diff umelt_service.py @ 5:b321e0517be3 draft

author ben-warren
date Thu, 22 May 2014 20:30:19 -0400
children f201e8c6e004
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/umelt_service.py	Thu May 22 20:30:19 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+##interrogate umelt service at Univ of Utah
+import sys
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import numpy as np
+import scipy as sp
+from scipy import interpolate
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
+timeout_sec=500 ## default for timeout
+# Query UW melt prediction service for a single sequence, returning default array for helicity, assuming within temperature range of 65-95
+def getmelt(input_seq):
+    values = {'seq' : input_seq, 'rs':0, 'dmso':0,'cation': 20 ,'mg': 2} # Note the buffer conditions
+    data = urllib.urlencode(values)
+    req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
+    try:
+        response = urllib2.urlopen(req,timeout=timeout_sec)
+    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+        print 'The server couldn\'t fulfill the request.'
+        print 'Error code: ', e.code
+    except urllib2.URLError, e:
+        print 'We failed to reach a server.'
+        print 'Reason: ', e.reason
+    else:
+        melt_data = response.read()
+        tree = ET.fromstring(melt_data)
+        helicity = [amp.find('helicity').text.split() for amp in tree.findall('amplicon')]
+        hels = np.array(helicity[0], dtype=np.float32).transpose() 
+        return hels
+# helicity[0] used because the default retreived data is a list of 3 lists (for WT, mu and hets). The 3 lists are identical for our data (no IUPAC) so only [0] is used.
+def getTm(hel_array):
+	temps=np.arange(65,100.5,0.5) # Temperature range of 65-100.5. Step of 0.5 NEEDS TO BE CHECKED..REcent change?
+	tck = interpolate.splrep(temps,hel_array,s=0)
+	xnew =np.arange(65,95.5,0.05)
+	yder = interpolate.splev(xnew,tck,der=1) # der=1, first derivative
+	return xnew[yder.argmin()] # Returns the x value corresponding to the minimum (peak) y value -> Tm