comparison tools/myTools/bin/ @ 1:7e5c71b2e71f draft default tip

author laurenmarazzi
date Wed, 22 Dec 2021 16:00:34 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:f24d4892aaed 1:7e5c71b2e71f
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 import os
3 import numpy as np
4 import pandas as pd
5 import networkx as nx
6 import random
7 import sfa
8 import csv
9 from sys import argv
10 from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
11 import itertools
12 ########INPUTS############
13 fpath = os.path.join( argv[1]) # location of networkfile
14 samples=pd.read_csv(argv[2],index_col = 0) # input samples (normexp initial states)
15 inits=argv[3] #the initial states of interest
17 phenotypes = pd.read_csv(argv[4],delim_whitespace=True, index_col = False)
18 initz = phenotypes[phenotypes.isin([inits]).any(axis=1)]['name'].tolist()
19 samples = samples[initz]
21 FC_nodes=open(argv[5]).read().strip().split('\n') # FC set
22 FC_perts=pd.read_csv(argv[6],delim_whitespace=True,index_col=0,header=0,names=FC_nodes)
25 class ThreeNodeCascade(sfa.base.Data):
26 def __init__(self):
27 super().__init__()
28 self._abbr = "TNC"
29 self._name = "A simple three node cascade"
31 signs = {'activates':1, 'inhibits':-1}
32 A, n2i, dg = sfa.read_sif(fpath, signs=signs, as_nx=True)
33 self._A = A
34 self._n2i = n2i
35 self._dg = dg
36 self._i2n = {idx: name for name, idx in n2i.items()}
38 # end of def __init__
39 # end of def class
41 if __name__ == "__main__":
42 ## initalize parameters from SFA
43 data = ThreeNodeCascade()
44 algs = sfa.AlgorithmSet()
45 alg = algs.create('SP')
46 = data
47 alg.params.apply_weight_norm = True
48 alg.initialize()
49 alg.params.exsol_forbidden=True
50 alg.params.alpha=0.9
53 netnodes= list(data.dg.nodes)
55 n = data.dg.number_of_nodes() #the number of nodes
56 b = np.zeros((n,))
58 alllogss=pd.DataFrame()
59 for name, item in samples.iteritems(): #for each simulated initial condition
60 logss=pd.DataFrame(index=FC_perts.index,columns=netnodes,copy=True) # create dataframe for the FC perturbations
61 enodes=item.index.tolist() # get expressed nodes
62 for node in enodes: # set initial state to simulated value
63 b[data.n2i[node]]=float(str(item.loc[node]))
64 for name2,item2 in FC_perts.iterrows(): # for each FCnode perturbation
65 pnode=item2.index.tolist()
66 pi = []
67 for node in pnode: #if logFC.loc[node].at['logFC']>0: # if the logfc is postive (res > veh)
68 if int(item2.loc[node])==-1: #if the perturbation is 0
69 if node in enodes:
70 b[data.n2i[node]]=float(str(item.loc[node]))-2.5*(float(str(item.loc[node]))) #downregulate the expression. fix to 0
71 else:
72 b[data.n2i[node]]=-2.5 #downregulate the expression. fix to 0
73 pi.append(data.n2i[node])
74 if int(item2.loc[node])==1: #if the perturbation is 1
75 if node in enodes:
76 b[data.n2i[node]]=float(str(item.loc[node]))+2.5*(float(str(item.loc[node]))) #upregulate the expression
77 else:
78 b[data.n2i[node]]=2.5 #upregulate the expression
79 pi.append(data.n2i[node])
80 x = alg.compute(b,pi) # Run SFA calculation
81 logss.loc[name2,netnodes]=x[0]
82 logss=logss.astype(float).round(3)
83 alllogss=pd.concat([alllogss,logss],axis=0)
84 multi=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([samples.columns.tolist(),FC_perts.index.tolist()],names=['replicate', 'perturbation'])
85 alllogss.set_index(multi,inplace=True)
86 alllogss.to_csv('pert_logss.txt', sep=' ',float_format='%.3f',chunksize=10000)