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author | lecorguille |
date | Tue, 13 Mar 2018 09:47:21 -0400 |
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#!/usr/local/public/bin/Rscript # version="1.1" # date: 06-06-2012 # update: 18-02-2014 # **Authors** Gildas Le Corguille ABiMS - UPMC/CNRS - Station Biologique de Roscoff - gildas.lecorguille|at| # abims_anova.r version 20140218 library(batch) # function avova anova = function (file, sampleinfo, varinfo, mode="column", condition=1, interaction=F, method="BH", threshold=0.01, selection_method="intersection", sep=";", dec=".", outputdatapvalue="", outputdatasignif="anova.datasignif.output") { if (sep=="tabulation") sep="\t" if (sep=="semicolon") sep=";" if (sep=="comma") sep="," anova_formula_operator = "+" if (interaction) anova_formula_operator = "*" # -- import -- data=read.table(file, header = TRUE, row.names=1, sep = sep, quote="\"", dec = dec, fill = TRUE, comment.char="",na.strings = "NA", check.names=FALSE) if (mode == "row") {data=t(data)} else {data=as.matrix(data)} sampleinfoTab=read.table(sampleinfo, header = TRUE, row.names=1, sep = sep, quote="\"") rownames(sampleinfoTab) = make.names(rownames(sampleinfoTab)) varinfoTab=read.table(varinfo, header = TRUE, sep = sep, quote="\"") if(sum(colnames(data)!=varinfoTab[,1])!=0){ # if ID not exactly identical if(sum(colnames(data)[order(colnames(data))]!=varinfoTab[order(varinfoTab[,1]),1])==0){ # reorder data matrix to match variable metadata order data = data[,match(varinfoTab[,1],colnames(data))] }else{ stop(paste0("\nVariables' ID do not match between your data matrix and your variable", "metadata file. \nPlease check your data.")) } } # -- group -- match_data_sampleinfoTab = match(rownames(data),rownames(sampleinfoTab)) if (sum( > 0) { write("ERROR: There is a problem during to match sample names from the data matrix and from the sample info (presence of NA).", stderr()) write("You may need to use change the mode (column/row)", stderr()) write("10 first sample names in the data matrix:", stderr()) write(head(colnames(data)), stderr()) write("10 first sample names in the sample info:", stderr()) write(head(rownames(sampleinfoTab)), stderr()) quit("no",status=10) } # -- anova -- # formula grps=list() anova_formula_s = "data ~ " cat("\ncontrasts:\n") for (i in 1:length(condition)) { grps[[i]] = factor(sampleinfoTab[,condition[i]][match_data_sampleinfoTab]) anova_formula_s = paste(anova_formula_s, "grps[[",i,"]]",anova_formula_operator, sep="") cat(condition[i],"\t",levels(grps[[i]]),"\n") # write("Current groups: ", stderr()) # write(grp[[i]], stderr()) } anova_formula_s = substr(anova_formula_s, 1, nchar(anova_formula_s)-1) anova_formula = as.formula(anova_formula_s) # anova manovaObjectList = manova(anova_formula) manovaList = summary.aov(manovaObjectList) # condition renaming manovaRownames = gsub(" ","",rownames(manovaList[[1]])) manovaNbrPvalue = length(manovaRownames)-1 manovaRownames = manovaRownames[-(manovaNbrPvalue+1)] for (i in 1:length(condition)) { manovaRownames = sub(paste("grps\\[\\[",i,"\\]\\]",sep=""),condition[i],manovaRownames) anova_formula_s = sub(paste("grps\\[\\[",i,"\\]\\]",sep=""),condition[i],anova_formula_s) } # log cat("\nanova_formula",anova_formula_s,"\n") # p-value aovPValue = sapply(manovaList,function(x){x[-(manovaNbrPvalue+1),5]}) if(length(condition) == 1) aovPValue = t(aovPValue) rownames(aovPValue) = paste("pvalue_",manovaRownames,sep="") # p-value adjusted if(length(condition) == 1) { aovAdjPValue = t(p.adjust(aovPValue,method=method)) } else { aovAdjPValue = t(apply(aovPValue,1,p.adjust, method=method)) } rownames(aovAdjPValue) = paste("pval.",method,".",manovaRownames,sep="") # selection colSumThreshold = colSums(aovAdjPValue <= threshold) if (selection_method == "intersection") { datafiltered = data[,colSumThreshold == nrow(aovAdjPValue ), drop=FALSE] } else { datafiltered = data[,colSumThreshold != 0, drop=FALSE] } selected.var = rep("no",ncol(data)) selected.var[colnames(data)%in%colnames(datafiltered)] = "yes" #data=rbind(data, aovPValue, aovAdjPValue) varinfoTab=cbind(varinfoTab, round(t(aovAdjPValue),10), selected.var) # group means for (i in 1:length(condition)) { for(j in levels(grps[[i]])){ subgp = rownames(sampleinfoTab[which(sampleinfoTab[,condition[i]]==j),]) modmean = colMeans(data[which(rownames(data)%in%subgp),],na.rm=TRUE) varinfoTab=cbind(varinfoTab, modmean) colnames(varinfoTab)[ncol(varinfoTab)] = paste0("Mean_",condition[i],".",j) } } colnames(varinfoTab) = make.unique(colnames(varinfoTab)) # pdf for significant variables pdf(outputdatasignif) ### Venn diagram if(nrow(aovAdjPValue)>5){ pie(100,labels=NA,main=paste0("Venn diagram only available for maximum 5 terms\n", "(your analysis concerns ",nrow(aovAdjPValue)," terms)\n\n", "Number of significant variables relatively to\nyour chosen threshold and ", "selection method: ",ncol(datafiltered)),cex.main=0.8) }else{ vennlist = list(NULL) names(vennlist) = rownames(aovAdjPValue)[1] if(length(colnames(aovAdjPValue))==0){colnames(aovAdjPValue)=varinfoTab[,1]} for(i in 1:nrow(aovAdjPValue)){ vennlist[[rownames(aovAdjPValue)[i]]]=colnames(aovAdjPValue[i,which(aovAdjPValue[i,]<=threshold),drop=FALSE]) } if(length(vennlist)==0){ pie(100,labels=NA,main="No significant ions was found.") }else{ library(venn) ; venn(vennlist, zcolor="style", cexil=2, cexsn=1.5) } } ### Boxplot par(mfrow=c(2,2),mai=rep(0.5,4)) data <- for(i in 1:nrow(aovAdjPValue)){ factmain = gsub(paste0("pval.",method,"."),"",rownames(aovAdjPValue)[i]) factsignif = aovAdjPValue[i,which(aovAdjPValue[i,]<=threshold),drop=FALSE] if((ncol(factsignif)!=0)&(factmain%in%colnames(sampleinfoTab))){ for(j in 1:ncol(factsignif)){ varsignif = gsub(" Response ","",colnames(factsignif)[j]) boxplot(as.formula(paste0("data$",varsignif," ~ sampleinfoTab$",factmain)), main=paste0(factmain,"\n",varsignif), col="grey", mai=7) } } } # summary for significant variables cat("\n\n- - - - - - - number of significant variables - - - - - - -\n\n") for(i in 1:nrow(aovAdjPValue)){ cat(rownames(aovAdjPValue)[i],"-", sum(aovAdjPValue[i,]<=threshold),"significant variable(s)\n") } cat("\nIf some of your factors are missing here, this may be due to\neffects", "not estimable; your design may not be balanced enough.\n") # -- output / return -- write.table(varinfoTab, outputdatapvalue, sep=sep, quote=F, row.names=FALSE) # log cat("\nthreshold:",threshold,"\n") cat("result:",ncol(datafiltered),"/",ncol(data),"\n\n") quit("no",status=0) } # log cat("ANOVA\n\n") cat("Arguments\n") args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) print(args) listArguments = parseCommandArgs(evaluate=FALSE), listArguments)