# HG changeset patch
# User jaredgk
# Date 1539812074 14400
# Node ID 86a9d8d5b29110461f060305b6da0abf7117774d
# Parent  901857c9b24f0c58ac703dddf9fb0d02c13066aa

diff -r 901857c9b24f -r 86a9d8d5b291 bcftools.py
--- a/bcftools.py	Wed Oct 17 17:30:37 2018 -0400
+++ b/bcftools.py	Wed Oct 17 17:34:34 2018 -0400
@@ -7,6 +7,31 @@
 from vcf_reader_func import checkFormat
+def return_output_format_args (output_format):
+    '''
+        Return bcftools arguments for output format
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        output_format : str
+            The specified output format
+        Raises
+        ------
+        Exception
+            If output format is unsupported by bcftools
+    '''
+    # Return the output format arguments
+    if output_format == 'vcf':
+        return ['-O', 'v']
+    elif output_format == 'bcf':
+        return ['-O', 'b']
+    elif output_format == 'vcf.gz':
+        return ['-O', 'z']
+    else:
+        raise Exception('Unsupported file format')
 def check_bcftools_for_errors (bcftools_stderr):
         Checks the bgzip stderr for errors
@@ -18,28 +43,176 @@
-        IOError
+        Exception
             If bcftools stderr returns an error
     # Expand as errors are discovered
-    if bcftools_stderr:
-        logging.error(vcftools_stderr)
-        raise Exception(vcftools_stderr)
+    # Log warning messages
+    if 'W::' in bcftools_stderr:
+        logging.warning(bcftools_stderr.strip())
+    # Report errors that are not warnings
+    elif bcftools_stderr:
+        raise Exception(bcftools_stderr)
+def pipe_bcftools (bcftools_call_args):
+    '''
+        Calls bcftools with pipe output
+        The output of this function is the stdout and stderr of bcftools. This
+        function should only be used if bcftools is being used as the stdin of
+        another function. Please note that this function does not check the for
+        errors in the bcftools call. Please check for errors after the call is
+        closed using check_bcftools_for_errors.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        bcftools_stderr : str
+            bcftools stderr
+        Returns
+        -------
+        bcftools_call : PIPE
+            Pipe of subprocess call, including both stdout and stderr
+    '''
+    # bcftools subprocess call
+    bcftools_call = subprocess.Popen(['bcftools'] + list(map(str, bcftools_call_args)), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+    return bcftools_call
+def pipe_bcftools_to_chr (vcf_filename):
+    '''
+        Pipes chromosome and/or contig output of bcftools to a list of unique
+        entries
+        The purpose of this function is to return a list of the unique
+        chromosomes and/or contigs for use in other functions.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vcf_filename : str
+            VCF input
+        Returns
+        -------
+        chromosomes_to_return : list
+            Unique chromosomes and/or contigs within VCF input
+    '''
+    # Open bcftools pipe
+    bcftools_call = pipe_bcftools(['query', '-f', '%CHROM\n', vcf_filename])
+    # Create a set to hold unique chromosome
+    chromosomes_to_return = set()
+    try:
+        # Current chromosomes/contigs, reduces duplicates if VCF is sorted
+        previous_chr = None
+        # Iterate the bcftools stdout unless error occurs
+        for bcftools_stdout_line in iter(bcftools_call.stdout.readline, b''):
+            # Remove the newline character
+            bcftools_line_chr = bcftools_stdout_line.strip()
+            # Check if the bcftools bcftools chr is different from stored chr
+            if bcftools_line_chr != previous_chr:
+                # Store the new chr for comparisons to reduce duplicates
+                previous_chr = bcftools_line_chr
+                # Save the chr
+                chromosomes_to_return.add(bcftools_line_chr)
+    except:
+        raise Exception('bcftools call error')
+    # Close the bcftools stdout
+    bcftools_call.stdout.close()
+    # Wait for bctools to finish
+    bcftools_call.wait()
+    # Read the bcftools stderr
+    bcftools_stderr = bcftools_call.stderr.read()
+    # Check if code is running in python 3
+    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+        # Convert bytes to string
+        bcftools_stderr = bcftools_stderr.decode()
+    # Check that the log file was created correctly
+    check_bcftools_for_errors(bcftools_stderr)
+    logging.info('bcftools call complete')
+    return list(chromosomes_to_return)
 def call_bcftools (bcftools_call_args):
+    '''
+        Calls bcftools
+        The function calls bcftools.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        bcftools_call_args : list
+            bcftools arguments
+        Returns
+        -------
+        vcftools_err : str
+            vcftools log output
+        Raises
+        ------
+        Exception
+            If bcftools stderr returns an error
+    '''
     # bcftools subprocess call
     bcftools_call = subprocess.Popen(['bcftools'] + list(map(str, bcftools_call_args)), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
     # Wait for bcftools to finish
-    bcftools_out, bcftools_err = bcftools_call.communicate()
+    bcftools_stdout, bcftools_stderr = bcftools_call.communicate()
-    check_bcftools_for_errors(bcftools_err)
+    # Check if code is running in python 3
+    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+        # Convert bytes to string
+        bcftools_stderr = bcftools_stderr.decode()
+    check_bcftools_for_errors(bcftools_stderr)
     logging.info('bcftools call complete')
+    return bcftools_stderr
 def check_for_index (filename):
+    '''
+        Checks for index file
+        If the file is capable of having an index (i.e. bgzipped-VCF or BCF) the
+        function will return either True (i.e. index found) or False. However,
+        if the file is a VCF the function will return None (as VCF files cannot
+        have an index). An error is returned if the file is either a
+        gzipped-VCF file or not a VCF-based format.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename : str
+            Filename of VCF-formatted file
+        Returns
+        -------
+        bool, None
+            Returns bool for VCF.GZ and BCF files. Returns None for VCF files
+        Raises
+        ------
+        Exception
+            If the file is a gzipped-VCF or of an unknown format
+    '''
     # Assign the file format
     file_format = checkFormat(filename)
@@ -56,10 +229,92 @@
         if os.path.isfile(filename + '.csi'):
             return True
+    # Check if the file is vcf (does not need an index)
+    elif file_format == 'vcf':
+        return None
+    # Check if the file is gzip-compressed vcf (cannot have an index)
+    elif file_format == 'gzip':
+        raise Exception('GZIP-compressed VCF files do not support index files.')
+    # Check if the file is an unknown format
+    else:
+        raise Exception('Unknown file format')
     # Return false if no index is found
     return False
+def delete_index (filename):
+    '''
+        Deletes an index file
+        If the file is capable of having an index (i.e. bgzipped-VCF or BCF)
+        this function will delete the index. However, if the file is either a
+        VCF or a gzip-compressed VCF the function will return an error. The
+        function also results in an error if the index cannot be found. This
+        function should be used following check_for_index.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename : str
+            Filename of VCF-formatted file
+        Raises
+        ------
+        Exception
+            No index file could be found
+        Exception
+            If the file is a gzipped-VCF or a VCF
+    '''
+    # Assign the file format
+    file_format = checkFormat(filename)
+    # Check if the file to be indexed is a vcf.gz
+    if file_format == 'bgzip':
+        # Check if the index (.tbi) exists
+        if os.path.isfile(filename + '.tbi'):
+            # Delete the index
+            os.remove(filename + '.tbi')
+            return
+    # Check if the file to be indexed is a bcf
+    elif file_format == 'bcf':
+        # Check if the index (.csi) exists
+        if os.path.isfile(filename + '.csi'):
+            # Delete the index
+            os.remove(filename + '.csi')
+            return
+    # Check if the file is vcf (cannot have an index)
+    elif file_format == 'vcf':
+        raise Exception('VCF format does not support index files.')
+    # Check if the file is gzip-compressed vcf (cannot have an index)
+    elif file_format == 'gzip':
+        raise Exception('GZIP-compressed VCF files do not support index files.')
+    # Return error if no index is found
+    raise Exception('No index file found.')
 def create_index (filename):
+    '''
+        Creates an index file
+        If the file is capable of having an index (i.e. bgzipped-VCF or BCF)
+        this function will create an index file. However, if the file is a
+        different format the function will return an error.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename : str
+            Filename of VCF-formatted file
+        Raises
+        ------
+        Exception
+            If the file is not a bgzipped-VCF or BCF
+    '''
     # Assign the file format
     file_format = checkFormat(filename)
@@ -78,7 +333,135 @@
         raise Exception('Error creating index for: %s. Only .bcf and .vcf.gz (bgzip) files are supported.' % filename)
-def convert_to_bcf (filename, output_prefix):
+def chr_subset_file (filename, chromosome, output_prefix, output_format, from_bp = None, to_bp = None):
+    '''
+        Creates chromosome subset
+        This function is used to create a VCF-formatted subset with only
+        the data from a single chromosome.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename : str
+            Filename of VCF-formatted input
+        chromosome : str
+            Chromosome to subset
+        output_prefix : str
+            Prefix of the VCF-formatted output (i.e. without file extension)
+        output_format : str
+            The format of the output (e.g. vcf, bcf, vcf.gz)
+        from_bp : int, optional
+            Lower bound of sites to include
+        to_bp : int, optional
+            Upper bound of sites to include
+    '''
+    # Creates a list to the arguments and store the bcftools call
+    subset_args = ['view']
+    # Assign the output format arguments
+    output_format_args = return_output_format_args(output_format)
+    # Store the output format arguments
+    subset_args.extend(output_format_args)
+    # Stores the specified output filename
+    vcf_output = '%s.%s' % (output_prefix, output_format)
+    # Assigns the output file to the arguments
+    subset_args.extend(['-o', vcf_output])
+    # Holds the subset argument
+    chr_subet_arg = chromosome
+    # Check if either bp position arguments were specified
+    if from_bp or to_bp:
+        # List of the position arguments, in their required order
+        position_args = [':', from_bp, '-', to_bp]
+        # Filter the position arguments to remove empty values
+        filttered_position_args = filter(None, position_args)
+        # Map the arguments to str and add them to the chromosome argument
+        chr_subet_arg += ''.join(map(str, filttered_position_args))
+    # Checks if the input file has an index, then subset to the arguments
+    if check_for_index(filename):
+        # Subsets using the index
+        subset_args.extend(['-r', chr_subet_arg])
+    else:
+        # Subsets using the stdout
+        subset_args.extend(['-t', chr_subet_arg])
+    # Assigns the input file to the arguments
+    subset_args.append(filename)
+    # Call bcftools
+    call_bcftools(subset_args)
+def concatenate (filenames, output_prefix, output_format, keep_original = False):
+    '''
+        Concatenate multiple VCF-formatted files
+        This function will concatenate multiple VCF-formatted files into a
+        single VCF-formatted file of the specifed format.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filenames : list
+            List of VCF-formatted input filenames
+        output_prefix : str
+            Prefix of the VCF-formatted output (i.e. without file extension)
+        output_format : str
+            The format of the output (e.g. vcf, bcf, vcf.gz)
+    '''
+    # Holds the arguments to convert to VCF format
+    concat_args = ['concat']
+    # Assign the output format arguments
+    output_format_args = return_output_format_args(output_format)
+    # Store the output format arguments
+    concat_args.extend(output_format_args)
+    # Stores the specified output filename
+    vcf_output = '%s.%s' % (output_prefix, output_format)
+    # Assigns the output file to the arguments
+    concat_args.extend(['-o', vcf_output])
+    # Assigns the input files to merge
+    concat_args.extend(filenames)
+    # Call bcftools
+    call_bcftools(concat_args)
+    # Delete the original files once the merged file is created
+    if not keep_original:
+        for filename in filenames:
+            if check_for_index(filename) == True:
+                delete_index(filename)
+            os.remove(filename)
+def convert_to_bcf (filename, output_prefix, keep_original = False):
+    '''
+        Converts a VCF-formatted file to BCF
+        This function will convert a VCF-formatted file to BCF with the
+        specified filename prefix. The function also has the option to keep or
+        delete the input file once the BCF file has been created.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename : str
+            Filename of VCF-formatted input
+        output_prefix : str
+            Prefix of the BCF output (i.e. without file extension)
+        keep_original : bool, optional
+            If the input file should be kept once converted
+    '''
     # Holds the arguments to convert to BCF format
     convert_args = ['convert', '-O', 'b']
@@ -95,8 +478,29 @@
     # Call bcftools
+    # Delete the original file once the bcf file is created
+    if not keep_original:
+        if check_for_index(filename) == True:
+            delete_index(filename)
+        os.remove(filename)
-def convert_to_vcf (filename, output_prefix):
+def convert_to_vcf (filename, output_prefix, keep_original = False):
+    '''
+        Converts a VCF-formatted file to VCF
+        This function will convert a VCF-formatted file to VCF with the
+        specified filename prefix. The function also has the option to keep or
+        delete the input file once the VCF file has been created.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename : str
+            Filename of VCF-formatted input
+        output_prefix : str
+            Prefix of the VCF output (i.e. without file extension)
+        keep_original : bool, optional
+            If the input file should be kept once converted
+    '''
     # Holds the arguments to convert to VCF format
     convert_args = ['view', '-O', 'v']
@@ -113,7 +517,29 @@
     # Call bcftools
-def convert_to_vcfgz (filename, output_prefix):
+    # Delete the original file once the vcf file is created
+    if not keep_original:
+        if check_for_index(filename) == True:
+            delete_index(filename)
+        os.remove(filename)
+def convert_to_vcfgz (filename, output_prefix, keep_original = False):
+    '''
+        Converts a VCF-formatted file to bgzipped-VCF
+        This function will convert a VCF-formatted file to bgzipped-VCF with the
+        specified filename prefix. The function also has the option to keep or
+        delete the input file once the bgzipped-VCF file has been created.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename : str
+            Filename of VCF-formatted input
+        output_prefix : str
+            Prefix of the bgzipped-VCF output (i.e. without file extension)
+        keep_original : bool, optional
+            If the input file should be kept once converted
+    '''
     # Holds the arguments to convert to VCFGZ format
     convert_args = ['view', '-O', 'z']
@@ -129,3 +555,9 @@
     # Call bcftools
+    # Delete the original file once the vcfgz file is created
+    if not keep_original:
+        if check_for_index(filename) == True:
+            delete_index(filename)
+        os.remove(filename)