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author | marpiech |
date | Mon, 29 Aug 2016 03:38:13 -0400 |
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#! /usr/bin/env python # # Substitute for rbtether of rDock. Will align input molecules to a reference fragment defined by a smarts string, # it will add a TETHERED ATOM property field to the output SDF that is correctly understood by rDock # rDock will restrain the matching atom positions to the reference molecule coordinates. # # Initially implemented with a conformational search algorithm to better match target coordinates. # But had problems with OBabel FF generating non-sense conformers. So in this version the conformer search is commented out. # Now if the input molecule do not have a good conformation, might not align well with the target. This effect will be # dimished or even vanish if the SMARTS string is defined for a rigid region (like a ring). # I'm still trying to incorporate somehow this conformational search. # # Script distributed under GNU LGPL 3.0 along rDock software. # # Author: Daniel Alvarez-Garcia # Date: 08-11-2013 import math import pybel import numpy as npy def superpose3D(ref, target, weights=None,refmask=None,targetmask=None,returnRotMat=False): """superpose3D performs 3d superposition using a weighted Kabsch algorithm : & doi: 10.1529/biophysj.105.066654 definition : superpose3D(ref, target, weights,refmask,targetmask) @parameter 1 : ref - xyz coordinates of the reference structure (the ligand for instance) @type 1 : float64 numpy array (nx3) --- @parameter 2 : target - theoretical target positions to which we should move (does not need to be physically relevant. @type 2 : float 64 numpy array (nx3) --- @parameter 3: weights - numpy array of atom weights (usuallly between 0 and 1) @type 3 : float 64 numpy array (n) @parameter 4: mask - a numpy boolean mask for designating atoms to include Note ref and target positions must have the same dimensions -> n*3 numpy arrays where n is the number of points (or atoms) Returns a set of new coordinates, aligned to the target state as well as the rmsd """ if weights == None : weights=1.0 if refmask == None : refmask=npy.ones(len(ref),"bool") if targetmask == None : targetmask=npy.ones(len(target),"bool") #first get the centroid of both states ref_centroid = npy.mean(ref[refmask]*weights,axis=0) #print ref_centroid refCenteredCoords=ref-ref_centroid #print refCenteredCoords target_centroid=npy.mean(target[targetmask]*weights,axis=0) targetCenteredCoords=target-target_centroid #print targetCenteredCoords #the following steps come from : and # Initial residual, see Kabsch. E0 = npy.sum( npy.sum(refCenteredCoords[refmask] * refCenteredCoords[refmask]*weights,axis=0),axis=0) + npy.sum( npy.sum(targetCenteredCoords[targetmask] * targetCenteredCoords[targetmask]*weights,axis=0),axis=0) reftmp=npy.copy(refCenteredCoords[refmask]) targettmp=npy.copy(targetCenteredCoords[targetmask]) #print refCenteredCoords[refmask] #single value decomposition of the dotProduct of both position vectors try: dotProd = npy.transpose(reftmp), targettmp* weights) V, S, Wt = npy.linalg.svd(dotProd ) except Exception: try: dotProd = npy.transpose(reftmp), targettmp) V, S, Wt = npy.linalg.svd(dotProd ) except Exception: print >> sys.stderr,"Couldn't perform the Single Value Decomposition, skipping alignment" return ref, 0 # we already have our solution, in the results from SVD. # we just need to check for reflections and then produce # the rotation. V and Wt are orthonormal, so their det's # are +/-1. reflect = float(str(float(npy.linalg.det(V) * npy.linalg.det(Wt)))) if reflect == -1.0: S[-1] = -S[-1] V[:,-1] = -V[:,-1] rmsd = E0 - (2.0 * sum(S)) rmsd = npy.sqrt(abs(rmsd / len(ref[refmask]))) #get the rmsd #U is simply V*Wt U =, Wt) #get the rotation matrix # rotate and translate the molecule new_coords =, U)+ target_centroid #translate & rotate #new_coords=(refCenteredCoords + target_centroid) #print U if returnRotMat : return U, ref_centroid, target_centroid, rmsd return new_coords,rmsd def squared_distance(coordsA, coordsB): """Find the squared distance between two 3-tuples""" sqrdist = sum( (a-b)**2 for a, b in zip(coordsA, coordsB) ) return sqrdist def rmsd(allcoordsA, allcoordsB): """Find the RMSD between two lists of 3-tuples""" deviation = sum(squared_distance(atomA, atomB) for (atomA, atomB) in zip(allcoordsA, allcoordsB)) return math.sqrt(deviation / float(len(allcoordsA))) def mapToCrystal(xtal, pose): """Some docking programs might alter the order of the atoms in the output (like Autodock Vina does...) this will mess up the rmsd calculation with OpenBabel""" query = pybel.ob.CompileMoleculeQuery(xtal.OBMol) mapper=pybel.ob.OBIsomorphismMapper.GetInstance(query) mappingpose = pybel.ob.vvpairUIntUInt() exit=mapper.MapUnique(pose.OBMol,mappingpose) return mappingpose[0] def takeCoords(obmol): """Take coordinates of an OBMol as a npy array""" return npy.array([atom.coords for atom in obmol]) def updateCoords(obmol, newcoords): "Update OBMol coordinates. newcoords is a numpy