diff PsiCLASS-1.0.2/FindJunction.cpp @ 0:903fc43d6227 draft default tip

author lsong10
date Fri, 26 Mar 2021 16:52:45 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PsiCLASS-1.0.2/FindJunction.cpp	Fri Mar 26 16:52:45 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1108 @@
+  Find junctions from the SAM file generated by Tophat2.
+  The SAM file should be sorted.
+  The junction is the start and the end coordinates of the spliced region in this program. The output of the junction is a bit different.
+  Usage: ./a.out input [option] >output. 
+  	./a.out -h for help.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "sam.h"
+#define LINE_SIZE 4097
+#define QUEUE_SIZE 10001
+#define HASH_MAX 1000003
+struct _readTree
+	char id[256] ;
+	int leftAnchor, rightAnchor ;
+	int pos ;
+	//bool secondary ;
+	bool valid ;
+	int editDistance ;
+	int NH, cnt ; // if cnt < NH, then it has real secondary match for this splice junction 
+	struct _readTree *left, *right ;
+	int flag ;// The flag from sam head.
+} ;
+// The structure of a junction
+struct _junction
+	int start, end ; 
+	int readCnt ; // The # of reads containing this junction
+	int secReadCnt ; // The # of reads whose secondary alignment has this junction.
+	char strand ; // On '+' or '-' strand
+	int leftAnchor, rightAnchor ; // The longest left and right anchor
+	int oppositeAnchor ; // The longest anchor of the shorter side.
+	int uniqEditDistance, secEditDistance ;
+	struct _readTree head ;
+} ;
+char line[LINE_SIZE] ;
+char col[11][LINE_SIZE] ; // The option fields is not needed.
+char strand ; // Extract XS field
+char noncanonStrandInfo ;
+//bool secondary ;
+int NH ;
+int editDistance ;
+int mateStart ;
+int filterYS ;
+int samFlag ;
+struct _junction junctionQueue[QUEUE_SIZE] ; // Expected only a few junctions in it for each read. This queue is sorted.
+int qHead, qTail ;
+bool flagPrintJunction ;
+bool flagPrintAll ;
+bool flagStrict ; 
+int junctionCnt ;
+bool anchorBoth ; 
+bool validRead ;
+int flank ;
+struct _cigarSeg
+	int len ;
+	char type ;
+} ;
+struct _readTree *contradictedReads ;
+char nucToNum[26] = { 0, 4, 1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 
+	4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
+		4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3,
+		4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 } ;
+void PrintHelp()
+	printf( 
+		"Prints reads from the SAM/BAM file that containing junctions.\n" 
+		"Usage: ./a.out input [option]>output\n"
+		"Options:\n"
+	    "\t-j xx [-B]: Output the junctions using 1-based coordinates. The format is \"reference id\" start end \"# of read\" strand.(They are sorted)\n and the xx is an integer means the maximum unqualified anchor length for a splice junction(default=8). If -B, the splice junction must be supported by a read whose both anchors are longer than xx.\n"
+	    "\t-a: Output all the junctions, and use non-positive support number to indicate unqualified junctions.\n"
+	    "\t-y: If the bits from YS field of bam matches the argument, we filter the alignment (default: 4).\n"
+	      ) ;
+void GetJunctionInfo( struct _junction &junc, struct _readTree *p )
+	if ( p == NULL )
+		return ;
+	if ( p->valid )
+	{
+		//if ( junc.start == 22381343 + 1 && junc.end == 22904987 - 1 )
+		//	printf( "%s %d %d %d\n", p->id, p->leftAnchor, p->rightAnchor, p->flag ) ;
+		if ( p->cnt < p->NH )
+		{
+			junc.secEditDistance += p->editDistance ; 	
+			++junc.secReadCnt ;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			junc.uniqEditDistance += p->editDistance ;
+			++junc.readCnt ;
+		}
+		int l = p->leftAnchor, r = p->rightAnchor ;
+		if ( !anchorBoth )
+		{
+			if ( l > junc.leftAnchor )
+				junc.leftAnchor = l ;
+			if ( r > junc.rightAnchor )
+				junc.rightAnchor = r ;
+			if ( l <= r && l > junc.oppositeAnchor )
+				junc.oppositeAnchor = l ;
+			else if ( r < l && r > junc.oppositeAnchor )
+				junc.oppositeAnchor = r ;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if ( l > flank && r > flank )
+			{
+				junc.leftAnchor = l ;
+				junc.rightAnchor = r ;
+			}
+			if ( l <= r && l > junc.oppositeAnchor )
+				junc.oppositeAnchor = l ;
+			else if ( r < l && r > junc.oppositeAnchor )
+				junc.oppositeAnchor = r ;
+		}
+	}
+	GetJunctionInfo( junc, p->left ) ;
+	GetJunctionInfo( junc, p->right ) ;
+void PrintJunctionReads( struct _junction &junc, struct _readTree *p )
+	if ( p == NULL )
+		return ;
+	if ( p->valid )
+		printf( "%s\n", p->id ) ;
+	PrintJunctionReads( junc, p->left ) ;
+	PrintJunctionReads( junc, p->right ) ;
+void PrintJunction( char *chrome, struct _junction &junc )
+	int sum ;
+	junc.leftAnchor = 0 ;
+	junc.rightAnchor = 0 ;
+	junc.oppositeAnchor = 0 ;
+	junc.readCnt = 0 ;
+	junc.secReadCnt = 0 ;
+	junc.uniqEditDistance = 0 ;
+	junc.secEditDistance = 0 ;
+	GetJunctionInfo( junc, &junc.head ) ;
+	sum = junc.readCnt + junc.secReadCnt ;
+	if ( junc.leftAnchor <= flank || junc.rightAnchor <= flank || ( junc.readCnt + junc.secReadCnt <= 0 ) )
+	{
+		if ( flagPrintAll )
+		{
+			sum = -sum ;
+		}
+		else
+			return ;
+	}
+	/*if ( junc.end - junc.start + 1 >= 200000 )
+	{
+		if ( junc.secReadCnt > 0 )
+			junc.secReadCnt = 1 ;
+	}*/
+	/*if ( junc.oppositeAnchor <= ( ( flank / 2 < 1 ) ? flank / 2 : 1 ) && ( junc.readCnt + junc.secReadCnt ) <= 10 )
+	{
+		if ( junc.readCnt > 0 )
+			junc.readCnt = 1 ;
+		if ( junc.secReadCnt > 0 )
+			junc.secReadCnt = 0 ;
+	}*/
+	printf( "%s %d %d %d %c %d %d %d %d\n", chrome, junc.start - 1, junc.end + 1, sum, junc.strand, 
+		junc.readCnt, junc.secReadCnt, junc.uniqEditDistance, junc.secEditDistance ) ;
+	//PrintJunctionReads( junc, &junc.head ) ;
+void ClearReadTree( struct _readTree *p )
+	if ( p == NULL )
+		return ;
+	ClearReadTree( p->left ) ;
+	ClearReadTree( p->right ) ;
+	free( p ) ;
+// Insert to the read tree
+bool InsertReadTree( struct _readTree *p, char *id, int l, int r )
+	int tmp = strcmp( p->id, id ) ;
+	if ( tmp == 0 )
+	{
+		p->cnt += 1 ;
+		return true ;
+	}
+	else if ( tmp < 0 )
+	{
+		if ( p->left )
+			return InsertReadTree( p->left, id, l, r ) ;
+		else
+		{
+			p->left = (struct _readTree *)malloc( sizeof( struct _readTree ) ) ;	
+			strcpy( p->left->id, id ) ;
+			p->left->leftAnchor = l ;
+			p->left->rightAnchor = r ;
+			//p->left->secondary = secondary ;
+			p->left->editDistance = editDistance ;
+			p->left->left = p->left->right = NULL ;
+			p->left->valid = validRead ;
+			p->left->cnt = 1 ;
+			p->left->NH = NH ;
+			p->left->flag = samFlag ;
+			return false ;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if ( p->right )
+			return InsertReadTree( p->right, id, l, r ) ;
+		else
+		{
+			p->right = (struct _readTree *)malloc( sizeof( struct _readTree ) ) ;	
+			strcpy( p->right->id, id ) ;
+			p->right->leftAnchor = l ;
+			p->right->rightAnchor = r ;
+			//p->right->secondary = secondary ;
+			p->right->editDistance = editDistance ;
+			p->right->left = p->right->right = NULL ;
+			p->right->valid = validRead ;
+			p->right->cnt = 1 ;
