diff tools/myTools/bin/sfa/control/influence.py @ 1:7e5c71b2e71f draft default tip

author laurenmarazzi
date Wed, 22 Dec 2021 16:00:34 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/myTools/bin/sfa/control/influence.py	Wed Dec 22 16:00:34 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+from collections import Counter
+import numpy as np
+import scipy as sp
+import pandas as pd
+def compute_influence(W,
+                      alpha=0.9,
+                      beta=0.1,
+                      S=None,
+                      rtype='df',
+                      outputs=None,
+                      n2i=None,
+                      max_iter=1000,
+                      tol=1e-7,
+                      get_iter=False,
+                      device="cpu",
+                      sparse=False):
+    r"""Compute the influence.
+       It estimates the effects of a node to the other nodes,
+       by calculating partial derivative with respect to source nodes,
+       based on a simple iterative method.
+       Based on the below difference equation,
+       x(t+1) = alpha*W.dot(x(t)) + (1-alpha)*b
+       The influence matrix, S, is computed using chain rule of
+       partial derivative as follows.
+       \begin{align}
+        S_{ij} &= \frac{\partial{x_i}}{\partial{x_j}} \\
+               &= (I + \alpha W + \alpha^2 W^2 +  ... + \alpha^{\infty}W^{\infty})_{ij} \\
+               &\approx (I + \alpha W + \alpha^2 W^2 +  ... + \alpha^{l}W^{l})_{ij} \\
+       \end{align}
+       This is the summation of the weight multiplications along all paths
+       including cycles. $S_{ij}$ denotes the influence of node (j) on node (i).
+       An iterative method for an approximated solution is as follows.
+        S(t+1) = \alpha WS(t) + I,
+       where $S(0) = \beta I$ and $S(1) = \beta(I + \alpha W)$ $(t>1)$.
+       The iteration continues until $||S(t+1) - S(t)|| \leq tol$.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    W : numpy.ndarray
+        Weight matrix.
+    alpha : float, optional
+        Hyperparameter for adjusting the effect of signal flow.
+    beta : float, optional
+        Hyperparameter for adjusting the effect of basal activity.
+    S : numpy.ndarray, optional
+        Initial influence matrix.
+    rtype: str (optional)
+        Return object type: 'df' or 'array'.
+    outputs: list (or iterable) of str, optional
+        Names of output nodes, which is necessary for 'df' rtype.
+    n2i: dict, optional
+        Name to index dict, which is necessary for 'df' rtype.
+    max_iter : int, optional
+        The maximum iteration number for the estimation.
+    tol : float, optional
+        Tolerance for terminating the iteration.
+    get_iter : bool, optional
+        Determine whether the actual iteration number is returned.
+    device : str, optional, {'CPU', 'GPU:0', 'GPU:1', ...}
+        Select which device to use. 'CPU' is default.
+    sparse : bool, optional
+        Use sparse matrices for the computation.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    S : numpy.ndarray, optional
+        2D array of influence.
+    df : pd.DataFrame, optional
+        Influences for each output in DataFrame.
+    num_iter : int, optional
+        The actual number of iteration.
+    """
+    # TODO: Test rendering the above mathematical expressions in LaTeX form.
+    if max_iter < 2:
+        raise ValueError("max_iter should be greater than 2.")
+    device = device.lower()
+    if 'cpu' in device:
+        if sparse:
+            ret = _compute_influence_cpu_sparse(W, alpha, beta, S,
+                                               max_iter, tol, get_iter)
+        else:
+            ret = _compute_influence_cpu(W, alpha, beta, S,
+                                        max_iter, tol, get_iter)
+    elif 'gpu'in device:
+        _, id_device = device.split(':')
+        ret = _compute_influence_gpu(W, alpha, beta, S,
+                                  max_iter, tol, get_iter, id_device)
+        if rtype == 'df':
+            import cupy as cp
+            if isinstance(ret, cp.core.core.ndarray):
+                ret = cp.asnumpy(ret)
+    if get_iter:
+        S_ret, num_iter = ret
+    else:
+        S_ret = ret
+    if rtype == 'array':
+        return ret
+    elif rtype == 'df':             
+        if not outputs:
+            err_msg = "outputs should be designated for 'df' return type."
+            raise ValueError(err_msg)
+        df = pd.DataFrame(columns=outputs)
+        for trg in outputs:
+            for src in n2i:
+                if src == trg:
+                    df.loc[src, trg] = np.inf
+                idx_src = n2i[src]
+                idx_trg = n2i[trg]
+                df.loc[src, trg] = S_ret[idx_trg, idx_src]
+        if get_iter:
+            return df, num_iter
+        else:
+            return df
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Unknown return type: %s"%(rtype))
+def _compute_influence_cpu(W, alpha=0.5, beta=0.5, S=None,
+                           max_iter=1000, tol=1e-6, get_iter=False):
+    N = W.shape[0]
+    if S is not None:
+        S1 = S
+    else:
+        S1 = np.eye(N, dtype=np.float)
+    I = np.eye(N, dtype=np.float)
+    S2 = np.zeros_like(W)
+    aW = alpha * W
+    for cnt in range(max_iter):
+        S2[:, :] = S1.dot(aW) + I
+        norm = np.linalg.norm(S2 - S1)
+        if norm < tol:
+            break
+        # end of if
+        S1[:, :] = S2
+    # end of for
+    S_fin = beta * S2
+    if get_iter:
+        return S_fin, cnt
+    else:
+        return S_fin
+def _compute_influence_cpu_sparse(W, alpha, beta, S,
+                                  max_iter, tol, get_iter):
+    N = W.shape[0]
+    if S is not None:
+        S1 = S
+    else:
+        S1 = sp.sparse.lil_matrix(sp.sparse.eye(N, dtype=np.float))
+    I = sp.sparse.eye(N, dtype=np.float)
+    S2 = sp.sparse.lil_matrix((N,N), dtype=np.float)
+    aW = sp.sparse.csc_matrix(alpha * W)
+    for cnt in range(max_iter):
+        S2[:, :] = S1.dot(aW) + I
+        norm = sp.sparse.linalg.norm(S2 - S1)
+        if norm < tol:
+            break
+        # end of if
+        S1[:, :] = S2
+    # end of for
+    S_fin = beta * S2
+    if get_iter:
+        return S_fin, cnt
+    else:
+        return S_fin
+def _compute_influence_gpu(W, alpha=0.5, beta=0.5, S=None,
+                           max_iter=1000, tol=1e-6, get_iter=False,
+                           id_device=0):    
+    import cupy as cp
+    cp.cuda.Device(id_device).use()    
+    N = W.shape[0]
+    I = cp.eye(N, dtype=cp.float32) #np.eye(N, N, dtype=np.float)
+    if S is not None:
+        S1 = cp.array(S, dtype=cp.float32)
+    else:
+        S1 = cp.eye(N, dtype=cp.float32)
+    S2 = cp.zeros((N,N), dtype=cp.float32)
+    aW = alpha * cp.array(W, dtype=cp.float32)
+    tol_gpu = cp.array(tol)
+    for cnt in range(max_iter):
+        S2[:, :] = cp.dot(S1, aW) + I
+        mat_norm = cp.linalg.norm(S2 - S1)
+        if mat_norm < tol_gpu:
+            break
+        # end of if
+        S1[:, :] = S2
+    # end of for
+    S_fin = beta*S2
+    if get_iter:
+        return S_fin, cnt
+    else:
+        return S_fin
+def arrange_si(
+        df_splo,
+        df_inf,
+        output,
+        min_splo=None,
+        max_splo=None,
+        thr_inf=1e-10,
+        ascending=True):
+    # SPLO-Influence data
+    if not min_splo:
+        min_splo = df_splo.min()
+    if not max_splo:
+        max_splo = df_splo.max()
+    mask_splo = (min_splo <= df_splo) & (df_splo <= max_splo)
+    df_splo = df_splo[mask_splo]
+    df_splo = pd.DataFrame(df_splo)
+    df_splo.columns = ['SPLO']
+    if output in df_splo.index:
+        df_splo.drop(output, inplace=True)
+    index_common = df_splo.index.intersection(df_inf.index)
+    df_inf = pd.DataFrame(df_inf.loc[index_common])
+    mark_drop = df_inf[output].abs() <= thr_inf
+    df_inf.drop(df_inf.loc[mark_drop, output].index,
+                inplace=True)
+    df_si = df_inf.join(df_splo.loc[index_common])
+    df_si.index.name = 'Source'
+    df_si.reset_index(inplace=True)
+    cnt_splo = Counter(df_si['SPLO'])
+    splos = sorted(cnt_splo.keys())
+    si = {}
+    for i, splo in enumerate(splos):
+        df_sub = df_si[df_si['SPLO'] == splo]
+        df_sub = df_sub.sort_values(by=output,
+                                    ascending=ascending)
+        #num_items = df_sub[output].count()
+        #influence = np.zeros((cnt_max,))  # Influence
+        #num_empty = cnt_max - num_items
+        #influence[num_empty:] = df_sub[output]
+        #names = df_sub['Source'].tolist()
+        si[splo] = df_sub  #[output]
+    return si
+def prioritize(df_splo,
+               df_inf,
+               output,
+               dac,
+               thr_rank=3,
+               min_group_size=0,
+               min_splo=None,
+               max_splo=None,
+               thr_inf=1e-10,
+    """Prioritize target candiates.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    df_splo : pandas.DataFrame
+        Dataframe for SPLO information.
+    df_inf : pandas.DataFrame
+        Dataframe for influence information.
+    output : str
+        Names of output node, which is necessary for 'df_inf'.
+    dac : int
+        Direction of activity change (DAC) of the output.
+    thr_rank : int or float
+        Rank to filter out the entities.
+        The entities whose ranks are greater than thr_rank survive.
+    min_group_size : int
+        Minimum group size to be satisfied.
+    """
+    ascending = True if dac < 0 else False
+    df_inf_dac = df_inf[np.sign(df_inf[output]) == dac]
+    si = arrange_si(df_splo,
+                    df_inf_dac,
+                    output,
+                    min_splo, 
+                    max_splo,
+                    thr_inf,
+                    ascending)
+    targets = []
+    for splo in si:
+        # Get the group of this SPLO.
+        df_sub = si[splo]  
+        if df_sub.shape[0] < min_group_size:
+           continue       
+        # Get the entities that have the designated dac.
+        df_sub = df_sub[np.sign(df_sub[output]) == dac]
+        # Get the enetities whose rank exceeds the threshods.
+        if 0 < thr_rank < 1:
+            ix_max_rank = int(thr_rank * df_sub.shape[0])
+            if ix_max_rank == 0:
+                ix_max_rank = df_sub.shape[0] 
+        else:
+            ix_max_rank = thr_rank
+        #print(ix_max_rank)
+        df_top = df_sub.iloc[:ix_max_rank, :]
+        targets.extend(df_top['Source'].tolist())
+    # end of for
+    return targets
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