '\\u005C'),
    ('\'', '\\u0027'),
    ('"', '\\u0022'),
    # ('>', '\\u003E'),
    # ('<', '\\u003C'),
    # ('&', '\\u0026'),
    # ('=', '\\u003D'),
    # ('-', '\\u002D'),
    # (';', '\\u003B'),
    (u'\u2028', '\\u2028'),
    (u'\u2029', '\\u2029')

# Escape every ASCII character with a value less than 32. This is
# needed a.o. to prevent html parsers from jumping out of javascript
# parsing mode.
_js_escapes = (_base_js_escapes +
               tuple(('%c' % z, '\\u%04X' % z) for z in range(32)))

def js_string_escape(value):
    Javascript string literal escape. Note that this only escapes data
    for embedding within javascript string literals, not in general
    javascript snippets.

    value = str(value)

    for bad, good in _js_escapes:
        value = value.replace(bad, good)

    return value

def hits(result):
    # sort hits by longest hotspot first
    return sorted(result.Iteration_hits.findall('Hit'),
                  key=lambda h: max(blastxml_len(hsp) for hsp in h.Hit_hsps.Hsp),

class BlastVisualize:

    colors = ('black', 'blue', 'green', 'magenta', 'red')

    max_scale_labels = 10

    def __init__(self, input, templatedir, templatename, genelinks={}):
        self.input = input
        self.templatename = templatename
        self.genelinks = genelinks

        self.blast = objectify.parse(self.input).getroot()
        self.loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=templatedir)
        self.environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=self.loader,
                                              lstrip_blocks=True, trim_blocks=True, autoescape=True)


    def _addfilters(self, environment):
        for filtername, funcname in _filters.items():
                environment.filters[filtername] = getattr(self, funcname)
            except AttributeError:
                    environment.filters[filtername] = globals()[funcname]
                except KeyError:
                    environment.filters[filtername] = getattr(builtins, funcname)

    def render(self, output):
        template = self.environment.get_template(self.templatename)

        params = (('Query ID', self.blast["BlastOutput_query-ID"]),
                  ('Query definition', self.blast["BlastOutput_query-def"]),
                  ('Query length', self.blast["BlastOutput_query-len"]),
                  ('Program', self.blast.BlastOutput_version),
                  ('Database', self.blast.BlastOutput_db),

        result = template.render(blast=self.blast,
        if six.PY2:
            result = result.encode('utf-8')

    def match_colors(self, result):
        An iterator that yields lists of length-color pairs. 

        query_length = blastxml_len(result)
        percent_multiplier = 100 / query_length

        for hit in hits(result):
            # sort hotspots from short to long, so we can overwrite index colors of
            # short matches with those of long ones.
            hotspots = sorted(hit.Hit_hsps.Hsp, key=lambda hsp: blastxml_len(hsp))
            table = bytearray([255]) * query_length
            for hsp in hotspots:
                frm = hsp['Hsp_query-from'] - 1
                to = int(hsp['Hsp_query-to'])
                table[frm:to] = repeat(color_idx(blastxml_len(hsp)), to - frm)

            matches = []
            last = table[0]
            count = 0
            for i in range(query_length):
                if table[i] == last:
                    count += 1
                matches.append((count * percent_multiplier, self.colors[last] if last != 255 else 'transparent'))
                last = table[i]
                count = 1
            matches.append((count * percent_multiplier, self.colors[last] if last != 255 else 'transparent'))

            yield dict(colors=matches, hit=hit, defline=firsttitle(hit))

    def queryscale(self, result):
        query_length = blastxml_len(result)
        skip = math.ceil(query_length / self.max_scale_labels)
        percent_multiplier = 100 / query_length
        for i in range(1, query_length+1):
            if i % skip == 0:
                yield dict(label = i, width = skip * percent_multiplier)
        if query_length % skip != 0:
            yield dict(label = query_length,
                       width = (query_length % skip) * percent_multiplier)

    def hit_info(self, result):

        query_length = blastxml_len(result)

        for hit in hits(result):
            hsps = hit.Hit_hsps.Hsp

            cover = [False] * query_length
            for hsp in hsps:
                cover[hsp['Hsp_query-from']-1 : int(hsp['Hsp_query-to'])] = repeat(True, blastxml_len(hsp))
            cover_count = cover.count(True)

            def hsp_val(path):
                return (float(hsp[path]) for hsp in hsps)

            yield dict(hit = hit,
                       title = firsttitle(hit),
                       maxscore = "{0:.1f}".format(max(hsp_val('Hsp_bit-score'))),
                       totalscore = "{0:.1f}".format(sum(hsp_val('Hsp_bit-score'))),
                       cover = "{0:.0%}".format(cover_count / query_length),
                       e_value = "{0:.4g}".format(min(hsp_val('Hsp_evalue'))),
                       # FIXME: is this the correct formula vv?
                       # float(...) because non-flooring division doesn't work with lxml elements in python 2.6
                       ident = "{0:.0%}".format(float(min(float(hsp.Hsp_identity) / blastxml_len(hsp) for hsp in hsps))))

    def genelink(self, hit, text=None, clas=None, display_nolink=True):
        """Create a html link from a hit node to a configured gene bank webpage.
        text: The text of the link, defaults to the hit_id
        clas: extra css classes that will be added to the <a> element
        display_nolink: boolean, if false don't display anything if no link can be created. Default True.
        if text is None:
            text = hitid(hit)

        db = hit.getroottree().getroot().BlastOutput_db

        if isinstance(self.genelinks, six.string_types):
            template = self.genelinks
            template = self.genelinks.get(db)
        if template is None:
            return text if display_nolink else ''
        args = dict(id=hitid(hit).split('|'),
            link = template.format(**args)
        except Exception as e:
            warnings.warn('Error in formatting gene bank link {} with {}: {}'.format(template, args, e))
            return text if display_nolink else ''

        classattr = 'class="{0}" '.format(jinja2.escape(clas)) if clas is not None else ''
        return jinja2.Markup("<a {0}href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>".format(classattr, jinja2.escape(link), jinja2.escape(text)))

def read_genelinks(dir):
    links = {}
    # blastdb.loc, blastdb_p.loc, blastdb_d.loc, etc.
    files = sorted(glob.glob(path.join(dir, 'blastdb*.loc')))
    # reversed, so blastdb.loc will take precedence
    for f in reversed(files):
            f = open(path.join(dir, f))
            for l in f.readlines():
                if l.strip().startswith('#'):
                line = l.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
                    links[line[2]] = line[3]
                except IndexError:
        except OSError:
    if not links:
        warnings.warn("No gene bank link templates found in {0}".format(', '.join(files)))
    return links

def main():
    default_template = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'blast2html.html.jinja')

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert a BLAST XML result into a nicely readable html page",
                                     usage="{0} [-i] INPUT [-o OUTPUT]".format(sys.argv[0]))
    input_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
    input_group.add_argument('positional_arg', metavar='INPUT', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType(mode='r'),
                             help='The input Blast XML file, same as -i/--input')
    input_group.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=argparse.FileType(mode='r'), 
                             help='The input Blast XML file')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=argparse.FileType(mode='w'), default=sys.stdout,
                        help='The output html file')
    # We just want the file name here, so jinja can open the file
    # itself. But it is easier to just use a FileType so argparse can
    # handle the errors. This introduces a small race condition when
    # jinja later tries to re-open the template file, but we don't
    # care too much.
    parser.add_argument('--template', type=argparse.FileType(mode='r'), default=default_template,
                        help='The template file to use. Defaults to blast_html.html.jinja')
    dblink_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    dblink_group.add_argument('--genelink-template', default='{accession}?report=genbank&log$=nuclalign',
                              help="""A link template to link hits to a gene bank webpage. The template string is a 
                              Python format string. It can contain the following replacement elements: {id[N]}, {fullid}, 
                              {defline[N]}, {fulldefline}, {accession}, where N is a number. id[N] and defline[N] will be 
                              replaced by the Nth element of the id or defline, where '|' is the field separator. 

                              The default is '{accession}?report=genbank&log$=nuclalign',
                              which is a link to the NCBI nucleotide database.""")
                              help="""The directory where databases are configured in blastdb*.loc files. These files
                              are consulted for creating a gene bank link. The files should be tab-separated tables (with lines
                              starting with '#' ignored), where the third field of a line should be a database path and the fourth
                              a genebank link template conforming to the --genelink-template option syntax.

                              This option is incompatible with --genelink-template.""")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.input == None:
        args.input = args.positional_arg
    if args.input == None:
        parser.error('no input specified')

    templatedir, templatename = path.split(
    if not templatedir:
        templatedir = '.'

    if args.db_config_dir is None:
        genelinks = args.genelink_template
    elif not path.isdir(args.db_config_dir):
        parser.error('db-config-dir does not exist or is not a directory')
        genelinks = read_genelinks(args.db_config_dir)

    b = BlastVisualize(args.input, templatedir, templatename, genelinks)

if __name__ == '__main__':