comparison scoring function/.Rhistory @ 0:ed9068208721 draft

author jfb
date Fri, 26 Apr 2019 16:36:21 -0400
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ed9068208721
1 install.packages("xlsx")
2 package("xlsx")
3 require(xlsx)
4 ?read.xlsx
5 ?read.xlsx("C:\Users\parkerlab\Downloads\ppse.xlsx")
6 ?read.xlsx("C:/Users/parkerlab/Downloads/ppse.xlsx")
7 figs<-read.xlsx("C:/Users/parkerlab/Downloads/ppse.xlsx")
8 figs<-read.xlsx("C:/Users/parkerlab/Downloads/ppse.xlsx",sheetIndex = 1)
9 setwd("C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/LKB1 trypsin")
10 setwd("C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/LKB1 trypsin/No duplicates")
11 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/Difference Finder/all stuff/Difference finderMADE 7 TO 7 fastversion 2-14-2019.R', echo=TRUE)
12 setwd("C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/LKB1 trypsin/No duplicates")
13 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/Difference Finder/all stuff/difference finder for 2 overlaps proper names 7-7_1-15-2019.R', echo=TRUE)
14 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/Difference Finder/all stuff/Difference finderMADE 7 TO 7 fastversion 2-14-2019.R', echo=TRUE)
15 setwd("C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/LKB1 trypsin/No duplicates")
16 source('C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/LKB1 trypsin/difference_finder-beba4066121e/difference_finder-beba4066121e/all stuff/Difference finderMADE 7 TO 7 1-15-2019.R', echo=TRUE)
17 source('C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/LKB1 trypsin/difference_finder-beba4066121e/difference_finder-beba4066121e/all stuff/Difference finderMADE 7 TO 7 1-15-2019.R', echo=TRUE)
18 source('C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/LKB1 trypsin/difference_finder-beba4066121e/difference_finder-beba4066121e/all stuff/Difference finderMADE 7 TO 7 1-15-2019.R', echo=TRUE)
19 D835YFinalMatrix
20 FTLwtmotifs
21 DataFilename<-"stRequiredData.RData"
22 load(DataFilename)
23 setwd("F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/Kinatest Fishertest/KT-ID fisher test")
24 load(DataFilename)
25 setwd("F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/ST fishertest/KT-ID fisher test")
26 load(DataFilename)
27 setwd("C:/Users/parkerlab/Downloads/stuff")
28 source('C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/Difference finderMADE 7 TO 7 1-15-2019.R', echo=TRUE)
29 #put the names of your input files here
30 FirstSubstrateSet<- read.csv("Galaxy1071-(17A_TiO2_Substrates.csv).csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
31 Firstsubbackfreq<- read.csv("Galaxy1072-(17A_TiO2_SubstrateBackgroundFrequency.csv).csv", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
32 SecondSubstrateSet<- read.csv("Galaxy1073-(17A_FeNTA_Substrates.csv) (1).csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
33 Secondsubbackfreq<- read.csv("Galaxy1074-(17A_FeNTA_SubstrateBackgroundFrequency.csv).csv", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
34 #I should make an SOP for this. Problems we encountered: no x in the xY motif, and the kilodemon
35 #the output files have both Y and xY, they shouldn't why is that happening? make it not happen
36 #make sure that accession numbers stay locked to each motif, somehow
37 #output should look just like the KALIP input
38 #ff you want ONLY FULL MOTIFS, put "YES" here, please use all caps
39 FullMotifsOnly_questionmark<-"NO"
40 #If you want ONLY TRUNCATED MOTIFS, put "YES" here, please use all caps
41 TruncatedMotifsOnly_questionmark<-"NO"
42 #if you want to find the overlap, put a "YES" here (all caps), if you want to find the non-overlap, put "NO" (all caps)
43 Are_You_Looking_For_Commonality<-"NO"
44 First_unshared_motifs_table<-"Substrates 3A no negatives.csv"
45 First_unshared_subbackfreq<-"SBF 3A no negatives.csv"
46 Second_unshared_motifs_table<-"Substrates 3B negatives.csv"
47 Second_unshared_subbackfreq<-"SBF 3B negatives.csv"
48 FirstCentralLetters<-FirstSubstrateSet[,11]
49 SecondCentralLetters<-SecondSubstrateSet[,11]
50 FirstEsses<-sapply(FirstCentralLetters, grepl, pattern="S",
