diff enum.pm @ 0:acc8d8bfeb9a

author jjohnson
date Wed, 08 Feb 2012 16:59:24 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/enum.pm	Wed Feb 08 16:59:24 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+package enum;
+use strict;
+no strict 'refs';  # Let's just make this very clear right off
+use Carp;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.16 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf '%d.%03d'.'%02d' x ($#r-1), @r};
+my $Ident = '[^\W_0-9]\w*';
+sub ENUM    () { 1 }
+sub BITMASK () { 2 }
+sub import {
+    my $class   = shift;
+    @_ or return;       # Ignore 'use enum;'
+    my $pkg     = caller() . '::';
+    my $prefix  = '';   # default no prefix 
+    my $index   = 0;    # default start index
+    my $mode    = ENUM; # default to enum
+    ## Pragmas should be as fast as they can be, so we inline some
+    ## pieces.
+    foreach (@_) {
+        ## Plain tag is most common case
+        if (/^$Ident$/o) {
+            my $n = $index;
+            if ($mode == ENUM) {
+                $index++;
+            }
+            elsif ($mode == BITMASK) {
+                $index ||= 1;
+                $index *= 2;
+                if ( $index & ($index - 1) ) {
+                    croak (
+                        "$index is not a valid single bitmask "
+                        . " (Maybe you overflowed your system's max int value?)"
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                confess qq(Can't Happen: mode $mode invalid);
+            }
+            *{"$pkg$prefix$_"} = sub () { $n };
+        }
+        ## Index change
+        elsif (/^($Ident)=(-?)(.+)$/o) {
+            my $name= $1;
+            my $neg = $2;
+            $index  = $3;
+            ## Convert non-decimal numerics to decimal
+            if ($index =~ /^0x[\da-f]+$/i) {    ## Hex
+                $index = hex $index;
+            }
+            elsif ($index =~ /^0\d/) {          ## Octal
+                $index = oct $index;
+            }
+            elsif ($index !~ /[^\d_]/) {        ## 123_456 notation
+                $index =~ s/_//g;
+            }
+            ## Force numeric context, but only in numeric context
+            if ($index =~ /\D/) {
+                $index  = "$neg$index";
+            }
+            else {
+                $index  = "$neg$index";
+                $index  += 0;
+            }
+            my $n   = $index;
+            if ($mode == BITMASK) {
+                ($index & ($index - 1))
+                    and croak "$index is not a valid single bitmask";
+                $index *= 2;
+            }
+            elsif ($mode == ENUM) {
+                $index++;
+            }
+            else {
+                confess qq(Can't Happen: mode $mode invalid);
+            }
+            *{"$pkg$prefix$name"} = sub () { $n };
+        }
+        ## Prefix/option change
+        elsif (/^([A-Z]*):($Ident)?(=?)(-?)(.*)/) {
+            ## Option change
+            if ($1) {
+                if      ($1 eq 'ENUM')      { $mode = ENUM;     $index = 0 }
+                elsif   ($1 eq 'BITMASK')   { $mode = BITMASK;  $index = 1 }
+                else    { croak qq(Invalid enum option '$1') }
+            }
+            my $neg = $4;
+            ## Index change too?
+            if ($3) {
+                if (length $5) {
+                    $index = $5;
+                    ## Convert non-decimal numerics to decimal
+                    if ($index =~ /^0x[\da-f]+$/i) {    ## Hex
+                        $index = hex $index;
+                    }
+                    elsif ($index =~ /^0\d/) {          ## Oct
+                        $index = oct $index;
+                    }
+                    elsif ($index !~ /[^\d_]/) {        ## 123_456 notation
+                        $index =~ s/_//g;
+                    }
+                    ## Force numeric context, but only in numeric context
+                    if ($index =~ /\D/) {
+                        $index  = "$neg$index";
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $index  = "$neg$index";
+                        $index  += 0;
+                    }
+                    ## Bitmask mode must check index changes
+                    if ($mode == BITMASK) {
+                        ($index & ($index - 1))
+                            and croak "$index is not a valid single bitmask";
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    croak qq(No index value defined after "=");
+                }
+            }
+            ## Incase it's a null prefix
+            $prefix = defined $2 ? $2 : '';
+        }
+        ## A..Z case magic lists
+        elsif (/^($Ident)\.\.($Ident)$/o) {
+            ## Almost never used, so check last
+            foreach my $name ("$1" .. "$2") {
+                my $n = $index;
+                if ($mode == BITMASK) {
+                    ($index & ($index - 1))
+                        and croak "$index is not a valid single bitmask";
+                    $index *= 2;
+                }
+                elsif ($mode == ENUM) {
+                    $index++;
+                }
+                else {
+                    confess qq(Can't Happen: mode $mode invalid);
+                }
+                *{"$pkg$prefix$name"} = sub () { $n };
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            croak qq(Can't define "$_" as enum type (name contains invalid characters));
+        }
+    }
+=head1 NAME
+enum - C style enumerated types and bitmask flags in Perl
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use enum qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat);
+  # Sun == 0, Mon == 1, etc
+  use enum qw(Forty=40 FortyOne Five=5 Six Seven);
+  # Yes, you can change the start indexs at any time as in C
+  use enum qw(:Prefix_ One Two Three);
+  ## Creates Prefix_One, Prefix_Two, Prefix_Three
+  use enum qw(:Letters_ A..Z);
+  ## Creates Letters_A, Letters_B, Letters_C, ...
+  use enum qw(
+      :Months_=0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
+      :Days_=0   Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
+      :Letters_=20 A..Z
+  );
+  ## Prefixes can be changed mid list and can have index changes too
+  use enum qw(BITMASK:LOCK_ SH EX NB UN);
+  ## Creates bitmask constants for LOCK_SH == 1, LOCK_EX == 2,
+  ## LOCK_NB == 4, and LOCK_UN == 8.
+  ## NOTE: This example is only valid on FreeBSD-2.2.5 however, so don't
+  ## actually do this.  Import from Fnctl instead.
+Defines a set of symbolic constants with ordered numeric values ala B<C> B<enum> types.
+Now capable of creating creating ordered bitmask constants as well.  See the B<BITMASKS>
+section for details.
+What are they good for?  Typical uses would be for giving mnemonic names to indexes of
+arrays.  Such arrays might be a list of months, days, or a return value index from
+a function such as localtime():
+  use enum qw(
+      :Months_=0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
+      :Days_=0   Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
+      :LC_=0     Sec Min Hour MDay Mon Year WDay YDay Isdst
+  );
+  if ((localtime)[LC_Mon] == Months_Jan) {
+      print "It's January!\n";
+  }
+  if ((localtime)[LC_WDay] == Days_Fri) {
+      print "It's Friday!\n";
+  }
+This not only reads easier, but can also be typo-checked at compile time when
+run under B<use strict>.  That is, if you misspell B<Days_Fri> as B<Days_Fry>,
+you'll generate a compile error.
+=head1 BITMASKS, bitwise operations, and bitmask option values
+The B<BITMASK> option allows the easy creation of bitmask constants such as
+functions like flock() and sysopen() use.  These are also very useful for your
+own code as they allow you to efficiently store many true/false options within
+a single integer.
+    use enum qw(BITMASK: MY_ FOO BAR CAT DOG);
+    my $foo = 0;
+    $foo |= MY_FOO;
+    $foo |= MY_DOG;
+    if ($foo & MY_DOG) {
+        print "foo has the MY_DOG option set\n";
+    }
+    if ($foo & (MY_BAR | MY_DOG)) {
+        print "foo has either the MY_BAR or MY_DOG option set\n"
+    }
+    $foo ^= MY_DOG;  ## Turn MY_DOG option off (set its bit to false)
+When using bitmasks, remember that you must use the bitwise operators, B<|>, B<&>, B<^>,
+and B<~>.  If you try to do an operation like C<$foo += MY_DOG;> and the B<MY_DOG> bit
+has already been set, you'll end up setting other bits you probably didn't want to set.
+You'll find the documentation for these operators in the B<perlop> manpage.
+You can set a starting index for bitmasks just as you can for normal B<enum> values,
+but if the given index isn't a power of 2 it won't resolve to a single bit and therefor
+will generate a compile error.  Because of this, whenever you set the B<BITFIELD:>
+directive, the index is automatically set to 1.  If you wish to go back to normal B<enum>
+mode, use the B<ENUM:> directive.  Similarly to the B<BITFIELD> directive, the B<ENUM:>
+directive resets the index to 0.  Here's an example:
+  use enum qw(
+      ENUM: NO YES
+  );
+In this case, B<BITS_FOO, BITS_BAR, BITS_CAT, and BITS_DOG> equal 1, 2, 4 and
+8 respectively.  B<FALSE and TRUE> equal 0 and 1.  B<NO and YES> also equal
+0 and 1.  And B<ONE, TWO, FOUR, EIGHT, and SIX_TEEN> equal, you guessed it, 1,
+2, 4, 8, and 16.
+=head1 BUGS
+Enum names can not be the same as method, function, or constant names.  This
+is probably a Good Thing[tm].
+No way (that I know of) to cause compile time errors when one of these enum names get
+redefined.  IMHO, there is absolutely no time when redefining a sub is a Good Thing[tm],
+and should be taken out of the language, or at least have a pragma that can cause it
+to be a compile time error.
+Enumerated types are package scoped just like constants, not block scoped as some
+other pragma modules are.
+It supports A..Z nonsense.  Can anyone give me a Real World[tm] reason why anyone would
+ever use this feature...?
+=head1 HISTORY
+  $Log: enum.pm,v $
+  Revision 1.16  1999/05/27 16:00:35  byron
+  Fixed bug that caused bitwise operators to treat enum types as strings
+  instead of numbers.
+  Revision 1.15  1999/05/27 15:51:27  byron
+  Add support for negative values.
+  Added stricter hex value checks.
+  Revision 1.14  1999/05/13 15:58:18  byron
+  Fixed bug in hex index code that broke on 0xA.
+  Revision 1.13  1999/05/13 10:52:30  byron
+  Fixed auto-index bugs in new non-decimal numeric support.
+  Revision 1.12  1999/05/13 10:00:45  byron
+  Added support for non-decimal numeric representations ala 0x123, 0644, and
+  123_456.
+  First version committed to CVS.
+  Revision 1.11  1998/07/18 17:53:05  byron
+    -Added BITMASK and ENUM directives.
+    -Revamped documentation.
+  Revision 1.10  1998/06/12 20:12:50  byron
+    -Removed test code
+    -Released to CPAN
+  Revision 1.9  1998/06/12 00:21:00  byron
+    -Fixed -w warning when a null tag is used
+  Revision 1.8  1998/06/11 23:04:53  byron
+    -Fixed documentation bugs
+    -Moved A..Z case to last as it's not going to be used
+     as much as the other cases.
+  Revision 1.7  1998/06/10 12:25:04  byron
+    -Changed interface to match original design by Tom Phoenix
+     as implemented in an early version of enum.pm by Benjamin Holzman.
+    -Changed tag syntax to not require the 'PREFIX' string of Tom's
+     interface.
+    -Allow multiple prefix tags to be used at any point.
+    -Allowed index value changes from tags.
+  Revision 1.6  1998/06/10 03:37:57  byron
+    -Fixed superfulous -w warning
+  Revision 1.4  1998/06/10 01:07:03  byron
+    -Changed behaver to closer resemble C enum types
+    -Changed docs to match new behaver
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Zenin <zenin@archive.rhps.org>
+aka Byron Brummer <byron@omix.com>.
+Based off of the B<constant> module by Tom Phoenix.
+Original implementation of an interface of Tom Phoenix's
+design by Benjamin Holzman, for which we borrow the basic
+parse algorithm layout.
+Copyright 1998 (c) Byron Brummer.
+Copyright 1998 (c) OMIX, Inc.
+Permission to use, modify, and redistribute this module granted under
+the same terms as B<Perl>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+constant(3), perl(1).