changeset 1:bd5771ff6aa3 draft

planemo upload for repository commit aec2e2ead02236551c1e9c6d333034057daf0bca
author lldelisle
date Wed, 20 Dec 2023 20:07:13 +0000 (15 months ago)
parents 5396ab665901
children 45375dc5dd8d
files 1-omero_timelapse_image_to_measurements_phase.groovy omero_hyperstack_to_gastruloid_measurements.xml
diffstat 3 files changed, 1017 insertions(+), 309 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/1-omero_timelapse_image_to_measurements_phase.groovy	Fri Mar 24 13:03:39 2023 +0000
+++ b/1-omero_timelapse_image_to_measurements_phase.groovy	Wed Dec 20 20:07:13 2023 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 // This macro was written by the BIOP (
 // Romain Guiet and Rémy Dornier
 // Lucille Delisle modified to support headless
+// And to be more robust to OMERO reboot
 // merge the analysis script with templates available at
-// Last modification: 2023-03-24
+// Last modification: 2023-12-20
@@ -28,20 +29,35 @@
-// This macro will use ilastik to detect ROIs
+// This macro will use ilastik or convert to mask
+// to detect ROIs
 // measure and compute elongation index
+// It may also regenerate a ROI of background
 // The input image(s) may have multiple time stacks
 // It may have multiple channels
 // If multiple channels are present, the LUT will be
 // used to determine which channel should be used.
+// The option keep_only_largest (by default to true)
+// Allows to keep only the largest ROI for each stack
+// The option 'rescue' allows to only process images without ROIs and
+// tables and generate the final table
+// Without this option, the job will fail if a ROI or a table exists
+// If a final table exists it will fail in both modes
+// The option use_existing allows to
+// Recompute only spine
 // This macro works both in headless
 // or GUI
 // In both modes,
 // The result table and the result ROI are sent to omero
-// The measures are: Area,Perim.,Circ.,Feret,FeretX,FeretY,FeretAngle,MinFeret,AR,Round,Solidity,Unit,Date,Version,IlastikProject,ProbabilityThreshold,MinSizeParticle,MinDiameter,ClosenessTolerance,MinSimilarity,RadiusMedian,BaseImage,ROI,Time,ROI_type,LargestRadius,SpineLength,ElongationIndex
+// The measures are: Area,Perim.,Circ.,Feret,FeretX,FeretY,FeretAngle,MinFeret,AR,Round,Solidity,Unit,Date,Version,IlastikProject,ProbabilityThreshold,MinSizeParticle,MinDiameter,ClosenessTolerance,MinSimilarity,RadiusMedian,BaseImage,ROI,Time,ROI_type,XCentroid,YCentroid,LargestRadius,SpineLength,ElongationIndex[,Date_rerun_spine,Version_rerun_spine]
 // LargestRadius and SpineLength are set to 0 if no circle was found.
 // ElongationIndex is set to 0 if a gastruloid was found and to -1 if no gastruloid was found.
@@ -53,6 +69,7 @@
 import fr.igred.omero.annotations.TableWrapper
 import fr.igred.omero.Client
 import fr.igred.omero.repository.DatasetWrapper
+import fr.igred.omero.repository.GenericRepositoryObjectWrapper
 import fr.igred.omero.repository.ImageWrapper
 import fr.igred.omero.repository.PlateWrapper
 import fr.igred.omero.repository.PixelsWrapper
@@ -63,13 +80,16 @@
 import ij.gui.Overlay
 import ij.gui.PolygonRoi
 import ij.gui.Roi
+import ij.gui.ShapeRoi
 import ij.IJ
+import ij.measure.ResultsTable
 import ij.plugin.Concatenator
 import ij.plugin.Duplicator
 import ij.plugin.frame.RoiManager
 import ij.plugin.HyperStackConverter
 import ij.plugin.ImageCalculator
+import ij.plugin.Thresholder
 import ij.Prefs
 import ij.process.FloatPolygon
 import ij.process.ImageProcessor
@@ -77,6 +97,8 @@
 import java.awt.Color
 import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
@@ -88,7 +110,290 @@
 import org.ilastik.ilastik4ij.ui.*
-def processDataset(Client user_client, DatasetWrapper dataset_wpr,
+// Global variable with times in minutes to wait:
+waiting_times = [0, 10, 60, 360, 600]
+def robustlyGetAll(GenericRepositoryObjectWrapper obj_wrp, String object_type, Client user_client) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            wrappers = null
+            switch (object_type) {
+                case "image":
+                    wrappers = obj_wrp.getImages(user_client)
+                    break
+                case "dataset":
+                    wrappers = obj_wrp.getDatasets(user_client)
+                    break
+                case "well":
+                    wrappers = obj_wrp.getWells(user_client)
+                    break
+                case "project":
+                    wrappers = obj_wrp.getProjects(user_client)
+                    break
+                case "plate":
+                    wrappers = obj_wrp.getPlates(user_client)
+                    break
+                case "screen":
+                    wrappers = obj_wrp.getScreens(user_client)
+                    break
+            }
+            return wrappers
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not get " + object_type + " for " + obj_wrp + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def robustlyGetOne(Long id, String object_type, Client user_client) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            wrapper = null
+            switch (object_type) {
+                case "image":
+                    warpper = user_client.getImage(id)
+                    break
+                case "dataset":
+                    warpper = user_client.getDataset(id)
+                    break
+                case "well":
+                    warpper = user_client.getWell(id)
+                    break
+                case "project":
+                    warpper = user_client.getProject(id)
+                    break
+                case "plate":
+                    warpper = user_client.getPlate(id)
+                    break
+                case "screen":
+                    warpper = user_client.getScreen(id)
+                    break
+            }
+            return warpper
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not get " + object_type + " id " + id + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def robustlyGetTables(GenericRepositoryObjectWrapper obj_wrp,Client user_client) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            return obj_wrp.getTables(user_client)
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not get tables for " + obj_wrp + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def robustlyGetROIs(ImageWrapper image_wrp,Client user_client) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            return image_wrp.getROIs(user_client)
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not get ROIs for " + image_wrp + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def robustlyHasAnyTable(GenericRepositoryObjectWrapper obj_wrp, String object_type, Client user_client) {
+    if (robustlyGetTables(obj_wrp, user_client).size() > 0) {
+        return true
+    } else {
+        for (image_wrp in robustlyGetAll(obj_wrp, "image", user_client)) {
+            if (robustlyGetTables(image_wrp, user_client).size() > 0) {
+                return true
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return false
+def robustlyHasAnyROI(GenericRepositoryObjectWrapper obj_wrp, Client user_client) {
+    for (image_wrp in robustlyGetAll(obj_wrp, "image", user_client)) {
+        if (robustlyGetROIs(image_wrp, user_client).size() > 0) {
+            return true
+        }
+    }
+    return false
+def robustlyDeleteTables(GenericRepositoryObjectWrapper obj_wrp,Client user_client) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            obj_wrp.getTables(user_client).each{
+                user_client.delete(it)
+            }
+            return
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not remove tables for " + obj_wrp + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def robustlyDeleteROIs(ImageWrapper image_wrp, Client user_client, List<ROIWrapper> rois) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            // Remove existing ROIs
+            // image_wrp.getROIs(user_client).each{ user_client.delete(it) }
+            // Caused failure due to too high number of 'servantsPerSession'
+            // Which reached 10k
+            // I use see
+            user_client.delete((Collection<ROIWrapper>) rois)
+            return
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not remove ROIs for " + image_wrp + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def robustlyAddAndReplaceTable(GenericRepositoryObjectWrapper obj_wrp, Client user_client, TableWrapper table) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            obj_wrp.addAndReplaceTable(user_client, table)
+            return
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not add table to " + obj_wrp + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def robustlytoImagePlus(ImageWrapper image_wrp, Client user_client) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            return image_wrp.toImagePlus(user_client)
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not convert to image plus " + image_wrp + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def robustlysaveROIs(ImageWrapper image_wrp, Client user_client, List<ROIWrapper> rois) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            image_wrp.saveROIs(user_client, rois)
+            return
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not add ROIs to " + image_wrp + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def robustlyNewTableWrapper(Client user_client, ResultsTable results, Long imageId, List<? extends Roi> ijRois, String roiProperty) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            return new TableWrapper(user_client, results, imageId, ijRois, roiProperty)
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            println("Could not generate new table for image " + imageId + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def robustlyAddRows(TableWrapper table, Client user_client, ResultsTable results, Long imageId, List<? extends Roi> ijRois, String roiProperty) {
+    for (waiting_time in waiting_times) {
+        try {
+            table.addRows(user_client, results, imageId, ijRois, roiProperty)
+            return
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            if (e.getClass().equals(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException)) {
+                throw e
+            }
+            println("Could not add rows for image " + imageId + " waiting " + waiting_time + " minutes and trying again.")
+            println e
+            TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(waiting_time)
+            last_exception = e
+            if (!user_client.isConnected()) {
+                println("Has been deconnected. Will reconnect.")
+                user_client.connect(host, port, USERNAME, PASSWORD.toCharArray())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    throw last_exception
+def processDataset(Client user_client, DatasetWrapper dataset_wrp,
                    File ilastik_project, String ilastik_project_type,
                    Integer ilastik_label_OI,
                    Double probability_threshold, Double radius_median,
@@ -96,20 +401,26 @@
                    Integer minimum_diameter, Integer closeness_tolerance, Double min_similarity,
                    String ilastik_project_short_name,
                    File output_directory,
-                   Boolean headless_mode, Boolean debug, String tool_version) {
-    dataset_wpr.getImages(user_client).each{ ImageWrapper img_wpr ->
-        processImage(user_client, img_wpr,
+                   Boolean headless_mode, Boolean debug, String tool_version,
+                   Boolean use_existing, String final_object, Boolean rescue,
+                   Integer ilastik_label_BG, Double probability_threshold_BG,
+                   Boolean keep_only_largest, String segmentation_method) {
+    robustlyGetAll(dataset_wrp, "image", user_client).each{ ImageWrapper img_wrp ->
+        processImage(user_client, img_wrp,
                      ilastik_project, ilastik_project_type,
                      ilastik_label_OI, probability_threshold,
                      radius_median, min_size_particle, get_spine,
                      minimum_diameter, closeness_tolerance, min_similarity,
-                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version)
+                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version,
+                     use_existing, final_object, rescue,
+                     ilastik_label_BG, probability_threshold_BG,
+                     keep_only_largest, segmentation_method)
-def processSinglePlate(Client user_client, PlateWrapper plate_wpr,
+def processSinglePlate(Client user_client, PlateWrapper plate_wrp,
                        File ilastik_project, String ilastik_project_type,
                        Integer ilastik_label_OI,
                        Double probability_threshold, Double radius_median,
@@ -117,20 +428,26 @@
                        Integer minimum_diameter, Integer closeness_tolerance, Double min_similarity,
                        String ilastik_project_short_name,
                        File output_directory,
-                       Boolean headless_mode, Boolean debug, String tool_version) {
-    plate_wpr.getWells(user_client).each{ well_wpr ->
-        processSingleWell(user_client, well_wpr,
+                       Boolean headless_mode, Boolean debug, String tool_version, Boolean use_existing,
+                       String final_object, Boolean rescue,
+                       Integer ilastik_label_BG, Double probability_threshold_BG,
+                       Boolean keep_only_largest, String segmentation_method) {
+    robustlyGetAll(plate_wrp, "well", user_client).each{ well_wrp ->
+        processSingleWell(user_client, well_wrp,
                      ilastik_project, ilastik_project_type,
                      ilastik_label_OI, probability_threshold,
                      radius_median, min_size_particle, get_spine,
                      minimum_diameter, closeness_tolerance, min_similarity,
-                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version)
+                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version,
+                     use_existing, final_object, rescue,
+                     ilastik_label_BG, probability_threshold_BG,
+                     keep_only_largest, segmentation_method)
-def processSingleWell(Client user_client, WellWrapper well_wpr,
+def processSingleWell(Client user_client, WellWrapper well_wrp,
                       File ilastik_project, String ilastik_project_type,
                       Integer ilastik_label_OI,
                       Double probability_threshold, Double radius_median,
@@ -138,8 +455,11 @@
                       Integer minimum_diameter, Integer closeness_tolerance, Double min_similarity,
                       String ilastik_project_short_name,
                       File output_directory,
-                      Boolean headless_mode, Boolean debug, String tool_version) {
-    well_wpr.getWellSamples().each{
+                      Boolean headless_mode, Boolean debug, String tool_version, Boolean use_existing,
+                      String final_object, Boolean rescue,
+                      Integer ilastik_label_BG, Double probability_threshold_BG,
+                      Boolean keep_only_largest, String segmentation_method) {
+    well_wrp.getWellSamples().each{
         processImage(user_client, it.getImage(),
                      ilastik_project, ilastik_project_type,
                      ilastik_label_OI, probability_threshold,
@@ -147,11 +467,14 @@
                      minimum_diameter, closeness_tolerance, min_similarity,
-                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version)
+                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version,
+                     use_existing, final_object, rescue,
+                     ilastik_label_BG, probability_threshold_BG,
+                     keep_only_largest, segmentation_method)
-def processImage(Client user_client, ImageWrapper image_wpr,
+def processImage(Client user_client, ImageWrapper image_wrp,
                  File ilastik_project, String ilastik_project_type, // String ilastik_strategy,
                  Integer ilastik_label_OI,
                  Double probability_threshold, Double radius_median, Integer min_size_particle,
@@ -159,7 +482,10 @@
                  Integer minimum_diameter, Integer closeness_tolerance, Double min_similarity,
                  String ilastik_project_short_name,
                  File output_directory,
-                 Boolean headless_mode, Boolean debug, String tool_version) {
+                 Boolean headless_mode, Boolean debug, String tool_version,
+                 Boolean use_existing, String final_object, Boolean rescue,
+                 Integer ilastik_label_BG, Double probability_threshold_BG,
+                 Boolean keep_only_largest, String segmentation_method) {"Close All", "")"Clear Results")
@@ -172,29 +498,37 @@
     // Print image information
     println "\n Image infos"
-    String image_basename = image_wpr.getName()
-    println ("Image_name : " + image_basename + " / id : " + image_wpr.getId())
-    List<DatasetWrapper> dataset_wpr_list = image_wpr.getDatasets(user_client)
+    String image_basename = image_wrp.getName()
+    println ("Image_name : " + image_basename + " / id : " + image_wrp.getId())
+    List<DatasetWrapper> dataset_wrp_list = robustlyGetAll(image_wrp, "dataset", user_client)
     // if the image is part of a dataset
-    if(!dataset_wpr_list.isEmpty()){
-        dataset_wpr_list.each{println("dataset_name : "+it.getName()+" / id : "+it.getId())};
-        image_wpr.getProjects(user_client).each{println("Project_name : "+it.getName()+" / id : "+it.getId())};
+    if(!dataset_wrp_list.isEmpty()){
+        dataset_wrp_list.each{
+            println("dataset_name : "+it.getName()+" / id : "+it.getId())
+        }
+        robustlyGetAll(image_wrp, "project", user_client).each{
+            println("Project_name : "+it.getName()+" / id : "+it.getId())
+        }
     // if the image is part of a plate
     else {
-        WellWrapper well_wpr = image_wpr.getWells(user_client).get(0)
-        println ("Well_name : "+well_wpr.getName() +" / id : "+ well_wpr.getId())
-        def plate_wpr = image_wpr.getPlates(user_client).get(0)
-        println ("plate_name : "+plate_wpr.getName() + " / id : "+ plate_wpr.getId())
-        def screen_wpr = image_wpr.getScreens(user_client).get(0)
-        println ("screen_name : "+screen_wpr.getName() + " / id : "+ screen_wpr.getId())
+        robustlyGetAll(image_wrp, "well", user_client).each{
+            println ("Well_name : "+it.getName() +" / id : "+ it.getId())
+        }
+        robustlyGetAll(image_wrp, "plate", user_client).each{
+            println ("plate_name : "+it.getName() + " / id : "+ it.getId())
+        }
+        robustlyGetAll(image_wrp, "screen", user_client).each{
+            println ("screen_name : "+it.getName() + " / id : "+ it.getId())
+        }
-    ImagePlus imp = image_wpr.toImagePlus(user_client);
+    println "Getting image from OMERO"
+    ImagePlus imp = robustlytoImagePlus(image_wrp, user_client)
+	// ImagePlus imp = IJ.openImage("/home/ldelisle/Desktop/EXP095_LE_PEG_CTGF_PLATE_120h.companion.ome [C2_1_merge].tif")
     if (!headless_mode) {
@@ -205,8 +539,13 @@
     int nC = dim_array[2]
     int nT = dim_array[4]
+    // Get scale from omero
+    PixelsWrapper pixels = image_wrp.getPixels()
+    LengthI pixel_size = pixels.getPixelSizeX()
+    Double scale = pixel_size.getValue()
+    String scale_unit = pixel_size.getUnit().toString()
+    // Find the Greys channel:
     int ilastik_input_ch = 1
-    // Find the Greys channel:
     ImageProcessor ip
     if (nC > 1) {
         for (int i = 1; i <= nC; i ++) {
@@ -223,201 +562,418 @@
-    File output_path = new File (output_directory, image_basename+"_ilastik_" + ilastik_project_short_name + "_output.tif" )
-    ImagePlus predictions_imp
-    FileSaver fs
-    if(output_path.exists()) {
-        predictions_imp = IJ.openImage( output_path.toString() )
-    } else {
-        /**
-        *  ilastik
-        */
-        println "Starting ilastik"
-        // get ilastik predictions for each time point of the Time-lapse but all at the same time
-        ImagePlus ilastik_input_original = new Duplicator().run(imp, ilastik_input_ch, ilastik_input_ch, 1, 1, 1, nT);
+    // Define what will be defined in all cases:
+    double pixelWidth
+    ImagePlus mask_imp
+    List<ROIWrapper> updatedRoisW
+    List<Roi> updatedRois
+    // Or in both:
+    TableWrapper my_table
+    Boolean use_roi_name = true
-        ImagePlus gb_imp = ilastik_input_original.duplicate()
-, "Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=100 stack")
-        ImagePlus ilastik_input =, gb_imp, "Divide create 32-bit stack")
-        if (!headless_mode) {}
-        // can't work without displaying image
-        //"Run Pixel Classification Prediction", "projectfilename="+ilastik_project+" inputimage="+ilastik_input.getTitle()+" pixelclassificationtype=Probabilities");
-        //
-        // to use in headless_mode more we need to use a commandservice
-        def predictions_imgPlus
-        if (ilastik_project_type == "Regular") {
-            predictions_imgPlus = IlastikPixelClassificationCommand.class, false,
-                                        'inputImage', ilastik_input,
-                                        'projectFileName', ilastik_project,
-                                        'pixelClassificationType', "Probabilities").get().getOutput("predictions")
-        } else {
-            predictions_imgPlus = IlastikAutoContextCommand.class, false,
-                                        'inputImage', ilastik_input,
-                                        'projectFileName', ilastik_project,
-                                        'AutocontextPredictionType', "Probabilities").get().getOutput("predictions")
+    if (use_existing || rescue) {
+        // get the list of image tables
+        // store the one with table_name
+        robustlyGetTables(image_wrp, user_client).each{ TableWrapper t_wrp ->
+            if (t_wrp.getName() == table_name){
+                my_table = t_wrp
+            }
+        }
+        if (rescue && my_table == null) {
+            // We need to run the segmentation
+            use_existing = false
+            rescue = false
+            rois = robustlyGetROIs(image_wrp, user_client)
+            if (rois.size() > 0) {
+                // Clean existing ROIs
+                robustlyDeleteROIs(image_wrp, user_client, rois)
+            }
+        } else if (rescue && my_table != null) {
+            // We just need to generate a table
+            use_existing = true
+            get_spine = false
+        } else if ((!rescue) && my_table == null) {
+            throw new Exception("There is no table named " + table_name + " you need to rerun segmentation.")
