diff GEMBASSY-1.0.3/gsoap/src/soapcpp2_lex.l @ 0:8300eb051bea draft

Initial upload
author ktnyt
date Fri, 26 Jun 2015 05:19:29 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/GEMBASSY-1.0.3/gsoap/src/soapcpp2_lex.l	Fri Jun 26 05:19:29 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1064 @@
+	soapcpp2_lex.l
+	Flex/Lex tokenizer.
+gSOAP XML Web services tools
+Copyright (C) 2000-2013, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+This part of the software is released under ONE of the following licenses:
+GPL or Genivia's license for commercial use.
+GPL license.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Author contact information:
+engelen@genivia.com / engelen@acm.org
+This program is released under the GPL with the additional exemption that
+compiling, linking, and/or using OpenSSL is allowed.
+A commercial use license is available from Genivia, Inc., contact@genivia.com
+#include "soapcpp2.h"
+#include "soapcpp2_yacc.h"
+#include "soapcpp2_yacc.tab.h"
+#ifdef WITH_BISON
+YYSTYPE yylval;
+#undef YY_INPUT
+#define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size) \
+	{ \
+	int c = getc(yyin); \
+	result = (c == EOF) ? YY_NULL : (buf[0] = c, 1); \
+	}
+#ifndef WITH_LEX
+#define MAX_IMPORT_DEPTH 16
+static struct importlist { struct importlist *next; char name[1]; } *importlist = NULL;
+static char fnstk[MAX_IMPORT_DEPTH][1024];
+static int lnstk[MAX_IMPORT_DEPTH];
+static char *imstk[MAX_IMPORT_DEPTH];
+int imports = 0;
+char *imported = NULL;
+static void check_id(const char*);
+static Token install_id(void);
+static Token install_tag(void);
+static Token install_int(void);
+static Token install_hex(void);
+static Token install_num(void);
+static Token install_chr(void);
+static Token install_str(void);
+static Token install_pragma(void);
+static void directive(void), option(void);
+static Token error_chr(void);
+static Token error_str(void);
+static int convchar(int*);
+static int hexchar(int*);
+static int octchar(int*);
+static void module(const char *name, const char *fullname);
+static void import(const char *file);
+static int magic(const char *name);
+ws		[ \t\v\r\f\n\x1A\xA0]
+digit		[0-9]
+alpha		[a-zA-Z_]
+id		({alpha}|:{alpha})({alpha}|{digit}|::|:{alpha})*
+tag		`[^`\t\v\r\f\n>]+`
+int		{digit}+
+hex		0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+
+num		{int}(\.{int}([Ee][+-]?{int})?|(\.{int})?[Ee][+-]?{int})
+chr		'(\\'|[^'\n])*'
+str		L?\"(\\\"|\\\n|[^"])*\"
+module		#module{ws}+.*\n
+import		#import{ws}+.*\n
+{ws}			{ /* skip white space */ }
+"/*"			{ BEGIN(MLCOMMENT); }
+<MLCOMMENT>.|\n		{ }
+<MLCOMMENT><<EOF>>	{ execerror("Unclosed multiline comment at the end of file"); }
+"//"\/*"gsoapopt".*\n	{ option(); }
+"//"\/*"gsoap".*\n	{ directive(); }
+"//".*\n		{ /* skip single line comment */ }
+"+="			{ return PA; }
+"-="			{ return NA; }
+"*="			{ return TA; }
+"/="			{ return DA; }
+"%="			{ return MA; }
+"&="			{ return AA; }
+"^="			{ return XA; }
+"|="			{ return OA; }
+"<<="			{ return LA; }
+">>="			{ return RA; }
+"||"			{ return OR; }
+"&&"			{ return AN; }
