diff arriba.xml @ 7:25d207f7ff83 draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/jj-umn/tools-iuc/tree/arriba/tools/arriba commit e113a79cc67e0bdb168babfe964f34873b2e1303"
author jjohnson
date Mon, 11 Oct 2021 16:40:51 +0000
parents 7253b367c082
children 1a56888ddb7d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/arriba.xml	Mon Oct 11 01:47:22 2021 +0000
+++ b/arriba.xml	Mon Oct 11 16:40:51 2021 +0000
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
     #end if
 #end if
     -a '$genome_assembly'
-    -g '$gtf'
+    -g '$annotation'
     #if $blacklist
         -b '$blacklist'
@@ -155,57 +155,8 @@
     && samtools index Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
 #end if
 #if str($visualization.do_viz) == "yes"
-&& draw_fusions.R 
-    --fusions=fusions.tsv 
-    --alignments=Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam 
-    --annotation='$gtf'
-    --output=fusions.pdf 
-    #if $visualization.cytobands
-    --cytobands='$visualization.cytobands'
-    #end if
-    #if $protein_domains
-    --proteinDomains='$protein_domains'
-    #end if
-    ## Visualization Options
-    #if $visualization.options.transcriptSelection
-        --transcriptSelection=$visualization.options.transcriptSelection
-    #end if
-    #if $visualization.options.minConfidenceForCircosPlot
-        --minConfidenceForCircosPlot=$visualization.options.minConfidenceForCircosPlot
-    #end if
-    #if $visualization.options.showIntergenicVicinity
-        --showIntergenicVicinity=$visualization.options.showIntergenicVicinity
-    #end if
-    #if $visualization.options.squishIntrons
-        --squishIntrons=$visualization.options.squishIntrons
-    #end if
-    #if $visualization.options.mergeDomainsOverlappingBy
-        --mergeDomainsOverlappingBy=$visualization.options.mergeDomainsOverlappingBy
-    #end if
-    #if $visualization.options.printExonLabels
-        --printExonLabels=$visualization.options.printExonLabels
-    #end if
-    #if $visualization.options.render3dEffect
-        --render3dEffect=$visualization.options.render3dEffect
-    #end if
-    #if $visualization.options.optimizeDomainColors
-        --optimizeDomainColors=$visualization.options.optimizeDomainColors
-    #end if
-    #if $visualization.options.color1
-        --color1=$visualization.options.color1
-    #end if
-    #if $visualization.options.color2
-        --color2=$visualization.options.color2
-    #end if
-    #if $visualization.options.pdfWidth
-        --pdfWidth=$visualization.options.pdfWidth
-    #end if
-    #if $visualization.options.pdfHeight
-        --pdfHeight=$visualization.options.pdfHeight
-    #end if
-    #if $visualization.options.fontSize
-        --fontSize=$visualization.options.fontSize
-    #end if
+#set $fusions = 'fusions.tsv'
 #end if
@@ -243,7 +194,7 @@
         <param name="genome_assembly" argument="-a" type="data" format="fasta" label="genome assembly fasta"/>
-        <param name="gtf" argument="-g" type="data" format="gtf" label="GTF file with gene annotation"/>
+        <param name="annotation" argument="-g" type="data" format="gtf" label="GTF file with gene annotation"/>
         <param name="blacklist" argument="-b" type="data" format="tabular,tabular.gz" optional="true" label="File containing blacklisted ranges."/>
         <param name="protein_domains" argument="-p" type="data" format="gff3" optional="true" label="File containing protein domains"/>
         <param name="known_fusions" argument="-k" type="data" format="tabular,tabular.gz"  optional="true" label="File containing known fusions">
@@ -433,120 +384,15 @@
                 <option value="no">no</option>
             <when value="yes">
-                <param name="cytobands" argument="--cytobands" type="data" format="tabular" optional="true" label="Cytobands"/>
-                <section name="options" expanded="false" title="Visualization Options">
-                    <param argument="--transcriptSelection" type="select" optional="true" label="Transcript selection">
-                        <help>By default the transcript isoform with the highest coverage is drawn. 