-        // to convert the result to ImagePlus :
-        predictions_imp = ImageJFunctions.wrap(predictions_imgPlus, "predictions")
+    }
+    if (!use_existing) {
+        // We compute the segmentation
+        if (segmentation_method == "ilastik") {
+            File output_path = new File (output_directory, image_basename+"_ilastik_" + ilastik_project_short_name + "_output.tif" )
+            ImagePlus predictions_imp
+            FileSaver fs
+            if(output_path.exists()) {
+                println "USING EXISTING ILASTIK OUTPUT"
+                predictions_imp = IJ.openImage( output_path.toString() )
+            } else {
+                /**
+                *  ilastik
+                */
+                println "Starting ilastik"
-        predictions_imp.setTitle("ilastik_output")
+                // get ilastik predictions for each time point of the Time-lapse but all at the same time
+                ImagePlus ilastik_input_original = new Duplicator().run(imp, ilastik_input_ch, ilastik_input_ch, 1, 1, 1, nT);
-        // save file
-        fs = new FileSaver(predictions_imp)
-        fs.saveAsTiff(output_path.toString() )
-    }
-    if (!headless_mode) {   }
+                ImagePlus gb_imp = ilastik_input_original.duplicate()
+      , "Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=100 stack")
+                ImagePlus ilastik_input =, gb_imp, "Divide create 32-bit stack")
+                if (!headless_mode) {}
+                // can't work without displaying image
+                //"Run Pixel Classification Prediction", "projectfilename="+ilastik_project+" inputimage="+ilastik_input.getTitle()+" pixelclassificationtype=Probabilities");
+                //
+                // to use in headless_mode more we need to use a commandservice
+                def predictions_imgPlus
+                if (ilastik_project_type == "Regular") {
+                    predictions_imgPlus = IlastikPixelClassificationCommand.class, false,
+                                                    'inputImage', ilastik_input,
+                                                    'projectFileName', ilastik_project,
+                                                    'pixelClassificationType', "Probabilities").get().getOutput("predictions")
+                } else {
+                    predictions_imgPlus = IlastikAutoContextCommand.class, false,
+                                                    'inputImage', ilastik_input,
+                                                    'projectFileName', ilastik_project,
+                                                    'AutocontextPredictionType', "Probabilities").get().getOutput("predictions")
+                }
+                // to convert the result to ImagePlus :
+                predictions_imp = ImageJFunctions.wrap(predictions_imgPlus, "predictions")
+                predictions_imp.setTitle("ilastik_output")
-    /**
-     * From the "ilastik predictions of the Time-lapse" do segmentation and cleaning
-     */
-    // Get only the channel for the gastruloid/background prediction
-    ImagePlus mask_imp = new Duplicator().run(predictions_imp, ilastik_label_OI, ilastik_label_OI, 1, 1, 1, nT);
-    // This title will appear in the result table
-    mask_imp.setTitle(image_basename)
-    // Apply threshold:
-    IJ.setThreshold(mask_imp, probability_threshold, 100.0000);
-    Prefs.blackBackground = true;
-, "Convert to Mask", "method=Default background=Dark black");
-    if (!headless_mode) { }
+                // save file
+                fs = new FileSaver(predictions_imp)
+                fs.saveAsTiff(output_path.toString() )
+            }
+            if (!headless_mode) {   }
-    // clean the mask a bit
-    // Before we were doing:
-    //, "Options...", "iterations=10 count=3 black do=Open")
-    // Now:
-    // (Romain proposed 5 as radius_median)
-    println "Smoothing mask"
-    // Here I need to check if we first fill holes or first do the median
-, "Median...", "radius=" + radius_median + " stack");
+            /**
+            * From the "ilastik predictions of the Time-lapse" do segmentation and cleaning
+            */
-, "Fill Holes", "stack");
+            // Get a stack of ROI for background:
+            if (ilastik_label_BG != 0) {
+                ImagePlus mask_imp_BG = new Duplicator().run(predictions_imp, ilastik_label_BG, ilastik_label_BG, 1, 1, 1, nT)
+                // Apply threshold:
+                IJ.setThreshold(mask_imp_BG, probability_threshold_BG, 100.0000)
+                Prefs.blackBackground = true
+      , "Convert to Mask", "method=Default background=Dark black")
+                if (!headless_mode) { }
+      , "Analyze Particles...", "stack show=Overlay")
+                Overlay ov_BG = mask_imp_BG.getOverlay()
+                Overlay ov_BG_Combined = new Overlay()
+                for (int t=1;t<=nT;t++) {
+                    // Don't ask me why we need to refer to Z pos and not T/Frame
+                    ArrayList<Roi> all_rois_inT = ov_BG.findAll{ roi -> roi.getZPosition() == t}
+                    println "There are " + all_rois_inT.size() + " in time " + t
+                    if (all_rois_inT.size() > 0) {
+                        ShapeRoi current_roi = new ShapeRoi(all_rois_inT[0] as Roi)
+                        for (i = 1; i < all_rois_inT.size(); i++) {
+                            current_roi = current_roi.or(new ShapeRoi(all_rois_inT[i] as Roi))
+                        }
+                        // Update the position before adding to the ov_BG_Combined
+                        current_roi.setPosition( ilastik_input_ch, 1, t)
+                        current_roi.setName("Background_t" + t)
+                        ov_BG_Combined.add(current_roi)
+                    }
+                }
+      "Clear Results")
+                println "Store " + ov_BG_Combined.size() + " BG ROIs on OMERO"
+                // Save ROIs to omero
+                robustlysaveROIs(image_wrp, user_client, ROIWrapper.fromImageJ(ov_BG_Combined as List))
+            }
-    // Get scale from omero
-    PixelsWrapper pixels = image_wpr.getPixels()
-    LengthI pixel_size = pixels.getPixelSizeX()
-    Double scale = pixel_size.getValue()
-    String scale_unit = pixel_size.getUnit().toString()
-    // find gastruloids and measure them
+            // Get only the channel for the gastruloid/background prediction
+            mask_imp = new Duplicator().run(predictions_imp, ilastik_label_OI, ilastik_label_OI, 1, 1, 1, nT);
-"Set Measurements...", "area feret's perimeter shape display redirect=None decimal=3")
-"Set Scale...", "distance=1 known=" + scale + " unit=micron")
-    // Exclude the edge
-, "Analyze Particles...", "size=" + min_size_particle + "-Infinity stack exclude show=Overlay");
+            // Apply threshold:
+            IJ.setThreshold(mask_imp, probability_threshold, 100.0000);
+            Prefs.blackBackground = true;
+  , "Convert to Mask", "method=Default background=Dark black");
-    println "Found " + rt.size() + " ROIs"
+        } else {
+            // Get only the channel with bright field
+            mask_imp = new Duplicator().run(imp, ilastik_input_ch, ilastik_input_ch, 1, 1, 1, nT);
+            // Run convert to mask
+            (new Thresholder()).convertStackToBinary(mask_imp);
+        }
+        // This title will appear in the result table
+        mask_imp.setTitle(image_basename)
+        if (!headless_mode) { }
-    // make a "clean" mask
-    newMask_imp = IJ.createImage("CleanMask", "8-bit black", imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight(), nT);
-    if (nT > 1) {
-        HyperStackConverter.toHyperStack(newMask_imp, 1, 1, nT, "xyctz", "Color");
-    }
-    if (!headless_mode) {}
+        // clean the mask a bit
+        // Before we were doing:
+        //, "Options...", "iterations=10 count=3 black do=Open")
+        // Now:
+        // (Romain proposed 5 as radius_median)
+        println "Smoothing mask"
+        // Here I need to check if we first fill holes or first do the median
+, "Median...", "radius=" + radius_median + " stack");
+, "Fill Holes", "stack");
+        // find gastruloids and measure them
+"Set Measurements...", "area feret's perimeter shape display redirect=None decimal=3")
+"Set Scale...", "distance=1 known=" + scale + " unit=micron")
+        pixelWidth = mask_imp.getCalibration().pixelWidth
+        println "pixelWidth is " + pixelWidth
+        // Exclude the edge
+, "Analyze Particles...", "size=" + min_size_particle + "-Infinity stack exclude show=Overlay");
+        println "Found " + rt.size() + " ROIs"
-    Overlay ov = mask_imp.getOverlay()