+			p->right->NH = NH ;
+			p->right->flag = samFlag ;
+			return false ;
+		}
+	}
+bool SearchContradictedReads( struct _readTree *p, char *id, int pos )
+	if ( p == NULL )
+		return false ;
+	int tmp = strcmp( p->id, id ) ;
+	if ( tmp == 0 && p->pos == pos )
+		return true ;
+	else if ( tmp <= 0 )
+		return SearchContradictedReads( p->left, id, pos ) ;
+	else
+		return SearchContradictedReads( p->right, id, pos ) ;
+bool InsertContradictedReads( struct _readTree *p, char *id, int pos )
+	if ( p == NULL )
+	{
+		contradictedReads = (struct _readTree *)malloc( sizeof( struct _readTree ) ) ;	
+		strcpy( contradictedReads->id, id ) ;
+		contradictedReads->pos = pos ;
+		contradictedReads->left = contradictedReads->right = NULL ;
+		return false ;
+	}
+	int tmp = strcmp( p->id, id ) ;
+	if ( tmp == 0 && p->pos == pos )
+		return true ;
+	else if ( tmp <= 0 )
+	{
+		if ( p->left )
+			return InsertContradictedReads( p->left, id, pos ) ;
+		else
+		{
+			p->left = (struct _readTree *)malloc( sizeof( struct _readTree ) ) ;	
+			strcpy( p->left->id, id ) ;
+			p->left->pos = pos ;
+			p->left->left = p->left->right = NULL ;
+			return false ;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if ( p->right )
+			return InsertContradictedReads( p->right, id, pos ) ;
+		else
+		{
+			p->right = (struct _readTree *)malloc( sizeof( struct _readTree ) ) ;	
+			strcpy( p->right->id, id ) ;
+			p->right->pos = pos ;
+			p->right->left = p->right->right = NULL ;
+			return false ;
+		}
+	}
+struct _readTree *GetReadTreeNode( struct _readTree *p, char *id )
+	if ( p == NULL )
+		return NULL ;
+	int tmp = strcmp( p->id, id ) ;
+	if ( tmp == 0 )
+		return p ;
+	else if ( tmp < 0 )
+		return GetReadTreeNode( p->left, id ) ;
+	else
+		return GetReadTreeNode( p->right, id ) ;
+// Insert the new junction into the queue, 
+// and make sure the queue is sorted.
+// Assume each junction range is only on one strand. 
+// l, r is the left and right anchor from a read
+void InsertQueue( int start, int end, int l, int r )
+	int i, j ;
+	i = qTail ;
+	while ( i != qHead )
+	{
+		j = i - 1 ;
+		if ( j < 0 )
+			j = QUEUE_SIZE - 1 ;
+		if ( junctionQueue[j].start < start 
+			|| ( junctionQueue[j].start == start && junctionQueue[j].end < end ) )
+			break ;
+		junctionQueue[i] = junctionQueue[j] ;
+		--i ;
+		if ( i < 0 )
+			i = QUEUE_SIZE - 1 ;
+	}
+	junctionQueue[i].start = start ;
+	junctionQueue[i].end = end ;
+	/*if ( !secondary )
+	{
+		junctionQueue[i].readCnt = 1 ;
+		junctionQueue[i].secReadCnt = 0 ;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		junctionQueue[i].readCnt = 0 ;
+		junctionQueue[i].secReadCnt = 1 ;
+	}*/
+	junctionQueue[i].strand = strand ;
+	junctionQueue[i].leftAnchor = l ;
+	junctionQueue[i].rightAnchor = r ;
+	strcpy( junctionQueue[i].head.id, col[0] ) ;
+	junctionQueue[i].head.valid = validRead ;
+	junctionQueue[i].head.leftAnchor = l ;
+	junctionQueue[i].head.rightAnchor = r ;
+	junctionQueue[i].head.left = junctionQueue[i].head.right = NULL ;
+	//junctionQueue[i].head.secondary = secondary ;
+	junctionQueue[i].head.NH = NH ;
+	junctionQueue[i].head.cnt = 1 ;
+	junctionQueue[i].head.editDistance = editDistance ;
+	++qTail ;
+	if ( qTail >= QUEUE_SIZE )
+		qTail = 0 ;
+// Search the queue, and remove the heads if its end(start) is smaller than prune.(Because it is impossible to have that junction again) 
+// Add the junction to the queue, if it is not in it. 
+// Return true, if it finds the junction. Otherwise, return false.
