view sam-stats.xml @ 3:f0d19a935325 draft default tip

author lparsons
date Tue, 20 Nov 2012 16:01:20 -0500
parents cf4b5125a835
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<tool id="sam_stats" name="sam-stats" version="0.1">
    <description> - Compute statistics from SAM or BAM files</description>
        <requirement type="package" version="1.1.2-484">ea-utils</requirement>
        #if $rnaSeqStats:
        -R $rnaSeqStatsFile
        #end if
        #if $input.extension == "bam":
        #end if
        -S $histBinSize
        &gt; $samStats
        <param format="sam, bam" name="input" type="data" label="SAM/BAM File" />
        <param name="trackMultAlign" type="boolean" value="False" truevalue="-D" falsevalue="" label="Keep track of multiple alignments (slower!)" />
        <param name="reportAllChr" type="boolean" value="False" truevalue="-A" falsevalue="" label="Report all chr sigs, even if there are more than 1000" />
        <!-- <param name="numReadsSubsample" type="integer" value="1000000" min="1" max="1000000" label="Number of reads to sample for per-base statistics (max 1,000,000)" /> -->
        <param name="histBinSize" type="integer" value="30" min="1" label="Number of bins per chromosome for reads by chromosome &quot;histogram&quot;" />
        <param name="rnaSeqStats" type="boolean" value="False" label="Output RNA-Seq statistics (coverage, 3 prime bias, etc.)" />

        <data format="tabular" name="samStats" label="${} on ${on_string}"/>
        <data format="tabular" name="rnaSeqStatsFile" label="${} on ${on_string} (RNA-Seq Stats)"> <filter>rnaSeqStats</filter>

        <exit_code range="1:" level="fatal" description="Unknown error occurred" />

            <param name="input" value="test.sam" />
            <output name="samStats" file="testout.txt" />

sam-stats computes varius statics on SAM/BAM alignment files.

Complete Stats::

  &lt;STATS&gt;           : mean, max, stdev, median, Q1 (25 percentile), Q3
  reads             : # of entries in the sam file, might not be # reads
  phred             : phred scale used
  bsize             : # reads used for qual stats
  mapped reads      : number of aligned reads (unique probe id sequences)
  mapped bases      : total of the lengths of the aligned reads
  forward           : number of forward-aligned reads
  reverse           : number of reverse-aligned reads
  snp rate          : mismatched bases / total bases
  ins rate          : insert bases / total bases
  del rate          : deleted bases / total bases
  pct mismatch      : percent of reads that have mismatches
  len &lt;STATS&gt;       : read length stats, ignored if fixed-length
  mapq &lt;STATS&gt;      : stats for mapping qualities
  insert &lt;STATS&gt;    : stats for insert sizes
  &lt;CHR&gt;           : percentage of mapped bases per chr, followed by a signature

Subsampled stats (1M reads max)::

  base qual &lt;STATS&gt; : stats for base qualities
  A,T,C,G       : base percentages

Meaning of the per-chromosome signature:

  A ascii-histogram of mapped reads by chromosome position.  It is only output if the original SAM/BAM has a header. The values are the log2 of the # of mapped reads at each position + ascii '0'.

See for more information on each stat, how it's calculated and what it means.

This tool uses the sam-stats program that is part of the ea-utils suite. See for details.