-    // Let's keep only the largest area for each time:
-    Overlay clean_overlay = new Overlay()
-    Roi largest_roi_inT
-    for (int t=1;t<=nT;t++) {
-        // Don't ask me why we need to refer to Z pos and not T/Frame
-        ArrayList<Roi> all_rois_inT = ov.findAll{ roi -> roi.getZPosition() == t}
-        println "There are " + all_rois_inT.size() + " in time " + t
-        if (all_rois_inT.size() == 0) {
-            // We arbitrary design a ROI of size 1x1
-            largest_roi_inT = new Roi(0,0,1,1)
-            largest_roi_inT.setName("GastruloidNotFound_t" + t)
+        Overlay ov = mask_imp.getOverlay()
+        // We store in clean_overlay all gastruloids to measure
+        // They must have names and appropriate position
+        Overlay clean_overlay = new Overlay()
+        if (keep_only_largest) {
+            // Let's keep only the largest area for each time:
+            Roi largest_roi_inT
+            for (int t=1;t<=nT;t++) {
+                // Don't ask me why we need to refer to Z pos and not T/Frame
+                ArrayList<Roi> all_rois_inT = ov.findAll{ roi -> roi.getZPosition() == t}
+                println "There are " + all_rois_inT.size() + " in time " + t
+                if (all_rois_inT.size() > 0) {
+                    largest_roi_inT = Collections.max(all_rois_inT, Comparator.comparing((roi) -> roi.getStatistics().area ))
+                    largest_roi_inT.setName("Gastruloid_t" + t + "_id1")
+                } else {
+                    // We arbitrary design a ROI of size 1x1
+                    largest_roi_inT = new Roi(0,0,1,1)
+                    largest_roi_inT.setName("GastruloidNotFound_t" + t)
+                }
+                // Update the position before adding to the clean_overlay
+                largest_roi_inT.setPosition( ilastik_input_ch, 1, t)
+                clean_overlay.add(largest_roi_inT)
+            }
         } else {
-            largest_roi_inT = Collections.max(all_rois_inT, Comparator.comparing((roi) -> roi.getStatistics().area ))
-            largest_roi_inT.setName("Gastruloid_t" + t)
+            // We keep all
+            // We store the last number given:
+            int[] lastID = new int[nT]
+            ov.each{ Roi roi ->
+                // Don't ask me why we need to refer to Z pos and not T/Frame
+                t = roi.getZPosition()
+                id = lastID[t - 1] + 1
+                roi.setName("Gastruloid_t" + t + "_id" + id)
+                // Increase lastID:
+                lastID[t - 1] += 1
+                // Update the position before adding to the clean_overlay
+                roi.setPosition( ilastik_input_ch, 1, t)
+                clean_overlay.add(roi)
+            }
+            // Fill timepoints with no ROI with notfound:
+            Roi roi
+            for (int t=1;t<=nT;t++) {
+                if (lastID[t - 1] == 0) {
+                    // We arbitrary design a ROI of size 1x1
+                    roi = new Roi(0,0,1,1)
+                    roi.setName("GastruloidNotFound_t" + t)
+                    // Update the position before adding to the clean_overlay
+                    roi.setPosition( ilastik_input_ch, 1, t)
+                    clean_overlay.add(roi)
+                }
+            }
-        // Fill the frame t with the largest_roi_inT
-        newMask_imp.setT(t)
-        Overlay t_ov = new Overlay(largest_roi_inT)
-        t_ov.fill(newMask_imp,  Color.white,
-        // Update the position before adding to the clean_overlay
-        largest_roi_inT.setPosition( ilastik_input_ch, 1, t)
-        clean_overlay.add(largest_roi_inT)
-    }
+        // Measure this new overlay:
+        rt = clean_overlay.measure(imp)
+        // Get Date
+        Date date = new Date()
+        String now = date.format("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm")
-    // Measure this new overlay:
-    rt = clean_overlay.measure(imp)
+        // Add Date, version and params
+        for ( int row = 0;row<rt.size();row++) {
+            rt.setValue("Unit", row, scale_unit)
+            rt.setValue("Date", row, now)
+            rt.setValue("Version", row, tool_version)
+            if (segmentation_method == "ilastik") {
+                rt.setValue("IlastikProject", row, ilastik_project_short_name)
+                rt.setValue("ProbabilityThreshold", row, probability_threshold)
+            } else {
+                rt.setValue("IlastikProject", row, "NA")
+                rt.setValue("ProbabilityThreshold", row, "NA")
+            }
+            rt.setValue("MinSizeParticle", row, min_size_particle)
+            rt.setValue("MinDiameter", row, minimum_diameter)
+            rt.setValue("ClosenessTolerance", row, closeness_tolerance)
+            rt.setValue("MinSimilarity", row, min_similarity)
+            rt.setValue("RadiusMedian", row, radius_median)
+            String label = rt.getLabel(row)
+            rt.setValue("BaseImage", row, label.split(":")[0])
+            rt.setValue("ROI", row, label.split(":")[1])
+            // In simple-omero-client
+            // Strings that can be converted to double are stored in double
+            // in omero so to create the super_table we need to store all
+            // them as Double:
+            rt.setValue("Time", row, label.split(":")[1].split("_t")[-1].split("_id")[0] as Double)
+            rt.setValue("ROI_type", row, label.split(":")[1].split("_t")[0])
+            Roi current_roi = clean_overlay[row]
+            Double[] centroid = current_roi.getContourCentroid()
+            rt.setValue("XCentroid", row, centroid[0])
+            rt.setValue("YCentroid", row, centroid[1])
+            assert label.split(":")[1] == current_roi.getName() : "Name in ov does not match name in rt";
+        }
+        println "Store " + clean_overlay.size() + " ROIs on OMERO"
+        // Save ROIs to omero
+        robustlysaveROIs(image_wrp, user_client, ROIWrapper.fromImageJ(clean_overlay as List))
-    assert rt.size() == nT: "Was expecting as many entry as time points"
-    // Get Date
-    Date date = new Date()
-    String now = date.format("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm")
+        // Get them back with IDs:
+        updatedRoisW = robustlyGetROIs(image_wrp, user_client)
+        updatedRois = ROIWrapper.toImageJ(updatedRoisW, "ROI")
+    } else {
+        // reinitialize the rt
+        rt = new ResultsTable()
+        // The first column (index 0) of the result table is the image ID
+        // The second column (index 1) is the ROI ID
+        // Add all others values
+        for (icol = 2; icol < my_table.getColumnCount(); icol ++) {
+            colname = my_table.getColumnName(icol)
+            for (row = 0; row < my_table.getRowCount(); row ++) {
+                rt.setValue(colname, row, my_table.getData(row, icol))
+            }
+        }
+        // Add ROI column
+        use_roi_name = false
+        for ( int row = 0;row<rt.size();row++) {
+            rt.setValue("ROI", row, my_table.getData(row, 1).getId())
+        }
+        if (!rescue) {
+            // Get the ROI ids associated with the measures of the table
+            Long[] gastruloid_roi_ids = (my_table.getData()[1]).collect{
+                it.getId()
+            }
+            // Sort the array:
+            Arrays.sort(gastruloid_roi_ids)
+            // Get Date
+            Date date = new Date()
+            String now = date.format("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm")
-    // Add Date, version and params
-    for ( int row = 0;row<rt.size();row++) {
-        rt.setValue("Unit", row, scale_unit)
-        rt.setValue("Date", row, now)
-        rt.setValue("Version", row, tool_version)
-        rt.setValue("IlastikProject", row, ilastik_project_short_name)
-        rt.setValue("ProbabilityThreshold", row, probability_threshold)
-        rt.setValue("MinSizeParticle", row, min_size_particle)
-        rt.setValue("MinDiameter", row, minimum_diameter)
-        rt.setValue("ClosenessTolerance", row, closeness_tolerance)
-        rt.setValue("MinSimilarity", row, min_similarity)
-        rt.setValue("RadiusMedian", row, radius_median)
-        String label = rt.getLabel(row)
-        rt.setValue("BaseImage", row, label.split(":")[0])
-        rt.setValue("ROI", row, label.split(":")[1])
-        // In simple-omero-client
-        // Strings that can be converted to double are stored in double
-        // in omero so to create the super_table we need to store all
-        // them as Double:
-        rt.setValue("Time", row, label.split(":")[1].split("_t")[-1] as Double)
-        rt.setValue("ROI_type", row, label.split(":")[1].split("_t")[0])
