diff tools/myTools/bin/sfa/plot/table_hierarchical_clustering.py @ 1:7e5c71b2e71f draft default tip

author laurenmarazzi
date Wed, 22 Dec 2021 16:00:34 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/myTools/bin/sfa/plot/table_hierarchical_clustering.py	Wed Dec 22 16:00:34 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.spatial.distance as distance
+import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
+import seaborn as sns
+from .table_condition import ConditionTable
+class HierarchicalClusteringTable(ConditionTable):
+    def __init__(self, conds,  samples, *args, **kwargs):
+        # Set references for data objects
+        self._dfs = samples  # DataFrame of samples to be clustered.
+        super().__init__(conds, *args, **kwargs)
+        self._create_colorbar()
+        self.column_tick_fontsize = self._table_tick_fontsize
+    # end of def __init__
+    def _parse_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
+        """Parse the keyword arguments.
+        """
+        self._vmin = kwargs.get('vmin', None)
+        self._vmax = kwargs.get('vmax', None)
+        colors_blend = ['red', 'white', np.array([0, 1, 0, 1])]
+        default_cmap = sns.blend_palette(colors_blend,
+                                         n_colors=100,
+                                         as_cmap=True)
+        self._cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', default_cmap)
+        self._dim = kwargs.get('dim', (2, 5))
+        self._wspace = kwargs.get('wspace', 0.005)
+        self._hspace = kwargs.get('hspace', 0.005)
+        default_width_ratios = [self._dfc.shape[1],
+                                0.25,
+                                self._dfs.shape[1],
+                                0.5*self._dfs.shape[1],
+                                0.05*self._dfs.shape[1]]
+        default_height_ratios = [self._dfs.shape[1],
+                                 self._dfc.shape[0]]
+        self._width_ratios = kwargs.get('width_ratios',
+                                        default_width_ratios)
+        self._height_ratios = kwargs.get('height_ratios',
+                                         default_height_ratios)
+        default_position = {'condition': np.array([1, 0]),
+                            'heatmap': np.array([1, 2]),
+                            'row_dendrogram': np.array([1, 3]),
+                            'col_dendrogram': np.array([0, 2]),
+                            'colorbar': np.array([1, 4])}
+        self._axes_position = kwargs.get('axes_position',
+                                         default_position)
+        self._row_cluster = kwargs.get('row_cluster', True)
+        self._col_cluster = kwargs.get('col_cluster', True)
+        if self._row_cluster:
+            self._row_method = kwargs.get('row_method', 'single')
+            self._row_metric = kwargs.get('row_metric', 'cityblock')
+            self._row_dend_linewidth = kwargs.get('row_dend_linewidth', 0.5)
+        if self._col_cluster:
+            self._col_method = kwargs.get('col_method', 'single')
+            self._col_metric = kwargs.get('col_metric', 'cityblock')
+            self._col_dend_linewidth = kwargs.get('col_dend_linewidth', 0.5)
+        self._table_linewidth = kwargs.get('table_linewidth', 0.5)
+        self._table_tick_fontsize = kwargs.get('table_tick_fontsize', 5)
+        self._colorbar_tick_fontsize = kwargs.get('colorbar_tick_fontsize', 5)
+    def _create_axes(self):
+        self._axes = {}
+        # pos = self._axes_position['heatmap']
+        # ax_heatmap = self._fig.add_subplot(self._gridspec[pos[0], pos[1]])
+        # self._axes.append(ax_heatmap)
+        pos = self._axes_position['condition']
+        ax_conds = self._fig.add_subplot(self._gridspec[pos[0], pos[1]])
+        self._axes['condition'] = ax_conds
+        ax_conds.grid(b=False)
+        ax_conds.set_frame_on(False)
+        ax_conds.invert_yaxis()
+        ax_conds.xaxis.tick_bottom()
+        self._perform_clustering()
+    def _create_tables(self):
+        super()._create_tables()
+        ax_heatmap = self._axes['heatmap']
+        # Draw lines on table and heatmap
+        self.tables[0].linewidth = self._table_linewidth
+        for x in range(self._dfs.shape[1]+1):
+            ax_heatmap.axvline(x-0.5,
+                               linewidth=self._table_linewidth,
+                               color='k', zorder=10)
+        for y in range(self._dfs.shape[0]+1):
+            ax_heatmap.axhline(y-0.5,
+                               linewidth=self._table_linewidth,
+                               color='k', zorder=10)
+    def _perform_clustering(self):
+        sch.set_link_color_palette(['black'])
+        if self._row_cluster:
+            row_pairwise_dists = distance.pdist(self._dfs,
+                                                metric=self._row_metric)
+            row_clusters = sch.linkage(row_pairwise_dists,
+                                       metric=self._row_metric,
+                                       method=self._row_method)
+            with plt.rc_context({'lines.linewidth': self._row_dend_linewidth}):
+                # Dendrogram for row clustering
+                pos = self._axes_position['row_dendrogram']
+                subgs = self._gridspec[pos[0], pos[1]]
+                ax_row_den = self._fig.add_subplot(subgs)
+                row_den = sch.dendrogram(row_clusters,
+                                         color_threshold=np.inf,
+                                         orientation='right')
+                ax_row_den.set_facecolor("white")
+                self._clean_axis(ax_row_den)
+                self._axes['row_dendrogram'] = ax_row_den
+                ind_row = row_den['leaves']
+                # Rearrange the DataFrame for condition according to
+                # the clustering result.
+                self._dfc = self._dfc.iloc[ind_row, :]
+        else:
+            ind_row = range(self._dfs.index.size)  #self._dfs.index.ravel()
+        if self._col_cluster:
+            col_pairwise_dists = distance.pdist(self._dfs.T,
+                                                metric=self._col_metric)
+            col_clusters = sch.linkage(col_pairwise_dists,
+                                       metric=self._col_metric,
+                                       method=self._col_method)
+            with plt.rc_context({'lines.linewidth': self._col_dend_linewidth}):
+                # Dendrogram for column clustering
+                pos = self._axes_position['col_dendrogram']
+                ax_col_den = self._fig.add_subplot(self._gridspec[pos[0], pos[1]])
+                col_den = sch.dendrogram(col_clusters,
+                                         color_threshold=np.inf,
+                                         orientation='top')
+                ax_col_den.set_facecolor("white")
+                self._clean_axis(ax_col_den)
+                self._axes['col_dendrogram'] = ax_col_den
+                ind_col = col_den['leaves']
+        else:
+            # ind_col = self._dfs.columns.ravel()
+            ind_col = range(self._dfs.columns.size)
+        # Heatmap
+        pos = self._axes_position['heatmap']
+        subgs = self._gridspec[pos[0], pos[1]]
+        ax_heatmap = self._fig.add_subplot(subgs)
+        self._heatmap = ax_heatmap.matshow(self._dfs.iloc[ind_row, ind_col],
+                                           vmin=self._vmin,
+                                           vmax=self._vmax,
+                                           interpolation='nearest',
+                                           aspect='auto',
+                                           #origin='lower',
+                                           cmap=self._cmap)
+        ax_heatmap.grid(b=False)
+        ax_heatmap.set_frame_on(True)
+        ax_heatmap.xaxis.tick_bottom()
+        self._axes['heatmap'] = ax_heatmap
+        self._clean_axis(ax_heatmap)
+        # Remove the y-labels of condition table
+        #ax_conds = self._axes['condition']
+        # Add column labels
+        ax_heatmap.set_xticks(np.arange(0, self._dfs.shape[1], 1))
+        ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels(np.array(self._dfs.columns[ind_col]),
+                                   rotation=90, minor=False)
+        ax_heatmap.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', pad=-2)
+        # Remove the tick lines
+        for line in ax_heatmap.get_xticklines():
+            line.set_markersize(0)
+        for line in ax_heatmap.get_yticklines():
+            line.set_markersize(0)
+    def _create_colorbar(self):
+        pos = self._axes_position['colorbar']
+        subgs = self._gridspec[pos[0], pos[1]]
+        ax_colorbar = self._fig.add_subplot(subgs)
+        cb = self._fig.colorbar(self._heatmap, ax_colorbar,
+                                drawedges=False)  #True)
+        self._colorbar = cb
+        #cb.ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right')
+        #self._clean_axis(cb.ax)
+        # for sp in cb.ax.spines.values():
+        #     sp.set_visible(False)
+        cb.ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none')
+        cb.ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(pad=-2)
+        cb.ax.yaxis.set_label_position('right')
+        cb.outline.set_edgecolor('black')
+        cb.outline.set_linewidth(self._table_linewidth)
+        self.colorbar_fontsize = self._colorbar_tick_fontsize
+    def _clean_axis(self, ax):
+        """Remove ticks, tick labels, and frame from axis
+        """
+        ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none')
+        ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none')
+        ax.xaxis.set_ticks([])
+        ax.yaxis.set_ticks([])
+        for sp in ax.spines.values():
+            sp.set_visible(False)
+    def _add_labels(self):
+        """Add only column labels for condition table. 
+        """
+        tb = self._tables[0]
+        tb.add_column_labels()
+    @property
+    def table_linewidth(self):
+        return self._table_linewidth
+    @table_linewidth.setter
+    def table_linewidth(self, val):
+        self._table_linewidth = val
+    @property
+    def colorbar(self):
+        return self._colorbar
+    @property
+    def colorbar_fontsize(self):
+        return self._colorbar_tick_fontsize
+    @colorbar_fontsize.setter
+    def colorbar_fontsize(self, val):
+        self._colorbar_tick_fontsize = val
+        ticks = self._colorbar.ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels()
+        for t in ticks:
+            t.set_fontsize(self._colorbar_tick_fontsize)
+    # @column_tick_fontsize.setter
+    # def column_tick_fontsize(self, val):
+    #     self._column_tick_fontsize = val
+    #     for ax in self._axes:
+    #         ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major',
+    #                        labelsize=self._column_tick_fontsize)
+    # def _set_colors(self, colors):
+    #     super()._set_colors(colors)
+    #
+    # def _add_labels(self):
+    #     super()._add_labels()  # Add labels for condition table
+    # def _add_column_labels(self):
+    #     """Add column labels using x-axis
+    #     """
+    #     xlabels = list(self._dfs.columns)
+    #     ax_heatmap.set_xticks(np.arange(self._dfs.shape[0]))
+    #     ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels(xlabels,
+    #                                rotation=90, minor=False)
+    #     ax_heatmap.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', pad=3)
+    #
+    #     # Hide the small bars of ticks
+    #     for tick in self._ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
+    #         tick.tick1On = False
+    #         tick.tick2On = False
+    # # # end of def
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