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author | johnheap |
date | Wed, 04 Jul 2018 11:37:20 -0400 |
parents | 7009f696a60a |
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""" * Copyright 2018 University of Liverpool * Author: John Heap, Computational Biology Facility, UoL * Based on original scripts of Sara Silva Pereira, Institute of Infection and Global Health, UoL * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * """ import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import subprocess import shutil import re import pandas as pd import os import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Patch import seaborn as sns def assembleWithVelvet(name, kmers, inslen, covcut, fastq1name,fastq2name): #argString = "velveth " + name + "_k65 65 -shortPaired -fastq " + name + "_R1.fastq " + name + "_R2.fastq" argString = "velveth " + name + "_k"+ kmers+" "+ kmers + " -shortPaired -fastq " + fastq1name+" "+fastq2name print(argString) returncode =, shell=True) if returncode != 0: return "Error in velveth" argString = "velvetg " + name + "_k"+kmers+" -exp_cov auto -ins_length "+inslen+" -clean yes -ins_length_sd 50 -min_pair_count 20" #argString = "velvetg " + name + "_k"+kmers+" -exp_cov auto -ins_length "+inslen+" -cov_cutoff "+covcut+" -clean yes -ins_length_sd 50 -min_pair_count 20" #argString = "velvetg " + name + "_k65 -exp_cov auto -ins_length 400 -cov_cutoff 5 -clean yes -ins_length_sd 50 -min_pair_count 20"+quietString print(argString) returncode =, shell = True) if returncode != 0: return "Error in velvetg" shutil.copyfile(name + "_k"+kmers+"//contigs.fa",name + ".fa") # my $namechange = "mv ".$input."_k65/contigs.fa ".$input.".fa"; return "ok" def blastContigs(test_name,database): print(test_name) print(database) #db_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+database db_path = database argString = "blastn -db "+db_path+" -query "+test_name+".fa -outfmt 10 -out "+test_name+"_blast.txt" print (argString) returncode =, shell = True) if returncode != 0: return "Error in blastall" blast_df = pd.read_csv(""+test_name+"_blast.txt") #print (blast_df) #if ($temp[2] >= 98 & & $temp[3] > 100 & & $temp[10] < 0.001){ #'qaccver saccver pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore' blast_df.columns = ['qaccver', 'saccver', 'pident', 'length', 'mismatch', 'gapopen', 'qstart', 'qend', 'sstart', 'send', 'evalue','bitscore'] blastResult_df = blast_df[(blast_df['pident']>=98) & (blast_df['length'] > 100) & (blast_df['evalue']<0.001) ] blastResult_df = blastResult_df[['qaccver', 'saccver', 'pident']] #query accession.version, subject accession.version, Percentage of identical matches return blastResult_df def getCogsPresent(blastResult_df,strain,cogOrBinList): blastResult_df.sort_values('pident',axis = 0, ascending=False, inplace=True) nodeList = blastResult_df['qaccver'].tolist() cogList = blastResult_df['saccver'].tolist() cogSet = set(cogList) #get unique values cogList = sorted(cogSet) #sort them #print (cogList) #print (len(cogList)) thereList = [] dataList = [] #dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) fname = cogOrBinList cnt = 0 with open (fname) as f: for line in f: dataList.append(line.rstrip('\n\r ')) if line.rstrip('\n\r ') in cogList: thereList.append('1') cnt = cnt+1 else: thereList.append('0') #print (thereList) #print (cnt) data = {'Cog': dataList, strain: thereList} presence_df = pd.DataFrame(data) #print (presence_df) return presence_df def addToCurrentData(cog_df, name): dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) j_fname = dir_path + r"/data/vivax/TvDatabase.csv" tv_df = pd.read_csv(j_fname) cogList = cog_df[name].tolist() #cogList.insert(0,'Test') #print (len(tv_df)) #print(len(cogList)) #print(cogList) tv_df.loc[:,name]=cogList return tv_df def createClusterMap(tv_df,name,html_path,pdfExport): #Retrieve Data dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) j_fname = dir_path+r"/data/vivax/geoTv.csv" geo_df = pd.read_csv(j_fname) geo_df.loc[len(geo_df)] =[name,name,'k'] print(geo_df) myStrains = tv_df.columns.values.tolist() #beware first entry is COG myStrains = myStrains[1:] print(myStrains) myPal = [] for s in myStrains: col = geo_df[(geo_df['Strain'] == s)]['colour'].tolist() myPal.append(col[0]) print(myPal) mycogmap = ['skyblue', 'orangered'] # blue absent,red present tv_df.set_index('COG', inplace=True) tv_df = tv_df[tv_df.columns].astype(float) cg = sns.clustermap(tv_df, method='ward', col_colors=myPal, cmap=mycogmap, yticklabels = 1500, row_cluster=False, linewidths = 0) #cg = sns.clustermap(tv_df, method='ward', row_cluster=False, linewidths = 0) ax = cg.ax_heatmap #xasix ticks and labels. ax.xaxis.tick_top() #set ticks at top newlabs = [] labs = ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels() for i in range(0, len(labs)): print(labs[i]) # labs[i].set_text(" "+labs[i].get_text()) #make enough room so label sits atop of col_color bars newlabs.append(" " + labs[i].get_text()) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(newlabs) #labs = ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels() #for i in range(0, len(labs)): # print(labs[i]) # labs[i].set_text(" "+labs[i].get_text()) #make enough room so label sits atop of col_color bars # print(labs[i]) #ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(labs) plt.setp(cg.ax_heatmap.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), rotation=90) # get x labels printed vertically cg.cax.set_visible(False) ax = cg.ax_heatmap ax.set_yticklabels("") ax.set_ylabel("") ax = cg.ax_heatmap # ax.set_title("Variant antigen profiles of T. vivax genomes.\nDendrogram reflects the VSG repertoire relationships of each strain inferred by the presence and absence of non-universal T. vivax VSG orthologs.", va = "top", wrap = "True") b = len(tv_df) print(b) title = "Figure Legend: The Variant Antigen Profiles of $\itTrypanosoma$ $\itvivax$ " \ "showing the \ncombination of present and absent diagnostic cluster of VSG orthologs " \ "across the sample cohort. \nDendrogram reflects the relationships amongst the VSG" \ " repertoires of each strain. " \ "Strains were isolated \nfrom multiple African countries as shown in the key.\nData was produced with the " \ "'Variant Antigen Profiler' (Silva Pereira and Jackson, 2018)." ax.text(-1.5, len(tv_df) + 8, title, ha="left", va="top", wrap="True") col = cg.ax_col_dendrogram.get_position() cg.ax_col_dendrogram.set_position([col.x0, col.y0*1.08, col.width, col.height*1.1]) legend_elements = [Patch(facecolor='orangered', label='COG Present'), Patch (facecolor='skyblue', label='COG Absent'), Patch(facecolor='w', label=''), Patch (facecolor='b', label='Nigeria'), Patch(facecolor = 'g', label='Uganda'), Patch (facecolor='c', label='Gambia'), Patch (facecolor='r', label='Ivory Coast'), Patch(facecolor='m', label='Brazil'), Patch(facecolor='k', label=name)] #legend_test = [[Patch(facecolor='orangered'),Patch(facecolor='r')],["test","test2"]] ax.legend(handles = legend_elements, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.3,1.2),loc = 'upper left') #plt.setp(cg.ax_heatmap.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), rotation=0 ) # get y labels printed horizontally # cg.dendrogram_col.linkage # linkage matrix for columns # cg.dendrogram_row.linkage # linkage matrix for rows # plt.savefig(r"results/" + name + "_heatmap.png") #plt.savefig(htmlresource + "/heatmap.png") #if pdf == 'PDF_Yes': # plt.savefig(htmlresource + "/heatmap.pdf") # shutil.copyfile("heatmap.pdf",heatmapfn) # #plt.legend() fname = html_path+"/"+name+"_clustermap.png" cg.savefig(fname) if pdfExport == 'PDF_Yes': fname = html_path + "/" + name + "_clustermap.pdf" cg.savefig(fname) def createHTML(name,htmlfn,htmlPath): #assumes imgs are heatmap.png, dheatmap.png, vapPCA.png and already in htmlresource htmlString = r"<html><title>T.vivax VAP</title><body><div style='text-align:center'><h2><i>Trypanosoma vivax</i> Variant Antigen Profile</h2><h3>" htmlString += name htmlString += r'<p> <h3>The Heat Map and Dendrogram</h3></p>' imgString = r"<img src = '"+name+"_clustermap.png' alt='Cog Clustermap' style='max-width:100%'><br><br>" htmlString += imgString print(htmlString) with open(htmlfn, "w") as htmlfile: htmlfile.write(htmlString) def vivax_assemble(args,dict): #argdict = {'name': 2, 'pdfexport': 3, 'kmers': 4, 'inslen': 5, 'covcut': 6, 'forward': 7, 'reverse': 8, 'html_file': 9,'html_resource': 10} #assembleWithVelvet("V2_Test", '65', '400', '5', "data/TviBrRp.1.clean", "data/TviBrRp.2.clean") vivaxPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+r"/data/vivax" assembleWithVelvet(args[dict['name']], args[dict['kmers']], args[dict['inslen']], args[dict['covcut']], args[dict['forward']], args[dict['reverse']]) blastResult_df = blastContigs(args[dict['name']], vivaxPath+r"/Database/COGs.fas") orthPresence_df = getCogsPresent(blastResult_df, args[dict['name']], vivaxPath+r"/Database/COGlist.txt") binBlastResult_df = blastContigs(args[dict['name']], vivaxPath+r"/Database/Bin_2.fas") binPresence_df = getCogsPresent(binBlastResult_df, args[dict['name']], vivaxPath+r"/Database/binlist.txt") cogPresence_df = orthPresence_df.append(binPresence_df, ignore_index=True) fname = args[dict['html_resource']] +args[dict['name']]+"_cogspresent.csv" cogPresence_df.to_csv(fname) current_df = addToCurrentData(cogPresence_df,args[dict['name']]) # load in Tvdatabase and add cogPresence column to it. createClusterMap(current_df, args[dict['name']],args[dict['html_resource']],args[dict['pdfexport']]) createHTML(args[dict['name']],args[dict['html_file']],args[dict['html_resource']]) def test_cluster(args,dict): print ("name: %s",args[dict['name']]) cogPresence_df = pd.read_csv("test_cogspresent.csv") print(cogPresence_df) current_df = addToCurrentData(cogPresence_df,args[dict['name']]) # load in Tvdatabase and add cogPresence column to it. createClusterMap(current_df, args[dict['name']], args[dict['html_resource']], args[dict['pdfexport']]) def vivax_contigs(args,dict): # argdict = {'name': 2, 'pdfexport': 3, 'contigs': 4, 'html_file': 5, 'html_resource': 6} #test_cluster(args,dict) #return;'echo $PATH',shell = True) #sys.exit(1) vivaxPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+r"/data/vivax" shutil.copyfile(args[dict['contigs']], args[dict['name']]+".fa") blastResult_df = blastContigs(args[dict['name']], vivaxPath+r"/Database/COGs.fas") orthPresence_df = getCogsPresent(blastResult_df, args[dict['name']], vivaxPath+r"/Database/COGlist.txt") binBlastResult_df = blastContigs(args[dict['name']], vivaxPath+r"/Database/Bin_2.fas") binPresence_df = getCogsPresent(binBlastResult_df, args[dict['name']], vivaxPath+r"/Database/binlist.txt") cogPresence_df = orthPresence_df.append(binPresence_df, ignore_index=True) fname = args[dict['html_resource']]+r"/"+ args[dict['name']]+"_cogspresent.csv" cogPresence_df.to_csv(fname) current_df = addToCurrentData(cogPresence_df,args[dict['name']]) # load in Tvdatabase and add cogPresence column to it. createClusterMap(current_df, args[dict['name']], args[dict['html_resource']], args[dict['pdfexport']]) createHTML(args[dict['name']],args[dict['html_file']],args[dict['html_resource']]) if __name__ == "__main__": #assembleWithVelvet("V2_Test",'65','400', '5',"data/TviBrRp.1.clean","data/TviBrRp.2.clean") #assembleWithVelvet("V2_Test",'65','400', '5',"data/Tv493.1","data/Tv493.2") #blastResult_df=blastContigs("V2_Test",r"/Database/COGs.fas") cogPresence_df = pd.read_csv("test_cogspresent.csv") print(cogPresence_df) current_df = addToCurrentData(cogPresence_df,"vTest") # load in Tvdatabase and add cogPresence column to it. createClusterMap(current_df, "vTest", "sausages","no") createHTML("vTest","vTest.html","sausages") sys.exit() blastResult_df=blastContigs("Tv493",r"/Database/COGs.fas") orthPresence_df = getCogsPresent(blastResult_df,"Tv493",r"/Database/COGlist.txt") #binBlastResult_df=blastContigs("V2_Test",r"/Database/Bin_2.fas") binBlastResult_df=blastContigs("Tv493",r"/Database/Bin_2.fas") binPresence_df = getCogsPresent(binBlastResult_df,"Tv493",r"/Database/binlist.txt") cogPresence_df = orthPresence_df.append(binPresence_df, ignore_index=True) #now do the next bit? current_df = addToCurrentData(cogPresence_df) # load in Tvdatabase and add cogPresence column to it. createClusterMap(current_df,'Test',dict['html_resource'] ,dict['pdfexport']) #print(cogPresence_df) dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) fname = dir_path+r"/results/V2_TestPresence.csv" #fnameb = dir_path+r"/results/V2_Test_blastOrth.csv" #fnameb_bin = dir_path+r"/results/V2_Test_blastBin.csv" #binBlastResult_df.to_csv(fnameb_bin) #blastResult_df.to_csv(fnameb) #cogPresence_df.to_csv(fname) cogPresence_df = pd.read_csv(fname) current_df = addToCurrentData(cogPresence_df) #load in Tvdatabase and add cogPresence column to it.