+            // Add Date, version and params
+            for ( int row = 0;row<rt.size();row++) {
+                rt.setValue("Date_rerun_spine", row, now)
+                rt.setValue("Version_rerun_spine", row, tool_version)
+                rt.setValue("MinDiameter", row, minimum_diameter)
+                rt.setValue("ClosenessTolerance", row, closeness_tolerance)
+                rt.setValue("MinSimilarity", row, min_similarity)
+            }
+            // Remove any roi which is not gastruloid:
+            println "Remove ROIs other than segmentation results and tables"
+            // In order to reduce the number of 'servantsPerSession'
+            // Which reached 10k and then caused failure
+            // I store them in a list
+            ArrayList<ROIWrapper> ROIW_list_to_delete = []
+            robustlyGetROIs(image_wrp, user_client).each{
+                if (Arrays.binarySearch(gastruloid_roi_ids, it.getId()) < 0) {
+                    // user_client.delete(it)
+                    String roi_name = it.toImageJ().get(0).getName()
+                    if (!roi_name.startsWith("Background_t")) {
+                        ROIW_list_to_delete.add(it)
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // Then I should use
+            // user_client.delete(ROIW_list_to_delete)
+            // Because of
+            // I use
+            if (ROIW_list_to_delete.size() > 0) {
+                robustlyDeleteROIs(image_wrp, user_client,  ROIW_list_to_delete)
+            }
+            robustlyDeleteTables(image_wrp, user_client)
+            // Retrieve the ROIs from omero:
+            updatedRoisW = robustlyGetROIs(image_wrp, user_client)
+            updatedRois = ROIWrapper.toImageJ(updatedRoisW, "ROI")
+            // Create a clean mask
+            mask_imp = IJ.createImage("CleanMask", "8-bit black", imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight(), nT);
+            if (nT > 1) {
+                HyperStackConverter.toHyperStack(mask_imp, 1, 1, nT, "xyctz", "Color");
+            }
+            if (!headless_mode) {}
+            for (roi in updatedRois) {
+                t = roi.getTPosition()
+                Overlay t_ov = new Overlay(roi)
+                // Fill the frame t with the roi
+                mask_imp.setT(t)
+                t_ov.fill(mask_imp,  Color.white,
+            }
+  "Set Scale...", "distance=1 known=" + scale + " unit=micron")
+            pixelWidth = mask_imp.getCalibration().pixelWidth
+            println "pixelWidth is " + pixelWidth
+        } else {
+            // Retrieve the ROIs from omero:
+            updatedRoisW = robustlyGetROIs(image_wrp, user_client)
+            updatedRois = ROIWrapper.toImageJ(updatedRoisW, "ROI")
+        }
-    println "Remove existing ROIs on OMERO"
-    // Remove existing ROIs
-    image_wpr.getROIs(user_client).each{ user_client.delete(it) }
-    println "Store " + clean_overlay.size() + " ROIs on OMERO"
-    // Save ROIs to omero
-    image_wpr.saveROIs(user_client, ROIWrapper.fromImageJ(clean_overlay as List))
-    // Get them back with IDs:
-    List<Roi> updatedRois = ROIWrapper.toImageJ(image_wpr.getROIs(user_client), "ROI")
     if (get_spine) {
-        /**
-        * The MaxInscribedCircles magic is here
-        */
-        isSelectionOnly = false
-        isGetSpine = true
-        appendPositionToName = true
-        MaxInscribedCircles mic = MaxInscribedCircles.builder(newMask_imp)
-            .minimumDiameter(minimum_diameter)
-            .useSelectionOnly(isSelectionOnly)
-            .getSpine(isGetSpine)
-            .spineClosenessTolerance(closeness_tolerance)
-            .spineMinimumSimilarity(min_similarity)
-            .appendPositionToName(appendPositionToName)
-            .build()
-        println "Get spines"
-        mic.process()
-        List<Roi> all_circles = mic.getCircles();
-        List<Roi> all_spines = mic.getSpines();
+        // println use_roi_name
+        // Scan ROIs and
+        // Put them in HashMap
+        Map<String, Roi> gastruloid_rois = new HashMap<>()
+        for (roi_i = 0; roi_i < updatedRois.size(); roi_i ++) {
+            Roi roi = updatedRois[roi_i]
+            roi_name = roi.getName()
+            if (roi_name.toLowerCase().startsWith("gastruloid") && !roi_name.toLowerCase().startsWith("gastruloidnotfound")) {
+                // println "Putting " + roi_name + " in table."
+                if (use_roi_name) {
+                    assert !gastruloid_rois.containsKey(roi_name); "Duplicated gastruloid ROI name"
+                    gastruloid_rois.put(roi_name, roi)
+                } else {
+                    // println "ID is: " + updatedRoisW[roi_i].getId()
+                    gastruloid_rois.put(updatedRoisW[roi_i].getId(), roi)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for (int row = 0 ; row < rt.size();row++) {
+            String roi_type = rt.getStringValue("ROI_type", row)
+            if (roi_type == "Gastruloid") {
+                // Find the corresponding ROI
+                String roi_name
+                Roi current_roi
+                if (use_roi_name) {
+                    roi_name = rt.getStringValue("ROI", row)
+                    current_roi = gastruloid_rois.get(roi_name)
+                } else {
+                    Long roi_id = rt.getValue("ROI", row) as int
+                    current_roi = gastruloid_rois.get(roi_id)
+                    roi_name = current_roi.getName()
+                }
+                println roi_name
-        /**
-        *  For each Time-point, find the :
-        *  - the largest cicle
-        *  - the spine, and the coordinates of end-points
-        *  Measure distances and inverses spine roi if necessary
-        *  Add value to table with Elongation Index
-        */
-        double pixelWidth = mask_imp.getCalibration().pixelWidth
+                assert current_roi != null; "The ROI of row " + row + "is not on OMERO"
+                t = current_roi.getTPosition()
+                assert t == rt.getValue("Time", row) as int; "T position does not match Time in rt"
+                /**
+                * The MaxInscribedCircles magic is here
+                */
+                ImagePlus mask_imp_single = new Duplicator().run(mask_imp, 1, 1, 1, 1, t, t)
+                mask_imp_single.setRoi(current_roi)
+                isSelectionOnly = true
+                isGetSpine = true
+                appendPositionToName = false
+                MaxInscribedCircles mic = MaxInscribedCircles.builder(mask_imp_single)
+                    .minimumDiameter(minimum_diameter)
+                    .useSelectionOnly(isSelectionOnly)
+                    .getSpine(isGetSpine)
+                    .spineClosenessTolerance(closeness_tolerance)
+                    .spineMinimumSimilarity(min_similarity)
+                    .appendPositionToName(appendPositionToName)
+                    .build()
+                println "Get spines"
+                mic.process()
+                List<Roi> circles_t = mic.getCircles()
+                Roi spine_roi = mic.getSpines()[0]
-        for (int row = 0 ; row < rt.size();row++) {
-            int t = rt.getValue("Time", row) as int
-            println "#############"+t
-            String roi_type = rt.getStringValue("ROI_type", row)
-            if (roi_type == "Gastruloid") {
-                List<Roi> circles_t =  all_circles.findAll{ roi -> roi.getName().endsWith("P_"+t)}
+                /**
+                *  For each Time-point, find the :
+                *  - the largest cicle
+                *  - the spine, and the coordinates of end-points
+                *  Measure distances and inverses spine roi if necessary
+                *  Add value to table with Elongation Index
+                */
                 if (circles_t.size() > 0) {
                     Roi largestCircle_roi = circles_t[0]
@@ -430,22 +986,25 @@
                     ArrayList<Roi> rois_to_add_to_omero
                     rt.setValue("LargestRadius", row, circle_roi_radius * pixelWidth)
                     if (debug) {
-                        circles_t.each{it.setPosition(ilastik_input_ch, 1, t)}
+                        circles_t.each{
+                        	it.setPosition(ilastik_input_ch, 1, t)
+                        	it.setName(it.getName() + "_" + roi_name)
+                        }
                         // First put all circles to omero:
-                        image_wpr.saveROIs(user_client, ROIWrapper.fromImageJ(circles_t as List))
+                        robustlysaveROIs(image_wrp, user_client, ROIWrapper.fromImageJ(circles_t as List))