51 FirstTees<-sapply(FirstCentralLetters, grepl, pattern="T",
52 FirstWys<-sapply(FirstCentralLetters, grepl, pattern="Y",
53 SecondEsses<-sapply(SecondCentralLetters, grepl, pattern="S",
54 SecondTees<-sapply(SecondCentralLetters, grepl, pattern="T",
55 SecondWys<-sapply(SecondCentralLetters, grepl, pattern="Y",
56 FirstCentralLetters<-replace(FirstCentralLetters,FirstEsses,"xS")
57 FirstCentralLetters<-replace(FirstCentralLetters,FirstTees,"xT")
58 FirstCentralLetters<-replace(FirstCentralLetters,FirstWys,"xY")
59 SecondCentralLetters<-replace(SecondCentralLetters,SecondEsses,"xS")
60 SecondCentralLetters<-replace(SecondCentralLetters,SecondTees,"xT")
61 SecondCentralLetters<-replace(SecondCentralLetters,SecondWys,"xY")
62 FirstCentralLetters->FirstSubstrateSet[,11]
63 SecondCentralLetters->SecondSubstrateSet[,11]
64 if (FullMotifsOnly_questionmark!="YES"&&TruncatedMotifsOnly_questionmark!="YES"){
65 FTLwtmotifs=matrix(,nrow = nrow(FirstSubstrateSet),ncol=1)
66 FTLwtAccessionNumbers=matrix(,nrow = nrow(FirstSubstrateSet),ncol=1)
67 for (i in 1:nrow(FirstSubstrateSet)){
68 FTLwtletters<-FirstSubstrateSet[i,4:18]
69 FTLwtletters<-FTLwtletters[FTLwtletters !="XXXXX"]
70 FTLwtletters<-paste(FTLwtletters, sep="", collapse="")
71 leftspaces<-c()
72 rightspaces<-c()
73 YYYmotif <- unlist(strsplit(FTLwtletters, split = ""))
74 YYYposition <- match(x = "x", table = YYYmotif)
75 #position itself tells me how much is to the left of that X by what it's number is. x at position 4 tells me that there are
76 #just 3 letters to the left of x
77 YYYLettersToTheLeft <- YYYposition - 1
78 #how many letters to the right SHOULD just be length(motif)-position-1 if it's 5 long and x is at 3 then Y is at 4 and there is
79 #just 1 spot to the right of Y so LettersToTheRight<-1 because 5-3-1=1
80 YYYLettersToTheRight <- length(YYYmotif) - YYYposition - 1
81 #then sanity check, we're currently looking only at +/-4, but this spot allows for up to +/- 7 as well, just depends on what the
82 #variable the user puts in is
83 if (YYYLettersToTheLeft < 7 | YYYLettersToTheRight < 7) {
84 leftspaces<-rep(" ",times=(7-YYYLettersToTheLeft))
85 rightspaces<-rep(" ",times=7-(YYYLettersToTheRight))
86 #add blank spaces if the motif has less than 4 letters to the left/right
87 motif<-c(leftspaces,YYYmotif,rightspaces)
88 #save that motif, which is the Y and +/- 4 amino acids, including truncation
89 motif<-motif[!motif %in% "x"]
90 motif<-paste(motif, sep="", collapse="")
91 FTLwtletters<-motif
92 FTLwtmotifs[i,1]<-FTLwtletters
93 FTLwtAccessionNumbers[i,1]<-FirstSubstrateSet[i,3]
94 }
95 if(YYYLettersToTheLeft>6 && YYYLettersToTheRight>6){
96 motif<-YYYmotif
97 #add blank spaces if the motif has less than 4 letters to the left/right
98 motif<-c(leftspaces,YYYmotif,rightspaces)
99 #save that motif, which is the Y and +/- 4 amino acids, including truncation
100 motif<-motif[!motif %in% "x"]
101 motif<-paste(motif, sep="", collapse="")
102 FTLwtletters<-motif
103 FTLwtmotifs[i,1]<-FTLwtletters
104 FTLwtAccessionNumbers[i,1]<-FirstSubstrateSet[i,3]
105 }
106 }
107 D835Ymotifs=matrix(,nrow = nrow(SecondSubstrateSet),ncol=1)
108 D835YAccessionNumbers<-matrix(,nrow = nrow(SecondSubstrateSet),ncol = 1)
109 for (i in 1:nrow(SecondSubstrateSet)){
110 D835letters<-SecondSubstrateSet[i,4:18]
111 D835letters<-D835letters[D835letters !="XXXXX"]
112 D835letters<-paste(D835letters, sep="", collapse="")
113 leftspaces<-c()
114 rightspaces<-c()
115 YYYmotif <- unlist(strsplit(D835letters, split = ""))
116 YYYposition <- match(x = "x", table = YYYmotif)
117 #position itself tells me how much is to the left of that X by what it's number is. x at position 4 tells me that there are
118 #just 3 letters to the left of x
119 YYYLettersToTheLeft <- YYYposition - 1
120 #how many letters to the right SHOULD just be length(motif)-position-1 if it's 5 long and x is at 3 then Y is at 4 and there is
121 #just 1 spot to the right of Y so LettersToTheRight<-1 because 5-3-1=1
122 YYYLettersToTheRight <- length(YYYmotif) - YYYposition - 1
123 #then sanity check, we're currently looking only at +/-4, but this spot allows for up to +/- 7 as well, just depends on what the
