diff lib/galaxy/datatypes/gmap.py @ 6:3be0e0a858fe

refactor and update README
author Jim Johnson <jj@umn.edu>
date Tue, 08 Nov 2011 13:22:34 -0600
children 93911bac43da
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/galaxy/datatypes/gmap.py	Tue Nov 08 13:22:34 2011 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+GMAP indexes
+import logging
+import os,os.path,re
+import data
+from data import Text
+from galaxy import util
+from metadata import MetadataElement
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class GmapDB( Text ):
+    """
+    A GMAP DB for indexes
+    """
+    MetadataElement( name="db_name", desc="The db name for this index set", default='unknown', set_in_upload=True, readonly=True )
+    MetadataElement( name="basesize", default="12", desc="The basesize for offsetscomp", visible=True, readonly=True )
+    MetadataElement( name="kmers", default=[''], desc="The kmer sizes for indexes", visible=True, no_value=[''], readonly=True )
+    MetadataElement( name="map_dir", desc="The maps directory", default='unknown', set_in_upload=True, readonly=True )
+    MetadataElement( name="maps", default=[''], desc="The names of maps stored for this gmap gmapdb", visible=True, no_value=[''], readonly=True )
+    MetadataElement( name="snps", default=[''], desc="The names of SNP indexes stored for this gmapdb", visible=True, no_value=[''], readonly=True )
+    MetadataElement( name="cmet", default=False, desc="Has a cmet index", visible=True, readonly=True )
+    MetadataElement( name="atoi", default=False, desc="Has a atoi index", visible=True, readonly=True )
+    file_ext = 'gmapdb'
+    is_binary = True
+    composite_type = 'auto_primary_file'
+    allow_datatype_change = False
+    def generate_primary_file( self, dataset = None ):
+        """ 
+        This is called only at upload to write the html file
+        cannot rename the datasets here - they come with the default unfortunately
+        """
+        return '<html><head></head><body>AutoGenerated Primary File for Composite Dataset</body></html>'
+    def regenerate_primary_file(self,dataset):
+        """
+        cannot do this until we are setting metadata 
+        """
+        bn = dataset.metadata.db_name
+        log.info( "GmapDB regenerate_primary_file %s" % (bn))
+        rval = ['<html><head><title>GMAPDB %s</title></head><p/><H3>GMAPDB %s</H3><p/>cmet %s<br>atoi %s<H4>Maps:</H4><ul>' % (bn,bn,dataset.metadata.cmet,dataset.metadata.atoi)]
+        for i,name in enumerate(dataset.metadata.maps):
+            rval.append( '<li>%s' % name)
+        rval.append( '</ul></html>' )
+        f = file(dataset.file_name,'w')
+        f.write("\n".join( rval ))
+        f.write('\n')
+        f.close()
+    def set_peek( self, dataset, is_multi_byte=False ):
+        log.info( "GmapDB set_peek %s" % (dataset))
+        if not dataset.dataset.purged:
+            dataset.peek  = "GMAPDB index %s\n cmet %s\n atoi %s\n maps %s" % ( dataset.metadata.db_name,dataset.metadata.cmet,dataset.metadata.atoi,dataset.metadata.maps )
+            dataset.blurb = "GMAPDB %s" % ( dataset.metadata.db_name )
+        else:
+            dataset.peek = 'file does not exist'
+            dataset.blurb = 'file purged from disk'
+    def display_peek( self, dataset ):
+        try:
+            return dataset.peek
+        except:
+            return "GMAP index file"
+    def sniff( self, filename ):
+        return False
+    def set_meta( self, dataset, overwrite = True, **kwd ):
+        """
+        Expecting:
+        extra_files_path/<db_name>/db_name>.ref<basesize><kmer>3<index>
+        extra_files_path/db_name/db_name.ref1[2345]1[2345]3offsetscomp
+        extra_files_path/db_name/db_name.ref1[2345]1[2345]3positions
+        extra_files_path/db_name/db_name.ref1[2345]1[2345]3gammaptrs
+        index maps: 
+        extra_files_path/db_name/db_name.maps/*.iit
+        """
+        log.info( "GmapDB set_meta %s %s" % (dataset,dataset.extra_files_path))
+        pat = '(.*)\.((ref)|(met)[atgc][atgc]|(a2i)[atgc][atgc])((\d\d)(\d\d))?3positions(\.(.+))?'
+        efp = dataset.extra_files_path
+        flist = os.listdir(efp)
+        for i,fname in enumerate(flist):
+            log.info( "GmapDB set_meta %s %s" % (i,fname))
+            fpath = os.path.join(efp,fname)
+            if os.path.isdir(fpath):
+                ilist = os.listdir(fpath)
+                kmers = {'':'default'} # HACK  '' empty key  added so user has default choice when selecting kmer from metadata
+                for j,iname in enumerate(ilist):
+                    log.info( "GmapDB set_meta file %s %s" % (j,iname))
+                    ipath = os.path.join(fpath,iname)
+                    if os.path.isdir(ipath):  # find maps
+                        dataset.metadata.map_dir = iname
+                        for mapfile in os.listdir(ipath):
+                            mapname = mapfile.replace('.iit','')
+                            log.info( "GmapDB set_meta map %s %s" % (mapname,mapfile))
+                            dataset.metadata.maps.append(mapname)
+                    else: 
+                        m = re.match(pat,iname)
+                        if m:
+                            log.info( "GmapDB set_meta m %s %s " % (iname, m))
+                            assert len(m.groups()) == 10
+                            dataset.metadata.db_name = fname
+                            if m.groups()[2] == 'ref':
+                                if m.groups()[-1] != None:
+                                    dataset.metadata.snps.append(m.groups()[-1])
+                                else:
+                                    if m.groups()[-3] != None:
+                                        k = int(m.groups()[-3])
+                                        kmers[k] = k
+                                    if m.groups()[-4] != None:
+                                        dataset.metadata.basesize = int( m.groups()[-4])
+                            elif m.groups()[3] == 'met':
+                                dataset.metadata.cmet = True
+                            elif m.groups()[4] == 'a2i':
+                                dataset.metadata.atoi = True
+                dataset.metadata.kmers = kmers.keys()
+class GmapSnpIndex( Text ):
+    """
+    A GMAP SNP index created by snpindex
+    """
+    MetadataElement( name="db_name", desc="The db name for this index set", default='unknown', set_in_upload=True, readonly=True )
+    MetadataElement( name="snps_name", default='snps', desc="The name of SNP index", visible=True, no_value='', readonly=True )
+    file_ext = 'gmapsnpindex'
+    is_binary = True
+    composite_type = 'auto_primary_file'
+    allow_datatype_change = False
+    def generate_primary_file( self, dataset = None ):
+        """ 
+        This is called only at upload to write the html file
+        cannot rename the datasets here - they come with the default unfortunately
+        """
+        return '<html><head></head><body>AutoGenerated Primary File for Composite Dataset</body></html>'
+    def regenerate_primary_file(self,dataset):
+        """
+        cannot do this until we are setting metadata 
+        """
+        bn = dataset.metadata.db_name
+        log.info( "GmapDB regenerate_primary_file %s" % (bn))
+        rval = ['<html><head><title>GMAPDB %s</title></head><p/><H3>GMAPDB %s</H3><p/>cmet %s<br>atoi %s<H4>Maps:</H4><ul>' % (bn,bn,dataset.metadata.cmet,dataset.metadata.atoi)]
+        for i,name in enumerate(dataset.metadata.maps):
+            rval.append( '<li>%s' % name)
+        rval.append( '</ul></html>' )
+        f = file(dataset.file_name,'w')
+        f.write("\n".join( rval ))
+        f.write('\n')
+        f.close()
+    def set_peek( self, dataset, is_multi_byte=False ):
+        log.info( "GmapSnpIndex set_peek %s" % (dataset))
+        if not dataset.dataset.purged:
+            dataset.peek  = "GMAP SNPindex %s on %s\n" % ( dataset.metadata.snps_name,dataset.metadata.db_name)
+            dataset.blurb = "GMAP SNPindex %s on %s\n" % ( dataset.metadata.snps_name,dataset.metadata.db_name)
+        else:
+            dataset.peek = 'file does not exist'
+            dataset.blurb = 'file purged from disk'
+    def display_peek( self, dataset ):
+        try:
+            return dataset.peek
+        except:
+            return "GMAP SNP index"
+    def sniff( self, filename ):
+        return False
+    def set_meta( self, dataset, overwrite = True, **kwd ):
+        """
+        Expecting:
+        extra_files_path/snp_name.iit
+        extra_files_path/db_name/db_name.ref1[2345]1[2345]3offsetscomp.snp_name
+        extra_files_path/db_name/db_name.ref1[2345]1[2345]3positions.snp_name
+        extra_files_path/db_name/db_name.ref1[2345]1[2345]3gammaptrs.snp_name
+        """
+        log.info( "GmapSnpIndex set_meta %s %s" % (dataset,dataset.extra_files_path))
+        pat = '(.*)\.(ref((\d\d)(\d\d))?3positions)\.(.+)?'
+        efp = dataset.extra_files_path
+        flist = os.listdir(efp)
+        for i,fname in enumerate(flist):
+            m = re.match(pat,fname)
+            if m:
+                assert len(m.groups()) == 6
+                dataset.metadata.db_name = m.groups()[0]
+                dataset.metadata.snps_name = m.groups()[-1]
+class IntervalIndexTree( Text ):
+    """
+    A GMAP Interval Index Tree Map
+    created by iit_store
+    (/path/to/map)/(mapname).iit
+    """
+    file_ext = 'iit'
+    is_binary = True
+class SpliceSitesIntervalIndexTree( IntervalIndexTree ):
+    """
+    A GMAP Interval Index Tree Map 
+    created by iit_store
+    """
+    file_ext = 'splicesites.iit'
+class IntronsIntervalIndexTree( IntervalIndexTree ):
+    """
+    A GMAP Interval Index Tree Map
+    created by iit_store
+    """
+    file_ext = 'introns.iit'
+class SNPsIntervalIndexTree( IntervalIndexTree ):
+    """
+    A GMAP Interval Index Tree Map
+    created by iit_store
+    """
+    file_ext = 'snps.iit'
+class TallyIntervalIndexTree( IntervalIndexTree ):
+    """
+    A GMAP Interval Index Tree Map
+    created by iit_store
+    """
+    file_ext = 'tally.iit'
+class IntervalAnnotation( Text ):
+    """
+    Class describing a GMAP Interval format:
+        >label coords optional_tag
+        optional_annotation (which may be zero, one, or multiple lines)
+    The coords should be of the form:
+        chr:position
+        chr:startposition..endposition
+    """
+    file_ext = 'gmap_annotation'
+    """Add metadata elements"""
+    MetadataElement( name="annotations", default=0, desc="Number of interval annotations", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=False, no_value=0 )
+    def set_meta( self, dataset, **kwd ):
+        """
+        Set the number of annotations and the number of data lines in dataset.
+        """
+        data_lines = 0
+        annotations = 0
+        for line in file( dataset.file_name ):
+            line = line.strip()
+            if line and line.startswith( '>' ):
+                annotations += 1
+                data_lines +=1
+            else:
+                data_lines += 1
+        dataset.metadata.data_lines = data_lines
+        dataset.metadata.annotations = annotations
+    def set_peek( self, dataset, is_multi_byte=False ):
+        if not dataset.dataset.purged:
+            dataset.peek = data.get_file_peek( dataset.file_name, is_multi_byte=is_multi_byte )
+            if dataset.metadata.annotations:
+                dataset.blurb = "%s annotations" % util.commaify( str( dataset.metadata.annotations ) )
+            else:
+                dataset.blurb = data.nice_size( dataset.get_size() )
+        else:
+            dataset.peek = 'file does not exist'
+            dataset.blurb = 'file purged from disk'
+    def sniff( self, filename ):
+        """
+        Determines whether the file is a gmap annotation file
+        Format: 
+            >label coords optional_tag
+            optional_annotation (which may be zero, one, or multiple lines)
+        For example, the label may be an EST accession, with the coords
+        representing its genomic position.  Labels may be duplicated if
+        necessary.
+        The coords should be of the form
+            chr:position
+            chr:startposition..endposition
+        The term "chr:position" is equivalent to "chr:position..position".  If
+        you want to indicate that the interval is on the minus strand or
+        reverse direction, then <endposition> may be less than <startposition>.
+        """
+        try:
+            pat = '>(\S+)\s((\S+):(\d+)(\.\.(\d+))?(\s.(.+))?$' #>label chr:position[..endposition][ optional_tag] 
+            fh = open( filename )
+            count = 0
+            while True and count < 10:
+                line = fh.readline()
+                if not line:
+                    break #EOF
+                line = line.strip()
+                if line: #first non-empty line
+                    if line.startswith( '>' ):
+                        count += 1
+                        if re.match(pat,line) == None: # Failed to match 
+                            return False
+        finally:
+            fh.close()
+        return False
+class SpliceSiteAnnotation(IntervalAnnotation):
+    file_ext = 'gmap_splicesites'
+    """
+    Example:
+        >NM_004448.ERBB2.exon1 17:35110090..35110091 donor 6678
+        >NM_004448.ERBB2.exon2 17:35116768..35116769 acceptor 6678
+        >NM_004448.ERBB2.exon2 17:35116920..35116921 donor 1179
+        >NM_004448.ERBB2.exon3 17:35118099..35118100 acceptor 1179
+        >NM_004449.ERG.exon1 21:38955452..38955451 donor 783
+        >NM_004449.ERG.exon2 21:38878740..38878739 acceptor 783
+        >NM_004449.ERG.exon2 21:38878638..38878637 donor 360
+        >NM_004449.ERG.exon3 21:38869542..38869541 acceptor 360
+    Each line must start with a ">" character, then be followed by an
+    identifier, which may have duplicates and can have any format, with
+    the gene name or exon number shown here only as a suggestion.  Then
+    there should be the chromosomal coordinates which straddle the
+    exon-intron boundary, so one coordinate is on the exon and one is on
+    the intron.  (Coordinates are all 1-based, so the first character of a
+    chromosome is number 1.)  Finally, there should be the splice type:
+    "donor" or "acceptor".  You may optionally store the intron distance
+    at the end.  GSNAP can use this intron distance, if it is longer than
+    its value for --localsplicedist, to look for long introns at that
+    splice site.  The same splice site may have different intron distances
+    in the database; GSNAP will use the longest intron distance reported
+    in searching for long introns.
+    """
+    def sniff( self, filename ): # TODO
+        """
+        Determines whether the file is a gmap splice site annotation file
+        """
+        try:
+            pat = '>(\S+\.intron\d+)\s((\S+):(\d+)\.\.(\d+))\s(donor|acceptor)(\s(\d+))?$' #>label chr:position..position  donor|acceptor[ intron_dist]
+            fh = open( filename )
+            count = 0
+            while True and count < 10:
+                line = fh.readline()
+                if not line:
+                    break #EOF
+                line = line.strip()
+                if line: #first non-empty line
+                    count += 1
+                    if re.match(pat,line) == None: # Failed to match 
+                        return False
+        finally:
+            fh.close()
+        return False
+class IntronAnnotation(IntervalAnnotation):
+    file_ext = 'gmap_introns'
+    """
+    Example:
+        >NM_004448.ERBB2.intron1 17:35110090..35116769
+        >NM_004448.ERBB2.intron2 17:35116920..35118100
+        >NM_004449.ERG.intron1 21:38955452..38878739
+        >NM_004449.ERG.intron2 21:38878638..38869541
+     The coordinates are 1-based, and specify the exon coordinates
+     surrounding the intron, with the first coordinate being from the donor
+     exon and the second one being from the acceptor exon.
+    """
+    def sniff( self, filename ): # TODO
+        """
+        Determines whether the file is a gmap Intron annotation file
+        """
+        try:
+            pat = '>(\S+\.intron\d+)\s((\S+):(\d+)\.\.(\d+)(\s(.)+)?$' #>label chr:position
+            fh = open( filename )
+            count = 0
+            while True and count < 10:
+                line = fh.readline()
+                if not line:
+                    break #EOF
+                line = line.strip()
+                if line: #first non-empty line
+                    count += 1
+                    if re.match(pat,line) == None: # Failed to match 
+                        return False
+        finally:
+            fh.close()
+        return False
+class SNPAnnotation(IntervalAnnotation):
+    file_ext = 'gmap_snps'
+    """
+    Example:
+        >rs62211261 21:14379270 CG
+        >rs62211262 21:14379281 AT
+        >rs62211263 21:14379298 WN
+    Each line must start with a ">" character, then be followed by an
+    identifier (which may have duplicates).  Then there should be the
+    chromosomal coordinate of the SNP.  (Coordinates are all 1-based, so
+    the first character of a chromosome is number 1.)  Finally, there
+    should be the two possible alleles.  (Previous versions required that
+    these be in alphabetical order: "AC", "AG", "AT", "CG", "CT", or "GT",
+    but that is no longer a requirement.)  These alleles must correspond
+    to the possible nucleotides on the plus strand of the genome.  If the
+    one of these two letters does not match the allele in the reference
+    sequence, that SNP will be ignored in subsequent processing as a
+    probable error.
+    GSNAP also supports the idea of a wildcard SNP.  A wildcard SNP allows
+    all nucleotides to match at that position, not just a given reference
+    and alternate allele.  It is essentially as if an "N" were recorded at
+    that genomic location, although the index files still keep track of
+    the reference allele.  To indicate that a position has a wildcard SNP,
+    you can indicate the genotype as "WN", where "W" is the reference
+    allele.  Another indication of a wildcard SNP is to provide two
+    separate lines at that position with the genotypes "WX" and "WY",
+    where "W" is the reference allele and "X" and "Y" are two different
+    alternate alleles.
+    """
+    def sniff( self, filename ):
+        """
+        Determines whether the file is a gmap SNP annotation file
+        """
+        try:
+            pat = '>(\S+)\s((\S+):(\d+)\s([TACGW][TACGN])$' #>label chr:position ATCG 
+            fh = open( filename )
+            count = 0
+            while True and count < 10:
+                line = fh.readline()
+                if not line:
+                    break #EOF
+                line = line.strip()
+                if line: #first non-empty line
+                    count += 1
+                    if re.match(pat,line) == None: # Failed to match 
+                        return False
+        finally:
+            fh.close()
+        return False
+class TallyAnnotation(IntervalAnnotation):
+    file_ext = 'gsnap_tally'
+    """
+    Output produced by gsnap_tally
+    Example:
+        >144 chr20:57268791..57268935
+        G0
+        A1(1@7|1Q-3)
+        A2(1@36,1@1|1Q2,1Q-8)
+        C2      0.889,0.912,0.889,0.889,0.933,0.912,0.912,0.889,0.889,0.889     -2.66,-2.89,-2.66,-2.66,-3.16,-2.89,-2.89,-2.66,-2.66,-2.66
+        C1 T1   0.888,0.9,0.888,0.9,0.913,0.9,0.911,0.888,0.9,0.913     -2.66,-2.78,-2.66,-2.78,-2.91,-2.78,-2.89,-2.66,-2.78,-2.91
+    """
+    def sniff( self, filename ): # TODO
+        """
+        Determines whether the file is a gmap splice site annotation file
+        """
+        try:
+            pat = '^>(\d+)\s((\S+):(\d+)\.\.(\d+))$' #>total chr:position..position
+            pat2 = '^[GATCN]\d.*$' #BaseCountDeatails
+            fh = open( filename )
+            count = 0
+            while True and count < 10:
+                line = fh.readline()
+                if not line:
+                    break #EOF
+                line = line.strip()
+                if line: #first non-empty line
+                    count += 1
+                    if re.match(pat,line) == None and re.match(pat2,line) == None: # Failed to match 
+                        return False
+        finally:
+            fh.close()
+        return False
+class GsnapResult( Text ):
+    """
+    The default output format for gsnap.   Can be used as input for gsnap_tally.
+    """
+    file_ext = 'gsnap'