comparison tools/rdock/bin/sdreport @ 3:b02d74d22d05 draft default tip

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author marpiech
date Mon, 29 Aug 2016 08:23:52 -0400
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2:bd50f811878f 3:b02d74d22d05
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # Produces text summaries of SD records *
3 # *
4 # Usage: sdreport [-l] [-t] [-s<DataField>] [sdFiles] *
5 # *
6 # -l output data fields for each record as processed *
7 # -t tabulate Rbt.Score.* fields for each record as processed *
8 # -s summarise data fields for all records *
9 # -s<DataField> summarise data fields for each unique value *
10 # of <DataField> *
11 # *
12 # Note: If -l or -t are combined with -s, the listing/table is output *
13 # within each ligand summary *
14 # If sdFiles not given, reads from standard input *
15 # Output is to standard output *
16 # Default is equivalent to sdfilter -l *
17 #*******************************************************************************
18 use lib "$ENV{'RBT_ROOT'}/lib";
20 use SDRecord;
22 # Default field names and headings for rDock v4.00 scores
24 my @defaultHeadings = ('TOTAL','INTER','INTRA','RESTR','VDW');
26 # Default field names and headings for normalised scores (score / #ligand heavy atoms)
27 my @defaultNormFields = ('SCORE.norm','SCORE.INTER.norm','SCORE.INTRA.norm','SCORE.RESTR.norm','SCORE.heavy');
28 my @defaultNormHeadings = ('TOTALn','INTERn','INTRAn','RESTRn','#heavy');
30 # Default field names and headings for rDock v3.00 scores
31 my @defaultOldFields = ('Rbt.Score.Corrected','Rbt.Score.Inter','Rbt.Score.Intra','Rbt.Score.IntraMin','Rbt.Score.Restraint');
32 my @defaultOldHeadings = ('TOTAL','INTER','INTRA','INTRAMIN','RESTR');
34 my $listFormat = 0;
35 my $summaryFormat = 0;
36 my $tableFormat = 0;
37 my $supplierFormat = 0;
38 my $csvFormat = 0;
39 my $summaryKey = "_TITLE1";
40 my $oldFields = 0;#If true, use old default field names for component scores
41 my $headings = 1;#DM 21 Nov 2000, If false, don't output headings
42 my @outputFields;
43 my @outputHeadings;
45 #Print help if no command line arguments
46 printHelpAndExit() if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0);
48 #Parse command line arguments
49 my $nArgs = scalar(@ARGV);
51 while (scalar(@ARGV)) {
52 my $arg = shift @ARGV;
53 printHelpAndExit() if ($arg eq '-h');
54 if (index($arg,'-l')==0) {
55 $listFormat = 1;
56 }
57 elsif (index($arg,'-o')==0) {
58 $oldFields = 1;
59 }
60 # 7 Feb 2005 (DM) Option to report normalised aggregate scores
61 elsif (index($arg,'-norm')==0) {
62 $oldFields = 2;
63 }
64 elsif (index($arg,'-sup')==0) {
65 $supplierFormat = 1;
66 }
67 elsif (index($arg,'-s')==0) {
68 $summaryFormat = 1;
69 }
70 elsif (index($arg,'-id')==0) {
71 $summaryKey = substr($arg,3);
72 }
73 elsif (index($arg,'-nh')==0) {
74 $headings = 0;
75 }
76 elsif (index($arg,'-t')==0) {
77 $tableFormat = 1;
78 push @outputFields, split(',',substr($arg,2));
79 push @outputHeadings, @outputFields;
80 }
81 elsif (index($arg,'-c')==0) {
82 $csvFormat = 1;
83 push @outputFields, split(',',substr($arg,2));
84 push @outputHeadings, @outputFields;
85 }
86 else {
87 push @files,$arg;#must be a filename
88 }
89 }
90 push @ARGV,@files;#put the filenames back in the arg list
92 #use -l if neither table format is specified
93 $listFormat = (!$tableFormat && !$csvFormat && !$supplierFormat);
95 #If no output fields defined for -t or -c use the defaults (old or new)
96 if (scalar(@outputFields)==0) {
97 if ($oldFields == 1) {
98 @outputFields = @defaultOldFields;
99 @outputHeadings = @defaultOldHeadings;
100 }
101 elsif ($oldFields == 2) {
102 @outputFields = @defaultNormFields;
103 @outputHeadings = @defaultNormHeadings;
104 }
105 else {
106 @outputFields = @defaultFields;
107 @outputHeadings = @defaultHeadings;
108 }
109 }
111 my $sdRec = new SDRecord;
112 my %summary;#hash of SDRecord lists, indexed by user-defined summary key
113 my %indexByName;
114 my %indexByNum;
115 my $idx = 0;
116 my $nRec = 0;
118 #Column headings for tab and csv format
119 #DM 21 Nov 2000 - if $headings is false, then don't output the column headings
120 if ($tableFormat && !$summaryFormat && $headings) {
121 tabHeadings($summaryKey,@outputHeadings);
122 }
123 if ($csvFormat && !$summaryFormat && $headings) {
124 csvHeadings($summaryKey,@outputHeadings);
125 }
127 #read records
128 while ($sdRec->readRec('LINES'=>1,'DATA'=>1)) {
129 $sdRec->addData('_REC' => ++$nRec);#add record# as temp data field
130 if ($listFormat && !$summaryFormat) {
131 print "\n\nRECORD #$nRec\n";
132 $sdRec->writeData();
133 }
134 if ($tableFormat && !$summaryFormat) {
135 @recList = ($sdRec);
136 tabScores(\@recList,$summaryKey,@outputFields);
137 }
138 elsif ($csvFormat && !$summaryFormat) {
139 @recList = ($sdRec);
140 csvScores(\@recList,$summaryKey,@outputFields);
141 }
142 elsif ($supplierFormat && !$summaryFormat) {
143 @recList = ($sdRec);
144 tabulateSuppliers(\@recList,$summaryKey);
145 }
146 #add record to summary, indexed by user field value
147 #keep a separate index of unique values of user field values,
148 #indexed by number in the order the values first appear
149 #In this way we can maintain the sorted order of ligands
150 #when we come to print out the summary
151 if ($summaryFormat) {
152 my $summaryValue = $sdRec->{'DATA'}->{$summaryKey};
153 #New data field value encountered
154 if (!defined $indexByName{$summaryValue}) {
155 $idx++;#incr the number of unique values
156 #keep cross-referenced indexes (field value <-> number)
157 $indexByName{$summaryValue} = $idx;
158 $indexByNum{$idx} = $summaryValue;
159 }
160 push @{$summary{$summaryValue}},$sdRec->copy('DATA'=>1);
161 }
162 }
164 #Print summary if required
165 if ($summaryFormat) {
166 print "\n===============================================================\n";
167 print "SUMMARY BY $summaryKey\n";
168 foreach $idx (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %indexByNum) {#numberic sort of index numbers
169 my $key = $indexByNum{$idx};#look up corresponding data field value
170 print "\n===============================================================\n";
171 print "$summaryKey = $key (#$idx)\n\n";
172 writeSummary($summary{$key});
173 if ($listFormat) {
174 print "\nIndividual records:\n";
175 foreach $rec (@{$summary{$key}}) {
176 print "\n";
177 $rec->writeData();
178 }
179 }
180 if ($tableFormat) {
181 print "\nScores:\n";
182 tabHeadings($summaryKey,@outputHeadings);
183 tabScores($summary{$key},$summaryKey,@outputFields);
184 }
185 if ($csvFormat) {
186 print "\nScores:\n";
187 csvHeadings($summaryKey,@outputHeadings);
188 csvScores($summary{$key},$summaryKey,@outputFields);
189 }
190 }
191 }
193 ##############################################################
194 # writes a summary to STDOUT for a list of SDRecords
195 # Input is a reference to an array of SDRecords
196 sub writeSummary {
197 my $recListRef = shift;
199 #Extract the list of data values for each fieldname into a hash array
200 #(key=fieldname, value=array ref)
201 my %fields;
202 foreach $rec (@{$recListRef}) {
203 my ($key,$value);
204 while ( ($key,$value) = each %{$rec->{'DATA'}}) {
205 push @{$fields{$key}},$value;
206 }
207 }
209 #Look for constant fields and store separately
210 my %constFields;
211 foreach $key (keys %fields) {
212 my @values = sort @{$fields{$key}};
213 my $nVal = scalar(@values);
214 if ($values[0] eq $values[$nVal -1]) {
215 $constFields{$key} = $values[0];#store the field name and the constant value
216 delete $fields{$key};#remove from (non-const) array
217 }
218 }
220 #Print constant fields
221 print "\nConstant fields:\n\n";
222 foreach $key (sort keys %constFields) {
223 printf "%-40s%s\n",$key,$constFields{$key};
224 }
225 #Print min and max value for non-const fields
226 print "\nVariable fields:\n\n";
227 foreach $key (sort keys %fields) {
228 my @values = @{$fields{$key}};
229 #Look at first value to decide whether to do text or numeric sort
230 if (isNaN($values[0])) {
231 @values = sort @values;#text sort
232 }
233 else {
234 @values = sort {$a <=> $b} @values;#numeric sort
235 }
236 my $nVal = scalar(@values);
237 printf "%-40s",$key;
238 print "Min = $values[0]\tMax = $values[$nVal-1]\t(N = $nVal)\n";
239 }
240 }
242 ##############################################################
243 # function isNaN equivalent to the C++, java, javascript isNaN
244 # From P Vaglio, ~intranet/lib/
245 sub isNaN {
246 local($_) = @_;
247 s/\s+//g; # strip white space
248 # match +or- beginning of line 0 or 1 time
249 # then any numeric 0 or more
250 # then a decimal point
251 # then any numeric 0 or more after decimal point
252 # then possibly an e or E then + or - then any numreci at least once
253 if (/^([+-]?)(\d*)(\.(\d*))?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/ && (defined $2 || defined $4)) {
254 return 0;
255 } else {
256 return 1;
257 }
258 }
260 ##############################################################
261 # output corresponding headings for use with tabScores
262 sub tabHeadings {
263 my $summaryKey = shift;
264 my @fieldNames = @_;
265 printf("%-10s%-30s","REC",$summaryKey);
266 foreach $field (@fieldNames) {
267 printf("%10s",$field);
268 }
269 print "\n";
270 }
272 ##############################################################
273 # tab-delimited output of named data field values
274 sub tabScores {
275 my $recListRef = shift;
276 my $summaryKey = shift;
277 my @fieldNames = @_;
278 foreach $rec (@{$recListRef}) {
279 printf("%03d\t%-30.30s",$rec->{'DATA'}->{'_REC'},$rec->{'DATA'}->{$summaryKey});
280 foreach $field (@fieldNames) {
281 my $val = $rec->{'DATA'}->{$field};
282 if (isNaN($val)) {
283 printf("%-10.12s",$val);
284 }
285 else {
286 printf("%10.3f",$val);
287 }
288 }
289 print "\n";
290 }
291 }
293 ##############################################################
294 # output corresponding headings for use with csvScores
295 sub csvHeadings {
296 my $summaryKey = shift;
297 my @fieldNames = @_;
298 printf("%s,%s","REC",$summaryKey);
299 foreach $field (@fieldNames) {
300 printf(",%s",$field);
301 }
302 print "\n";
303 }
305 ##############################################################
306 # comma-delimited output of named data field values
307 sub csvScores {
308 my $recListRef = shift;
309 my $summaryKey = shift;
310 my @fieldNames = @_;
311 foreach $rec (@{$recListRef}) {
312 printf("%d,%s",$rec->{'DATA'}->{'_REC'},$rec->{'DATA'}->{$summaryKey});
313 foreach $field (@fieldNames) {
314 my $val = $rec->{'DATA'}->{$field};
315 if (isNaN($val)) {
316 printf(",%s",$val);
317 }
318 else {
319 printf(",%.3f",$val);
320 }
321 }
322 print "\n";
323 }
324 }
327 ##############################################################
328 # standardised output of Catalyst supplier field
329 # Input is a reference to an array of SDRecords
330 # and a ligand identifier field to output in column 1 (def=Name)
331 sub tabulateSuppliers {
332 my $recListRef = shift;
333 my $summaryKey = shift || 'Name';
334 foreach $rec (@{$recListRef}) {
335 my $suppBase = $rec->{'DATAREF'}->{'Supplier'}+1;
336 my $linesRef = $rec->{'LINES'};
337 my $name = $rec->{'DATA'}->{$summaryKey};
339 #Output some useful compound info
340 my $name = $rec->{'DATA'}->{$summaryKey};
341 my $molFormula = $rec->{'DATA'}->{'MolFormula'};
342 my $molWt = $rec->{'DATA'}->{'MolWt'};
343 my $casNum = $rec->{'DATA'}->{'CAS_num'};
344 my $mdlNum = $rec->{'DATA'}->{'MDLNUMBER'};
345 print "\n\n====================================================================================================\n";
346 printf("%-10.10s%s\n","Name:",$name);
347 printf("%-10.10s%s\n","Formula:",$molFormula);
348 printf("%-10.10s%s\n","Mol.wt:",$molWt);
349 printf("%-10.10s%s\n","CAS #:",$casNum);
350 printf("%-10.10s%s\n","MDL #:",$mdlNum);
352 #Get all the supplier record lines into a list
353 #Record is terminated by blank line
354 my @lines;
355 my $nLines = 0;
356 for (; $$linesRef[$suppBase+$nLines] ne ""; $nLines++) {
357 push @lines,$$linesRef[$suppBase+$nLines];
358 }
360 #Column headings
361 printf("\n%-20.20s%-40.40s%-40.40s\n",
362 "Supplier",
363 "Comment",
364 "Price"
365 );
366 print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
368 #Loop over each supplier
369 my $iLine = 0;
370 for (; $iLine < $nLines; $iLine++) {
371 #collect supplier info lines
372 my @supplierInfo = ();
373 for (; $lines[$iLine] ne "." && $iLine < $nLines; $iLine++) {
374 push @supplierInfo,$lines[$iLine];
375 }
376 #Check for incomplete record
377 if ($iLine == $nLines) {
378 print "** INCOMPLETE RECORD **\n";
379 last;
380 }
381 my $nSupplierInfo = scalar(@supplierInfo);
382 my $supplier = $supplierInfo[0];
383 #loop over each grade
384 for ($iLine++; ($lines[$iLine] ne "........................") && ($iLine < $nLines); $iLine++) {
385 #collect grade info lines
386 my @gradeInfo = ();
387 for (; index($lines[$iLine],"_") ne 0 && $iLine < $nLines; $iLine++) {
388 push @gradeInfo,$lines[$iLine];
389 }
390 #Check for incomplete record
391 if ($iLine == $nLines) {
392 print "** INCOMPLETE RECORD **\n";
393 last;
394 }
395 my $grade = $gradeInfo[0];
396 #loop over each price info line
397 for (; index($lines[$iLine],".") ne 0 && $iLine < $nLines; $iLine++) {
398 my @priceInfo = split(" ",$lines[$iLine]);
399 my $price = join(" ",@priceInfo);
400 printf("%-20.20s%-40.39s%-40.40s\n",
401 $supplier,
402 $grade,
403 $price);
404 }
405 #Check for incomplete record
406 if ($iLine == $nLines) {
407 print "** INCOMPLETE RECORD **\n";
408 last;
409 }
410 last if $lines[$iLine] eq "........................";
411 }
412 }
413 }
414 }
417 #######################################################################
418 sub printHelpAndExit {
419 print "\nProduces text summaries of SD records\n";
420 print "\nUsage:\tsdreport [-l] [-t[<FieldName,FieldName...>]] [-c<FieldName,FieldName...>] [-id<IDField>] [-nh] [-o] [-s] [-sup] [sdFiles]\n";
421 print "\n\t-l (list format) output all data fields for each record as processed\n";
422 print "\t-t (tab format) tabulate selected fields for each record as processed\n";
423 print "\t-c (csv format) comma delimited output of selected fields for each record as processed\n";
424 print "\t-s (summary format) output summary statistics for each unique value of ligand ID\n";
425 print "\t-sup (supplier format) tabulate supplier details (from Catalyst)\n";
426 print "\t-id<IDField> data field to use as ligand ID\n";
427 print "\t-nh don't output column headings in -t and -c formats\n";
428 print "\t-o use old (v3.00) score field names as default columns in -t and -c formats, else use v4.00 field names\n";
429 print "\t-norm use normalised score field names as default columns in -t and -c formats (normalised = score / #ligand heavy atoms)\n";
430 print "\nNote:\tIf -l, -t or -c are combined with -s, the listing/table is output within each ligand summary\n";
431 print "\t-sup should not be combined with other options\n";
432 print "\tDefault field names for -t and -c are rDock score field names\n";
433 print "\tDefault ID field name is Name\n";
434 print "\n\tIf sdFiles not given, reads from standard input\n";
435 print "\tOutput is to standard output\n\n";
436 exit;
437 }