124 #variable the user puts in is
125 if (YYYLettersToTheLeft < 7 | YYYLettersToTheRight < 7) {
126 leftspaces<-rep(" ",times=(7-YYYLettersToTheLeft))
127 rightspaces<-rep(" ",times=7-(YYYLettersToTheRight))
128 #add blank spaces if the motif has less than 4 letters to the left/right
129 motif<-c(leftspaces,YYYmotif,rightspaces)
130 #save that motif, which is the Y and +/- 4 amino acids, including truncation
131 motif<-motif[!motif %in% "x"]
132 motif<-paste(motif, sep="", collapse="")
133 D835letters<-motif
134 D835Ymotifs[i,1]<-D835letters
135 D835YAccessionNumbers[i,1]<-FirstSubstrateSet[i,3]
136 }
137 if(YYYLettersToTheLeft>6 && YYYLettersToTheRight>6){
138 motif<-YYYmotif
139 #add blank spaces if the motif has less than 4 letters to the left/right
140 motif<-c(leftspaces,YYYmotif,rightspaces)
141 #save that motif, which is the Y and +/- 4 amino acids, including truncation
142 motif<-motif[!motif %in% "x"]
143 motif<-paste(motif, sep="", collapse="")
144 D835letters<-motif
145 D835Ymotifs[i,1]<-D835letters
146 D835YAccessionNumbers[i,1]<-FirstSubstrateSet[i,3]
147 }
148 }
149 names(FTLwtmotifs)<-FTLwtAccessionNumbers
150 names(D835Ymotifs)<-D835YAccessionNumbers
151 }
152 length(names(FTLwtmotifs))
153 length(names(D835Ymotifs))
154 FTLwtmotifsFINAL<-FTLwtmotifs[!FTLwtmotifs %in% D835Ymotifs]
155 FTLwtmotifsFINAL<-FTLwtmotifsFINAL[!duplicated(FTLwtmotifsFINAL)]
156 D835YmotifsFINAL<-D835Ymotifs[!D835Ymotifs %in% FTLwtmotifs]
157 D835YmotifsFINAL<-D835YmotifsFINAL[!duplicated(D835YmotifsFINAL)]
158 length(names(D835Ymotifs))
159 length(names(D835YmotifsFINAL))
160 for (k in 1:length(FTLwtmotifsFINAL)) {
161 AN<-00000
162 #I don't remember why, but I felt it necessary to destroy the accession number multiple times to ensure it is
163 #destroyed immediately after use
164 for (m in 1:ncol(Firstsubbackfreq)) {
165 AN <- as.character(Firstsubbackfreq[1, m])
166 if (grepl(pattern = AN,
167 x = names(FTLwtmotifsFINAL[k]),
168 fixed = TRUE) == TRUE) {
169 outputmatrix <- as.character(Firstsubbackfreq[, m])
170 outputmatrix <- matrix(outputmatrix, nrow = 1)
171 #with that accession number, find a match in the subbackfreq file and save it here
172 FTLFinalMatrix<-rbind(FTLFinalMatrix,outputmatrix)
173 }
174 }
175 }
176 columnalheader<-c(rep(NA,36))
177 FTLFinalMatrix<-matrix(data =columnalheader,nrow = 1)
178 for (k in 1:length(FTLwtmotifsFINAL)) {
179 AN<-00000
180 #I don't remember why, but I felt it necessary to destroy the accession number multiple times to ensure it is
181 #destroyed immediately after use
182 for (m in 1:ncol(Firstsubbackfreq)) {
183 AN <- as.character(Firstsubbackfreq[1, m])
184 if (grepl(pattern = AN,
185 x = names(FTLwtmotifsFINAL[k]),
186 fixed = TRUE) == TRUE) {
187 outputmatrix <- as.character(Firstsubbackfreq[, m])
188 outputmatrix <- matrix(outputmatrix, nrow = 1)
189 #with that accession number, find a match in the subbackfreq file and save it here
190 FTLFinalMatrix<-rbind(FTLFinalMatrix,outputmatrix)
191 }
192 }
193 }
194 FTLFinalMatrix<-FTLFinalMatrix[!duplicated(FTLFinalMatrix),]
195 FTLFinalMatrix<-FTLFinalMatrix[2:nrow(FTLFinalMatrix),]
196 columnalheader<-c(rep(NA,36))
197 D835YFinalMatrix<-matrix(data =columnalheader,nrow = 1)
198 for (k in 1:length(D835YmotifsFINAL)) {
199 #I don't remember why, but I felt it necessary to destroy the accession number multiple times to ensure it is
200 #destroyed immediately after use
201 for (m in 1:ncol(Secondsubbackfreq)) {
202 AN <- as.character(Secondsubbackfreq[1, m])
203 if (grepl(pattern = AN,
204 x = names(D835YmotifsFINAL[k]),
205 fixed = TRUE) == TRUE) {
206 outputmatrix <- as.character(Secondsubbackfreq[, m])
207 outputmatrix <- matrix(outputmatrix, nrow = 1)
208 #with that accession number, find a match in the subbackfreq file and save it here
209 D835YFinalMatrix<-rbind(D835YFinalMatrix,outputmatrix)
210 }
211 }
212 }
213 D835YFinalMatrix<-D835YFinalMatrix[!duplicated(D835YFinalMatrix),]
214 D835YFinalMatrix<-D835YFinalMatrix[2:nrow(D835YFinalMatrix),]
215 FTLoutputmatrix<-matrix(data=c(FTLwtmotifsFINAL,names(FTLwtmotifsFINAL)),ncol = 2)
