comparison mothur/tools/mothur/trim.flows.xml @ 15:a6189f58fedb

Mothur - updated for Mothur version 1.22.0
author Jim Johnson <>
date Tue, 08 Nov 2011 11:45:32 -0600
children 09740be2bc9c
equal deleted inserted replaced
14:ee59e5cff3ba 15:a6189f58fedb
1 <tool id="mothur_trim_flows" name="Trim.flows" version="1.22.0" force_history_refresh="True">
2 <description>partition by barcode, trim to length, cull by lenght and mismatches</description>
3 <command interpreter="python">
5 #import re, os.path
6 --cmd='trim.flows'
7 ## #set results = ["'^mothur.\S+\.logfile$:'" + $logfile.__str__]
8 ## #set results = $results + ["'" + $re.sub(r'(^.*)\.(.*?)$',r'\1.good.\2',$os.path.basename($flow.__str__)) + ":'" + $trim_flow.__str__]
9 --result='^mothur.\S+\.logfile$:'$logfile,'^\S+\.trim\.flow$:'$trim_flow, '^\S+\.scrap\.flow$:'$scrap_flow,'^\S+\.flow\.files$:'$flow_files,'^\S+\.flow\.fasta$:'$flow_fasta
10 --outputdir='$logfile.extra_files_path'
11 --flow=$flow
12 #if $minflows.__str__ != '':
13 --minflows=$minflows
14 #end if
15 #if $maxflows.__str__ != '':
16 --maxflows=$maxflows
17 #end if
18 #if $maxhomop.__str__ != '':
19 --maxhomop=$maxhomop
20 #end if
21 #if $order.__str__.strip() != '':
22 --order=$order
23 #end if
24 #if $signal.__str__ != ''
25 --signal=$signal
26 #end if
27 #if $noise.__str__ != ''
28 --noise=$noise
29 #end if
30 #if $oligo.add == "yes":
31 --oligos=$oligo.oligos
32 #if int($oligo.bdiffs.__str__) > 0:
33 --bdiffs=$oligo.bdiffs
34 #end if
35 #if int($oligo.pdiffs.__str__) > 0:
36 --pdiffs=$oligo.pdiffs
37 #end if
38 #if int($oligo.tdiffs.__str__) > 0:
39 --tdiffs=$oligo.tdiffs
40 #end if
41 --datasetid='$' --new_file_path='$__new_file_path__'
42 --new_datasets='^\S+?\.(\S+\.flow)$:sff.flow'
43 #end if
44 $fasta
45 --processors=8
46 </command>
47 <inputs>
48 <param name="flow" type="data" format="sff.flow" label="flow - flowgram data"
49 help="Use sffinfo to generate flow data from an sff file"/>
51 <conditional name="oligo">
52 <param name="add" type="select" label="Trim with an oligos file?"
53 help="a file that can contain the sequences of the forward and reverse primers and barcodes and their sample identifier.
54 Each line of the oligos file can start with the key words &quot;forward&quot;, &quot;reverse&quot;,
55 and &quot;barcode&quot; or it can start with a &quot;#&quot; to tell mothur to ignore that line of the oligos file. ">
56 <option value="no">no</option>
57 <option value="yes">yes</option>
58 </param>
59 <when value="no"/>
60 <when value="yes">
61 <param name="oligos" type="data" format="oligos" label="oligos - barcodes and primers"/>
62 <param name="bdiffs" type="integer" value="0" label="bdiffs - number of differences to allow in the barcode (default 0)">
63 <validator type="in_range" message="Number of differences can't be negative" min="0"/>
64 </param>
65 <param name="pdiffs" type="integer" value="0" label="pdiffs - number of differences to allow in the primer (default 0)">
66 <validator type="in_range" message="Number of differences can't be negative" min="0"/>
67 </param>
68 <param name="tdiffs" type="integer" value="0" label="tdiffs - total number of differences to allow in primer and barcode (ignored if &#060; 1)">
69 <validator type="in_range" message="Number of differences can't be negative" min="0"/>
70 </param>
71 </when>
72 </conditional>
74 <param name="minflows" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="minflows - Minimum number of flows that each sequence must contain to make it in to a &quot;trim&quot; file. (default 450)" help="(Quince uses 360)"/>
75 <param name="maxflows" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="maxflows - Maximum number of flows after which all other flows should be ignored (default 450)" help="(Quince uses 360 for GSFLX and 720 for Titanium)"/>
77 <param name="maxhomop" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="maxhomop - Maximum homopolymers"
78 help=""/>
80 <param name="signal" type="float" value="" optional="true" label="signal - treat any intensity signal greater than this threshold as a real signal"
81 help="default .5">
82 <validator type="in_range" message="signal between 0. and 1." min="0.0" max="1.0"/>
83 </param>
84 <param name="noise" type="float" value="" optional="true" label="noise - treat any intensity signal less than this threshold as noise"
85 help="default .7">
86 <validator type="in_range" message="signal between 0. and 1." min="0.0" max="1.0"/>
87 </param>
88 <param name="order" type="text" value="" label="order - flow order for nucleotides in the sequencer"
89 help="default is TACG"/>
91 <param name="fasta" type="boolean" truevalue="--fasta=true" falsevalue="" checked="false" label="fasta - translate the flowgram data to fasta sequence format"/>
93 </inputs>
94 <outputs>
95 <data format="html" name="logfile" label="${} on ${on_string}: logfile" />
96 <data format="sff.flow" name="trim_flow" label="${} on ${on_string}: trim.flow"/>
97 <data format="sff.flow" name="scrap_flow" label="${} on ${on_string}: scrap.flow"/>
98 <data format="tabular" name="flow_files" label="${} on ${on_string}: flow.files">
99 <filter>oligos != None</filter>
100 </data>
101 <data format_source="fasta" name="flow_fasta" label="${} on ${on_string}: flow.fasta">
102 <filter>fasta == True</filter>
103 </data>
104 </outputs>
105 <requirements>
106 <requirement type="binary">mothur</requirement>
107 </requirements>
108 <tests>
109 </tests>
110 <help>
111 **mothur overview**
113 Mothur_, initiated by Dr. Patrick Schloss and his software development team
114 in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at The University of Michigan,
115 provides bioinformatics for the microbial ecology community.
117 .. _Mothur:
119 **Command Documenation**
121 The trim.flows_ command is analogous to the trim.seqs command, except that it uses the flowgram data that comes bundled in the sff file that is generated by 454 sequencing. It's primary usage is as a preliminary step to running shhh.seqs. Chris Quince has a series of perl scripts that fulfill a similar role [1]. This command will allow you to partition your flowgram data by sample based on the barcode, trim the flows to a specified length range, and cull sequences that are too short or have too many mismatches to barcodes and primers.
123 .. _trim.flows:
126 </help>
127 </tool>