comparison CADDSuite-1.6/data/OpenBabel/MACCS.txt @ 17:25a03362403c draft

author marcel
date Sat, 15 Dec 2012 13:10:41 -0500
equal deleted inserted replaced
16:1a24aef40d01 17:25a03362403c
1 #Comments after SMARTS
2 # Extracted from RDKit r1553 Nov 2010 rdkit/Chem/
3 #
4 # Copyright (C) 2001-2008 greg Landrum and Rational Discovery LLC
5 #
6 # @@ All Rights Reserved @@
7 # This file is part of the RDKit.
8 # The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
9 # which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
10 # of the RDKit source tree.
11 #
12 # SMARTS definitions for the publically available MACCS keys
14 # I compared the MACCS fingerprints generated here with those from two
15 # other packages (not MDL, unfortunately). Of course there are
16 # disagreements between the various fingerprints still, but I think
17 # these definitions work pretty well. Some notes:
19 # 1) most of the differences have to do with aromaticity
20 # 2) there's a discrepancy sometimes because the current RDKit
21 # definitions do not require multiple matches to be distinct. e.g. the
22 # SMILES C(=O)CC(=O) can match the (hypothetical) key O=CC twice in my
23 # definition. It's not clear to me what the correct behavior is.
24 # 3) Some keys are not fully defined in the MDL documentation
25 # 4) Two keys, 125 and 166, have to be done outside of SMARTS.
26 # 5) Key 1 (ISOTOPE) isn't defined
28 # these are SMARTS patterns corresponding to the MDL MACCS keys
29 1:('?',0), # ISOTOPE
30 #2:('[#103,#104,#105,#106,#107,#106,#109,#110,#111,#112]',0), # ISOTOPE Not complete
31 2:('[#103,#104]',0), # ISOTOPE Not complete
32 3:('[Ge,As,Se,Sn,Sb,Te,Tl,Pb,Bi]',0), # Group IVa,Va,VIa Periods 4-6 (Ge...) *NOTE* spec wrong
33 4:('[Ac,Th,Pa,U,Np,Pu,Am,Cm,Bk,Cf,Es,Fm,Md,No,Lr]',0), # actinide
34 5:('[Sc,Ti,Y,Zr,Hf]',0), # Group IIIB,IVB (Sc...) *NOTE* spec wrong
35 6:('[La,Ce,Pr,Nd,Pm,Sm,Eu,Gd,Tb,Dy,Ho,Er,Tm,Yb,Lu]',0), # Lanthanide
36 7:('[V,Cr,Mn,Nb,Mo,Tc,Ta,W,Re]',0), # Group VB,VIB,VIIB (V...) *NOTE* spec wrong
37 8:('[!#6;!#1]1~*~*~*~1',0), # QAAA@1
38 9:('[Fe,Co,Ni,Ru,Rh,Pd,Os,Ir,Pt]',0), # Group VIII (Fe...)
39 10:('[Be,Mg,Ca,Sr,Ba,Ra]',0), # Group IIa (Alkaline earth)
40 11:('*1~*~*~*~1',0), # 4M Ring
41 12:('[Cu,Zn,Ag,Cd,Au,Hg]',0), # Group IB,IIB (Cu..)
42 13:('[#8]~[#7](~[#6])~[#6]',0), # ON(C)C
43 14:('[#16]-[#16]',0), # S-S
44 15:('[#8]~[#6](~[#8])~[#8]',0), # OC(O)O
45 16:('[!#6;!#1]1~*~*~1',0), # QAA@1
46 17:('[#6]#[#6]',0), #CTC
47 18:('[B,Al,Ga,In,Tl]',0), # Group IIIA (B...) *NOTE* spec wrong
48 19:('*1~*~*~*~*~*~*~1',0), # 7M Ring
49 20:('[Si]',0), #Si
50 21:('[#6]=[#6](~[!#6;!#1])~[!#6;!#1]',0), # C=C(Q)Q
51 22:('*1~*~*~1',0), # 3M Ring
52 23:('[#7]~[#6](~[#8])~[#8]',0), # NC(O)O
53 24:('[#7]-[#8]',0), # N-O
54 25:('[#7]~[#6](~[#7])~[#7]',0), # NC(N)N
55 26:('[#6]=;@[#6](@*)@*',0), # C$=C($A)$A
56 27:('[I]',0), # I
57 28:('[!#6;!#1]~[CH2]~[!#6;!#1]',0), # QCH2Q
58 29:('[#15]',0),# P
59 30:('[#6]~[!#6;!#1](~[#6])(~[#6])~*',0), # CQ(C)(C)A
60 31:('[!#6;!#1]~[F,Cl,Br,I]',0), # QX
61 32:('[#6]~[#16]~[#7]',0), # CSN
62 33:('[#7]~[#16]',0), # NS
63 34:('[CH2]=*',0), # CH2=A
64 35:('[Li,Na,K,Rb,Cs,Fr]',0), # Group IA (Alkali Metal)
65 36:('[#16R]',0), # S Heterocycle
66 37:('[#7]~[#6](~[#8])~[#7]',0), # NC(O)N
67 38:('[#7]~[#6](~[#6])~[#7]',0), # NC(C)N
68 39:('[#8]~[#16](~[#8])~[#8]',0), # OS(O)O
69 40:('[#16]-[#8]',0), # S-O
70 41:('[#6]#[#7]',0), # CTN
71 42:('F',0), # F
72 43:('[!C;!c;!#1;!H0]~*~[!C;!c;!#1;!H0]',0), # QHAQH
73 44:('?',0), # OTHER
74 45:('[#6]=[#6]~[#7]',0), # C=CN
75 46:('Br',0), # BR
76 47:('[#16]~*~[#7]',0), # SAN
77 48:('[#8]~[!#6;!#1](~[#8])(~[#8])',0), # OQ(O)O
78 49:('[!+0]',0), # CHARGE
79 50:('[#6]=[#6](~[#6])~[#6]',0), # C=C(C)C
80 51:('[#6]~[#16]~[#8]',0), # CSO
81 52:('[#7]~[#7]',0), # NN
82 53:('[!#6;!#1;!H0]~*~*~*~[!#6;!#1;!H0]',0), # QHAAAQH
83 54:('[!#6;!#1;!H0]~*~*~[!#6;!#1;!H0]',0), # QHAAQH
84 55:('[#8]~[#16]~[#8]',0), #OSO
85 56:('[#8]~[#7](~[#8])~[#6]',0), # ON(O)C
86 57:('[#8R]',0), # O Heterocycle
87 58:('[!#6;!#1]~[#16]~[!#6;!#1]',0), # QSQ
88 59:('[#16]!:*:*',0), # Snot%A%A
89 60:('[#16]=[#8]',0), # S=O
90 61:('*~[#16](~*)~*',0), # AS(A)A
91 62:('*@*!@*@*',0), # A$!A$A
92 63:('[#7]=[#8]',0), # N=O
93 64:('*@*!@[#16]',0), # A$A!S
94 65:('c:n',0), # C%N
95 66:('[#6]~[#6](~[#6])(~[#6])~*',0), # CC(C)(C)A
96 67:('[!#6;!#1]~[#16]',0), # QS
97 68:('[!#6;!#1;!H0]~[!#6;!#1;!H0]',0), # QHQH (&...) FIX: incomplete definition
98 69:('[!#6;!#1]~[!#6;!#1;!H0]',0), # QQH
99 70:('[!#6;!#1]~[#7]~[!#6;!#1]',0), # QNQ
100 71:('[#7]~[#8]',0), # NO
101 72:('[#8]~*~*~[#8]',0), # OAAO
102 73:('[#16]=*',0), # S=A
103 74:('[CH3]~*~[CH3]',0), # CH3ACH3
104 75:('*!@[#7]@*',0), # A!N$A
105 76:('[#6]=[#6](~*)~*',0), # C=C(A)A
106 77:('[#7]~*~[#7]',0), # NAN
107 78:('[#6]=[#7]',0), # C=N
108 79:('[#7]~*~*~[#7]',0), # NAAN
109 80:('[#7]~*~*~*~[#7]',0), # NAAAN
110 81:('[#16]~*(~*)~*',0), # SA(A)A
111 82:('*~[CH2]~[!#6;!#1;!H0]',0), # ACH2QH
112 83:('[!#6;!#1]1~*~*~*~*~1',0), # QAAAA@1
113 84:('[NH2]',0), #NH2
114 85:('[#6]~[#7](~[#6])~[#6]',0), # CN(C)C
115 86:('[C;H2,H3][!#6;!#1][C;H2,H3]',0), # CH2QCH2
116 87:('[F,Cl,Br,I]!@*@*',0), # X!A$A
117 88:('[#16]',0), # S
118 89:('[#8]~*~*~*~[#8]',0), # OAAAO
119 90:('[$([!#6;!#1;!H0]~*~*~[CH2]~*),$([!#6;!#1;!H0;R]1@[R]@[R]@[CH2;R]1),$([!#6;!#1;!H0]~[R]1@[R]@[CH2;R]1)]',0), # QHAACH2A
120 91:('[$([!#6;!#1;!H0]~*~*~*~[CH2]~*),$([!#6;!#1;!H0;R]1@[R]@[R]@[R]@[CH2;R]1),$([!#6;!#1;!H0]~[R]1@[R]@[R]@[CH2;R]1),$([!#6;!#1;!H0]~*~[R]1@[R]@[CH2;R]1)]',0), # QHAAACH2A
121 92:('[#8]~[#6](~[#7])~[#6]',0), # OC(N)C
122 93:('[!#6;!#1]~[CH3]',0), # QCH3
123 94:('[!#6;!#1]~[#7]',0), # QN
124 95:('[#7]~*~*~[#8]',0), # NAAO
125 96:('*1~*~*~*~*~1',0), # 5 M ring
126 97:('[#7]~*~*~*~[#8]',0), # NAAAO
127 98:('[!#6;!#1]1~*~*~*~*~*~1',0), # QAAAAA@1
128 99:('[#6]=[#6]',0), # C=C
129 100:('*~[CH2]~[#7]',0), # ACH2N
130 101:('[$([R]@1@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]1),$([R]@1@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]1),$([R]@1@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]1),$([R]@1@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]1),$([R]@1@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]1),$([R]@1@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]1),$([R]@1@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[R]1)]',0), # 8M Ring or larger. This only handles up to ring sizes of 14
131 102:('[!#6;!#1]~[#8]',0), # QO
132 103:('Cl',0), # CL
133 104:('[!#6;!#1;!H0]~*~[CH2]~*',0), # QHACH2A
134 105:('*@*(@*)@*',0), # A$A($A)$A
135 106:('[!#6;!#1]~*(~[!#6;!#1])~[!#6;!#1]',0), # QA(Q)Q
136 107:('[F,Cl,Br,I]~*(~*)~*',0), # XA(A)A
137 108:('[CH3]~*~*~*~[CH2]~*',0), # CH3AAACH2A
138 109:('*~[CH2]~[#8]',0), # ACH2O
139 110:('[#7]~[#6]~[#8]',0), # NCO
140 111:('[#7]~*~[CH2]~*',0), # NACH2A
141 112:('*~*(~*)(~*)~*',0), # AA(A)(A)A
142 113:('[#8]!:*:*',0), # Onot%A%A
143 114:('[CH3]~[CH2]~*',0), # CH3CH2A
144 115:('[CH3]~*~[CH2]~*',0), # CH3ACH2A
145 116:('[$([CH3]~*~*~[CH2]~*),$([CH3]~*1~*~[CH2]1)]',0), # CH3AACH2A
146 117:('[#7]~*~[#8]',0), # NAO
147 118:('[$(*~[CH2]~[CH2]~*),$(*1~[CH2]~[CH2]1)]',1), # ACH2CH2A > 1
148 119:('[#7]=*',0), # N=A
149 120:('[!#6;R]',1), # Heterocyclic atom > 1 (&...) FIX: incomplete definition
150 121:('[#7;R]',0), # N Heterocycle
151 122:('*~[#7](~*)~*',0), # AN(A)A
152 123:('[#8]~[#6]~[#8]',0), # OCO
153 124:('[!#6;!#1]~[!#6;!#1]',0), # QQ
154 125:('?',0), # Aromatic Ring > 1
155 126:('*!@[#8]!@*',0), # A!O!A
156 127:('*@*!@[#8]',1), # A$A!O > 1 (&...) FIX: incomplete definition
157 128:('[$(*~[CH2]~*~*~*~[CH2]~*),$([R]1@[CH2;R]@[R]@[R]@[R]@[CH2;R]1),$(*~[CH2]~[R]1@[R]@[R]@[CH2;R]1),$(*~[CH2]~*~[R]1@[R]@[CH2;R]1)]',0), # ACH2AAACH2A
158 129:('[$(*~[CH2]~*~*~[CH2]~*),$([R]1@[CH2]@[R]@[R]@[CH2;R]1),$(*~[CH2]~[R]1@[R]@[CH2;R]1)]',0), # ACH2AACH2A
159 130:('[!#6;!#1]~[!#6;!#1]',1), # QQ > 1 (&...) FIX: incomplete definition
160 131:('[!#6;!#1;!H0]',1), # QH > 1
161 132:('[#8]~*~[CH2]~*',0), # OACH2A
162 133:('*@*!@[#7]',0), # A$A!N
163 134:('[F,Cl,Br,I]',0), # X (HALOGEN)
164 135:('[#7]!:*:*',0), # Nnot%A%A
165 136:('[#8]=*',1), # O=A>1
166 137:('[!C;!c;R]',0), # Heterocycle
167 138:('[!#6;!#1]~[CH2]~*',1), # QCH2A>1 (&...) FIX: incomplete definition
168 139:('[O;!H0]',0), # OH
169 140:('[#8]',3), # O > 3 (&...) FIX: incomplete definition
170 141:('[CH3]',2), # CH3 > 2 (&...) FIX: incomplete definition
171 142:('[#7]',1), # N > 1
172 143:('*@*!@[#8]',0), # A$A!O
173 144:('*!:*:*!:*',0), # Anot%A%Anot%A
174 145:('*1~*~*~*~*~*~1',1), # 6M ring > 1
175 146:('[#8]',2), # O > 2
176 147:('[$(*~[CH2]~[CH2]~*),$([R]1@[CH2;R]@[CH2;R]1)]',0), # ACH2CH2A
177 148:('*~[!#6;!#1](~*)~*',0), # AQ(A)A
178 149:('[C;H3,H4]',1), # CH3 > 1
179 150:('*!@*@*!@*',0), # A!A$A!A
180 151:('[#7;!H0]',0), # NH
181 152:('[#8]~[#6](~[#6])~[#6]',0), # OC(C)C
182 153:('[!#6;!#1]~[CH2]~*',0), # QCH2A
183 154:('[#6]=[#8]',0), # C=O
184 155:('*!@[CH2]!@*',0), # A!CH2!A
185 156:('[#7]~*(~*)~*',0), # NA(A)A
186 157:('[#6]-[#8]',0), # C-O
187 158:('[#6]-[#7]',0), # C-N
188 159:('[#8]',1), # O>1
189 160:('[C;H3,H4]',0), #CH3
190 161:('[#7]',0), # N
191 162:('a',0), # Aromatic
192 163:('*1~*~*~*~*~*~1',0), # 6M Ring
193 164:('[#8]',0), # O
194 165:('[R]',0), # Ring
195 166:('?',0), # Fragments FIX: this can't be done in SMARTS
197 # obabel -:"CNO" -oftp -xs
198 # 24: N-O 68: QHQH (&...) 69: QQH 71: NO 93: QCH3 94: QN 102: QO
199 # 124: QQ 131: QH > 1 *2 139: OH 151: NH 158: C-N 160: CH3 161: N 164: O