comparison @ 0:751f4938cf0d

author jjohnson
date Tue, 05 Feb 2013 15:23:18 -0500
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:751f4938cf0d
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 ###############################################
4 # # this is a stripped-down version of
5 # John Garbe
6 # February 2012
7 #
8 # Paired-end read file synchronization script: checks if left and right
9 # reads are in the same order.
10 # This script checks the two files specificd on the command line.
11 # The "quick" option will not report the percent of out-of-sync reads
12 # for many failed files, but will run much faster.
13 #
14 # This script should run fine on linux systems or solaris
15 # (which is what the project space fileserver runs)
16 #
17 # This script can handle Casava 1.8.0 style read IDs, and pre 1.8.0 style ids.
18 # Other types of read ID formats will cause a terminal error.
19 #
20 ###############################################
22 die "Usage: [quick] left_fastqfile right_fastqfile\n" unless ($#ARGV > 0);
24 # determine if we're running on solaris in order to change system calls
25 $output = `perl -v`;
26 $solaris = 0;
27 $solaris = 1 if ($output =~ /solaris/);
28 if ($solaris) {
29 # print STDERR "Running on Solaris\n";
30 }
32 # handle "quick" option
33 $quick = 0; # 1 for quickcheck, 0 for thorough check
34 if (defined($ARGV[0])) {
35 if ($ARGV[0] eq "quick") {
36 $quick = 1;
37 shift @ARGV;
38 }
39 }
40 print STDERR "QUICK CHECK enabled\n" if ($quick);
42 $filename_r1 = $ARGV[0];
43 $filename_r2 = $ARGV[1];
45 # identify read id format type
46 if ($solaris) {
47 $readid = `head -1 $filename_r1`;
48 } else {
49 $readid = `head -n 1 $filename_r1`;
50 }
51 chomp $readid;
52 if ($readid =~ /^@\S+\/[12]$/) { # @ at the start of the line followed by non-whitespace, a /, a 1 or 2, the end of the line
53 $id_type = 1;
54 print STDERR "Casava 1.7 read id style\n"; # TESTING
55 } elsif ($readid =~ /^@\S+\W[12]\S+$/) { # @ at the start of the line followed by non-whitspace, a space, a 1 or 2, non-whitespace
56 $id_type = 2;
57 print STDERR "Casava 1.8 read id style\n"; # TESTING
58 } else {
59 print STDERR "Cannot determine read id style\n";
60 print STDOUT "Unknwon id style: $readid\n";
61 exit 1;
62 }
64 chomp $filename_r1;
65 chomp $filename_r2;
67 if ($quick) {
68 $failure = &quickcheck($filename_r1, $filename_r2); # quickie check
69 print STDERR "FAILED quickcheck\n" if ($failure);
70 }
71 # If we aren't doing the quick check, or the quick check passed, do the slow check
72 if (!($quick) || !($failure)) {
73 $failure = &percent($filename_r1, $filename_r2); # slow thorough check
74 }
76 exit;
78 ######################## subs #########################
79 # do a quick check to see if the files are bad (many bad files will pass this quick check)
80 sub quickcheck {
81 my ($file1, $file2) = @_;
82 if ($solaris) {
83 $result1 = `tail -10000l $file1 | head -1`; # grab the line 10,000 lines from the EOF
84 $result2 = `tail -10000l $file2 | head -1`;
85 } else {
86 $result1 = `tail -n 10000 $file1 | head -n 1`;
87 $result2 = `tail -n 10000 $file2 | head -n 1`;
88 }
89 # process the ids depending on id style
90 if ($id_type == 1) { # 1 or 2 at end of id
91 chomp $result1;
92 chomp $result2;
93 chop $result1;
94 chop $result2;
95 } else { # first word is a unique read id, second word is left/right-specific
96 ($result1) = split ' ', $result1;
97 ($result2) = split ' ', $result2;
98 }
99 if ($result1 eq $result2) {
100 # print "pass\n";
101 return 0;
102 } else {
103 # print "fail\n";
104 return 1;
105 }
106 }
109 # compare every read id from each file and determine what percent of reads are
110 # out of sync
111 sub percent {
112 my($file1, $file2) = @_;
114 open R1, '<', $file1 or die "Couldn't open $file1 for reading:$!";
115 open R2, '<', $file2 or die "Couldn't open $file2 for reading:$!";
117 my $readCount = 0;
118 my $failcount = 0;
119 while (!eof(R1) and !eof(R2)) {
120 $id1 = <R1>;
121 $id2 = <R2>;
122 next unless ($. % 4 == 1); # check every sequence (4th line in the file)
123 # process the ids depending on id style
124 if ($id_type == 1) { # 1 or 2 at end of id
125 chomp $id1; # newline
126 chop $id1; # last char of the id (should be the "1" or "2")
127 chomp $id2;
128 chop $id2;
129 } else {
130 ($id1) = split ' ', $id1;
131 ($id2) = split ' ', $id2;
132 }
133 $failcount++ unless ($id1 eq $id2);
134 $readCount++;
135 }
136 my $percent = $failcount / $readCount;
137 $prettypercent = $percent * 100; # make it percent
138 $prettypercent = sprintf("%.2f", $prettypercent);
139 if ($failcount > 0) {
140 print STDERR "FAILED full check\t$prettypercent% of reads are out-of-sync\n";
141 $exitStatus=1;
142 } else {
143 print STDERR "PASSED full check\n";
144 $exitStatus=0;
145 }
147 return $exitStatus;
148 }