1 <tool id="mitobim" name="MITObim" version="0.1.0">
2 <description>mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping</description>
3 <requirements>
4 <requirement type="package" version="4.0.2">mira4_assembler</requirement>
5 </requirements>
6 <stdio>
7 <exit_code range="1:" />
8 </stdio>
9 <command><![CDATA[
10 cp $readpool readpool.fastq;
11 perl $__tool_directory__/MITObim_1.8.pl
12 --pair
13 --quick $quick
14 -start 1
15 -end $end
16 -sample $sample
17 -ref $ref
18 -readpool readpool.fastq
19 --clean >& log;
20 rm readpool.fastq
21 ]]></command>
22 <inputs>
23 <param type="data" name="quick" format="fasta,txt"
24 label="starts process with initial baiting using provided fasta reference" />
25 <param type="data" name="readpool" format="fastqsanger,fastq"
26 label="readpool in fastq format (*.gz is also allowed) ! For pair-end reads, please use interleave tool to join the forward and revers reads into one fastq file. !" />
27 <param name="end" type="integer" label="iteration to end with, default=1"
28 value="50" min="1" max="500" help="(-end)" />
29 <param name="sample" size="30" type="text" value="sample" label="sampleID as used in initial MIRA assembly"/>
30 <param name="ref" size="30" type="text" value="reference" label="referenceID as used in initial MIRA assembly"/>
31 </inputs>
32 <outputs>
33 <data name="output1" format="fasta" from_work_dir="finaloutput.fasta" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: Fasta"/>
34 <data name="output2" format="txt" from_work_dir="log" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: Log" />
35 </outputs>
37 <help><![CDATA[
39 MITObim - mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping
40 version 1.8
41 author: Christoph Hahn, (c) 2012-2015
43 usage: ./MITObim.pl <parameters>
45 parameters:
46 -start <int> iteration to start with, default=1
47 -end <int> iteration to end with, default=1
48 -sample <string> sampleID as used in initial MIRA assembly
49 -ref <string> referenceID as used in initial MIRA assembly
50 -readpool <FILE> readpool in fastq format (*.gz is also allowed)
51 -maf <FILE> maf file from previous MIRA assembly
53 optional:
54 --quick <FILE> starts process with initial baiting using provided fasta reference
55 --kbait <int> set kmer for baiting stringency (default: 31)
56 --denovo runs MIRA in denovo mode (default: mapping)
57 --pair finds pairs after baiting (relies on /1 and /2 header convention for read pairs) (default: no)
58 --verbose show detailed output of MIRA modules (default: no)
59 --split split reference at positions with more than 5N (default: no)
60 --help shows this helpful information
61 --clean retain only the last 2 iteration directories (default: no)
62 --trimreads trim data (default: no; we recommend to trim beforehand and feed MITObim with pre trimmed data)
63 --trimoverhang trim overhang up- and downstream of reference (default: no)
64 --missmatch <int> number of allowed missmatches in mapping - only for illumina data (default: 15% of avg. read length)
65 --min_cov <int> minimum average coverage of contigs to be retained (default: off)
66 --mirapath <string> full path to MIRA binaries (only needed if MIRA is not in PATH)
67 --iontor use iontorrent data (experimental - default is illumina data)
68 --454 use 454 data (experimental - default is illumina data)
70 examples:
71 ./MITObim.pl -start 1 -end 5 -sample StrainX -ref reference-mt -readpool illumina_readpool.fastq -maf initial_assembly.maf
72 ./MITObim.pl -end 10 --quick reference.fasta -sample StrainY -ref reference-mt -readpool illumina_readpool.fastq
75 ]]></help>
77 </tool>