-                             Alternatively, the transcript isoform that is provided in the columns 
-                             transcript_id1 and transcript_id2 in the given fusions file can be drawn. 
-                             Selecting the isoform with the highest coverage usually produces nicer plots, 
-                             in the sense that the coverage track is smooth and shows a visible increase in coverage after the fusion breakpoint. 
-                             However, the isoform with the highest coverage may not be the one that is involved in the fusion. 
-                             Often, genomic rearrangements lead to non-canonical isoforms being transcribed. 
-                             For this reason, it can make sense to rely on the transcript selection provided by the columns transcript_id1/2, 
-                             which reflect the actual isoforms involved in a fusion. 
-\                            As a third option, the transcripts that are annotated as canonical can be drawn. 
-                             Transcript isoforms tagged with appris_principal, appris_candidate, or CCDS are considered canonical.
-                        </help>
-                        <option value="coverage">coverage</option>
-                        <option value="provided">provided</option>
-                        <option value="canonical">canonical</option>
-                    </param>
-                    <param argument="--minConfidenceForCircosPlot" type="select" optional="true" label="Transcript selection">
-                        <help>The fusion of interest is drawn as a solid line in the circos plot. 
-                              To give an impression of the overall degree of rearrangement, 
-                              all other fusions are drawn as semi-transparent lines in the background. 
-                              This option determines which other fusions should be included in the circos plot. 
-                              Values specify the minimum confidence a fusion must have to be included. 
-                              It usually makes no sense to include low-confidence fusions in circos plots, 
-                              because they are abundant and unreliable, and would clutter up the circos plot.
-                              Default: medium
-                        </help>
-                        <option value="none">none - only the fusion of interest is drawn</option>
-                        <option value="low">low</option>
-                        <option value="medium">medium</option>
-                        <option value="high">high</option>
-                    </param>
-                    <param argument="--showIntergenicVicinity" type="integer" value="" min="0" optional="true" label="Intergenic Vicinity">
-                        <help>This option only applies to intergenic breakpoints. 
-                              If it is set to a value greater than 0, then the script draws the genes
-                              which are no more than the given distance away from an intergenic breakpoint. 
-                              Note that this option is incompatible with squishIntrons. 
-                              Default: 0
-                        </help>
-                    </param>
-                    <param argument="--squishIntrons" type="select" optional="true" label="Squish introns">
-                        <help>Exons usually make up only a small fraction of a gene. 
-                              They may be hard to see in the plot. i
-                              Since introns are in most situations of no interest in the context of gene fusions, 
-                              this switch can be used to shrink the size of introns to a fixed, negligible size. 
-                              It makes sense to disable this feature, if breakpoints in introns are of importance. 
-                              Default: TRUE
-                        </help>
-                        <option value="TRUE">True</option>
-                        <option value="FALSE">False</option>
-                    </param>
-                    <param argument="--mergeDomainsOverlappingBy" type="float" value="" min="0." max="1.0" optional="true" label="Merge Domains Overlapping By">
-                        <help>Occasionally, domains are annotated redundantly. 
-                              For example, tyrosine kinase domains are frequently annotated as 
-                              Protein tyrosine kinase and Protein kinase domain. 
-                              In order to simplify the visualization, such domains can be merged into one, 
-                              given that they overlap by the given fraction. 
-                              The description of the larger domain is used. 
-                              Default: 0.9
-                        </help>
-                    </param>
-                    <param argument="--printExonLabels" type="select" optional="true" label="Print Exon Labels">
-                        <help>By default the number of an exon is printed inside each exon, 
-                              which is taken from the attribute exon_number of the GTF annotation. 
-                              When a gene has many exons, the boxes may be too narrow to contain the labels, 
-                              resulting in unreadable exon labels. In these situations, i
-                              it may be better to turn off exon labels. 
-                              Default: TRUE
-                        </help>
-                        <option value="TRUE">True</option>
-                        <option value="FALSE">False</option>
-                    </param>
-                    <param argument="--render3dEffect" type="select" optional="true" label="Render 3D effect">
-                        <help>Whether light and shadow should be rendered to give objects a 3D effect. 
-                              Default: TRUE
-                        </help>
-                        <option value="TRUE">True</option>
-                        <option value="FALSE">False</option>
-                    </param>
-                    <param argument="--optimizeDomainColors" type="select" optional="true" label="Optimize Domain Colors">
-                        <help>By default, the script colorizes domains according to the colors 
-                              specified in the file given in --annotation. 
-                              This way, coloring of domains is consistent across all proteins. 
-                              But since there are more distinct domains than colors, 
-                              this can lead to different domains having the same color. 
-                              If this option is set to TRUE, the colors are recomputed for each fusion separately. 
-                              This ensures that the colors have the maximum distance for each individual fusion, 
-                              but they are no longer consistent across different fusions. 
-                              Default: FALSE
-                        </help>
-                        <option value="TRUE">True</option>
-                        <option value="FALSE">False</option>
-                    </param>
-                    <param argument="--color1" type="color" value="" optional="true"  label="Color of the 5' end of the fusion."/>
-                    <param argument="--color2" type="color" value="" optional="true"  label="Color of the 3' end of the fusion."/>
-                    <param argument="--pdfWidth" type="float" value="" min="1." optional="true" label="Width of PDF output file in inches"
-                           help="Default: 11.692"/>
-                    <param argument="--pdfHeight" type="float" value="" min="1." optional="true" label="Height of PDF output file in inches"
-                           help="Default: 8.267"/>
-                    <param argument="--fontSize" type="float" value="" min="0." optional="true" label="Scale the size of text"
-                           help="Default: 1.0"/>
-                </section>
+                <expand macro="visualization_options" />
             <when value="no"/>
-        <data name="fusions" format="tabular" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: fusions.tsv" from_work_dir="fusions.tsv"/>
-        <data name="discarded" format="tabular" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: fusions.discarded.tsv" from_work_dir="fusions.discarded.tsv">
+        <data name="fusions_tsv" format="tabular" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: fusions.tsv" from_work_dir="fusions.tsv"/>
+        <data name="discarded_fusions_tsv" format="tabular" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: fusions.discarded.tsv" from_work_dir="fusions.discarded.tsv">
             <filter> output_fusions_discarded == "yes"</filter>
         <data name="aligned_bam" format="bam" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: Aligned.bam" from_work_dir="Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam">
@@ -564,13 +410,13 @@
                 <param name="input" ftype="sam" value="Aligned.out.sam"/>
             <param name="genome_assembly" ftype="fasta" value="genome.fasta"/>
-            <param name="gtf" ftype="gtf" value="genome.gtf"/>
+            <param name="annotation" ftype="gtf" value="genome.gtf"/>
             <param name="protein_domains" ftype="gff3" value="protein_domains.gff3"/>
             <conditional name="visualization">
                 <param name="do_viz" value="no"/>
                 <param name="cytobands" ftype="tabular" value="cytobands.tsv"/>
-            <output name="fusions">
+            <output name="fusions_tsv">
                     <has_text_matching expression="BCR\tABL1"/>
@@ -583,15 +429,22 @@
                 <param name="input" ftype="sam" value="Aligned.out.sam"/>
             <param name="genome_assembly" ftype="fasta" value="genome.fasta"/>
-            <param name="gtf" ftype="gtf" value="genome.gtf"/>
+            <param name="annotation" ftype="gtf" value="genome.gtf"/>
+            <param name="protein_domains" ftype="gff3" value="protein_domains.gff3"/>
             <conditional name="visualization">
                 <param name="do_viz" value="yes"/>
+                <param name="cytobands" ftype="tabular" value="cytobands.tsv"/>
-            <output name="fusions">
+            <output name="fusions_tsv">
                     <has_text_matching expression="BCR\tABL1"/>
+            <output name="fusions_pdf">
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_size value= "64000" delta="5000" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>