                         if (!headless_mode) {
                             (circles_t as List).each{ rm.addRoi(it)}
                     } else {
                         // First put the largest circle to omero:
-                        image_wpr.saveROIs(user_client, ROIWrapper.fromImageJ([largestCircle_roi] as List))
+                        largestCircle_roi.setName(largestCircle_roi.getName() + "_" + roi_name)
+                        robustlysaveROIs(image_wrp, user_client, ROIWrapper.fromImageJ([largestCircle_roi] as List))
                         if (!headless_mode) {
                     // get the Spine, and its points
-                    Roi spine_roi = all_spines.findAll{ roi -> roi.getName().endsWith("P_"+t)}[0]
                     println "Spine is " + spine_roi
                     if (spine_roi != null){
                         //println spine_roi
@@ -475,7 +1034,8 @@
                         rt.setValue("SpineLength", row, line_roi_length * pixelWidth)
                         rt.setValue("ElongationIndex", row, line_roi_length / (2*circle_roi_radius))
                         spine_roi.setPosition( ilastik_input_ch, 1, t)
-                        image_wpr.saveROIs(user_client, ROIWrapper.fromImageJ([spine_roi] as List))
+                        spine_roi.setName(spine_roi.getName() + "_" + roi_name)
+                        robustlysaveROIs(image_wrp, user_client, ROIWrapper.fromImageJ([spine_roi] as List))
                         if (!headless_mode) {
@@ -495,29 +1055,23 @@
-    // get the list of image tables
-    // remove the one with table_name
-    image_wpr.getTables(user_client).each{ TableWrapper t_wpr ->
-        if (t_wpr.getName() == table_name){
-            user_client.delete(t_wpr)
-        }
-    }
     // Create an omero table:
     println "Create an omero table"
-    TableWrapper table_wpr = new TableWrapper(user_client, rt, image_wpr.getId(), updatedRois, "ROI")
+    TableWrapper table_wrp = robustlyNewTableWrapper(user_client, rt, image_wrp.getId(), updatedRois, "ROI")
-    // upload the table on OMERO
-    table_wpr.setName(table_name)
-    image_wpr.addTable(user_client, table_wpr)
+    if (!rescue) {
+        // upload the table on OMERO
+        table_wrp.setName(table_name)
+        robustlyAddAndReplaceTable(image_wrp, user_client, table_wrp)
+    }
     // add the same infos to the super_table
     if (super_table == null) {
         println "super_table is null"
-        super_table = table_wpr
+        super_table = table_wrp
     } else {
         println "adding rows"
-        super_table.addRows(user_client, rt, image_wpr.getId(), updatedRois, "ROI")
+        robustlyAddRows(super_table, user_client, rt, image_wrp.getId(), updatedRois, "ROI")
     println super_table.getRowCount()
     println "Writting measurements to file"
@@ -525,7 +1079,7 @@
     // Put all ROIs in overlay:
     Overlay global_overlay = new Overlay()
-    ROIWrapper.toImageJ(image_wpr.getROIs(user_client), "ROI").each{
+    ROIWrapper.toImageJ(robustlyGetROIs(image_wrp, user_client), "ROI").each{
@@ -542,7 +1096,7 @@
 // In simple-omero-client
 // Strings that can be converted to double are stored in double
 // In order to build the super_table, tool_version should stay String
-String tool_version = "Phase_v20230324"
+String tool_version = "White_v20231220"
 // User set variables
@@ -556,6 +1110,9 @@
 #@ Long(label="ID", value=119273) id
 #@ String(visibility=MESSAGE, value="Parameters for segmentation/ROI", required=false) msg2
+#@ Boolean(label="Use existing segmentation (values below in the section will be ignored)") use_existing
+#@ String(label="Segmentation Method", choices={"convert_to_mask","ilastik"}) segmentation_method
+#@ Boolean(label="<html>Run in rescue mode<br/>(only segment images without tables)</html>", value=false) rescue
 #@ File(label="Ilastik project") ilastik_project
 #@ String(label="Ilastik project short name") ilastik_project_short_name
 #@ String(label="Ilastik project type", choices={"Regular", "Auto-context"}, value="Regular") ilastik_project_type
@@ -563,17 +1120,31 @@
 #@ Double(label="Probability threshold for ilastik", min=0, max=1, value=0.65) probability_threshold
 #@ Double(label="Radius for median (=smooth the mask)", min=1, value=20) radius_median
 #@ Integer(label="Minimum surface for Analyze Particle", value=5000) min_size_particle
+#@ Boolean(label="Keep only one gastruloid per timepoint", value=true) keep_only_largest
-#@ String(visibility=MESSAGE, value="Parameters for elongation index", required=false) msg3
+#@ String(visibility=MESSAGE, value="Parameters for segmentation/ROI of background", required=false) msg3
+#@ Integer(label="Ilastik label of background (put 0 if not present)", min=0, value=1) ilastik_label_BG
+#@ Double(label="Probability threshold for background in ilastik", min=0, max=1, value=0.8) probability_threshold_BG
+#@ String(visibility=MESSAGE, value="Parameters for elongation index", required=false) msg4
 #@ Boolean(label="Compute spine", value=true) get_spine
 #@ Integer(label="Minimum diameter of inscribed circles", min=0, value=20) minimum_diameter
 #@ Integer(label="Closeness Tolerance (Spine)", min=0, value=50) closeness_tolerance
 #@ Double(label="Min similarity (Spine)", min=-1, max=1, value=0.1) min_similarity
-#@ String(visibility=MESSAGE, value="Parameters for output", required=false) msg4
+#@ String(visibility=MESSAGE, value="Parameters for output", required=false) msg5
 #@ File(style = "directory", label="Directory where measures are put") output_directory
 #@ Boolean(label="<html>Run in debug mode<br/>(get all inscribed circles)</html>", value=false) debug
+// Handle incompatibilities:
+if (rescue && use_existing) {
+    throw new Exception("rescue and use_existing modes are incompatible")
+if (use_existing && !get_spine) {
+    throw new Exception("use_existing mode requires get_spine")
 #@ ResultsTable rt
 #@ CommandService cmds
 #@ ConvertService cvts
@@ -595,7 +1166,9 @@
     rm = rm.getRoiManager()
     // Reset the table
-    rt.reset()
+    if (rt != null) {
+        rt.reset()
+    }
 if (PASSWORD == "") {
@@ -627,27 +1200,45 @@
         switch (object_type) {
             case "image":
-                ImageWrapper image_wr
-                try {
-                    image_wpr = user_client.getImage(id)
-                } catch(Exception e) {
-                    throw Exception("Could not retrieve the image, please check the id.")
+                ImageWrapper image_wrp = robustlyGetOne(id, "image", user_client)
+                if (!use_existing) {
+                    List<TableWrapper> tables = robustlyGetTables(image_wrp, user_client)
+                    if (!tables.isEmpty()) {
+                        throw new Exception("There should be no table associated to the image before segmentation. Please clean the image.")
+                    }
+                    if (!rescue) {
+                        List<ROIWrapper> rois = robustlyGetROIs(image_wrp, user_client)
+                        if (!rois.isEmpty()) {
+                            throw new Exception("There should be no ROIs associated to the image before segmentation. Please clean the image.")
+                        }
+                    }
-                processImage(user_client, image_wpr,
-                     ilastik_project, ilastik_project_type,
-                     ilastik_label_OI,
-                     probability_threshold, radius_median, min_size_particle,
-                     get_spine, minimum_diameter, closeness_tolerance, min_similarity,
-                     ilastik_project_short_name,
-                     output_directory,
-                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version)
+                processImage(user_client, image_wrp,
+                    ilastik_project, ilastik_project_type,
+                    ilastik_label_OI,
+                    probability_threshold, radius_median, min_size_particle,
+                    get_spine, minimum_diameter, closeness_tolerance, min_similarity,
+                    ilastik_project_short_name,
+                    output_directory,
+                    headless_mode, debug, tool_version,
+                    use_existing, "image", rescue,
+                    ilastik_label_BG, probability_threshold_BG,
+                    keep_only_largest, segmentation_method)
             case "dataset":
-                DatasetWrapper dataset_wrp
-                try {
-                    dataset_wrp = user_client.getDataset(id)
-                } catch(Exception e) {
-                    throw Exception("Could not retrieve the dataset, please check the id.")
