changeset 3:546c7ccd2ed4 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit 911f4beba3dcb25c1033e8239426f8f763683523"
author workflow4metabolomics
date Fri, 04 Feb 2022 09:01:11 +0000
parents dff7bde22102
children cf11fa0c47c8
files annotationRmn2D.R annotationRmn2DGlobale.R annotationRmn2DWrapper.R annotationRmn2D_xml.xml test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_annotationCOSY.tabular test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_annotationCombination.tabular test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_annotationHMBC.tabular test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_annotationHSQC.tabular test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_annotationJRES.tabular test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_annotationTOCSY.tabular test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateCOSY.tabular test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateHMBC.tabular test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateHSQC.tabular test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateJRES.tabular test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateTOCSY.tabular test-data/2DNMR_Annotation_annotationCombination.tabular test-data/2DNMR_Annotation_log.txt test-data/Template_melange.xlsm test-data/Template_melange.xlsx test-data/annotationHsqc.tabular test-data/annotationJres.tabular test-data/duplicateHsqc.tabular test-data/duplicateJres.tabular viridis.R
diffstat 24 files changed, 1359 insertions(+), 1104 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/annotationRmn2D.R	Tue Feb 04 10:59:26 2020 -0500
+++ b/annotationRmn2D.R	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
-# ANNOTATION SPECTRE 2D MATRICE COMPLEXE BASEE SUR UNE SEQUENCE RMN                                                                       #
-# matriceComplexe : data.frame liste couples ppm de la matrice a annoter                                                                  #
-# BdDStandards : objet contenant la base de donnees des composes standards                                                                #
-# nom_séquence : nom sequence 2D a utiliser pour annotation ("JRES","COSY","TOCSY","HMBC","HSQC")                                         #
-# ppm1Tol : tolerance ppm axe abscisses                                                                                                   #
-# ppm2Tol : tolerance ppm axe ordonnees                                                                                                   #
-# nb_ligne_template : préciser le nombre total de ligne de la feuille de calcul à annoter                                                 #
-annotationRmn2D <- function(matriceComplexe, BdDStandards, nom_sequence, ppm1Tol=0.01, ppm2Tol=0.01, 
-                            seuil=0, unicite="NO")
+# matriceComplexe : data.frame liste couples ppm de la matrice a annoter #
+# BdDStandards : objet contenant la base de donnees des composes standards #
+# nom_sequence : nom sequence 2D a utiliser pour annotation ("JRES", "COSY", "TOCSY", "HMBC", "HSQC") #
+# ppm1Tol : tolerance ppm axe abscisses                                                               #
+# ppm2Tol : tolerance ppm axe ordonnees                                                               #
+# nb_ligne_template : preciser le nombre total de ligne de la feuille de calcul a annoter             #
+annotationRmn2D <- function(matriceComplexe, BdDStandards, nom_sequence, ppm1Tol = 0.01, ppm2Tol = 0.01,
+                            seuil = 0, unicite = "NO") {
   ## Longueur de la peak-list de la matrice a annoter
   PeakListLength <- length(matriceComplexe[, 1])
@@ -18,17 +17,16 @@
   matrixAnnotation <- data.frame()
   allMetabolitesList <- data.frame()
   seuil_score <- seuil
   ## Boucle sur les metabolites inclus dans BdD
-  for (i in 1:nbMetabolitesBdD)
-  {
+  for (i in seq_len(nbMetabolitesBdD)) {
     ## Infos metabolite en cours
     iMetabolite <- BdDStandards[[i]]
-    ppm1M <- iMetabolite[,1] 
-    ppm2M <- iMetabolite[,2]
+    ppm1M <- iMetabolite[, 1]
+    ppm2M <- iMetabolite[, 2]
     nbPeakMetabolite <- length(ppm1M)
     MetaboliteName <- names(BdDStandards[i])
-##    print(MetaboliteName)
     ## Initialisation
     k <- 0
     presenceScore <- 0
@@ -37,65 +35,59 @@
     annotatedPeakLength <- 0
     metabolites <- data.frame()
     metabolitesList <- data.frame()
     ## Boucle sur les couples de pics de la matrice a annoter
-    for (p in 1:PeakListLength)
-    { 
+    for (p in seq_len(PeakListLength)) {
       ppmAnnotationF1 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[p, 3])
       ppmAnnotationF2 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[p, 2])
       e <- simpleMessage("end of file")
-        if (!
-        {
+        if (! {
           matrixAnnotation <-, matriceComplexe[p, ]))
         # Recherche du couple de pics de la matrice la liste des couples du metabolite standard
-        metaboliteIn <- (ppm1M >= (ppmAnnotationF2-ppm1Tol) & ppm1M <= (ppmAnnotationF2+ppm1Tol) & 
-                     ppm2M >= (ppmAnnotationF1-ppm2Tol) & ppm2M <= (ppmAnnotationF1+ppm2Tol))
+        metaboliteIn <- (ppm1M >= (ppmAnnotationF2 - ppm1Tol) & ppm1M <= (ppmAnnotationF2 + ppm1Tol) &
+                     ppm2M >= (ppmAnnotationF1 - ppm2Tol) & ppm2M <= (ppmAnnotationF1 + ppm2Tol))
         WhichMetaboliteIn <- which(metaboliteIn)
         # Si au moins un couple de la matrice a annoter dans liste couples metabolite standard
-        if (length(WhichMetaboliteIn) > 0)
-        {
-          for (a in 1:length(WhichMetaboliteIn))
-          {
-            annotatedPpmList <- data.frame(ppm1=ppm1M[WhichMetaboliteIn[a]], ppm2=ppm2M[WhichMetaboliteIn[a]], theoricalLength=nbPeakMetabolite)
-            annotatedPpmRef <- rbind(annotatedPpmRef,annotatedPpmList)
+        if (length(WhichMetaboliteIn) > 0) {
+          for (a in seq_len(length(WhichMetaboliteIn))) {
+            annotatedPpmList <- data.frame(ppm1 = ppm1M[WhichMetaboliteIn[a]], ppm2 = ppm2M[WhichMetaboliteIn[a]], theoricalLength = nbPeakMetabolite)
+            annotatedPpmRef <- rbind(annotatedPpmRef, annotatedPpmList)
-      }, error=function(e){cat ("End of file \n");})
+      }, error = function(e) {
+        cat("End of file \n");
+      })
     # Au - 1 couple de ppm de la matrice complexe annote
-    if (nrow(annotatedPpmRef) >= 1)
-    {
+    if (nrow(annotatedPpmRef) >= 1) {
       ## Nombre couples annotes
       annotatedPeakLength <- nrow(annotatedPpmRef)
       ## Recherche doublons
       annotatedDoublons <- duplicated(annotatedPpmRef)
-      if (sum(duplicated(annotatedPpmRef)) > 0)
-      {
+      if (sum(duplicated(annotatedPpmRef)) > 0) {
         annotatedPeakLength <- nrow(annotatedPpmRef) - sum(duplicated(annotatedPpmRef))
         annotatedPpmRef <- annotatedPpmRef[-duplicated(annotatedPpmRef), ]
-      presenceScore <- annotatedPeakLength/nbPeakMetabolite
+      presenceScore <- round(annotatedPeakLength / nbPeakMetabolite, 2)
     ## Conservation metabolites dont score > seuil
-    if (presenceScore > seuil_score)
-    {
-      metabolites <- data.frame(Metabolite=MetaboliteName, score=presenceScore)
-      metabolitesList <-, metabolites) 
+    if (presenceScore > seuil_score) {
+      metabolites <- data.frame(Metabolite = MetaboliteName, score = presenceScore)
+      metabolitesList <-, metabolites)
       allMetabolitesList <-, metabolitesList)
   # Initialisation
   commonPpm <- data.frame()
   commonPpmList <- data.frame()
   metaboliteAdd <- data.frame()
   metaboliteAddList <- data.frame()
-#  metabolite_ref <- data.frame()
   commonMetabolitesList <- data.frame()
   commonMetabolitesPpmList <- data.frame()
   commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1 <- data.frame()
@@ -103,34 +95,30 @@
   listeTotale_2D_unicite <- allMetabolitesList[, 1:4]
   allMetabolitesList <- allMetabolitesList[, -3]
   metabolitesAllUnicite <- data.frame()
   ## Boucle sur tous couples annotes
-  for (j in 1:length(allMetabolitesList$ppm1))
-  {
+  for (j in seq_len(length(allMetabolitesList$ppm1))) {
     ## Boucle sur metabolites dans BdD composes standards
-    for (i in 1:nbMetabolitesBdD)
-    {
+    for (i in seq_len(nbMetabolitesBdD)) {
       ppmMetaboliteBdD <- BdDStandards[[i]]
-      ppm1M <- ppmMetaboliteBdD[,1] 
-      ppm2M <- ppmMetaboliteBdD[,2]
+      ppm1M <- ppmMetaboliteBdD[, 1]
+      ppm2M <- ppmMetaboliteBdD[, 2]
       # Nombre de couples metabolite
       nbPeakMetabolite <- length(ppm1M)
       MetaboliteName <- names(BdDStandards[i])
-      metabolitesInAll <- (ppm1M >= (allMetabolitesList[j,1]-ppm1Tol) & ppm1M <= (allMetabolitesList[j,1]+ppm1Tol) & 
-                            ppm2M >= (allMetabolitesList[j,2]-ppm2Tol) & ppm2M <= (allMetabolitesList[j,2]+ppm2Tol))
+      metabolitesInAll <- (ppm1M >= (allMetabolitesList[j, 1] - ppm1Tol) & ppm1M <= (allMetabolitesList[j, 1] + ppm1Tol) &
+                            ppm2M >= (allMetabolitesList[j, 2] - ppm2Tol) & ppm2M <= (allMetabolitesList[j, 2] + ppm2Tol))
       WhichMetabolitesInAll <- which(metabolitesInAll)
-      if (MetaboliteName != allMetabolitesList[j, 3] & length(WhichMetabolitesInAll) > 0)
-      {
-        metabolitesAllUnicite <-, listeTotale_2D_unicite[j,])
-        commonPpm <- data.frame(ppm1=allMetabolitesList[j,1], ppm2=allMetabolitesList[j,2])
+      if (MetaboliteName != allMetabolitesList[j, 3] & length(WhichMetabolitesInAll) > 0) {
+        metabolitesAllUnicite <-, listeTotale_2D_unicite[j, ])
+        commonPpm <- data.frame(ppm1 = allMetabolitesList[j, 1], ppm2 = allMetabolitesList[j, 2])
         commonPpmList <-, commonPpm)
         commonPpmList <- unique(commonPpmList)
-        metaboliteAdd <- data.frame(nom_metabolite=MetaboliteName)
+        metaboliteAdd <- data.frame(nom_metabolite = MetaboliteName)
         metaboliteAddList <-, metaboliteAdd)
-#        metabolite_ref <- data.frame(nom_metabolite=allMetabolitesList[j,3])
-        commonMetabolitesList <-[j, 3]), metaboliteAddList)
+        commonMetabolitesList <- = allMetabolitesList[j, 3]), metaboliteAddList)
         commonMetabolitesPpmList <-, commonMetabolitesList)
         commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1 <-, commonMetabolitesPpmList)
         commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1 <-
@@ -138,7 +126,7 @@
     commonMetabolitesPpmAllList <-, commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1)
     commonMetabolitesPpmAllList <-
     #initialisation des data.frame
     commonPpm <- data.frame()
     metaboliteAdd <- data.frame()
@@ -150,12 +138,11 @@
   unicityAllList <- listeTotale_2D_unicite
-  if (nrow(listeTotale_2D_unicite)!=0 & nrow(metabolitesAllUnicite)!=0)
+  if (nrow(listeTotale_2D_unicite) != 0 & nrow(metabolitesAllUnicite) != 0)
     unicityAllList <- setdiff(listeTotale_2D_unicite, metabolitesAllUnicite)
   unicitynbCouplesRectif <- data.frame()
-  for (g in 1:nrow(unicityAllList))
-  {
+  for (g in seq_len(nrow(unicityAllList))) {
     metaboliteUnicity <- (unicityAllList$Metabolite == unicityAllList$Metabolite[g])
     WhichMetaboliteUnicity <- which(metaboliteUnicity)
     nb_occurence <- length(WhichMetaboliteUnicity)
@@ -163,84 +150,74 @@
   names(unicitynbCouplesRectif) <- "NbCouplesAnnotes"
   unicityAllList <-, unicitynbCouplesRectif)
-  unicityAllList <-, score_unicite=unicityAllList$NbCouplesAnnotes/unicityAllList$theoricalLength)
+  unicityAllList <-, score_unicite = unicityAllList$NbCouplesAnnotes / unicityAllList$theoricalLength)
   unicityAllList <- unicityAllList[, -3]
   unicityAllList <- unicityAllList[, -4]
-##  unicityAllList <- filter(unicityAllList, unicityAllList$score_unicite > seuil_score)
-  unicityAllList <- unicityAllList[unicityAllList$score_unicite > seuil_score,]
+  unicityAllList <- unicityAllList[unicityAllList$score_unicite > seuil_score, ]
   listeTotale_metabo <- data.frame()
-  if (nrow(commonPpmList) !=0)
-  {
-    for (o in 1:length(commonPpmList[, 1]))
-    {
-      tf6 <- (commonMetabolitesPpmAllList$ppm1 == commonPpmList[o,1] & commonMetabolitesPpmAllList$ppm2 == commonPpmList[o,2])
-      w6 <- which(tf6) 
-      for (s in 1:length(w6))
-      {
-        metaboliteAdd <- data.frame(nom_metabolite=commonMetabolitesPpmAllList[w6[s],3])
-        commonMetabolitesList <- paste(commonMetabolitesList, metaboliteAdd[1,], sep = " ")
+  if (nrow(commonPpmList) != 0) {
+    for (o in seq_len(length(commonPpmList[, 1]))) {
+      tf6 <- (commonMetabolitesPpmAllList$ppm1 == commonPpmList[o, 1] & commonMetabolitesPpmAllList$ppm2 == commonPpmList[o, 2])
+      w6 <- which(tf6)
+      for (s in seq_len(length(w6))) {
+        metaboliteAdd <- data.frame(nom_metabolite = commonMetabolitesPpmAllList[w6[s], 3])
+        commonMetabolitesList <- paste(commonMetabolitesList, metaboliteAdd[1, ], sep = " ")
-      liste_metabo_ppm <-[o,1],ppm2=commonPpmList[o,2], commonMetabolitesList)
+      liste_metabo_ppm <- = commonPpmList[o, 1], ppm2 = commonPpmList[o, 2], commonMetabolitesList)
       listeTotale_metabo <-, liste_metabo_ppm)
       commonMetabolitesList <- data.frame()
   # Representation graphique
-  if (nom_sequence == "HSQC" | nom_sequence == "HMBC")
-  {
+  if (nom_sequence == "HSQC" | nom_sequence == "HMBC") {
     atome <- "13C"
     indice_positif <- 1
     indice_negatif <- -10
-  }else{
+  } else {
     atome <- "1H"
     indice_positif <- 0.5
     indice_negatif <- -0.5
   matriceComplexe <- matrixAnnotation
-  ppm1 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[,2])
-  ppm2 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[,3])
-  if (unicite == "NO")
-  {
+  ppm1 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 2])
+  ppm2 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 3])
+  if (unicite == "NO") {
     listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser <- allMetabolitesList
-    d1.ppm <- allMetabolitesList$ppm1 
+    d1.ppm <- allMetabolitesList$ppm1
     d2.ppm <- allMetabolitesList$ppm2
-  }else{
+  } else {
     listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser <- unicityAllList
-    d1.ppm <- listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser$ppm1 
+    d1.ppm <- listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser$ppm1
     d2.ppm <- listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser$ppm2
-  if (nrow(listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser) > 0)
-  {
+  if (nrow(listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser) > 0) {
     ## Taches de correlations
     # Matrice biologique + Annotations
-    maxX <- max(round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[,2])))+0.5, round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[,2]))))
-    maxY <- max(round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[,3])))+indice_positif, round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[,3]))))
-    probability.score <- as.factor(round(listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser[,4],2))
+    maxX <- max(round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 2]))) + 0.5, round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 2]))))
+    maxY <- max(round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 3]))) + indice_positif, round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 3]))))
+    probability.score <- as.factor(round(listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser[, 4], 2))
     lgr <- length(unique(probability.score))
-    sp <- ggplot(matriceComplexe, aes(x=ppm1, y=ppm2))
-    sp <- sp + geom_point(size=2) + scale_x_reverse(breaks=seq(maxX, 0, -0.5)) + 
-      scale_y_reverse(breaks=seq(maxY, 0, indice_negatif)) + 
+    sp <- ggplot(matriceComplexe, aes(x = ppm1, y = ppm2))
+    sp <- sp + geom_point(size = 2) + scale_x_reverse(breaks = seq(maxX, 0, -0.5)) +
+      scale_y_reverse(breaks = seq(maxY, 0, indice_negatif)) +
       xlab("1H chemical shift (ppm)") + ylab(paste(atome, " chemical shift (ppm)")) + ggtitle(nom_sequence) +
-      geom_text(data=listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser, aes(d1.ppm, d2.ppm, label=str_to_lower(substr(listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser[,3],1,3)), 
-                                                    col=probability.score), 
-                size=4, hjust=0, nudge_x=0.02, vjust=0, nudge_y=0.2) + scale_colour_manual(values=viridis(lgr))
-##      scale_color_colormap('Annotation', discrete=T, reverse=T)