array" for i,atom in enumerate(obmol): atom.OBAtom.SetVector(*newcoords[i]) def prepareAtomString(idlist): s = "" n = len(idlist) for i, id in enumerate(idlist): s += "%i"%id if (i+1) == n: s+="\n" elif (i+1)%35 == 0: s+=",\n" else: s+="," return s if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv) != 5: sys.exit("USAGE: %s reference.sdf input.sdf output.sdf 'SMARTS'"%sys.argv[0]) refsdf = sys.argv[1] molsdf = sys.argv[2] outsdf = sys.argv[3] smarts = pybel.Smarts(sys.argv[4]) # Read reference pose and get atom list matching smarts query # if more than 1 match, take the first one ref = next(pybel.readfile("sdf", refsdf)) refMatchIds = smarts.findall(ref) numRefMatchs = len(refMatchIds) if not numRefMatchs: sys.exit("No match found in the reference structure and the SMARTS string given. Please check it.") if numRefMatchs > 1: print "More than one match in the reference molecule for the SMARTS string given. Will tether each input molecule all possible ways." refIndxPerMatch = [npy.array(rmi) - 1 for rmi in refMatchIds] # Take coordinates for the reference matched atoms refCoords = takeCoords(ref) refMatchCoords = [npy.take(refCoords, refIndx, axis=0) for refIndx in refIndxPerMatch] # Do the same for molecule in molsdf out=pybel.Outputfile('sdf', outsdf, overwrite=True) molSupp = pybel.readfile("sdf", molsdf) ff = pybel.ob.OBForceField_FindForceField('MMFF94') for i,mol in enumerate(molSupp): print "## Molecule %i"%(i+1), mol.OBMol.DeleteNonPolarHydrogens() molMatchAllIds = smarts.findall(mol) numMatchs = len(molMatchAllIds) if numMatchs == 0: print "No_Match", continue elif numMatchs ==1: print "Match", elif numMatchs > 1: print "Multiple_Match SMART Matches for this molecule (%d)"%numMatchs, # If more than one match, write an output of the same molecule for each match # Start a default bestcoord and rmsd for later looping for each pose bestCoordPerMatch = [[0 for i in range(numMatchs)] for i in range(numRefMatchs)] bestRMSPerMatch = [[999 for i in range(numMatchs)] for i in range(numRefMatchs)] # Will do a randomrotorsearch to find conformer with the lower rmsd when superposing # At least 20 when possible #ff.Setup(mol.OBMol) #numats = mol.OBMol.NumAtoms() #numrot = mol.OBMol.NumRotors() #print "Atoms: %i, Rotors: %i"%(numats, numrot) #geomopt = 300 #genconf = 100 # increase iterations if bigger molecule or bigger number of rotatable bonds # for allowing better sampling #if numats > 40 and numrot > 5: # geomopt = 300 # genconf = 150 #if numats > 55 and numrot > 7: # genconf = 100 # geomopt = 500 #print "\tDoing conformational search with WeightedRotorSearch (%i, %i)..."%(genconf, geomopt), #ff.SteepestDescent(500, 1.0e-4) #ff.WeightedRotorSearch(genconf,geomopt) #ff.ConjugateGradients(500, 1.0e-6) #ff.GetConformers(mol.OBMol) #numconf = mol.OBMol.NumConformers() numconf = 1 #print "%i conformers generated"%numconf if numconf > 1: # Doing conf search #for i in range(numconf): # mol.OBMol.SetConformer(i) # confCoords = takeCoords(mol) # print 'coord:',confCoords[0,:] # # for imatch, molMatchIds in enumerate(molMatchAllIds): # molMatchIndx = npy.array(molMatchIds) - 1 # confMatchCoords = npy.take(confCoords, molMatchIndx, axis=0) # # # Align: Get rotation matrix between the two sets of coords # # Apply rotation to the whole target molecule # rotMat, targetCentroid, refCentroid, rmsd = superpose3D(confMatchCoords, refMatchCoords, returnRotMat=True) # if rmsd < bestRMSPerMatch[imatch]: # newcoords = - targetCentroid), rotMat) + refCentroid # bestRMSPerMatch[imatch] = rmsd # bestCoordPerMatch[imatch] = newcoords # #if bestrms < 0.01: break pass else: molCoords = takeCoords(mol) for imatch, molMatchIds in enumerate(molMatchAllIds): # loop in each matching way for the input molecule molMatchIndx = npy.array(molMatchIds) - 1 molMatchCoords = npy.take(molCoords, molMatchIndx, axis=0) # Loop over the reference matches # Align: Get rotation matrix between the two sets of coords # Apply rotation to the whole target molecule for ir, refMatchCoord in enumerate(refMatchCoords): rotMat, targetCentroid, refCentroid, rmsd = superpose3D(molMatchCoords, refMatchCoord, returnRotMat=True) if rmsd < bestRMSPerMatch[ir][imatch]: newcoords = - targetCentroid), rotMat) + refCentroid bestRMSPerMatch[ir][imatch] = rmsd bestCoordPerMatch[ir][imatch] = newcoords # Finally update molecule coordinates with the best matching coordinates found # change molecule coordinates, set TETHERED ATOMS property and save for imatch in range(numMatchs): for irefmatch in range(numRefMatchs): bestCoord = bestCoordPerMatch[irefmatch][imatch] bestRMS = bestRMSPerMatch[irefmatch][imatch] print "\tBest RMSD reached (match %d, refmatch %d): %s"%(imatch, irefmatch, bestRMS) molMatchID = molMatchAllIds[imatch] updateCoords(mol, bestCoord) newData = pybel.ob.OBPairData() newData.SetAttribute("TETHERED ATOMS") newData.SetValue(prepareAtomString(molMatchID)) mol.OBMol.DeleteData("TETHERED ATOMS") # Remove Previous DATA mol.OBMol.CloneData(newData) # Add new data out.write(mol) out.close() print "DONE" sys.stdout.close() sys.stderr.close()