+                DatasetWrapper dataset_wrp = robustlyGetOne(id, "dataset", user_client)
+                if (use_existing) {
+                    // Remove the tables associated to the dataset
+                    robustlyDeleteTables(dataset_wrp, user_client)
+                } else if (rescue) {
+                        List<TableWrapper> tables = robustlyGetTables(dataset_wrp, user_client)
+                        if (!tables.isEmpty()) {
+                            throw new Exception("There should be no table associated to the dataset before running rescue mode.")
+                        }
+                } else {
+                    if (robustlyHasAnyTable(dataset_wrp, "dataset", user_client) || robustlyHasAnyROI(dataset_wrp, user_client)) {
+                        throw new Exception("ROI or table found in dataset or images. They should be deleted before running analysis.")
+                    }
                 processDataset(user_client, dataset_wrp,
                      ilastik_project, ilastik_project_type,
@@ -656,24 +1247,28 @@
                      get_spine, minimum_diameter, closeness_tolerance, min_similarity,
-                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version)
-                // get the list of dataset tables
-                // remove the one with table_name
-                dataset_wrp.getTables(user_client).each{ TableWrapper t_wpr ->
-                    if (t_wpr.getName() == table_name + "_global"){
-                        user_client.delete(t_wpr)
-                    }
-                }
+                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version,
+                     use_existing, "dataset", rescue,
+                     ilastik_label_BG, probability_threshold_BG,
+                     keep_only_largest, segmentation_method)
                 // upload the table on OMERO
                 super_table.setName(table_name + "_global")
-                dataset_wrp.addTable(user_client, super_table)
+                robustlyAddAndReplaceTable(dataset_wrp, user_client, super_table)
             case "well":
-                WellWrapper well_wrp
-                try {
-                    well_wrp = user_client.getWells(id)[0]
-                } catch(Exception e) {
-                    throw Exception("Could not retrieve the well, please check the id.")
+                WellWrapper well_wrp = robustlyGetOne(id, "well", user_client)
+                if (use_existing) {
+                    // Remove the tables associated to the well
+                    robustlyDeleteTables(well_wrp, user_client)
+                } else if (rescue) {
+                        List<TableWrapper> tables = robustlyGetTables(well_wrp, user_client)
+                        if (!tables.isEmpty()) {
+                            throw new Exception("There should be no table associated to the well before running rescue mode.")
+                        }
+                } else {
+                    if (robustlyHasAnyTable(well_wrp, "well", user_client) || robustlyHasAnyROI(well_wrp, user_client)) {
+                        throw new Exception("ROI or table found in well or images. They should be deleted before running analysis.")
+                    }
                 processSingleWell(user_client, well_wrp,
                      ilastik_project, ilastik_project_type,
@@ -682,24 +1277,28 @@
                      get_spine, minimum_diameter, closeness_tolerance, min_similarity,
-                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version)
-                // get the list of well tables
-                // remove the one with table_name
-                well_wrp.getTables(user_client).each{ TableWrapper t_wpr ->
-                    if (t_wpr.getName() == table_name + "_global"){
-                        user_client.delete(t_wpr)
-                    }
-                }
+                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version,
+                     use_existing, "well", rescue,
+                     ilastik_label_BG, probability_threshold_BG,
+                     keep_only_largest, segmentation_method)
                 // upload the table on OMERO
                 super_table.setName(table_name + "_global")
-                well_wrp.addTable(user_client, super_table)
+                robustlyAddAndReplaceTable(well_wrp, user_client, super_table)
             case "plate":
-                PlateWrapper plate_wrp
-                try {
-                    plate_wrp = user_client.getPlates(id)[0]
-                } catch(Exception e) {
-                    throw Exception("Could not retrieve the plate, please check the id.")
+                PlateWrapper plate_wrp = robustlyGetOne(id, "plate", user_client)
+                if (use_existing) {
+                    // Remove the tables associated to the plate
+                    robustlyDeleteTables(plate_wrp, user_client)
+                } else if (rescue) {
+                        List<TableWrapper> tables = robustlyGetTables(plate_wrp, user_client)
+                        if (!tables.isEmpty()) {
+                            throw new Exception("There should be no table associated to the plate before running rescue mode.")
+                        }
+                } else {
+                    if (robustlyHasAnyTable(plate_wrp, "plate", user_client) || robustlyHasAnyROI(plate_wrp,  user_client)) {
+                        throw new Exception("ROI or table found in plate or images. They should be deleted before running analysis.")
+                    }
                 processSinglePlate(user_client, plate_wrp,
                      ilastik_project, ilastik_project_type,
@@ -708,22 +1307,19 @@
                      get_spine, minimum_diameter, closeness_tolerance, min_similarity,
-                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version)
-                // get the list of well tables
-                // remove the one with table_name
-                plate_wrp.getTables(user_client).each{ TableWrapper t_wpr ->
-                    if (t_wpr.getName() == table_name + "_global"){
-                        user_client.delete(t_wpr)
-                    }
-                }
+                     headless_mode, debug, tool_version,
+                     use_existing, "plate", rescue,
+                     ilastik_label_BG, probability_threshold_BG,
+                     keep_only_largest, segmentation_method)
                 // upload the table on OMERO
                 super_table.setName(table_name + "_global")
-                plate_wrp.addTable(user_client, super_table)
+                robustlyAddAndReplaceTable(plate_wrp, user_client, super_table)
     } catch(Exception e) {
         println("Something went wrong: " + e)
+        e.printStackTrace()
         if (headless_mode){
             // This is due to Rank Filter + GaussianBlur
@@ -739,7 +1335,7 @@
 } else {
-    println "Not able to connect to " + host
+    throw new Exception("Not able to connect to " + host)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Dec 20 20:07:13 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# OMERO hyperstack to gastruloid measurements
+### 20231220
+- Add a new parameter: segmentation_method which can be 'ilastik' or 'convert_to_mask'. If 'convert_to_mask' is chosen, it does an autothreshold.
+- The tool_version has been changed from Phase to White
+### 20230728
+- Add a new parameter: keep_only_largest which allows to keep only the largest ROI for each stack
+### 20230727
+- Add new parameters (ilastik_label_BG and probability_threshold_BG) to be able to generate a ROI for background.
+- Add XCentroid and YCentroid to the result table
+### 20230628
+- Change RoiWrapper to ROIWrapper
+### 20230623
+- Be more robust to OMERO reboot:
+    - 'rescue' allows to only process images which does not have ROIs and tables and generate final table
+    - When making a query to omero repeat it after 0 minutes if it fails and again with 10, 60, 360, 600.
