diff tools/rdock/bin/sdrmsd @ 0:bc03dbb6eb37 draft

planemo upload commit 781926e52355f7805db8d9a4ccafeff397b19aa4-dirty
author marpiech
date Mon, 29 Aug 2016 03:38:13 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/rdock/bin/sdrmsd	Mon Aug 29 03:38:13 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Calculate SMART RMSD with or without molecular superposition (FIT or NOFIT) 
+# Script distributed under GNU LGPL 3.0 along rDock software.
+# This algorithm takes into account molecular automorphism. That is, it identifies
+# molecules which are the same but might have atom orders changed and still be able to 
+# match the pairs and correctly calculate the RMSD.
+# Author: Daniel Alvarez-Garcia
+# Date: 08-11-2013
+import math
+import pybel
+import numpy as npy
+import optparse
+def superpose3D(ref, target, weights=None,refmask=None,targetmask=None,returnRotMat=False):
+    """superpose3D performs 3d superposition using a weighted Kabsch algorithm : http://dx.doi.org/10.1107%2FS0567739476001873 & doi: 10.1529/biophysj.105.066654
+    definition : superpose3D(ref, target, weights,refmask,targetmask)
+    @parameter 1 :  ref - xyz coordinates of the reference structure (the ligand for instance)
+    @type 1 :       float64 numpy array (nx3)
+    ---
+    @parameter 2 :  target - theoretical target positions to which we should move (does not need to be physically relevant.
+    @type 2 :       float 64 numpy array (nx3)
+    ---
+    @parameter 3:   weights - numpy array of atom weights (usuallly between 0 and 1)
+    @type 3 :       float 64 numpy array (n)
+    @parameter 4:   mask - a numpy boolean mask for designating atoms to include
+    Note ref and target positions must have the same dimensions -> n*3 numpy arrays where n is the number of points (or atoms)
+    Returns a set of new coordinates, aligned to the target state as well as the rmsd
+    """
+    if weights == None :
+        weights=1.0
+    if refmask == None :
+        refmask=npy.ones(len(ref),"bool")
+    if targetmask == None :
+        targetmask=npy.ones(len(target),"bool")
+    #first get the centroid of both states
+    ref_centroid = npy.mean(ref[refmask]*weights,axis=0)
+    #print ref_centroid
+    refCenteredCoords=ref-ref_centroid
+    #print refCenteredCoords
+    target_centroid=npy.mean(target[targetmask]*weights,axis=0)
+    targetCenteredCoords=target-target_centroid
+    #print targetCenteredCoords
+    #the following steps come from : http://www.pymolwiki.org/index.php/OptAlign#The_Code and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabsch_algorithm
+    # Initial residual, see Kabsch.
+    E0 = npy.sum( npy.sum(refCenteredCoords[refmask] * refCenteredCoords[refmask]*weights,axis=0),axis=0) + npy.sum( npy.sum(targetCenteredCoords[targetmask] * targetCenteredCoords[targetmask]*weights,axis=0),axis=0)
+    reftmp=npy.copy(refCenteredCoords[refmask])
+    targettmp=npy.copy(targetCenteredCoords[targetmask])
+    #print refCenteredCoords[refmask]
+    #single value decomposition of the dotProduct of both position vectors
+    try:
+        dotProd = npy.dot( npy.transpose(reftmp), targettmp* weights)
+        V, S, Wt = npy.linalg.svd(dotProd )
+    except Exception:
+        try:
+            dotProd = npy.dot( npy.transpose(reftmp), targettmp)
+            V, S, Wt = npy.linalg.svd(dotProd )
+        except Exception:
+            print >> sys.stderr,"Couldn't perform the Single Value Decomposition, skipping alignment"
+        return ref, 0
+    # we already have our solution, in the results from SVD.
+    # we just need to check for reflections and then produce
+    # the rotation.  V and Wt are orthonormal, so their det's
+    # are +/-1.
+    reflect = float(str(float(npy.linalg.det(V) * npy.linalg.det(Wt))))
+    if reflect == -1.0:
+        S[-1] = -S[-1]
+        V[:,-1] = -V[:,-1]
+    rmsd = E0 - (2.0 * sum(S))
+    rmsd = npy.sqrt(abs(rmsd / len(ref[refmask])))   #get the rmsd
+    #U is simply V*Wt
+    U = npy.dot(V, Wt)  #get the rotation matrix
+    # rotate and translate the molecule
+    new_coords = npy.dot((refCenteredCoords), U)+ target_centroid  #translate & rotate
+    #new_coords=(refCenteredCoords + target_centroid)
+    #print U
+    if returnRotMat : 
+        return new_coords,rmsd, U
+    return new_coords,rmsd
+def squared_distance(coordsA, coordsB):
+    """Find the squared distance between two 3-tuples"""
+    sqrdist = sum( (a-b)**2 for a, b in zip(coordsA, coordsB) )
+    return sqrdist
+def rmsd(allcoordsA, allcoordsB):
+    """Find the RMSD between two lists of 3-tuples"""
+    deviation = sum(squared_distance(atomA, atomB) for
+                    (atomA, atomB) in zip(allcoordsA, allcoordsB))
+    return math.sqrt(deviation / float(len(allcoordsA)))
+def mapToCrystal(xtal, pose):
+    """Some docking programs might alter the order of the atoms in the output (like Autodock Vina does...)
+     this will mess up the rmsd calculation with OpenBabel"""
+    query = pybel.ob.CompileMoleculeQuery(xtal.OBMol) 
+    mapper=pybel.ob.OBIsomorphismMapper.GetInstance(query)
+    mappingpose = pybel.ob.vvpairUIntUInt()
+    exit=mapper.MapUnique(pose.OBMol,mappingpose)
+    return mappingpose[0]
+def parseArguments():
+	optparse.OptionParser.format_epilog = lambda self, formatter: self.epilog
+	epilog = """Args:
+	reference.sdf		SDF file with the reference molecule.
+	input.sdf		SDF file with the molecules to be compared to reference.\n"""
+	parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] reference.sdf input.sdf", epilog=epilog)
+	parser.add_option("-f", "--fit",dest="fit", action="store_true", default=False,
+                  help="Superpose molecules before RMSD calculation")
+	parser.add_option("--threshold","-t",dest="threshold", action="store", nargs=1, 
+                  help="Discard poses with RMSD < THRESHOLD with respect previous poses which where not rejected based on same principle. A Population SDField will be added to output SD with the population number.", type=float)
+	parser.add_option("-o","--out", dest="outfilename", metavar="FILE", default=False,
+                  help="If declared, write an output SDF file with the input molecules with a new sdfield <RMSD>. If molecule was fitted, the fitted molecule coordinates will be saved.")
+	(options, args) =  parser.parse_args()
+	#Check we have two arguments
+	if len(args) < 2:
+		parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments. Use -h or --help options to print help.")
+	return options, args
+def updateCoords(obmol, newcoords):
+    "Update OBMol coordinates. newcoords is a numpy array"
+    for i,atom in enumerate(obmol):
+        atom.OBAtom.SetVector(*newcoords[i])
+def getAutomorphRMSD(target, molec, fit=False):
+    """
+    Use Automorphism to reorder target coordinates to match ref coordinates atom order
+    for correct RMSD comparison. Only the lowest RMSD will be returned.
+    Returns:
+      If fit=False: 	bestRMSD	(float)					RMSD of the best matching mapping.
+      If fit=True:	(bestRMSD, molecCoordinates)	(float, npy.array)	RMSD of best match and its molecule fitted coordinates.	
+    """
+    mappings = pybel.ob.vvpairUIntUInt()
+    bitvec = pybel.ob.OBBitVec()
+    lookup = []
+    for i, atom in enumerate(target):
+        lookup.append(i)
+    success = pybel.ob.FindAutomorphisms(target.OBMol, mappings)
+    targetcoords = [atom.coords for atom in target]
+    mappose = npy.array(mapToCrystal(target, molec))
+    mappose = mappose[npy.argsort(mappose[:,0])][:,1]
+    posecoords = npy.array([atom.coords for atom in molec])[mappose]
+    resultrmsd = 999999999999
+    for mapping in mappings:
+	automorph_coords = [None] * len(targetcoords)
+	for x, y in mapping:
+	    automorph_coords[lookup.index(x)] = targetcoords[lookup.index(y)]
+	mapping_rmsd = rmsd(posecoords, automorph_coords)
+	if mapping_rmsd < resultrmsd:
+	    resultrmsd = mapping_rmsd
+	    fitted_result = False
+	if fit: 
+	    fitted_pose, fitted_rmsd = superpose3D(npy.array(automorph_coords), npy.array(posecoords))
+	    if fitted_rmsd < resultrmsd:
+		resultrmsd = fitted_rmsd
+		fitted_result = fitted_pose
+    if fit:
+      return (resultrmsd, fitted_pose)
+    else:
+      return resultrmsd
+def saveMolecWithRMSD(outsdf, molec, rmsd, population=False):
+    newData = pybel.ob.OBPairData()	
+    newData.SetAttribute("RMSD")
+    newData.SetValue('%.3f'%rmsd)
+    if population:
+	popData = pybel.ob.OBPairData()
+	popData.SetAttribute("Population")
+	popData.SetValue('%i'%population)
+	molec.OBMol.CloneData(popData)
+    molec.OBMol.CloneData(newData)           # Add new data
+    outsdf.write(molec)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys, os
+    (opts, args) = parseArguments() 
+    xtal = args[0]
+    poses = args[1]
+    if not os.path.exists(xtal) or not os.path.exists(poses):
+	sys.exit("Input files not found. Please check the path given is correct.")
+    fit = opts.fit
+    outfname = opts.outfilename
+    threshold = opts.threshold
+    # Read crystal pose
+    crystal = next(pybel.readfile("sdf", xtal))
+    crystal.removeh()
+    crystalnumatoms = len(crystal.atoms)
+    #If outfname is defined, prepare an output SDF sink to write molecules
+    if outfname:
+	outsdf = pybel.Outputfile('sdf', outfname, overwrite=True)
+    # Find the RMSD between the crystal pose and each docked pose
+    dockedposes = pybel.readfile("sdf", poses)
+    if fit: print "POSE\tRMSD_FIT"
+    else: print "POSE\tRMSD_NOFIT"
+    skipped = []
+    moleclist = {}	# Save all poses with their dockid
+    population = {}	# Poses to be written
+    outlist = {}
+    for docki, dockedpose in enumerate(dockedposes):
+        dockedpose.removeh()
+	natoms = len(dockedpose.atoms)
+	if natoms != crystalnumatoms: 
+		skipped.append(docki+1)
+		continue
+	if fit: 
+	    resultrmsd, fitted_result = getAutomorphRMSD(crystal, dockedpose, fit=True)
+	    updateCoords(dockedpose, fitted_result)
+	else:
+	    resultrmsd = getAutomorphRMSD(crystal, dockedpose, fit=False)
+	if threshold:
+	    # Calculate RMSD between all previous poses
+	    # Discard if rmsd < FILTER threshold
+	    if moleclist:
+		match = None
+		bestmatchrmsd = 999999
+		for did,prevmol in moleclist.iteritems():
+		    tmprmsd = getAutomorphRMSD(prevmol, dockedpose)
+		    if tmprmsd < threshold:
+			if tmprmsd < bestmatchrmsd:
+			    bestmatchrmsd = tmprmsd
+			    match = did
+		if match != None:
+		    # Do not write this one
+		    # sum one up to the matching previous molecule id
+		    print >> sys.stderr, "Pose %i matches pose %i with %.3f RMSD"%(docki+1, match+1, bestmatchrmsd)
+		    population[match] += 1
+		else:
+		    # There's no match. Print info for this one and write to outsdf if needed
+		    # Save this one!
+		    if outfname: outlist[docki] = (dockedpose, resultrmsd)
+		    print "%d\t%.2f"%((docki+1),resultrmsd)
+		    moleclist[docki] = dockedpose
+		    population[docki] = 1
+	    else:
+		# First molecule in list. Append for sure
+		moleclist[docki] = dockedpose
+		population[docki] = 1
+		if outfname: outlist[docki] = (dockedpose, resultrmsd)
+	else:
+	    # Just write best rmsd found and the molecule to outsdf if demanded
+	    if outfname: saveMolecWithRMSD(outsdf, dockedpose, resultrmsd)
+	    print "%d\t%.2f"%((docki+1),resultrmsd)
+    if outlist:
+	# Threshold applied and outlist need to be written
+	for docki in sorted(outlist.iterkeys()):
+	    molrmsd = outlist[docki]
+	    # Get number of matchs in thresholding operation
+	    pop = population.get(docki)
+	    if not pop: pop = 1
+	    # Save molecule
+	    saveMolecWithRMSD(outsdf, molrmsd[0], molrmsd[1], pop)
+    if skipped: print >> sys.stderr, "SKIPPED input molecules due to number of atom missmatch: %s"%skipped