view pfam_annot/table @ 0:68a3648c7d91 draft default tip

author matteoc
date Thu, 22 Dec 2016 04:45:31 -0500
line wrap: on
line source

#,  run at Fri Jun 19 13:56:11 2015
# Copyright (c) 2009 Genome Research Ltd
# Freely distributed under the GNU 
# General Public License
# Authors: Jaina Mistry (, 
#          Rob Finn (
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>. 
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
#      query sequence file: /home/inmare/galaxy/database/files/000/dataset_62.dat
#     cpu number specified: 2
#        searching against: /home/inmare/galaxy/tools/pfamScan/hmm/Pfam-A.hmm, with cut off --cut_ga
#    resolve clan overlaps: on
#     predict active sites: off
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# <seq id> <alignment start> <alignment end> <envelope start> <envelope end> <hmm acc> <hmm name> <type> <hmm start> <hmm end> <hmm length> <bit score> <E-value> <significance> <clan>

PROKKA_00001      9     46      9     46 PF00376.18  MerR              Family     1    38    38     43.1   2.2e-11   1 CL0123   
PROKKA_00001     51    113     51    113 PF09278.6   MerR-DNA-bind     Domain     1    65    65     67.9   7.2e-19   1 CL0123   
PROKKA_00002      1    116      1    116 PF02411.10  MerT              Family     1   116   116    214.7   1.7e-64   1 No_clan  
PROKKA_00003     25     85     25     86 PF00403.21  HMA               Domain     1    61    62     60.3   1.4e-16   1 No_clan  
PROKKA_00004      8    121      8    123 PF03203.9   MerC              Family     1   114   116     81.1   7.4e-23   1 No_clan  
PROKKA_00005      3     62      3     63 PF00403.21  HMA               Domain     1    61    62     37.8   1.5e-09   1 No_clan  
PROKKA_00005    100    410     99    412 PF07992.9   Pyr_redox_2       Domain     2   199   201    140.8   4.8e-41   1 CL0063   
PROKKA_00005    271    345    271    354 PF00070.22  Pyr_redox         Domain     1    74    80     51.6   9.3e-14   1 CL0063   
PROKKA_00005    440    548    440    549 PF02852.17  Pyr_redox_dim     Domain     1   109   110    104.5   2.9e-30   1 No_clan  
PROKKA_00006      4     72      4     73 PF13411.1   MerR_1            Family     1    68    69     44.0   1.3e-11   1 CL0123   
PROKKA_00007      2     74      1     75 PF05052.7   MerE              Family     2    74    75    142.4     3e-42   1 No_clan  
PROKKA_00008     13    218     11    219 PF00563.15  EAL               Domain     3   209   236    169.6   7.3e-50   1 No_clan  
PROKKA_00009     26     78     26     87 PF13518.1   HTH_28            Domain     1    46    52     26.9   3.4e-06   1 CL0123   
PROKKA_00009    173    313    172    313 PF00665.21  rve               Domain     2   120   120     85.4   2.9e-24   1 CL0219   
PROKKA_00010     75    212     73    213 PF13610.1   DDE_Tnp_IS240     Domain     4   139   140    170.7   1.6e-50   1 CL0219   
PROKKA_00011      3     40      3     41 PF00126.22  HTH_1             Domain     1    38    60     48.8   4.1e-13   1 CL0123   
PROKKA_00013      2    366      1    366 PF03616.9   Glt_symporter     Family     2   368   368    544.8  6.1e-164   1 CL0064   
PROKKA_00014      1     76      1     77 PF03992.11  ABM               Domain     1    77    78     48.0   8.8e-13   1 CL0032   
PROKKA_00015     78     98     74    115 PF01842.20  ACT               Domain     9    29    66     20.5   0.00024   1 CL0070   
PROKKA_00016      5     55      1     55 PF12840.2   HTH_20            Domain    11    61    61     35.6   5.6e-09   1 CL0123   
PROKKA_00017     10     55      9     55 PF00440.18  TetR_N            Domain     2    47    47     53.5   1.3e-14   1 CL0123   
PROKKA_00017     68    201     68    201 PF02909.12  TetR_C            Domain     1   139   139    165.1   6.5e-49   1 CL0174