216 tail(FTLoutputmatrix)
217 D835Youtputmatrix<-matrix(data=c(D835YmotifsFINAL,names(D835YmotifsFINAL)),ncol = 2)
218 source('C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/Difference finderMADE 7 TO 7 1-15-2019.R', echo=TRUE)
219 D835Youtputmatrix<-matrix(data=c(D835YmotifsFINAL,names(D835YmotifsFINAL)),ncol = 2)
220 tail(D835Youtputmatrix)
221 length(names(D835YmotifsFINAL))
222 tail(D835YmotifsFINAL)
223 tail(D835Ymotifs)
224 tail(FTLwtmotifs)
225 names(tail(D835Ymotifs))
226 names((D835Ymotifs))
227 names(FTLwtmotifs)
228 head(FirstSubstrateSet)
229 head(SecondSubstrateSet)
230 source('C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/Difference finderMADE 7 TO 7 1-15-2019.R', echo=TRUE)
231 source('C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/Difference finderMADE 7 TO 7 1-15-2019.R', echo=TRUE)
232 source('C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/Difference finderMADE 7 TO 7 1-15-2019.R', echo=TRUE)
233 source('C:/Users/parkerlab/Desktop/Laura Difference Finder files/Difference finder MADE 7 TO 7 4-18-2019.R', echo=TRUE)
234 ThisKinSheet<-read.csv("Fisher-Table.csv" header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
235 CharTable<-read.csv("Fisher-Char.csv", header = FALSE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
236 setwd("F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID")
237 CharTable<-read.csv("Fisher-Char.csv", header = FALSE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
238 ThisKinSheet<-read.csv("Fisher-Table.csv", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
239 ThisKinTable<-ThisKinSheet[2:22,]
240 View(ThisKinTable)
241 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
242 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
243 CharTable<-read.csv("Fisher-Char.csv", header = FALSE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
244 ThisKinSheet<-read.csv("Fisher-Table.csv", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
245 NormalizationScore<-ThisKinSheet[2,1]
246 NormalizationScore<-CharTable[2,1]
247 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
248 RanksPeptides<-with(PeptidesWithRanks, order(Scores,AllActive))
249 write.table(RanksPeptides,file = "output.csv",append = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,col.names = TRUE,sep = ",")
250 RanksPeptides<-PeptidesWithRanks[order(PeptidesWithRanks[,5), PeptidesWithRanks[,3]])]
251 RanksPeptides<-PeptidesWithRanks[order(PeptidesWithRanks[,5], PeptidesWithRanks[,3])]
252 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
253 Scores = Scores*-1
254 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
255 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
256 Scores<-ThisKinGeneratedScores
257 Scores<-Scores*-1
258 order(scores)
259 order(Scores)
260 Scores[order(Scores)]
261 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
262 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
263 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
264 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
265 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
266 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
267 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
268 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
269 LynActive
270 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
271 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
272 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
273 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
274 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
275 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
276 source('F:/ParkerLab Dropbox/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/Dropbox (Parker Lab)/Parker Lab Shared Files/CURRENT LAB MEMBERS/John B/Parker Lab/GalaxyP tools/scoring function KTID/KinatestFisherScoring.R', echo=TRUE)
277 args
278 toupper(6)
279 Positionm6<-"123kjhsdfk245 23ddddd"
280 Positionm6<-toupper(M6)
281 M6<-"123kjhsdfk245 23ddddd"
282 Positionm6<-toupper(M6)
283 Positionm6<-gsub("[^a-zA-Z]", "", Positionm6)
284 Positionm6<-unlist(strsplit(Positionm6,""))