+### 20230405
+- New parameter 'use_existing' allows to recompute only the spine
+### 20230324
+First release
--- a/omero_hyperstack_to_gastruloid_measurements.xml	Fri Mar 24 13:03:39 2023 +0000
+++ b/omero_hyperstack_to_gastruloid_measurements.xml	Wed Dec 20 20:07:13 2023 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,49 @@
 <tool id="omero_hyperstack_to_gastruloid_measurements" name="Omero hyperstack to Gastruloid measurements" profile="20.01" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy0">
-        <token name="@TOOL_VERSION@">20230324</token>
+        <token name="@TOOL_VERSION@">20231220</token>
+        <xml name="segmentation">
+            <conditional name="use_ilastik">
+                <param name="segmentation_method" type="select" label="Segmentation method">
+                    <option value="convert_to_mask">Simply convert to mask</option>
+                    <option value="ilastik">Use an ilastik project</option>
+                </param>
+                <when value="ilastik">
+                    <param name="ilastik_project" type="data" format="h5" label="Ilastik project" />
+                    <param name="ilastik_project_type" type="select" label="Type of Ilastik project">
+                        <option value="Regular">Regular</option>
+                        <option value="Auto-context">Auto-context</option>
+                    </param>
+                    <param name="ilastik_label_OI" type="integer" value="3" label="Index of label of interest in Ilastik project" />
+                    <param name="probability_threshold" type="float" min="0" max="1" value="0.4" label="Probability threshold for ilastik" />
+                    <conditional name="background">
+                        <param name="get_background" type="select" label="Get ROI with background" help="Can be useful to normalize fluo">
+                            <option value="yes">Yes</option>
+                            <option value="no">No</option>
+                        </param>
+                        <when value="yes">
+                            <param name="ilastik_label_BG" type="integer" value="1" label="Index of label of background in Ilastik project" />
+                            <param name="probability_threshold_BG" type="float" min="0" max="1" value="0.8" label="Probability threshold for background in ilastik" />                    
+                        </when>
+                        <when value="no">
+                            <param name="ilastik_label_BG" type="hidden" value="0"/>
+                            <param name="probability_threshold_BG" type="hidden" value="0"/>
+                        </when>
+                    </conditional>
+                </when>
+                <when value="convert_to_mask">
+                    <param name="ilastik_project_type" type="hidden" value="Regular" />
+                    <param name="ilastik_label_OI" type="hidden" value="3" />
+                    <param name="probability_threshold" type="hidden" value="0" />
+                    <section name="background" title="" >
+                        <param name="ilastik_label_BG" type="hidden" value="0"/>
+                        <param name="probability_threshold_BG" type="hidden" value="0"/>
+                    </section>
+                </when>
+            </conditional>
+            <param name="radius_median" type="float" value="20" label="Radius for median (=smooth the mask)" />
+            <param name="min_size_particle" type="integer" min="0" value="5000" label="Minimum surface for Analyze Particle" />
+            <param name="keep_only_largest" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="true" label="Keep only one gastruloid per timepoint" />
+        </xml>
         <requirement type="package" version="20220414">fiji</requirement>
@@ -20,16 +63,24 @@
             echo "OMERO connection credentials are empty. Set your credentials via: User -> Preferences -> Manage Information" 1>&2 &&
             exit 1 &&
         #end if
+        #if str($mode.use_ilastik.segmentation_method) == "ilastik":
+            #set $ilastik_project_file = str($mode.use_ilastik.ilastik_project)
+            #set $ilastik_project_name = str($
+        #else
+            #set $ilastik_project_file = "inexisting.ilp"
+            #set $ilastik_project_name = "inexisting.ilp"
+        #end if
         mkdir output &&
         ## Because ilastik wants to write to ${HOME}/.cache and ${HOME}/.config
         export HOME=`pwd` &&
         ImageJ-ilastik --ij2 --headless --console --run '$__tool_directory__/'1-omero_timelapse_image_to_measurements_phase.groovy 
-            'USERNAME="",PASSWORD="",credentials="${credentials}",host="${omero_host}",port="${omero_port}",object_type="${omero_object.object_type}",id="${omero_object.omero_id}",ilastik_project="${ilastik_project}",ilastik_project_short_name="${}",ilastik_project_type="${ilastik_project_type}",ilastik_label_OI="${ilastik_label_OI}",probability_threshold="${probability_threshold}",radius_median="${radius_median}",min_size_particle="${min_size_particle}",get_spine="true",minimum_diameter="${minimum_diameter}",closeness_tolerance="${closeness_tolerance}",min_similarity="${min_similarity}",output_directory="output",debug="${debug}"' > output.log
+            'USERNAME="",PASSWORD="",credentials="${credentials}",host="${omero_host}",port="${omero_port}",object_type="${omero_object.object_type}",id="${omero_object.omero_id}",segmentation_method="${mode.use_ilastik.segmentation_method}",use_existing="${mode.use_existing}",ilastik_project="$ilastik_project_file",ilastik_project_short_name="$ilastik_project_name",ilastik_project_type="${mode.use_ilastik.ilastik_project_type}",ilastik_label_OI="${mode.use_ilastik.ilastik_label_OI}",probability_threshold="${mode.use_ilastik.probability_threshold}",radius_median="${mode.radius_median}",min_size_particle="${mode.min_size_particle}",get_spine="true",minimum_diameter="${minimum_diameter}",closeness_tolerance="${closeness_tolerance}",min_similarity="${min_similarity}",output_directory="output",debug="${debug}",rescue="${mode.rescue}",ilastik_label_BG="${mode.use_ilastik.background.ilastik_label_BG}",probability_threshold_BG="${mode.use_ilastik.background.probability_threshold_BG}",keep_only_largest="${mode.keep_only_largest}"' > output.log
         <configfile name="credentials"><![CDATA[#set $username = $__user__.extra_preferences.get('omero_account|username', "")
-    #set $password = $__user__.extra_preferences.get('omero_account|password', "")
+#set $password = $__user__.extra_preferences.get('omero_account|password', "")
@@ -60,15 +111,40 @@
                 <param name="omero_id" type="integer" value="" label="Dataset ID on omero" />
-        <param name="ilastik_project" type="data" format="h5" label="Ilastik project" />
-        <param name="ilastik_project_type" type="select" label="Type of Ilastik project">
-            <option value="Regular">Regular</option>
-            <option value="Auto-context">Auto-context</option>
-        </param>
-        <param name="ilastik_label_OI" type="integer" value="3" label="Index of label of interest in Ilastik project" />
-        <param name="probability_threshold" type="float" min="0" max="1" value="0.4" label="Probability threshold for ilastik" />
-        <param name="radius_median" type="float" value="20" label="Radius for median (=smooth the mask)" />
-        <param name="min_size_particle" type="integer" min="0" value="5000" label="Minimum surface for Analyze Particle" />
+        <conditional name="mode">
+            <param name="mode_select" type="select" label="Which mode do you want to use?" >
+                <option value="regular">Regular (from scratch)</option>
+                <option value="spine_only">Recompute only spine</option>
+                <option value="rescue">Rescue (if Regular did not go to the end)</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="regular">
+                <expand macro="segmentation"/>
+                <param name="rescue" type="hidden" value="false"/>
+                <param name="use_existing" type="hidden" value="false"/>
+            </when>
+            <when value="rescue">
+                <expand macro="segmentation"/>
+                <param name="rescue" type="hidden" value="true"/>
+                <param name="use_existing" type="hidden" value="false"/>
+            </when>
+            <when value="spine_only">
+                <section name="use_ilastik" title="" >
+                    <param name="segmentation_method" type="hidden" value="convert_to_mask" />
+                    <param name="ilastik_project_type" type="hidden" value="Regular" />
+                    <param name="ilastik_label_OI" type="hidden" value="3" />
+                    <param name="probability_threshold" type="hidden" value="0" />
+                    <section name="background" title="" >
+                        <param name="ilastik_label_BG" type="hidden" value="0"/>
+                        <param name="probability_threshold_BG" type="hidden" value="0"/>
+                    </section>
+                </section>
+                <param name="radius_median" type="hidden" value="20" />
+                <param name="min_size_particle" type="hidden" value="5000" />
+                <param name="keep_only_largest" type="hidden" value="true"/>
+                <param name="rescue" type="hidden" value="false"/>
+                <param name="use_existing" type="hidden" value="true"/>
+            </when>
+        </conditional>
         <param name="minimum_diameter" type="integer" min="0" value="20" label="Minimum diameter of inscribed circles" />
         <param name="closeness_tolerance" type="integer" min="0" value="50" label="Closeness Tolerance for the spine" help="Maximum distance between circles along the spine"/>
         <param name="min_similarity" type="float" min="-1" max="1" value="0.1" label="Min similarity for the spine" help="Close to 0 values allow more U shapes while close to 1 values only allows I shapes" />
@@ -77,18 +153,18 @@
-        <data name="logfile" format="txt" from_work_dir="output.log" label="${} on ID ${omero_object.omero_id} with ${}: logfile">
+        <data name="logfile" format="txt" from_work_dir="output.log" label="${} on ${omero_object.object_type} ID ${omero_object.omero_id} with $getVar('', 'no ilastik'): logfile">
-        <collection name="tables" type="list" label="${} on ID ${omero_object.omero_id} with ${}: Tables">
+        <collection name="tables" type="list" label="${} on ${omero_object.object_type} ID ${omero_object.omero_id} with $getVar('', 'no ilastik'): Tables">
             <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+)\.csv" directory="output" format="csv"/>
-        <collection name="hyperstacks_with_overlay" type="list" label="${} on ID ${omero_object.omero_id} with ${}: Hyperstacks">
+        <collection name="hyperstacks_with_overlay" type="list" label="${} on ${omero_object.object_type} ID ${omero_object.omero_id} with $getVar('', 'no ilastik'): Hyperstacks">
             <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+)\.tiff" directory="output" format="tiff"/>
-        <collection name="ilastik_results" type="list" label="${} on ID ${omero_object.omero_id} with ${}: Ilastik">
+        <collection name="ilastik_results" type="list" label="${} on ${omero_object.object_type} ID ${omero_object.omero_id} with $getVar('', 'no ilastik'): Ilastik">
             <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+)\.tif$" directory="output" format="tiff"/>
-            <filter>keep_intermediate</filter>
+            <filter>keep_intermediate and mode['use_ilastik']['segmentation_method'] == "ilastik"</filter>
@@ -106,12 +182,13 @@
     // This macro was written by the BIOP (
     // Romain Guiet and Rémy Dornier
     // Lucille Delisle modified to support headless
+    // And to be more robust to OMERO reboot
     // merge the analysis script with templates available at
-    //
+    //
     * = COPYRIGHT =
-    * © All rights reserved. ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland, BioImaging And Optics Platform (BIOP), 2022
+    * © All rights reserved. ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland, BioImaging And Optics Platform (BIOP), 2023
     * Licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License:
     * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided