diff vcftools.py @ 3:d1e3db7f6521 draft

author jaredgk
date Wed, 17 Oct 2018 17:28:38 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vcftools.py	Wed Oct 17 17:28:38 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+import subprocess
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.pardir,'jared')))
+from vcf_reader_func import checkFormat
+from bcftools import check_bcftools_for_errors
+def check_bgzip_for_errors (bgzip_stderr):
+    '''
+        Checks the bgzip stderr for errors
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        bgzip_stderr : str
+            bgzip stderr
+        Raises
+        ------
+        IOError
+            If bgzip stderr returns an error
+    '''
+    if bgzip_stderr:
+        raise IOError('Error occured while compressing the vcf file')
+def bgzip_decompress_vcfgz (vcfgz_filename, out_prefix = '', keep_original = False):
+        '''
+            Converts a vcf.gz to vcf
+            The function automates bgzip to decompress a vcf.gz file into a vcf
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            vcfgz_filename : str
+                The file name of the vcf.gz file to be decompressed
+            out_prefix : str
+                Output file prefix (i.e. filename without extension)
+            keep_original : bool
+                Specifies if the original file should be kept
+            Raises
+            ------
+            IOError
+                Error in creating the compressed file
+        '''
+        # Run bgzip with stdout piped to file
+        if keep_original or out_prefix:
+            if out_prefix:
+                # Assign the bgzip filename
+                vcf_filename = out_prefix + '.vcf'
+            else:
+                # Seperate into path and filename
+                split_path, split_filename = os.path.split(vcfgz_filename)
+                # Remove any file extensions
+                vcf_basename = split_filename.split(os.extsep)[0] + '.vcf'
+                # Join path and filename
+                vcf_filename = os.path.join(split_path, vcf_basename)
+            # Create the output file
+            vcf_file = open(vcf_filename, 'w')
+            # bgzip subprocess call
+            bgzip_call = subprocess.Popen(['bgzip', '-dc', vcfgz_filename], stdout = vcf_file, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+        # Run bgzip normally
+        else:
+            # bgzip subprocess call
+            bgzip_call = subprocess.Popen(['bgzip', '-d', vcfgz_filename], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+        # Save the stdout and stderr from bgzip
+        bgzip_out, bgzip_err = bgzip_call.communicate()
+        # Check that output file was compressed correctly
+        check_bgzip_for_errors(bgzip_err)
+        # Delete input when also using an output prefix
+        if out_prefix and not keep_original:
+            os.remove(vcfgz_filename)
+def bgzip_compress_vcf (vcf_filename, out_prefix = '', keep_original = False):
+        '''
+            Converts a vcf to vcf.gz
+            The function automates bgzip to compress a vcf file into a vcf.gz
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            vcf_filename : str
+                The file name of the vcf file to be compressed
+            keep_original : bool
+                Specifies if the original file should be kept
+            Raises
+            ------
+            IOError
+                Error in creating the compressed file
+        '''
+        # Compress and keep the original file
+        if keep_original or out_prefix:
+            if out_prefix:
+                # Assign the filename
+                vcfgz_filename = out_prefix + '.vcf.gz'
+            else:
+                # Seperate into path and filename
+                split_path, split_filename = os.path.split(vcfgz_filename)
+                # Remove any file extensions
+                vcfgz_basename = split_filename.split(os.extsep)[0] + '.vcf.gz'
+                # Join path and filename
+                vcfgz_filename = os.path.join(split_path, vcfgz_basename)
+            # Create the output file
+            vcfgz_file = open(vcfgz_filename, 'w')
+            # bgzip subprocess call
+            bgzip_call = subprocess.Popen(['bgzip', '-c', vcf_filename], stdout = vcfgz_file, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+        # Compress and do not keep the original file
+        else:
+            # bgzip subprocess call
+            bgzip_call = subprocess.Popen(['bgzip', vcf_filename], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+        # Save the stdout and stderr from bgzip
+        bgzip_out, bgzip_err = bgzip_call.communicate()
+        # Check that output file was compressed correctly
+        check_bgzip_for_errors(bgzip_err)
+def cvt_vcftools_site_to_bed (vcftools_out_str):
+    # Check if str in the header
+    if 'CHROM' not in vcftools_out_str or 'POS' not in vcftools_out_str:
+        # Split the line into a list
+        vcftools_out_data = vcftools_out_str.strip().split('\t')
+        # Convert the chromStart to int
+        vcftools_out_data[1] = int(vcftools_out_data[1])