+"=="			{ return EQ; }
+"!="			{ return NE; }
+"<="			{ return LE; }
+">="			{ return GE; }
+"<<"			{ return LS; }
+">>"			{ return RS; }
+"++"			{ return PP; }
+"--"			{ return NN; }
+"->"			{ return AR; }
+[;,:=|^&<>+\-*/%!?~(){}\[\].@$]	{ return yytext[0]; }
+{id}			{ return install_id(); }
+{tag}			{ return install_tag(); }
+{int}			{ return install_int(); }
+{hex}			{ return install_hex(); }
+{num}			{ return install_num(); }
+{chr}			{ return install_chr(); }
+{str}			{ return install_str(); }
+{module}		{ char *s, *t, buf[1024];
+			  s = strchr(yytext, '"');
+			  if (!s)
+			    t = yytext+7;
+			  else
+			  { strcpy(buf, s+1);
+			    s = strchr(buf, '"');
+			    *s = '\0';
+			    t = strchr(s+1, '"');
+			    if (t)
+			    { t++;
+			      s = strchr(t+1, '"');
+			      if (s)
+			        *s = '\0';
+			    }
+			  }
+			  module(buf, t);
+			}
+{import}		{ char *s, buf[1024];
+			  s = strchr(yytext, '"');
+			  if (s)
+			  { strcpy(buf, s+1);
+			    s = strchr(buf, '"');
+			    *s = '\0';
+			    import(buf);
+			  }
+			  else
+		            lexerror("Invalid import directive");
+			}
+#.*\n			{ return install_pragma(); }
+'[^'\n]*/\n		{ return error_chr(); }
+\"[^"\n]*/\n		{ return error_str(); }
+.			{ lexerror("Skipping unknown symbol"); }
+<<EOF>>			{ /* when Lex complains: remove this line and below */
+#ifndef WITH_LEX
+			  if (--imports < 0)
+			    yyterminate();
+			  else
+			  { yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER);
+			    yy_switch_to_buffer(instk[imports]);
+			    strcpy(filename, fnstk[imports]);
+			    yylineno = lnstk[imports];
+			    imported = imstk[imports];
+			  }
+			}
+	install_id - lookup identifier in symbol table. If found, return token
+	and symbol table entry. If not found, create entry in symbol table and
+	return ID token.
+static Token
+{	Symbol *p = lookup(yytext);
+	if (!p)
+	{	int i, flag = 0;
+		p = install(yytext, ID);
+		/* [_](x|X)(m|M)(l|L)__ is OK */
+		/* [_](x|X)(m|M)(l|L).* is not OK */
+		/* .*__(x|X)(m|M)(l|L) is not OK */
+		/* .*::(x|X)(m|M)(l|L) is not OK */
+		for (i = 0; i < yyleng; i++)
+		{	if ((yytext[i] == '_' && yytext[i+1] == '_')
+			 || (yytext[i] == ':' && yytext[i+1] == ':'))
+			{	flag = 1;
+				check_id(yytext + i + 2);
+			}
+		}
+		if (!flag && strcmp(yytext, "XML"))
+			check_id(yytext);
+	}
+	yylval.sym = p;
+	return p->token;
+	install_tag - 
+	return TAG token.
+static Token
+{	yylval.s = emalloc(yyleng-1);	/* yyleng = length(yytext) */
+	strcpy(yylval.s, yytext+1);
+	yylval.s[yyleng-2] = '\0';
+	return TAG;
+	check_id - check for (x|X)(m|M)(l|L)
+static void
+check_id(const char *s)
+{	while (*s == '_')
+		s++;
+	if ((s[0] == 'x' || s[0] == 'X')
+	 && (s[1] == 'm' || s[1] == 'M')
+	 && (s[2] == 'l' || s[2] == 'L'))
+	{	sprintf(errbuf, "identifier '%s' starts with or embeds '%3.3s' character sequence exclusively reserved for the XML standard (for enum constants: please ignore this warning)", yytext, s);
+		semwarn(errbuf);
+	}
+	install_int - convert digits to integer and return LNG token.
