# HG changeset patch
# User lecorguille
# Date 1438959456 14400
# Node ID 19c1d2598eb5a667f5c221a9264c5143782c7fe9
planemo upload
diff -r 000000000000 -r 19c1d2598eb5 Makefile
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Makefile Fri Aug 07 10:57:36 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# USAGE: make [install|clean]
+# -------- VARIABLE --------
+DEP=abims_xcms_retcor.xml tool_dependencies.xml repository_dependencies.xml static test-data
+# ------------------------
+all: $(OBJ)
+$(OBJ): $(DEP)
+ tar --exclude=".svn" -zchf $@ $^
+# ------------------------
+install: $(OBJ)
+ mv *.tgz ~
+ rm *.tgz
diff -r 000000000000 -r 19c1d2598eb5 abims_xcms_retcor.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/abims_xcms_retcor.xml Fri Aug 07 10:57:36 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+ Retention Time Correction using retcor function from xcms R package
+ R
+ Rscript
+ xcms
+ xcms_w4m_script
+ xcms.r
+ image $image xfunction retcor method $methods.method
+ #if $methods.method == "obiwarp":
+ profStep $methods.profStep
+ #else
+ smooth $methods.smooth
+ extra $methods.extra
+ missing $methods.missing
+ #if $methods.options.option == "show":
+ span $methods.options.span
+ family $methods.options.family
+ plottype $methods.options.plottype
+ #end if
+ #end if
+ && ( mv retcor.RData $xsetRData;
+ mv TICs_corrected.pdf $ticsCorPdf ;
+ mv BPCs_corrected.pdf $bpcsCorPdf ;
+ mv Rplots.pdf $rplotsPdf 2> /dev/null);
+ cat xset.log;
+ (methods['method'] == 'peakgroups')
+ (options['option'] == 'show')
+ (family == 'symmetric')
+ (plottype != 'none')
+.. class:: infomark
+**Authors** Colin A. Smith csmith@scripps.edu, Ralf Tautenhahn rtautenh@gmail.com, Steffen Neumann sneumann@ipb-halle.de, Paul Benton hpaul.benton08@imperial.ac.uk and Christopher Conley cjconley@ucdavis.edu
+.. class:: infomark
+**Galaxy integration** ABiMS TEAM - UPMC/CNRS - Station biologique de Roscoff and Yann Guitton yann.guitton@univ-nantes.fr - part of Workflow4Metabolomics.org [W4M]
+ | Contact support@workflow4metabolomics.org for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of this tool.
+After matching peaks into groups, xcms can use those groups to identify and correct
+correlated drifts in retention time from run to run. The aligned peaks can then be
+used for a second pass of peak grouping which will be more accurate than the first.
+The whole process can be repeated in an iterative fashion. Not all peak groups will be helpful
+for identifying retention time drifts. Some groups may be missing peaks from a large
+fraction of samples and thus provide an incomplete picture of the drift at that time point.
+Still others may contain multiple peaks from the same sample, which is a sign of impropper grouping.
+.. class:: warningmark
+**After an retcor step, it is mandatory to do a group step, otherwise the rest of the workflow will not work with the RData file. (the initial peak grouping becomes invalid and is
+Workflow position
+**Upstream tools**
+========================= ================= ======= ==========
+Name output file format parameter
+========================= ================= ======= ==========
+xcms.group xset.group.RData RData RData file
+========================= ================= ======= ==========
+**Downstream tools**
+| Name | Output file | Format |
+|xcms.group | xset.retcor.RData| RData |
+The output file **xset.retcor.RData** is an RData file. You can continue your analysis using it in **xcms.group** tool as an next step.
+**General schema of the metabolomic workflow**
+.. image:: xcms_retcor_workflow.png
+Input files
+| Parameter : num + label | Format |
+| 1 : RData file | rdata.xcms.group |
+ | xcms ignores those groups by only considering well-behaved peak groups which are missing at most one sample and have at most one extra peak. (Those values can be changed with the **missing** and **extra** arguments.)
+ | For each of those well-behaved groups, the algorithm calculates a median retention time and, for every sample, a deviation from that median. Within a sample, the observed deviation generally changes over time in a nonlinear fashion. Those changes are approximated using a local polynomial regression technique implemented in the **loess** function. By default, the curve fitting is done using least-squares on all data points.
+ | However, it is possible to enable outlier detection and removal by setting the **family** argument to **symmetric**.
+ | Calculate retention time deviations for each sample using the obiwarp code at "http://obi-warp.sourceforge.net/". This function is able to align multiple samples by a center-star strategy. Ordered Bijective Interpolated Warping (OBI-Warp) aligns matrices along a single axis using Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and a one-to-one (bijective) interpolated warp function. OBI-Warp harnesses the non-linear, comprehensive alignment power of DTW and builds on the discrete, non-bijective output of DTW to give natural interpolants that can be used across multiple datasets.
+ | For the original publication see :**Chromatographic Alignment of ESI-LC-MS Proteomics Data Sets by Ordered Bijective Interpo-lated Warping John T. Prince and, Edward M. Marcotte Analytical Chemistry 2006 78 (17), 6140-6152.**
+Output files
+ | "Total Ion Chromatograms" graph in pdf format,corrected after a retcor step.
+ | "Total Io"Base Peak Chromatograms" graph in pdf format,corrected after a retcor step
+xset.group.retcor.RData: rdata.xcms.retcor format
+ | Rdata file that will be necessary in the **xcms.group** step of the workflow.
+.. class:: infomark
+The output file is an xset.retcor.RData file. You can continue your analysis using it in **xcms.fillPeaks** tool.
+Working example
+Input files
+ | RData file -> **xset.group.RData**
+ | Method: -> **peakgroups**
+ | smooth: -> **loess**
+ | extra: -> **1**
+ | missing -> **1**
+ | Advanced options: -> **show**
+ | span -> **0.2**
+ | family -> **gaussian**
+ | plottype -> **deviation**
+Output files
+ | **1) xset.group.retcor.RData: RData file**
+ | **2) Example of an xset.group.retcor.TICs_corrected pdf file**
+.. image:: xcms_retcor.png
+ 10.1021/ac051437y
+ 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu813
diff -r 000000000000 -r 19c1d2598eb5 planemo.sh
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo.sh Fri Aug 07 10:57:36 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+planemo shed_init -f --name=xcms_retcor --owner=lecorguille --description="[W4M][GC-MS] XCMS R Package - Preprocessing - Correct retention time from different samples" --homepage_url="http://workflow4metabolomics.org" --long_description="Part of the W4M project: http://workflow4metabolomics.org\n\nXCMS: http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/xcms.html\n\nRetention Time Correction using retcor function from xcms R package\n\nBEWARE: this tool don't come with its script. You will need to install the dedicated package_xcms_w4m_script too" --category="Metabolomics"
diff -r 000000000000 -r 19c1d2598eb5 repository_dependencies.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/repository_dependencies.xml Fri Aug 07 10:57:36 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 19c1d2598eb5 static/images/xcms_retcor.png
Binary file static/images/xcms_retcor.png has changed
diff -r 000000000000 -r 19c1d2598eb5 static/images/xcms_retcor_workflow.png
Binary file static/images/xcms_retcor_workflow.png has changed
diff -r 000000000000 -r 19c1d2598eb5 test-data/xset.group.RData
Binary file test-data/xset.group.RData has changed
diff -r 000000000000 -r 19c1d2598eb5 test-data/xset.group.retcor.BPCs_corrected.pdf
Binary file test-data/xset.group.retcor.BPCs_corrected.pdf has changed
diff -r 000000000000 -r 19c1d2598eb5 test-data/xset.group.retcor.RData
Binary file test-data/xset.group.retcor.RData has changed
diff -r 000000000000 -r 19c1d2598eb5 test-data/xset.group.retcor.Rplots.pdf
Binary file test-data/xset.group.retcor.Rplots.pdf has changed
diff -r 000000000000 -r 19c1d2598eb5 test-data/xset.group.retcor.TICs_corrected.pdf
Binary file test-data/xset.group.retcor.TICs_corrected.pdf has changed
diff -r 000000000000 -r 19c1d2598eb5 tool_dependencies.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool_dependencies.xml Fri Aug 07 10:57:36 2015 -0400
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