+        # Calc chromEnd
+        chrom_end = vcftools_out_data[1] + 1
+        # Add chrom_end to the list
+        vcftools_out_data = vcftools_out_data + [chrom_end]
+        # Return the list as a string (with newline element)
+        return '\t'.join(map(str, vcftools_out_data)) + '\n'
+    else:
+        # Remove the header
+        return ''
+def pipe_vcftools (vcftools_call_args):
+    '''
+        Calls vcftools with pipe output
+        The output of this function is the stdout and stderr of vcftools. This
+        function should only be used if vcftools is being used as the stdin of
+        another function. Please note that this function does not check the for
+        errors in the vcftools call. Please check for errors after the call is
+        closed using check_vcftools_for_errors.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vcftools_call_args : list
+            vcftools arguments
+        Returns
+        -------
+        vcftools_call : subprocess.Popen
+            vcftools subprocess call
+        vcftools_call.stdout : PIPE
+            vcftools stdout PIPE (Results)
+        vcftools_call.stderr : PIPE
+            vcftools stderr PIPE (Log)
+    '''
+    # vcftools subprocess call
+    vcftools_call = subprocess.Popen(['vcftools', '--stdout'] + list(map(str, vcftools_call_args)), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+    return vcftools_call
+def pipe_vcftools_to_bed_file (vcftools_call_args, output_filename):
+    '''
+        Pipes site-file output of vcftools to a bed formmated file
+        The purpose of this function is to avoid creating large uncompressed
+        vcf files by directly piping the output of vcftools to bgzip. This
+        results in creating a vcf.gz file without any intermediates.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vcftools_call_args : list
+            vcftools arguments
+        output_filename : str
+            Filename of the bed file
+    '''
+    # Open vcftools pipe
+    vcftools_call = pipe_vcftools(vcftools_call_args)
+    # Create the bed file
+    bed_output = open(output_filename, 'w')
+    try:
+        # Iterate the vcftools stdout unless error occurs
+        for vcftools_stdout_line in iter(vcftools_call.stdout.readline, b''):
+            bed_output.write(cvt_vcftools_site_to_bed(vcftools_stdout_line))
+        # Close the bed file
+        bed_output.close()
+    except:
+        # Close the bed file
+        bed_output.close()
+        # Delete the file
+        os.remove(output_filename)
+    # Wait for vctools to finish
+    vcftools_call.wait()
+    # Close the vcftools stdout
+    vcftools_call.stdout.close()
+    # Read the vcftools stderr
+    vcftools_stderr = vcftools_call.stderr.read()
+    # Check if code is running in python 3
+    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+        # Convert bytes to string
+        vcftools_stderr = vcftools_stderr.decode()
+    # Check that the log file was created correctly
+    check_vcftools_for_errors(vcftools_stderr)
+    logging.info('vcftools call complete')
+    return vcftools_stderr
+def pipe_vcftools_bgzip (vcftools_call_args, output_filename):
+    '''
+        Pipes the output of vcftools to bgzip
+        The purpose of this function is to avoid creating large uncompressed
+        vcf files by directly piping the output of vcftools to bgzip. This
+        results in creating a vcf.gz file without any intermediates.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vcftools_call_args : list
+            vcftools arguments
+        output_filename : str
+            Filename of the compressed vcf file
+    '''
+    vcftools_call = pipe_vcftools(vcftools_call_args)
+    # Create bgzip output file
+    bgzip_output = open(output_filename, 'wb')
+    # bgzip subprocess call
+    bgzip_call = subprocess.Popen(['bgzip'], stdin = vcftools_call.stdout, stdout = bgzip_output, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+    # Wait for vctools to finish
+    vcftools_call.wait()
+    # Close the vcftools stdout
+    vcftools_call.stdout.close()
+    # Read the vcftools stderr
+    vcftools_stderr = vcftools_call.stderr.read()
+    # Check if code is running in python 3
+    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+        # Convert bytes to string
+        vcftools_stderr = vcftools_stderr.decode()
+    # Check that the log file was created correctly
+    check_vcftools_for_errors(vcftools_stderr)
+    # Wait for bgzip to finish
+    bgzip_call.wait()
+    # Close the compressed vcf file
+    bgzip_output.close()
+    # Save the stderr from bgzip, stdout = None
+    bgzip_stdout, bgzip_stderr = bgzip_call.communicate()
+    # Check if code is running in python 3
+    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+        # Convert bytes to string
+        bgzip_stderr = bgzip_stderr.decode()
+    # Check that output file was compressed correctly
+    check_bgzip_for_errors(bgzip_stderr)
+    logging.info('vcftools and bgzip calls complete')
+    return vcftools_stderr
+def pipe_vcftools_bcftools (vcftools_call_args, output_filename):
+    '''
+        Pipes the output of vcftools to bcftools
+        The purpose of this function is to avoid the vcftools command
+        --recode-bcf that may result in malformed BCF files. To avoid large
+        uncompressed intermediates, this function pipes the stdout of vcftools
+        to bcftools.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vcftools_call_args : list
+            vcftools arguments
+        output_filename : str
+            Filename of the BCF file
+    '''
+    vcftools_call = pipe_vcftools(vcftools_call_args)
+    # Holds the arguments to convert to BCF format
+    convert_args = ['view', '-O', 'b']
+    # Assigns the output file to the arguments
+    convert_args.extend(['-o', output_filename])
+    # bcftools subprocess call
+    bcftools_call = subprocess.Popen(['bcftools'] + convert_args, stdin = vcftools_call.stdout, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+    # Wait for vctools to finish
+    vcftools_call.wait()
+    # Close the vcftools stdout
+    vcftools_call.stdout.close()
+    # Read the vcftools stderr
+    vcftools_stderr = vcftools_call.stderr.read()
+    # Check if code is running in python 3
+    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+        # Convert bytes to string
+        vcftools_stderr = vcftools_stderr.decode()
+    # Check that the log file was created correctly
+    check_vcftools_for_errors(vcftools_stderr)
+    # Wait for bgzip to finish
+    bcftools_call.wait()
+    # Save the stderr from bgzip, stdout = None
+    bcftools_stdout, bcftools_stderr = bcftools_call.communicate()
+    # Check if code is running in python 3
+    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+        # Convert bytes to string
+        bcftools_stderr = bcftools_stderr.decode()
+    # Check that output file was compressed correctly
+    check_bcftools_for_errors(bcftools_stderr)
+    logging.info('vcftools and bcftools calls complete')
+    return vcftools_stderr
+def pipe_vcftools_to_file (vcftools_call_args, output_filename, append_output = False):
+    '''
+        Pipes file output of vcftools to a standard file
+        The function calls vcftools. Returns the stderr of vcftools to
+        create log file of the call. The function may be used to append multiple
+        calls to vcftools to a single file
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vcftools_call_args : list
+            vcftools arguments
+        append_output : bool
+            The output file should be written in append mode
+        Returns
+        -------
+        vcftools_err : str
+            vcftools log output
+        Raises
+        ------
+        Exception
+            If vcftools stderr returns an error
+    '''
+    # Open vcftools pipe
+    vcftools_call = pipe_vcftools(vcftools_call_args)
+    # Check if the output should be opened in append mode
+    if append_output:
+        # Create the output file (in append mode)
+        output_file = open(output_filename, 'a')
+    else:
+        # Create the output file (in write mode)
+        output_file = open(output_filename, 'w')
+    try:
+        # Create iterator of the vcftools stdout
+        stdout_iter = iter(vcftools_call.stdout.readline, b'')
+        # Check if the output is being appended and the file is empty
+        if append_output and os.stat(output_filename).st_size != 0:
+            # Skip the header if the file isn't empty and appending
+            next(stdout_iter)
+        # Iterate the vcftools stdout
+        for vcftools_stdout_line in stdout_iter:
+            # Check if code is running in python 3
+            if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+                # Convert bytes to string
+                vcftools_stdout_line = vcftools_stdout_line.decode()
+            output_file.write(vcftools_stdout_line)
+        # Close the bed file
+        output_file.close()
+    except:
+        # Close the bed file
+        output_file.close()
+        # Delete the file
+        os.remove(output_filename)
+        raise Exception('vcftools to python pipe error')
+    # Wait for vctools to finish
+    vcftools_call.wait()
+    # Close the vcftools stdout
+    vcftools_call.stdout.close()
+    # Read the vcftools stderr
+    vcftools_stderr = vcftools_call.stderr.read()
+    # Check if code is running in python 3
+    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+        # Convert bytes to string
+        vcftools_stderr = vcftools_stderr.decode()
+    # Check that the log file was created correctly
+    check_vcftools_for_errors(vcftools_stderr)
+    logging.info('vcftools call complete')
+    return vcftools_stderr
+def standard_vcftools_call (vcftools_call_args):
+    '''
+        Calls vcftools
+        The function calls vcftools. Returns the stderr of vcftools to
+        create log file of the call.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vcftools_call_args : list
+            vcftools arguments
+        Returns
+        -------
+        vcftools_out : str
+            vcftools call output
+        vcftools_err : str
+            vcftools log output
+        Raises
+        ------
+        Exception
+            If vcftools stderr returns an error
+    '''
+    # vcftools subprocess call without stdout
+    vcftools_call = subprocess.Popen(['vcftools'] + list(map(str, vcftools_call_args)), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+    # Wait for vcftools to finish
+    vcftools_stdout, vcftools_stderr = vcftools_call.communicate()
+    # Check if code is running in python 3
+    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+        # Convert bytes to string
+        vcftools_stderr = vcftools_stderr.decode()
+    logging.info('vcftools call complete')
+    # Check that the log file was created correctly
+    check_vcftools_for_errors(vcftools_stderr)
+    return vcftools_stderr
+def call_vcftools (vcftools_call_args, output_format = None, output_filename = None):
+    '''
+        Calls vcftools
+        The function calls vcftools. Returns the stderr of vcftools to
+        create log file of the call.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vcftools_call_args : list
+            vcftools arguments
+        output_format : str
+            The output format
+        output_filename : str
+            The output filename assigned by vcftools (for piped calls)
+        Returns
+        -------
+        vcftools_out : str
+            vcftools call output
+        vcftools_err : str
+            vcftools log output
+        Raises
+        ------
+        Exception
+            If vcftools stderr returns an error
+    '''
+    # Check if the output is a bgzipped vcf
+    if output_format == 'vcf.gz':
+        # Pipe vcftools stdout to bgzip to create a bgzipped vcf
+        vcftools_err = pipe_vcftools_bgzip(vcftools_call_args, output_filename)
+    # Check if the output is a bcf
+    elif output_format == 'bcf':
+        # Pipe vcftools stdout to bgzip to create a bgzipped vcf
+        vcftools_err = pipe_vcftools_bcftools(vcftools_call_args, output_filename)
+    elif output_format == 'removed_bed' or output_format == 'kept_bed':
+        # Pipe vcftools stdout to bed file
+        vcftools_err = pipe_vcftools_to_bed_file(vcftools_call_args, output_filename)
+    elif output_format == 'het-fis':
+        vcftools_err = pipe_vcftools_to_file(vcftools_call_args, output_filename, append_output = True)
+    else:
+        # Call vcftools under standard conditions
+        vcftools_err = standard_vcftools_call(vcftools_call_args)
+    # Return the log
+    return vcftools_err
+def check_for_vcftools_output (vcftools_output):
+    '''
+        Checks for the previous vcftools output
+        Confirms that neither a previous vcftools log or output file exists.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vcftools_output : str
+            Specifies the output filename to be checked
+        Raises
+        ------
+        IOError
+            If the vcftools output file exists
+        IOError
+            If the vcftools log file exists
+    '''
+    # Check if output file already exists
+    if os.path.isfile(vcftools_output):
+        raise IOError('VCF output file already exists')
+    logging.info('Output file assigned')
+    # Check if log file already exists
+    if os.path.isfile(vcftools_output + '.log'):
+        raise IOError('Log file already exists')
+    logging.info('Log file assigned')
+def delete_vcftools_output (vcftools_output):
+    '''
+        Deletes previous vcftools output
+        Confirms if previous vcftools output exists, and if so, deletes it
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vcftools_output : str
+            Specifies the output filename to be deleted
+        Raises
+        ------
+        IOError
+            If the vcftools output cannot be deleted
+        IOError
+            If the vcftools log cannot be deleted
+    '''
+    # Check if output file already exists
+    if os.path.isfile(vcftools_output):
+        try:
+            # Delete the output
+            os.remove(vcftools_output)
+        except:
+            raise IOError('VCF output file cannot be deleted')
+    logging.info('Output file assigned')
+    # Check if log file already exists
+    if os.path.isfile(vcftools_output + '.log'):
+        try:
+            # Delete the output
+            os.remove(vcftools_output + '.log')
+        except:
+            raise IOError('Log file cannot be deleted')
+    logging.info('Log file assigned')
+def check_vcftools_for_errors (vcftools_stderr):
+    '''
+        Checks the vcftools stderr for errors
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vcftools_stderr : str
+            vcftools stderr
+        Raises
+        ------
+        IOError
+            If vcftools stderr returns an error
+    '''
+    # Returns True if the job completed without error
+    if 'Run Time' in str(vcftools_stderr):
+        pass
+    # Print output for vcftools if error is detected
+    elif 'Error' in str(vcftools_stderr):
+        # Splits log into list of lines
+        vcftools_stderr_lines = vcftools_stderr.splitlines()
+        # Prints the error(s)
+        raise Exception('\n'.join((output_line for output_line in vcftools_stderr_lines if output_line.startswith('Error'))))
+    # Print output if not completed and no error found. Unlikely to be used, but included.
+    else:
+        raise Exception(vcftools_stderr)
+def produce_vcftools_output (output, filename, append_mode = False, strip_header = False):
+    '''
+        Creates the vcftools output file
+        This function will create an output file from the vcftools stdout.
+        Please run `check_vcftools_for_errors` prior to check that vcftools
+        finished without error.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        output : str
+            vcftools stdout
+        filename : str
+            Specifies the filename for the output file
+        append_mode : bool
+            Used to create a single output file from multiple calls
+        strip_header : bool
+            Used to remove the header if not needed
+        Returns
+        -------
+        output : file
+            vcftools output file
+    '''
+    # Check if the header should be stripped
+    if strip_header:
+        output = ''.join(output.splitlines(True)[1:])
+    # Check if single log file is required from multiple calls
+    if append_mode:
+        vcftools_log_file = open(filename,'a')
+    else:
+        vcftools_log_file = open(filename,'w')
+    vcftools_log_file.write(str(output))
+    vcftools_log_file.close()
+def produce_vcftools_log (output, filename, append_mode = False):
+    '''
+        Creates the vcftools log file
+        This function will create a log file from the vcftools stderr. Please
+        run `check_vcftools_for_errors` prior to check that vcftools finished
+        without error.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        output : str
+            vcftools stderr
+        filename : str
+            Specifies the filename for the log file
+        append_mode : bool
+            Used to create a single log file from multiple calls
+        Returns
+        -------
+        output : file
+            vcftools log file
+    '''
+    # Check if single log file is required from multiple calls
+    if append_mode:
+        vcftools_log_file = open(filename + '.log','a')
+    else:
+        vcftools_log_file = open(filename + '.log','w')
+    vcftools_log_file.write(str(output))
+    vcftools_log_file.close()
+def assign_vcftools_input_arg (filename):
+    '''
+        Confirms file format for vcftools
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename : str
+            Specifies the input filename of unknown format
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list
+            Returns vcftools input command for `filename`
+        Raises
+        ------
+        IOError
+            If filename is an unknown file format
+    '''
+    # True if file extensions is recognized by vcftools
+    if filename.endswith('.vcf') or filename.endswith('.vcf.gz') or filename.endswith('.bcf'):
+        # Assign the associated input command
+        if filename.endswith('.vcf'):
+            return ['--vcf', filename]
+        elif filename.endswith('.vcf.gz'):
+            return ['--gzvcf', filename]
+        elif filename.endswith('.bcf'):
+            return ['--bcf', filename]
+    # True if file extension is unknown or not recognized
+    else:
+        # Checks if the file is unzipped, bgzipped, or gzipped
+        vcfname_format = checkFormat(filename)
+        # Assign the associated input command, or return an error.
+        if vcfname_format == 'vcf':
+            return ['--vcf', filename]
+        elif vcfname_format == 'bgzip':
+            return ['--gzvcf', filename]
+        elif vcfname_format == 'bcf':
+            return ['--bcf', filename]
+        else:
+            raise Exception('Unknown VCF file format')