+      geom_text(data = listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser, aes(d1.ppm, d2.ppm, label = str_to_lower(substr(listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser[, 3], 1, 3)), col = probability.score),
+                size = 4, hjust = 0, nudge_x = 0.02, vjust = 0, nudge_y = 0.2) + scale_colour_manual(values = viridis(lgr))
-  # Liste des résultats (couples pmm / metabolite / score) + liste ppms metabolites communs
-  if (unicite == "NO")
-  {
-    return(list(liste_resultat=allMetabolitesList, listing_ppm_commun=listeTotale_metabo))
-  }else{
-    return(list(liste_resultat_unicite=unicityAllList, listing_ppm_commun_affichage=listeTotale_metabo))
+   # Liste des resultats (couples pmm / metabolite / score) + liste ppms metabolites communs
+  if (unicite == "NO") {
+    return(list(liste_resultat = allMetabolitesList, listing_ppm_commun = listeTotale_metabo))
+  } else {
+    return(list(liste_resultat_unicite = unicityAllList, listing_ppm_commun_affichage = listeTotale_metabo))
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/annotationRmn2DGlobale.R	Tue Feb 04 10:59:26 2020 -0500
+++ b/annotationRmn2DGlobale.R	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -1,28 +1,25 @@
-# ANNOTATION SPECTRE 2D MATRICE COMPLEXE BASEE SUR UNE (OU PLUSIEURS) SEQUENCE(s) RMN                                                     #
-# template : dataframe contenant la liste des couples de deplacements chimiques de la matrice complexe a annoter                          # 
-# cosy : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                                                               #
-# hmbc : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                                                               #
-# hsqc : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                                                               #
-# jres : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                                                               #
-# tocsy : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                                                              #
-# tolPpm1 : tolerance autorisee autour de la valeur1 du couple de deplacements chimiques                                                  #
-# tolPpm2HJRes : tolerance autorisee autour de la valeur2 du couple de deplacements chimiques si H dans dimension 2                       #
-# tolPpm2C : tolerance autorisee autour de la valeur2 du couple de deplacements chimiques si C dans dimension 2                           #
-# seuil : valeur du score de presence en deça de laquelle les metabolites annotes ne sont pas retenus                                     #
-# unicite : boolean pour ne retenir que les ...                                                                                           #
+# template : dataframe contenant la liste des couples de deplacements chimiques de la matrice complexe a annoter									                          #
+# cosy : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                       #
+# hmbc : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                       #
+# hsqc : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0  sinon                                                      #
+# jres : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                       #
+# tocsy : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                      #
+# tolPpm1 : tolerance autorisee autour de la valeur1 du couple de deplacements chimiques          #
+# tolPpm2HJRes : tolerance autorisee autour de la valeur2 du couple de deplacements chimiques si H dans dimension 2                       								          #
+# tolPpm2C : tolerance autorisee autour de la valeur2 du couple de deplacements chimiques si C dans dimension 2                           									  #
+# seuil : valeur du score de presence en dela de laquelle les metabolites annotes ne sont pas retenus #
+# unicite : boolean pour ne retenir que les ...                                                   #
-mean.rmNa <- function(x)
-  mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+mean.rmNa <- function(x) {
+  mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
-annotationRmn2DGlobale <- function(template, tolPpm1=0.01, tolPpm2HJRes=0.002, tolPpm2C=0.5, cosy=1, hmbc=1, hsqc=1, jres=1, tocsy=1, 
-                                   seuil, unicite="NO")
+annotationRmn2DGlobale <- function(template, tolPpm1 = 0.01, tolPpm2HJRes = 0.002, tolPpm2C = 0.5, cosy = 1, hmbc = 1, hsqc = 1, jres = 1, tocsy = 1, seuil, unicite = "NO") {
   ## Initialisation
-  options (max.print=999999999)
+  options(max.print = 999999999)
   annotationCOSY <- data.frame()
   annotationHMBC <- data.frame()
   annotationHSQC <- data.frame()
@@ -34,88 +31,117 @@
   dataHSQC <- "NA"
   dataJRES <- "NA"
   dataTOCSY <- "NA"
   ## Application seuil seulement si annotation avec 1 seule sequence
-##   seuilPls2D <- 0
-##   if ((sum(cosy, hmbc, hsqc, jres, tocsy)) == 1)
-##     seuilPls2D <- seuil
   seuilPls2D <- seuil
-  if (cosy == 1)
-  {
-    matrice.cosy <- read.xlsx(template, sheet="COSY", startRow=2, colNames=TRUE, rowNames=FALSE, cols=1:3, na.strings="NA")
+  if (cosy == 1) {
+    matrice.cosy <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "COSY", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
     matrice.cosy <- matrice.cosy[matrice.cosy$peak.index != "x", ]
-    annotationCOSY <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.cosy, BdDReference_COSY, "COSY", ppm1Tol=tolPpm1, ppm2Tol=tolPpm1, seuil=seuilPls2D, 
-                                      unicite=unicite)
-    dataCOSY <- data.frame(Metabolite=str_to_lower(annotationCOSY$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.COSY=annotationCOSY$liste_resultat$score)
+    annotationCOSY <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.cosy, BdDReference_COSY, "COSY", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm1, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
+    dataCOSY <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationCOSY$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.COSY = annotationCOSY$liste_resultat$score)
     dataCOSY <-
-  if (hmbc == 1) 
-  {
-    matrice.hmbc <- read.xlsx(template, sheet="HMBC", startRow=2, colNames=TRUE, rowNames=FALSE, cols=1:3, na.strings="NA")
+  if (hmbc == 1) {
+    matrice.hmbc <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "HMBC", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
     matrice.hmbc <- matrice.hmbc[matrice.hmbc$peak.index != "x", ]
-    annotationHMBC <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.hmbc, BdDReference_HMBC, "HMBC", ppm1Tol=tolPpm1, ppm2Tol=tolPpm2C, seuil=seuilPls2D, 
-                                      unicite=unicite)
-    dataHMBC <- data.frame(Metabolite=str_to_lower(annotationHMBC$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.HMBC=annotationHMBC$liste_resultat$score)
+    annotationHMBC <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.hmbc, BdDReference_HMBC, "HMBC", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm2C, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
+    dataHMBC <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationHMBC$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.HMBC = annotationHMBC$liste_resultat$score)
     dataHMBC <-
-  if (hsqc == 1)
-  {
-    matrice.hsqc <- read.xlsx(template, sheet="HSQC", startRow=2, colNames=TRUE, rowNames=FALSE, cols=1:3, na.strings="NA")
+  if (hsqc == 1) {
+    matrice.hsqc <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "HSQC", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
     matrice.hsqc <- matrice.hsqc[matrice.hsqc$peak.index != "x", ]
-    annotationHSQC <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.hsqc, BdDReference_HSQC, "HSQC", ppm1Tol=tolPpm1, ppm2Tol=tolPpm2C, seuil=seuilPls2D, 
-                                      unicite=unicite)
-    dataHSQC <- data.frame(Metabolite=str_to_lower(annotationHSQC$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.HSQC=annotationHSQC$liste_resultat$score)
+    annotationHSQC <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.hsqc, BdDReference_HSQC, "HSQC", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm2C, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
+    dataHSQC <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationHSQC$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.HSQC = annotationHSQC$liste_resultat$score)
     dataHSQC <-
-  if (jres == 1)
-  {
-    matrice.jres <- read.xlsx(template, sheet="JRES", startRow=2, colNames=TRUE, rowNames=FALSE, cols=1:3, na.strings="NA")
+  if (jres == 1) {
+    matrice.jres <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "JRES", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
     matrice.jres <- matrice.jres[matrice.jres$peak.index != "x", ]
-    annotationJRES <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.jres, BdDReference_JRES, "JRES", ppm1Tol=tolPpm1, ppm2Tol=tolPpm2HJRes, seuil=seuilPls2D, 
-                                      unicite=unicite)
-    dataJRES <- data.frame(Metabolite=str_to_lower(annotationJRES$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.JRES=annotationJRES$liste_resultat$score)
+    annotationJRES <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.jres, BdDReference_JRES, "JRES", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm2HJRes, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
+    dataJRES <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationJRES$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.JRES = annotationJRES$liste_resultat$score)
     dataJRES <-
-  if (tocsy == 1)
-  {
-    matrice.tocsy <- read.xlsx(template, sheet="TOCSY", startRow=2, colNames=TRUE, rowNames=FALSE, cols=1:3, na.strings="NA")
+  if (tocsy == 1) {
+    matrice.tocsy <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "TOCSY", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
     matrice.tocsy <- matrice.tocsy[matrice.tocsy$peak.index != "x", ]
-    annotationTOCSY <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.tocsy, BdDReference_TOCSY, "TOCSY", ppm1Tol=tolPpm1, ppm2Tol=tolPpm1, seuil=seuilPls2D, 
-                                       unicite=unicite)
-    dataTOCSY <- data.frame(Metabolite=str_to_lower(annotationTOCSY$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.TOCSY=annotationTOCSY$liste_resultat$score)
+    annotationTOCSY <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.tocsy, BdDReference_TOCSY, "TOCSY", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm1, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
+    dataTOCSY <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationTOCSY$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.TOCSY = annotationTOCSY$liste_resultat$score)
     dataTOCSY <-
-  sequencesCombinationAverageScoreSeuil <- data.frame()
-  sequencesCombinationAverageScoreSeuilFiltre <- data.frame()
+  seqCombiMeanScoreSeuil <- data.frame()
+  seqCombiMeanScoreSeuilFiltre <- data.frame()
   data2D <- list(dataCOSY, dataHMBC, dataHSQC, dataJRES, dataTOCSY)
   whichSequenceNaN <- which((data2D != "NA"))
   data2D <- data2D[whichSequenceNaN]
   sequencesCombination <- data.frame(data2D[1])
-  sequencesCombinationAverageScore <- sequencesCombination
+  seqCombiMeanScore <- sequencesCombination
     ## Si une seule sequence et seuil sur score = filtre applique dans la fonction annotationRmn2D
-  if (length(data2D) >= 2)
-  {
+  if (length(data2D) >= 2) {
     for (l in 2:length(data2D))
-        sequencesCombination <-, data2D[l], by="Metabolite", all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE)
-    ## SCORE MOYEN (sans prise en compte valeurs manquantes)
-    meanScore <- apply(sequencesCombination[, -1], 1, FUN=mean.rmNa)
-    sequencesCombinationAverageScore <-, averageScore=meanScore)
-##    sequencesCombinationAverageScoreSeuilFiltre <- filter(sequencesCombinationAverageScore, averageScore >= seuil)
-    sequencesCombinationAverageScoreSeuilFiltre <- sequencesCombinationAverageScore[sequencesCombinationAverageScore$averageScore > seuil, ]
+        sequencesCombination <-, data2D[l], by = "Metabolite", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
+  ## Replacement of NA values due to mis annotation
+  for (m in seq_len(nrow(sequencesCombination))) {
+    COSYcompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_COSY))
+    HMBCcompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_HMBC))
+    HSQCcompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_HSQC))
+    JREScompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_JRES))
+    TOCSYcompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_TOCSY))
+    if ([m, 2])) {
+      compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
+      for (c in seq_len(length(COSYcompound)))
+        if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(COSYcompound[c]))
+          sequencesCombination[m, 2] <- 0
+    }
+    if ([m, 3])) {
+      compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
+      for (c in seq_len(length(HMBCcompound)))
+        if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(HMBCcompound[c]))
+          sequencesCombination[m, 3] <- 0
+    }
+    if ([m, 4])) {
+      compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
+      for (c in seq_len(length(HSQCcompound)))
+        if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(HSQCcompound[c]))
+          sequencesCombination[m, 4] <- 0
+    }
+    if ([m, 5])) {
+      compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
+      for (c in seq_len(length(JREScompound)))
+        if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(JREScompound[c]))
+          sequencesCombination[m, 5] <- 0
+    }
+    if ([m, 6])) {
+      compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
+      for (c in seq_len(length(TOCSYcompound)))
+        if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(TOCSYcompound[c]))
+          sequencesCombination[m, 6] <- 0
+    }
-  return(list(COSY=annotationCOSY, HMBC=annotationHMBC, HSQC=annotationHSQC, JRES=annotationJRES, TOCSY=annotationTOCSY, 
-              combination=sequencesCombinationAverageScoreSeuilFiltre))
+    ## SCORE MOYEN (sans prise en compte valeurs manquantes)
+    meanScore <- round(apply(sequencesCombination[, -1], 1, FUN = mean.rmNa), 2)
+    seqCombiMeanScore <-, averageScore = meanScore)
+    seqCombiMeanScoreSeuilFiltre <- seqCombiMeanScore[seqCombiMeanScore$averageScore > seuil, ]
+  }
+  return(list(COSY = annotationCOSY, HMBC = annotationHMBC, HSQC = annotationHSQC, JRES = annotationJRES, TOCSY = annotationTOCSY, combination = seqCombiMeanScoreSeuilFiltre))
--- a/annotationRmn2DWrapper.R	Tue Feb 04 10:59:26 2020 -0500
+++ b/annotationRmn2DWrapper.R	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -3,12 +3,11 @@
 ## 201919016 2DNmrAnnotation_1.0.0.R
 ## Marie Tremblay-Franco
 ## MetaboHUB: The French Infrastructure for Metabolomics and Fluxomics
 runExampleL <- FALSE
-if(runExampleL) {
+if (runExampleL) {
 ## Example of arguments
@@ -20,6 +19,7 @@
 strAsFacL <- options()$stringsAsFactors
 options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+options(digits = 8, scipen = 3)
 ## Constants
@@ -41,9 +41,12 @@
-    argLs <- parseCommandArgs(evaluate=FALSE)
+if (!runExampleL)
+    argLs <- parseCommandArgs(evaluate = FALSE)
 logFile <- argLs[["logOut"]]
@@ -53,11 +56,10 @@
 ## Functions
-source_local <- function(fname)
-	argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
-	base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
-	source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
+source_local <- function(fname) {
+    argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
+    base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+    source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep = "/"))
 #Import the different functions
@@ -66,78 +68,159 @@
 ## Input parameter values
 fileToAnnotate <- argLs[[1]]
+  # Constraints values
+ph <- argLs$pH
+field <- argLs$magneticField
   # Chosen sequence(s)
 cosy <- 0
 hmbc <- 0
 hsqc <- 0
 jres <- 0
 tocsy <- 0
-## sequences <- str_split(argLs[[2]], ",")[[1]]
-## for (s in 1:length(sequences))
-## {
-##   argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
-##   currentDir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
-##   if (sequences[s]=="cosy"){
-##         cosy <- 1
-##         load(paste(currentDir, "BdDReference_COSY.RData", sep="/"))
-##   }else if(sequences[s]=="hmbc"){
-##         hmbc <- 1
-##         load(paste(currentDir, "BdDReference_HMBC.RData", sep="/"))
-##   }else if(sequences[s]=="hsqc"){
-##         hsqc <- 1
-##         load(paste(currentDir, "BdDReference_HSQC.RData", sep="/"))
-##   }else if(sequences[s]=="jres"){
-##         jres <- 1
-##         load(paste(currentDir, "BdDReference_JRES.RData", sep="/"))
-##   }else if(sequences[s]=="tocsy"){
-##         tocsy <- 1
-##         load(paste(currentDir, "BdDReference_TOCSY.RData", sep="/"))
-##   }else
-##     stop("No chosen sequence", call.=FALSE)
-## }
+if (argLs$cosy_2dsequences == "yes") {
+  cosy <- 1
+  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
+  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+  if (ph != 0)
+    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
+  if (field != 0)
+    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
+  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
+    BdDReference_COSY <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
+    names(BdDReference_COSY) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
+    names(BdDReference_COSY) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_COSY))
+    names(BdDReference_COSY) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_COSY), "\u00e9", "e")
+    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_COSY))) {
+      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_COSY[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_COSY[[k]][, 1],
+                                         BdDReference_COSY[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_COSY[[k]])])
+      BdDReference_COSY[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
+    }
+  } else {
+    stop("No COSY spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
+  }
+  rm(peakforestSpectra)
+  rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
-if (argLs[[2]]=='yes')
-  argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
-  currentDir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
-  cosy <- 1
-  load(paste(currentDir, "BdDReference_COSY.RData", sep="/"))
+if (argLs$hmbc_2dsequences == "yes") {
+  hmbc <- 1
+  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
+  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+  if (ph != 0)
+    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
+  if (field != 0)
+    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
+  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
+    BdDReference_HMBC <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
+    names(BdDReference_HMBC) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
+    names(BdDReference_HMBC) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_HMBC))
+    names(BdDReference_HMBC) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_HMBC), "\u00e9", "e")
+    peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame()
+    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_HMBC))) {
+      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_HMBC[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_HMBC[[k]][, 1],
+                                         BdDReference_HMBC[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_HMBC[[k]])])
+      BdDReference_HMBC[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
+    }
+  } else {
+    stop("No HMBC spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
+  }
+  rm(peakforestSpectra)
+  rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
-if (argLs[[3]]=='yes')
-  argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
-  currentDir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
-  jres <- 1
-  load(paste(currentDir, "BdDReference_JRES.RData", sep="/"))
+if (argLs$hsqc_2dsequences == "yes") {
+  hsqc <- 1
+  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
+  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+  if (ph != 0)
+    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
+  if (field != 0)
+    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
-if (argLs[[4]]=='yes')
-  argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
-  currentDir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
-  hmbc <- 1
-  load(paste(currentDir, "BdDReference_HMBC.RData", sep="/"))
+  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
+    BdDReference_HSQC <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
+    names(BdDReference_HSQC) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
+    names(BdDReference_HSQC) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_HSQC))
+    names(BdDReference_HSQC) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_HSQC), "\u00e9", "e")
+    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_HSQC))) {
+      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_HSQC[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_HSQC[[k]][, 1],
+                                         BdDReference_HSQC[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_HSQC[[k]])])
+      BdDReference_HSQC[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
+    }
+  } else {
+    stop("No HSQC spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
+  }
+  rm(peakforestSpectra)
+  rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
-if (argLs[[5]]=='yes')
-  argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
-  currentDir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
-  hsqc <- 1
-  load(paste(currentDir, "BdDReference_HSQC.RData", sep="/"))
+if (argLs$jres_2dsequences == "yes") {
+  jres <- 1
+  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
+  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+  if (ph != 0)
+    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
+  if (field != 0)
+    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
+  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
+    BdDReference_JRES <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
+    names(BdDReference_JRES) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
+    names(BdDReference_JRES) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_JRES))
+    names(BdDReference_JRES) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_JRES), "\u00e9", "e")
+    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_JRES))) {
+      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_JRES[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_JRES[[k]][, 1],
+                                         BdDReference_JRES[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_JRES[[k]])])
+      BdDReference_JRES[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
+    }
+  } else {
+    stop("No JRES spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
+  }
+  rm(peakforestSpectra)
+  rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
-if (argLs[[6]]=='yes')
-  argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
-  currentDir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+if (argLs$tocsy_2dsequences == "yes") {
   tocsy <- 1
-  load(paste(currentDir, "BdDReference_TOCSY.RData", sep="/"))
+  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
+  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+  if (ph != 0)
+    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
+  if (field != 0)
+    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
+  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
+    BdDReference_TOCSY <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
+    names(BdDReference_TOCSY) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
+    names(BdDReference_TOCSY) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_TOCSY))
+    names(BdDReference_TOCSY) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_TOCSY), "\u00e9", "e")
+    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_TOCSY))) {
+      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]][, 1],
+                                         BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]])])
+      BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
+    }
+  } else {
+    stop("No TOCSY spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
+  }
+  rm(peakforestSpectra)
+  rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
-if (argLs[[2]]=='no' & argLs[[3]]=='no' & argLs[[4]]=='no' & argLs[[5]]=='no' & argLs[[6]]=='no')
-  stop("No chosen sequence", call.=FALSE)
+if (argLs$cosy_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$hmbc_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$hsqc_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$jres_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$tocsy_2dsequences == "no")
+  stop("No chosen sequence. You have to choose at least 1 sequence", call. = FALSE)
   # User database
@@ -158,66 +241,60 @@
-annotationMelange <- annotationRmn2DGlobale(fileToAnnotate, tolPpm1=tolPpm1, tolPpm2HJRes=tolPpm2HJRes, 
-                                             tolPpm2C=tolPpm2C, cosy=cosy, hmbc=hmbc, hsqc=hsqc, 
-                                             jres=jres, tocsy=tocsy, seuil=seuil, unicite=unicite)
+st0 <- Sys.time()
+pdf(AnnotationGraph, onefile = TRUE)
+annotationMelange <- annotationRmn2DGlobale(fileToAnnotate, tolPpm1 = tolPpm1, tolPpm2HJRes = tolPpm2HJRes,
+                                             tolPpm2C = tolPpm2C, cosy = cosy, hmbc = hmbc, hsqc = hsqc,
+                                             jres = jres, tocsy = tocsy, seuil = seuil, unicite = unicite)
-if (cosy==1)
-  write.table(annotationMelange$COSY$liste_resultat, file=argLs[["annotationCOSY"]], quote=FALSE, 
-              row.names=FALSE,sep="\t")
+if (cosy == 1) {
+  write.table(annotationMelange$COSY$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationCOSY"]], quote = FALSE,
+              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
   if (nrow(annotationMelange$COSY$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
-      write.table(annotationMelange$COSY$listing_ppm_commun, file=argLs[["ppmCommunCOSY"]], quote=FALSE, 
-                  row.names=FALSE,sep="\t")
+      write.table(annotationMelange$COSY$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunCOSY"]], quote = FALSE,
+                  row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-if (hmbc==1)
-  write.table(annotationMelange$HMBC$liste_resultat, file=argLs[["annotationHMBC"]], quote=FALSE, 
-              row.names=FALSE,sep="\t")
+if (hmbc == 1) {
+  write.table(annotationMelange$HMBC$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationHMBC"]], quote = FALSE,
+              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
   if (nrow(annotationMelange$HMBC$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
-    write.table(annotationMelange$HMBC$listing_ppm_commun, file=argLs[["ppmCommunHMBC"]], quote=FALSE, 
-                row.names=FALSE,sep="\t")
+    write.table(annotationMelange$HMBC$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunHMBC"]], quote = FALSE,
+                row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-if (hsqc==1)
-  write.table(annotationMelange$HSQC$liste_resultat, file=argLs[["annotationHSQC"]], quote=FALSE, 
-              row.names=FALSE,sep="\t")
+if (hsqc == 1) {
+  write.table(annotationMelange$HSQC$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationHSQC"]], quote = FALSE,
+              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
   if (nrow(annotationMelange$HSQC$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
-    write.table(annotationMelange$HSQC$listing_ppm_commun, file=argLs[["ppmCommunHSQC"]], quote=FALSE, 
-                row.names=FALSE,sep="\t")
+    write.table(annotationMelange$HSQC$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunHSQC"]], quote = FALSE,
+                row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-if (jres==1)
-  write.table(annotationMelange$JRES$liste_resultat, file=argLs[["annotationJRES"]], quote=FALSE, 
-              row.names=FALSE,sep="\t")
+if (jres == 1) {
+  write.table(annotationMelange$JRES$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationJRES"]], quote = FALSE,
+              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
   if (nrow(annotationMelange$JRES$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
-    write.table(annotationMelange$JRES$listing_ppm_commun, file=argLs[["ppmCommunJRES"]], quote=FALSE, 
-                row.names=FALSE,sep="\t")
+    write.table(annotationMelange$JRES$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunJRES"]], quote = FALSE,
+                row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-if (tocsy==1)
-  write.table(annotationMelange$TOCSY$liste_resultat, file=argLs[["annotationTOCSY"]], quote=FALSE, 
-              row.names=FALSE,sep="\t")
+if (tocsy == 1) {
+  write.table(annotationMelange$TOCSY$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationTOCSY"]], quote = FALSE,
+              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
   if (nrow(annotationMelange$TOCSY$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
-    write.table(annotationMelange$TOCSY$listing_ppm_commun, file=argLs[["ppmCommunTOCSY"]], quote=FALSE, 
-                row.names=FALSE,sep="\t")
+    write.table(annotationMelange$TOCSY$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunTOCSY"]], quote = FALSE,
+                row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
 ## Combinaison de sequences
-if (cosy + jres + hmbc + hsqc + tocsy > 1)
-  write.table(annotationMelange$combination, file=argLs[["annotationCombination"]], quote=FALSE, 
-              row.names=FALSE,sep="\t")
+if (cosy + jres + hmbc + hsqc + tocsy > 1) {
+  write.table(annotationMelange$combination, file = argLs[["annotationCombination"]], quote = FALSE,
+              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
+st1 <- Sys.time()
+print(st1 - st0)
 ## Ending
--- a/annotationRmn2D_xml.xml	Tue Feb 04 10:59:26 2020 -0500
+++ b/annotationRmn2D_xml.xml	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<tool id="2DNmrAnnotation" name="2DNMR_Annotation" version="1.0.0">
+<tool id="2DNmrAnnotation" name="2DNMRAnnotation" version="2.0.0" profile="20.09">
     <description> Annotation of complex mixture bidimensional NMR spectra </description>
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
         <requirement type="package" version="4.0.17">r-openxlsx</requirement>
         <requirement type="package" version="1.4.0">r-stringr</requirement>
         <requirement type="package" version="1.0.2">r-tidyr</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="3.3">r-curl</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="1.6">r-jsonlite</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package">r-stringi</requirement>
@@ -19,10 +22,13 @@
         ## Wrapper + Libraries of 2D-NMR sequences for reference compounds
         Rscript '$__tool_directory__/annotationRmn2DWrapper.R'
         ## XLS file
         xlsfile '$zip_xlsfile'
+        ## Parameters to reduce search
+        pH $pH
+        magneticField $magneticField
         ## 2D-NMR sequences to annotate
         cosy_2dsequences $cosy_2dsequences
         jres_2dsequences $jres_2dsequences
@@ -60,7 +66,6 @@
         tolppm2 $tolppm2
         tolppmJRES $tolppmJRES
         ## Treshold (probability score)
         threshold $threshold
@@ -81,20 +86,18 @@
         ppmCommunTOCSY '$ppmCommunTOCSY'
         annotationCombination '$annotationCombination'
         AnnotationGraph '$AnnotationGraph'
         <param name="zip_xlsfile" type="data" format="xlsx" label="File to annotate in xlsx format" />
+        <param name="pH" type="float" value="0" help="pH value of standards. Default value is 0 (no specific pH value required)" />
+        <param name="magneticField" type="integer" value="0" help="Magnetic filed of NMR spectrometer used to generate standard spectra. Default value is 0 (no specific field required)" />
         <param name="cosy_2dsequences" type="select" label="2D-NMR COSY sequence">
             <option value="yes" > yes </option>
             <option value="no" selected="true"> no </option>
-        <param name="jres_2dsequences" type="select" label="2D-NMR JRES sequence">
-            <option value="yes" > yes </option>
-            <option value="no" selected="true"> no </option>
-        </param>
         <param name="hmbc_2dsequences" type="select" label="2D-NMR HMBC sequence">
             <option value="yes" > yes </option>
             <option value="no" selected="true"> no </option>
@@ -103,6 +106,10 @@
             <option value="yes" > yes </option>
             <option value="no" selected="true"> no </option>
+        <param name="jres_2dsequences" type="select" label="2D-NMR JRES sequence">
+            <option value="yes" > yes </option>
+            <option value="no" selected="true"> no </option>
+        </param>
         <param name="tocsy_2dsequences" type="select" label="2D-NMR TOCSY sequence">
             <option value="yes" > yes </option>
             <option value="no" selected="true"> no </option>
@@ -168,53 +175,54 @@
             <when value="no" />
-        <param name="tolppm1" type="float" value="0.01" help="Tolerance on chemical shift for the x-axis (H). Default value is 0.01ppm" />
-        <param name="tolppm2" type="float" value="0.5" help="Tolerance on chemical shift for the y-axis (C). Default value is 0.01ppm" />
-        <param name="tolppmJRES" type="float" value="0.002" help="Tolerance on chemical shift for the y-axis for the JRES sequence. Default value is 0.002 (Hz)" />
+        <param name="tolppm1" type="float" min="0" value="0.01" help="Tolerance on chemical shift for the x-axis (H). Default value is 0.01ppm" />
+        <param name="tolppm2" type="float" min="0" value="0.5" help="Tolerance on chemical shift for the y-axis (C). Default value is 0.01ppm" />
+        <param name="tolppmJRES" type="float" min="0" value="0.002" help="Tolerance on chemical shift for the y-axis for the JRES sequence. Default value is 0.002 (Hz)" />
-        <param name="threshold" type="float" value="0" help="Treshold on score of presence. Default value is 0" />
+        <param name="threshold" type="float" min="0" max="1" value="0" help="Treshold on score of presence. Default value is 0" />
-        <param name="unicity" label="Unicity of annotation" type="select" display="radio" help="">
+        <param name="unicity" label="Unicity of annotation" type="select" display="radio" help="Select only chemical shifts corresponding to one one metabolite">
             <option value="no">No</option>
-            <option value="yes"></option>
+            <option value="yes">Yes</option>
         <data format="txt" name="logOut" label="${}_log" />
-        <data format="tabular" name="annotationCOSY" label="annotationCosy" >
+        <data format="tabular" name="annotationCOSY" label="${}_annotationCOSY" >
             <filter> cosy_2dsequences != "no" </filter>
-        <data format="tabular" name="ppmCommunCOSY" label="duplicateCosy" >
+        <data format="tabular" name="ppmCommunCOSY" label="${}_uplicateCOSY" >
             <filter> cosy_2dsequences != "no" </filter>
-        <data format="tabular" name="annotationJRES" label="annotationJres" >
+        <data format="tabular" name="annotationJRES" label="${}_annotationJRES" >
             <filter> jres_2dsequences != "no" </filter>
-        <data format="tabular" name="ppmCommunJRES" label="duplicateJres" >
+        <data format="tabular" name="ppmCommunJRES" label="${}_duplicateJRES" >
             <filter> jres_2dsequences != "no" </filter>
-        <data format="tabular" name="annotationHMBC" label="annotationHmbc" >
+        <data format="tabular" name="annotationHMBC" label="${}_annotationHMBC" >
             <filter> hmbc_2dsequences != "no" </filter>
-        <data format="tabular" name="ppmCommunHMBC" label="duplicateHmbc" >
+        <data format="tabular" name="ppmCommunHMBC" label="${}_duplicateHMBC" >
             <filter> hmbc_2dsequences != "no" </filter>
-        <data format="tabular" name="annotationHSQC" label="annotationHsqc" >
+        <data format="tabular" name="annotationHSQC" label="${}_annotationHSQC" >
             <filter> hsqc_2dsequences != "no" </filter>
-        <data format="tabular" name="ppmCommunHSQC" label="duplicateHsqc" >
+        <data format="tabular" name="ppmCommunHSQC" label="${}_duplicateHSQC" >
             <filter> hsqc_2dsequences != "no" </filter>
-        <data format="tabular" name="annotationTOCSY" label="annotationTocsy" >
+        <data format="tabular" name="annotationTOCSY" label="${}_annotationTOCSY" >
             <filter> tocsy_2dsequences != "no" </filter>
-        <data format="tabular" name="ppmCommunTOCSY" label="duplicateTocsy" >
+        <data format="tabular" name="ppmCommunTOCSY" label="${}_duplicateTOCSY" >
             <filter> tocsy_2dsequences != "no" </filter>
@@ -222,28 +230,33 @@
         <data format="pdf" name="AnnotationGraph" label="${}_graph" />
-    	<test>
-    		<param name="zip_xlsfile" value="Template_melange.xlsm" ftype="xlsx"/>
-    		<param name="cosy_2dsequences" value="no"/>
-    		<param name="jres_2dsequences" value="yes"/>
-    		<param name="hmbc_2dsequences" value="no"/>
-    		<param name="hsqc_2dsequences" value="yes"/>
-    		<param name="tocsy_2dsequences" value="no"/>
-    		<param name="tocsy_2dsequences" value="no"/>
-    		<param name="inHouse_DB_choices.choice" value="no"/>
-    		<param name="tolppm1" value="0.01"/>
-    		<param name="tolppm2" value="0.5"/>
-    		<param name="tolppmJRES" value="0.002"/>
-    		<param name="threshold" value="0.3"/>
-    		<param name="unicity" value="no"/>
-    		<output name="annotationJRES" file="annotationJres.tabular"/>
-    		<output name="ppmCommunJRES" file="duplicateJres.tabular"/>
-    		<output name="annotationHSQC" file="annotationHsqc.tabular"/>
-    		<output name="ppmCommunHSQC" file="duplicateHsqc.tabular"/>
-    		<output name="annotationCombination" file="2DNMR_Annotation_annotationCombination.tabular"/>
-    	</test>
-	</tests>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="13">
+            <param name="zip_xlsfile" value="Template_melange.xlsx" ftype="xlsx"/>
+            <param name="cosy_2dsequences" value="yes"/>
+            <param name="jres_2dsequences" value="yes"/>
+            <param name="hmbc_2dsequences" value="yes"/>
+            <param name="hsqc_2dsequences" value="yes"/>
+            <param name="tocsy_2dsequences" value="yes"/>
+            <param name="inHouse_DB_choices.choice" value="no"/>
+            <param name="tolppm1" value="0.01"/>
+            <param name="tolppm2" value="0.5"/>
+            <param name="tolppmJRES" value="0.002"/>
+            <param name="threshold" value="0.3"/>
+            <param name="unicity" value="no"/>
+            <output name="annotationCOSY" file="2DNMRAnnotation_annotationCOSY.tabular"/>
+            <output name="ppmCommunCOSY" file="2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateCOSY.tabular"/>
+            <output name="annotationHMBC" file="2DNMRAnnotation_annotationHMBC.tabular"/>
+            <output name="ppmCommunHMBC" file="2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateHMBC.tabular"/>
+            <output name="annotationHSQC" file="2DNMRAnnotation_annotationHSQC.tabular"/>
+            <output name="ppmCommunHSQC" file="2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateHSQC.tabular"/>
+            <output name="annotationJRES" file="2DNMRAnnotation_annotationJRES.tabular"/>
+            <output name="ppmCommunJRES" file="2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateJRES.tabular"/>
+            <output name="annotationTOCSY" file="2DNMRAnnotation_annotationTOCSY.tabular"/>
+            <output name="ppmCommunTOCSY" file="2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateTOCSY.tabular"/>
+            <output name="annotationCombination" file="2DNMRAnnotation_annotationCombination.tabular"/>
+        </test>
+    </tests>
+    <help>
 .. class:: infomark
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_annotationCOSY.tabular	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ppm1	ppm2	Metabolite	score
+1.0475	2.2765	L-valine	0.4
+2.2801	1.0251	L-valine	0.4
+1.4869	3.7917	L-alanine	0.5
+4.572	2.453	carnitine	0.5
+4.572	3.431	carnitine	0.5
+0.8975	1.5674	Butyric acid	0.5
+1.5664	0.898	Butyric acid	0.5
+1.7296	3.0195	Cadaverine	0.5
+3.0256	1.7292	Cadaverine	0.5
+4.2594	1.3323	L-Threonine	0.5
+4.2601	3.5979	L-Threonine	0.5
+2.8816	4.0178	L-asparagine	0.8
+2.8825	2.9639	L-asparagine	0.8
+2.9617	2.8831	L-asparagine	0.8
+4.0137	2.9132	L-asparagine	0.8
+3.3187	4.0587	L-Tryptophan	0.31
+4.0638	3.4884	L-Tryptophan	0.31
+7.2048	7.2841	L-Tryptophan	0.31
+7.7385	7.2038	L-Tryptophan	0.31
+7.21	7.281	indoxyl sulfate	0.33
+7.283	7.205	indoxyl sulfate	0.33
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_annotationCombination.tabular	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Metabolite	score.COSY	score.HMBC	score.HSQC	score.JRES	score.TOCSY	averageScore
+butyric acid	0.5	0.38	0.33	0.92	0	0.43
+cadaverine	0.5	0.67	0.33	0.62	0	0.42
+carnitine	0.5	0.64	1	0.61	0	0.55
+choline chloride	0	0.5	0.67	0.71	0	0.38
+d-glucose	0	0.36	0.67	0.81	0	0.37
+dimethylamine	NA	NA	0	1	0	0.33
+fumaric acid	NA	1	1	1	NA	1
+glycine	NA	NA	NA	1	NA	1
+glycine betaine	NA	0.67	1	1	NA	0.89
+hippuric acid	0	0.7	1	1	0	0.54
+isoleucine	0	0.41	1	0.38	0	0.36
+l-alanine	0.5	0.75	1	1	1	0.85
+l-asparagine	0.8	0.78	1	1	0	0.72
+l-aspartic acid	0	0.67	1	1	0	0.53
+l-glutamine	0	1	1	0.58	0	0.52
+l-histidine	0	0.41	1	0.43	0	0.37
+l-lactic acid (sodium salt)	0	0.5	1	1	0	0.5
+l-proline	0	0.52	1	0.41	0	0.39
+l-threonine	0.5	0.71	0.67	1	0	0.58
+l-tryptophan	0.31	0.56	1	0.52	0	0.48
+l-valine	0.4	0.57	0.75	0.75	0	0.49
+n,n-dimethylglycine	NA	NA	NA	0.33	NA	0.33
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_annotationHMBC.tabular	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ppm1	ppm2	Metabolite	score
+0.9975	31.8443	L-valine	0.57
+0.9975	20.612	L-valine	0.57
+1.0462	63.1097	L-valine	0.57
+1.0454	31.8443	L-valine	0.57
+1.0454	19.454	L-valine	0.57
+3.619	177.1029	L-valine	0.57
+3.619	19.5355	L-valine	0.57
+3.619	31.7987	L-valine	0.57
+3.658	74.853	Glycerol	0.33
+1.4865	53.2396	L-alanine	0.75
+1.4864	178.8022	L-alanine	0.75
+3.7912	19.0064	L-alanine	0.75
+3.41	63.2018	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.4086	78.5367	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.4973	76.8375	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.5453	75.5793	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.7256	72.2932	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.7214	73.9362	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.7446	78.4272	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.8341	71.9646	D-Glucose	0.36
+5.2443	75.3522	D-Glucose	0.36
+2.437	72.979	carnitine	0.64
+2.437	66.884	carnitine	0.64
+3.234	73.033	carnitine	0.64
+3.434	56.947	carnitine	0.64
+3.434	66.868	carnitine	0.64
+4.571	45.799	carnitine	0.64
+4.572	72.95	carnitine	0.64
+3.41	63.2018	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.4086	78.5367	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.4973	76.8375	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.5453	75.5793	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.7256	72.2932	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.7214	73.9362	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.7446	78.4272	D-Glucose	0.36
+3.8341	71.9646	D-Glucose	0.36
+5.2443	75.3522	D-Glucose	0.36
+0.9443	39.0608	Isoleucine	0.41
+0.9431	27.3862	Isoleucine	0.41
+1.0131	62.3008	Isoleucine	0.41
+1.0124	38.7334	Isoleucine	0.41
+1.0128	27.2771	Isoleucine	0.41
+3.6796	17.4149	Isoleucine	0.41
+3.6796	27.2431	Isoleucine	0.41
+3.6796	38.7956	Isoleucine	0.41
+3.6795	177.2002	Isoleucine	0.41
+0.9069	42.6604	Butyric acid	0.38
+2.1721	16.3309	Butyric acid	0.38
+2.1721	22.6634	Butyric acid	0.38
+1.7317	41.9356	Cadaverine	0.67
+1.7224	25.1451	Cadaverine	0.67
+3.0227	25.6132	Cadaverine	0.67
+3.0227	29.096	Cadaverine	0.67
+6.5238	177.4902	Fumaric acid	1
+1.3375	68.918	L-Threonine	0.71
+1.3375	63.3411	L-Threonine	0.71
+3.5999	22.2276	L-Threonine	0.71
+3.601	175.8079	L-Threonine	0.71
+3.6011	68.7524	L-Threonine	0.71
+2.0121	64.0847	L-Proline	0.52
+2.0118	31.7788	L-Proline	0.52
+2.0774	48.8731	L-Proline	0.52
+2.0786	26.5822	L-Proline	0.52
+2.0764	177.7637	L-Proline	0.52
+3.3482	31.6679	L-Proline	0.52
+3.3489	26.2332	L-Proline	0.52
+3.4227	26.4422	L-Proline	0.52
+3.4234	31.877	L-Proline	0.52
+4.1421	177.7407	L-Proline	0.52
+4.142	31.6162	L-Proline	0.52
+3.208	120.0895	L-Histidine	0.41
+3.2958	119.9833	L-Histidine	0.41
+3.2934	133.7111	L-Histidine	0.41
+4.0133	30.2323	L-Histidine	0.41
+4.0208	133.0698	L-Histidine	0.41
+4.0162	176.6782	L-Histidine	0.41
+7.1541	138.3494	L-Histidine	0.41
+3.967	173.358	Hippuric acid	0.7
+3.967	179.778	Hippuric acid	0.7
+7.556	136.202	Hippuric acid	0.7
+7.643	130.002	Hippuric acid	0.7
+7.836	129.968	Hippuric acid	0.7
+7.834	173.399	Hippuric acid	0.7
+7.836	135.05	Hippuric acid	0.7
+2.8801	54.0553	L-asparagine	0.78
+2.8795	177.2568	L-asparagine	0.78
+2.9588	53.9465	L-asparagine	0.78
+2.9596	176.1964	L-asparagine	0.78
+2.9604	177.2568	L-asparagine	0.78
+4.0136	37.3441	L-asparagine	0.78
+4.0138	176.324	L-asparagine	0.78
+3.3185	177.2984	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+3.4878	110.3328	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+3.4867	177.422	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+4.0724	29.0374	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+4.0632	177.422	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+4.0621	110.3328	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.2025	114.7667	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.2048	129.3079	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.2912	121.154	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.2897	139.0247	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.3342	29.163	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.3341	110.2141	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.3302	129.3759	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.3333	139.1606	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.5498	122.0373	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.5498	129.3759	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.7403	124.7553	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.7403	110.2141	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.7395	129.3079	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+7.7395	139.1606	L-Tryptophan	0.56
+2.693	54.928	L-Aspartic acid	0.67
+2.817	177.087	L-Aspartic acid	0.67
+2.817	180.405	L-Aspartic acid	0.67
+3.905	177.135	L-Aspartic acid	0.67
+3.906	39.415	L-Aspartic acid	0.67
+3.905	180.436	L-Aspartic acid	0.67
+3.2093	70.2754	Choline chloride	0.5
+4.0684	70.1334	Choline chloride	0.5
+3.2714	69.0499	glycine betaine	0.67
+3.9074	172.0445	glycine betaine	0.67
+1.3325	185.3304	L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)	0.5
+1.3321	71.365	L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)	0.5
+2.147	56.9062	L-glutamine	1
+2.1472	176.985	L-glutamine	1
+2.1472	180.549	L-glutamine	1
+2.147	33.5561	L-glutamine	1
+2.4585	180.549	L-glutamine	1
+2.4595	29.2263	L-glutamine	1
+2.4612	56.7516	L-glutamine	1
+3.7841	29.0914	L-glutamine	1
+3.7836	33.6316	L-glutamine	1
+3.7825	177.069	L-glutamine	1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_annotationHSQC.tabular	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ppm1	ppm2	Metabolite	score
+0.9996	19.4973	L-valine	0.75
+1.0493	20.7695	L-valine	0.75
+2.2812	31.8928	L-valine	0.75
+1.487	19.022	L-alanine	1
+3.7914	53.3428	L-alanine	1
+3.425	72.3072	D-Glucose	0.67
+3.4602	78.6475	D-Glucose	0.67
+3.5494	74.1688	D-Glucose	0.67
+3.7454	63.5139	D-Glucose	0.67
+3.8409	74.2228	D-Glucose	0.67
+3.8472	63.4002	D-Glucose	0.67
+4.6599	98.7368	D-Glucose	0.67
+5.2521	94.768	D-Glucose	0.67
+2.0091	26.5429	L-Proline	1
+2.062	31.789	L-Proline	1
+2.3567	31.8174	L-Proline	1
+3.3461	48.8306	L-Proline	1
+3.4218	48.8668	L-Proline	1
+4.1397	63.9465	L-Proline	1
+2.444	45.792	carnitine	1
+3.232	56.932	carnitine	1
+3.44	72.954	carnitine	1
+4.571	66.903	carnitine	1
+3.425	72.3072	D-Glucose	0.67
+3.4602	78.6475	D-Glucose	0.67
+3.5494	74.1688	D-Glucose	0.67
+3.7454	63.5139	D-Glucose	0.67
+3.8409	74.2228	D-Glucose	0.67
+3.8472	63.4002	D-Glucose	0.67
+4.6599	98.7368	D-Glucose	0.67
+5.2521	94.768	D-Glucose	0.67
+0.9442	14.0011	Isoleucine	1
+1.0172	17.5257	Isoleucine	1
+1.2698	27.2621	Isoleucine	1
+1.4789	27.34	Isoleucine	1
+1.9872	38.7092	Isoleucine	1
+3.6801	62.4334	Isoleucine	1
+2.1645	42.3691	Butyric acid	0.33
+3.024	41.9605	Cadaverine	0.33
+6.5261	138.1571	Fumaric acid	1
+2.1475	29.0091	L-glutamine	1
+2.4598	33.6379	L-glutamine	1
+3.7832	56.8999	L-glutamine	1
+1.3449	22.198	L-Threonine	0.67
+3.6109	63.2758	L-Threonine	0.67
+3.2093	30.1637	L-Histidine	1
+3.29	30.1939	L-Histidine	1
+4.0137	57.2686	L-Histidine	1
+7.1554	119.9689	L-Histidine	1
+8.0399	138.3896	L-Histidine	1
+3.502	74.756	D-Galactose	0.83
+3.661	75.593	D-Galactose	0.83
+3.717	78.019	D-Galactose	0.83
+3.815	71.175	D-Galactose	0.83
+3.866	71.993	D-Galactose	0.83
+3.942	71.619	D-Galactose	0.83
+4	72.162	D-Galactose	0.83
+4.096	73.292	D-Galactose	0.83
+4.598	99.277	D-Galactose	0.83
+5.277	95.132	D-Galactose	0.83
+3.967	46.611	Hippuric acid	1
+7.556	131.578	Hippuric acid	1
+7.643	135.065	Hippuric acid	1
+7.837	130.019	Hippuric acid	1
+2.8832	37.3717	L-asparagine	1
+2.964	37.3818	L-asparagine	1
+4.0158	54.0397	L-asparagine	1
+3.3207	29.2479	L-Tryptophan	1
+3.4922	29.268	L-Tryptophan	1
+4.0659	57.8237	L-Tryptophan	1
+7.2088	122.2507	L-Tryptophan	1
+7.2919	124.9626	L-Tryptophan	1
+7.3372	127.8914	L-Tryptophan	1
+7.554	114.8383	L-Tryptophan	1
+7.7426	121.2383	L-Tryptophan	1
+2.694	39.367	L-Aspartic acid	1
+2.816	39.387	L-Aspartic acid	1
+3.905	54.962	L-Aspartic acid	1
+3.208	56.7037	Choline chloride	0.67
+4.0716	58.2271	Choline chloride	0.67
+3.015	42.093	4-aminobutyric acid	0.33
+3.264	56.2724	glycine betaine	1
+3.9005	69.0738	glycine betaine	1
+1.3356	22.9129	L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)	1
+4.1198	71.3177	L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)	1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_annotationJRES.tabular	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ppm1	ppm2	Metabolite	score
+1.3404	0.0051	L-Threonine	1
+1.3395	-0.006	L-Threonine	1
+1.3404	0.0051	L-Threonine	1
+3.6026	0.0039	L-Threonine	1
+3.6044	-0.0048	L-Threonine	1
+4.2598	-0.0105	L-Threonine	1
+4.2584	-0.02	L-Threonine	1
+4.2603	0.0099	L-Threonine	1
+4.2587	0.0005	L-Threonine	1
+4.2591	0.021	L-Threonine	1
+4.0661	0.0003	Creatinine	0.5
+2.452	0	Phloretic acid	0.5
+2.452	-0.013	Phloretic acid	0.5
+2.452	0.013	Phloretic acid	0.5
+2.818	-0.013	Phloretic acid	0.5
+2.818	0.013	Phloretic acid	0.5
+7.5517	-0.0063	Uracil	0.5
+7.5517	0.0066	Uracil	0.5
+3.568	0	Glycine	1
+3.275	0	taurine	0.33
+3.43	0	taurine	0.33
+0.9979	-0.006	L-valine	0.75
+0.9965	0.0062	L-valine	0.75
+1.0473	-0.0062	L-valine	0.75
+1.0473	0.006	L-valine	0.75
+2.2785	-0.0035	L-valine	0.75
+2.2799	0.0027	L-valine	0.75
+2.2799	0.0155	L-valine	0.75
+2.2813	-0.0157	L-valine	0.75
+2.2799	-0.008	L-valine	0.75
+2.2799	0.0078	L-valine	0.75
+3.6196	-0.0035	L-valine	0.75
+3.6196	0.0041	L-valine	0.75
+3.937	0	Creatine	0.5
+3.656	-0.013	Glycerol	0.67
+3.656	-0.006	Glycerol	0.67
+3.656	0.006	Glycerol	0.67
+3.791	-0.011	Glycerol	0.67
+3.791	0	Glycerol	0.67
+3.791	0.01	Glycerol	0.67
+3.791	-0.007	Glycerol	0.67
+3.791	-0.018	Glycerol	0.67
+3.791	0.007	Glycerol	0.67
+3.791	0.018	Glycerol	0.67
+1.4868	0.006	L-alanine	1
+1.4868	-0.006	L-alanine	1
+3.7908	-0.0062	L-alanine	1
+3.7906	-0.0182	L-alanine	1
+3.7908	0.006	L-alanine	1
+3.791	0.0184	L-alanine	1
+3.2556	-0.0143	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.2554	0.0002	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4216	0.0159	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4111	0.0157	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4218	-0.016	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4109	-0.0158	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4215	-0.0002	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4748	-0.0002	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4751	-0.0111	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4751	-0.0054	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4751	0.0054	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.475	0.011	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4751	0.0146	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.5015	-0.0153	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.5017	-0.0001	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.502	0.0153	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.5453	0.0112	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.5453	-0.0051	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.5452	0.0048	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.5453	-0.0115	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7312	-0.015	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7209	-0.0157	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7315	0.0149	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7209	0.0158	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7315	0.0149	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7315	-0.0057	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7312	-0.015	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7315	0.0053	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.8434	0.0093	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.839	0.0108	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.844	-0.0097	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.8393	-0.0111	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.901	-0.0088	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.901	0.0083	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.901	0.0083	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.9017	0.0121	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.9007	-0.0124	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.901	-0.0088	D-Glucose	0.81
+4.6554	0.0067	D-Glucose	0.81
+4.6553	-0.0065	D-Glucose	0.81
+5.2433	-0.0032	D-Glucose	0.81
+5.2433	0.0033	D-Glucose	0.81
+2.426	-0.018	carnitine	0.61
+2.426	0.007	carnitine	0.61
+2.426	0.018	carnitine	0.61
+2.446	0.013	carnitine	0.61
+2.446	-0.013	carnitine	0.61
+2.445	0.027	carnitine	0.61
+2.445	0	carnitine	0.61
+2.445	-0.027	carnitine	0.61
+2.445	0	carnitine	0.61
+2.446	-0.038	carnitine	0.61
+2.445	-0.027	carnitine	0.61
+2.445	0.027	carnitine	0.61
+2.446	0.038	carnitine	0.61
+2.446	-0.013	carnitine	0.61
+2.446	0.013	carnitine	0.61
+2.465	-0.007	carnitine	0.61
+2.465	0.007	carnitine	0.61
+2.465	0.019	carnitine	0.61
+2.465	0.019	carnitine	0.61
+2.465	-0.007	carnitine	0.61
+2.465	-0.019	carnitine	0.61
+2.465	0.007	carnitine	0.61
+3.234	0	carnitine	0.61
+3.422	0.015	carnitine	0.61
+3.422	-0.015	carnitine	0.61
+3.434	0	carnitine	0.61
+3.422	-0.009	carnitine	0.61
+3.438	-0.008	carnitine	0.61
+3.438	0.008	carnitine	0.61
+3.2556	-0.0143	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.2554	0.0002	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4216	0.0159	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4111	0.0157	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4218	-0.016	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4109	-0.0158	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4215	-0.0002	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4748	-0.0002	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4751	-0.0111	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4751	-0.0054	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4751	0.0054	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.475	0.011	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.4751	0.0146	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.5015	-0.0153	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.5017	-0.0001	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.502	0.0153	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.5453	0.0112	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.5453	-0.0051	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.5452	0.0048	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.5453	-0.0115	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7312	-0.015	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7209	-0.0157	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7315	0.0149	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7209	0.0158	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7315	0.0149	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7315	-0.0057	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7312	-0.015	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.7315	0.0053	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.8434	0.0093	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.839	0.0108	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.844	-0.0097	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.8393	-0.0111	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.901	-0.0088	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.901	0.0083	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.901	0.0083	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.9017	0.0121	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.9007	-0.0124	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.901	-0.0088	D-Glucose	0.81
+4.6554	0.0067	D-Glucose	0.81
+4.6553	-0.0065	D-Glucose	0.81
+5.2433	-0.0032	D-Glucose	0.81
+5.2433	0.0033	D-Glucose	0.81
+3.741	-0.005	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.741	-0.015	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.741	0.005	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.823	0.004	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.823	-0.004	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.856	-0.011	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.856	-0.005	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.856	0.005	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.856	0.011	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.91	-0.012	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.91	0.009	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.91	0.009	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.91	0.012	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.91	-0.012	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.943	0	D-Mannose	0.31
+3.956	0	D-Mannose	0.31
+0.9461	-0.0116	Isoleucine	0.38
+0.9475	0.0121	Isoleucine	0.38
+0.9488	0	Isoleucine	0.38
+1.0168	0.0067	Isoleucine	0.38
+1.0168	-0.0059	Isoleucine	0.38
+1.2688	0.0249	Isoleucine	0.38
+1.2689	-0.0241	Isoleucine	0.38
+1.2689	-0.011	Isoleucine	0.38
+1.2689	0.0114	Isoleucine	0.38
+3.6866	-0.004	Isoleucine	0.38
+3.6831	0.0034	Isoleucine	0.38
+0.8977	-0.0121	Butyric acid	0.92
+0.9022	0	Butyric acid	0.92
+0.9067	0.0126	Butyric acid	0.92
+1.5653	0.0066	Butyric acid	0.92
+1.5698	0.0189	Butyric acid	0.92
+1.5653	-0.0299	Butyric acid	0.92
+1.5653	-0.0059	Butyric acid	0.92
+1.5698	-0.0184	Butyric acid	0.92
+2.1652	0.0003	Butyric acid	0.92
+2.1697	0.0128	Butyric acid	0.92
+2.1697	-0.0119	Butyric acid	0.92
+1.7263	0.0253	Cadaverine	0.62
+1.7299	-0.0259	Cadaverine	0.62
+1.7287	-0.0002	Cadaverine	0.62
+1.7287	0.0131	Cadaverine	0.62
+1.7312	-0.0131	Cadaverine	0.62
+3.0216	0.0117	Cadaverine	0.62
+3.0216	-0.0123	Cadaverine	0.62
+3.0244	-0.0003	Cadaverine	0.62
+6.5188	0.0001	Fumaric acid	1
+2.1458	-0.0143	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.1457	-0.0223	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.1462	0.0223	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.1468	0.0145	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4383	0.0139	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4393	-0.0127	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4387	0.0262	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.439	0.0008	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4383	-0.0254	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.439	0.0008	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4387	0.0262	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4393	-0.0127	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4383	0.0139	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.459	-0.0056	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4587	0.0067	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4587	0.0214	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4597	-0.0199	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.459	-0.0056	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4597	-0.0199	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4587	0.0067	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4787	0.0131	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4797	-0.0258	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4787	-0.0131	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4794	0	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.4794	0.0262	L-glutamine	0.58
+3.7826	-0.0099	L-glutamine	0.58
+3.7826	0.0002	L-glutamine	0.58
+3.7825	0.0106	L-glutamine	0.58
+2.0117	-0.0211	L-Proline	0.41
+2.0113	-0.0096	L-Proline	0.41
+2.0113	-0.0001	L-Proline	0.41
+2.0117	0.0095	L-Proline	0.41
+2.0117	0.0211	L-Proline	0.41
+2.3564	-0.0036	L-Proline	0.41
+2.3564	-0.017	L-Proline	0.41
+2.3561	0.004	L-Proline	0.41
+2.3564	0.018	L-Proline	0.41
+3.3471	-0.0092	L-Proline	0.41
+3.3474	0.0102	L-Proline	0.41
+3.4233	0.0007	L-Proline	0.41
+3.423	-0.0094	L-Proline	0.41
+3.423	0.0101	L-Proline	0.41
+4.1413	0.0126	L-Proline	0.41
+4.1413	-0.0126	L-Proline	0.41
+4.1403	-0.0023	L-Proline	0.41
+4.142	0.0015	L-Proline	0.41
+4.0154	-0.0107	L-Histidine	0.43
+4.0154	0.0105	L-Histidine	0.43
+4.0154	-0.0019	L-Histidine	0.43
+4.015	0.0018	L-Histidine	0.43
+7.1559	-0.0001	L-Histidine	0.43
+8.0429	-0.0001	L-Histidine	0.43
+3.5	-0.002	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.498	0.015	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.658	-0.011	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.658	-0.005	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.658	0.005	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.658	0.011	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.723	-0.016	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.723	0.016	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.723	0.016	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.723	-0.004	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.723	-0.016	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.723	0.004	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.736	0	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.76	-0.002	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.762	0.008	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.763	-0.009	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.812	-0.012	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.812	0.005	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.812	-0.006	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.812	0.012	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.863	-0.012	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.863	-0.006	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.863	0.006	D-Galactose	0.47
+3.863	0.012	D-Galactose	0.47
+4.595	-0.007	D-Galactose	0.47
+4.595	0.007	D-Galactose	0.47
+5.274	-0.004	D-Galactose	0.47
+5.274	0.004	D-Galactose	0.47
+2.8806	-0.0081	L-asparagine	1
+2.8806	0.0202	L-asparagine	1
+2.8806	0.0079	L-asparagine	1
+2.8805	-0.0205	L-asparagine	1
+2.9607	0.0105	L-asparagine	1
+2.9607	-0.018	L-asparagine	1
+2.9607	-0.011	L-asparagine	1
+2.9608	0.0175	L-asparagine	1
+4.0139	-0.0098	L-asparagine	1
+4.0139	0.0097	L-asparagine	1
+4.0139	-0.0025	L-asparagine	1
+4.0139	0.0024	L-asparagine	1
+4.0631	-0.002	L-Tryptophan	0.52
+7.204	0.0122	L-Tryptophan	0.52
+7.2039	-0.0125	L-Tryptophan	0.52
+7.204	-0.0002	L-Tryptophan	0.52
+7.2882	-0.0125	L-Tryptophan	0.52
+7.2885	0.0127	L-Tryptophan	0.52
+7.2884	-0.0002	L-Tryptophan	0.52
+7.3338	0	L-Tryptophan	0.52
+7.548	-0.0065	L-Tryptophan	0.52
+7.5489	0.0066	L-Tryptophan	0.52
+7.7378	-0.0064	L-Tryptophan	0.52
+7.7378	0.0064	L-Tryptophan	0.52
+3.544	0.011	Myo-Inositol	0.38
+3.544	-0.006	Myo-Inositol	0.38
+3.544	0.006	Myo-Inositol	0.38
+3.544	-0.011	Myo-Inositol	0.38
+4.073	0	Myo-Inositol	0.38
+2.694	0.0072	L-Aspartic acid	1
+2.694	0.0219	L-Aspartic acid	1
+2.694	-0.0075	L-Aspartic acid	1
+2.817	-0.0114	L-Aspartic acid	1
+2.817	0.0112	L-Aspartic acid	1
+2.817	0.0177	L-Aspartic acid	1
+2.817	-0.0178	L-Aspartic acid	1
+3.906	-0.0101	L-Aspartic acid	1
+3.906	0.0103	L-Aspartic acid	1
+3.906	-0.0039	L-Aspartic acid	1
+3.906	0.0039	L-Aspartic acid	1
+3.906	0.0103	L-Aspartic acid	1
+3.906	-0.0101	L-Aspartic acid	1
+2.7286	-0.0002	Dimethylamine	1
+3.969	0	Hippuric acid	1
+7.555	0.013	Hippuric acid	1
+7.555	0	Hippuric acid	1
+7.555	-0.013	Hippuric acid	1
+7.642	0	Hippuric acid	1
+7.642	-0.013	Hippuric acid	1
+7.642	0.012	Hippuric acid	1
+7.836	-0.007	Hippuric acid	1
+7.836	0.007	Hippuric acid	1
+7.21	0.013	indoxyl sulfate	0.55
+7.21	-0.013	indoxyl sulfate	0.55
+7.21	0	indoxyl sulfate	0.55
+7.283	-0.013	indoxyl sulfate	0.55
+7.283	0.013	indoxyl sulfate	0.55
+7.283	0	indoxyl sulfate	0.55
+3.2091	-0.0007	Choline chloride	0.71
+3.5291	0.0082	Choline chloride	0.71
+3.5291	-0.008	Choline chloride	0.71
+4.0693	0.0002	Choline chloride	0.71
+4.0693	0.0088	Choline chloride	0.71
+3.2729	0.0002	glycine betaine	1
+3.908	0.0001	glycine betaine	1
+3.7408	0.0005	N,N-Dimethylglycine	0.33
+3.517	0.002	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.655	-0.013	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.655	0.013	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.671	-0.005	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.824	-0.011	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.824	0.005	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.824	-0.005	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.824	0.011	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.905	-0.012	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.905	-0.009	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.905	0.009	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.905	0.009	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.905	-0.012	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+3.905	-0.009	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+4.013	0.004	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+5.248	-0.002	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+5.248	0.003	L-arabinopyranose	0.35
+1.3329	0.0057	L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)	1
+1.3328	-0.0058	L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)	1
+1.3329	0.0057	L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)	1
+4.1172	-0.0171	L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)	1
+4.1176	0.017	L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)	1
+4.117	-0.006	L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)	1
+4.1173	0.0058	L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)	1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_annotationTOCSY.tabular	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ppm1	ppm2	Metabolite	score
+3.7915	1.4891	L-alanine	1
+3.7915	3.7859	L-alanine	1
+1.4861	1.4821	L-alanine	1
+1.4869	3.7859	L-alanine	1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateCOSY.tabular	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ppm1	ppm2	commonMetabolitesList
+1.7296	3.0195	 Cadaverine L-lysine
+7.2048	7.2841	 L-Tryptophan indoxyl sulfate
+7.21	7.281	 indoxyl sulfate L-Tryptophan
+7.283	7.205	 indoxyl sulfate L-Tryptophan
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateHMBC.tabular	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ppm1	ppm2	commonMetabolitesList
+0.9975	31.8443	 L-valine Taurocholic acid
+3.658	74.853	 Glycerol D-Mannose D-Galactose
+3.5453	75.5793	 D-Glucose Myo-Inositol
+3.7256	72.2932	 D-Glucose D-Galactose L-ascorbic acid
+3.7214	73.9362	 D-Glucose maltose
+3.8341	71.9646	 D-Glucose Sucrose Raffinose
+0.9431	27.3862	 Isoleucine 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid
+3.6795	177.2002	 Isoleucine Phenylacetylglycine Phenylacetyl-L-glutamine
+1.7317	41.9356	 Cadaverine L-lysine
+1.7224	25.1451	 Cadaverine L-leucine
+3.0227	25.6132	 Cadaverine 5-aminopentanoic acid
+3.0227	29.096	 Cadaverine L-lysine 5-aminopentanoic acid
+4.0162	176.6782	 L-Histidine L-asparagine
+4.0138	176.324	 L-asparagine L-Histidine L-Phenylalanine
+4.0724	29.0374	 L-Tryptophan Cholic acid
+7.2025	114.7667	 L-Tryptophan indoxyl sulfate
+2.147	56.9062	 L-glutamine Glutamic acid L-methionine
+2.1472	176.985	 L-glutamine Glutamic acid L-methionine
+3.7825	177.069	 L-glutamine L-Arginine
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateHSQC.tabular	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ppm1	ppm2	commonMetabolitesList
+0.9996	19.4973	 L-valine Cholic acid Cholesterol
+1.0493	20.7695	 L-valine Cholesterol
+3.425	72.3072	 D-Glucose maltose
+3.5494	74.1688	 D-Glucose Myo-Inositol
+4.6599	98.7368	 D-Glucose maltose
+2.3567	31.8174	 L-Proline Taurocholic acid
+3.232	56.932	 carnitine Glycerophosphocholine
+1.2698	27.2621	 Isoleucine Glycocholic acid
+3.024	41.9605	 Cadaverine L-lysine 4-aminobutyric acid 5-aminopentanoic acid
+3.2093	30.1637	 L-Histidine 3-Methyl-L-Histidine
+3.502	74.756	 D-Galactose Cholic acid
+3.661	75.593	 D-Galactose D-Mannose
+3.866	71.993	 D-Galactose Stachyose
+3.942	71.619	 D-Galactose D-(-)-Ribose
+4	72.162	 D-Galactose Stachyose D-Fructose
+4.0659	57.8237	 L-Tryptophan Choline chloride
+7.2088	122.2507	 L-Tryptophan indoxyl sulfate
+7.2919	124.9626	 L-Tryptophan indoxyl sulfate
+4.0716	58.2271	 Choline chloride L-Tryptophan
+3.015	42.093	 4-aminobutyric acid Cadaverine 5-aminopentanoic acid
+4.1198	71.3177	 L-Lactic acid (sodium salt) D-(-)-Ribose
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateJRES.tabular	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ppm1	ppm2	commonMetabolitesList
+1.3404	0.0051	 L-Threonine L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)
+1.3395	-0.006	 L-Threonine L-Lactic acid (sodium salt)
+3.6026	0.0039	 L-Threonine maltose L-rhamnose
+3.6044	-0.0048	 L-Threonine L-rhamnose
+4.0661	0.0003	 Creatinine Sucrose Cholic acid Raffinose Stachyose L-Tryptophan Myo-Inositol Choline chloride
+2.452	0	 Phloretic acid carnitine
+2.452	-0.013	 Phloretic acid carnitine
+2.452	0.013	 Phloretic acid carnitine
+2.818	-0.013	 Phloretic acid L-Aspartic acid
+2.818	0.013	 Phloretic acid L-Aspartic acid
+7.5517	-0.0063	 Uracil L-Tryptophan
+7.5517	0.0066	 Uracil L-Tryptophan
+3.275	0	 taurine glycine betaine
+3.43	0	 taurine maltose D-Glucose carnitine L-Proline
+0.9979	-0.006	 L-valine Cholic acid
+0.9965	0.0062	 L-valine Cholic acid
+1.0473	-0.0062	 L-valine DL-2-methylbutyric acid
+1.0473	0.006	 L-valine DL-2-methylbutyric acid
+3.6196	-0.0035	 L-valine L-rhamnose Glycerophosphocholine
+3.6196	0.0041	 L-valine L-rhamnose Glycerophosphocholine
+3.937	0	 Creatine D-Mannose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.656	-0.013	 Glycerol maltose D-Galactose D-(-)-Ribose L-arabinopyranose
+3.656	-0.006	 Glycerol ethanol Stachyose D-Galactose D-(-)-Ribose L-arabinopyranose
+3.656	0.006	 Glycerol ethanol Stachyose D-Galactose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.791	-0.011	 Glycerol L-glutamine L-ornithine L-Arginine
+3.791	0	 Glycerol maltose L-glutamine L-ornithine L-Arginine Guanidineacetic acid
+3.791	0.01	 Glycerol L-glutamine Glutamic acid L-ornithine L-Arginine
+3.791	-0.007	 Glycerol L-alanine
+3.791	-0.018	 Glycerol maltose L-alanine Raffinose Stachyose
+3.791	0.007	 Glycerol L-alanine
+3.791	0.018	 Glycerol L-alanine Raffinose Stachyose
+3.7908	-0.0062	 L-alanine Glycerol
+3.7906	-0.0182	 L-alanine Glycerol Raffinose
+3.7908	0.006	 L-alanine Glycerol Raffinose Stachyose
+3.791	0.0184	 L-alanine Glycerol
+3.2554	0.0002	 D-Glucose L-Arginine
+3.4216	0.0159	 D-Glucose carnitine
+3.4218	-0.016	 D-Glucose carnitine
+3.4215	-0.0002	 D-Glucose taurine L-Proline
+3.4748	-0.0002	 D-Glucose Sucrose
+3.4751	0.0146	 D-Glucose Sucrose
+3.5015	-0.0153	 D-Glucose D-Galactose
+3.5017	-0.0001	 D-Glucose Cholic acid D-Galactose
+3.502	0.0153	 D-Glucose D-Galactose
+3.5453	0.0112	 D-Glucose Myo-Inositol
+3.5453	-0.0051	 D-Glucose Myo-Inositol
+3.5452	0.0048	 D-Glucose Myo-Inositol D-(-)-Ribose
+3.5453	-0.0115	 D-Glucose Myo-Inositol
+3.7312	-0.015	 D-Glucose D-Mannose Stachyose D-Galactose L-ascorbic acid
+3.7209	-0.0157	 D-Glucose D-Galactose
+3.7315	0.0149	 D-Glucose D-Mannose Stachyose D-Galactose L-ascorbic acid
+3.7209	0.0158	 D-Glucose D-Galactose
+3.7315	-0.0057	 D-Glucose D-Mannose Stachyose D-Galactose L-ascorbic acid
+3.7315	0.0053	 D-Glucose D-Mannose Stachyose D-Galactose L-ascorbic acid
+3.8434	0.0093	 D-Glucose Sucrose Raffinose
+3.839	0.0108	 D-Glucose Raffinose
+3.844	-0.0097	 D-Glucose Sucrose Raffinose ethanolamine
+3.8393	-0.0111	 D-Glucose Raffinose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.901	-0.0088	 D-Glucose Sucrose D-Mannose D-(-)-Ribose L-Aspartic acid L-arabinopyranose
+3.901	0.0083	 D-Glucose Sucrose D-Mannose D-(-)-Ribose L-Aspartic acid L-arabinopyranose
+3.9017	0.0121	 D-Glucose D-Mannose Raffinose Stachyose D-Fructose D-(-)-Ribose L-Aspartic acid L-arabinopyranose
+3.9007	-0.0124	 D-Glucose D-Mannose Raffinose Stachyose D-Fructose D-(-)-Ribose L-arabinopyranose
+5.2433	-0.0032	 D-Glucose maltose L-arabinopyranose
+5.2433	0.0033	 D-Glucose maltose L-arabinopyranose
+2.426	-0.018	 carnitine Isocitric acid
+2.426	0.007	 carnitine Isocitric acid
+2.426	0.018	 carnitine Isocitric acid
+2.446	0.013	 carnitine Phloretic acid L-glutamine
+2.446	-0.013	 carnitine Phloretic acid L-glutamine
+2.445	0.027	 carnitine L-glutamine
+2.445	0	 carnitine Phloretic acid L-glutamine
+2.445	-0.027	 carnitine L-glutamine
+2.465	-0.007	 carnitine L-glutamine
+2.465	0.007	 carnitine L-glutamine
+2.465	-0.019	 carnitine L-glutamine
+3.234	0	 carnitine Glycerophosphocholine
+3.422	0.015	 carnitine D-Glucose
+3.422	-0.015	 carnitine D-Glucose
+3.434	0	 carnitine maltose taurine L-rhamnose
+3.422	-0.009	 carnitine taurine L-Proline
+3.741	-0.005	 D-Mannose D-Glucose L-leucine Raffinose Stachyose D-Galactose L-ascorbic acid
+3.741	-0.015	 D-Mannose D-Glucose Raffinose Stachyose D-Galactose L-ascorbic acid
+3.741	0.005	 D-Mannose D-Glucose L-leucine Raffinose Stachyose D-Galactose L-ascorbic acid
+3.823	0.004	 D-Mannose maltose Stachyose D-(-)-Ribose L-arabinopyranose
+3.823	-0.004	 D-Mannose maltose Stachyose D-(-)-Ribose L-arabinopyranose
+3.856	-0.011	 D-Mannose maltose Raffinose Stachyose D-Galactose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.856	-0.005	 D-Mannose Inosine Stachyose D-Galactose D-(-)-Ribose 2-Hydroxy-3-methylbutyric acid
+3.856	0.005	 D-Mannose Inosine Stachyose D-Galactose D-(-)-Ribose 2-Hydroxy-3-methylbutyric acid
+3.856	0.011	 D-Mannose maltose Sucrose Raffinose Stachyose D-Galactose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.91	-0.012	 D-Mannose maltose D-Glucose Raffinose Stachyose D-Fructose L-Aspartic acid L-arabinopyranose
+3.91	0.009	 D-Mannose maltose D-Glucose Raffinose Stachyose L-Aspartic acid L-arabinopyranose
+3.91	0.012	 D-Mannose maltose D-Glucose Raffinose Stachyose D-Fructose L-Aspartic acid L-arabinopyranose
+3.943	0	 D-Mannose Creatine L-Tyrosine D-(-)-Ribose L-arabinopyranose
+3.956	0	 D-Mannose Raffinose L-Tyrosine L-arabinopyranose
+3.6866	-0.004	 Isoleucine Raffinose D-Fructose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.6831	0.0034	 Isoleucine Raffinose D-Fructose
+0.8977	-0.0121	 Butyric acid Valeric acid 2-hydroxybutyric acid 3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric acid
+0.9022	0	 Butyric acid Valeric acid 2-hydroxybutyric acid 3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric acid
+0.9067	0.0126	 Butyric acid 2-hydroxybutyric acid 3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric acid
+2.1697	0.0128	 Butyric acid Octanoic acid
+2.1697	-0.0119	 Butyric acid Octanoic acid
+1.7263	0.0253	 Cadaverine L-leucine
+1.7299	-0.0259	 Cadaverine L-lysine
+1.7287	-0.0002	 Cadaverine L-lysine L-leucine
+1.7287	0.0131	 Cadaverine L-lysine L-leucine
+1.7312	-0.0131	 Cadaverine L-lysine
+3.0216	0.0117	 Cadaverine 4-aminobutyric acid 5-aminopentanoic acid
+3.0216	-0.0123	 Cadaverine 4-aminobutyric acid 5-aminopentanoic acid
+3.0244	-0.0003	 Cadaverine L-lysine 4-aminobutyric acid 5-aminopentanoic acid
+2.4383	0.0139	 L-glutamine carnitine
+2.4393	-0.0127	 L-glutamine carnitine
+2.4387	0.0262	 L-glutamine carnitine
+2.439	0.0008	 L-glutamine carnitine
+2.4383	-0.0254	 L-glutamine carnitine
+2.459	-0.0056	 L-glutamine carnitine
+2.4587	0.0067	 L-glutamine carnitine
+2.4597	-0.0199	 L-glutamine carnitine
+2.4787	0.0131	 L-glutamine 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid
+2.4787	-0.0131	 L-glutamine 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid
+2.4794	0	 L-glutamine 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid
+3.7826	-0.0099	 L-glutamine Glycerol L-Arginine
+3.7826	0.0002	 L-glutamine maltose Sucrose Glycerol Raffinose L-Arginine
+3.7825	0.0106	 L-glutamine Glycerol Glutamic acid L-Arginine
+2.0117	-0.0211	 L-Proline 2-Hydroxy-3-methylbutyric acid
+2.0113	-0.0096	 L-Proline 2-Hydroxy-3-methylbutyric acid
+2.0117	0.0095	 L-Proline 2-Hydroxy-3-methylbutyric acid
+2.0117	0.0211	 L-Proline 2-Hydroxy-3-methylbutyric acid
+3.4233	0.0007	 L-Proline taurine D-Glucose
+3.423	-0.0094	 L-Proline taurine carnitine
+3.423	0.0101	 L-Proline taurine carnitine
+4.1413	0.0126	 L-Proline Stachyose
+4.1413	-0.0126	 L-Proline Stachyose D-(-)-Ribose
+4.1403	-0.0023	 L-Proline D-(-)-Ribose
+4.142	0.0015	 L-Proline Stachyose D-(-)-Ribose
+4.0154	-0.0107	 L-Histidine L-asparagine
+4.0154	0.0105	 L-Histidine L-asparagine
+4.0154	-0.0019	 L-Histidine Raffinose D-Fructose L-asparagine
+4.015	0.0018	 L-Histidine Raffinose D-Fructose L-asparagine
+3.5	-0.002	 D-Galactose D-Glucose Cholic acid
+3.498	0.015	 D-Galactose D-Glucose
+3.658	-0.011	 D-Galactose Glycerol L-arabinopyranose
+3.658	-0.005	 D-Galactose ethanol Glycerol Stachyose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.658	0.005	 D-Galactose ethanol Glycerol Stachyose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.658	0.011	 D-Galactose L-arabinopyranose
+3.723	-0.016	 D-Galactose D-Glucose L-ascorbic acid
+3.723	0.016	 D-Galactose D-Glucose L-ascorbic acid
+3.723	-0.004	 D-Galactose D-Glucose L-ascorbic acid
+3.723	0.004	 D-Galactose D-Glucose L-ascorbic acid
+3.736	0	 D-Galactose L-leucine N,N-Dimethylglycine 3-Methyl-L-Histidine
+3.76	-0.002	 D-Galactose L-lysine Phenylacetylglycine
+3.762	0.008	 D-Galactose maltose Raffinose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.763	-0.009	 D-Galactose L-lysine Raffinose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.812	-0.012	 D-Galactose maltose L-rhamnose D-Fructose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.812	0.005	 D-Galactose maltose Sucrose L-rhamnose
+3.812	-0.006	 D-Galactose maltose Sucrose L-rhamnose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.812	0.012	 D-Galactose maltose L-rhamnose D-Fructose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.863	-0.012	 D-Galactose maltose D-Mannose Stachyose L-rhamnose L-methionine
+3.863	-0.006	 D-Galactose maltose L-Serine D-Mannose Stachyose
+3.863	0.006	 D-Galactose maltose L-Serine D-Mannose Stachyose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.863	0.012	 D-Galactose maltose D-Mannose Stachyose L-rhamnose L-methionine
+4.0139	-0.0098	 L-asparagine L-Histidine
+4.0139	0.0097	 L-asparagine L-Histidine
+4.0139	-0.0025	 L-asparagine L-Histidine D-(-)-Ribose
+4.0139	0.0024	 L-asparagine L-Histidine L-arabinopyranose
+4.0631	-0.002	 L-Tryptophan Sucrose Cholic acid Raffinose Stachyose Myo-Inositol
+7.204	0.0122	 L-Tryptophan indoxyl sulfate
+7.2039	-0.0125	 L-Tryptophan indoxyl sulfate
+7.204	-0.0002	 L-Tryptophan indoxyl sulfate N(tele)-methyl-L-histidine
+7.2882	-0.0125	 L-Tryptophan indoxyl sulfate
+7.2885	0.0127	 L-Tryptophan indoxyl sulfate
+7.2884	-0.0002	 L-Tryptophan indoxyl sulfate
+7.548	-0.0065	 L-Tryptophan Uracil
+7.5489	0.0066	 L-Tryptophan Uracil
+3.544	0.011	 Myo-Inositol D-Glucose
+3.544	-0.006	 Myo-Inositol D-Glucose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.544	0.006	 Myo-Inositol D-Glucose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.544	-0.011	 Myo-Inositol D-Glucose
+4.073	0	 Myo-Inositol Creatinine Cholic acid Raffinose Stachyose L-Tryptophan Choline chloride
+2.817	-0.0114	 L-Aspartic acid Phloretic acid
+2.817	0.0112	 L-Aspartic acid Phloretic acid
+3.906	-0.0101	 L-Aspartic acid D-Glucose D-Mannose Raffinose Stachyose D-Fructose L-arabinopyranose
+3.906	0.0103	 L-Aspartic acid D-Glucose D-Mannose Raffinose Stachyose D-Fructose L-arabinopyranose
+3.906	-0.0039	 L-Aspartic acid Stachyose D-Fructose
+3.906	0.0039	 L-Aspartic acid Stachyose D-Fructose
+3.969	0	 Hippuric acid maltose Raffinose
+7.21	0.013	 indoxyl sulfate L-Tryptophan
+7.21	-0.013	 indoxyl sulfate L-Tryptophan
+7.21	0	 indoxyl sulfate L-Tryptophan Indole-3-propionic acid N(tele)-methyl-L-histidine
+7.283	-0.013	 indoxyl sulfate hydrozimtsaeure L-Tryptophan
+7.283	0.013	 indoxyl sulfate hydrozimtsaeure L-Tryptophan
+7.283	0	 indoxyl sulfate L-Tryptophan
+3.5291	0.0082	 Choline chloride D-(-)-Ribose
+3.5291	-0.008	 Choline chloride D-(-)-Ribose
+4.0693	0.0002	 Choline chloride Creatinine Cholic acid Raffinose Stachyose L-Tryptophan Myo-Inositol
+4.0693	0.0088	 Choline chloride L-Tryptophan
+3.2729	0.0002	 glycine betaine taurine
+3.908	0.0001	 glycine betaine Cholic acid Raffinose Stachyose
+3.7408	0.0005	 N,N-Dimethylglycine L-leucine D-Galactose 3-Methyl-L-Histidine
+3.655	-0.013	 L-arabinopyranose maltose Glycerol D-Galactose D-(-)-Ribose Phenylacetyl-L-glutamine
+3.655	0.013	 L-arabinopyranose Glycerol D-Galactose D-(-)-Ribose Phenylacetyl-L-glutamine
+3.671	-0.005	 L-arabinopyranose D-Mannose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.824	-0.011	 L-arabinopyranose Stachyose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.824	0.005	 L-arabinopyranose D-Mannose Stachyose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.824	-0.005	 L-arabinopyranose D-Mannose Stachyose D-(-)-Ribose
+3.824	0.011	 L-arabinopyranose Stachyose ethanolamine D-(-)-Ribose
+3.905	-0.012	 L-arabinopyranose D-Glucose D-Mannose Raffinose Stachyose D-Fructose D-(-)-Ribose L-Aspartic acid
+3.905	-0.009	 L-arabinopyranose Sucrose D-Glucose D-Mannose Raffinose Stachyose D-(-)-Ribose L-Aspartic acid
+3.905	0.009	 L-arabinopyranose Sucrose D-Glucose D-Mannose Raffinose Stachyose D-(-)-Ribose L-Aspartic acid
+4.013	0.004	 L-arabinopyranose L-asparagine D-(-)-Ribose
+5.248	-0.002	 L-arabinopyranose maltose D-Glucose
+5.248	0.003	 L-arabinopyranose maltose D-Glucose
+1.3329	0.0057	 L-Lactic acid (sodium salt) L-Threonine
+1.3328	-0.0058	 L-Lactic acid (sodium salt) L-Threonine
+4.117	-0.006	 L-Lactic acid (sodium salt) D-(-)-Ribose
+4.1173	0.0058	 L-Lactic acid (sodium salt) D-(-)-Ribose
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/2DNMRAnnotation_duplicateTOCSY.tabular	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ppm1	ppm2	commonMetabolitesList
+3.7915	3.7859	 L-alanine Glycerol L-glutamine
+1.4861	1.4821	 L-alanine Isoleucine
--- a/test-data/2DNMR_Annotation_annotationCombination.tabular	Tue Feb 04 10:59:26 2020 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Metabolite	score.HSQC	score.JRES	averageScore
-4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid	NA	0.5	0.5
-alanine	1	1	1
-arabinose	NA	0.348837209302326	0.348837209302326
-asparagine	1	1	1
-aspartic_acid	1	1	1
-betaine	1	1	1
-butyric acid	0.333333333333333	0.916666666666667	0.625
-cadaverine	0.333333333333333	0.615384615384615	0.474358974358974
-carnitine	1	0.611111111111111	0.805555555555556
-cholinechloride	0.666666666666667	0.714285714285714	0.69047619047619
-creatine	NA	0.5	0.5
-desaminotyrosine	NA	0.4	0.4
-dimethylamine	NA	1	1
-dimethylglycine	NA	0.333333333333333	0.333333333333333
-fumaric acid	1	1	1
-gaba	0.333333333333333	NA	0.333333333333333
-galactose	0.833333333333333	0.473684210526316	0.653508771929825
-glucose	0.666666666666667	0.8125	0.739583333333333
-glycerol	NA	0.666666666666667	0.666666666666667
-glycine	1	1	1
-hippuric_acid	1	1	1
-histidine	1	0.428571428571429	0.714285714285714
-indoxylsulfate	NA	0.545454545454545	0.545454545454545
-isoleucine	1	0.379310344827586	0.689655172413793
-lactic acid	1	1	1
-mannose	NA	0.3125	0.3125
-myo_inositol	NA	0.384615384615385	0.384615384615385
-proline	1	0.409090909090909	0.704545454545455
-taurine	NA	0.333333333333333	0.333333333333333
-threonine	1	1	1
-tryptophan	1	0.521739130434783	0.760869565217391
-uracil	NA	0.5	0.5
-valine	0.75	0.75	0.75
--- a/test-data/2DNMR_Annotation_log.txt	Tue Feb 04 10:59:26 2020 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
-Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
-Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
-Matrix products: default
-BLAS: /usr/lib/libblas/
-LAPACK: /usr/lib/lapack/
- [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
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- [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
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-[6] batch_1.1-4   
-loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
- [1] Rcpp_0.12.14     bindr_0.1        magrittr_1.5     munsell_0.4.3   
- [5] colorspace_1.3-2 R6_2.2.2         rlang_0.4.2      plyr_1.8.4      
- [9] tools_3.4.3      grid_3.4.3       gtable_0.2.0     cli_1.1.0       
-[13] lazyeval_0.2.1   assertthat_0.2.0 tibble_1.3.4     crayon_1.3.4    
-[17] bindrcpp_0.2     zip_1.0.0        purrr_0.3.3      glue_1.2.0      
-[21] stringi_1.1.6    compiler_3.4.3   methods_3.4.3    scales_0.5.0    
-[25] pkgconfig_2.0.1 
-[1] "/home/vagrant/galaxy/database/datasets/001/dataset_1825.dat"
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-[1] "no"
-[1] "yes"
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-[1] "no"
-[1] 0.01
-[1] 0.5
-[1] 0.002
-[1] 0.3
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-[1] "/home/vagrant/galaxy/database/datasets/002/dataset_2767.dat"
-[1] "None"
-[1] "None"
-[1] "/home/vagrant/galaxy/database/datasets/002/dataset_2768.dat"
-[1] "/home/vagrant/galaxy/database/datasets/002/dataset_2769.dat"
-[1] "None"
-[1] "None"
-[1] "/home/vagrant/galaxy/database/datasets/002/dataset_2770.dat"
-[1] "/home/vagrant/galaxy/database/datasets/002/dataset_2771.dat"
-[1] "None"
-[1] "None"
-[1] "/home/vagrant/galaxy/database/datasets/002/dataset_2772.dat"
-[1] "/home/vagrant/galaxy/database/datasets/002/dataset_2773.dat"
-null device 
-          1 
-Time difference of 1.566586 mins
-End of '2D NMR annotation' Galaxy module call: 2019-12-23 10:55:29
\ No newline at end of file
Binary file test-data/Template_melange.xlsm has changed
Binary file test-data/Template_melange.xlsx has changed
--- a/test-data/annotationHsqc.tabular	Tue Feb 04 10:59:26 2020 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-ppm1	ppm2	Metabolite	score
-1.487	19.022	alanine	1
-3.791	53.343	alanine	1
-2.883	37.372	asparagine	1
-2.964	37.382	asparagine	1
-4.016	54.04	asparagine	1
-2.694	39.367	Aspartic_acid	1
-2.816	39.387	Aspartic_acid	1
-3.905	54.962	Aspartic_acid	1
-3.264	56.272	betaine	1
-3.901	69.074	betaine	1
-2.164	42.369	Butyric acid	0.333333333333333
-3.024	41.961	Cadaverine	0.333333333333333
-2.444	45.792	carnitine	1
-3.232	56.932	carnitine	1
-3.44	72.954	carnitine	1
-4.571	66.903	carnitine	1
-3.208	56.704	CholineChloride	0.666666666666667
-4.072	58.227	CholineChloride	0.666666666666667
-6.526	138.157	Fumaric acid	1
-3.015	42.093	gaba	0.333333333333333
-3.502	74.756	galactose	0.833333333333333
-3.661	75.593	galactose	0.833333333333333
-3.717	78.019	galactose	0.833333333333333
-3.815	71.175	galactose	0.833333333333333
-3.866	71.993	galactose	0.833333333333333
-3.942	71.619	galactose	0.833333333333333
-4	72.162	galactose	0.833333333333333
-4.096	73.292	galactose	0.833333333333333
-4.598	99.277	galactose	0.833333333333333
-5.277	95.132	galactose	0.833333333333333
-3.425	72.307	glucose	0.666666666666667
-3.46	78.647	glucose	0.666666666666667
-3.549	74.169	glucose	0.666666666666667
-3.745	63.514	glucose	0.666666666666667
-3.841	74.223	glucose	0.666666666666667
-3.847	63.4	glucose	0.666666666666667
-4.66	98.737	glucose	0.666666666666667
-5.252	94.768	glucose	0.666666666666667
-3.566	44.267	glycine	1
-3.967	46.611	hippuric_acid	1
-7.556	131.578	hippuric_acid	1
-7.643	135.065	hippuric_acid	1
-7.837	130.019	hippuric_acid	1
-3.209	30.164	Histidine	1
-3.29	30.194	Histidine	1
-4.014	57.269	Histidine	1
-7.155	119.969	Histidine	1
-8.04	138.39	Histidine	1
-0.944	14.001	Isoleucine	1
-1.017	17.526	Isoleucine	1
-1.27	27.262	Isoleucine	1
-1.479	27.34	Isoleucine	1
-1.987	38.709	Isoleucine	1
-3.68	62.433	Isoleucine	1
-1.336	22.913	Lactic acid	1
-4.12	71.318	Lactic acid	1
-2.009	26.543	Proline	1
-2.062	31.789	Proline	1
-2.357	31.817	Proline	1
-3.346	48.831	Proline	1
-3.422	48.867	Proline	1
-4.14	63.947	Proline	1
-1.342	22.349	threonine	1
-3.609	63.354	threonine	1
-4.261	68.825	threonine	1
-3.321	29.248	tryptophan	1
-3.492	29.268	tryptophan	1
-4.066	57.824	tryptophan	1
-7.209	122.251	tryptophan	1
-7.292	124.963	tryptophan	1
-7.337	127.891	tryptophan	1
-7.554	114.838	tryptophan	1
-7.743	121.238	tryptophan	1
-1	19.497	valine	0.75
-1.049	20.77	valine	0.75
-2.281	31.893	valine	0.75
--- a/test-data/annotationJres.tabular	Tue Feb 04 10:59:26 2020 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-ppm1	ppm2	Metabolite	score
-2.452	0	4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid	0.5
-2.452	-0.013	4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid	0.5
-2.452	0.013	4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid	0.5
-2.818	-0.013	4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid	0.5
-2.818	0.013	4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid	0.5
-1.487	0.006	alanine	1
-1.487	-0.006	alanine	1
-3.791	-0.006	alanine	1
-3.791	-0.018	alanine	1
-3.791	0.006	alanine	1
-3.791	0.018	alanine	1
-3.517	0.002	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.655	-0.013	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.655	0.013	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.671	-0.005	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.824	-0.011	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.824	0.005	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.824	-0.005	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.824	0.011	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.905	-0.012	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.905	-0.009	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.905	0.009	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.905	0.009	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.905	-0.012	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-3.905	-0.009	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-4.013	0.004	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-5.248	-0.002	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-5.248	0.003	arabinose	0.348837209302326
-2.881	-0.008	asparagine	1
-2.881	0.02	asparagine	1
-2.881	0.008	asparagine	1
-2.881	-0.02	asparagine	1
-2.961	0.01	asparagine	1
-2.961	-0.018	asparagine	1
-2.961	-0.011	asparagine	1
-2.961	0.018	asparagine	1
-4.014	-0.01	asparagine	1
-4.014	0.01	asparagine	1
-4.014	-0.002	asparagine	1
-4.014	0.002	asparagine	1
-2.694	0.007	Aspartic_acid	1
-2.694	0.022	Aspartic_acid	1
-2.694	-0.008	Aspartic_acid	1
-2.817	-0.011	Aspartic_acid	1
-2.817	0.011	Aspartic_acid	1
-2.817	0.018	Aspartic_acid	1
-2.817	-0.018	Aspartic_acid	1
-3.906	-0.01	Aspartic_acid	1
-3.906	0.01	Aspartic_acid	1
-3.906	-0.004	Aspartic_acid	1
-3.906	0.004	Aspartic_acid	1
-3.906	0.01	Aspartic_acid	1
-3.906	-0.01	Aspartic_acid	1
-3.273	0	betaine	1
-3.908	0	betaine	1
-0.898	-0.012	Butyric acid	0.916666666666667
-0.902	0	Butyric acid	0.916666666666667
-0.907	0.013	Butyric acid	0.916666666666667
-1.565	0.007	Butyric acid	0.916666666666667
-1.57	0.019	Butyric acid	0.916666666666667
-1.565	-0.03	Butyric acid	0.916666666666667
-1.565	-0.006	Butyric acid	0.916666666666667
-1.57	-0.018	Butyric acid	0.916666666666667
-2.165	0	Butyric acid	0.916666666666667
-2.17	0.013	Butyric acid	0.916666666666667
-2.17	-0.012	Butyric acid	0.916666666666667
-1.726	0.025	Cadaverine	0.615384615384615
-1.73	-0.026	Cadaverine	0.615384615384615
-1.729	0	Cadaverine	0.615384615384615
-1.729	0.013	Cadaverine	0.615384615384615
-1.731	-0.013	Cadaverine	0.615384615384615
-3.022	0.012	Cadaverine	0.615384615384615
-3.022	-0.012	Cadaverine	0.615384615384615
-3.024	0	Cadaverine	0.615384615384615
-2.426	-0.018	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.426	0.007	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.426	0.018	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.446	0.013	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.446	-0.013	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.445	0.027	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.445	0	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.445	-0.027	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.445	0	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.446	-0.038	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.445	-0.027	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.445	0.027	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.446	0.038	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.446	-0.013	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.446	0.013	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.465	-0.007	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.465	0.007	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.465	0.019	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.465	0.019	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.465	-0.007	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.465	-0.019	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-2.465	0.007	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-3.234	0	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-3.422	0.015	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-3.422	-0.015	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-3.434	0	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-3.422	-0.009	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-3.438	-0.008	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-3.438	0.008	carnitine	0.611111111111111
-3.209	-0.001	CholineChloride	0.714285714285714
-3.529	0.008	CholineChloride	0.714285714285714
-3.529	-0.008	CholineChloride	0.714285714285714
-4.069	0	CholineChloride	0.714285714285714
-4.069	0.009	CholineChloride	0.714285714285714
-3.937	0	creatine	0.5
-2.454	-0.013	Desaminotyrosine	0.4
-2.454	0.013	Desaminotyrosine	0.4
-2.822	-0.013	Desaminotyrosine	0.4
-2.822	0.012	Desaminotyrosine	0.4
-2.729	0	Dimethylamine	1
-3.741	0	Dimethylglycine	0.333333333333333
-6.519	0	Fumaric acid	1
-3.5	-0.002	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.498	0.015	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.658	-0.011	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.658	-0.005	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.658	0.005	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.658	0.011	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.723	-0.016	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.723	0.016	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.723	0.016	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.723	-0.004	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.723	-0.016	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.723	0.004	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.736	0	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.76	-0.002	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.762	0.008	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.763	-0.009	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.812	-0.012	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.812	0.005	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.812	-0.006	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.812	0.012	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.863	-0.012	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.863	-0.006	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.863	0.006	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.863	0.012	galactose	0.473684210526316
-4.595	-0.007	galactose	0.473684210526316
-4.595	0.007	galactose	0.473684210526316
-5.274	-0.004	galactose	0.473684210526316
-5.274	0.004	galactose	0.473684210526316
-3.256	-0.014	glucose	0.8125
-3.255	0	glucose	0.8125
-3.422	0.016	glucose	0.8125
-3.411	0.016	glucose	0.8125
-3.422	-0.016	glucose	0.8125
-3.411	-0.016	glucose	0.8125
-3.422	0	glucose	0.8125
-3.475	0	glucose	0.8125
-3.475	-0.011	glucose	0.8125
-3.475	-0.005	glucose	0.8125
-3.475	0.005	glucose	0.8125
-3.475	0.011	glucose	0.8125
-3.475	0.015	glucose	0.8125
-3.502	-0.015	glucose	0.8125
-3.502	0	glucose	0.8125
-3.502	0.015	glucose	0.8125
-3.545	0.011	glucose	0.8125
-3.545	-0.005	glucose	0.8125
-3.545	0.005	glucose	0.8125
-3.545	-0.012	glucose	0.8125
-3.731	-0.015	glucose	0.8125
-3.721	-0.016	glucose	0.8125
-3.732	0.015	glucose	0.8125
-3.721	0.016	glucose	0.8125
-3.732	0.015	glucose	0.8125
-3.732	-0.006	glucose	0.8125
-3.731	-0.015	glucose	0.8125
-3.732	0.005	glucose	0.8125
-3.843	0.009	glucose	0.8125
-3.839	0.011	glucose	0.8125
-3.844	-0.01	glucose	0.8125
-3.839	-0.011	glucose	0.8125
-3.901	-0.012	glucose	0.8125
-3.901	-0.009	glucose	0.8125
-3.901	0.008	glucose	0.8125
-3.902	0.012	glucose	0.8125
-3.901	-0.012	glucose	0.8125
-3.901	-0.009	glucose	0.8125
-4.655	0.007	glucose	0.8125
-4.655	-0.006	glucose	0.8125
-5.243	-0.003	glucose	0.8125
-5.243	0.003	glucose	0.8125
-3.656	-0.013	glycerol	0.666666666666667
-3.656	-0.006	glycerol	0.666666666666667
-3.656	0.006	glycerol	0.666666666666667
-3.791	-0.011	glycerol	0.666666666666667
-3.791	0	glycerol	0.666666666666667
-3.791	0.01	glycerol	0.666666666666667
-3.791	-0.007	glycerol	0.666666666666667
-3.791	-0.018	glycerol	0.666666666666667
-3.791	0.007	glycerol	0.666666666666667
-3.791	0.018	glycerol	0.666666666666667
-3.568	0	glycine	1
-3.969	0	hippuric_acid	1
-7.555	0.013	hippuric_acid	1
-7.555	0	hippuric_acid	1
-7.555	-0.013	hippuric_acid	1
-7.642	0	hippuric_acid	1
-7.642	-0.013	hippuric_acid	1
-7.642	0.012	hippuric_acid	1
-7.836	-0.007	hippuric_acid	1
-7.836	0.007	hippuric_acid	1
-4.015	-0.011	Histidine	0.428571428571429
-4.015	0.01	Histidine	0.428571428571429
-4.015	-0.002	Histidine	0.428571428571429
-4.015	0.002	Histidine	0.428571428571429
-7.156	0	Histidine	0.428571428571429
-8.043	0	Histidine	0.428571428571429
-7.21	0.013	indoxylsulfate	0.545454545454545
-7.21	-0.013	indoxylsulfate	0.545454545454545
-7.21	0	indoxylsulfate	0.545454545454545
-7.283	-0.013	indoxylsulfate	0.545454545454545
-7.283	0.013	indoxylsulfate	0.545454545454545
-7.283	0	indoxylsulfate	0.545454545454545
-0.946	-0.012	Isoleucine	0.379310344827586
-0.948	0.012	Isoleucine	0.379310344827586
-0.949	0	Isoleucine	0.379310344827586
-1.017	0.007	Isoleucine	0.379310344827586
-1.017	-0.006	Isoleucine	0.379310344827586
-1.269	0.025	Isoleucine	0.379310344827586
-1.269	-0.024	Isoleucine	0.379310344827586
-1.269	-0.011	Isoleucine	0.379310344827586
-1.269	0.011	Isoleucine	0.379310344827586
-3.687	-0.004	Isoleucine	0.379310344827586
-3.683	0.003	Isoleucine	0.379310344827586
-1.333	0.006	Lactic acid	1
-1.333	-0.006	Lactic acid	1
-1.333	0.006	Lactic acid	1
-4.117	-0.017	Lactic acid	1
-4.118	0.017	Lactic acid	1
-4.117	-0.006	Lactic acid	1
-4.117	0.006	Lactic acid	1
-3.741	-0.005	mannose	0.3125
-3.741	-0.015	mannose	0.3125
-3.741	0.005	mannose	0.3125
-3.823	0.004	mannose	0.3125
-3.823	-0.004	mannose	0.3125
-3.856	-0.011	mannose	0.3125
-3.856	-0.005	mannose	0.3125
-3.856	0.005	mannose	0.3125
-3.856	0.011	mannose	0.3125
-3.91	-0.012	mannose	0.3125
-3.91	0.009	mannose	0.3125
-3.91	0.009	mannose	0.3125
-3.91	0.012	mannose	0.3125
-3.91	-0.012	mannose	0.3125
-3.943	0	mannose	0.3125
-3.956	0	mannose	0.3125
-3.544	0.011	myo_inositol	0.384615384615385
-3.544	-0.006	myo_inositol	0.384615384615385
-3.544	0.006	myo_inositol	0.384615384615385
-3.544	-0.011	myo_inositol	0.384615384615385
-4.073	0	myo_inositol	0.384615384615385
-2.012	-0.021	Proline	0.409090909090909
-2.011	-0.01	Proline	0.409090909090909
-2.012	0.01	Proline	0.409090909090909
-2.012	0.021	Proline	0.409090909090909
-2.011	0	Proline	0.409090909090909
-2.356	-0.004	Proline	0.409090909090909
-2.356	-0.017	Proline	0.409090909090909
-2.356	0.004	Proline	0.409090909090909
-2.356	0.018	Proline	0.409090909090909
-3.347	-0.009	Proline	0.409090909090909
-3.347	0.01	Proline	0.409090909090909
-3.423	0.001	Proline	0.409090909090909
-3.423	-0.009	Proline	0.409090909090909
-3.423	0.01	Proline	0.409090909090909
-4.141	0.013	Proline	0.409090909090909
-4.141	-0.013	Proline	0.409090909090909
-4.14	-0.002	Proline	0.409090909090909
-4.142	0.002	Proline	0.409090909090909
-3.275	0	taurine	0.333333333333333
-3.43	0	taurine	0.333333333333333
-1.34	0.005	threonine	1
-1.339	-0.006	threonine	1
-1.34	0.005	threonine	1
-3.603	0.004	threonine	1
-3.604	-0.005	threonine	1
-4.26	-0.01	threonine	1
-4.258	-0.02	threonine	1
-4.26	0.01	threonine	1
-4.259	0	threonine	1
-4.259	0.021	threonine	1
-4.063	-0.002	tryptophan	0.521739130434783
-7.204	0.012	tryptophan	0.521739130434783
-7.204	-0.012	tryptophan	0.521739130434783
-7.204	0	tryptophan	0.521739130434783
-7.288	-0.012	tryptophan	0.521739130434783
-7.288	0.013	tryptophan	0.521739130434783
-7.288	0	tryptophan	0.521739130434783
-7.334	0	tryptophan	0.521739130434783
-7.548	-0.006	tryptophan	0.521739130434783
-7.549	0.007	tryptophan	0.521739130434783
-7.738	-0.006	tryptophan	0.521739130434783
-7.738	0.006	tryptophan	0.521739130434783
-7.552	-0.006	Uracil	0.5
-7.552	0.007	Uracil	0.5
-0.998	-0.006	valine	0.75
-0.996	0.006	valine	0.75
-1.047	-0.006	valine	0.75
-1.047	0.006	valine	0.75
-2.279	-0.004	valine	0.75
-2.28	0.003	valine	0.75
-2.28	0.016	valine	0.75
-2.281	-0.016	valine	0.75
-2.28	-0.008	valine	0.75
-2.28	0.008	valine	0.75
-3.62	-0.004	valine	0.75
-3.62	0.004	valine	0.75
--- a/test-data/duplicateHsqc.tabular	Tue Feb 04 10:59:26 2020 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-ppm1	ppm2	commonMetabolitesList
-3.024	41.961	 Cadaverine 5aminovalericacid gaba Lysine
-3.232	56.932	 carnitine gpc
-4.072	58.227	 CholineChloride tryptophan
-3.015	42.093	 gaba 5aminovalericacid Cadaverine
-3.502	74.756	 galactose cholic_acid
-3.661	75.593	 galactose mannose
-3.866	71.993	 galactose stachyose
-3.942	71.619	 galactose ribose
-4	72.162	 galactose stachyose
-3.425	72.307	 glucose maltose
-3.549	74.169	 glucose myo_inositol
-4.66	98.737	 glucose maltose
-5.252	94.768	 glucose maltose
-4.12	71.318	 Lactic acid ribose
-4.066	57.824	 tryptophan CholineChloride
-7.209	122.251	 tryptophan indoxylsulfate
-7.292	124.963	 tryptophan indoxylsulfate
-1	19.497	 valine cholic_acid
--- a/test-data/duplicateJres.tabular	Tue Feb 04 10:59:26 2020 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-ppm1	ppm2	commonMetabolitesList
-2.452	0	 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid carnitine Desaminotyrosine glutamine
-2.452	-0.013	 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid carnitine Desaminotyrosine glutamine
-2.452	0.013	 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid carnitine Desaminotyrosine
-2.818	-0.013	 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid Aspartic_acid Desaminotyrosine
-2.818	0.013	 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid Aspartic_acid Desaminotyrosine
-3.791	-0.006	 alanine glycerol raffinose stachyose
-3.791	-0.018	 alanine glycerol maltose raffinose stachyose
-3.791	0.006	 alanine glycerol raffinose stachyose
-3.791	0.018	 alanine glycerol raffinose stachyose
-3.655	-0.013	 arabinose galactose glycerol maltose ribose
-3.655	0.013	 arabinose galactose glycerol ribose
-3.671	-0.005	 arabinose mannose ribose
-3.824	-0.011	 arabinose ribose stachyose
-3.824	0.005	 arabinose mannose ribose stachyose
-3.824	-0.005	 arabinose mannose ribose stachyose
-3.824	0.011	 arabinose Ethanolamine ribose stachyose
-3.905	-0.012	 arabinose Aspartic_acid glucose mannose raffinose ribose stachyose
-3.905	-0.009	 arabinose Aspartic_acid glucose mannose raffinose ribose stachyose sucrose
-3.905	0.009	 arabinose Aspartic_acid glucose mannose raffinose ribose stachyose sucrose
-4.013	0.004	 arabinose asparagine Histidine ribose
-5.248	-0.002	 arabinose glucose maltose
-5.248	0.003	 arabinose glucose maltose
-4.014	-0.01	 asparagine Histidine
-4.014	0.01	 asparagine Histidine
-4.014	-0.002	 asparagine Histidine raffinose ribose
-4.014	0.002	 asparagine arabinose Histidine raffinose
-2.817	-0.011	 Aspartic_acid 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid Desaminotyrosine
-2.817	0.011	 Aspartic_acid 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid Desaminotyrosine
-3.906	-0.01	 Aspartic_acid arabinose glucose mannose raffinose stachyose
-3.906	0.01	 Aspartic_acid arabinose glucose mannose raffinose stachyose
-3.906	-0.004	 Aspartic_acid raffinose stachyose
-3.906	0.004	 Aspartic_acid raffinose stachyose
-3.273	0	 betaine taurine
-3.908	0	 betaine cholic_acid raffinose stachyose
-0.898	-0.012	 Butyric acid 2_hydroxybutyric_acid 3_methyl-2-oxovaleric acid valeric_acid
-0.902	0	 Butyric acid 2_hydroxybutyric_acid 3_methyl-2-oxovaleric acid valeric_acid
-0.907	0.013	 Butyric acid 2_hydroxybutyric_acid 3_methyl-2-oxovaleric acid
-1.57	0.019	 Butyric acid cholic_acid
-1.57	-0.018	 Butyric acid cholic_acid
-2.17	0.013	 Butyric acid octanoic_acid
-2.17	-0.012	 Butyric acid octanoic_acid
-1.73	-0.026	 Cadaverine Lysine
-1.729	0	 Cadaverine Lysine
-1.729	0.013	 Cadaverine Lysine
-1.731	-0.013	 Cadaverine Lysine
-3.022	0.012	 Cadaverine 5aminovalericacid gaba
-3.022	-0.012	 Cadaverine 5aminovalericacid gaba
-3.024	0	 Cadaverine 5aminovalericacid gaba Lysine
-2.446	0.013	 carnitine 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid Desaminotyrosine
-2.446	-0.013	 carnitine 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid Desaminotyrosine
-2.445	0.027	 carnitine glutamine
-2.445	0	 carnitine 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid Desaminotyrosine
-3.234	0	 carnitine gpc
-3.422	0.015	 carnitine glucose
-3.422	-0.015	 carnitine glucose
-3.434	0	 carnitine maltose rahmnose taurine
-3.422	-0.009	 carnitine Proline taurine
-3.529	0.008	 CholineChloride ribose
-3.529	-0.008	 CholineChloride ribose
-4.069	0	 CholineChloride cholic_acid myo_inositol raffinose stachyose sucrose tryptophan
-4.069	0.009	 CholineChloride tryptophan
-3.937	0	 creatine mannose ribose
-2.454	-0.013	 Desaminotyrosine 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid carnitine glutamine
-2.454	0.013	 Desaminotyrosine 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid carnitine
-2.822	-0.013	 Desaminotyrosine 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid Aspartic_acid
-2.822	0.012	 Desaminotyrosine 4_hydroxyphenylpropionic_acid Aspartic_acid
-3.741	0	 Dimethylglycine galactose
-3.5	-0.002	 galactose cholic_acid glucose
-3.498	0.015	 galactose glucose
-3.658	-0.011	 galactose arabinose glycerol
-3.658	-0.005	 galactose Ethanol glycerol ribose stachyose
-3.658	0.005	 galactose Ethanol glycerol ribose stachyose
-3.658	0.011	 galactose arabinose
-3.723	-0.016	 galactose glucose
-3.723	0.016	 galactose glucose
-3.723	-0.004	 galactose glucose
-3.723	0.004	 galactose glucose
-3.736	0	 galactose Dimethylglycine
-3.76	-0.002	 galactose Lysine phenylacetylglycine
-3.762	0.008	 galactose glucose Lysine maltose raffinose ribose
-3.763	-0.009	 galactose glutamic acid Lysine raffinose ribose
-3.812	-0.012	 galactose maltose rahmnose ribose
-3.812	0.005	 galactose maltose rahmnose sucrose
-3.812	-0.006	 galactose maltose rahmnose ribose sucrose
-3.812	0.012	 galactose maltose rahmnose ribose
-3.863	-0.012	 galactose maltose mannose Methionine rahmnose stachyose
-3.863	-0.006	 galactose Ethanolamine maltose mannose Serine stachyose
-3.863	0.006	 galactose maltose mannose ribose Serine stachyose
-3.863	0.012	 galactose maltose mannose Methionine rahmnose stachyose
-3.255	0	 glucose arginine
-3.422	0.016	 glucose carnitine
-3.422	-0.016	 glucose carnitine
-3.422	0	 glucose Proline taurine
-3.475	0	 glucose sucrose
-3.475	0.015	 glucose sucrose
-3.502	-0.015	 glucose galactose
-3.502	0	 glucose cholic_acid galactose
-3.502	0.015	 glucose galactose
-3.545	0.011	 glucose myo_inositol
-3.545	-0.005	 glucose myo_inositol ribose
-3.545	0.005	 glucose myo_inositol ribose
-3.545	-0.012	 glucose myo_inositol
-3.731	-0.015	 glucose galactose stachyose
-3.721	-0.016	 glucose galactose
-3.732	0.015	 glucose galactose mannose stachyose
-3.721	0.016	 glucose galactose
-3.732	-0.006	 glucose galactose mannose stachyose
-3.732	0.005	 glucose galactose mannose stachyose
-3.843	0.009	 glucose inosine raffinose sucrose
-3.839	0.011	 glucose raffinose ribose
-3.844	-0.01	 glucose Ethanolamine raffinose sucrose
-3.839	-0.011	 glucose raffinose ribose
-3.901	-0.012	 glucose arabinose Aspartic_acid mannose raffinose ribose stachyose
-3.901	-0.009	 glucose arabinose Aspartic_acid mannose raffinose ribose stachyose sucrose
-3.901	0.008	 glucose arabinose Aspartic_acid mannose raffinose ribose sucrose
-3.902	0.012	 glucose arabinose Aspartic_acid mannose raffinose ribose stachyose
-5.243	-0.003	 glucose arabinose maltose
-5.243	0.003	 glucose arabinose maltose
-3.656	-0.013	 glycerol arabinose galactose maltose ribose
-3.656	-0.006	 glycerol arabinose Ethanol galactose ribose stachyose
-3.656	0.006	 glycerol Ethanol galactose ribose stachyose
-3.791	-0.011	 glycerol arginine glutamine ornithine
-3.791	0	 glycerol arginine glutamine maltose ornithine
-3.791	0.01	 glycerol arginine glutamic acid glutamine ornithine
-3.791	-0.007	 glycerol alanine
-3.791	0.007	 glycerol alanine
-3.969	0	 hippuric_acid maltose raffinose
-4.015	-0.011	 Histidine asparagine
-4.015	0.01	 Histidine asparagine
-4.015	-0.002	 Histidine asparagine raffinose ribose
-4.015	0.002	 Histidine arabinose asparagine raffinose
-7.21	0.013	 indoxylsulfate tryptophan
-7.21	-0.013	 indoxylsulfate tryptophan
-7.21	0	 indoxylsulfate indole_3_propionic_acid tryptophan
-7.283	-0.013	 indoxylsulfate tryptophan
-7.283	0.013	 indoxylsulfate tryptophan
-7.283	0	 indoxylsulfate tryptophan
-3.687	-0.004	 Isoleucine raffinose ribose
-3.683	0.003	 Isoleucine raffinose sucrose
-1.333	0.006	 Lactic acid threonine
-1.333	-0.006	 Lactic acid threonine
-4.117	-0.006	 Lactic acid ribose
-4.117	0.006	 Lactic acid ribose
-3.741	-0.005	 mannose galactose glucose raffinose stachyose
-3.741	-0.015	 mannose galactose raffinose stachyose
-3.741	0.005	 mannose galactose glucose raffinose stachyose
-3.823	0.004	 mannose arabinose maltose ribose stachyose
-3.823	-0.004	 mannose arabinose maltose ribose stachyose
-3.856	-0.011	 mannose galactose maltose raffinose ribose stachyose
-3.856	-0.005	 mannose galactose hydroxyisovaleric inosine ribose stachyose
-3.856	0.005	 mannose galactose hydroxyisovaleric inosine ribose stachyose
-3.856	0.011	 mannose galactose maltose raffinose ribose stachyose sucrose
-3.91	-0.012	 mannose arabinose Aspartic_acid glucose maltose raffinose stachyose
-3.91	0.009	 mannose arabinose Aspartic_acid glucose maltose raffinose stachyose
-3.91	0.012	 mannose arabinose Aspartic_acid glucose maltose raffinose stachyose
-3.943	0	 mannose arabinose creatine ribose
-3.956	0	 mannose arabinose raffinose
-3.544	0.011	 myo_inositol glucose
-3.544	-0.006	 myo_inositol glucose ribose
-3.544	0.006	 myo_inositol glucose ribose
-3.544	-0.011	 myo_inositol glucose
-4.073	0	 myo_inositol cholic_acid CholineChloride raffinose stachyose
-2.012	-0.021	 Proline hydroxyisovaleric
-2.011	-0.01	 Proline hydroxyisovaleric
-2.012	0.01	 Proline hydroxyisovaleric
-2.012	0.021	 Proline hydroxyisovaleric
-3.423	0.001	 Proline glucose taurine
-3.423	-0.009	 Proline carnitine taurine
-3.423	0.01	 Proline carnitine taurine
-4.141	0.013	 Proline stachyose
-4.141	-0.013	 Proline ribose stachyose
-4.14	-0.002	 Proline ribose
-4.142	0.002	 Proline ribose stachyose
-3.275	0	 taurine betaine
-3.43	0	 taurine carnitine glucose maltose Proline
-1.34	0.005	 threonine Lactic acid
-1.339	-0.006	 threonine Lactic acid
-3.603	0.004	 threonine maltose rahmnose
-3.604	-0.005	 threonine rahmnose
-4.063	-0.002	 tryptophan cholic_acid CholineChloride raffinose stachyose sucrose
-7.204	0.012	 tryptophan indoxylsulfate
-7.204	-0.012	 tryptophan indoxylsulfate
-7.204	0	 tryptophan indoxylsulfate
-7.288	-0.012	 tryptophan indoxylsulfate
-7.288	0.013	 tryptophan indoxylsulfate
-7.288	0	 tryptophan indoxylsulfate
-7.548	-0.006	 tryptophan Uracil
-7.549	0.007	 tryptophan Uracil
-7.552	-0.006	 Uracil tryptophan
-7.552	0.007	 Uracil tryptophan
-0.998	-0.006	 valine cholic_acid
-0.996	0.006	 valine cholic_acid
-1.047	-0.006	 valine 2_methylbutyric_acid
-1.047	0.006	 valine 2_methylbutyric_acid
-3.62	-0.004	 valine gpc rahmnose
-3.62	0.004	 valine gpc rahmnose
--- a/viridis.R	Tue Feb 04 10:59:26 2020 -0500
+++ b/viridis.R	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-viridis <- function (n, alpha = 1, begin = 0, end = 1, direction = 1, option = "D") 
+viridis <- function(n, alpha = 1, begin = 0, end = 1, direction = 1, option = "D") {
   if (begin < 0 | begin > 1 | end < 0 | end > 1) {
     stop("begin and end must be in [0,1]")
@@ -11,18 +10,17 @@
     begin <- end
     end <- tmp
-  option <- switch(EXPR = option, A = "A", magma = "A", 
-                   B = "B", inferno = "B", C = "C", plasma = "C", 
-                   D = "D", viridis = "D", E = "E", cividis = "E", 
-                   {
+  option <- switch(EXPR = option, A = "A", magma = "A",
+                   B = "B", inferno = "B", C = "C", plasma = "C",
+                   D = "D", viridis = "D", E = "E", cividis = "E", {
                      warning(paste0("Option '", option, "' does not exist. Defaulting to 'viridis'."))
-  map <-[$opt == 
+  map <-[$opt ==
                                     option, ]
   map_cols <- grDevices::rgb(map$R, map$G, map$B)
-  fn_cols <- grDevices::colorRamp(map_cols, space = "Lab", 
+  fn_cols <- grDevices::colorRamp(map_cols, space = "Lab",
                                   interpolate = "spline")
-  cols <- fn_cols(seq(begin, end, length.out = n))/255
+  cols <- fn_cols(seq(begin, end, length.out = n)) / 255
   grDevices::rgb(cols[, 1], cols[, 2], cols[, 3], alpha = alpha)
\ No newline at end of file