+bool SearchQueue( int start, int end, int prune, int l, int r )
+	int i ;
+	// Test whether this read might be a false alignment.
+	i = qHead ;
+	while ( i != qTail )
+	{
+		struct _readTree *rt ;
+		if ( ( junctionQueue[i].start == start && junctionQueue[i].end < end ) ||
+			( junctionQueue[i].start > start && junctionQueue[i].end == end ) )
+		{
+			// This alignment is false ;
+			rt = GetReadTreeNode( &junctionQueue[i].head, col[0] ) ;
+			// the commented out logic because it is handled by contradicted reads
+			if ( rt != NULL ) //&& ( rt->flag & 0x40 ) != ( samFlag & 0x40 ) )
+			{
+				if ( rt->leftAnchor <= flank || rt->rightAnchor <= flank )//|| rt->secondary )
+				{
+					if ( l > flank && r > flank )//&& !secondary ) 
+						rt->valid = false ;
+					else
+						validRead = false ;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					// Ignore this read
+					//return true ;
+					validRead = false ;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else if ( ( junctionQueue[i].start == start && junctionQueue[i].end > end ) ||
+			( junctionQueue[i].start < start && junctionQueue[i].end == end ) )
+		{
+			// This other alignment is false ;
+			rt = GetReadTreeNode( &junctionQueue[i].head, col[0] ) ;
+			//if ( rt != NULL )
+			if ( rt != NULL ) //&& ( rt->flag & 0x40 ) != ( samFlag & 0x40 ) )
+			{
+				if ( l <= flank || r <= flank )//|| secondary )
+				{
+					if ( rt->leftAnchor > flank && rt->rightAnchor > flank )//&& !rt->secondary )
+						validRead = false ;
+					else
+						rt->valid = false ;
+				}
+				else	
+					rt->valid = false ;
+			}
+		}
+		++i ;
+		if ( i >= QUEUE_SIZE )
+			i = 0 ;
+	}
+	//if ( start == 8077108 && end == 8078439 )
+	//	exit( 1 ) ;
+	i = qHead ;
+	while ( i != qTail )
+	{
+		if ( junctionQueue[i].start == start && 
+			junctionQueue[i].end == end )
+		{
+			if (junctionQueue[i].strand == '?' && junctionQueue[i].strand != strand )
+			{
+				junctionQueue[i].strand = strand ;
+			}
+			InsertReadTree( &junctionQueue[i].head, col[0], l, r ) ; 
+			return true ;
+		}
+		if ( junctionQueue[i].end < prune && i == qHead )
+		{
+			// pop
+			PrintJunction( col[2], junctionQueue[i] ) ;
+			ClearReadTree( junctionQueue[i].head.left ) ;
+			ClearReadTree( junctionQueue[i].head.right ) ;
+			++qHead ;
+			if ( qHead >= QUEUE_SIZE )
+				qHead = 0 ;
+		}
+		++i ;
+		if ( i >= QUEUE_SIZE )
+			i = 0 ;
+	}
+	InsertQueue( start, end, l, r ) ;
+	return false ;
+// Compute the junctions based on the CIGAR  
+bool CompareJunctions( int startLocation, char *cigar )
+	int currentLocation = startLocation ; // Current location on the reference genome
+	int i, j ;
+	int num ;
+	int newJuncCnt = 0 ; // The # of junctions in the read, and the # of new junctions among them.
+	struct _cigarSeg cigarSeg[1000] ; // A segment of the cigar.
+	int ccnt = 0 ; // cigarSeg cnt
+	j = 0 ;
+	num = 0 ;
+	validRead = true ;
+	for ( i = 0 ; cigar[i] ; ++i )
+	{
+		if ( cigar[i] >= '0' && cigar[i] <= '9' )
+		{
+			num = num * 10 + cigar[i] - '0' ;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			cigarSeg[ccnt].len = num ;
+			cigarSeg[ccnt].type = cigar[i] ;
+			++ccnt ;
+			num = 0 ;
+		}
+	}
+	// Filter low complex alignment.
+	// Only applies this to alignments does not have a strand information.
+	if ( strand == '?' )
+	{
+		if ( noncanonStrandInfo != -1 )
+		{
+			if ( ( noncanonStrandInfo & filterYS ) != 0 )
+				validRead = false ;		
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			int softStart = -1 ;
+			int softEnd = 0 ;
+			if ( cigarSeg[0].type == 'S' )
+				softStart = cigarSeg[0].len ;
+			if ( cigarSeg[ ccnt - 1 ].type == 'S' )
+				softEnd = cigarSeg[ ccnt - 1 ].len ;
+			int readLen = strlen( col[9] ) ;
+			int count[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } ;
+			int pos = 0 ;
+			for ( i = 0 ; i < ccnt ; ++i )
+			{
+				switch ( cigarSeg[i].type )
+				{
+					case 'S':
+						pos += cigarSeg[i].len ;
+					case 'M':
+					case 'I':
+						{
+							for ( j = 0 ; j < cigarSeg[i].len ; ++j )
+								++count[ nucToNum[  col[9][pos + j] - 'A' ] ] ;
+							pos += j ;
+						} break ;
+					case 'N':
+						{
+							int max = 0 ;
+							int sum = 0 ;
+							for ( j = 0 ; j < 5 ; ++j )
+							{
+								if ( count[j] > max )
+									max = count[j] ;
+								sum += count[j] ;
+							}
+							if ( max > 0.8 * sum )
+								validRead = false ;
+							count[0] = count[1] = count[2] = count[3] = count[4] = 0 ;
+						} break ;
+					case 'H':
+					case 'P':
+					case 'D':
+					default: break ;
+				}
+			}
+			int max = 0 ;
+			int sum = 0 ;
+			for ( j = 0 ; j < 5 ; ++j )
+			{
+				if ( count[j] > max )
+					max = count[j] ;
+				sum += count[j] ;
+			}
+			if ( max > 0.8 * sum )
+				validRead = false ;
+			/*	count[0] = count[1] = count[2] = count[3] = count[4] = 0 ;
+			for ( i = softStart + 1 ; i < readLen - softEnd ; ++i )
+			  {
+			  switch ( col[9][i] )
+			  {
+			  case 'A': ++count[0] ; break ;
+			  case 'C': ++count[1] ; break ;
+			  case 'G': ++count[2] ; break ;
+			  case 'T': ++count[3] ; break ;
+			  default: ++count[4] ; 
+			  }
+			  }
+			  int max = 0 ;
+			  for ( j = 0 ; j < 5 ; ++j )
+			  if ( count[j] > max )
+			  max = count[j] ;
+			  if ( max > 0.6 * ( readLen - softEnd - softStart - 1 ) )
+			  validRead = false ;*/
+		}
+	}
+	// Test whether contradict with mate pair
+	if ( col[6][0] == '=' )
+	{
+		currentLocation = startLocation ;
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < ccnt ; ++i )
+		{
+			if ( cigarSeg[i].type == 'I' || cigarSeg[i].type == 'S' || cigarSeg[i].type == 'H'
+				|| cigarSeg[i].type == 'P' )
+				continue ;
+			else if ( cigarSeg[i].type == 'N' )
+			{
+				if ( mateStart >= currentLocation && mateStart <= currentLocation + cigarSeg[i].len - 1 )
+				{
+				/*if ( cigarSeg[i].len == 91486 )
+				{
+					printf( "%s %d %d\n", currentLocation, mateStart ) ;
+					exit( 1 ) ;
+				}*/
+					// ignore this read
+					//return false ;
+					InsertContradictedReads( contradictedReads, col[0], mateStart ) ;
+					validRead = false ;
+					break ;
+				}
+			}
+			currentLocation += cigarSeg[i].len ;
+		}
+		i = qHead ;
+		// Search if it falls in the splices junction created by its mate.
+		while ( i != qTail )
+		{
+			if ( mateStart < junctionQueue[i].start && junctionQueue[i].start <= startLocation 
+				&& startLocation <= junctionQueue[i].end 
+				&& SearchContradictedReads( contradictedReads, col[0], startLocation ) )
+			{
+				validRead = false ;
+				break ;
+			}
+			++i ;
+			if ( i >= QUEUE_SIZE )
+				i = 0 ;
+		}
+	}
+	currentLocation = startLocation ;
+	for ( i = 0 ; i < ccnt ; ++i )
+	{
+		if ( cigarSeg[i].type == 'I' || cigarSeg[i].type == 'S' || cigarSeg[i].type == 'H'
+				|| cigarSeg[i].type == 'P' )
+			continue ;
+		else if ( cigarSeg[i].type == 'N' )
+		{
+			int left, right ;
+			int tmp ;
+			tmp = i ;
+			while ( i > 0 && ( cigarSeg[i - 1].type == 'I' || cigarSeg[i - 1].type == 'D' ) )
+				--i ;
+			if ( i > 0 && cigarSeg[i - 1].type == 'M' )
+			{
+				left = cigarSeg[i - 1].len ;
+				if ( i >= 2 && cigarSeg[i - 2].type == 'N' && left <= flank )
+				{
+					left = flank + 1 ;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+				left = 0 ;
+			i = tmp ;
+			while ( i < ccnt && ( cigarSeg[i + 1].type == 'I' || cigarSeg[i + 1].type == 'D' ) )
+				++i ;
+			if ( i < ccnt && cigarSeg[i + 1].type == 'M' )
+			{
+				right = cigarSeg[i + 1].len ;
+				if ( i + 2 < ccnt && cigarSeg[i + 2].type == 'N' && right <= flank )
+				{
+					right = flank + 1 ;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+				right = 0 ;
+			i = tmp ;
+			if ( !SearchQueue( currentLocation, currentLocation + cigarSeg[i].len - 1, startLocation, left, right ) )
+			{
+				++newJuncCnt ;
+			}
+		}
+		currentLocation += cigarSeg[i].len ;
+	}
+		/*else if ( cigar[i] == 'I' )
+		{
+			num = 0 ;
+		}
+		else if ( cigar[i] == 'N' )
+		{
+			if ( !SearchQueue( currentLocation, currentLocation + num - 1, startLocation ) )
+			{
+				++newJuncCnt ;
+				//if ( flagPrintJunction )
+				//	printf( "%s %d %d\n", col[2], currentLocation - 2, currentLocation + len - 1 ) ;
+			}
+			currentLocation += num ;
+			num = 0 ;
+		}
+		else // Other operations, like M, D,...,
+		{
+			currentLocation += num ;
+			num = 0 ;
+		}*/
+	junctionCnt += newJuncCnt ;
+	if ( newJuncCnt )
+		return true ;
+	else
+		return false ;
+void cigar2string( bam1_core_t *c, uint32_t *in_cigar, char *out_cigar )
+	int k, op, l ;
+	char opcode ;
+	*out_cigar = '\0' ;
+	for ( k = 0 ; k < c->n_cigar ; ++k )
+	{
+		op = in_cigar[k] & BAM_CIGAR_MASK ;
+		l = in_cigar[k] >> BAM_CIGAR_SHIFT ;
+		switch (op)
+		{
+			case BAM_CMATCH: opcode = 'M' ; break ;
+			case BAM_CINS: opcode = 'I' ; break ;
+			case BAM_CDEL: opcode = 'D' ; break ;
+			case BAM_CREF_SKIP: opcode = 'N' ; break ;
+			case BAM_CSOFT_CLIP: opcode = 'S' ; break ;
+			case BAM_CHARD_CLIP: opcode = 'H' ; break ;
+			case BAM_CPAD: opcode = 'P' ; break ;
+		}
+		sprintf( out_cigar + strlen( out_cigar ), "%d%c", l, opcode ) ;
+	}
+int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) 
+	FILE *fp ;
+ 	samfile_t *fpsam ;
+	bam1_t *b = NULL ;
+	bool useSam = true ;
+ 	int i, len ;
+ 	int startLocation ; 
+	bool flagRemove = false ;
+	char prevChrome[103] ;
+	anchorBoth = false ;	
+	flagPrintJunction = false ;
+	flagPrintAll = false ;
+	flagStrict = false ;
+	junctionCnt = 0 ;
+	bool hasMateReadIdSuffix = false ;
+	strcpy( prevChrome, "" ) ;
+	flagRemove = true ;
+	flagPrintJunction = true ;
+	flank = 8 ;
+	filterYS = 4 ;
+	contradictedReads = NULL ;
+	// processing the argument list
+	for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i )
+	{
+		if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-h" ) )
+		{
+			PrintHelp() ;
+			return 0 ;
+		}
+		else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-r" ) )
+		{
+			flagRemove = true ;
+		}
+		else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-j" ) )
+		{
+			strcpy( prevChrome, "" ) ;
+			flagRemove = true ;
+			flagPrintJunction = true ;
+			flank = atoi( argv[i + 1] ) ;
+			if ( i + 2 < argc && !strcmp( argv[i+2], "-B" ) )
+			{
+				anchorBoth = true ;
+				++i ;		
+			}
+			++i ;
+		}
+		else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-a" ) )
+		{
+			flagPrintAll = true ;
+		}
+		else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "--strict" ) )
+		{
+			flagStrict = true ;
+		}
+		else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-y" ) )
+		{
+			filterYS = atoi( argv[i + 1] ) ;
+			++i ;
+		}
+		else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "--hasMateIdSuffix" ) )
+		{
+			hasMateReadIdSuffix = true ;
+			++i ;
+		}
+		else if ( i > 1 )
+		{
+			printf( "Unknown option %s\n", argv[i] ) ;
+			exit( 1 ) ;
+		}
+	}
+	if ( argc == 1 )
+	{
+		PrintHelp() ;
+		return 0 ;
+	}
+	len = strlen( argv[1] ) ;
+	if ( argv[1][len-3] == 'b' || argv[1][len-3] == 'B' )
+	{	
+		if ( !( fpsam = samopen( argv[1], "rb", 0 ) ) )
+			return 0 ;
+		if ( !fpsam->header )
+		{
+			//samclose( fpsam ) ;
+			//fpsam = samopen( argv[1], "r", 0 ) ;
+			//if ( !fpsam->header )
+			//{
+			useSam = false ;
+			fp = fopen( argv[1], "r" ) ;
+			//}
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		useSam = false ;
+		fp = NULL ;
+		if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "-" ) )
+			fp = stdin ;
+		else
+			fp = fopen( argv[1], "r" ) ;
+		if ( fp == NULL )
+		{
+			printf( "Could not open file %s\n", argv[1] ) ;
+			return 0 ;
+		}
+	}
+	while ( 1 )
+	{
+		int flag = 0 ;
+		if ( useSam )
+		{
+			if ( b )
+				bam_destroy1( b ) ;
+			b = bam_init1() ;
+			if ( samread( fpsam, b ) <= 0 )
+				break ;
+			if ( b->core.tid >= 0 )
+				strcpy( col[2], fpsam->header->target_name[b->core.tid] ) ;
+			else
+				strcpy( col[2], "-1" ) ;
+			cigar2string( &(b->core), bam1_cigar( b ), col[5] ) ;
+			strcpy( col[0], bam1_qname( b ) ) ;	
+			flag = b->core.flag ;	
+			if ( bam_aux_get( b, "NH" ) )
+			{	
+				/*if ( bam_aux2i( bam_aux_get(b, "NH" ) ) >= 2 )
+				{
+					secondary = true ;
+				}
+				else
+					secondary = false ;*/
+				NH = bam_aux2i( bam_aux_get( b, "NH" ) ) ;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				//secondary = false ;
+				NH = 1 ;
+			}
+			if ( bam_aux_get( b, "NM" ) )
+			{
+				editDistance = bam_aux2i( bam_aux_get( b, "NM" ) ) ;
+			}
+			else if ( bam_aux_get( b, "nM" ) )
+			{
+				editDistance = bam_aux2i( bam_aux_get( b, "nM" ) ) ;
+			}
+			else
+				editDistance = 0 ;
+			mateStart = b->core.mpos + 1 ;
+			if ( b->core.mtid == b->core.tid )
+				col[6][0] = '=' ;
+			else
+				col[6][0] = '*' ;		
+			if ( b->core.l_qseq < 20 )
+				continue ;
+			for ( i = 0 ; i < b->core.l_qseq ; ++i )
+			{
+				int bit = bam1_seqi( bam1_seq( b ), i ) ;
+				switch ( bit )
+				{
+					case 1: col[9][i] = 'A' ; break ;
+					case 2: col[9][i] = 'C' ; break ;
+					case 4: col[9][i] = 'G' ; break ;
+					case 8: col[9][i] = 'T' ; break ;
+					case 15: col[9][i] = 'N' ; break ;
+					default: col[9][i] = 'A' ; break ;
+				}	
+			}
+			col[9][i] = '\0' ;
+			/*if ( flag & 0x100 )
+				secondary = true ;
+			else 
+				secondary = false ;*/
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			char *p ;
+			if ( !fgets( line, LINE_SIZE, fp ) )
+				break ;
+			if ( line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == '@' )
+				continue ;
+			sscanf( line, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", col, col + 1, col + 2, col + 3, col + 4, 
+					col + 5, col + 6, col + 7, col + 8, col + 9,  col + 10 ) ;
+			flag = atoi( col[1] ) ;
+			if ( p = strstr( line, "NH" ) )
+			{
+				int k = 0 ;
+				p += 5 ;
+				while ( *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\0')
+				{
+					k = k * 10 + *p - '0' ;
+					++p ;
+				}
+				/*if ( k >= 2 )
+				{
+					secondary = true ;
+				}
+				else
+					secondary = false ;*/
+				NH = k ;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				//secondary = false ;
+				NH = 1 ;
+			}
+			if ( ( p = strstr( line, "NM" ) ) || ( p = strstr( line, "nM" ) ) )
+			{
+				int k = 0 ;
+				p += 5 ;
+				while ( *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\0')
+				{
+					k = k * 10 + *p - '0' ;
+					++p ;
+				}
+				editDistance = k ;
+			}
+			else
+				editDistance = 0 ;
+			mateStart = atoi( col[7] ) ;
+			/*if ( flag & 0x100 )
+				secondary = true ;
+			else 
+				secondary = false ;*/
+		}
+		samFlag = flag ;
+		for ( i = 0 ; col[5][i] ; ++i )
+			if ( col[5][i] == 'N' )
+				break ;
+		if ( !col[5][i] )
+			continue ;
+		// remove .1, .2 or /1, /2 suffix
+		if ( hasMateReadIdSuffix )
+		{
+			char *s = col[0] ;
+			int len = strlen( s ) ;
+			if ( len >= 2 && ( s[len - 1] == '1' || s[len - 1] == '2' ) 
+				&& ( s[len - 2] == '.' || s[len - 2] == '/' ) )
+			{
+				s[len - 2] = '\0' ;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( useSam )
+		{
+			if ( bam_aux_get( b, "XS" ) )
+			{
+				strand = bam_aux2A( bam_aux_get( b, "XS" ) ) ;
+				if ( bam_aux_get( b, "YS" ) )
+				{
+					noncanonStrandInfo = bam_aux2i( bam_aux_get( b, "YS" ) ) ;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					noncanonStrandInfo = -1 ;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				strand = '?' ;
+				noncanonStrandInfo = -1 ;
+			}
+			startLocation = b->core.pos + 1 ;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if ( strstr( line, "XS:A:-" ) ) // on negative strand
+				strand = '-' ;
+			else if ( strstr( line, "XS:A:+" ) )
+				strand = '+' ;
+			else
+			{
+				strand = '?' ;
+				char *p = strstr( line, "YS:i:" ) ;
+				if ( p != NULL )
+				{
+					p += 5 ;
+					noncanonStrandInfo = atoi( p ) ;
+				}
+				else
+					noncanonStrandInfo = -1 ;
+			}
+			startLocation = atoi( col[3] ) ;  
+		}
+		// Found the junctions from the read.
+		if ( strcmp( prevChrome, col[2] ) )
+		{
+			if ( flagPrintJunction )
+			{
+				// Print the remaining elements in the queue
+				i = qHead ;
+				while ( i != qTail )
+				{
+					PrintJunction( prevChrome, junctionQueue[i] ) ;
+					++i ;
+					if ( i >= QUEUE_SIZE )
+						i = 0 ;
+				}
+			}
+			// new chromosome
+			ClearReadTree( contradictedReads ) ;
+			contradictedReads = NULL ;
+			qHead = qTail = 0 ;
+			strcpy( prevChrome, col[2] ) ;
+		}
+		if ( flagRemove )
+		{
+			if ( CompareJunctions( startLocation, col[5] ) )
+			{
+				// Test whether this read has new junctions
+				//++junctionCnt ;
+				if ( !flagPrintJunction )
+					printf( "%s", line ) ;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			++junctionCnt ;
+			printf( "%s", line ) ;
+		}
+		//printf( "hi2 %s\n", col[0] ) ;
+	}
+	if ( flagPrintJunction )
+	{
+		// Print the remaining elements in the queue
+		i = qHead ;
+		while ( i != qTail )
+		{
+			PrintJunction( prevChrome, junctionQueue[i] ) ;
+			++i ;
+			if ( i >= QUEUE_SIZE )
+				i = 0 ;
+		}
+	}	
+	//fprintf( stderr, "The number of junctions: %d\n", junctionCnt ) ;
+	return 0 ;