Files created by makeTagDirectory
+ flist.sort()
+ for i,f in enumerate(flist):
+ if not(os.path.isdir(f)):
+ fn = os.path.split(f)[-1]
+ res.append('%s |
\n' % (fn,getFileString(fn, dr)))
+ res.append('
+ return res
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ op = optparse.OptionParser()
+ op.add_option('-e', '--executable', default='makeTagDirectory')
+ op.add_option('-o', '--htmloutput', default=None)
+ op.add_option('-f', '--format', default="sam")
+ opts, args = op.parse_args()
+ #assert os.path.isfile(opts.executable),'## error - cannot find executable %s' % opts.executable
+ #if not os.path.exists(opts.outputdir):
+ #os.makedirs(opts.outputdir)
+ f = makeTagDirectory(opts, args)
+ html,retval = f.run_makeTagDirectory()
+ f = open(opts.htmloutput, 'w')
+ f.write(''.join(html))
+ f.close()
+ if retval <> 0:
+ print >> sys.stderr, serr # indicate failure
diff -r 251442d07ef8 -r 90db049d8f68 makeTagDirectory.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/makeTagDirectory.xml Wed Dec 19 20:20:00 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ homer
+ Simple wrapper for makeTagDirectory. Used by findPeaks
+ ${tagDir.files_path}
+ #for $alignF in $alignmentFiles
+ $alignF.file -f $alignF.file.ext
+ #end for
+ -o $tagDir
+ 2> $out_log || echo "Error running homer_makeTagDirectory." >&2
+ .. class:: infomark
+ **Homer makeTagDirectory**
+ For more options, look under: "Command line options"
+**Parameter list**
+Command line options (not all of them are supported)::
+ Usage: makeTagDirectory <directory> <alignment file 1> [file 2] ... [options]
+ Creates a platform-independent 'tag directory' for later analysis.
+ Currently BED, eland, bowtie, and sam files are accepted. The program will try to
+ automatically detect the alignment format if not specified. Program will also
+ unzip *.gz, *.bz2, and *.zip files and convert *.bam to sam files on the fly
+ Existing tag directories can be added or combined to make a new one using -d/-t
+ If more than one format is needed and the program cannot auto-detect it properly,
+ make separate tag directories by running the program separately, then combine them.
+ To perform QC/manipulations on an existing tag directory, add "-update"
+ Options:
+ -fragLength <# | given> (Set estimated fragment length - given: use read lengths)
+ By default treats the sample as a single read ChIP-Seq experiment
+ -format <X> where X can be: (with column specifications underneath)
+ bed - BED format files:
+ (1:chr,2:start,3:end,4:+/- or read name,5:# tags,6:+/-)
+ -force5th (5th column of BED file contains # of reads mapping to position)
+ sam - SAM formatted files (use samTools to covert BAMs into SAM if you have BAM)
+ -unique (keep if there is a single best alignment based on mapq)
+ -mapq <#> (Minimum mapq for -unique, default: 10, set negative to use AS:i:/XS:i:)
+ -keepOne (keep one of the best alignments even if others exist)
+ -keepAll (include all alignments in SAM file)
+ -mis (Maximum allowed mismatches, default: no limit, uses MD:Z: tag)
+ bowtie - output from bowtie (run with --best -k 2 options)
+ (1:read name,2:+/-,3:chr,4:position,5:seq,6:quality,7:NA,8:misInfo)
+ eland_result - output from basic eland
+ (1:read name,2:seq,3:code,4:#zeroMM,5:#oneMM,6:#twoMM,7:chr,
+ 8:position,9:F/R,10-:mismatches
+ eland_export - output from illumina pipeline (22 columns total)
+ (1-5:read name info,9:sequence,10:quality,11:chr,13:position,14:strand)
+ eland_extended - output from illumina pipeline (4 columns total)
+ (1:read name,2:sequence,3:match stats,4:positions[,])
+ mCpGbed - encode style mCpG reporting in extended BED format, no auto-detect
+ (1:chr,2:start,3:end,4:name,5:,6:+/-,7:,8:,9:,10:#C,11:#mC)
+ allC - Lister style output files detailing the read information about all cytosines
+ (1:chr,2:pos,3:strand,4:context,#mC,#totalC,#C
+ -minCounts <#> (minimum number of reads to report mC/C ratios, default: 10)
+ -mCcontext <CG|CHG|CHH|all> (only use C's in this context, default: CG)
+ HiCsummary - minimal paired-end read mapping information
+ (1:readname,2:chr1,3:5'pos1,4:strand1,5:chr2,6:5'pos2,7:strand2)
+ -force5th (5th column of BED file contains # of reads mapping to position)
+ -d <tag directory> [tag directory 2] ... (add Tag directory to new tag directory)
+ -t <tag file> [tag file 2] ... (add tag file i.e. *.tags.tsv to new tag directory)
+ -single (Create a single tags.tsv file for all "chromosomes" - i.e. if >100 chromosomes)
+ -update (Use current tag directory for QC/processing, do not parse new alignment files)
+ -tbp <#> (Maximum tags per bp, default: no maximum)
+ -precision <1|2|3> (number of decimal places to use for tag totals, default: 1)
+ GC-bias options:
+ -genome <genome version> (To see available genomes, use "-genome list")
+ -or- (for custom genomes):
+ -genome <path-to-FASTA file or directory of FASTA files>
+ -checkGC (check Sequence bias, requires "-genome")
+ -freqStart <#> (offset to start calculating frequency, default: -50)
+ -freqEnd <#> (distance past fragment length to calculate frequency, default: +50)
+ -oligoStart <#> (oligo bias start)
+ -oligoEnd <#> (oligo bias end)
+ -normGC <target GC profile file> (i.e. tagGCcontent.txt file from control experiment)
+ Use "-normGC default" to match the genomic GC distribution
+ -normFixedOligo <oligoFreqFile> (normalize 5' end bias, "-normFixedOligo default" ok)
+ -minNormRatio <#> (Minimum deflation ratio of tag counts, default: 0.25)
+ -maxNormRatio <#> (Maximum inflation ratio of tag counts, default: 2.0)
+ -iterNorm <#> (Sets -max/minNormRatio to 1 and 0, iteratively normalizes such that the
+ resulting distrubtion is no more than #% different than target, i.e. 0.1,default: off)
+ Paired-end/HiC options
+ -illuminaPE (when matching PE reads, assumes last character of read name is 0 or 1)
+ -removePEbg (remove paired end tags within 1.5x fragment length on same chr)
+ -PEbgLength <#> (remove PE reads facing on another within this distance, default: 1.5x fragLen)
+ -restrictionSite <seq> (i.e. AAGCTT for HindIII, assign data < 1.5x fragment length to sites)
+ Must specify genome sequence directory too. (-rsmis <#> to specify mismatches, def: 0)
+ -both, -one, -onlyOne, -none (Keeps reads near restriction sites, default: keep all)
+ -removeSelfLigation (removes reads linking same restriction fragment)
+ -removeRestrictionEnds (removes reads starting on a restriction fragment)
+ -assignMidPoint (will place reads in the middle of HindIII fragments)
+ -restrictionSiteLength <#> (maximum distance from restriction site, default: 1.5x fragLen)
+ -removeSpikes <size bp> <#> (remove tags from regions with > than # times
+ the average tags per size bp, suggest "-removeSpikes 10000 5")
diff -r 251442d07ef8 -r 90db049d8f68 pos2bed.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pos2bed.xml Wed Dec 19 20:20:00 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ homer
+ $input_peak 1> $out_bed
+ 2> $out_log || echo "Error running pos2bed." >&2
+ .. class:: infomark
+ Converts: homer peak positions -(to)-> BED format
+ **Homer**
diff -r 251442d07ef8 -r 90db049d8f68 tool_dependencies-disabled.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool_dependencies-disabled.xml Wed Dec 19 20:20:00 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ ./
+ I'm sorry but this does not work
diff -r 251442d07ef8 -r 90db049d8f68 tool_dependencies.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool_dependencies.xml Wed Dec 19 20:20:00 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ perl ./ -install
+ perl ./ -install hg19
+ ./
+ Installs homer