comparison id_converter_UniProt.R @ 0:02c549457875 draft default tip

planemo upload
author lnguyen
date Fri, 15 Sep 2017 06:02:03 -0400 (2017-09-15)
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:02c549457875
1 # Read file and return file content as data.frame
2 readfile = function(filename, header) {
3 if (header == "true") {
4 # Read only first line of the file as header:
5 headers <- read.table(filename, nrows = 1, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE)
6 #Read the data of the files (skipping the first row)
7 file <- read.table(filename, skip = 1, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE)
8 #And assign the header to the data
9 names(file) <- headers
10 }
11 else {
12 file <- read.table(filename, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE)
13 }
14 return(file)
15 }
17 # Mapping IDs using file built from Uniprot file source (
18 # Available databases:
19 # UNIPROT_AC: Uniprot accession number (e.g. P31946)
20 # UNIPROT_ID: Uniprot identifiers (e.g 1433B_HUMAN)
21 # GeneID_EntrezGene: Entrez gene ID (serie of digit) (e.g. 7529)
22 # RefSeq: RefSeq (NCBI) protein (e.g. NP_003395.1; NP_647539.1; XP_016883528.1)
23 # GI_number: GI (NCBI GI number) ID (serie of digits) assigned to each sequence record processed by NCBI (e.g; 21328448; 377656701; 67464627; 78101741)
24 # PDB: Protein DataBank Identifiers (e.g. 2BR9:A; 3UAL:A; 3UBW:A)
25 # GO_ID: GOterms (Gene Ontology) Identifiers (e.g. GO:0070062; GO:0005925; GO:0042470; GO:0016020; GO:0005739; GO:0005634)
26 # PIR: Protein Information Resource ID (e.g. S34755)
27 # OMIM: OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database) ID (serie of digits) (e.g: 601289)
28 # UniGene: Unigene Identifier (e.g. Hs.643544)
29 # Ensembl_ENSG: Ensembl gene identifiers (e.g. ENSG00000166913)
30 # Ensembl_ENST: Ensembl transcript identifiers (e.g. ENST00000353703; ENST00000372839)
31 # Ensembl_ENSP: Ensembl protein identifiers (e.g. ENSP00000300161; ENSP00000361930)
33 mapping = function() {
34 # Extract arguments
35 args = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
36 #print(args)
37 if (length(args) != 7) {
38 stop("Not enough/Too many arguments", call. = FALSE)
39 }
40 else {
41 input_id_type = args[1]
42 list_id = args[2]
43 list_id_input_type = args[3]
44 options = strsplit(args[4], ",")[[1]]
45 output = args[5]
46 uniprot_map_file = args[6]
47 np_uniprot_file = args[7]
49 # Extract ID maps
50 uniprot_map = read.table(uniprot_map_file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE)
51 np_uniprot = read.table(np_uniprot_file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE)
53 # Extract input IDs
54 if (list_id_input_type == "list") {
55 list_id = strsplit(args[2], " ")[[1]]
56 }
57 else if (list_id_input_type == "file") {
58 filename = as.character(strsplit(list_id, ",")[[1]][1])
59 column_number = as.numeric(gsub("c", "" ,strsplit(list_id, ",")[[1]][2]))
60 header = strsplit(list_id, ",")[[1]][3]
61 file_all = readfile(filename, header)
62 list_id = c()
63 list_id = sapply(strsplit(file_all[,column_number], ";"), "[", 1)
64 }
65 names = c()
67 # Map IDs
68 res = matrix(nrow=length(list_id), ncol=0)
70 for (opt in options) {
71 names = c(names, opt)
72 # Map to neXtProt ID
73 if (opt == "neXtProt_ID") {
74 if (input_id_type == "UNIPROT_AC") {
75 mapped = sapply(strsplit(np_uniprot[match(list_id, np_uniprot$Uniprot_AC),]$neXtProt_ID, ";"), "[", 1)
76 }
77 else if (input_id_type == "neXtProt_ID") {
78 mapped = matrix(list_id)
79 }
80 else {
81 uniprot = sapply(strsplit(uniprot_map[match(list_id, uniprot_map[input_id_type][,]),]$UNIPROT_AC, ";"), "[", 1)
82 mapped = sapply(strsplit(np_uniprot[match(uniprot, np_uniprot$Uniprot_AC),]$neXtProt_ID, ";"), "[", 1)
83 }
84 }
85 # Map to other ID types
86 else {
87 if (input_id_type == "neXtProt_ID") {
88 uniprot = sapply(strsplit(np_uniprot[match(list_id, np_uniprot$neXtProt_ID),]$Uniprot_AC, ";"), "[", 1)
89 mapped = sapply(strsplit(uniprot_map[match(uniprot, uniprot_map$UNIPROT_AC),][opt][,], ";"), "[", 1)
90 }
91 else {
92 mapped = sapply(strsplit(uniprot_map[match(list_id, uniprot_map[input_id_type][,]),][opt][,], ";"), "[", 1)
93 }
94 }
95 res = cbind(res, matrix(mapped))
96 }
98 # Write output
99 if (list_id_input_type == "list") {
100 res = cbind(as.matrix(list_id), res)
101 names = c(input_id_type, names)
102 colnames(res) = names
103 write.table(res, output, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
104 }
105 else if (list_id_input_type == "file") {
106 names(res) = options
107 names = c(names(file_all), names)
108 output_content = cbind(file_all, res)
109 colnames(output_content) = names
110 write.table(output_content, output, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
111 }
112 }
113 }
115 mapping()