+static Token
+	sscanf(yytext, SOAP_ULONG_FORMAT, &yylval.i);
+	return LNG;
+	install_hex - convert hexadecimal digits to integer and return LNG
+static Token
+	sscanf(yytext, SOAP_XLONG_FORMAT, &yylval.i);
+	return LNG;
+	install_num - convert digits to floating point number and return DBL
+static Token
+{	sscanf(yytext, "%lf", &yylval.r);
+	return DBL;
+	install_chr - convert character constant and return CHR.
+static Token
+{	int i = 2;
+	if (yytext[1] == '\\')
+		yylval.c = convchar(&i);
+	else	yylval.c = yytext[i-1];
+	if (yytext[i] != '\'')
+		lexerror("Illegal character constant");
+	return CHR;
+	install_str - convert and store string in memory. Return STR.
+static Token
+{	int i, j = 0;
+	yylval.s = emalloc(yyleng-1);	/* yyleng = length(yytext) */
+	for (i = 1 + (yytext[0] == 'L'); i < yyleng-1; i++)
+		if (yytext[i] == '\\')
+		{	if (yytext[++i] != '\n')
+			{	yylval.s[j++] = convchar(&i);
+				i--;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+			yylval.s[j++] = yytext[i];
+	yylval.s[j] = '\0';
+	return STR;
+	install_pragma - store pragma in string. Return PRAGMA.
+static Token
+{	yylval.s = emalloc(yyleng);	/* yyleng = length(yytext) */
+	strncpy(yylval.s, yytext, strlen(yytext)-1);
+	yylval.s[strlen(yytext)-1] = '\0';
+	return PRAGMA;
+static void directive(void)
+{	int i, j, k;
+	char *s;
+	Service *sp;
+	Method *m;
+	Data *d;
+	int service;
+	for (i = 7; yytext[i]; i++)
+		if (yytext[i] > 32)
+			break;
+	for (j = i; yytext[j]; j++)
+		if (yytext[j] <= 32)
+			break;
+	if (i == j)
+		return;
+	s = (char*)emalloc(j-i+1);
+	for (k = 0; k < j-i; k++)
+	{ s[k] = yytext[k+i];
+	  if (s[k] == '_')
+	    s[k] = '-';
+	}
+	s[k] = '\0';
+	for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next)
+		if (!strcmp(sp->ns, s))
+			break;
+	if (!sp)
+	{	sp = (Service*)emalloc(sizeof(Service));
+		sp->next = services;
+		sp->ns = s;
+		sp->name = NULL;
+		sp->porttype = NULL;
+		sp->portname = NULL;
+		sp->binding = NULL;
+		sp->definitions = NULL;
+		sp->transport = NULL;
+		sp->URL = NULL;
+		sp->URI = NULL;
+		sp->URI2 = NULL;
+		sp->WSDL = NULL;
+		sp->style = NULL;
+		sp->encoding = NULL;
+		sp->protocol = NULL;
+		sp->xsi_type = 0;
+		sp->elementForm = NULL;
+		sp->attributeForm = NULL;
+		sp->executable = NULL;
+		sp->import = NULL;
+		sp->documentation = NULL;
+		sp->list = NULL;
+		sp->data = NULL;
+		services = sp;
+	}
+	for (i = j; yytext[i]; i++)
+		if (yytext[i] > 32)
+			break;
+	if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "service", 7) || !strncmp(yytext+i, "schema", 6))
+	{	service = strncmp(yytext+i, "schema", 6);
+		for (i += 7; yytext[i]; i++)
+			if (yytext[i] > 32)
+				break;
+		for (j = i; yytext[j]; j++)
+			if (yytext[j] <= 32)
+				break;
+		for (; yytext[j]; j++)
+			if (yytext[j] > 32)
+				break;
+		for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+			if (yytext[k] <= 32)
+				break;
+		/*
+		if (j == k)
+			return;
+		*/
+		s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+		strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+		s[k-j] = '\0';
+		if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "name:", 5))
+		{	sp->name = s;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] == 10 || yytext[k] == 13)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			sp->documentation = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "type:", 5) || !strncmp(yytext+i, "portType:", 9) || !strncmp(yytext+i, "interface:", 10))
+			sp->porttype = s;
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "portName:", 9))
+			sp->portname = s;
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "binding:", 8))
+			sp->binding = s;
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "definitions:", 12))
+			sp->definitions = s;
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "documentation:", 14))
+		{	for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] == 10 || yytext[k] == 13)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			sp->documentation = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "transport:", 10))
+			sp->transport = s;
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "location:", 9) || !strncmp(yytext+i, "endpoint:", 9) || !strncmp(yytext+i, "port:", 5))
+		{	if (sp->URL)
+			{	char *t = (char*)emalloc(strlen(sp->URL) + strlen(s) + 2);
+				strcpy(t, sp->URL);
+				strcat(t, " ");
+				strcat(t, s);
+				sp->URL = t;
+			}
+			else
+				sp->URL = s;
+			if (!service && !sp->import)
+				sp->import = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "executable:", 11))
+			sp->executable = s;
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "namespace:", 10))
+		{	if (service)
+			{	if (!sp->URI)
+					sp->URI = s;
+				sp->WSDL = s;
+			}
+			else if (!strcmp(sp->ns, "SOAP-ENV"))
+			{	if (vflag > 0)
+					semwarn("option -1 or -2 overrides SOAP-ENV namespace");
+				else
+					envURI = s;
+				sp->URI = envURI;
+			}
+			else if (!strcmp(sp->ns, "SOAP-ENC"))
+			{	if (vflag > 0)
+					semwarn("option -1 or -2 overrides SOAP-ENC namespace");
+				else
+					encURI = s;
+				sp->URI = encURI;
+			}
+			else
+				sp->URI = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "namespace2:", 11))
+		{	sp->URI2 = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "typed:", 6))
+		{	sp->xsi_type = (*s == 'y');
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "form:", 5))
+		{	sp->elementForm = s;
+			sp->attributeForm = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "elementForm:", 12))
+			sp->elementForm = s;
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "attributeForm:", 14))
+			sp->attributeForm = s;
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "import:", 7))
+		{	if (!sp->URI)
+				sp->URI = s;
+			sp->import = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "encoding:", 9))
+		{	if (!strcmp(s, "encoded"))
+				sp->encoding = "";
+			else
+				sp->encoding = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "style:", 6))
+			sp->style = s;
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "protocol:", 9))
+			sp->protocol = s;
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-protocol:", 16))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = PROTOCOL;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] == 10 || yytext[k] == 13)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-style:", 13))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = STYLE;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] == 10 || yytext[k] == 13)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-encoding:", 16))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = ENCODING;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] == 10 || yytext[k] == 13)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+		 	if (strcmp(s, "encoded"))
+				m->part = s;
+			else
+				m->part = "";
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-response-encoding:", 25))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = RESPONSE_ENCODING;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] == 10 || yytext[k] == 13)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+		 	if (strcmp(s, "encoded"))
+				m->part = s;
+			else
+				m->part = "";
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-documentation:", 21))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = COMMENT;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] == 10 || yytext[k] == 13)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-action:", 14))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = ACTION;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] == 10 || yytext[k] == 13)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-input-action:", 20))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = REQUEST_ACTION;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] == 10 || yytext[k] == 13)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-output-action:", 21))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = RESPONSE_ACTION;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] == 10 || yytext[k] == 13)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-fault-action:", 20))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = FAULT_ACTION;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] == 10 || yytext[k] == 13)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-mime-type:", 17))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = MIMEIN | MIMEOUT;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] <= 32)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-input-mime-type:", 23))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = MIMEIN;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] <= 32)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-output-mime-type:", 24))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = MIMEOUT;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] <= 32)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-header-part:", 19))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = HDRIN | HDROUT;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] <= 32)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-input-header-part:", 25))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = HDRIN;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] <= 32)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-output-header-part:", 26))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = HDROUT;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] <= 32)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "method-fault:", 13))
+		{	m = (Method*)emalloc(sizeof(Method));
+			m->name = s;
+			m->mess = FAULT;
+			m->part = NULL;
+			m->next = sp->list;
+			sp->list = m;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] <= 32)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			m->part = s;
+		}
+		else if (!strncmp(yytext+i, "type-documentation:", 19))
+		{	d = (Data*)emalloc(sizeof(Data));
+			d->name = s;
+			d->text = NULL;
+			d->next = sp->data;
+			sp->data = d;
+			for (j = k; yytext[j]; j++)
+				if (yytext[j] > 32)
+					break;
+			for (k = j; yytext[k]; k++)
+				if (yytext[k] == 10 || yytext[k] == 13)
+					break;
+			if (j == k)
+				return;
+			s = (char*)emalloc(k-j+1);
+			strncpy(s, yytext+j, k-j);
+			s[k-j] = '\0';
+			d->text = s;
+		}
+		else
+                {	sprintf(errbuf, "unrecognized gsoap directive: %s", yytext+i);
+			semwarn(errbuf);
+		}
+	}
+	else
+        {	sprintf(errbuf, "unrecognized gsoap directive: %s", yytext);
+		semwarn(errbuf);
+	}
+static void option(void)
+{	int i;
+	if (imports)
+        {	sprintf(errbuf, "options directive: %s ignored in imported file(s)", yytext);
+		semwarn(errbuf);
+		return;
+	}
+	for (i = 10; yytext[i]; i++)
+		if (yytext[i] > 32)
+			break;
+	for (; yytext[i]; i++)
+		switch (yytext[i])
+		{	case 'a':
+				aflag = 1;
+				break;
+			case 'c':
+				cflag = 1;
+				break;
+		 	case 'e':
+				eflag = 1;
+				break;
+		 	case 'n':
+				nflag = 1;
+				break;
+		 	case 'l':
+				lflag = 1;
+				break;
+		 	case 't':
+				tflag = 1;
+				break;
+		 	case 'w':
+				wflag = 1;
+				break;
+			default:
+				if (yytext[i] <= 32)
+					return;
+		}
+	error_chr - lexical error in character constant. Return character 0 to
+	allow parsing to continue
+static Token
+{	lexerror("Ending-' missing in character constant");
+	yylval.c = '\0';
+	return CHR;
+	error_str - lexical error in string. Return empty string to allow
+	parsing to continue
+static Token
+{	lexerror("Ending-\" missing in string");
+	yylval.s = "";
+	return STR;
+	Character conversion functions
+static int
+convchar(int *p)
+{	switch (yytext[(*p)++])
+	{	case 'a':	return '\a';
+		case 'b':	return '\b';
+		case 'f':	return '\f';
+		case 'n':	return '\n';
+		case 'r':	return '\r';
+		case 't':	return '\t';
+		case 'v':	return '\v';
+		case 'x':	return hexchar(p);
+		case '0':
+		case '1':
+		case '2':
+		case '3':
+		case '4':
+		case '5':
+		case '6':
+		case '7':	(*p)--;
+				return octchar(p);
+		default:	return yytext[*p-1];
+	}
+static int
+hexchar(int *p)
+{	int i, d, c = 0;
+	for (i = 0; isxdigit(d = yytext[*p]) && i < 2; i++)
+	{	c = (c << 4) + (d <= '9' ? d - '0' : toupper(d) - '7');
+		(*p)++;
+	}
+	return c;
+static int
+octchar(int *p)
+{	int i, d, c = 0;
+	for (i = 0; (d = yytext[*p]) >= '0' && d <= '7' && i < 3; i++)
+	{	c = (c << 3) + d - '0';
+		(*p)++;
+	}
+	return c;
+static void module(const char *name, const char *fullname)
+{ if (!fullname)
+    fullname = name;
+  if (imports)
+  { Pragma **pp;
+    char *s = emalloc(strlen(fullname)+15);
+    sprintf(s, "#include \"%sH.h\"", fullname);
+    for (pp = &pragmas; *pp; pp = &(*pp)->next)
+      if (!strcmp((*pp)->pragma, s))
+        break;
+    if (!*pp)
+    { *pp = (Pragma*)emalloc(sizeof(Pragma));
+      (*pp)->pragma = s;
+      (*pp)->next = NULL;
+    }
+    imported = (char*)emalloc(strlen(fullname)+1);
+    strcpy(imported, fullname);
+    fprintf(stderr, "Importing module '%s'\n\n", fullname);
+  }
+  else
+  { lflag = 1;
+    typeNO = magic(name);
+    prefix = (char*)emalloc(strlen(fullname)+1);
+    strcpy(prefix, fullname);
+    fprintf(stderr, "Compiling module '%s' (magic number = %d)\n\n", fullname, typeNO);
+  }
+static int magic(const char *name)
+{ size_t i;
+  int n;
+  if (strlen(name) > 4)
+    semerror("#module name length must not exceed four characters");
+  n = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < strlen(name); i++)
+    if (name[i] >= 'a' && name[i] <= 'z')
+      n = 26*n + name[i] - 'a';
+    else if (name[i] >= 'A' && name[i] <= 'Z')
+      n = 26*n + name[i] - 'A';
+    else
+      semerror("#module name must be alphabetic and the length must not exceed four characters.\nUse '#module name longname' for longer names.");
+  return 4699*n + 153424;
+#ifdef WITH_LEX
+static void import(const char *file)
+{ execerror("Cannot #import: soapcpp2 not compiled with flex (replace lex with flex)");
+static void import(const char *file)
+{ char buf[1024];
+  struct importlist *p;
+  for (p = importlist; p; p = p->next)
+    if (!strcmp(p->name, file))
+      return;
+  if (imports >= MAX_IMPORT_DEPTH)
+    execerror("Imports nested too deep");
+  instk[imports] = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
+  strcpy(fnstk[imports], filename);
+  lnstk[imports] = yylineno;
+  imstk[imports] = imported;
+  yylineno = 1;
+  /* imported = NULL; this is useful to change the semantics of #import to NOT consider non-module imports to be part of the current module */
+  imports++;
+  if (!(yyin = fopen(file, "r")))
+  { if (importpath)
+    { char *s, *t;
+      s = importpath;
+      do
+      { size_t n;
+        t = strstr(s, SOAP_PATHSEP);
+        if (t)
+        { if (t - s >= sizeof(buf))
+	    t = s + sizeof(buf) - 1;
+	  strncpy(buf, s, t - s);
+	  buf[t - s] = '\0';
+	  s = t + sizeof(SOAP_PATHSEP) - 1;
+	}
+	else
+        { strcpy(buf, s);
+          s = NULL;
+	}
+        n = strlen(buf) - 1;
+#ifdef __VMS
+        if (buf[n] != ']' && buf[n] != ':')
+          strcat(buf, ":");
+        if (buf[n] != SOAP_PATHCAT[0])
+	  strcat(buf, SOAP_PATHCAT);
+        strcat(buf, file);
+        yyin = fopen(buf, "r");
+      }
+      while (s && !yyin);
+    }
+    if (!yyin)
+    { sprintf(errbuf, "#import: Cannot open file \"%s\" for reading.\nHint: use option -I<path> (for example -Igsoap/import"SOAP_PATHSEP"gsoap/custom:.)", file);
+      execerror(errbuf);
+    }
+  }
+  p = (struct importlist*)malloc(sizeof(struct importlist) + strlen(file)); /* has already + 1 byte size */
+  strcpy(p->name, file);
+  p->next = importlist;
+  importlist = p;
+  strcpy(filename, file);
+  yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE));