changeset 4:cf11fa0c47c8 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit b5f7f56b5ffc3c900236c077f72b321df20647be
author workflow4metabolomics
date Thu, 23 Jan 2025 15:28:44 +0000 (8 weeks ago)
parents 546c7ccd2ed4
files annotationRmn2D.R annotationRmn2DGlobale.R annotationRmn2DWrapper.R annotationRmn2D_xml.xml viridis.R
diffstat 5 files changed, 799 insertions(+), 707 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/annotationRmn2D.R	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
+++ b/annotationRmn2D.R	Thu Jan 23 15:28:44 2025 +0000
@@ -1,223 +1,229 @@
-# matriceComplexe : data.frame liste couples ppm de la matrice a annoter #
-# BdDStandards : objet contenant la base de donnees des composes standards #
-# nom_sequence : nom sequence 2D a utiliser pour annotation ("JRES", "COSY", "TOCSY", "HMBC", "HSQC") #
-# ppm1Tol : tolerance ppm axe abscisses                                                               #
-# ppm2Tol : tolerance ppm axe ordonnees                                                               #
-# nb_ligne_template : preciser le nombre total de ligne de la feuille de calcul a annoter             #
-annotationRmn2D <- function(matriceComplexe, BdDStandards, nom_sequence, ppm1Tol = 0.01, ppm2Tol = 0.01,
-                            seuil = 0, unicite = "NO") {
-  ## Longueur de la peak-list de la matrice a annoter
-  PeakListLength <- length(matriceComplexe[, 1])
-  ## Nombre de metabolites inclus dans BdD de composes standards
-  nbMetabolitesBdD <- length(BdDStandards)
-  matrixAnnotation <- data.frame()
-  allMetabolitesList <- data.frame()
-  seuil_score <- seuil
-  ## Boucle sur les metabolites inclus dans BdD
-  for (i in seq_len(nbMetabolitesBdD)) {
-    ## Infos metabolite en cours
-    iMetabolite <- BdDStandards[[i]]
-    ppm1M <- iMetabolite[, 1]
-    ppm2M <- iMetabolite[, 2]
-    nbPeakMetabolite <- length(ppm1M)
-    MetaboliteName <- names(BdDStandards[i])
-    ## Initialisation
-    k <- 0
-    presenceScore <- 0
-    annotatedPpmRef <- data.frame()
-    annotatedPpmList <- data.frame()
-    annotatedPeakLength <- 0
-    metabolites <- data.frame()
-    metabolitesList <- data.frame()
-    ## Boucle sur les couples de pics de la matrice a annoter
-    for (p in seq_len(PeakListLength)) {
-      ppmAnnotationF1 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[p, 3])
-      ppmAnnotationF2 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[p, 2])
-      e <- simpleMessage("end of file")
-      tryCatch({
-        if (! {
-          matrixAnnotation <-, matriceComplexe[p, ]))
-        }
-        # Recherche du couple de pics de la matrice la liste des couples du metabolite standard
-        metaboliteIn <- (ppm1M >= (ppmAnnotationF2 - ppm1Tol) & ppm1M <= (ppmAnnotationF2 + ppm1Tol) &
-                     ppm2M >= (ppmAnnotationF1 - ppm2Tol) & ppm2M <= (ppmAnnotationF1 + ppm2Tol))
-        WhichMetaboliteIn <- which(metaboliteIn)
-        # Si au moins un couple de la matrice a annoter dans liste couples metabolite standard
-        if (length(WhichMetaboliteIn) > 0) {
-          for (a in seq_len(length(WhichMetaboliteIn))) {
-            annotatedPpmList <- data.frame(ppm1 = ppm1M[WhichMetaboliteIn[a]], ppm2 = ppm2M[WhichMetaboliteIn[a]], theoricalLength = nbPeakMetabolite)
-            annotatedPpmRef <- rbind(annotatedPpmRef, annotatedPpmList)
-          }
-        }
-      }, error = function(e) {
-        cat("End of file \n");
-      })
-    }
-    # Au - 1 couple de ppm de la matrice complexe annote
-    if (nrow(annotatedPpmRef) >= 1) {
-      ## Nombre couples annotes
-      annotatedPeakLength <- nrow(annotatedPpmRef)
-      ## Recherche doublons
-      annotatedDoublons <- duplicated(annotatedPpmRef)
-      if (sum(duplicated(annotatedPpmRef)) > 0) {
-        annotatedPeakLength <- nrow(annotatedPpmRef) - sum(duplicated(annotatedPpmRef))
-        annotatedPpmRef <- annotatedPpmRef[-duplicated(annotatedPpmRef), ]
-      }
-      presenceScore <- round(annotatedPeakLength / nbPeakMetabolite, 2)
-    }
-    ## Conservation metabolites dont score > seuil
-    if (presenceScore > seuil_score) {
-      metabolites <- data.frame(Metabolite = MetaboliteName, score = presenceScore)
-      metabolitesList <-, metabolites)
-      allMetabolitesList <-, metabolitesList)
-    }
-  }
-  # Initialisation
-  commonPpm <- data.frame()
-  commonPpmList <- data.frame()
-  metaboliteAdd <- data.frame()
-  metaboliteAddList <- data.frame()
-  commonMetabolitesList <- data.frame()
-  commonMetabolitesPpmList <- data.frame()
-  commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1 <- data.frame()
-  commonMetabolitesPpmAllList <- data.frame()
-  listeTotale_2D_unicite <- allMetabolitesList[, 1:4]
-  allMetabolitesList <- allMetabolitesList[, -3]
-  metabolitesAllUnicite <- data.frame()
-  ## Boucle sur tous couples annotes
-  for (j in seq_len(length(allMetabolitesList$ppm1))) {
-    ## Boucle sur metabolites dans BdD composes standards
-    for (i in seq_len(nbMetabolitesBdD)) {
-      ppmMetaboliteBdD <- BdDStandards[[i]]
-      ppm1M <- ppmMetaboliteBdD[, 1]
-      ppm2M <- ppmMetaboliteBdD[, 2]
-      # Nombre de couples metabolite
-      nbPeakMetabolite <- length(ppm1M)
-      MetaboliteName <- names(BdDStandards[i])
-      metabolitesInAll <- (ppm1M >= (allMetabolitesList[j, 1] - ppm1Tol) & ppm1M <= (allMetabolitesList[j, 1] + ppm1Tol) &
-                            ppm2M >= (allMetabolitesList[j, 2] - ppm2Tol) & ppm2M <= (allMetabolitesList[j, 2] + ppm2Tol))
-      WhichMetabolitesInAll <- which(metabolitesInAll)
-      if (MetaboliteName != allMetabolitesList[j, 3] & length(WhichMetabolitesInAll) > 0) {
-        metabolitesAllUnicite <-, listeTotale_2D_unicite[j, ])
-        commonPpm <- data.frame(ppm1 = allMetabolitesList[j, 1], ppm2 = allMetabolitesList[j, 2])
-        commonPpmList <-, commonPpm)
-        commonPpmList <- unique(commonPpmList)
-        metaboliteAdd <- data.frame(nom_metabolite = MetaboliteName)
-        metaboliteAddList <-, metaboliteAdd)
-        commonMetabolitesList <- = allMetabolitesList[j, 3]), metaboliteAddList)
-        commonMetabolitesPpmList <-, commonMetabolitesList)
-        commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1 <-, commonMetabolitesPpmList)
-        commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1 <-
-      }
-    }
-    commonMetabolitesPpmAllList <-, commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1)
-    commonMetabolitesPpmAllList <-
-    #initialisation des data.frame
-    commonPpm <- data.frame()
-    metaboliteAdd <- data.frame()
-    metaboliteAddList <- data.frame()
-    metabolite_ref <- data.frame()
-    commonMetabolitesList <- data.frame()
-    commonMetabolitesPpmList <- data.frame()
-    commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1 <- data.frame()
-  }
-  unicityAllList <- listeTotale_2D_unicite
-  if (nrow(listeTotale_2D_unicite) != 0 & nrow(metabolitesAllUnicite) != 0)
-    unicityAllList <- setdiff(listeTotale_2D_unicite, metabolitesAllUnicite)
-  unicitynbCouplesRectif <- data.frame()
-  for (g in seq_len(nrow(unicityAllList))) {
-    metaboliteUnicity <- (unicityAllList$Metabolite == unicityAllList$Metabolite[g])
-    WhichMetaboliteUnicity <- which(metaboliteUnicity)
-    nb_occurence <- length(WhichMetaboliteUnicity)
-    unicitynbCouplesRectif <-, nb_occurence)
-  }
-  names(unicitynbCouplesRectif) <- "NbCouplesAnnotes"
-  unicityAllList <-, unicitynbCouplesRectif)
-  unicityAllList <-, score_unicite = unicityAllList$NbCouplesAnnotes / unicityAllList$theoricalLength)
-  unicityAllList <- unicityAllList[, -3]
-  unicityAllList <- unicityAllList[, -4]
-  unicityAllList <- unicityAllList[unicityAllList$score_unicite > seuil_score, ]
-  listeTotale_metabo <- data.frame()
-  if (nrow(commonPpmList) != 0) {
-    for (o in seq_len(length(commonPpmList[, 1]))) {
-      tf6 <- (commonMetabolitesPpmAllList$ppm1 == commonPpmList[o, 1] & commonMetabolitesPpmAllList$ppm2 == commonPpmList[o, 2])
-      w6 <- which(tf6)
-      for (s in seq_len(length(w6))) {
-        metaboliteAdd <- data.frame(nom_metabolite = commonMetabolitesPpmAllList[w6[s], 3])
-        commonMetabolitesList <- paste(commonMetabolitesList, metaboliteAdd[1, ], sep = " ")
-      }
-      liste_metabo_ppm <- = commonPpmList[o, 1], ppm2 = commonPpmList[o, 2], commonMetabolitesList)
-      listeTotale_metabo <-, liste_metabo_ppm)
-      commonMetabolitesList <- data.frame()
-    }
-  }
-  # Representation graphique
-  if (nom_sequence == "HSQC" | nom_sequence == "HMBC") {
-    atome <- "13C"
-    indice_positif <- 1
-    indice_negatif <- -10
-  } else {
-    atome <- "1H"
-    indice_positif <- 0.5
-    indice_negatif <- -0.5
-  }
-  matriceComplexe <- matrixAnnotation
-  ppm1 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 2])
-  ppm2 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 3])
-  if (unicite == "NO") {
-    listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser <- allMetabolitesList
-    d1.ppm <- allMetabolitesList$ppm1
-    d2.ppm <- allMetabolitesList$ppm2
-  } else {
-    listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser <- unicityAllList
-    d1.ppm <- listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser$ppm1
-    d2.ppm <- listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser$ppm2
-  }
-  if (nrow(listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser) > 0) {
-    ## Taches de correlations
-    # Matrice biologique + Annotations
-    maxX <- max(round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 2]))) + 0.5, round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 2]))))
-    maxY <- max(round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 3]))) + indice_positif, round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 3]))))
-    probability.score <- as.factor(round(listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser[, 4], 2))
-    lgr <- length(unique(probability.score))
-    sp <- ggplot(matriceComplexe, aes(x = ppm1, y = ppm2))
-    sp <- sp + geom_point(size = 2) + scale_x_reverse(breaks = seq(maxX, 0, -0.5)) +
-      scale_y_reverse(breaks = seq(maxY, 0, indice_negatif)) +
-      xlab("1H chemical shift (ppm)") + ylab(paste(atome, " chemical shift (ppm)")) + ggtitle(nom_sequence) +
-      geom_text(data = listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser, aes(d1.ppm, d2.ppm, label = str_to_lower(substr(listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser[, 3], 1, 3)), col = probability.score),
-                size = 4, hjust = 0, nudge_x = 0.02, vjust = 0, nudge_y = 0.2) + scale_colour_manual(values = viridis(lgr))
-    print(sp)
-  }
-   # Liste des resultats (couples pmm / metabolite / score) + liste ppms metabolites communs
-  if (unicite == "NO") {
-    return(list(liste_resultat = allMetabolitesList, listing_ppm_commun = listeTotale_metabo))
-  } else {
-    return(list(liste_resultat_unicite = unicityAllList, listing_ppm_commun_affichage = listeTotale_metabo))
-  }
+# matriceComplexe : data.frame liste couples ppm de la matrice a annoter #
+# BdDStandards : objet contenant la base de donnees des composes standards #
+# nom_sequence : nom sequence 2D a utiliser pour annotation ("JRES", "COSY", "TOCSY", "HMBC", "HSQC") #
+# ppm1Tol : tolerance ppm axe abscisses                                                               #
+# ppm2Tol : tolerance ppm axe ordonnees                                                               #
+# nb_ligne_template : preciser le nombre total de ligne de la feuille de calcul a annoter             #
+annotationRmn2D <- function(matriceComplexe, BdDStandards, nom_sequence, ppm1Tol = 0.01, ppm2Tol = 0.01,
+                            seuil = 0, unicite = "NO") {
+    ## Longueur de la peak-list de la matrice a annoter
+    PeakListLength <- length(matriceComplexe[, 1])
+    ## Nombre de metabolites inclus dans BdD de composes standards
+    nbMetabolitesBdD <- length(BdDStandards)
+    matrixAnnotation <- data.frame()
+    allMetabolitesList <- data.frame()
+    seuil_score <- seuil
+    ## Boucle sur les metabolites inclus dans BdD
+    for (i in seq_len(nbMetabolitesBdD)) {
+        ## Infos metabolite en cours
+        iMetabolite <- BdDStandards[[i]]
+        ppm1M <- iMetabolite[, 1]
+        ppm2M <- iMetabolite[, 2]
+        nbPeakMetabolite <- length(ppm1M)
+        MetaboliteName <- names(BdDStandards[i])
+        ## Initialisation
+        k <- 0
+        presenceScore <- 0
+        annotatedPpmRef <- data.frame()
+        annotatedPpmList <- data.frame()
+        annotatedPeakLength <- 0
+        metabolites <- data.frame()
+        metabolitesList <- data.frame()
+        ## Boucle sur les couples de pics de la matrice a annoter
+        for (p in seq_len(PeakListLength)) {
+            ppmAnnotationF1 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[p, 3])
+            ppmAnnotationF2 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[p, 2])
+            e <- simpleMessage("end of file")
+            tryCatch(
+                {
+                    if (! {
+                        matrixAnnotation <-, matriceComplexe[p, ]))
+                    }
+                    # Recherche du couple de pics de la matrice la liste des couples du metabolite standard
+                    metaboliteIn <- (ppm1M >= (ppmAnnotationF2 - ppm1Tol) & ppm1M <= (ppmAnnotationF2 + ppm1Tol) &
+                        ppm2M >= (ppmAnnotationF1 - ppm2Tol) & ppm2M <= (ppmAnnotationF1 + ppm2Tol))
+                    WhichMetaboliteIn <- which(metaboliteIn)
+                    # Si au moins un couple de la matrice a annoter dans liste couples metabolite standard
+                    if (length(WhichMetaboliteIn) > 0) {
+                        for (a in seq_len(length(WhichMetaboliteIn))) {
+                            annotatedPpmList <- data.frame(ppm1 = ppm1M[WhichMetaboliteIn[a]], ppm2 = ppm2M[WhichMetaboliteIn[a]], theoricalLength = nbPeakMetabolite)
+                            annotatedPpmRef <- rbind(annotatedPpmRef, annotatedPpmList)
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                error = function(e) {
+                    cat("End of file \n")
+                }
+            )
+        }
+        # Au - 1 couple de ppm de la matrice complexe annote
+        if (nrow(annotatedPpmRef) >= 1) {
+            ## Nombre couples annotes
+            annotatedPeakLength <- nrow(annotatedPpmRef)
+            ## Recherche doublons
+            annotatedDoublons <- duplicated(annotatedPpmRef)
+            if (sum(duplicated(annotatedPpmRef)) > 0) {
+                annotatedPeakLength <- nrow(annotatedPpmRef) - sum(duplicated(annotatedPpmRef))
+                annotatedPpmRef <- annotatedPpmRef[-duplicated(annotatedPpmRef), ]
+            }
+            presenceScore <- round(annotatedPeakLength / nbPeakMetabolite, 2)
+        }
+        ## Conservation metabolites dont score > seuil
+        if (presenceScore > seuil_score) {
+            metabolites <- data.frame(Metabolite = MetaboliteName, score = presenceScore)
+            metabolitesList <-, metabolites)
+            allMetabolitesList <-, metabolitesList)
+        }
+    }
+    # Initialisation
+    commonPpm <- data.frame()
+    commonPpmList <- data.frame()
+    metaboliteAdd <- data.frame()
+    metaboliteAddList <- data.frame()
+    commonMetabolitesList <- data.frame()
+    commonMetabolitesPpmList <- data.frame()
+    commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1 <- data.frame()
+    commonMetabolitesPpmAllList <- data.frame()
+    listeTotale_2D_unicite <- allMetabolitesList[, 1:4]
+    allMetabolitesList <- allMetabolitesList[, -3]
+    metabolitesAllUnicite <- data.frame()
+    ## Boucle sur tous couples annotes
+    for (j in seq_len(length(allMetabolitesList$ppm1))) {
+        ## Boucle sur metabolites dans BdD composes standards
+        for (i in seq_len(nbMetabolitesBdD)) {
+            ppmMetaboliteBdD <- BdDStandards[[i]]
+            ppm1M <- ppmMetaboliteBdD[, 1]
+            ppm2M <- ppmMetaboliteBdD[, 2]
+            # Nombre de couples metabolite
+            nbPeakMetabolite <- length(ppm1M)
+            MetaboliteName <- names(BdDStandards[i])
+            metabolitesInAll <- (ppm1M >= (allMetabolitesList[j, 1] - ppm1Tol) & ppm1M <= (allMetabolitesList[j, 1] + ppm1Tol) &
+                ppm2M >= (allMetabolitesList[j, 2] - ppm2Tol) & ppm2M <= (allMetabolitesList[j, 2] + ppm2Tol))
+            WhichMetabolitesInAll <- which(metabolitesInAll)
+            if (MetaboliteName != allMetabolitesList[j, 3] & length(WhichMetabolitesInAll) > 0) {
+                metabolitesAllUnicite <-, listeTotale_2D_unicite[j, ])
+                commonPpm <- data.frame(ppm1 = allMetabolitesList[j, 1], ppm2 = allMetabolitesList[j, 2])
+                commonPpmList <-, commonPpm)
+                commonPpmList <- unique(commonPpmList)
+                metaboliteAdd <- data.frame(nom_metabolite = MetaboliteName)
+                metaboliteAddList <-, metaboliteAdd)
+                commonMetabolitesList <- = allMetabolitesList[j, 3]), metaboliteAddList)
+                commonMetabolitesPpmList <-, commonMetabolitesList)
+                commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1 <-, commonMetabolitesPpmList)
+                commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1 <-
+            }
+        }
+        commonMetabolitesPpmAllList <-, commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1)
+        commonMetabolitesPpmAllList <-
+        # initialisation des data.frame
+        commonPpm <- data.frame()
+        metaboliteAdd <- data.frame()
+        metaboliteAddList <- data.frame()
+        metabolite_ref <- data.frame()
+        commonMetabolitesList <- data.frame()
+        commonMetabolitesPpmList <- data.frame()
+        commonMetabolitesPpmAllList1 <- data.frame()
+    }
+    unicityAllList <- listeTotale_2D_unicite
+    if (nrow(listeTotale_2D_unicite) != 0 & nrow(metabolitesAllUnicite) != 0) {
+        unicityAllList <- setdiff(listeTotale_2D_unicite, metabolitesAllUnicite)
+    }
+    unicitynbCouplesRectif <- data.frame()
+    for (g in seq_len(nrow(unicityAllList))) {
+        metaboliteUnicity <- (unicityAllList$Metabolite == unicityAllList$Metabolite[g])
+        WhichMetaboliteUnicity <- which(metaboliteUnicity)
+        nb_occurence <- length(WhichMetaboliteUnicity)
+        unicitynbCouplesRectif <-, nb_occurence)
+    }
+    names(unicitynbCouplesRectif) <- "NbCouplesAnnotes"
+    unicityAllList <-, unicitynbCouplesRectif)
+    unicityAllList <-, score_unicite = unicityAllList$NbCouplesAnnotes / unicityAllList$theoricalLength)
+    unicityAllList <- unicityAllList[, -3]
+    unicityAllList <- unicityAllList[, -4]
+    unicityAllList <- unicityAllList[unicityAllList$score_unicite > seuil_score, ]
+    listeTotale_metabo <- data.frame()
+    if (nrow(commonPpmList) != 0) {
+        for (o in seq_len(length(commonPpmList[, 1]))) {
+            tf6 <- (commonMetabolitesPpmAllList$ppm1 == commonPpmList[o, 1] & commonMetabolitesPpmAllList$ppm2 == commonPpmList[o, 2])
+            w6 <- which(tf6)
+            for (s in seq_len(length(w6))) {
+                metaboliteAdd <- data.frame(nom_metabolite = commonMetabolitesPpmAllList[w6[s], 3])
+                commonMetabolitesList <- paste(commonMetabolitesList, metaboliteAdd[1, ], sep = " ")
+            }
+            liste_metabo_ppm <- = commonPpmList[o, 1], ppm2 = commonPpmList[o, 2], commonMetabolitesList)
+            listeTotale_metabo <-, liste_metabo_ppm)
+            commonMetabolitesList <- data.frame()
+        }
+    }
+    # Representation graphique
+    if (nom_sequence == "HSQC" | nom_sequence == "HMBC") {
+        atome <- "13C"
+        indice_positif <- 1
+        indice_negatif <- -10
+    } else {
+        atome <- "1H"
+        indice_positif <- 0.5
+        indice_negatif <- -0.5
+    }
+    matriceComplexe <- matrixAnnotation
+    ppm1 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 2])
+    ppm2 <- as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 3])
+    if (unicite == "NO") {
+        listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser <- allMetabolitesList
+        d1.ppm <- allMetabolitesList$ppm1
+        d2.ppm <- allMetabolitesList$ppm2
+    } else {
+        listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser <- unicityAllList
+        d1.ppm <- listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser$ppm1
+        d2.ppm <- listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser$ppm2
+    }
+    if (nrow(listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser) > 0) {
+        ## Taches de correlations
+        # Matrice biologique + Annotations
+        maxX <- max(round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 2]))) + 0.5, round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 2]))))
+        maxY <- max(round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 3]))) + indice_positif, round(max(as.numeric(matriceComplexe[, 3]))))
+        probability.score <- as.factor(round(listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser[, 4], 2))
+        lgr <- length(unique(probability.score))
+        sp <- ggplot(matriceComplexe, aes(x = ppm1, y = ppm2))
+        sp <- sp + geom_point(size = 2) + scale_x_reverse(breaks = seq(maxX, 0, -0.5)) +
+            scale_y_reverse(breaks = seq(maxY, 0, indice_negatif)) +
+            xlab("1H chemical shift (ppm)") + ylab(paste(atome, " chemical shift (ppm)")) + ggtitle(nom_sequence) +
+            geom_text(
+                data = listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser, aes(d1.ppm, d2.ppm, label = str_to_lower(substr(listeTotale_2D_a_utiliser[, 3], 1, 3)), col = probability.score),
+                size = 4, hjust = 0, nudge_x = 0.02, vjust = 0, nudge_y = 0.2
+            ) + scale_colour_manual(values = viridis(lgr))
+        print(sp)
+    }
+    # Liste des resultats (couples pmm / metabolite / score) + liste ppms metabolites communs
+    if (unicite == "NO") {
+        return(list(liste_resultat = allMetabolitesList, listing_ppm_commun = listeTotale_metabo))
+    } else {
+        return(list(liste_resultat_unicite = unicityAllList, listing_ppm_commun_affichage = listeTotale_metabo))
+    }
--- a/annotationRmn2DGlobale.R	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
+++ b/annotationRmn2DGlobale.R	Thu Jan 23 15:28:44 2025 +0000
@@ -1,147 +1,158 @@
-# template : dataframe contenant la liste des couples de deplacements chimiques de la matrice complexe a annoter									                          #
-# cosy : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                       #
-# hmbc : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                       #
-# hsqc : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0  sinon                                                      #
-# jres : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                       #
-# tocsy : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                      #
-# tolPpm1 : tolerance autorisee autour de la valeur1 du couple de deplacements chimiques          #
-# tolPpm2HJRes : tolerance autorisee autour de la valeur2 du couple de deplacements chimiques si H dans dimension 2                       								          #
-# tolPpm2C : tolerance autorisee autour de la valeur2 du couple de deplacements chimiques si C dans dimension 2                           									  #
-# seuil : valeur du score de presence en dela de laquelle les metabolites annotes ne sont pas retenus #
-# unicite : boolean pour ne retenir que les ...                                                   #
-mean.rmNa <- function(x) {
-  mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
-annotationRmn2DGlobale <- function(template, tolPpm1 = 0.01, tolPpm2HJRes = 0.002, tolPpm2C = 0.5, cosy = 1, hmbc = 1, hsqc = 1, jres = 1, tocsy = 1, seuil, unicite = "NO") {
-  ## Initialisation
-  options(max.print = 999999999)
-  annotationCOSY <- data.frame()
-  annotationHMBC <- data.frame()
-  annotationHSQC <- data.frame()
-  annotationJRES <- data.frame()
-  annotationTOCSY <- data.frame()
-  dataCOSY <- "NA"
-  dataHMBC <- "NA"
-  dataHSQC <- "NA"
-  dataJRES <- "NA"
-  dataTOCSY <- "NA"
-  ## Application seuil seulement si annotation avec 1 seule sequence
-  seuilPls2D <- seuil
-  if (cosy == 1) {
-    matrice.cosy <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "COSY", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
-    matrice.cosy <- matrice.cosy[matrice.cosy$peak.index != "x", ]
-    annotationCOSY <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.cosy, BdDReference_COSY, "COSY", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm1, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
-    dataCOSY <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationCOSY$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.COSY = annotationCOSY$liste_resultat$score)
-    dataCOSY <-
-  }
-  if (hmbc == 1) {
-    matrice.hmbc <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "HMBC", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
-    matrice.hmbc <- matrice.hmbc[matrice.hmbc$peak.index != "x", ]
-    annotationHMBC <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.hmbc, BdDReference_HMBC, "HMBC", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm2C, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
-    dataHMBC <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationHMBC$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.HMBC = annotationHMBC$liste_resultat$score)
-    dataHMBC <-
-  }
-  if (hsqc == 1) {
-    matrice.hsqc <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "HSQC", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
-    matrice.hsqc <- matrice.hsqc[matrice.hsqc$peak.index != "x", ]
-    annotationHSQC <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.hsqc, BdDReference_HSQC, "HSQC", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm2C, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
-    dataHSQC <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationHSQC$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.HSQC = annotationHSQC$liste_resultat$score)
-    dataHSQC <-
-  }
-  if (jres == 1) {
-    matrice.jres <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "JRES", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
-    matrice.jres <- matrice.jres[matrice.jres$peak.index != "x", ]
-    annotationJRES <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.jres, BdDReference_JRES, "JRES", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm2HJRes, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
-    dataJRES <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationJRES$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.JRES = annotationJRES$liste_resultat$score)
-    dataJRES <-
-  }
-  if (tocsy == 1) {
-    matrice.tocsy <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "TOCSY", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
-    matrice.tocsy <- matrice.tocsy[matrice.tocsy$peak.index != "x", ]
-    annotationTOCSY <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.tocsy, BdDReference_TOCSY, "TOCSY", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm1, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
-    dataTOCSY <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationTOCSY$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.TOCSY = annotationTOCSY$liste_resultat$score)
-    dataTOCSY <-
-  }
-  seqCombiMeanScoreSeuil <- data.frame()
-  seqCombiMeanScoreSeuilFiltre <- data.frame()
-  data2D <- list(dataCOSY, dataHMBC, dataHSQC, dataJRES, dataTOCSY)
-  whichSequenceNaN <- which((data2D != "NA"))
-  data2D <- data2D[whichSequenceNaN]
-  sequencesCombination <- data.frame(data2D[1])
-  seqCombiMeanScore <- sequencesCombination
-    ## Si une seule sequence et seuil sur score = filtre applique dans la fonction annotationRmn2D
-  if (length(data2D) >= 2) {
-    for (l in 2:length(data2D))
-        sequencesCombination <-, data2D[l], by = "Metabolite", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
-  ## Replacement of NA values due to mis annotation
-  for (m in seq_len(nrow(sequencesCombination))) {
-    COSYcompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_COSY))
-    HMBCcompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_HMBC))
-    HSQCcompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_HSQC))
-    JREScompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_JRES))
-    TOCSYcompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_TOCSY))
-    if ([m, 2])) {
-      compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
-      for (c in seq_len(length(COSYcompound)))
-        if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(COSYcompound[c]))
-          sequencesCombination[m, 2] <- 0
-    }
-    if ([m, 3])) {
-      compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
-      for (c in seq_len(length(HMBCcompound)))
-        if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(HMBCcompound[c]))
-          sequencesCombination[m, 3] <- 0
-    }
-    if ([m, 4])) {
-      compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
-      for (c in seq_len(length(HSQCcompound)))
-        if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(HSQCcompound[c]))
-          sequencesCombination[m, 4] <- 0
-    }
-    if ([m, 5])) {
-      compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
-      for (c in seq_len(length(JREScompound)))
-        if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(JREScompound[c]))
-          sequencesCombination[m, 5] <- 0
-    }
-    if ([m, 6])) {
-      compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
-      for (c in seq_len(length(TOCSYcompound)))
-        if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(TOCSYcompound[c]))
-          sequencesCombination[m, 6] <- 0
-    }
-  }
-    ## SCORE MOYEN (sans prise en compte valeurs manquantes)
-    meanScore <- round(apply(sequencesCombination[, -1], 1, FUN = mean.rmNa), 2)
-    seqCombiMeanScore <-, averageScore = meanScore)
-    seqCombiMeanScoreSeuilFiltre <- seqCombiMeanScore[seqCombiMeanScore$averageScore > seuil, ]
-  }
-  return(list(COSY = annotationCOSY, HMBC = annotationHMBC, HSQC = annotationHSQC, JRES = annotationJRES, TOCSY = annotationTOCSY, combination = seqCombiMeanScoreSeuilFiltre))
+# template : dataframe contenant la liste des couples de deplacements chimiques de la matrice complexe a annoter									                          #
+# cosy : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                       #
+# hmbc : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                       #
+# hsqc : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0  sinon                                                      #
+# jres : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                       #
+# tocsy : 1 si sequence a utiliser / 0 sinon                                                      #
+# tolPpm1 : tolerance autorisee autour de la valeur1 du couple de deplacements chimiques          #
+# tolPpm2HJRes : tolerance autorisee autour de la valeur2 du couple de deplacements chimiques si H dans dimension 2                       								          #
+# tolPpm2C : tolerance autorisee autour de la valeur2 du couple de deplacements chimiques si C dans dimension 2                           									  #
+# seuil : valeur du score de presence en dela de laquelle les metabolites annotes ne sont pas retenus #
+# unicite : boolean pour ne retenir que les ...                                                   #
+mean.rmNa <- function(x) {
+    mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
+annotationRmn2DGlobale <- function(template, tolPpm1 = 0.01, tolPpm2HJRes = 0.002, tolPpm2C = 0.5, cosy = 1, hmbc = 1, hsqc = 1, jres = 1, tocsy = 1, seuil, unicite = "NO") {
+    ## Initialisation
+    options(max.print = 999999999)
+    annotationCOSY <- data.frame()
+    annotationHMBC <- data.frame()
+    annotationHSQC <- data.frame()
+    annotationJRES <- data.frame()
+    annotationTOCSY <- data.frame()
+    dataCOSY <- "NA"
+    dataHMBC <- "NA"
+    dataHSQC <- "NA"
+    dataJRES <- "NA"
+    dataTOCSY <- "NA"
+    ## Application seuil seulement si annotation avec 1 seule sequence
+    seuilPls2D <- seuil
+    if (cosy == 1) {
+        matrice.cosy <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "COSY", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
+        matrice.cosy <- matrice.cosy[matrice.cosy$peak.index != "x", ]
+        annotationCOSY <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.cosy, BdDReference_COSY, "COSY", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm1, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
+        dataCOSY <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationCOSY$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.COSY = annotationCOSY$liste_resultat$score)
+        dataCOSY <-
+    }
+    if (hmbc == 1) {
+        matrice.hmbc <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "HMBC", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
+        matrice.hmbc <- matrice.hmbc[matrice.hmbc$peak.index != "x", ]
+        annotationHMBC <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.hmbc, BdDReference_HMBC, "HMBC", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm2C, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
+        dataHMBC <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationHMBC$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.HMBC = annotationHMBC$liste_resultat$score)
+        dataHMBC <-
+    }
+    if (hsqc == 1) {
+        matrice.hsqc <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "HSQC", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
+        matrice.hsqc <- matrice.hsqc[matrice.hsqc$peak.index != "x", ]
+        annotationHSQC <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.hsqc, BdDReference_HSQC, "HSQC", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm2C, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
+        dataHSQC <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationHSQC$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.HSQC = annotationHSQC$liste_resultat$score)
+        dataHSQC <-
+    }
+    if (jres == 1) {
+        matrice.jres <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "JRES", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
+        matrice.jres <- matrice.jres[matrice.jres$peak.index != "x", ]
+        annotationJRES <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.jres, BdDReference_JRES, "JRES", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm2HJRes, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
+        dataJRES <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationJRES$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.JRES = annotationJRES$liste_resultat$score)
+        dataJRES <-
+    }
+    if (tocsy == 1) {
+        matrice.tocsy <- read.xlsx(template, sheet = "TOCSY", startRow = 2, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE, cols = 1:3, na.strings = "NA")
+        matrice.tocsy <- matrice.tocsy[matrice.tocsy$peak.index != "x", ]
+        annotationTOCSY <- annotationRmn2D(matrice.tocsy, BdDReference_TOCSY, "TOCSY", ppm1Tol = tolPpm1, ppm2Tol = tolPpm1, seuil = seuilPls2D, unicite = unicite)
+        dataTOCSY <- data.frame(Metabolite = str_to_lower(annotationTOCSY$liste_resultat$Metabolite), score.TOCSY = annotationTOCSY$liste_resultat$score)
+        dataTOCSY <-
+    }
+    seqCombiMeanScoreSeuil <- data.frame()
+    seqCombiMeanScoreSeuilFiltre <- data.frame()
+    data2D <- list(dataCOSY, dataHMBC, dataHSQC, dataJRES, dataTOCSY)
+    whichSequenceNaN <- which((data2D != "NA"))
+    data2D <- data2D[whichSequenceNaN]
+    sequencesCombination <- data.frame(data2D[1])
+    seqCombiMeanScore <- sequencesCombination
+    ## Si une seule sequence et seuil sur score = filtre applique dans la fonction annotationRmn2D
+    if (length(data2D) >= 2) {
+        for (l in 2:length(data2D)) {
+            sequencesCombination <-, data2D[l], by = "Metabolite", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
+        }
+        ## Replacement of NA values due to mis annotation
+        for (m in seq_len(nrow(sequencesCombination))) {
+            COSYcompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_COSY))
+            HMBCcompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_HMBC))
+            HSQCcompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_HSQC))
+            JREScompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_JRES))
+            TOCSYcompound <- sort(names(BdDReference_TOCSY))
+            if ([m, 2])) {
+                compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
+                for (c in seq_len(length(COSYcompound))) {
+                    if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(COSYcompound[c])) {
+                        sequencesCombination[m, 2] <- 0
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ([m, 3])) {
+                compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
+                for (c in seq_len(length(HMBCcompound))) {
+                    if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(HMBCcompound[c])) {
+                        sequencesCombination[m, 3] <- 0
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ([m, 4])) {
+                compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
+                for (c in seq_len(length(HSQCcompound))) {
+                    if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(HSQCcompound[c])) {
+                        sequencesCombination[m, 4] <- 0
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ([m, 5])) {
+                compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
+                for (c in seq_len(length(JREScompound))) {
+                    if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(JREScompound[c])) {
+                        sequencesCombination[m, 5] <- 0
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ([m, 6])) {
+                compound <- as.character(sequencesCombination[m, 1])
+                for (c in seq_len(length(TOCSYcompound))) {
+                    if (str_to_lower(compound) == str_to_lower(TOCSYcompound[c])) {
+                        sequencesCombination[m, 6] <- 0
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        ## SCORE MOYEN (sans prise en compte valeurs manquantes)
+        meanScore <- round(apply(sequencesCombination[, -1], 1, FUN = mean.rmNa), 2)
+        seqCombiMeanScore <-, averageScore = meanScore)
+        seqCombiMeanScoreSeuilFiltre <- seqCombiMeanScore[seqCombiMeanScore$averageScore > seuil, ]
+    }
+    return(list(COSY = annotationCOSY, HMBC = annotationHMBC, HSQC = annotationHSQC, JRES = annotationJRES, TOCSY = annotationTOCSY, combination = seqCombiMeanScoreSeuilFiltre))
--- a/annotationRmn2DWrapper.R	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
+++ b/annotationRmn2DWrapper.R	Thu Jan 23 15:28:44 2025 +0000
@@ -1,304 +1,354 @@
-#!/usr/local/public/bin/Rscript --vanilla --slave --no-site-file
-## 201919016 2DNmrAnnotation_1.0.0.R
-## Marie Tremblay-Franco
-## MetaboHUB: The French Infrastructure for Metabolomics and Fluxomics
-runExampleL <- FALSE
-if (runExampleL) {
-## Example of arguments
-## Options
-strAsFacL <- options()$stringsAsFactors
-options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
-options(digits = 8, scipen = 3)
-## Constants
-topEnvC <- environment()
-flagC <- "\n"
-## Input parameters reading
-## R libraries laoding
-if (!runExampleL)
-    argLs <- parseCommandArgs(evaluate = FALSE)
-logFile <- argLs[["logOut"]]
-cat("\tPACKAGE INFO\n")
-## Functions
-source_local <- function(fname) {
-    argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
-    base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
-    source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep = "/"))
-#Import the different functions
-## Input parameter values
-fileToAnnotate <- argLs[[1]]
-  # Constraints values
-ph <- argLs$pH
-field <- argLs$magneticField
-  # Chosen sequence(s)
-cosy <- 0
-hmbc <- 0
-hsqc <- 0
-jres <- 0
-tocsy <- 0
-if (argLs$cosy_2dsequences == "yes") {
-  cosy <- 1
-  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
-  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
-  if (ph != 0)
-    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
-  if (field != 0)
-    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
-  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
-    BdDReference_COSY <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
-    names(BdDReference_COSY) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
-    names(BdDReference_COSY) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_COSY))
-    names(BdDReference_COSY) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_COSY), "\u00e9", "e")
-    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_COSY))) {
-      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_COSY[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_COSY[[k]][, 1],
-                                         BdDReference_COSY[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_COSY[[k]])])
-      BdDReference_COSY[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
-    }
-  } else {
-    stop("No COSY spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
-  }
-  rm(peakforestSpectra)
-  rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
-if (argLs$hmbc_2dsequences == "yes") {
-  hmbc <- 1
-  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
-  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
-  if (ph != 0)
-    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
-  if (field != 0)
-    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
-  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
-    BdDReference_HMBC <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
-    names(BdDReference_HMBC) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
-    names(BdDReference_HMBC) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_HMBC))
-    names(BdDReference_HMBC) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_HMBC), "\u00e9", "e")
-    peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame()
-    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_HMBC))) {
-      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_HMBC[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_HMBC[[k]][, 1],
-                                         BdDReference_HMBC[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_HMBC[[k]])])
-      BdDReference_HMBC[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
-    }
-  } else {
-    stop("No HMBC spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
-  }
-  rm(peakforestSpectra)
-  rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
-if (argLs$hsqc_2dsequences == "yes") {
-  hsqc <- 1
-  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
-  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
-  if (ph != 0)
-    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
-  if (field != 0)
-    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
-  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
-    BdDReference_HSQC <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
-    names(BdDReference_HSQC) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
-    names(BdDReference_HSQC) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_HSQC))
-    names(BdDReference_HSQC) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_HSQC), "\u00e9", "e")
-    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_HSQC))) {
-      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_HSQC[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_HSQC[[k]][, 1],
-                                         BdDReference_HSQC[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_HSQC[[k]])])
-      BdDReference_HSQC[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
-    }
-  } else {
-    stop("No HSQC spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
-  }
-  rm(peakforestSpectra)
-  rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
-if (argLs$jres_2dsequences == "yes") {
-  jres <- 1
-  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
-  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
-  if (ph != 0)
-    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
-  if (field != 0)
-    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
-  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
-    BdDReference_JRES <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
-    names(BdDReference_JRES) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
-    names(BdDReference_JRES) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_JRES))
-    names(BdDReference_JRES) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_JRES), "\u00e9", "e")
-    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_JRES))) {
-      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_JRES[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_JRES[[k]][, 1],
-                                         BdDReference_JRES[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_JRES[[k]])])
-      BdDReference_JRES[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
-    }
-  } else {
-    stop("No JRES spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
-  }
-  rm(peakforestSpectra)
-  rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
-if (argLs$tocsy_2dsequences == "yes") {
-  tocsy <- 1
-  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
-  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
-  if (ph != 0)
-    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
-  if (field != 0)
-    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
-  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
-    BdDReference_TOCSY <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
-    names(BdDReference_TOCSY) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
-    names(BdDReference_TOCSY) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_TOCSY))
-    names(BdDReference_TOCSY) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_TOCSY), "\u00e9", "e")
-    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_TOCSY))) {
-      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]][, 1],
-                                         BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]])])
-      BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
-    }
-  } else {
-    stop("No TOCSY spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
-  }
-  rm(peakforestSpectra)
-  rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
-if (argLs$cosy_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$hmbc_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$hsqc_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$jres_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$tocsy_2dsequences == "no")
-  stop("No chosen sequence. You have to choose at least 1 sequence", call. = FALSE)
-  # User database
-  # Allowed chemical shifts
-tolPpm1 <- argLs$tolppm1
-tolPpm2HJRes <- argLs$tolppmJRES
-tolPpm2C <- argLs$tolppm2
-  # Threshold to remove metabolites (probability score < threshold)
-seuil <- argLs$threshold
-# Remove metabolites when multiple assignations?
-unicite <- str_to_upper(argLs$unicity)
-## Output paramater values
-AnnotationGraph <- argLs[["AnnotationGraph"]]
-st0 <- Sys.time()
-pdf(AnnotationGraph, onefile = TRUE)
-annotationMelange <- annotationRmn2DGlobale(fileToAnnotate, tolPpm1 = tolPpm1, tolPpm2HJRes = tolPpm2HJRes,
-                                             tolPpm2C = tolPpm2C, cosy = cosy, hmbc = hmbc, hsqc = hsqc,
-                                             jres = jres, tocsy = tocsy, seuil = seuil, unicite = unicite)
-if (cosy == 1) {
-  write.table(annotationMelange$COSY$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationCOSY"]], quote = FALSE,
-              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-  if (nrow(annotationMelange$COSY$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
-      write.table(annotationMelange$COSY$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunCOSY"]], quote = FALSE,
-                  row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-if (hmbc == 1) {
-  write.table(annotationMelange$HMBC$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationHMBC"]], quote = FALSE,
-              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-  if (nrow(annotationMelange$HMBC$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
-    write.table(annotationMelange$HMBC$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunHMBC"]], quote = FALSE,
-                row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-if (hsqc == 1) {
-  write.table(annotationMelange$HSQC$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationHSQC"]], quote = FALSE,
-              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-  if (nrow(annotationMelange$HSQC$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
-    write.table(annotationMelange$HSQC$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunHSQC"]], quote = FALSE,
-                row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-if (jres == 1) {
-  write.table(annotationMelange$JRES$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationJRES"]], quote = FALSE,
-              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-  if (nrow(annotationMelange$JRES$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
-    write.table(annotationMelange$JRES$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunJRES"]], quote = FALSE,
-                row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-if (tocsy == 1) {
-  write.table(annotationMelange$TOCSY$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationTOCSY"]], quote = FALSE,
-              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-  if (nrow(annotationMelange$TOCSY$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
-    write.table(annotationMelange$TOCSY$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunTOCSY"]], quote = FALSE,
-                row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-## Combinaison de sequences
-if (cosy + jres + hmbc + hsqc + tocsy > 1) {
-  write.table(annotationMelange$combination, file = argLs[["annotationCombination"]], quote = FALSE,
-              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
-st1 <- Sys.time()
-print(st1 - st0)
-## Ending
-cat("\nEnd of '2D NMR annotation' Galaxy module call: ", as.character(Sys.time()), sep = "")
-options(stringsAsFactors = strAsFacL)
-rm(list = ls())
+#!/usr/local/public/bin/Rscript --vanilla --slave --no-site-file
+## 201919016 2DNmrAnnotation_1.0.0.R
+## Marie Tremblay-Franco
+## MetaboHUB: The French Infrastructure for Metabolomics and Fluxomics
+runExampleL <- FALSE
+if (runExampleL) {
+    ## ------------------------------
+    ## Example of arguments
+    ## ------------------------------
+## ------------------------------
+## Options
+## ------------------------------
+strAsFacL <- options()$stringsAsFactors
+options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+options(digits = 8, scipen = 3)
+## ------------------------------
+## Constants
+## ------------------------------
+topEnvC <- environment()
+flagC <- "\n"
+## -------------------------
+## Input parameters reading
+## -------------------------
+## ------------------------------
+## R libraries laoding
+## ------------------------------
+if (!runExampleL) {
+    argLs <- parseCommandArgs(evaluate = FALSE)
+logFile <- argLs[["logOut"]]
+cat("\tPACKAGE INFO\n")
+## ------------------------------
+## Functions
+## ------------------------------
+source_local <- function(fname) {
+    argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
+    base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+    source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep = "/"))
+# Import the different functions
+## Input parameter values
+fileToAnnotate <- argLs[[1]]
+# Constraints values
+ph <- argLs$pH
+field <- argLs$magneticField
+# Chosen sequence(s)
+cosy <- 0
+hmbc <- 0
+hsqc <- 0
+jres <- 0
+tocsy <- 0
+if (argLs$cosy_2dsequences == "yes") {
+    cosy <- 1
+    peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
+    peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+    if (ph != 0) {
+        peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
+    }
+    if (field != 0) {
+        peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
+    }
+    if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
+        BdDReference_COSY <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
+        names(BdDReference_COSY) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
+        names(BdDReference_COSY) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_COSY))
+        names(BdDReference_COSY) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_COSY), "\u00e9", "e")
+        for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_COSY))) {
+            peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(
+                ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_COSY[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_COSY[[k]][, 1],
+                BdDReference_COSY[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_COSY[[k]])]
+            )
+            BdDReference_COSY[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
+        }
+    } else {
+        stop("No COSY spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
+    }
+    rm(peakforestSpectra)
+    rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
+if (argLs$hmbc_2dsequences == "yes") {
+    hmbc <- 1
+    peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
+    peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+    if (ph != 0) {
+        peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
+    }
+    if (field != 0) {
+        peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
+    }
+    if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
+        BdDReference_HMBC <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
+        names(BdDReference_HMBC) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
+        names(BdDReference_HMBC) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_HMBC))
+        names(BdDReference_HMBC) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_HMBC), "\u00e9", "e")
+        peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame()
+        for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_HMBC))) {
+            peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(
+                ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_HMBC[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_HMBC[[k]][, 1],
+                BdDReference_HMBC[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_HMBC[[k]])]
+            )
+            BdDReference_HMBC[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
+        }
+    } else {
+        stop("No HMBC spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
+    }
+    rm(peakforestSpectra)
+    rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
+if (argLs$hsqc_2dsequences == "yes") {
+    hsqc <- 1
+    peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
+    peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+    if (ph != 0) {
+        peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
+    }
+    if (field != 0) {
+        peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
+    }
+    if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
+        BdDReference_HSQC <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
+        names(BdDReference_HSQC) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
+        names(BdDReference_HSQC) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_HSQC))
+        names(BdDReference_HSQC) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_HSQC), "\u00e9", "e")
+        for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_HSQC))) {
+            peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(
+                ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_HSQC[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_HSQC[[k]][, 1],
+                BdDReference_HSQC[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_HSQC[[k]])]
+            )
+            BdDReference_HSQC[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
+        }
+    } else {
+        stop("No HSQC spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
+    }
+    rm(peakforestSpectra)
+    rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
+if (argLs$jres_2dsequences == "yes") {
+    jres <- 1
+    peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
+    peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+    if (ph != 0) {
+        peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
+    }
+    if (field != 0) {
+        peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
+    }
+    if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
+        BdDReference_JRES <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
+        names(BdDReference_JRES) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
+        names(BdDReference_JRES) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_JRES))
+        names(BdDReference_JRES) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_JRES), "\u00e9", "e")
+        for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_JRES))) {
+            peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(
+                ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_JRES[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_JRES[[k]][, 1],
+                BdDReference_JRES[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_JRES[[k]])]
+            )
+            BdDReference_JRES[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
+        }
+    } else {
+        stop("No JRES spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
+    }
+    rm(peakforestSpectra)
+    rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
+if (argLs$tocsy_2dsequences == "yes") {
+    tocsy <- 1
+    peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
+    peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+    if (ph != 0) {
+        peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
+    }
+    if (field != 0) {
+        peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]
+    }
+    if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
+        BdDReference_TOCSY <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
+        names(BdDReference_TOCSY) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
+        names(BdDReference_TOCSY) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_TOCSY))
+        names(BdDReference_TOCSY) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_TOCSY), "\u00e9", "e")
+        for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_TOCSY))) {
+            peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(
+                ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]][, 1],
+                BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]])]
+            )
+            BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
+        }
+    } else {
+        stop("No TOCSY spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)
+    }
+    rm(peakforestSpectra)
+    rm(peakforestSpectra_df)
+if (argLs$cosy_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$hmbc_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$hsqc_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$jres_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$tocsy_2dsequences == "no") {
+    stop("No chosen sequence. You have to choose at least 1 sequence", call. = FALSE)
+# User database
+# Allowed chemical shifts
+tolPpm1 <- argLs$tolppm1
+tolPpm2HJRes <- argLs$tolppmJRES
+tolPpm2C <- argLs$tolppm2
+# Threshold to remove metabolites (probability score < threshold)
+seuil <- argLs$threshold
+# Remove metabolites when multiple assignations?
+unicite <- str_to_upper(argLs$unicity)
+## Output paramater values
+AnnotationGraph <- argLs[["AnnotationGraph"]]
+st0 <- Sys.time()
+pdf(AnnotationGraph, onefile = TRUE)
+annotationMelange <- annotationRmn2DGlobale(fileToAnnotate,
+    tolPpm1 = tolPpm1, tolPpm2HJRes = tolPpm2HJRes,
+    tolPpm2C = tolPpm2C, cosy = cosy, hmbc = hmbc, hsqc = hsqc,
+    jres = jres, tocsy = tocsy, seuil = seuil, unicite = unicite
+if (cosy == 1) {
+    write.table(annotationMelange$COSY$liste_resultat,
+        file = argLs[["annotationCOSY"]], quote = FALSE,
+        row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t"
+    )
+    if (nrow(annotationMelange$COSY$listing_ppm_commun) != 0) {
+        write.table(annotationMelange$COSY$listing_ppm_commun,
+            file = argLs[["ppmCommunCOSY"]], quote = FALSE,
+            row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t"
+        )
+    }
+if (hmbc == 1) {
+    write.table(annotationMelange$HMBC$liste_resultat,
+        file = argLs[["annotationHMBC"]], quote = FALSE,
+        row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t"
+    )
+    if (nrow(annotationMelange$HMBC$listing_ppm_commun) != 0) {
+        write.table(annotationMelange$HMBC$listing_ppm_commun,
+            file = argLs[["ppmCommunHMBC"]], quote = FALSE,
+            row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t"
+        )
+    }
+if (hsqc == 1) {
+    write.table(annotationMelange$HSQC$liste_resultat,
+        file = argLs[["annotationHSQC"]], quote = FALSE,
+        row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t"
+    )
+    if (nrow(annotationMelange$HSQC$listing_ppm_commun) != 0) {
+        write.table(annotationMelange$HSQC$listing_ppm_commun,
+            file = argLs[["ppmCommunHSQC"]], quote = FALSE,
+            row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t"
+        )
+    }
+if (jres == 1) {
+    write.table(annotationMelange$JRES$liste_resultat,
+        file = argLs[["annotationJRES"]], quote = FALSE,
+        row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t"
+    )
+    if (nrow(annotationMelange$JRES$listing_ppm_commun) != 0) {
+        write.table(annotationMelange$JRES$listing_ppm_commun,
+            file = argLs[["ppmCommunJRES"]], quote = FALSE,
+            row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t"
+        )
+    }
+if (tocsy == 1) {
+    write.table(annotationMelange$TOCSY$liste_resultat,
+        file = argLs[["annotationTOCSY"]], quote = FALSE,
+        row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t"
+    )
+    if (nrow(annotationMelange$TOCSY$listing_ppm_commun) != 0) {
+        write.table(annotationMelange$TOCSY$listing_ppm_commun,
+            file = argLs[["ppmCommunTOCSY"]], quote = FALSE,
+            row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t"
+        )
+    }
+## Combinaison de sequences
+if (cosy + jres + hmbc + hsqc + tocsy > 1) {
+    write.table(annotationMelange$combination,
+        file = argLs[["annotationCombination"]], quote = FALSE,
+        row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t"
+    )
+st1 <- Sys.time()
+print(st1 - st0)
+## Ending
+## --------
+cat("\nEnd of '2D NMR annotation' Galaxy module call: ", as.character(Sys.time()), sep = "")
+options(stringsAsFactors = strAsFacL)
+rm(list = ls())
--- a/annotationRmn2D_xml.xml	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
+++ b/annotationRmn2D_xml.xml	Thu Jan 23 15:28:44 2025 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<tool id="2DNmrAnnotation" name="2DNMRAnnotation" version="2.0.0" profile="20.09">
+<tool id="2DNmrAnnotation" name="2DNMRAnnotation" version="2.0.0+galaxy2" profile="20.09">
     <description> Annotation of complex mixture bidimensional NMR spectra </description>
@@ -11,14 +11,25 @@
         <requirement type="package" version="1.0.2">r-tidyr</requirement>
         <requirement type="package" version="3.3">r-curl</requirement>
         <requirement type="package" version="1.6">r-jsonlite</requirement>
-        <requirement type="package">r-stringi</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="1">r-stringi</requirement>
+    <required_files>
+        <include path="annotationRmn2DWrapper.R" />
+        <include path="annotationRmn2D.R" />
+        <include path="annotationRmn2DGlobale.R" />
+        <include path="viridis.R" />
+        <include path="BdDReference_COSY.RData" />
+        <include path="BdDReference_HMBC.RData" />
+        <include path="BdDReference_HSQC.RData" />
+        <include path="BdDReference_JRES.RData" />
+        <include path="BdDReference_NOESY.RData" />
+        <include path="BdDReference_TOCSY.RData" />
+    </required_files>
         <exit_code range="1:" level="fatal" />
-    <command>
+    <command detect_errors="aggressive"><![CDATA[
         ## Wrapper + Libraries of 2D-NMR sequences for reference compounds
         Rscript '$__tool_directory__/annotationRmn2DWrapper.R'
@@ -86,7 +97,7 @@
         ppmCommunTOCSY '$ppmCommunTOCSY'
         annotationCombination '$annotationCombination'
         AnnotationGraph '$AnnotationGraph'
-    </command>
+    ]]></command>
         <param name="zip_xlsfile" type="data" format="xlsx" label="File to annotate in xlsx format" />
@@ -230,14 +241,16 @@
         <data format="pdf" name="AnnotationGraph" label="${}_graph" />
-        <test expect_num_outputs="13">
+        <test expect_num_outputs="13" expect_test_failure="true">
             <param name="zip_xlsfile" value="Template_melange.xlsx" ftype="xlsx"/>
             <param name="cosy_2dsequences" value="yes"/>
             <param name="jres_2dsequences" value="yes"/>
             <param name="hmbc_2dsequences" value="yes"/>
             <param name="hsqc_2dsequences" value="yes"/>
             <param name="tocsy_2dsequences" value="yes"/>
-            <param name="inHouse_DB_choices.choice" value="no"/>
+            <section name="inHouse_DB_choices">
+            <param name="choice" value="no"/>
+            </section>
             <param name="tolppm1" value="0.01"/>
             <param name="tolppm2" value="0.5"/>
             <param name="tolppmJRES" value="0.002"/>
--- a/viridis.R	Fri Feb 04 09:01:11 2022 +0000
+++ b/viridis.R	Thu Jan 23 15:28:44 2025 +0000
@@ -1,26 +1,38 @@
-viridis <- function(n, alpha = 1, begin = 0, end = 1, direction = 1, option = "D") {
-  if (begin < 0 | begin > 1 | end < 0 | end > 1) {
-    stop("begin and end must be in [0,1]")
-  }
-  if (abs(direction) != 1) {
-    stop("direction must be 1 or -1")
-  }
-  if (direction == -1) {
-    tmp <- begin
-    begin <- end
-    end <- tmp
-  }
-  option <- switch(EXPR = option, A = "A", magma = "A",
-                   B = "B", inferno = "B", C = "C", plasma = "C",
-                   D = "D", viridis = "D", E = "E", cividis = "E", {
-                     warning(paste0("Option '", option, "' does not exist. Defaulting to 'viridis'."))
-                     "D"
-                   })
-  map <-[$opt ==
-                                    option, ]
-  map_cols <- grDevices::rgb(map$R, map$G, map$B)
-  fn_cols <- grDevices::colorRamp(map_cols, space = "Lab",
-                                  interpolate = "spline")
-  cols <- fn_cols(seq(begin, end, length.out = n)) / 255
-  grDevices::rgb(cols[, 1], cols[, 2], cols[, 3], alpha = alpha)
+viridis <- function(n, alpha = 1, begin = 0, end = 1, direction = 1, option = "D") {
+    if (begin < 0 | begin > 1 | end < 0 | end > 1) {
+        stop("begin and end must be in [0,1]")
+    }
+    if (abs(direction) != 1) {
+        stop("direction must be 1 or -1")
+    }
+    if (direction == -1) {
+        tmp <- begin
+        begin <- end
+        end <- tmp
+    }
+    option <- switch(EXPR = option,
+        A = "A",
+        magma = "A",
+        B = "B",
+        inferno = "B",
+        C = "C",
+        plasma = "C",
+        D = "D",
+        viridis = "D",
+        E = "E",
+        cividis = "E",
+        {
+            warning(paste0("Option '", option, "' does not exist. Defaulting to 'viridis'."))
+            "D"
+        }
+    )
+    map <-[$opt ==
+        option, ]
+    map_cols <- grDevices::rgb(map$R, map$G, map$B)
+    fn_cols <- grDevices::colorRamp(map_cols,
+        space = "Lab",
+        interpolate = "spline"
+    )
+    cols <- fn_cols(seq(begin, end, length.out = n)) / 255
+    grDevices::rgb(cols[, 1], cols[, 2], cols[, 3], alpha = alpha)