diff omero_get_full_images.groovy @ 0:d041125db523 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/lldelisle/tools-lldelisle/tree/master/tools/omero_get_full_images commit b97db80733147cc920de70c59e1d283ef11fa879
author lldelisle
date Tue, 21 May 2024 13:50:08 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omero_get_full_images.groovy	Tue May 21 13:50:08 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+// This macro was written by
+// Lucille Delisle using templates available at
+// https://github.com/BIOP/OMERO-scripts/tree/025047955b5c1265e1a93b259c1de4600d00f107/Fiji
+// Last modification: 2024-05-21
+// The input image(s) may have multiple time stacks
+// and multiple channels
+// This macro works both in headless
+// or GUI
+// In both modes,
+// Images of all omero object are written to the output directory
+import fr.igred.omero.Client
+import fr.igred.omero.repository.DatasetWrapper
+import fr.igred.omero.repository.GenericRepositoryObjectWrapper
+import fr.igred.omero.repository.ImageWrapper
+import fr.igred.omero.repository.PlateWrapper
+import fr.igred.omero.repository.WellWrapper
+import ij.ImagePlus
+import ij.IJ
+import ij.io.FileSaver
+import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment
+import java.io.File
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
+// Global variable with times in minutes to wait:
+waiting_times = [0, 10, 60, 360, 600]
+def robustlyGetAll(GenericRepositoryObjectWrapper obj_wrp, String object_type, Client user_client) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            wrappers = null
+            switch (object_type) {
+                case "image":
+                    wrappers = obj_wrp.getImages(user_client)
+                    break
+                case "dataset":
+                    wrappers = obj_wrp.getDatasets(user_client)
+                    break
+                case "well":
+                    wrappers = obj_wrp.getWells(user_client)
+                    break
+                case "project":
+                    wrappers = obj_wrp.getProjects(user_client)
+                    break
+                case "plate":
+                    wrappers = obj_wrp.getPlates(user_client)
+                    break
+                case "screen":
+                    wrappers = obj_wrp.getScreens(user_client)
+                    break
+            }
+            return wrappers
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not get " + object_type + " for " + obj_wrp + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def robustlyGetOne(Long id, String object_type, Client user_client) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            wrapper = null
+            switch (object_type) {
+                case "image":
+                    warpper = user_client.getImage(id)
+                    break
+                case "dataset":
+                    warpper = user_client.getDataset(id)
+                    break
+                case "well":
+                    warpper = user_client.getWell(id)
+                    break
+                case "project":
+                    warpper = user_client.getProject(id)
+                    break
+                case "plate":
+                    warpper = user_client.getPlate(id)
+                    break
+                case "screen":
+                    warpper = user_client.getScreen(id)
+                    break
+            }
+            return warpper
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not get " + object_type + " id " + id + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def robustlytoImagePlus(ImageWrapper image_wrp, Client user_client) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            return image_wrp.toImagePlus(user_client)
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not convert to image plus " + image_wrp + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def processDataset(Client user_client, DatasetWrapper dataset_wrp,
+                   File output_directory,
+                   Boolean headless_mode) {
+    robustlyGetAll(dataset_wrp, "image", user_client).each{ ImageWrapper img_wrp ->
+        processImage(user_client, img_wrp,
+                     output_directory,
+                     headless_mode)
+    }
+def processSinglePlate(Client user_client, PlateWrapper plate_wrp,
+                       File output_directory,
+                       Boolean headless_mode) {
+    robustlyGetAll(plate_wrp, "well", user_client).each{ well_wrp ->
+        processSingleWell(user_client, well_wrp,
+                     output_directory,
+                     headless_mode)
+    }
+def processSingleWell(Client user_client, WellWrapper well_wrp,
+                      File output_directory,
+                      Boolean headless_mode) {
+    well_wrp.getWellSamples().each{
+        ImageWrapper img_wrp = it.getImage()
+        processImage(user_client, img_wrp,
+                     output_directory,
+                     headless_mode)
+    }
+def processImage(Client user_client, ImageWrapper image_wrp,
+                 File output_directory,
+                 Boolean headless_mode) {
+    IJ.run("Close All", "")
+    // Print image information
+    println "\n Image infos"
+    String image_basename = image_wrp.getName()
+    println ("Image_name : " + image_basename + " / id : " + image_wrp.getId())
+    println "Getting image from OMERO"
+    ImagePlus imp = robustlytoImagePlus(image_wrp, user_client)
+	// ImagePlus imp = IJ.openImage("/home/ldelisle/Desktop/EXP095_LE_PEG_CTGF_PLATE_120h.companion.ome [C2_1_merge].tif")
+    if (!headless_mode) {
+        imp.show()
+    }
+    // Write to file
+    File output_path = new File (output_directory, image_basename + ".tiff" )
+                // save file
+    FileSaver fs = new FileSaver(imp)
+    fs.saveAsTiff(output_path.toString())
+    return
+// User set variables
+#@ String(visibility=MESSAGE, value="Inputs", required=false) msg
+#@ String(label="User name") USERNAME
+#@ String(label="PASSWORD", style='PASSWORD', value="", persist=false) PASSWORD
+#@ String(label="File path with omero credentials") credentials
+#@ String(label="omero host server") host
+#@ Integer(label="omero host server port", value=4064) port
+#@ String(label="Object", choices={"image","dataset","well","plate"}) object_type
+#@ Long(label="ID", value=119273) id
+#@ String(visibility=MESSAGE, value="Parameters for output", required=false) msg5
+#@ File(style = "directory", label="Directory where measures are put") output_directory
+// Detect if is headless
+// java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.checkheadless_mode(GraphicsEnvironment.java:204)
+Boolean headless_mode = GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
+if (headless_mode) {
+    println "Running in headless mode"
+if (PASSWORD == "") {
+    File cred_file = new File(credentials)
+    if (!cred_file.exists()) {
+        throw new Exception("Password or credential file need to be set.")
+    }
+    String creds = FileUtils.readFileToString(cred_file, "UTF-8")
+    if (creds.split("\n").size() < 2) {
+        throw new Exception("Credential file requires 2 lines")
+    }
+    USERNAME = creds.split("\n")[0]
+    PASSWORD = creds.split("\n")[1]
+// Connection to server
+Client user_client = new Client()
+user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+if (user_client.isConnected()) {
+    println "\nConnected to "+host
+    println "Images will be in " + output_directory.toString()
+    try {
+        switch (object_type) {
+            case "image":
+                ImageWrapper image_wrp = robustlyGetOne(id, "image", user_client)
+                processImage(user_client, image_wrp,
+                    output_directory,
+                    headless_mode)
+                break
+            case "dataset":
+                DatasetWrapper dataset_wrp = robustlyGetOne(id, "dataset", user_client)
+                processDataset(user_client, dataset_wrp,
+                     output_directory,
+                     headless_mode)
+                break
+            case "well":
+                WellWrapper well_wrp = robustlyGetOne(id, "well", user_client)
+                processSingleWell(user_client, well_wrp,
+                     output_directory,
+                     headless_mode)
+                break
+            case "plate":
+                PlateWrapper plate_wrp = robustlyGetOne(id, "plate", user_client)
+                processSinglePlate(user_client, plate_wrp,
+                     output_directory,
+                     headless_mode)
+                break
+        }
+    } catch(Exception e) {
+        println("Something went wrong: " + e)
+        e.printStackTrace()
+        if (headless_mode){
+            // This is due to Rank Filter + GaussianBlur
+            System.exit(1)
+        }
+    } finally {
+        user_client.disconnect()
+        println "Disonnected " + host
+    }
+    if (headless_mode) {
+        // This is due to Rank Filter + GaussianBlur
+        System.exit(0)
+    }
+} else {
+    throw new Exception("Not able to connect to " + host)