view tools/myTools/bin/sfa/vis/sfv/ @ 1:7e5c71b2e71f draft default tip

author laurenmarazzi
date Wed, 22 Dec 2021 16:00:34 +0000
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import numpy as np
import networkx as nx

from qtpy.QtGui import QFont
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor
from qtpy.QtCore import QPointF
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt

import sfv
from import LabelClassFactory
from import HeaderClassFactory

import sfa

NegHeader = HeaderClassFactory.create('HAMMER')
PosHeader = HeaderClassFactory.create('ARROW')
TextLabel = LabelClassFactory.create('TEXT_LABEL')

def create_from_graphics(net, abbr=None, inputs=None, outputs=None):
    """Create sfv.base.Data object from SIF file.

    net :
        Network graphics object of SFV.
    abbr : str
        Abbreviation to denote this data object for the network.
    inputs : dict, optional
        Input information with default values
    outputs : sequence, optional
        Output information.

    obj : sfv.base.Data
        Data object with the information of network topology.


    if not abbr:
        abbr =

    class __Data(sfa.base.Data):
        def __init__(self):
            self._abbr = abbr
            self._name = self._abbr

            self._dg = sfv.to_networkx(net)
            nodes = sorted(self._dg.nodes)
            self._n2i = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(nodes)}
            self._i2n = {idx: name for name, idx in self._n2i.items()}

            self._A = nx.to_numpy_array(self._dg, nodes).T
            ir, ic = self._A.nonzero()
            for i in range(ir.size):
                r, c = ir[i], ic[i]

                src = self._i2n[c]
                tgt = self._i2n[r]
                sign = self._dg.edges[src, tgt]['SIGN']
                self._A[r, c] *= sign

            self._inputs = inputs

            if outputs:
                self._outputs = outputs

            # The following members are not defined due to the lack of data.
            self._df_conds = None
            self._df_exp = None
            self._df_ptb = None
            self._has_link_perturb = False
            self._names_ptb = None
            self._iadj_to_idf = None
            # end of def __init__
    # end of def class

    class_name = ''.join([c for c in abbr.title() if c.isalnum()])
    __Data.__name__ = class_name + "Data"
    return __Data()

def visualize_signal_flow(net, F, act,
                          color_up=None, color_dn=None,
    """Visualize signal flow using SFV.

    SFV (Seamless Flow Visualization) is a light-weight,
    programming-oriented python package to visualize
    graphs and networks.

    This function is used in the SFV function,
    'execute(nav, net)', which is called in SFV program.

    net :
        Network object that is given by sfv.

    F : numpy.ndarray
        A matrix of signal flows.        
        It is usually calculated as W2*x1 - W1*x1,
        where W is weight matrix and
        x is a vector of activities at steady-state.    
    act : numpy.ndarray
        Change in the activities. It is usually calculated
        as x2 - x1, where x is
        the a vector of activities at steady-state.    
    A : numpy.ndarray
        Adjacency matrix of the network.
    n2i : dict
        Name to index dictionary.

    color_up : numpy.ndarray or QtGui.QColor, optional
        Default is blue (i.e., QColor(0, 0, 255)),
        if it is None.

    color_dn : numpy.ndarray or QtGui.QColor, optional
        Default is red (i.e., QColor(255, 0, 0)),
        if it is None.

    lw_min : float, optional
        Minimum link width, which is also used for unchanged flow.
    lw_max : float, optional
        Maximum link width.

    pct_link : int, optional
        Percentile of link width, which is used to set
        the maximum value for setting link widths.
        Default value is 90.
    show_label : bool, optional
        Show node label or not.
    show_act : bool, optional
        Show activity label or not.

    pct_act : int, optional
        Percentile of activity, which is used to set
        the maximum value for coloring nodes.
        Default value is 50.
    fmt_act : str, optional
        Format string for activity label.

    fix_node_size : bool, optional
        Change the size of node or not.
        Default is False.

    fix_act_label : bool, optional
        Change the graphics of activity label or not.
        The activity value is changed irrespective of
        this parameter. Default is False.
    font : QFont, optional
        Font for the name and activity labels.


    i2n = {val:key for key, val in n2i.items()}
    color_white = np.array([255, 255, 255])

    if not color_up:
        color_up = np.array([255, 0, 0])
    elif isinstance(color_up, QColor):
        color_up = np.array([,
        raise ValueError("color_up should be 3-dimensional np.ndarray "
                         "or QtGui.QColor")

    if not color_dn:
        color_dn = np.array([0, 0, 255])
    elif isinstance(color_dn, QColor):
        color_dn = np.array([,
        raise ValueError("color_dn should be 3-dimensional np.ndarray "
                         "or QtGui.QColor")

    # Set the default font
    if not font:
        font = QFont('Arial', 10)

    abs_act = np.abs(act)
    thr = np.percentile(abs_act, pct_act)
    thr = 1 if thr == 0 else thr

    arr_t = np.zeros_like(act)

    for i, elem in enumerate(act):
        t = np.clip(np.abs(elem)/thr, a_min=0, a_max=1)
        arr_t[i] = t

    for iden, node in net.nodes.items():
        idx = n2i[iden]

        if not fix_node_size:
            radius = 20
            node.width = node.height = radius

        fold = act[idx]

        if fold > 0:
            color = color_white + arr_t[idx] * (color_up - color_white)
        elif fold <= 0:
            color = color_white + arr_t[idx] * (color_dn - color_white)

        color = np.int32(color)
        node['FILL_COLOR'] = QColor(*color)
        node['BORDER_WIDTH'] = 2
        node['BORDER_COLOR'] = QColor(40, 40, 40)

        if show_label:
            _update_single_label_name(net, node,,
                                      fix_node_size, font)

        if show_act:
            _update_single_label_activity(net, node, fold,
                                          fmt_act, font)
            iden_label = '%s_act' % iden.upper()
            if iden_label in net.labels:
    # end of for : update nodes and labels

    _update_links(net, A, F, i2n, pct_link, lw_min, lw_max)

def _update_links(net, A, F, i2n, pct_link, lw_min, lw_max):
    log_flows = np.log10(np.abs(F[F.nonzero()]))
    flow_max = log_flows.max()
    flow_min = log_flows.min()
    flow_thr = np.percentile(log_flows, pct_link)

    ir, ic = A.nonzero() #F.nonzero()
    for i, j in zip(ir, ic):
        tgt = i2n[i]
        src = i2n[j]
        f = F[i, j]

        link = net.nxdg[src][tgt]['VIS']

        header_old = link.header
        args_header = header_old.width, header_old.height, header_old.offset
        if f > 0:
            header = PosHeader(*args_header)
            color_link = QColor(255, 10, 10, 70)
        elif f < 0:
            header = NegHeader(*args_header)
            color_link = QColor(10, 10, 255, 70)
        else:  # When flow is zero, show the sign of the original link.
            if A[i, j]>0:
                header = PosHeader(*args_header)
            elif A[i, j]<0:
                header = NegHeader(*args_header)
                raise RuntimeError("The logic is abnormal.")

            color_link = QColor(100, 100, 100, 100)

        link.header = header
        link['FILL_COLOR'] = color_link

        if f == 0:
            link.width = lw_min
        elif (flow_max - flow_min) == 0:
            link.width = 0.5*(lw_max + lw_min)
            log_f = np.log10(np.abs(f))
            log_f = np.clip(log_f, a_min=flow_min, a_max=flow_thr)
            lw = (log_f-flow_min)/(flow_max-flow_min)*(lw_max-lw_min) + lw_min
            link.width = lw

def _update_single_label_name(net, node, name,
                              fix_node_size, font):
    label_name = net.labels[name]

    lightness = QColor(node['FILL_COLOR']).lightness()
    label_name['TEXT_COLOR'] =

    label_name['FONT'] = font

    if lightness < 200:
        label_name['TEXT_COLOR'] = Qt.white
        label_name['FONT_BOLD'] = True
        label_name['TEXT_COLOR'] =
        label_name['FONT_BOLD'] = False

    rect = label_name.boundingRect()
    label_name.setPos(-rect.width() / 2, -rect.height() / 2)  # center
    if not fix_node_size:
        node.width = 1.1 * rect.width()
        node.height = 1.1 * rect.height()

def _update_single_label_activity(net, node, x, fix_act_label, fmt, font):
    iden = '%s_act' % node.iden.upper()
    str_x = fmt % (x)
    if iden not in net.labels:
        label_act = TextLabel(node, text=str_x)
        label_act.iden = iden
        label_act = net.labels[iden]
        label_act.text = str_x % (x)

    if not fix_act_label:
        label_act['FONT'] = font
        label_act['TEXT_COLOR'] = QColor(20, 20, 20)
        rect = label_act.boundingRect()
        pos_x = node.width/2 + 0.5
        label_act.setPos(pos_x, -rect.height() / 2)

    if iden not in net.labels: