view @ 0:acc8d8bfeb9a

author jjohnson
date Wed, 08 Feb 2012 16:59:24 -0500
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Carp;
use Getopt::Long;
use English;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper;
use Bio::Assembly::IO;
use Bio::DB::Sam;
use Bio::DB::Sam::Constants;
use File::Spec;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;

use constant HTML_COLOR => {
	'MATCH'		=> '#000000', #black
	'MISMATCH'	=> '#800000', #brown
	'LOWQUAL'	=> '#C0C0C0', #grey
	'INDEL'		=> '#FF8040', #Orange
	'SCLIP'		=> '#6960EC', #Slate Blue2
my $lowqual_cutoff = 20;

my ($bam_d, $bam_g,  $file);
my $ref_genome;
my $range;

my ( $help, $man, $version, $usage );
my $output;
my $RNASeq;
my $optionOK = GetOptions(
	'd=s'			=> \$bam_d,
	'g=s'			=> \$bam_g,
	'f|i|file|input=s'	=> \$file,
	'r|ref_genome=s'	=> \$ref_genome,
	'range=s'		=> \$range,
	'RNASeq'		=> \$RNASeq,
	'o|output=s'	=> \$output,
	'h|help|?'      => \$help,
	'man'           => \$man,
	'usage'         => \$usage,
	'v|version'     => \$version,

pod2usage(-verbose=>2) if($man or $usage);
pod2usage(1) if($help or $version );
croak "you must specify at least one bam file" unless ($bam_d || $bam_g);
warn "Missing reference genome, the view is not correct" unless($ref_genome);
croak "You need either provide an input file or a range" unless ($file || $range);

my @bams;
push @bams, Bio::DB::Sam->new( -bam => $bam_d, -fasta => $ref_genome) if($bam_d);
push @bams, Bio::DB::Sam->new( -bam => $bam_g, -fasta => $ref_genome) if($bam_g);
open STDOUT, ">$output" if $output;

if($range) {
	print STDOUT bam2html($range, @bams);
	close STDOUT if $output;

open my $FILE, "<$file" or croak "can't open $file:$OS_ERROR";
while( my $line = <$FILE>) {
	chomp $line;
	my @fields = split /\t/, $line;
	print "<h3 style=\"color:blue;text-align:center\">$line</h3>\n";
	if(scalar(@fields) == 3) { # deal with file: chr	start	end format
		my ($chr, $s, $e) = @fields;
		print STDOUT bam2html("$chr:$s-$e", @bams);
	# deal with CREST output file
#	if($fields[0] =~ /^chr/) {
#		$fields[0] = substr($fields[0], 3);
#		$fields[2] = substr($fields[2], 3);
#	}
	my ($chr, $s, $e) = ($fields[0], $fields[1], $fields[1]);
	print STDOUT bam2html("$chr:$s-$e", @bams);
	($chr, $s, $e) = ($fields[4], $fields[5], $fields[5]);
	print STDOUT bam2html("$chr:$s-$e", @bams);
close STDOUT if($output);
#print bam2html("12:11676858-11676858", $bam1, $bam2);

sub get_input_bam {
    my ($raw_bam_dir, $sample, $group) = @_;

    $raw_bam_dir = File::Spec->catdir($raw_bam_dir, $group);
    opendir(my $dh, $raw_bam_dir) or croak "can't open directory: $raw_bam_dir: $OS_ERROR";
    my @files = grep { /^$sample-.*bam$/ } readdir($dh);
	close $dh;
	return $files[0];

# this function returns a <pre> </pre> block for the specific contig in the ace file
sub bam2html {
	my ($range, @bams) = @_;
	my ($chr, $start, $end) = $range =~ m/^(.*?):(\d+)-(\d+)/;
	if(!$chr or !$start or !$end) {
		croak "The range format is not correct, use chr:start-end";
	my ($r_start, $r_end) = ($start, $end);
	my $name_len = length($range);
	for my $bam (@bams) {
		my $segment = $bam->segment(-seq_id => $chr, -start => $start, -end => $end);
		my @alignments = $segment->features;
	#	return "There are too many reads in this region, this is must be a highly repetitive region, abort!"
	#		if(scalar(@alignments) > 500);
		for my $a(@alignments) {
			my $l = length($a->query->name);
			$name_len = $l if($name_len < $l);
	if($start == $end) { # we want to check a specific point
		if($RNASeq) { # for RNASeq we just extend a little bit instead of dynamic do it
			$r_start = $start - 100;
			$r_end = $end + 100;
		else {	
			for my $bam (@bams) {
				my $segment = $bam->segment(-seq_id => $chr, -start => $start - 1, -end => $end + 1);
				my @alignments = $segment->features;
				for my $a (@alignments) {
					next if($a->start > $end || $a->end < $start);
					$r_start = $a->start if $a->start < $r_start;
					$r_end = $a->end if $a->end > $r_end;
		$range = "$chr:$r_start-$r_end";
	my $rtn_str = "<pre>\n";
	my($ref, $pos2padded) = get_padded_ref($range, @bams);
	$rtn_str .= print_bam_ruler($r_start, $r_end, $pos2padded, $name_len) . "\n";
	my $line = print_ref($ref, $range, $name_len);
	my $line_len = length($line);
	$rtn_str .= $line . "\n" . ' ' x $line_len . "\n";
	$ref =~ s/\*//g; #remove * from ref sequence
	for my $bam (@bams) {
		my $segment = $bam->segment(-seq_id => $chr, -start => $start, -end => $end);
		my @alignments = $segment->features;
		for my $a (@alignments) {
			#next if($a->cigar_str !~ m/S/);
			if($a->strand == 1) {
				my $tmp_str = print_bam_seq($a, $r_start, $r_end, $ref, $pos2padded, $name_len);
				$rtn_str .= $tmp_str . "\n" if($tmp_str); 
		for my $a (@alignments) {
			#next if($a->cigar_str !~ m/S/);
			if($a->strand == -1) {
				my $tmp_str = print_bam_seq($a, $r_start, $r_end, $ref, $pos2padded, $name_len);
				$rtn_str .= $tmp_str . "\n" if($tmp_str);
		$rtn_str .= '_' x $line_len . "\n";
	$rtn_str .= "\n</pre>";
	return $rtn_str;

# only print the unpadded position, which is meaningful
sub print_bam_ruler {
	my($start, $end, $pos2padded, $name_len) = @_;
	my ($string, $mark);
	$string = $mark = " "x($name_len + 2);
	#print | at 20 and . at 10 
	for( my $i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) {
		$mark .= $i % 10 == 0 ? ($i % 20 == 0 ? "|" : ".") : " ";
		last if($i == $end);
		$mark .= ' ' x ($pos2padded->[$i - $start + 2] - $pos2padded->[$i - $start + 1] - 1);
	# print numbers above | for padded consensus
	my $padded_i = 0;
	for( my $i = 1; $i <= $end - $start + 1; $i++ ) {
		my $j = $i + $start - 1;
		my $overhead = $pos2padded->[$i] - $padded_i;
		if($overhead > 0 ) {
			$string .= ' ' x $overhead;
			$padded_i += $overhead;
		if( $j % 20 == 0) {
			my $l = length($j);
			my $half_l = int(($l+1)/2);
			$string = substr($string, 0, length($string) - $half_l );
			$string .= $j;
			$padded_i += ($l - $half_l);
	return join("\n", ($string, $mark));

sub print_ref {
	my( $ref, $chr, $name_len) = @_;
	return $chr . " " x ($name_len + 2 - length($chr)) . $ref;

sub get_padded_ref {
	my ($range, @bams) = @_;
	my $ref_str; #padded ref genome
	my @pos2padded;
	my($chr, $start, $end) = $range =~ m/(.*?):(\d+)-(\d+)/;
	@pos2padded = 0 .. ($end - $start + 1);
	push @pos2padded, 100 + $end - $start;
	foreach my $bam (@bams) {
		my ($d, $cum_pad) = (0, 0);
		my $padded_fun = sub {
			my ($seqid, $pos, $p) = @_;
			return if($pos < $start || $pos > $end);
			$pos2padded[$d] += $cum_pad;
			my $max_ins = 0;
			for my $pileup (@$p) {
				$max_ins = $pileup->indel if($max_ins < $pileup->indel);
			if($max_ins > $pos2padded[$d+1] + $cum_pad - $pos2padded[$d] - 1) {
				$cum_pad += $max_ins - ($pos2padded[$d+1] + $cum_pad-  $pos2padded[$d] - 1);
		$bam->pileup($range, $padded_fun);
		if($d <= $end - $start + 1) {
			for(my $i = $d + 1; $i <= $end-$start+1; $i++) {
				$pos2padded[$i] += $cum_pad;
	my $refseq = $bams[0]->segment($chr, $start, $end)->dna;
	my @str = split //, "*" x $pos2padded[$end - $start + 1];
	for my $i ( 1 .. ($end - $start + 1)) {
		$str[$pos2padded[$i]] = substr($refseq, $i-1, 1);
	shift @str; #remove the 0th base
	return (join( '', @str), \@pos2padded );

sub print_bam_seq { # it's complicated
	my ($align, $start, $end, $ref, $pos2padded, $name_len) = @_;
	my $rtn = $align->query->name;
	$rtn .= ' ' x ($name_len - length($rtn));
	$rtn .= $align->strand == -1 ? '- ' : '+ ';
	my $p_s = $align->start;	
	my $p_e = $align->end;
	my $seq = $align->query->dna;
	my @qual = $align->qscore;
	my $repeat = 0;
	if($align->has_tag("XT")) {
		$repeat = 1 if($align->aux_get("XT") ne "U");

	my $r_cigar = $align->cigar_array;
	my ($s, $e) = ($align->query->start, $align->query->end);
	# reads partial in the region
	my $leading = "";
	if($p_s < $start) {
		($r_cigar, $p_s, $s) = find_new_start($r_cigar, $p_s, $s, $start);

	my $tailing = "";
	if($p_e > $end) {
		($r_cigar, $p_e, $e) = find_new_end($r_cigar, $p_e, $e, $end);
	return if($s >= $e);	
	my @cigar = @{$r_cigar};

	# deal with leading softclip
    my	$op = shift @cigar;
	my $l =  $pos2padded->[$p_s - $start + 1] - $pos2padded->[1];
	if($op->[0] eq 'S') {
		my $ss = $op->[1] - $l;
		if($ss < 0) {
			$ss = -$ss;
			$leading .= ' ' x $ss;
			$ss = 0;
		$leading .= '<font color="' . HTML_COLOR->{'SCLIP'} . '">';
		for( my $i = $ss; $i < $op->[1]; $i++) {
			my $c = substr($seq, $i, 1);
			$c = lc $c if($qual[$i] < $lowqual_cutoff);
			$leading .= $c;
		$leading .= '</font>' ;
	else {
		$leading .= ' ' x $l;	
		unshift @cigar, $op;

	#dealing with tailing softclip
	$op = pop @cigar;
	$l = $pos2padded->[$end - $start + 1] - $pos2padded->[$p_e - $start + 1];
	if($op->[0] eq 'S') {
		my $ee = $op->[1] - $l;
		$ee = 0 if($ee < 0 );
		$tailing = '<font color="' . HTML_COLOR->{'SCLIP'} . '">';
		for( my $i = 0; $i < $op->[1] - $ee; $i++){
			my $c = substr($seq, $i + $e, 1);
			$c = lc $c if($qual[$i + $e] < $lowqual_cutoff);
			$tailing .= $c;
		$tailing .= '</font>';
		push @cigar, $op;

	# generate the alignment part, only M, I, D and N
	my $mid = '';
	my $mode;
	foreach $op (@cigar) {
		my $l = $op->[1];
		if($op->[0] eq 'M') {
			my $line = '';
			while($l > 0 ){
				my $c = substr($seq, $s - 1, 1); #seq is 0 based
				my $newmode = "MISMATCH";
				my $cc = substr($ref, $p_s - $start, 1); 
				#last unless ($c && $cc);
				$newmode = "MATCH" if($cc eq $c);
				if($qual[$s-1] < $lowqual_cutoff) {
					$c = lc $c;
					$newmode = 'LOWQUAL' if($newmode eq 'MATCH');
				if(!$mode) {
					$line .= '<font color="' . HTML_COLOR->{$newmode} . '">';
				elsif($mode ne $newmode) {
					$line .= '</font>' . '<font color="' . HTML_COLOR->{$newmode} . '">';
				$mode = $newmode;
				$line .= $c;
				$s++; $p_s++;
				# dealing with padded * in reference genome
				if($p_s < $p_e && $s < $e && $l > 0) { 
					my $tmp = $pos2padded->[$p_s - $start + 1]-$pos2padded->[$p_s-1 - $start + 1];
					if( $tmp > 1) {	
						$line .= '</font>';
						$line .= '<font color="' . HTML_COLOR->{'INDEL'} . '">';
						$line .= '*' x ($tmp - 1);
						$mode = 'INDEL';
			$mid .= $line;
		if($op->[0] eq 'D' || $op->[0] eq 'I' || $op->[0] eq 'N') {
			my $newmode = 'INDEL';
			my $tmp; #extra padded * after indel
			$mid .= '</font>' if($mode && $mode ne $newmode);
			$mid .= '<font color="' . HTML_COLOR->{'INDEL'} . '">';

			if($op->[0] eq 'D' || $op->[0] eq 'N') {
				$mid .= ($op->[0] eq 'D' ? '*' : '=') x $l;
				$p_s += $l;
				$tmp = $pos2padded->[$p_s - $start + 1]-$pos2padded->[$p_s - $l - $start ] - $l if($p_s < $p_e);
				$tmp = $pos2padded->[$p_s - $start + 1] - $pos2padded->[$p_s - 1 - $start + 1] - $l if($p_s < $p_e);
				while($l > 0 ) {
					my $c = substr($seq, $s - 1, 1);
					$c = lc $c if($qual[$s - 1] < $lowqual_cutoff);
					$mid .= $c;
					$l--; $s++;
			$mode = $newmode;
			if($p_s < $p_e && $tmp > 1) {	
				$mid .= '*' x ($tmp - 1);
	$mid .= '</font>';
	$rtn .= $leading . $mid . $tailing;		
	$rtn = '<b><i>' . $rtn . '</i></b>' if($repeat);
	return $rtn;

sub find_new_start {
	my ($r_cigar, $p_s, $s, $start) = @_;
	my @cigar = @{$r_cigar};
	while(1) {
		my $op = shift @cigar;
		next if( $op->[0] eq 'S' || $op->[0] eq 'H');
		if( $op->[0] eq 'I') { 
			$s += $op->[1];	next;
		if( $p_s + $op->[1] < $start ) { 
			$p_s += $op->[1];	
			$s += $op->[1] if $op->[0] eq 'M'; 
		else {
			$s += ($start - $p_s) if $op->[0] eq 'M'; 
			unshift @cigar, [$op->[0], $op->[1] - ($start - $p_s)];
			$p_s = $start;
			return (\@cigar, $p_s, $s);

sub find_new_end {
	my ($r_cigar, $p_e, $e, $end) = @_;
	my @cigar = @{$r_cigar};

	while(1) {
		my $op = pop @cigar;
		next if( $op->[0] eq 'S' || $op->[0] eq 'H');
		if( $op->[0] eq 'I') { 
			$e -= $op->[1];	next;
		if( $p_e - $op->[1] > $end ) { 
			$p_e -= $op->[1];	
			$e -= $op->[1] if $op->[0] eq 'M'; 
		else {
			$e -= ($p_e - $end) if $op->[0] eq 'M';
			push @cigar, [$op->[0], $op->[1] - ($p_e - $end)];
			$p_e = $end;
			return (\@cigar, $p_e, $e);

=head1 NAME - a bam file viewer that just simple display part of the alignment as HTML file.

=head1 VERSION

This documentation refers to version 0.0.1.

=head1 USAGE
	Display part of a bam file: -r hg18.fa -d diag.bam --range 1:123566-123766 -o diag.html
	Display part of two bam files, one diagnositc, one germlie for comparison. -r hg18.fa -d diag.bam -g germline.bam --range 1:123566-123766 -o diag.html
	Display part of two bam files, one diagnositc, one germlie for comparison from
	a list of positions in a file, each line should be tab sepearted as: chr, start, and end. -r hg18.fa -d diag.bam -g germline.bam -o diag.html -f position.txt
	Display part of two bam files, one diagnositc, one germlie for comparison from a file
	generated by -r hg18.fa -d diag.bam -g germline.bam -o predSV.html -f predSV.txt


	To run the program, several parameter must specified.
	-d:					The input (diagnositic) bam file
	-g:					The input (germ line) bam file
	-r, --ref_genome: 	The reference genome file in fa format

=head1 OPTIONS

	The	options that can be used for the program.
	-o: 		The output file, default to STDOUT if missing.
	--range:	The range where SV will be detected, using chr1:100-200 format.
	-f, -i:		The input file from either or tab seperated chr, start, end.

	-h, --help	 Help information
	--man		 Man page.
	--usage		 Usage information.
	--version	 Software version.


 This is a bam file viewer that just simple display part of the alignment as 
 HTML file. The program is developed to view Structure Varitions around break 
 point. So manual review will a breeze.  Any way this program can be used
 otherway, but don't put a too big range to display as the view will not
 be pretty as each read will occupy a line.


If the program does not respond for minutes, please be a little bit patient as
sometimes generating the html file could take longer time.
If you provide a range as "chr1:50-100" and nothing was output, please make sure
the reference genomes for mapping and display are exact the same and the chrom
name is chr1 not 1.


The program depend on several packages:
1. Bioperl perl module.
2. Bio::DB::Sam, version 1.5 or later, it requires samtools lib installed.


There are no known bugs in this module, but the method is limitted to bam file 
that has soft-clipping cigar string generated.Please report problems to 
Jianmin Wang  (
Patches are welcome.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jianmin Wang (


Copyright (c) 2010 by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. 

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.